Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 12, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    "NDAYTAFniL 12. i;:
cTi"Der word tach mseruon one
I insertions 5 cents, on month
j tent. jj centa, one year, rer
1 i!:;e- ceu'-i Minimum per ad 25
J men--. '
! insertion only In New Today.
I f .7i. cash in advance and not tak-
1 City JS ca3a ..iM .rtvortisar has
onOitf account. No allowance for
r-. LE 3-4 ton truck. Call 133
ITr" iLK-Ureen slab wood. Phone
THwv rlass .teajuster wants jol in
Phone 8. - - hf.0
horses at
" ..1 rjcvi'
TyuT'JaLK Dodse car,
q?3 ' parts Bros, shoe store.
TZrr SALE 200 pear tn
ees. Kt. i.
Y,. 15S. H..C Finster Salem. dSlL,
; T77R SALE Yellow canaries,
. .f,rs Phone 95F21.
TTjvxTEO Wood choppers to cut 4
ft' white fir wood for paper. En
quire of Chas. K. Spaulding Log.
Co , Front and. Ferry St. Salem.
1 Tan KOKD touring, tires all good.
' shock absorbers, spot light, speed
ometer. has 4 new fenders and been
completely overhauled. See this one
: ' at once, will' sell for $385. Will
'(" give very easy terms. Adams, 156
fj commercial St. Phone 361. q89
' vokSALE Two young fresh- cows,
' Jersev and Durham mixed, heavy
milkers, health certificate' with
them; trial allowed. 2015 N. Com
mercial; e90
i,OSX Sunday thin model, gold El
gin watch. Finder please leave at
journal office and receive reward.
1'OR SALE 5 room bungalow, bath
and toilet, electric lights. Price
$1750. terms. Bayne bldg, room 3,
Sawyer & Emmett. s8
' FOR SALE 5 room cottage, 2 lots,
i plenty of fruit, cement basement,
i Price $1700, terms. Room 3 Bayne
:.. bldg.. Sawyer ft Kinmett. S8
WANTED Alan in handle factory,
steady work, $4 per day. Inside
work. Oregon Wood Products Co..
.' West Salem. ' 88
CilRL wanted fo housework, must be
good cook; no washing nor ironing
Apply forenoons 976 ChemeketH
street. g90
J'ORI Best buy in town, 1920 body
never used. Can be seen at 660 N.
Com'l St. for next two days if it
lasts Hint long. q90
FOR SALE 92 acres, 45 in clover,
balance seeded to wheat and oats,
mile to Oregon Electric station
and highway. Price with crop $130
per acre, cash. Hart and Muller,
20S Orgon bldg. n
FOR SALE 22 ft acres, s in logans,
balance ready to plant; good 7: room
house, new barn; north near high
Ifart n'
way. Price $6500, V, cash. 1
M uller, 208 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 160 White Leghorn
chirks, hatched last Saturday. Lau
rel Hill Poultry farm. Phone 8F22.
FOR SALE 300 acres 7 miles from
Salem on highway, 15b acres in
crop, some valuable timber, good
buildings. Price $117 per acre, easy
terms. Hart & Mullt'r, 208 Oregon
bide. n
FOR SALE 20 acre fruit farm, 6
acres Rearing prunes in fine contli
tion, 3!4 strawberries, 4 acres goose
berries; most of balance ready o
plant. Fair buildings, 4 miles out
, on good road. This is a bargain.
Price $8500. Hart & Mulltr, 208
Oregon bldg. n
MOOSE bonds issued July 1st. 1912,
by Cherry City lodge No. 498 Loy
al Order of Moose, will be redeem
ed for $10 flat upon presentation
or mailing, by registered mail to
United States National bank, Sa-
, lem. Ore., Agent for trustee bond
holdors. .. '88
THREE gool little places .all Join.
iv ncres, 22 in cultivation, balano
pasture and timber; good family
. orcnaru. running water, good house
ami uarn. I'rice JfiOOO. terms.
108 acres, 25 In cultivation, balance
pasture and timber, good family
orennni, tine spring, fair house and
nnni. l'rlce J50 ner nrro. tnrma
73 acres, 40 in cultivation, balance
pasture and timber; good bnrn;
not much of a house; some fruit.
nee ;iu per acre.
