3HJSDAY. APRIL 12, 1920. Thousands Pay Last Tributes To Late Bishop Portland. Or., Apr. 12. Methodism throughout the world bowed in loving remembrance of the llfo and work of yatt S- Hghes, a bishop resident of Portland since and who died In (ten-land. O.. last Sunday, when erv ice were held in the First church Sat urday afternoon. - rfof creat church to which he dedi cated bis brilliant talents and his more meager physical energy and in the ac tive service of which he gave his life; th other denominations of Protest' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Gervais Star To Be Published By Stock Company Gervais, Or. Apr. 12. Several busf-j ness men of this city have organized a stock company and will resume pub lication of the Gervais Star wkich was discontinued when Hugh Mar's moved his plant to Jefferson several weks aso. A small plant has been pur chased at Gardnler. Oregon, and is be ing moved to Gervais. Ralph Moore who was formerly employed in the Star office, will become a stockholder and will have full charge of the publica tion. It is reported that he will work Mt.'Angel also and publish a section for that town. Mr. Mai-i .lias' been "publishing the Star at his Jefferson office to complete Bunio contracts he had when he moved, PAGE TERES antian: the state of Oregon the city of but thcre wa8 no paper published 1 lasi Pnrtland, the various branches of Ma nnrv. the civic organizations . of the community all paid their tributes of love, affection ana aeep admiration for him, who through his remarkable career was declared to have been a great preacher, a masterful executive, a true pastor and a brilliant counsellor. Beautiful also were the references to the willow, to whom was given credit for inspiration to the departed leader through the long years of their wedded life, and to the mother, honored by the elevation of her two only sons to the etpiscopacy, who early In life dedicated them to the service of the church. . As the mortal remains of the bishop lay in a beautiful white casket, beneath a "f Kastr lilies and other love ly flowei-3 of which he was most fond, tribute after tribute was paid. Two of his colleagues, one his predecessor In this area, were present to do him hon or, representing the general superin tendents of the church. - Governor 01- cott for the state and Mayor Baker for. the city of Portland were there to at test the value of his life to the com monwealth and to his worth as a citl len, and men from various civic organ izations by their presence evidenced the high esteem in which he was held in the place he called his home. District superintendents, many of them appointed by him; ministers f the effective intlncracy'; others, bowed with the weight of time, who have laid aside the active duties of the service; men and women of the laity of the Methodist Episcopal church nnd many others, from far and near, filled the buliilinf; to overflowing. Conspicuous among the throng were many men who had heard Bishop Hughes epeak at different civic organ izations in Toitland and who remem ber him as a 100 per cent patriot dur ing the great war and a natural leader ' of unusual ability. " Dr. J. H. Talbot of the Klmbnli school of theology, read the WshQp's favorite poem, "Sometime." The cW Sng hymn was "Forever Here My Rest Shall Be." Services at the Tortland cremato rium were in charge of Bishop Mitchell and Dr. E. C. Hickman, pastor of Wil bur church, Portland. The body was placed in a casket and will be held pending final decision as to the placo of burial. . Santiam Trout ' Hatchery Rushe'd Although no hopes are entertained that the entabl!shment will bo com pleted in time to handle any salmon this year, the Santiam hatchery, which Is now In the process of construction, is rapidly nearlng completions The project, which was fathered by Representative S. A. Hughes, of Mar lon county, promises to be one of the most adequate of its kind, If all the present plans for its management are carried out. The main building will be 40 by 120 feet; it will contain 100 standard hatching troughs to be used Jointly for salmon and trout. If the proposed dam can be built across the river immediately above the hatchery, allowing a better water sup Ply, veritable wondevs may bo. expect ed from the project it is said by those interested and the Santiam country m oe the home of the greatest steel head trout nursery in the northwest. week. The first Issue of the new Star will appear this week. Munitions Dump Explosion Kills Seven; Many Hurl uerun, April . 