Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 12, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    iliD t.U iiAL JUL.
f ' f
Berry Acreage
Near Silverton
Increases Fast
12. From the,
Silverton, Or., Apr.
rapid advancements
that hive been
made her during Uw pant jear in the'
planting of beiri, Siivcrton bids fan
to become prominent as a berrv nro-
lucin aertiun. it is old that the acre I hour untn 11 :3 the evening there
age ku been more than doubly In- -onsLant atream of people pass
ereased over last year, and notwiih-' through the new building to view
landing the fjct that the freeiing1 tn ot van- trcl nd tractors
wesjner iaat winter damagtd vines1 ' ' " ",UUI""IL 41 wuuiweu
eesidirablv there Is certain to bs ':tBit fully three thuuwind people from
great yield here this season.
Ia upeaking of the future possibili
tie of Silverton as a loganberry sec-
lion a prominent grower said In the!,'c, Pd ,h machine on display ln-
pmence of a Journal representative' ''' line of the latest models in
recently: i Overland. Studebaker, Oldsmobile and
"The cultivation of small fruita is! Commonwealth cars. Franklin, Repub
amrth more to the Individual homes of "c and Oldsmobile trucks and Samson
Oregon than to the commercial grow
ei poaeibly a hundred time. The
homo garden pays no charge for box
ru. expressage or commission; these
the commercial grower ha to meet
It value to health Is beyond the reach' n1 8"nd opening ot the new garage
f figure or any value w can placed'" 'reeled for thein by Dr. A. E.
poo It j Wrlghtman and Fred Cphoff on North
"Much I said today about balanced Water street
rations for our stock, which is Just and
proper. But we need and deserve as
good treatment as any animal life.
"I am firmly convinced," said the
husbandman, "that the average citiaen
of Oregon wlnhes all the freah fruit he dealers was consummated,
can use in the summer and enough! When every detail Is arranged the
canned for the balance of the year: Keelan Motor Car company will have
and there is no way so postlve of good!tn host equipped garage and machine
results as farmer's small fruit garden, "hop in eastern Marion county and one
cutlivated with as much system a any
crop on the farm. If It is planted with
any other Idea the garden is destined
to be a failure."
The soil and climate are highly fav
orable to the product inn of fruit and
with the recent establishment of a
canning factory In this city there Is
every reason to believe that berry pro
duction I going to be a profitable vo
cation. Silverton Mill
Strike Tarns To
"Waiting Game"
Bllverton, Ore., April 12. Uifflcul
lle growing out of the strike In 'his
elty are having a somewhat damag
ing effect upon the business Interes's
t the city, and rivalry existing be
tween the two timber worker organ
isations here Is as unfortunate s It Is
, uncalled for. Business men dare not
express a sentiment favorable to one
or th other and those of them who
have are muds victims of boycott and
contempt, by one faction or the oth
Th Silver Falls Timber company
ha taken an attitude of indifference
In the matter from the start and th''
mill has been In operation every day
Blnoe the strike was declared, running
with a small crew, but employing
men to fill the vacancies as fast n
possible. The difficulty seems no
nearer a settlement now than It was
when the walkout was first started.
Mr. Woodurd, manager of the Silver
Fall Timber company, maintains thitt
the men who went out last week will
never be reinstated. I'iUcm the na
tional federation of labor take! a part
In the difficulty and the company i
forced by some means to put the men
back on the Job, manr of the timber
workers will not be able to hold out,
Through privation, it Is believed, they
will be forced to seek employment
, elsewhere, leaving the way clear for
lyyal Legion and non-union men to
fill the vacant positions.
Four highways are to be construct
ed In St. Louis county, Mo,, to cost
Louise Huffs Beauty Talks
That dainty and charming actreaf,
Louise Huff, is famous for her beaiil
tlful complexion and as an timh-i-cf
many article on the subject of
beauty, she has been persuaded to
U the readers of this paper how
they may quickly acquire a soft
mooth, rosy whim complexion like
horn. Sh fciysi "To get the best re
ault the skin should be thoroughly
s Cleansed, then spply Derwlllo which
ran be obtained at the toilet counter
r any up to date drug or department
more, nils Instantly beautifies (h,
complexion and Its continued US'
m me results permanent. Over
nve numired thousand girls and wo
men are using Herwillo In preference
; to face powder and other uenutlfior
and they are Just ns enthusiastic over
" milt. He sure to read he,
I wre article on the Complexion soon
u PPW 1" Uils paper. In the mean
tfknM Hal ! I 1 1 . , , . .
. " '-"iu nicn sne recom
mends and try it today, you will be
oeiignten with it and sooh have a
omplexlon for which everyone will
rompiiment you. (Adv)
-far insiaitf!
f A you want, and more than
yon can buy in market for
$3.00, m thi five-cent packet.
Your garden has the right itart
rhen you plant Morse'i Never
Failing Seeds the kind profe
tional market gardener use.
i A rrcm, florati, drug and harj. .
