Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 12, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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a. APHIL 12, u
In the last issue of the Saturday Evening Post, Herbert Hoover
sr. : . discusses national probems, their cause ana tneir cure, in a
Published every evening fiwpl! . r .' ...
Bandiiy by The capital journal print- comprehensive manner. Scientifically stating his premises, ne
tag Co- is south commercial jt. suggests solutions as an engineer rather than a politician, show-
Telephonee Circulation and Busl-j. e ... . . , , , , ,, ... ,.
pww offio, 8i; Editnriai room, it. ing that he has a comprehensive knowledge of the vital problems
o. pL-r.AM. Editor and publisher. of reconstruction enjoyed by few candidates.
! iui . xiuvici uia&cs ncai trial xiLiiciii.i inuai, ov uiuci iwa xaac
anil infill cteioa ftlif a tnrr 1 1 1 f 1 1 lo 1 onI inlncf Mal mffWtl Onrl Aa-
I 1 X . e 3 A . . 1. . 1 A , .
veiopmem go iorwara logeiner in oraer 10 create siaoie pros
; rwrirf TVia riio-h rnur nf lii'lno- ho rlorlnroa ia " tom nnrnn
Kmered u second class mail mat
Ter at fraiem. .ireyun.
By cVrrier 5 nu rmonrh. By!vel0Pment o iorwara togetner in order to create stable pros-
nail 50c a month. SI.Z5 lor tnree peniy. ine nign COSl 01 living, ne oeciares, IS "a temporary PLANNING A JOURXET Major Monkey asked hira what he
nn t K . II 4t .. alv mnnlKc tl nF ' It - , , i . . il . I After fhav I.. ,l irnt- . . .
v. . . .i oVb economic prooiem surrounuea oy nign emotions wnne me agn-;,, -"- meant. And it surprised him to learn
rear in Marlon and Polk count!-; r. j o o , jfonkev was In th hah t of vntno tn ... .. . . . .
Stoewhere li a year. tultural industry 18 "a permanent economic problem Surrounded Farmer Green', henhouse for eg-,i auwinier long deep snow jay
.T.ubrriPuon. apaad-!by W dangers" and he adds that "we are now entering our, wild folk be, , have a better J ,7 o ft.n 7eT
gnu uunniiura. u. ya,.... i -nI.,,ln- f 4 ,.rr r u opinion of him once more. So lonir
i day.
The Itching and Sting
of Blazing, Fiery Eczema
Seem. Like the Skin U on t W.
There is UaraMinf oibcohuui
caused by Eema that boiM
vs. l. Kinas. jwere willing to overlook his stone- - -M0"Ke s",ve"a at Jme
b'id ' Mr- Hoover declares that the high cost of living is due largely throwing if he didn't throw to0 mento ot such things. And . he
' i t i- , i , , , , f. 'imanv. pulled his red cap further down upon
to inflation and shortage in the world supply, with speculation, eoLhow they never seemed Jhis head-
RES3 as an incident but not the Cause. , think of Farmer Green'g los. Or if' "If that'8 the case.0 he said. "I cer
aively f r. r . ..ix tt i i n . i ai i- .
. . -v..., iHtiuvt t,vw wui u&6uie in
terest Slid that an nnnlvKW nf tho mnrrrina cliniu tir
- '' "'wtfcinu unvn iwtj vail I'C
constructively diminished, but the prosecution of profiteers will j
not accomplish it; that the problem must be solved if agriculture is;
to be maintained, and the balance between agriculture and general'
industry preserved to prevent dependence upon imported food.
"The devf'lnnmpnt. nf nur national Ufa" cfatoc- IT.-,,-
J ... -"' " i.JV, DkUllO AAVWYCI, icsia . .
in the spirit of our farms and surrounds our villages. Industry's' "Irs "" thoumind miios," jiiy
rpnl mnrL-ot iu with fnvrr,nf 1m. IU ti. ; i- i Hoblll ti lil him
- ... ...... ...... i.i i i.j xcii tifL.i. kj v Liir? t till. ..I .lilt. iiii'if.MM fir nic
standard of living."