13. Seven , persons were killed in yesterday's explosions at Rotenstein, according ..dispatch es received here. London, April 12. Two . hundrel persons Injured in the explosion of a munitions dump at Rotenstein, near. Koenigsberg. East Prussia yesterday, have been rescued, according to a Berlin dispatch to the Daily Mail. Explosions are continuing. and res cuers were able to approach the scene only In armored cars. Fuses were being removed If rom big caliber shells at the dump when one was ignited and thirty tremend ous explosions followed, wrecking rwellings and shattering thousands of windows in the city. . - New Jersey Ones PutBanOnTickets (Continued from page one) Thirty switching crews tn the Erie, at,0hio'yot6'dtormVomen Initiated - Despite these reportsfhowever, Gru nau declared "we are going to win." In the Chicago district and at neigh boring steel centers thousands of men were idle today because of the strike. 250 of the 600 strikers at Fort Wayne' At tUs stockyards promises of a mini voted to. return to the yards this morn-inium delivery of 1S6 carloads today ing and the remaining workers, em- i brought a more optimistic outlook, al ployes of the New York Central, will 'though hundreds of men still would re- meet today to decide their course. At Saginaw, 100 Pere Marquette switchmen dfyided to return to work today and volunteered to go to De troit, Toledo,. Ludlngton and Flint to aid In restoring normal service, -' In the far west and various other cities in ,the middle- west local unions voted not to join the strike, Seattle, Tacoma,': Everett and Auburn, Wash., and Cincinnati, Littls Rxck, Ark., Memphis, Tenn., and St. Joseph. Mo.. switchmen registering that intention. . Yardmen at Duluth, Miniu, and Su perior,' Wis., decided to continue at work and await developments. - Officials of the Terminal Railroad association at St Louis said conditions were, improved, the company's engi aeers voted to remain "loyal." Th first vote on a .eympathetic strike in Canada was negative, the Winnipeg branch of the International Switchmen's union deciding not to sanction any sympathetic walkout. main idle. Steel mills at Tougstown, Ohio, were idle today because of a coal shortage, and steel mills and coke ovens at Gary, Ind, were crippled seriously. Nine thou sand men were idle at the American Sheet & Tin Plate plant at Gary. . IRISH STRRE CALLED Dublin, April 12. The officials of the Irish, onion trades congress nd the labor today issued a call to the workers for a general strike through out the country tomorrow as a protest against the treatment of political prisoners. Into Silverton Group Of Knights Silverton, Or., Apr. ir. Amending the constitution and bylaws in such a manner as to permit the adoption : women, the Donks, an- organization composed of membvrs of the Knights; by Pythias. Initiated twelve members I from the Pythian Sisters lodge Friday i evening. After the work a chicken pie supper was served and the re mainder of the evening was spent In dancing and playing cards. The class adoption, howtver, was the most in teresting feature of the function. Fred Knight was In Salem Saturday to visit his son who is receiving treat ment at the sanitarium. The young man Is sufferinc from tuberculosis fol lowing an attack of Influenza last win-! ter, and his condition is quite serious. Arrangements are being made to take Mrs. Kite Mathews, who hrs hen it him to Portland. -1 California tor several months rurne I riauicrw, inning cierK at lae Silver Falls mil!, ?.as in Salem Satur day. He said that was the first vaca tion he ha? ad for the pas 35 months, having worked every days except Sun day during that time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eidson visited In Salem yesterday. , yestrdty and has resumed htr $ sitloi in Dr. Laur's office. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Eatn-..n an 1 Mrs. Ed Humlerson hve r t.irncj from an extended vi-It in Callt.