Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 12, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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MONDAY, AFEIL 12, 1920.
Quiet Wedding
Ui Prisoners
Upens Old Case
A romance which had Its inception
Kitnta we lour gray walls of the stall
prison here culminated in the mar-
rlara at Vancouver, Washington, April
2, of Mrs. Anna Booth to Claude Horn,
both paroled prisoners. Ihe wedding
took place with the knowledge and con
cent of prison authorities and Mr. and
Mrs. Boss returned to Saiem imme
diately tnereafter, Horn being employ
ed in a local snoe repair shop and Mrs.
Roes bavin; employment in a restaur
ant here.
Mr. Ross, formerly Mr. Booth, wan
' receivea at in atai p, jsou uere March
10, 1917, upon conviction of compli-
ity ..... ...... ... nfr'iMia .
' li-un Booth at Wilamlna, Yamhill coua
ty, for which crune William Branson
is now c....,g a me ik. . u.
" Oregon penitentiary. Bhe was paroled
January ill, last.
Ross was convicted iu i oitland on a
charge of obtaining money under false
pretensta. entering the state prison In
A Pin. mi, under a sen sue of from
one to fhre years. While serving this
sentence. he was convicted of a statu
tory charga brought against him in
Marion county for which he was sen
tenced to an additional ten years In
prison. Us was paroled October 15,
Both Ross and Mrs. Booth were
model prisoners while Incarcerated in
the penitentiary here and are held in
higu .. -i . .- -
whom both are now reporting regular
ly as paroled prisoners.
The event has revived Interest here
in the fate of William Branson an in
nate of the state prison for the murder
of the huhsand of Mrs. Booth, now
Mrs. Rons, who was convh'ted on pu re
ly circumstantial evidence and who I
bolleved by practically every official
Who has any knowledge of the crime to
' be Innocent of the crime for which he
Is Rdrvirsf a. life sentence.
Branson's conviction was secured
only after Mrs. Booth had stwied'a
confesnlon to the crime implicating
Branson. Previous to this, however,
Mm Booth ha' served practically
two yeai In tn in.. .mil
pending the action of the slow-movinv
wheels of the courts and since signing
the confession she has stated that she
did It only under pressure and on the
' ir"nile of leniency In exchange for
the act. the only alternative, according
to her slory being the possibility of (toill
further delays with the prospect n'f a
long prison ti-rm in the end.
liraitmm has ateadfnstly protested
his Innocence of the crime and Is said
to have refused several opportunities
for a parole which would have re
quired his leaving the state. Nothing
short of nn unconditional pardon will
satisfy him. It Is said, after which h
plans to return to his former homy
' where he, will prove to the world the
innocence w hich he so stoutly main
tains. Pines the conviction of Branson and
Mrs. Both, Will 1 11 m KlgKln, now a pa
tient at the state hospital hero, him
confessed to the Booth murder and has
ven gone so fur as to rehearse minute
ly every detail of the crime to the en
tire satlfaotion, it Ik siiid, of many offi
cials while others arc inclined to place
110 credence In his confession,
Branson Is a model prisoner, in
whom the prison authorities repose the
utmost confidence. In spite of the fact
that he maintain his Imminence of the
crime for which he Is serving a prison
sentence and the further fact that the
circumstances surrounding the crime
are such as to lead muny who are fa.
miliar with It to hollow In Branson's
Iniinoci nce ho does not display any of
. the bitterness which could he expected
Of a man who Is being unjustly perse
cuted but Is of a cheerful, optlnitlatlc
disposition, looking forward to the
time when his Innocence . shull have
been fully established and he can
again go forth into the world a free
man entirely vindicated- of the charge
which has already robbed him of some
of tho best years of his life, "
Marion Trout Not
Tempted By Sunny
Day, Is Showing
When B. L. Beall, foreman oi liie
Capital Journal mechanical depart
merit, told 'em that his catch Sunday,
numbered H trout ranging in size
from 14 to 17 inches, the "show me"
jclub assumed slxeable proportion..
! .) tne printer presented pretty
good proof that the fish had bee.i
taken from the waters of Mill creek
so the doubting Thomas hesitated to
fore passing final Judgment. Reports
from many Marion streams, indicate
. that there were very few good strings
during the unusually bright day. mo:4
of the streams being too cloudy for
Licenses were issued last week to
the anglers,
Claude Boone, Auinsviile; Floyd Par
ker, C. W. Parker, West fctayton; O.