Advertising representatives W
ward. Tribune mas., new xorK
H. etockwell. Peoples Caa bldg.,
ii I4I.IHI.VII HI1U . 1 V. i .Uv . i . .1 I
MRKHFR OF ASSOOIATEI PRFSa ai an inridonf riiit nnf tho rnnua
TIlJ AlMAKtnlttjl tMM Is I .
mined to the use for publication of Concerning agriculture Hoover declares that the farmers
an news dispatches credited to a or ; prices are fixed by world's wholesale prices which have small
Znd MS Sepub!uh?derTn'!relatin cost of production and rises or falls with the de-
1 I 1 ii 1 A 1. ...It t 11 1
0 ueiween me larmer anu me wnoiesaier on tne one nand and tne
regOTl wholesaler and consumer on the other, are far greater in America
bsCTVattOnS than in any country of tne worW. and have grown abnormally
. during and since the war, except during the period of food con-
t. . i i r. . . trnl trinf iYia ilflAVaqcaa in -1 I.n4-n.nnn 4 1. n 4" r, .J 1 1 ..
i-urtiuim. pcniiior ftic:ary nag an-'"' v un. in-.i .n.-.o m uic ucinccu ,uic lamier anu wiioic-
, nounced that he win press strongly be-J saler, immediately affect the farmer, while increases are absorb-!
fore the war department the claims of I ,1 lr 1, ,,- !,... i v. t i. . , . . i
his constituent, as regard, the reduc-l t " """" """ ' l"ld""t'r " a lagging in-.
tion in the number of airplanes for the
Oregon forest patrol this summer.
Astoria. J. Robert ChLfliolm. son of
Mr. Htnl .Mis. W. it CbiKholm of tills
city, was drowned lit Knappa Saturday
liltrht by falling overboard from a
launch on which he whs employed by
the Hig Creek Logging company
Baker. A landslide covered the
Dumpier Valley railroad tracks for
100 feet 12 feet deep Saturday morn
ing, six miles eust of Austin. There
was no through traffic to 1'ruiilu City,
tut trains run from either side of ttic
Bllde and passengers walked aero.-.
Newport. Mrs. J, 11. II. Anderson
and O. A. Hchumai her of Newport,
have been appointed on the executive
committee of Oregon Hoover club, (he
appointment, coming by telegraph
from t). C. Lelter, slate committee sec
retary. Astoria. The Astoria Amateur Wire
less association, Willi K. V. Hawkins,
president; Curl Josephson, vice-president;
K, A. bmlth, secretary and treas
urer; and a ehurtur membership or IS,
reorganised April 1. The former or
ganisation was discontinued nt the out
break of the war. ,
u Kewberg. Definite word ha. been
Riven at St. Paul that the proposed
market roud extending from Wood
burn to N'ewberg, connectlnir mi tin.
enst and west side Pacific highways,
will be put tu grade arid gravel luia
this season.
Iluker. Mr. and Mis.Tlonathnn Lee
tolled for 20 years with one ambition
to buy a four or five acre ranch wnn
their suAliiK and settle down In com
fort lo .ponding llielr declining years.
lAst Monday they attained their goal.
They loaded their household good. In
to a wagon ut Huntington, where they
had lived for the last 16 years, unil
started for linker, near where they ex
peitted to make, their home. Tuesday,
Just after they hud eaten their noon
meal at a camp three miles southeast
if Weatherby, Mrs. Leo fell dead with
heart failure.
liehanon. The body of Kenneth
Coppock, who was drowned Wednes
day morning In the South Santlnm
river whole driving shingle bolts for
me huper Hlilngle company, was found
uy into j-oweii
a torture. The ltcmnj i nmwi
nnbearablt. nd th turn mi
on flrt with the burntni terir
tation. A curt from local applica
tions of sahres and ointments ii Im
possible, because tuch treatment
can only alkr the pain temporar
ily. The disease can only be
reached by goimj deep down to its
The souree of Eesenu !.,.