-rr,, Frank V. Winy, who is workir.! near Fa'i City, vi-uled his partius Hi this city Sunday, CANADIAN TWICE HONORED Toronto, Ont., April 12. Lieuten ant Colonel William G. Barker has been awarded a Second silver medal by the king of Italy- for heroism i-.i October, 1918, when he attacked six ty German airplanes single handed and shot six down beforo he was downed. Colonel Burker, It is said, holds more decorations for bravery than any other living British airman. J. "I 1 ave not osly gained twenty pounds by taking Tanlac but It has rid mo of the nervous indigestion which made my life miserable for three years," said Mrs. Mattle Kirk land, of 2547 Benton boulevard, Kan sas City, Mo. "During those three years," she continued, "everything I ate disagreed with me and I suffered for hours af ter every "meal with gas on my stom ach. My head ached all the time and I would often get so nervous nnd diz zy that I would Jlave to Us down. I lost weight until I got down to only one hundred and ten pounds and my housework was simply a-burden to me. I was so run down and weak I could not walk at times nniVwhile I tried almost everything I heard of, nothing did me any good. "I read so many testimonials for Tanlac from our own Kansas City people that I decided to try it and the very first bottle Improved me won derfully; I .have now taken seven bottles and I eat anything I want without the least trouble afterwards. My appetite Is splendid and ' my nerves are so calm I sloop like a child every night. In fact I feel as strong and well as I did before my troubles started three years ago. I am glad to make this statement for Tanlac, for If I hadn't seen similar statements from, others I probably would still b9 a sic, miserable woman." . Tanlao is sold In Salem by Tyler's drus store and leading druggists in LARGE. PROFITS FOR YOU When State Coritoratlon Commission er Grants a Permit for the Sale of the Shares of Diamond-LouUian.t Oil Company. Very few oil companies are in such splendid condition to enable them to qualify under the strict laws of tome of our stateslo sell their participating shares. When such a company doss comply with these laws, it is usually a good company producing oil and paying dividends therefrom two things which are often required be fore a permit can be obtained from many states. This procedure rn a large measure assures you that your investment is protected and not plac ed on a wild gumWe. Such an organi zation is the Diamond-Louisiana Oil Co. This company, shortly after it's successful operations paid a cash div idend of 10 per cent to all' sharehold ers. That even larger dividends are practically sure to follow is being maintained by the fact "that DIAMOND-LOUISIANA now has two producing wells, with still a third well drilling, aild negotiations pend ing for the imiiillate drilling of mure new wells. DIAMOND-LOUISIANA having pro ducing wells and paying casn divi dends therefrom is way beyond the speculative stage, DIAMOND-LOUISIANA offers you a higher class, pro tected INVESTMENT, and appears certain to yield you good returns for every dollar invested, i Thousands of people today are re ceiving thousands upon thousands of dollars-from good Investments placed in strong, forward go,ng, progressive oil producing organizations, guided by the experienced management of men who arc thoroughly acquainted with the many phases of this ranking Industry of the world. The year 1920, should see still greater developments and returns for the investing share holders. The larger profits go to those who invest when the participating shares of an oil producing organiza tion are first offered and before they advance In price. Buy your DIAMOND-LOUISIANA shares while it Is now selling, at $1 per share par value Soon these shares may advance to double or trible the present value. The bringing in of new wells will accomplish the advancer Oil is becoming more valuable and the refined products are ascending in price. Be with the company that produces the product. (Cal. Permit S929) DIAMOND-LOUISIANA OIL COMPANY Par $1.00 -per share. . 100.000 shares only in the present offering at this price of $1. . Recommended, Investigated and approved by the Wichita Trust com pany, Wichita Falls, Texas. Mail your buying order to the DIAMOND-LOUISIANA OIL COMPANY I other- towns. (Advt P,oan Anderson Building, Falls. Texas, a Wichita tadv) a nP I f mDBif. ( 3 mi& JSe YVfVi? 