I Martin, Macleay; Ward C. Russell,
Gervals; Jesse Peebles. Rlckreal;
Charles Knapp, Aumsvllle; William
Bechtel, Theo. Polley. P. M. Hill J.
A. Burns, Clarence Townsend, O. W.
Keedhain, Wiley Weathers, Harry
Ault. Earl B. Taylor. Roy M. Smith.
J. C. Sleginund, Will T. Neill, Kermet
Thompson. John Craber, Salem.
One pioneer and civil war veterans
license was issued to W. H. Bales,
Combination hunters and anglers
licenses were made out to W. il.
Stenton, J. J. Manilla, R. B. Tre
malne, George Elgin, Kred N. Cone,
W. E. Pulse. 8. K. Fisher, W. II.
Parker of Salem.
Hunters permits were written to
Charles B. Knapp, Aumsvllle; J. W.
Nelderhelser, Uickreall and Paul
Pratt, Salem.
of Yaiicouvtr, prune
torney there.
and at
Poindexter Would
Make Rail Strikes
Penal Offenses
Washington, Apr. II. Legislation
to deal with railroad .strikes was pro
posed today by Senator Poindexter, re
publican, Wahinston. Th bill pro
poses ten year imprisonment and $!,
fine for any person who advices,
solicits or prrsaudes others to Join
strikes which interfere with Interstate
commerce. Persons usin force, vio
lence or threats against others remain
ing at work In moving Interstate com
merce would be punished by fifteen
years imprisonment and 115,040 fine.
The measure was referred to the in
terstate commerce committee.
The Washington senator said the
strike was nothing less than revolution.
It Is bolshevlsm pure and simple.
It la back up by every anarchist an
revolutionist, alien or domestic," both
of the outdoor and parlor variety.
If the control of commerce is to be
secured by the revolutionary means of
of cutlng off supplies from the people
then congress has been d! vested of Its
powers and free government Is sus
pended." v
Musical Pageant
Will Be Repeated
By Request Here
killing to the wishes of numer
ous friends, Miss Beatrice Ilhelton
will repeat the pngeant "The Queen
of Hearts" which was so successful
ly presented at the .Moose hall re
cently. The playlet will be given
Tuesday evening in the auditorium of
the high school.
One of tho principal attracllolis on
tho program will be the appearance
of Doris McCartney, the "child won
der" of Portland. She will be accom
panied by Mrs. Bernlce Clark Bust,
formerly of this city. Other assistants
will he Miss Joanna James, vocalist.
Miss Bertha Clark, whistler anl
Airs. Marlon Emmons, violinist.
A number of persons were turned
away at the last presentation of the
pageant, for lack of room, and ' for
this reason the larger auditorium hna
been selected. A charge of l!!i cents
for adults and ten cents for children
will be niade, the entire proceeds .o
go toward furnishing a children':)
ward In the new hospital. The affair
Is being sponsored by the Salsin a
Women's club, in whose hands the
completion of the campaign has been
Dallas Girl And
Companions Have
Narrow Escape
' Eugene, Or., Apr. 12. Three Uni
versity of Oregon students yesterday
"had narrow escapes from drowning in
the Willamette rapids below the mouth
of the mill race here, following the
capsizing of a canoe. All of them, in
cluding Miss Helen Laughry of Dallas,
had narrow escapes. Thre other stu
dents went to their rescue before at.
were taken from the water.
Vancouver. B. C, April 12. Pois
on In fermented, fruits, It is believe!
killed two Vancouver people, Mrs. A.
Wilde and a Japanese yesterday.
Opposing Reports
Score and Praise
Army Camp Work
Washington. Aprfl 12. Two oppos
ing reports on the (oug congressional
investigation of the- construction of
thirty two army camps and canton
ments were submitted today to the
house by a war expenditures commit
tee and debated for several hours
The majority report presented by re
publican . committeemen, criticized
government agencies and officials In
charge of the war building program,
while the minority report of the dem
ocrats defended theadininistration.
The government lost $78,531,521 on
the sixteen national army canton
ments. It was estimated by the ma
jority report which asserted this wa3
due to "waste, inefficiency and graft"
resulting from cost plus contracts,
which were said to be "wide open."
No estimate of loss on the national
guard camps was maae by the ma
jority. '
Dissenting from the majority find
ings, the minority declared that the
construction work was equivalent to
building 32 cities, each with 37,000 ta
4S.000 population and added:
"This tremendous task was virtual
ly completed in three months and
stands out as one of the great achieve
ments of the war."