Wood, the disease belnj cauiea tt
an infection which brtakt '4
through the akin. That Is why
most satisfactory treatment forn
so-called akin diseases ij 8. 8 ft ,
for this remedy to thoroariS
eleaseee the blood that no taipai
ties can remain. Get a boltl -1
day, and you, will see results froa
the right treatment Write fa
advice. Addresa Medical Director
110 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, d!
tainly don't want to sDend the win
ters here. ' I don't see how you
manage to live through them." '
Jolly Robin laughed merrily.
"Bless you!" he cried. "I don't stay
here the year 'round. As soon as it
begins to grow chilly I go South,
where it's warm."
Xow, Major Monkey looked wor
ried when he heard about the bitter
winters in Pleasant Valley. His queer
face had screwed itself Into even more
wrinkles than it usually wore. But
as soon as Jolly Robin sooke of co
in? to a warmer place, the Major
ongntened at once.
"I'm going South too!" he cried.
"And if you've no objection we'll
travel together."
Jolly Robin said that nothing would
piease rum more.
"I shall be glad to go with vou if
my wife doesn't object." he nssnroH
the Major.
"Oh: She won't mind " snlri r,.in
they did, no doubt they thought that! " ! ' can 80 with us. We'll
he had so manv e,s ,hnt b. .tn,,,,,". U Party. . she'll be
mind losing a few now and then liUCKy ,0. g0 a"here with such a
r i
Tctrnvncanr.o unA .oUf.,l u tt:j ei.i . So.U haPPen that Major Monkey u. p, .i'
. e. "..v. ..coiv4uinc.-i.-i ui me vjiiucu oiaies are ap-i round evenbody most agreeable ex-'f n , nai uouot-
DarentlV not Curbed in the Ws, hv thp hio-h. mat- lii.ior. -Iceut old Air. Onw -hn tau ,u. IU"J' "1,t.he hl'ed Mrs. Robin would
imports and luxuries are breaking all records, while the home-l not , t v 'Sd fWh'ho.le.
made non-essentials are enjoying the best possible market. Crow, gruffness trouble him. h.
king, "Of course, we always
curing me montn 01 February, diamond importations at'"aa 80 ""y 0,h,!r oni that hei The Ma or-, tZ t , , ,
York alone, totalled $9,044,360; fur imports totalled IWSTJrSTZt had Xp? aga loked
i uon t Know how to flv b
u.c ui icuiuaiy, uiarnonu importations ai
rtfew York alone, totalled SD.044.350: fur imiwrts tntaiioH ia iqt
99G. Laces, feathers, velvets, plushes and other rich fabrics
mounted into the millions, whilp nvpr $.n nnn nnn ,.,nrtt, ,-n.
v v,vvv nuiui ti D111V
and silk garments were received. Art works passed the $2,000,
000 mark, while manufactured jewelry and ornaments reached
awuiima uinuuillH.
Every ouarter Of the'dnhn rnntril
the vanities and follies .of the newly rich in America, and the fig
ures show an orgy of spending without parallel since the de-noi forglve- 8n1 that is Karl shep-
Cadcnt davs Of the dvinir Rnmun b'tnmVo T 4i,;u i;;i.Jl","'.T.ll ' consider he has
i i . , . . iU mia uniiiiuicu i nearly broken uu mv homo .,.
inarket the ruined palaces of European nobility, as well as thel" m Si5! 'd abeued
straw huts nf thn . him. Alioe.
tne futile effort to satisfy thp nrnfioov'a oaif 4- i
. . . "i an
1 VA MAf flaH" Via. T..1I-- T-. . . i .
in one day, when he s topped In he" Sow.n? " "y tow- and
orchard to eat an apple-'Tve de- ,w L T h, PerhapS 11 can ru
cided to stay right here in Pleat llrouKh the tree-tops fast enough to
.. - - - ..-.. ...n tn n'ltl. r .
-e ...... ira. i nope u isn't a
Valley for the rest of my life."