1 W&XrZtf it I i ' its a cinch to figure why Camels sell! Ten Years Q- ;s VoungerThan MMM His Years Doesn't it make you feel good cause you to straight en up and feel "chesty" when someone guesseB your age at ten years or so younger than you really are: iou iook into your mirror, smile with satisfac tion and say to yourself: "Well, he didn't make such a bad guess, at that." - The point is: You're no older than your vitality. If a man is strong, vigor ous, mentally alert, fine and fit at 50 he ha3 a better chance of living up to 80 than a man of 30 who is . weak and run-down has of living up to 60. While none of us can stay the years nor stop time, we should ' all make an heroic effort to suc cessfully resist the effects of time by ever keeping our vitality at par. When you sense a feeling of slowing down of your physical forceswhen your stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs show sign8 of . weakness when you notice a lack of your old time "pep" and "punch" in other words, when you feel your vitality on the wane, you should com- SasaSBMuilBBMBSMi raence at once to restore your energy, strength and endurance by taking EVKO is The Great General Tcfnic This master body-builder will help yon keep young in spirit and mental and physical action, because it will asuiflt Nature in maintainim your vitality at par. It enrichc the blood, rtvtore t worn-out tiatuee, fioothet janeline and over-wroupht nerves, in dueett ound refreshing sleep, sharpen theapp tite, tones up thedijfuttion-inihorUwiiJ put new lite, new vigor 1920 Borders and Special Decorations now ready MAX 0. BUREN 179 North Commercial Street i Misses and Childretts Shoes and new vim in every tlbre of your body. You will be furprised how much better you'll eel after taking a treat ment of LYKO. if you are tired and worn out, ncrvounly and phy ileal ly ex hausted. It's mildly laxative keeps the bowel in line condition. Get a bottle from your druggist touuy. LYKO ! Mid In erlginal pack, only. Ilk pictur bo, Itef u U ubalituttt. Sole Manufacturer LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New Ylc Kanu City. Mr. For Sale by all Druggists. Always in Stock at Perry's Drug Store. and Oxfords Office 445 Court St , phon Day 998 Nt 679 J. r-fr- over A EMPEY TRANSFERASE LOCAL AND LONG DtSTAMCE HAULIN& . ..' mP7 . ...... H fcv EMPEY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DtSTAMCE HAULI TONt CONTRACT OR HOUR 'WE STRIVE TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS" Of the kind you like and we protected you from the ad- t vancing cost by ourtearly buying.' You will more fully ap- I preciate this when you inspect the goods. There are Black t Kids and Calf; Erown Kids, Calf and Elk, White Reinskin r and Canvas, Smoke Elk, Buttons and Lace. You will be sat- isfied with cost, fit and service if you buy at 1 - i At the Electric Sign "SHOES" 167 North Commercial Street ' iniitfilmaHiiW'-'ll'--1"1'- "1'W.I1UMP: ia M TURKISH O 1 J "I BLEND . i I CHAHtTI 9 You should know why Camels ore so unusual, so refreshing, so satisfying. First, quality second, Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which youll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight I Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildness yet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste! Youll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after- J tasteor unpieasam cigaicujr wui i For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff by puff with any ciga rette in the world at any price ! him, or wlJj or . " R. J.BEYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wintn-Sln, M. C. The Strike of the Switchmen TO THE PUBLIC: Strikers who have not returned to work are being replaced by new men. This work will Ge swiftly and vigorously followed until normal service is restored ... ' i The strike was without noTid to the railroad. It is not auth orized by any railroad brotherhood. It violates working agree ments. Violates the rules of the Brotherhoods to which the men be long and violates the law of the United States (Sec. 301, Trans portation 'Act of 1920). It is in 'defiance of the orders of the Rail road Brotherhoods executives, and has neither the sympathy nor support of the overwhelming majority of railroad employees. New men will be given seniority rights in order of employment, wages are 64 cents an hour for eight hours work a day, and 96 cents an hour for overtime. Good board and lodging are arrang ed for at the job. Protection assure'd. Apply to superintendent, room 32, second floor, Union Station Portland, Oregon. '(Signe'd) SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY 'J-H- DYER, Gen.Wgr.