Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 10, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    i. A
TTASsmiD rateT. ;
1 R'. irsertions 6 cents, one month
! "t.- ' n cents, one year, per.
1 J cents. Minimum per ad 25
I P". insertion only In New Today.
. i cash in advance ana noi ms
2' v Phone. unles. advertiser has
oni account. Ka allowance tor
,vtvI) To buv secondhand baby
iNJ Phone 1 7 1 5 M . S7
rrnoTJToK SALE-M.Hd fir 16-iii.
wood Bi'cl green slabs. Phone 1.9t
C".h rfnT Boom with board. 401 Phone J627. jS
140 acres all in cultivation, all goo
land- house, barn, orchard; near
two 'towns; good roads; can be di
vided; U10 Per acre
in acres, 220 in cultivation, bal
ance open pasture; all can be cultivated-
lots of fine prune land; a
' Lood dairy and .took farm: plenty
It good water, good buildings, nice
" Lrd some bottni laud; good
roads- 2 miles from station; can be
. divided. $65 per acre. J. H. Mora.n
Mnnmoutn. it.
nl FLOWERS All kinds of potted
nlants and ferns. Arthur Plant Ar
greenhouse. 1298 B. 13th St.
Phone 1-Mnv.
FOR ALE i room plastered House,
lots, paved street, -barn, city water-
2 blocks-to tsar, -Price -$2100.
terms call .-'786-.N. -Uth. , 7
r;,H sale J passenger touring car,
his run less thu'n 30,0O miles, is,
in first class eununiun riiw ttov.
Phone H'2 or eall at 164 S. Com'l
St :' : n2
"i'OR SAUK Three lots with three
room house, large pantry and clos
et young bearing fruit trees. Jud
.n'n' Biid S. 'Collage. MacFarlin.
Phone 17S7V2.
WANTED Fartir-rorK Hy girl, exper
ienced. Can do either outside or.jn
side work. Address 1562 Mission St.
fitlpm. b8Il
J'OR RENT 3 furnished housekeep
ing rooms, ground floor. 481 Union
St. S7
VANTK1) To buy modern house
not far front "state house and high
school. Address P pare Journal.
$10 buvs five acres Texas field.
Desdiaiiionia leasts sold at J5c now
worth $10,000 per acre.v Carter
paid 75c per upi nd sold for $8,
000 per acre. Texas-Rainbows End
now opening up shows same geo
logical formation as proven terri
tory. Leasesr here may Jump- any
price with first well coming ill. It's
a speculation, "but the kind of apec
ulatien that has made many small
Investors rich. The Fortuna Oil Co.
started iii by 'several men poonns
$400 in leasesHSold out recently
for a million1 dollars. If you don't
understand lease business, we will
gladly explain all details. Remit $10
for five acres. We send you legal
lease form and keep you in touch
with developments. Send name for
free map and full information.
Rainbow's End Co., 417 Herskow
Itz hltlg., Oklahoma City, Okla, 81
BPIRELLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alice
A. Miles, 451 N. 21st. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
aflernoon. Phone 1902J.
MARUY If lonely; for results, try
me; best and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish,
marriage soon; strictly confident
tlal; most reliable; years experi
ence: description, free. "The Suc
cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, box 656,
Oakland, Calif. ;. - , 277
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for Hale. State - cash
price, full particulars. D. F.- Bush.,
Mlnneanolis. MtW- (
WANTED Lady of 'gentleman
wanted In Salem -for Watklns
B Fa-2Qo
mous Products. ' WAwris goods
known everywhere. , Big profits.
Write today. Wntklns company, .1
Winona, Minn.
FOR SALE Good secondhand lum
ber, about 1600 ft surfaced boards,
800 ft, rustic and shlplap, 1100 ft.
rough boards, all lengths, 4x6, 6x6
2x8 and 2x10. "Phone 1689. 87
t!OOD lot on Fnirmount Heights to
trade for light car. must be in good
shape. Laflar & Laflar, 407 Ore
Bonbldg, 87
ICO ACRES of good land In Canada
to trade for Salem property. $3500
Laflar & Laflar, 407 Oregon bldg.
25 ACRES, paved road, all in crop,
good buildings to trade for modern
Salem home. Laflar & Laflar, 407
. Oregon lihig. -87
uk sale Modern, bungalow tit
2.110 State street, is the best buy
in Salem. See owner at premises gt
. 3 1- ni. Sunday. - 87
NICE 5 room modern huiigulow, pav
ed street, furnace.- $3000. Laflar
Laflar, 107 Oregon MflR, 87
iOH SALE Two horHes: also 2 mim
will farrow soon. Phone 284R. e89
. 'UK SALE Chean bv the owner. "iO
acres slump land. Two nnd one half
. "ines ri-nm Salem. Phone 2052. 37
JERSEY and Holstein heifer calf, for.