My gracious!"
claimed. "Then vou dnn't mini u
It seldom falls to the lot of a Vrainof man in ha
.choice of the people of his district, fnr nnM; n(f.a k ..u
. . . . r-..v vn, uut suui seems
to be the fortunate fate of John II. Carson, who will probably be
the next district attorney of Marion county, as he is without op
position either at the primaries or the election. Mr. Carson one
of the brightest and ablest, nf Snlem'u nitm.n,,D v, it. i'
- - .. - vu.ijo nan me enuorse-
.ment of his brother lawyers, the loyal support of the ex-service
...w., vc wuuueiiie ui me general puoiic, and will make a caD
able prosecutor. .
Rippling Rhymes
m? t0 c,cn1n,the RWS carting all the trash mayHoUSe-To-HoUSe
all the CaSt-Off SIWPS nnd Imnnofa o., tU t i.v..i. l - .1 " 4iWM.Ot?
o.wi n.i 41. 1 . """,,v,-a "'c mi mui reacnea its
end, and ti e mink rpiwtwl imnnnia ihof 1 i A ,
o , . .'V..1.V1.0 mat itiai puei penned.
Spring m Anting now of roses, and we should to duty rise, for
Very Much In !..
"I have," was Alice's sereaie reply,
and it is probably no news to you,
mui enepard is very much
he added somewhat
long trin.'
'It's about a thousand miles '
ly Robin told him.
women's club completing the campaign
- v...,,,e manager would be un
necessary so no mn.... .
riii. 1 . -"skjui iu mr. xue-
Gilchrist wag named.
The After Effects
of Pneumonia
This is No. 2 of a series of advertisements, prepared by a com
petent physician, explaining how certain diseases which attack
the air passages such as Pneumonia, Influenza, W'hoopm
Cough, Measles or even a long continued Cold often leave
these organs in an inflamed, congested state, thus affording .
favorable foothold for invading germs. And how Vick'i Vapo
Rub may be of value in this condition.
oan rrancisco. in io
,,. . xriui or
Alice Mflrela Wn I. .
. , ' wi.uL-ii lor per-
ury in connection with her testimony
111 fhu inlnl n .
in love with vn,.- 7;r " J'i "L1Jlury la connection
he would make her a' much better! '.'L of ..her husband, Edgar
nusband than you do." I ,. """l-u,-'' "r tne murder of Edward
"Alice, does anv woman tMi, ... .Kelly' a newspaper employe, st.irtort
are any good husband?" Tt, .....l bfitore Superior Judge Lout w.
angrily. ""ou here today. Mrs. Woodcock is ,,rt.
"Yes. a few ml t x. .' murder Indictment nlc . '
- A iiuib une oiln.. . ,v an aucgea
them," answered Alio. .i,pi,. accessory in the klllln nt t-it..
u . , . --v.,.
ui uu H nil Trtrv. .... .-..a . I
Z?otZyeTUy ln Iove .Doctor Says Tobacco .
seated Z ri1 Causes HarrJeninir hri
V..a. vttj UIB JUSt , ... ft sUIVUVtf
pals old dear, just pals." .dwellings and shattering thousands of
"Perhaos that u . . .. .. Tnbuen , 01
t,.i, , , - ocui-ei, said1 . " -uoea uaraening of the
John slowly, as he came toward my , after'ea. says Dr. Conner, and along
Pneumonia attacks the air cells
of the lungs. An inflammation
is set up and matter is thrown
off which causes the air cells to
solidify, thus preventing the
natural flow of blood thru the
lungs. This "backing up"- of
the blood causes the heart tn
pump harder, just as stepping on
a nose increases the water pres
sure, which is the reason wbv
during this disease, the physician
watches the overburdened heart
so carefully.
After recovery the lungs are
filled with a mass of wreckage
the debris of the battle which
must be gotten rid of by a process
known as resolution. Frequently,
inflamed spots remain, congestion
persists, cough hangs on, and the
least exposure brings on a cold
that Is hard to get rid of. If
neglected, such damaged air pas
sages may easily develop serious
disease of the lungs.