The above farms are lnenieil nn n
good county road 2 miles from
railroad and town; they are all good
buys. Particulars of these and oth
er Rood buys, write Henry Ambler,
jjoioniain, Kenton county, Or. 88
OR SALE 1920 Ford 1-ton, worm
oiive. 4-speed truck, cab, wind
shield. Blinch solids in rear, been
run 300 miles. Owner buying larg
er truck; 10 hours free service to
purchaser of this truck. Phone 867
4:0 to 5:30 p. m. Monday, ask for
Mr. Hunlick. n
W A.M -
To bllv 2 dozen ltlinln Tulnnri
or Plymouth "Rock .hens. Phone
live room bungalow, located on pav
ed street, good neighborhood; ovvn
i !r to sell at ;nee. Cash price
$1800. Terms might be . arranged,
fcee D. smith, 303 Salem Bank
Commerce bldg. n91
tH.,?.AL,EAcre!1se and lots with
. buildings, close in. For particulars
lwnrc owner Box 23 Journal. b93
SEATTLE dressmaker, rond stvie and
: nt. excellent ideas for remodeling
ioi. " ooas; prices reasonable.
fairgrounds road. - 88
KiTrcTaTt: rr, . j i
uiiur, uaiernere No. 121 straw
: wiry plants, $2 per 1000 or $3 If
i none D5F21. - ..... d0
0R13. Fords, "Foros Toiirlnir rnVs.
chassis, bug bodies. .We build Ford
pj I VI H. Liberty St. $V
FOR SALE One S. F. Bowser easo
me pump and tank, nearly new,
ne gallon ptroke, 1918 model.
lie uox 477 Independence, Or.
7- - C91
V? r8ent address of Charles
; auinner, was band master. Reward
-JlWyatt, Longbrnnch. Wash. k!02
ein acres, tn ion..
i . , lit DklrtnUVlllCO,
i piuwod -and ready to set. Thre-
"es west. s. O. Edwards, Rt. ?.
Y- . 88
,2Kas Bcres' 18 faring ItnTian
,1'runos, second crop this year:
jws timber, balance under cultl-
' ?,;'t"; No buildings. 6H miles
out Liberty district, rock road. $200
acre; terms from owner. H. M.
. Mker, 690 Union street, or 160 S.
'?n. Private reason for selling,
.-.ghnne 1853. gs
F(i-SALE Nine room house, good
earn and poultry house, electric
Clty wnter. drilled well. 1
Tn, mi u groun'- a" kinds of fruit.
iou a have t0 hu am Ieavi the
gjwry. 2786 Lee St.. Snlem 9:1
h?1! f"om B'1 board may be had
" private family. Phone 1781J.
For Sale Wood. "
jrjrood. Phone 1004. m93
"yuu for sale, flmt ia t7ZZr
i i ... .-
,..,'", "wu. fsiricxiy ensn.
ins i. ock woo reasonable. Office
uin "mm ....... . n . . . . . . ..
5 S. Chnr.h
raoos ittz. rrea
"WOrTr, r.- . ' . - '
UK SALE Old fir
4 B l-m
od and green slabs. Phone 1796
For Sale Houses.
e.-i-L.. uy owner, new S
S room j
nouse, strictly modern
furnace. hrm I
age, about 1 Hacivs land, 20 frut
trees, paved street near carline. 53")
N. 24th.
J1S00 HOUSE BARGAIN 6 . room
house, lot 75x150, barn, chicken
house, fruit tries and garden,
choice location, one block from S
Commercial St., full basement, city
water, toilet, etc Possession soon.
Extra good buy. Price $1600 cash,"
or $S00 cash, balance like rent, s'
R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon
bldg. Phone 43.
100. RES. PHONE 1608J. HAUL
run bALiE Kent or trade, house
rarage fruit, garden. Phone mo
FOR SALE 6 room house, large lot.
I1J00. See owner Rayford. T, Goode
1136 Jefferson citv.
FOR SALE-r-5 rooni .plastered house,
iuii nawmeiu. 3lij K. zoth St. 89
WANTED To buy - modern house
not far from state house and high
school. Address p tare Journal.
- 18
FOR SALE Three lots with three
room house, large pantry and clos
et, young bearing fruit trees. Jud
son and S. Cottage. MacFarlln.
Phone 1787W2. aS8
FOR SALE A neat little bungalow
iu West Salem, $500, terms. tiO
acre farm, 40 in prunes on good
road, fine soil. A. L. Seamster Reil-
ty Co., 416 Masonic Temple. a
e OR SALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow, excel
lent view, block and half from car
line in south Salem, 140 Superior
Bt. a94
bldg. Phone 43. n
FOR SALE 5 room ozy bungalow
and .a 6 room bungalow, modern
except heat, some fruit. Inquire
1248 N. Front. a93
FOR SALE New 7 room modern
house except basement, 2 large lots
with abundance of bearing fruit.
This is a, beautiful home. Prino
$3200. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
FOR SALE G room cottage, bath.
.toilet, 3 blocks from-post office on
N. Church street Price $2250. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow, mod
ern except furnace. Also furniture.
1290 S. 14th street; Call after 6:30
p. m. a94
SEVERAL houses for sale, amonc;
them a 5 room bungalow. Inquire
492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. nlll
For Sale Farms.