1 ware ,iore,etc., everywhere,
f It Wi Lmrtt Sl Fmt
I 123 Market St Saa Fraaritca
CnuPTin Central Willamette UaKey by
Silverton' s First
Automobile Shoiv,
Silverton, Or, Apr. 12. The first
autii show ever held in Silverton iraa
otair-J Saturday by the Keeian Motor
Car cun;iany and from a standpoint 01
attendance, if no more. It -a i great-
i er sacceaa than the comiKiny had an-
i ticlpated. The show opened at 11
o'clock In t'ttn lorenovn and from that
; Silverton and tributary towns and coun
try attends the exhibition. The room
was beautifully decorated In forest ef-
tractor, all of which will be handled
in Silverton by the Keelan Motor Oat
company In their new quarters. The
display was remarkabley beautiful and
th ahow served as a dedication event
musical concert was given from
T In the evening until 9 and dan
cing was enjoyed from nine until elev
en thirty, when the greatest function In
the history of Silverton automobile
of the best In Oregon. .W. M. Cardie
of Seattle, formerly in charge of the
Cadillac garage in that city has arrived
nere with his wife and will be In charge
of the service department of this enter
Physician Returns
rr.ffl Avmw C i on
A lUm iTTTiy OerVlCe
Mt Angel," Ore., April J?. ur.
Webb, formerly lieutenant in the
army, Is expected to arrive here th.s
week from California where he has
been receiving medical treatment
since his discharge from the service
several months ago. He was injured
at Camp Lewis by having been
thrown from a horse. Mrs. Webb an.l
children moved from Cump Lewis
several weeks ago. Before enterinu
the aervlce Dr. Webb was a practic
ing physician In Mt. Angel for many
year. He will resume his practice as
soon as he recovers from his Injury.
Or. More
Don't forget that the actual ten per cent
give you is but a small part of the saving on your pur
chases. Our merchandise never reached the present high
yiuuc ui prwes. nere are wanted things
Roys' and Jlen's Caps of every
aescnptlon light, medium
heavy. The regular prices range
,rom -65c t0 S2.85
Men's splendid quality Khaki
Jackets, sizes 36 to 46 at
S2.85 and S3.25
All less TEN per cent.
Men's good quality Khaki pants
sizes 4.1, 46 i
Less TEN Ter Cent
All linen Collars "XSc
Good alarm clock
w- V I" aovs
S4.25 and S4.65
C -v.
They're dandy, good calf leather
button shoes for boys, wearing
ei?es 3 1-2 to 6. Certainly big
bargains. Also a few lace.
Hubbard Plans
To Hardsurface
Streets of City
Hubbard. Or., April 12. The city
council has planned a street improve
ment which will take in practically all
of the territory in this city not hereto
fore improved with hard surface pave
ment A tactor has been procured to
haut the grader and work will be com
menced immediately following the
"cleanup" days oroclaimed by the
city council which occur next Friday
and Saturday. In wet improvements
in some sections of the city have al
ready commenced.
The citizens of Hubbard have started
a general crusade against vice as well
as insanitary condition. After next
Thursday the state Jaws relating to all
games of chance will be rigidly en
forced. This is done by order of the
city council at a recent meeting. Per
sons operating punch board and all
game of chance have been notified by
the city authorities thai the lid U on to
stay. .
This act of Ihe council was taken
subsequent to a petition signed by
many citizens which was placed In the
hands of the administration at the reg
ular meeting of the council.
Brooks Shipper
Predicts 12-Cent
Spuds On Coast
With potatoes at present selling at
7 cents a pound, with promise !f
reaching the 12 cent mark before the
I next crop Is In, the potato situation
is critical all along the Tacific coa3t,
.according to Clyde Harris, potato anl
onion shipper of Brooks, who paid a
business visit to Salem Saturday.
The unusual frost and cold of the
past season is responsible for the
present situation. The few potatoes
' 1 have not ben 8P1I('1 DV the
freeze are being diverted to planters
ifor amI housewives are search
ing ior vegetables that will serve ns
a substitute until the
Woodburn Board
.Elects Teachers
Woodburn. April - 12. The follow
lnir teachers have been engaged for
the next term of the Woodburn pub
lic schools: W. J. MMUer. city super
intendent. HiRh school:- O. L. Hopp,
H. F. Butterfield. J. V. Brown. Maude
M. Mochel.-Dorcas Hlllott. Irene For-
sythe, Elizabeth Tebbln. Ella Ken-
Retiring from Business
All our
At Yard
: S1.95
There is such a dif
ference in the qual
ity of Georgettes
that we are im pell
et! to remind yoi
that this price is ab
solutely no indica
Hon of true value.
These are the "same
high grades that we
have been selling at
$2.75 a yard. Ther
are 40 inches wide.
X 1 t ...
oi many ien no
white, no black-
but several good
dark shades. They
are the last we have
to offer.
All remaining silks
at above price
II fa. : I 1
!:ard. tirade: Anna
principJ; iluude K.
Bohn. Bessie Swope.
Mabel Sin.tjjon, AnrJ
Cars Damaged In
Woodburn Clash
Woodburn. April 12. A head
collision occured Friday night on the
Pacific highway just outside of Wood
burn between two automobiles.