Such cases should always con
tinue under a physician's care
and frequent examinations should
be made to see that nature is
properly continuing the rebuild,
ing process. - t
Nightly applications of Vkk'i
VapoRub will aid nature in thii
work. Because Vicks acts locally
by stimulation thru the skin te
draw out the inflammntiV- .i
tract the blood away from the1
congested spots ana relieve thei
cougn. in addition, the media,
nal ingredients of Vicks ar
vaporized by the body heat.
These vapors are breathed in ali
night Ion?, thus hrinrino u
medication to bear directly upon
me iimamea areas, fa
Vicks should ho .kk.j !.
. " A U WVl Hi
over the throat and chest until
tne skin is red then spread on
thicklv and cnwrerl
flannel cloths. Leave the cloth
ing loose around the neck and
the bed clothes arrano-prl in K
form of a funnel so the vapors
ansuig may do ireeiy inhaled. If
the cough is annoying, swallow
small bit of Vicks the size of a pea.
Samples to new users will be
sem iree on rentiost tn tfc nd.
Chemical Comnanv
oircet, ureeasDoro, w. Ki.
More Than 17 Million Jars Used Yearly
if 1
Against Colds
, . ' v..,.,,. ihuuh miMfs, ana us puintu to the eves. Sprinir 1 -
iiio ubov. town. "A1 . tho vvhuh 110 sprmstime clean-up sees. There is1 f ; 'e SaU,m Uon
lltter l,y yllr tWe. there's a dead cow by your door toil as hard " , ,!he Sulcm (!e
Portland.-At a recent meettng ofias you are able, that thflv nmv 1 rh Zl .v. 1 T 'y'l1'"''. the 4
abOUt fortV whpn a ,.b
at his best, the excessive tobacco user
finds himself with high blood pres
sure headaches, indigestion and a
lot of other troubles. Your own doc
tor Will tell VOU thta let ,
To Dl j'l. quIt tobncco tlrely or cut
AO I IrUllfieU Vi " excess' et a package of
campaign, handledi:,;, : , ? Jour ""SBtot
men's Club, to nJ C 1 11,1 1 " Nicotol kill.
""u '"'iKes me tobacco
Drive To Finish
neral Hosnltal fnnri
elicit of which Z 'r:: .U l 11 18 so,d under a
Ihe board of director, of the Oregon ' iliHult 0llt; HellSPS Hlwl Yhnv ;;,.;, . V 1 V 1 llnBsi 8i"" today to be less than mooo wlhv ti T . m0ney back guarantee
Pioneer association preliminary plansl , ' tt ' I J avate ail(I vex ; and we Otlght to'docided upon by the hTspita I h,'rT V" drUBel9t3-
for the Mrty-elKthth annual L'.UuUl1"" M ? Tf"' '" 0m' Wash OUT necks. All the118 ''Ung Satur'.ay afternoon T n J teA druggist what oth
were outllncl. The reunion will lake! f"1 '(1 .8 "f''t and SUllliy, sllllllllg till it seems like new: and i' Kny wm una,a to confer wlththe'of 1 ,UV tht wonde'-ul power
viaee on,i..,y, ,u,,y ,. ln thl( mu think it mighty funny if wc are not shining too. Bear awav the1 Tn('n'a eluh' " arrange de.a, s wunitt h " ! the toWo hab
toriun. no change to a .ater d.ue than long dead Tabby, all the truck of yesteiTMr ' dean nn W can be trustel
usual being neo. Mary on account of! town tl.nt'a !, .!, io n ...,.,.." LJA ! J C'U ' CleSU1 UP fof the, tho beginning of ,h. ,'.r Att0 ,eU ou the fu" truth. D. J. Fry.
mlddlo of June to iircomniodalo the
"(ranger, within our gates'' at thai
Lecture Recital
Set For Tuesday
Py the Noted Author
The lecture reeltnl nf n, ,11,11 1
Thomas, first number of lite Wlll im
oil., I ,.,..,... ... . ..
of fr(',rear Oivllle r.-...i...'?iiil'.!'i,'"",",1",IK aml 1 was i-'clfully siai- "il going of my breath, and then he
irst M, church1 ' ' u'""ls ,,r my mofhers tun- ypioen inrougli the open door where
women's club displayed a conslderah!
interest in the movement, and it is be
lieved that they will take a hold of the
campaign now, and carry it to a sue
cessful conclusion
William McGllchrist. jr., for more
than a month manager of the Salem
general Hospital campaign, Saturday
pretended t.. ... .,.,., b, ' "'f. agnation by the
i...j .... .. . . r . V'liucu nis uuuru. jar. McGilshrist
JOI1X Kl i:S A M W I.KillT.