NOTICE Must dispose of property,
nave five good lots with 26 bear
ing fruit trees, five cherry trees,
three prune trees, remainder in
pears and apples; real bargain nt
this price, $225 per lot If taken at
once or would consider late model
car in trade. See owner at 201S N
Commercial St. b88lFOR SALE Ford touring car,
FOR SALE By owner, 15 acres just
outside city limits, all plowed, 3400
loganberry tips go with the placi.
Call nt 825 N. 22d St. b88
FOR SALE 15 acres land, fruit, ber
ries, grain; house .furnished, all
stock and implements; also car. In
quire 3 miles north from fairground
on Pacific highway. Joha Lephart.
FOR SALE Cheap by the owner, 50
acres stump land. Two and one half
miles from Salehi. Phone 2052. 37
FOR SALE Farm, by owner, 250
acres black -soil, 220 in cultivation,
200 in growing crop. Close to Sal
em and paved road. Good buildings
and complete equipment. Address
P B X, Journal. f8
FOR SALE Good farm, 148 acres,
located 14 mile south of Laffayest,
mile of paved road. Tfc acres of
" Italian .prunes $ years xld," good
- family orchard, 40 acres good
beaver dam land, fair buildings,
good soil all in cultivation, only 20
in pasture. For information Phone
111F21. Write A. J. Mathis, Salem,
Ore.. Box 138, E R 6. i2
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acros
located just outside city limits, !i
blocks from Center St. carline n
asylum road, all cultivated; .pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
. above land, black loam, all. ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. b
For Salfj Miscellaneous.
CUT FLOWERS -All kinds of potted
plants anu terns. Armur i-iuni
Co., greenhouse, 1298 S. 13th St.
Phone 1250W c88
CAN make a very attractive price on
fine new player piano with easy
terniB. This Is a very fine piano and
beautiful enough for any home.' Tho
Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St.
FOR. SALE One farm wagon, one
disc harrow, one McoormicK mow
er. Phone 2027J, Rt. 2, allas road.
: C88
CHICKERINQ piano, large size up
right in- walnut case for sale at n
bargain price. The Wiley B. Allen
Co., 619 Court St. ' - ' c89
A VERT fine used piano for sale,
rheao for cash. Call at 619, Court
FOR SALE 3 -inch wagon with
crnnri Hon bin hnx. mirine seat. 1810
St. ' . c89
M. Commercial. c89
FOR SALE Good hotel proposition.
R 13 Silverton. Or. - - - c88
NEW gasoline engine, drag saw out
fit for sale, a bargaiik 205 Oregon
bldg. Phone 14Z7
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing iuo punaia, cap
ital Journal oince.
FOR SALE Almost new baby reed
. carriage at 11014 N. Commercial
Rt. ess
"For Sale Nursery Stock.
ETTERBERQ 121 strawberry plants
$7.60 per 1000; Wrilson $6. P. O
box 214, Salem, Or. d93
LOGANBERRY plants wanted. Ward
K. Richardson, ., 2396 Front St.
Phone 494. d93'
LOGANBERRY, Mammoth and Hima
laya blackberry ana asparagus
plants. Fresh garden seids. Ward
K. Richardson, 2395 Front St, d93
THE famous Etterberg 121 straw
berry plants, beat canncr ana snip
per, heavy producer. A very profit
phio eron bringing quick returns
Vigorous healthy plants, quantity
prices. Order now. vvara
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity Etterburg lzi. uoia uuim,
Progressive EverDearing, urcjun
Trebla, Wilson. Thrifty, well root
ed plants. Low quantity prices. City
delivery-Ward K. Kicnarusom
. ... j.i iioa
BTOm !.!,,!.
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l. ' -
For Sale Poultry
WANTED Plymouth Rock chickens
or Rhode-Island Reds. Phone 502.
OAT Meal Paper. 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. Max O.
Buren. J 7$ N. Com'l. n
"Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade SU.
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Fbone 67.
For Sale Livestock.
CAN use a few more voung alvi
es. C
'-usse, pnone is.
For SALE Pigs, six weeks old. $1 '
and up. L. Bechtel & Son, Phone
JERSEY and Holsieiu heifer oaif for
sale. Best milk stock. 420 S. 20th
street. - e0
FOR SALE Two horses; also 2 sow-i j
win tarrow soon. Phone 284R. eS9
FOR SALE One S-year old fillie, 1
4-year old gelding. Phone 38F11.
' .. eSS
WANTED Stock hogs wanted." Phone
4F13. n
FOR SALE 19 head of goats and
some kids. 776 8. 12th. 1 eS8
OFFICE rooms for rent, steam heat,
splendid Janitor service. 205 Ore
gon bldg.