One car, northbound, was occupied
by a Mr. Haack. Dr. John Welch of
Portland was In the other car. Both
men were badly cut up and had their
wounds dressed by a Woodburn sur
geon. Light and power are supplied to 166
surrounding villages from a single cen
tral station 1b Germany.
Wisconsin ha 11,000 miles of rail,
roads against 77,000 miles of high
Stops Medicine
Health Recovered
by Internal Baths
Mr. A. Czarnecki, 657 Montgomery
St., San Francisco. Cal., writes Tyr
rell's Hygienic Institute of New York
as follows:
"I must admit that the use of the
'J. B. L. Cascade' has cured chronic
constipation from which I suffered.
Since May 12, 1913. I have never even
tasted any kind of patent medicine
or purgatice. My health is excellent
in every respect"
Over half a- million bright, keen,
intelligent Americans have found
that internal bathing is more essen
tial to their health than external
Have found that used occasionally
at night they feel like different peo
ple the next morning. No more of
that bilious, tired, nervous feeling,
but having by nature's own cleanser
antiseptie warm water removed
all the poisonous waste from the low
er intestine, they awake thoroughly
refreshed by normal sleep, with all
their functions acting properly, clear
headed, happy and confident, eager
and capable for the duties of the
Why not learn nore about this rap
Idly growing and natural, practice?
The "J. B. L. Cascade" is the Inven
tion of Chas. A. Tyrrell, M. D., of
New York, a specialist on Internal
baths for 25 years, and is now bein;
shown and explained by Daniel J
Fry, wholesale druggist and manufac
turing druggist In Salem, Or., who
will give you free on request an in
teresting booklet on the subject call
ed "Why Man of Today is only 60 per
cent Efficient." ' (Adv)
discount that
at even greater
re- :
' III.
ui (viure
There is still a wide range of
colors to select from. These
mercerized Sateens are all 36
inches wide and of a quality
reduced price of rj and PJFJC
A few pieces of heavy printed
Cretonnes reduced to, yd gQ
Women's 2-piece Work
suits : -$1.95
Women's Khaki Union-
al,s $1.95
omen's blue and striped
overalls --$1.65
Black and white curvedge belt
ing, plain and stays, reduced to,
Buy Hosiery
A splendid line of women's pure
Silk Hose in black, white and
colors, ranging in price from
$1.00 to $2.25, all LESS TEN
per cent.
Children's socks reduced
,0 ;-- -25c
Infants' white, part wool hose,
reduced to, pair gQ
Infants' colored Cashmere Hose
reduced to. rmir t n
" 4UC
Capital Journal Special Corresponded
j "4nfff. : .:Jlm if Jj
There Is Beauty
In Printed
Georgette Dresses
For afternoon and informal evening wear; for dinner,
dances and matinees; a Georgette frock is the thing.
The softness of their draperies is alluring while the
color combinations are always unusually artistic. They
are now priced surprisingly low.
Popular Prices
f A mother whose strength is
over-wrought or who is thin,
pale or nervous, should find re
newed energy in every drop of
Let it help turn your daily
tasks from aburden to pleasure.
Scott's Emulsion is abundant
in those nourishing ele
ments that every mother
in the land needs. t
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
IH North Commercial
171 Court Wrw Phone Si
House Furnisher
You get more, for your
Money at Moore's.
Car of
Yick So Tong
iiatm Mdlcln and Tea Co
Baa mdicinr which - will euro
any knows dlceaaa,
Opn Sunday from it a. m.
nntu 1 p. m.
IS South Hljh Street'
lalem. Ortoa. .Phone ZSS
Motor truck trains moved between
poim. 100 mile, ui.nt during Zl.
Charm In Suits
This isa special offer! Through a most fortunate co
incidence, we were able to purchase these suits now
being shown at a most reasonable price and we are
giving you the benefit. The materials are Serges, Jer
seys, and Tricotines in shades of navy, brown, copen ,
and heather Jersey. The prices are : , :
$29.75, $34.75, $44.75 and $54.75
Taffeta frocks
Decidedly bouffante and chic are the frilly taffeta
frocks of this season. The bodices are quaintly slender
while the tunics widely flaring. There are a hundred
different designs shown in these frocks and you are
sure to find one that is just the thing for you.
S24.75, S34.75 UI t0 S65.00
Ijtplfg (En.
"Valley Motor Co.
I I i a in ,,, mmm
ra BULLETIN way - M
m We can make M
g immediate raj
p deliveries jSj
. 00 - v ; p
a'?IMlnHHBIlaBBlaiBaHBBaaaHnBBaBaBaaBM '"'
I -Vley Motor Ca
a ii,,,
Also Junk of All Kind
Bert Price Guaranteed
CALL 398
'Capital Junk Co.
,"! SO" Hon
171 Chemeketa St Pione til .
- tor long distanch -
Transfer Co.
PHOXB 1400
we also do local
-- I
Quality Merchandise
Beautiful New Wall Tint and cut '
border Just received.
179 ,N. Commercial St.
C Hamilton
140 Court Street
Take the-place of bo
lining for le
Max O. Bun
ITS North ComroarotU