: , - ...e. .is piuueu nis """i-"..i uuui u. .vir. AleCill
V..,rii. It.nmnli ni.u.heil ma ll.ev'lmild on lnw ,v... . ..... iULljll,
'i , ,, . ......... nM 11 nuiineni, """"'ii a leave of 30 rtnv fenn. v.i
(old me afterward, I had become un-jnui evidently listened to the comine1 duties with the ii.. 1.. . 1 hls
and going of n l.i-eith v.Z .v. ""I'Hiij- l0 man
will be given 111 the Kir.t M. K. church I
John and Alice were sitting.
give seveial readliiirs nnd niu r.niu.
Wr. Thoma In thn short play which
Constitute, the second half of th. .
gram. Tho first part I. a lecture on 1 passed throuKh
.... ., i iiiiiois, aim win freely
interspersed by the Interpretation of
cuttings and readings from the authors
dlHCUMed, The number I. free, and as
Mr. Thomas' ability . recognlr.ed
throughout Hulcm, n large attendance
I. assured.
I & .) :
1 if
1 no nut quite iiniiorsianu, Baiiii'"". n"ou air and no wnrrie.
John, "w hy my wife I. so apt to col- those she enn get right down' here
lapse on the .lightest provocation." with the people who have always lov-
ini you can wnat sno nil. just
a slight provoca
age the canumiirn. vvhon m
were ended, he was appointed for 30
more, but the rush of business In his
office prevented his further participa
tion with the campaign.
The hospital beard felt that with the
Skin troubles need immediate
and proper attention
The denr old doctor l,n,i auI. .j
lion y ' nsKed Allee uiri'iu en IV. Jonn coou-lilirlit u.l 1... .1.-
- . , ' ...... iilo room. 1
"No," answered John, more meekly "0 had hardly closed the door when
.i.w.t a rn-i ii. in m nun BpeaK,- w,,n-u w mS sister and said
"but up until the motor accident nml;"I'"k here. Alice, don't encourage
the loss of her baby .he ha. slwnys' Katherlne in staying down here too
seemed In such radiant health." J long. She will be much better off at
Nut a yiilrk lUr-overy. honie with mo, and I am sure she will
"A woman does not recover quirk- recover much quicker."
ly from shock, like that," said the1 -"Not If you treat her n. you have
old doctor; "In fact, I have known It1 been doing," said Alice decisively
to leave some of them Invalids for "Why, 1 have always treated her
life " right cxi-ent when I bvo i. .
,.a , , , ,, i.M liu mui
..tiii i., ,.m nave noi llie luea mm. I'"-
nainerine win ne icti lit such a con- mats it, John, only when y
titlon." hnve lost your temper, and you hn
iMi, mi-, inn 1 no tnuiK mat s ib "'" jour lemner over .,.,.1,
should be left here In this quiet place
uniii sne nas recovered.
"Oh. I am sorry." exclaimed All
anu j enn simultaneously.
nu see," continued John "T hn.l
hoped to take her home, perhaps with
a nurse, at (he end of the week."
"That would lie madness" enmbnt.
let!., i,..L.n ,1.. .1 .t . .
....... ,.nV ufHiiur, ji -niu SllOUItl
do ii h a thing as that I would not
nnvwer for her reason or her life."