FOR RENT Room with board. 461
N. High. Phone 1627.' ; j8S
FOR RENT Furnished -downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
FOR RENT 160 acres 7 miles ti
Silverton; for particulars inquire of
- E. Dayball, Scotts Mills, Or. j88
ROOMS forrent fey day. Inquire 492
N. Cottage, phone 11S6. J90
IS your car hard to start? Does your
motor give trouble? Try . Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 308. M. J.
Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
Our work guaranteed. qlOo
FOR SALE Ford car, late model,
good condition. 2180 N. 6th St. q8i
FOR SALE One 2-ton truck and
a good transfer business, get in it,
good money maker. Phone 1177,
404 F.?rry St. c92
TROUBLE savers the repairmen at
the Salem Auto Exchange, 229 State
. - q88
FOR SALE 7 passenger touring car,
has run less than 30,000 miles, is
In first class condition. Price $450.
Phone 192 or call at 164 S. Com'l
St, tj92
Radiators, fenders and gas tanks
repaired, tractor radiators a spe
cialty; Ford radiators for sale. VH
S. 12th St., Salem, Or:
TWO carloads Avery Six tractors now
in transit, not half enough for local J chickens; two room house, good barn,
demand. Sign up quick before all I Price $8000.
are gone. Salem Auto Exchange, 9 7-10 acre tract located close to
229 State. q88 I carline, store and school, sightly lo-
,, u.Tn, n .i i cation, 8 room modern, bungalow,
F . , 17 n6X' ,? ? Igood new barn; 80 bearing walnut
run 9000 miles, used as family car.treeg B7 bearing cherries, 75 apples,
6 tires, 4 60 per cent new, top and:some piumS( peaches, loganberry and
curtains Just like new. car is in blackberries. This is an ideal home,
tip-top shape mechanically, the best: Price $14,000.
engine in Salem. If taken by Mon- -48H acre tract located on paved
day evening $600. Reason for sale:
car too small for my purpose. Call
1153. If you want a real buy hurry!
FOR SALE Ford touring car. Good
condition. 1340 Shipping St. ni 9
condition. 260 N. 13th.
FOR SALE 2H-ton truck, 3-ton
trailer, alt In good repair 404 Fer
ry St. Phone 1177. q90
DRESSMAKING by day. Phone 910M
- . m8f
BUILDING contractors, altering and
repairing. Frank Beer & Co. Call
1659VV. ma 3
"WALLBOARD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren. 179 N. Com'l. "c
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hbjes
WALL paper 25c double roll and up,
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m
WANTED Farm work by girl, exper
ienced. Can do either outside or in
side work. Address 1562 Mission St.
Salem. h89
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED A few tons of oats an.1
vetch or clover hay. Tel. 72F1S be
tween 6 and 9 P. m. 18i
WANTED A house full of furniture
Box .3 Capital Journal. . 190
W. BEAVER well driller, one mils
ennt of fairsrro'und. Phone 10F5.
Real Investments.
A real home and 21 acres prunes,
logans, evergreens, red raspberries
Lawtons, family orchard, an income.
240 ncre stock ranch, school on cor
ner of place, 7 miles from Molalla;
20 acres cultivated, 80 slashed; on
good road; buildings, $21 per acre.
30 acres, 2 in prunes, family orch
ard, 1 mile from town with good high
school, on good road; buildings, lots
Of work, $2600, $600 cash.
Homestead relinquishment $300.
Some city property priced right
We advertise your property at your
price, we will not Increase the price
and make the sale impossible.
' , Estes & Magee. ,
428 Oregon bldg, Salem
Portland office,. Chamber of Com.
6 room house, large lot on car line,
for quick sale, $900,
23. acre tract near Salem, fine set
buildings, nice orchard, choice loca
tion, fine home on good terms.
- Choice 10 acre tract half fine bearing-prunes,
half strawberries, 3 miles
from Salem. $6000. '
Choice 2 V4 acres close in on Garden
road, 7 room house, barn, orchard.
Snap. $3600.
. Good 160 acre stock ranch on Pa
cific, highway near town, good im
provements, well watered, good fenc
es, in southern Oregon. $8000. Would
exchange for Salem property.
6 room bungalow, good lot on car
line". $1000 will handle.
Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com, club bldg. n
This is' the best paying big dairy
proposition we have heard of, 86
acres of fine land adjoining good lit
tle city not far from 8alem. 80 acres
cultivated, 40 acres In fine hay crop
and balance is ready for corn to fill
the silos. Good t room nouse and fir.e
dairy barn with 2 silos. Also good
team bottle washing plant good
granary, hen house, and other neces
sary outDUliaings. mwina iimuo r.
16 fine Jersey cows, tnorougnoreu
bull, i horses, 2 ponies, brood sow.
6 shoals, 2 wagons, hay baler, corn
planter, fanning mill, harrows, plows,
cultivators, rake, new cream separa
tor, blacksmith shop and equipment
and all kinds of Implements. Also a
gas engine that pumps water which
is piped into house and barn. This
farm raises all the feed for the dairy
except a small amount of mill feed.