"'"if. tost milk stock. 420 8. Win
"-' i-j.mjakle eklerly woman, good
took wants iiKnt .housework. Call
orjddress 463 S. Commercial St. 87
Vk) SALE One farm wagon, one
oisc harrow, one McCormick mow-
, w. Phone 2027J, Rt. 2, wallas road.
IiL'rinw, . .. 1
Th?,R,LT,IIBRF'D Leghorn
hatching eggs, $1.25, $1.75 per set
7 la eggs;- settlnsMiens-wam-M.
691, s. Com.-St. Chas, A. Kibbo.
!je. 1 - 8 1 M. T
l0nJA,LE3K-mch Wi'Kot with
woo double box, spring scat. 1810
HitoniniProial, t n: f . - c89
A ERr fine used plani' for sale,
'heap f0r cafn. Ca at 519 Court
r Lt , 1X0 l''".' large up-ht.L-
wal"ut case for sale at fi
nai-piin price. The Wiley B. Allen
J19 Court St. C89
Knt c. . . ..
I, "w 1917 Haxwell, touring,
. " 9000 miles, used as family car.
Hies. 4 50 rvfir rnt n.n tn
r tans jUst Hke new. car is in!
P-np shape mechanically, the best!
nfine m Salem. If taken by Mon
!' evening $600. Reason for sale:
' :,!,,0P wll for my purpose. Call!
- '11- ' you want a rant hu l,,,m-l
finmtk'' a ver' attractive price on
"e npiv i...' , . .
term, r,.; '"ucr piano witn easy
beam,-,? ,ls is 8 veTV fine piano and
Vile v I e,nouKh -'or any home. The
""e5 B. Allen Co., 5lS Court St.
vOi.(i prom 1,'
at mrinv- i u .
of . .' """u'u oegin a course
day it' 'nthlB Brh00 Mon
to fin ti, 1 recluir that number
when L November and December,
he . ,.me who enter now should
clais i u f tn work- A new
(dav " """"hand next Monday
training 00,') 8tart that business
iTVnliiHIlS" College. 87
Prunen M I' 1D Dearing Italian
atton v f' '" der cultl
ut LiL, J-bundinea- 5 mil
Per aort y. dl8trict' rttck "ad. $200
Baker s,o ?"? from ownpr. H. M.
High rr, Irtlon street, or 160 S.
tlo"e i83j;ate reasons r
Ai'KES. 73 in ultlvati.m. baUm
pasture and timber: fair house and
i barns, family orchard, runuimr
water piped to house and burn"-
""' nuNf on me place; this
r is nn-atea quarter mil from
a good graveled road 4 miiei
town, mail route and telethon.
price per acre, terms
720 acres, 75 in cultivation 65 of'
i- . i p: 801,16 good Pasture
nu umoer. rair house and barns.
num. urcnara, well watered- ail
the horses, cattle, hogs, farm ma
chinery, all good stuff, go in at $-0
per acre if sold soon; school houTse
on the place; this is located 5
miles from town, mail route and tel
ephone; terms. Particulars of these
and other good buys write Henry
Ambler, Philomath, Benton countv
Ixjal. BAitSWEN, with car prefer
red, in your locality. 50 to I'OO
weekly, selling that wonderful "Co
raja" patch not an "all rubber" or
khaki back If. different patent
ed nothing else line it
. ket. No competition. You can make
ciean up Hipst in the world, for
automobile inner tubea territory
free. (You can start with a 16 or
der.) "Coraja" Rubber Mfg. Co,
Dallas. Texas. P. 8: Hare vr..i
openings for state managers with
00 to (1000 capital-Should easily
make. $500 to $2000 per month Be
quick, or the other fellqw will get
TWO carloads Avery Six tractors now
in. transit, m,t fcalf -enouph-for local
. demand. Sign Bp- tfuicle Before all'
are gone. Salem .Auto -Exchange.
229 State.
'""lou, savers tne repairmen-at
the Salem Auto Exchange, a2 Bteie
FOR SALE 5 room plastered house,
full basement. 365 N. 20th St. 89
i nnsnu in on leases may
make $10,000; $2 acre. Oil leases m
Texas Rainbow's End. Opening new
nem may make your lease worth
$1800 acre. This has happened Pi
Texas. Many drilling- wJls hear
my holdings. Buy low; sell Mgh.