Representative McKenzie, lllnois,
and McCullough, Ohio, republicans
and Dorcmus, Michigan, democrat,
were the committeemen who conduct
ed the investigation.
The majority submitted six recom
mendations for legislation by con
gress Including the submission to the
states of a constitutional amendment
making "profiteering in war time
treason." It also urged that the de
partment of justice be asked to in
vestigate work at every camp.
No recommendations were made in
the minority report, and it listed two
conclusions, one condemning the ma
jority report and the other defending
fiecretary Baker, who the majority
ar the fuwl re-J
declared, "inus;
She majority cuts several items,
amounting to many thousands of dol
lars, which it was argued could legal
ly be recovered by the government
from contractors.
.he majority declare? Secretaiy
Baker should not have been permit
ted a departure from the old methol
of competitive bids.
The minority is of the opinion,"
added the report, "that if views of
the majority had been adopted at the
beginning of the war the whole build
ing program would have been in a
state of chaos, many of our troops
would have perished with cold or
died of disease in the winter of 1917,
and the German army would have
been In Paris before our soldiers
could have entered the battle lines."
After being without a brass band
for years, Roseburg is to have a band
organization again. The city is to pay
the salary of the leader.
A special election will be held at
Salem May 21, probably to vote o.U
thequestlon or 'increasing tne salaries
of the police and fire departments.
Pig Club Plans
For 1920 Told
A comprehensive outline of the work
of the United States National Bank Pig
club for 1920 has been made, and
members are enthusiastically working
to perfect their work along the lines
described. Homer Gray Is president of
the club for the ensuing season, Carl
Ramsler is vice-president and the of
fice of secretary is filled by Goldie
ihe program follows:
First meeting Roll call, organiza
tion, program for year, report from
members present, equipment for my
pig. i
Second meeting Roll call, report
from members, feeding Carl Ram-
seyer, care and management Edward
Matthes stock judging Homer Bray,
address. meeting Roll cal; -7T-
jucV:'r. r,-r,f..
Fourth Sleeting. Roii cu-, ,.
jua-rg. """!:'-
F:!ti r.ioeting Roll call, p.-,,,,,,;
pis iir market, prepar-V iT"
shp. ,w
Sjiih r.-.eeting Roll call , ,,
uwr.X cay program.
Uniform Wages
tpr Printers Of
. Coast Are Sought
Spoiane. Wash.. Apr. l2.-cgait.
tees 19 draft a plan of amalei,!..
of the Northwest Printing yri
conference and the California f-i
wig i rases conierence and to iritt -nrocosed
watte scale .. '
. - -unnti.
crafts ,of the entire Paettic
wer appointed at the openinel
slon here today ot the northwest wo!
fcrenee. .
Representatives of printing crat()..
unions of California, British Colua
Ma, Oregon, Washington, :J
Montana are in attendance, -
I Our New
I Cl in orlh a ms0 I
Washington Fruit
Men Visit Here
Coming to Salem to confer with offi
cials of the Oregon Crowes O---
tlvo association and to gather Ideas by
which they may further their own or
ganization, several members of the
Washington Growers Packers corpora
1 1 were In Salem today. The visitors
w'll -emaln hero In conference ove'
Tuesday. .
Some of those attending the confer
ence nie: Fred Rrookcr, vice-president
of the Washington Growers Puckeri,
corporation from Vancouver, Mr.
Brooker was a former Balein resident,
living here In 1901 and 1902; Chnpln
A. Mils, prune grower, Vancouver: L.
Russel, president of the corporation
from Wusliougal; John 8pur'con,
prune grower, Vancouver; C. h. Sper
ber, grower, Vancouver; lT, J. New
house, manager Washington Growers
Packers corporation, from Vancouver,
and Henry Crass, former Salem resi
dent who was here In 1890, now mayo-
Brogue Oxfords
Are the very latest for men. This cut shows the appear
ance of our new "Regal" Brogue in Brown Calf. It is the
real classy footwear for spring.
We are showing all the regular spring Oxfords too in
black or brown, English, round toe or combination lasts.
.88.25 to $15.00
At the Electric Sign
167 N. Commercial St.
Motorcycle Club
Enjoys Events At
Oregon City Meet
Leaving Kalem Sunday morning,
the Salem Motorcycle Club Journeyed
to Oregon City where they were the
guests of tho Oregon City Club. Tin
feature of the meet whleh attracted
-motorcyclists from nil .parts of the
Willamette. Valley was a four-event:
hill climbing specialty. j
In the novice event, lltrnm Smith
vl Hulcm, took first place, while Al
lan Fraser acquired third honors. In
this feature thn two Balem boys com
peted with first class riders from var-!