Income for March was more than
$511. Alt stock, equipment Implf
ments, feed, crop and everything
goes for $17,600. You can't beat it
Investigate at once. City advantages,
but no city taxes.
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
liiil CAi'ii'AL JULKNAL.
Nearly new 6 room house, modern !
ptopnt basement, wiih 3 cnn.i a;?,!
lots and 15 to 20 fruit trees in bear-
'ing. Also chicken house and pen. Ev-
; erythiug In goott condition. On grav-
street. Can you believe It? Price
12100. See us today,
' . "
S room plastered cottage with bath,
small basement, etc Comparatively
new and in good location close to car
line. House and 7 good lots for $3200
Modern R room bungalow with full
basement but no furnace. East front,
7 good walnut 'trees on . property.
Range, rugs, buffet, tables, chairs and
all kinds of furnishings, included
with the bungalow at $3000. Close .o
car line. -
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. v n
"IF" ' -
Tou are -a buyer you can buy a
neat little bungalow with east front,
electric lights, bath, several nice cher
ry-trees, on ear line, $1200. Terms.
Also 1 small cottage at $750, $75
down, balance $10 per month.
Another at $800, $100 down and
$10 a month.
A 7 room bungalow, modern In
every respect, with fireplace and fur
nace, on paved street and car line,
$300, t miles out at $75 per acre.
This can be subdivided and make two
or three farms if you do not want all
for yourself.
60 acre farm 7 miles out, 40 acres
of fine prunes, a beautiful S room
bungalow on it. Will be on paved, road
this summer.
Hayei some good investment prop
erty. A. L, Seamster Realty Co.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 353. n
Good Buys.
15 acre tiact located 4H miles
south of Salem on good rock road and
close to Pacific Highway, 9 H acres
bearing Itallon prunes; 6 acres 3f
cherries, acre of bearing family or
chard. Price $7300.
20 acre tract located 4 3-4 miles
south of Salem on rock road and 3-4
mile from Pacific highway, 8 acrs
gt 3-year old prunes, tips to set three
acres of loganberries, 2000 strawber
ry plants to be set' this spring, 5 acres
of peaches; one team of horses, wa-
gon and harness, 2 hogs, 1 cow, 36
road, all cultivated and in crop. Price
JU Per ac
105 acres located on the Garden
road, nearly all cultivated and In erop
House and two barns, team, wagon
and harness and some machinery
goes. Price $300. per acre. Terms,
63 acre grain and fruit soil, 55
acres cultivated and plowed, ready to
plant and sow, balance pasture and
timber. This place is located 5H miles
south of Salem on the Prlngle road,
rock road; 6 room house, good barn,
well. Will consider good residence up
to $5000 as part payment Price $10,
Fine block located on Falrmount
Hill, 150 by 160 feet, paved streets,
Price $3300. .
5 acres of cherries, just coming in
to bearing, 4 miles out on good
road. This is a snap. Price $1300.
25 acres of timber and stump land
located 54 miles south of Salem
close to station on main line of S. P.
railroad. Price $2000.
20 acre tracts 5 acres of bearing
loganberries, 5 acres of prunes, some
fine timber, rock rond. Price $7500.
7 room plastered house located at
1245 E street. Price $3200.
6 room modern bungalow located
at 1516 S. Commercial street. -Price
8 room house located at 1010 Oak
street. Price $2800.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street n
320 acres on Pacific highway, 45
acres in crop, balance ready for the
plow; all fenced; 6 miles from store.
$16 per acre; $2000 cash, terms on
balance. This place is a money maker.
See us at once.
320 acre relinquishment for $250.
This is another bargain.
6 room bungalow, modern except
furnace; basement. This place is
a bargain at $2850. See us about this
at once, .-
Here Is a dandy place located al
461 N. High St., lot 63x155 contain
ing two houses; the house on the front
has 14 rooms, would make a fine
apartment house, used at present as
a rooming house; 6 room house on
the rear; both houses are strictly
modern. A suitable payment down
takes this with good terms on the
balance. See us about this place at
once, .
I McDonald & Parks
Real Estate Agency
162 S Com'l St. room 1. Phone 747
, Best Buys.
6 acres good fruit land, 6 miles
from Salem, 2 acres cleared, 3 timber
$800, terms.
6 acres near facuic nignway, lo
ganberries, bearing; 1 prunes with
strawberries set between, $3200,
6 acres cherries, bearing, market
varieties; only 3V4 miles out on good
road. $2500, terms.
9 acres on Garden road close in, tt
acres bearing prunes; 6 room strict
ly modern new house, 'garage and fine
barn, the finest suburban home near
Salem. $17,500, terms.