I felt mself .millne. for I rniil.l
not believe that 1 was in the danger
ous condition the ilnctnr deeitl,...i
things while
, - ----- iiu in 1 j unit-
ing her lo forgive some nrettv 1,1.,
"Wo11- "re I. one pei-son. I will
IJiuhrr V with I-mirati,ig
Hnmllii, AMxai-d OU
A harmless nnd effe.-n
, n.i. kchi di in. nccisuin, .....v me ains or itheuma-
that I renmlu In tho little old hotn!,lm" s'i'ltk'1' l-ck and Luin-
l,1'- (''ago is Hamlin's WUard CM., H pen-
"Wcll." said Alice, "r see no reason c,r,'!18 Quickly, drives out soreness
why Kitlierluo Hhniil.1 not i.iv l,.i,- and limbers on i iff .,i.i.,-.'
The tnvtn will be really beautiful in'musclc..
the sprinKllme and the house and In-j Vou have no Idea how useful It will
come guing with II will be hers notvj found In cases of every diy nil
;"I""m " .... 'i"""' r ,,'UKl!J' Wl'r0 lhf ed
1 could pot help feeling more eon-!"-. Immediate healing, authentic
lent It 11 my lot. as I remembered application, ns 1,1 case, of snrain,
for t in tlrmt 11,.... .1.... .Lt. . l .... . . ' sprains.
- ...... IHIUSC. "1 HIKCS. cuts, tunns. lito lin .H.
i n time -.,!.,. .wi.d,!e n".''! ''clonged to my mother. Oct it from drucV-lst foe 1.. . '
loin' f raise th' price of a quart or a ' , , (Vi'iT, n ,0 T " ",M tMM r"U" " "e K.tUo ami
mile sl.frt. public opinion might have '" ' . f hhfnt n W back.
. . . ,. . 1E , . ""i.ill JSl.tKV list liHW'ltn,' K'l er ...Mll,..,i . i
- . - - . , m-iii ? r i r pica
If th poaee treaty hndu -fornf aton-
V.v-ed it. BlUl Anollicr thing hbout pro- &ti ut John
Lib:;:. n-ymt can't throw a larty vuhf iSi-ihU (.1 n
VMi '
headache? Just fry Wizard Liver
YOU can fry fish
and then make a
cake with the tame Jot
of Mazola. This re
markable fact is possi
ble because Mazola ab
sorbs no odors ot flav
ors from food fried
In it.
Try it yourself. Fry
fish in Mazola strain,
and then use the same
Mazola as shortening
for a cake. Not even
your imagination will
taste the fish flavor in
the cake.
Can Prodixte lURwlat C
r.aiSnlei Mr. YrkCltT
A Rpi i.tki m
V? r's-LJi (ii.a Di:.
- ) wuicrvciici
Your grocer
making; special
prices on Mazola
in Dints, miart.
. , -1
run gallons
half gallons.;
Don twait thinking they will dis
appear in time. Perhaps they will,
but in the meantime you are suffer
ing from the burning and hchine,
and allowing your nerves to become
badly effected, when a little Resi
nol Ointment would doubtless re
lieve it all,
TT, ! .1. - .1 .; ft .... , A
viucaa uic sKinancctiun is causcu
by some internal disorder, Resinol
Ointment usually clear! it away
because it contains harmless, and
soothing antidotes for such condi
tions, It can be used easily for it is
so nearly flesh-colored it does not
attract attention. At al4ruggists.
vimn 'hi SB
-cuiJi ji jiAv Jjw mm 1
fJuuiiiiiuinuwrnTrj " 1 : ; '
IS! ... f iWJ,:. I
mrA IRI . JI I 1 if I 'Ml I in ii i - i'-iib,?
JQIH.M1X Mini, co., p,
Overmire Steel Conslruction Company
f . . xmmeaiato Shipment, Sxa Indies to 8!S!L P 80 too k,"th
Maufa,wr8 of Tanks, ruiH, StokSi RnV
Thone East 8721 r"tu-TAND OltEGOX
Ift YfilT WAMT j . , , ert..
U- ww uniii jruiu incnas to avOlu youf me
will certainly do so when your breath is bad.
There is no excuse for anyone having a bad
breath. .It is caused by disorders of 'the stomach
which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's
Tablets. Many have been permanently" cured of
stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after
rears nf cii&..: tv. .
rnce 2S cents per botUe.
junii 1 1.1 mi u. ii.. r
Established 1868 -
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a, n. to 3 p. m.