' long portions of the state, I
In the professional event, three
Portland riders, Ted Gilbert Walt !
Hadfleld and Herbert Epepensleln,!
all went over the top of the 55 per'
eent Rrada. When Glllier! tore up the
ISO foot run of rough, slippery going,
In Id and one-fifth seconds, the I
crowd went wild, th Naleiu boys aver.i
On both stages of the round trip;
to Oregon City the Salem club excit
ed much admiration for their military
style ot rldlnir. With none of the
"hoodlum stuff," the S machines
filed along In approved club forma
tion. Kingle file being reeortcdl to
when passing vehicles or narrowed
stretches of the road. At all other
times, ins group traveled la two's
and four's urituiuvment' chsnnlng
formation by pre-arranged signal,
galem motorcycle men who made the
trip were: Harry W, Keott, Alton Kit
Ian, Homer II. Bent, Kd lleenan,
Henry Heine, lave HvuKKrty, Al
bert Hamseyer, Paul Noark, Hiram
T. Smith, Truman, Allen Fraser,
Gilbert Berge, JHsxy Wilson, Chas.
Thomas, Norman Buoy. Flovd Hheitnn
Wm. Vogt, Walt George, Kmll JUrtp-l
ung rrea Alklre. Albert Bradford,
Chas. Jaiiuenod, Bem-I J. Smith, II.
B, Walker, H. McWarter. Itobert
Okelly, Geo. F. Krey. l.eo KllUn.1
i'enny ueenan, u. V. Hlnshaw, Ilex
Howard, Kumtell Patterson, II, H.
lingers and Haralan MrClane.
Oarland Cox, son of Jtlrs. W. A.
H.hutt, of Salem, route 5, left for
Portland today, after entering the ra
dio scrvh-e in the navy. Mr. Cox. who
enlisted for two years, has not beeu
assigned to a station. i
Kwa Transfer Service I
Local and country trips by hour;
S"h or trip. In business to satisfy yoa !
I'hone IU4 J3 a Com.,'
In a great variety of materials,
patterns, colors and prices are to be
found here that are money savers.
White Goods
Muslins 29c, 35c, 30c and 42c yd
Nainsooks ... 29c, 35c, 39c and 45c yd
Long Cloth 25c, 29c, and 35c yd
India Linon 21c, 25c, 29c and 35c yd
Flaxon 29c, S5c and 49c yd
Berkeley Cambric 42c yd
IJatist 4oC RndT 49c yd
Onrandie 35c, 39c, 49c and 89c yd
Voiles 33c 39c, 49c and 59c yd
Beach Cloth 45c and 59c yd
P'i 25c, 49c, 65c and 79c vd
ll.,e 39c, 45c and 49c yd
Suitinir 49c and 59c yd
Ga'ne.,; - 89c yd
Middy Twill 45c yd
Summer Dress Goods
Fancy yoiles........59c, 69c, 89c and $1.19 'yd
Marquisettes 6gc
Printed Flaxon ".'.29c and 39c yd
Shnrtmg Madras $i 25 yd
Silk Shirting ; ?1 69 yd
u JSf'K. " G9c and 89c yd
Beach Cloth ...49c ancj yd
Table Linen
Table Damask, per yard $1.49, ji.70
12.25, $2.49, $2.98 and $.198
:apkins, per dozen $2.25, $3.98. $4.98.
Fattern Cloths, each $1.98. $3.98, $4.50
$5.90, $6.90, $7.50 and $8.50
On these as everything else we save you money
I 1 f i
J!) a hr
f I Jt Jill 4
' in mk
1 t
4s f
Are Here
Just in time for National Gingham Week, April 12th to
17th. A large and varied assortment for your choosing all
the new and staple patterns. :. .J . '
Amoskeag Ginghams guaranteed fast Mors.
29c, 35c, 39c ,
. .. The Yard
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store
Your Spring
and Summer
till llflllll'lA.iJlMSMIMIIMMttMMBMMMMMMjiMA.tll 1
The newest, clever, exclusive patterns. .You'll be im
pressed when you see these new spring and summer shirts.
The superiority is so evident that you will want a good
supply now.
You can't do better, as thy are the best obtainable.
82.00 to $16.00 "
You do not take a chance to lose if you purchase here
Salem Woolen Mills Store
Em, Ima, ; ,,, mJ pm