5 acres near paved road close , to
city limits; 6 room house, barn and
family orchard, fine berry land, $3.
000. Easy terms.
20 3-4 acres S miles out, smal.
house, shed; 8 H acres cherries 11
years old, 1 acre walnuts, some logans
and strawberries, aa . Bearing; o;
acres oak timber. $11,000.
35 acres Vi miles from bridge In
Polk county, on good road, 10 acres
are cleared, balance brush and tlm
ber. 17000. Easy terms.
24 acres iVi miles south, 20 in fruit
bearing; 8 roo mhouse, hot and cold
water and bath, good barn. $9600.
95 acres all cleared, 40 in prunes, 7
years old; 7 room house, large barn:
2 miles from good town. . $12,600.
7 room modern house,-good loca
tion, close in, furnished. $4000.
7 room strictly raoaern nouse, a
locks from capital building, beet lo
cation In city $7500, terms.
10 room strictly modern house: ore
of the best corners in city; $6500 cash
' ( room modern bungalow, garage,
wood shed, best el garden land,
only $3250, terms.
i room bungalow, lot 100x150 feet,
basement built in features; for quick
sale priced $1700, $860 cash balance
easy terms. ' ' '
Want a $500 loan on 80 acres tim
ber land.
S41 State IK
Why Sell ior Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware fltora. 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734,
! FOR SALE One of the moit desu--.
able country homes in the county.)
only 3-4 mile from city limits, and
on paved road. 25 H acres, good
house, barn, warehouse, silo, small
greenhouse, wind mill, hot and cold '
water in house, fruit dryer: 1J !
acres prunes, 2 acres cherries, 2ii
acres apples, 3 acres English wal-
nuts. 1 acre strawberries; only 5,'"1 ''. " ';"'
minutes ride to center of the city. 10.00; stockers and feeders $7,600
First time offered for sale and will S.60.
only be on the hiarket a short time.
H. E. Bolinger, S28 Oregon bldg.
. Optician.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-U U. a bank. Phone $41.
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972.
FARM LOANS Any smount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
S 0-year loans at ( per cent. Haw.
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass n. Government money to loan
at SH percent. SOS Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Lafld & Bush Bank. Salem. Ore.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
6H and percent interest
City building loan a
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem, OregQB
DRS. .WHITE and Marshall, osteo
res. phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteooathi
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore-
gon bldg. Res, phone 68F5. 104
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
works. Z50 Court street Phone 1S4
Lodge Directory.
JE. CHEMEKETA 1-dge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday al
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; F. J. Kuntx,
K. R. & S. .
oiy io. 4 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An-
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary, salem, Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o clock.
. Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meet
. every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock 1b
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Ross, C. C.j L. S. Geer, oler
PROTECTION lodge No. I O. U.
W. meets every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. in McCornack hall, cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. Wj A. I Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246
. meets every Thursday, evening at I
ociock in Mccornack building
Court and Liberty streets. H. Q
Coursey, V. C.j Frank A, Turner.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
en Repair Shop, 847 Court St
SALEM SCAVA::3ER Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ni-
mais removed. Office phone Main
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat .No. 1 $2.00; feed
oats 80 85c; milling oats 80085c
cheat hay $18 19; oat hay $21 22
clover had $23; mill run $47.
Butterfat: Butterfat 64c; creamery
butter 64 66c.
Pork, real and mnttoai Pork om fort
15 3-4c; veal fancy 21c; steers 11c
lambs 13 He; cows 7 & to; ewes to
sheep, yearlings 12 He.
Dressed pork 210.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash tl
light bens, 28 30c; heavy hens 82c
old roosters 15 16c; springs 24c.
Vegetables: Onions per pound to
celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima
8c Oregon 6 He; sweet potatoes we
beets per sack $2; turnips per . sack
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip.
per sack $3.50; spinach lOo lb.; rad
iahes 40o do.
Fruit: Oranges $3.506.00; lemon
$5,6006; bananas lie; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45o; cabbage o
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 doi.
red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb 8c
peas 15c lb.
Retail prices: Eggs dezen S7o:
creamery butter 70 72c; country but
ter 65c: flour hard wheat $3.25J.45
soft wheat $2 (0.
Portland, April 12 Cattle firmer
recelnts 1538; grain and pulp fed
steers $11.25 Q 12.00; choice $10.75
(11.2? good to choice $3.75 g 10.75;
medium to good $9.00 10: fair to
medium $7.5ojS.50; common to fair
$6.60 ' 7.50; choice cows and heifers
$9.25 10.25; good to choict $S.25Ci
9.25; niwiium to good $6.75 7.75;
fair to medium $5." 5 6.75; canners
$3.256 5.75; bulls $S.OO8 00; prime
light calves $15.00ftl?.00; medium
Hogs steady; receipts 738; prime
mixed $16.50317.00; medium $16.00
16.50; rough heavy $13.00Q16.00;
pigs $1315.50:
Sheep firm; receipts 1031; spring
lambs $17.00 18.00; light valley
$15.75 17.00; heavy $14.25015.75:
common to medium $11 14.50; year
lings $15.00 If 15.60; wethers $14,50 0
15.25; ewes $1014.
Portland, Or. April 12. Cubes tx-
tra 58H 5 9c! parchment wrapped box
lots 63c; cartons 64c; half boxes He
more; less than V4 boxes lo more;
butterfat 62 63c f. o. b. station: (4
65o Portland.
. Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or. April 12. Eggs sell
ing price case count 3738c; buying
rice case count . 36c; selling price
candled 39c; selected candled in car
tons 42c. i
Poultry: Hens 34 38c; broilers 40
45c: roosters 16c; turkeys dressed
E3c; geese 22 25c; ducks 40
$65.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $74
Wheat and Hill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley $70; oats
28.00; alfalfa $33: grain $30.00,
6 bid.
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
mixed cars $42 ton; rolled barley $73
cheat $22; clover $30; oats and vetch
Mlllstuffs: Prices f ob. mill, cltj
artage $2 extra. Mill run, car lota e
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley $73
rolled oats $66.60; ground barley $71
cratch feed $80.
Corn whole $65: cracked $6$.
Man Who Burned
Hotel Ends Life
La Grande, Or., Apr. 12. H. A. En-
rup of Htlgrard killed himself in the
Hotel Sommer at Elgin Saturday be
cause of disgrace In being arrested on
the charge of burning his hotel build
ing at Hilgard several weeks ago in or
der to collect $1800 insurance.
Mr. Endrup left La Grande Satur
day morning for Elgin, presumably to
visit wtih his stepdaughter, Mrs. Leon
ard Adams. He talked with different
persons on the train and alsp after
reaching Elgin, and apparently seemed
all right. He took a room at the hotel,
paid for It In advance and was not seen
until the proprietress unlocked the
door. She found him lying on the floor.
He had shot the top of his head off
with a rifle.
He left a note stating that because
of the disgrace caused by his arrest
here several days ago by Deputy State
Fire Marshal Pomeroy, he had killed
himself. In the note he also notified
the Elks, of which he was a member,
of his act.
Priscilla Morgan
Is Laid To Rest
Priscilla Morgan, age 70, wife of
Charles Morgan, North Howell Prairie,
died at the family residence there Sat
urday night. The funeral wag held at
the family home at I p, tn. today, bur
ial following in the Maoleay cemetery.
Mrs. Morgan, besides her husband,
Is survived by the following four chil
dren: Clarence, Virgil, Mrs. Sylvia
Bangham and Mrs. Elsie Dunn, all res
idents of North Howell Prairie. Eleven
grandchildren alsiTsurvive.
Five Robberies In
Three Hours Sets
Record In Eugene
Eugene, Or., Apr. 12. During a per
iod of three hours last night five rob
beries were reported to the police. ;
Three watches and $40 .In cash a
the total ot the booty. .;,
In one cane a thief entered a bakery
and made away with till, .money and
all. '
No arrests have yet been made.
These are the first burglaries report
ed during the lant three weeks.
Postal Inspector
Found Dead; Had
Big Service Record
San Francisco, Apr. 12. A Janitor
opening up the offices of the United
States postal InHpectors here today
found tthe body of Thomas J. Flavin,
city postal Inspector, seated at his
desk, Flavin having died suddenly yes
terday after visiting the ofifce for his
Flavin was successively postmasiei
of Bismarck, N. D., when that city wt
In the Dakota territory, chief clerk in
the office of the chief of military tele
graph lines at Bismarck, assistant post
master at Butte, Mont,' postal inspec
tor in the Spokane division, and city
Inspector in San Francisco. While In
the Spokane post he was one of the
first to establish complete mail service
in Alaska.
He wns born In Ireland In 1862. His
brother Michael Flavin Is a member of
the British parliament from Ireland.
Total Of $804,998
Accrues From Taxes
Although taxpayers checks amount
ing to $450,000 are In his keeping,
Sheriff W. I. Needham refuses to
admit that he worries any concerning
possible attempts of thugs to secure
the marked paper. Jhissurn represents
the second portion 01 Marion coun
ty's tax receipts for 1920, accruing
from collection of the 1919 roll.
In order to place the money In the
hands of the county treasurer, the
sheriff has already advanced the first
receipts, which amounted to $354.
998.24. This money in turn is placed
In the banks by Treasurer Drager,
where It earns 2 percent for the mu
nicipality. The total of $804,998.24 Is the pri
mary receipts from this collection and
represents all levies', regular and spe
cial. Bankers representing Lane, Coos,
Curry and Douglas counties will meet
t Roseburg Saturday In regular group
A temoprary bridge has been built
by the O-W. R. & N. across the wash
out below Elgin. The washout was 60
feet wide and 40 feet deep.
Hoover Petitions
Being Circulated
In Salem Today
"Salem republicans should be 100
per cent strong in giving. Herbert Clark
Hoover a, chance," says Paul Wattaue,
president of the Salem Hoover club.
"It 15 too early in the game for any of
us to attempt to lock out the men who
loom up strong as republican candli
dates for president Let every loyal re
publican get into this subject and learn
some truths concerning Hoover."
Hoover petitions were received In
Salem Thursday and the voluntary cir
culators report generous response by
Salem voters.. Petition signing will be
rushed and Wednesday Chester G.
Murphy, a former classmate of Hoo
ver's and Clark Ely, formerly repub
lican chairman for New Mexico will
make a hydroplane flight from Port
land, landing near the Spaulding plant
at fifteen minutes after the noon hour,
according to present plans. The ma
chine used in' this flight was volun
teered by a Portland Hoover enthus
Oregon Asleep
To Perils, Men
At Luncheon Told
. Oregon, blinded with properlty as
the stride of reconstruction moves on,
is asleep to great perils that threaten
to undermine its industries, growtn
and very peace, Marshall N. Dana,
special writer for the Oregon Journal,
and E. A. Hays, editor of the Ban
Jose Mercury-Herald, warned in ad
dresses before the business men at
their luncheon in the Commercial club
this noon.
In two or three weeks the non-partisan
league wilt send organizers to
all parts of this state, Mr. $fana said.
This move Bhould be defeated, he
said, because "the non-partisan lea
gue strives to better wrongs In the
country by political activity, and I
firmly believe that-the wrongs are
rightahle only through economical
aPssage of the two measures o
the ballot in the next election calling
for increase in salaries for teachers
and the measure providing support w
the higher educational institutions In
the state were urged by Mr. Dana.
"If we want to keep the reds out of
the little red school house," he said,
"we' want to pay the little teacher
there enough for her to live In. com
fort and in sufficient happiness to re
sist for the betterment of our chil
dren." The Marlon county community fed
eration was lauded by Mr. Dana as
the "best weapon in the state" for
combatting the "insidious work of the
non-partisan league." Through the
federation, Mr. Dana asserted, tho
business men and the farmers meet
on "level ground;" they consult on
each others problems, they grow ac
quainted, he Bald.
"Your federation in this county,
started by your own commercial club,
shall prove the means of aversion ot
a great danger to your county and to
your community."
. Oregon should call on its represent
atives in congress to pass an exclusion
act to keep foreigners out of this
country, Mr. Hays told the business
men. He reiterated a statement made
by Mr. Dana that a great peril faces
Oregon by the Influx of Japanese, and
said that there are 100,000 of the yel
low men In California, holding the
best lands In the sto(e, and steadily
growing into sufficient strength to
hold the reigns of the government
"I believe In making the Paciflo
coast aa white man's coast not a yel
low, black or brown man's coast
that's my doctrine," Mr, Hays de
clared. :
fMf. Hays said that he had no fear
of the non-partisan league in Califor
nia because of the cooperative manner
in which products' are handled by
growers." and agents. Mr. Dana alsi
strongly urged the cooperative Idea
In Oregdn, saying that It would be
the moBt effective means of combat
ting disorders.
One of the greatest crowds of bus
iness men ever to attend the lunch
eons was on hand this noon. Mors
than two dogen were denied seats at
the first table. Furnishing such cap
able sneakers as Mr. Dana, whose
heputatlon Is statewide, and Mr. Hays
has prove a popular drawing card
for the . club, and the lunches are
weekly growing more popular.
i - ' ' 1
Hop Contracts Sets
65 Cents As Figure
"Makes all the difference in the
world, when you sign 'em," observed
one Marlon county hop grower, Mon
day, when his attention was called to
three varied price contracts made by
growers and filed recently.
A contract made March 29, 1920,
shows that Hugo V. Loewi, New York,
has purchased tho Joe Vee crop of
10,000 pounds for 1920 at the allur
ing figure of 65 cents. Hops to be
grown on a 17 acre year near Auro
ra. This Is noted as. being one of the
most attractive future contracts made
In this county, up to the present time.
A second contract is dated Febru
ary 4, 1919, whereby Asa B. Robin
son, sells 30,000 pounds of hops from
a 27 acre farm near Independence,
the price being 25 cents per pound.
This deal Is made with the Wolff Co.
of Han Francisco.
W. J. Bishop 'of Salem, in a con
tract signed February 20, 1920, trans
fers the 30,000 pound 1920 crop from
41 seres in Marlon and Polk countl.;
to T. Rosenwald and company cf
New York, the price being 47 cents.
n- .-I
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