That way makes fortunes for lease
owners. Remit $10 for -5- acres.'
Write free information oil maps.
Peeos Valley Co., 114 V4 N. TttSbin-'
son St., Oklahoma City, Okla. . ........
FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn heVis;.
Phone 34F1J. f87
VOR SALE 5 room bungaluw, -price
$850. Lot 105 by 100. Terrris. ' "
7 room, house on 17th street-, Katli,
electric lights, toilet, fire - biace.
Easy terms, price $3200. 469 State
St. W. E, Compton, phone J30 "tfr
34F13. T.,,H7
FOR SALE Ancuna eggs and' New
Oregon strawberry- plants. Phone
112F12. jj'7
FOR SALE Farm, by owner,i 250
acres black sell, 220 In cultivation,!
200 in growing crop; Close toBal-
em and paved road. Tlood'huiWlngs
and complete equipment, Address
t ti a, journal. fS'l
FOR SALE Pigs, six weeks old, $1
nnd up. L. Bechtel & Son, Phone
39K4. . fl9
DO YOU want to own an elegant
home of 160 acres in the sunny
south where one crop has sold for
. more than price of land. Excellent
climate, best of soil, good health
townR, railroads, mail, phone,
school,' etc. Convenient. , On ac
count of old age and-failing health
I will sell at low price and easy
terms. Jlight take part in Salem
residence, property. L. H.' Suter,
1005 . N. 17th. Street. - W7
FOR SALE Bulck 4 . cylinder car.
' admirably suited for "either bug or
light truck, at prlce;Htle more
than cost of nearly new Michelle
, tires . on - car., Phone, quick, 862 or.
'f--'- f, 1 .
Ue street, -bpj
r nii on Mile nUf58 St
' p'rtsite county.cow h
House., . 87
RED one-Week old, reduced price
.- 'f,. n 1)1 uir oild- BK'tntl St.
WANTED-.Elflerly man for light work
on farm, caring for chickens ami
cow. Address ii Capital Journal. 87
FOR SALE I'.y owner best lot In Sa
lem for view,' 80x100, Lincoln St.
1 i4 blocks of Commercial, good
terms, street improvement paid.
Phone 1546 or eall 260 N. 15th. 87
FOR BALE-i-Fy owner 5 room, hous.
3 4 blocks from state house, lot 63
, x86V. Call 260 N. 15th or phone
1546. eood terms. 87
FOR SAL El Dining set, 1 oak butCet,
, l-oakUlining tuble,-6 leather. -IKsat
chairs, one oak library table, god
' as' nexf, cost $175 wlll 'seli cheap.
665 Nv Liberty St. . T
FOR "SALE One 2M,-ton truck and
a good transfer business, get in it,
good money maker. Phone '1177,
404 Ferry St.'- . c92
FOR SALE Good farm, 148 acres,
located mile south of Laffuyett,
Vi mile of paved road. 30 acres of
Italian prunes -3 years old. good
family orchard, 40 acre, good
beaver dam land, fair buildings,
good soil all In cultivation, only 20
in pasture. For information Phone
' 111F21 Write A. J. Mathis, Salem,
Ore., Box 138. E R 6. 92
"For Sale Houses.
$5 BONUS for information that wi'l
enable us to rent oesirauie o ui u
room house. Address box 6T Jou--
nal. J8'
FOR SALE By owner, new 8 room
house; strictly modern, fireplace,
furnace, large sleeping porch, gar
age, about 1 lucres land, 20 fruit
trees, paved street neararllne. 530
N. 24th. a8s
$1600 HOUSE BARGAIN fi room
house, lot 75x160, barn," chicken
hobscT fruit trses and, garden,
knio lncntlnn. one block from S.
Commercial St., full basement, city
water, toilet, etc. Possession. soon.
. Extra good buy.' Price' $1600 cash.
or $800 cash, balance like rent. S.
R Pearson Sr Peed, 405 Oregon
JrtdgPJione43! n
FOR SALE 6 room house aim iui;.
nilure, well located, furniture ex -
oiitv nnd new. moder.i
plumbing, a good buy. Price $-,-600.
7 roo mmodern house, furn
ace garage, "3 blocks from Carne
gie library. -Price $500. 5 room
cottage near S. P. station. Price $1,
050. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 2 . o
State St. Tel 615. LTIL
100. RES. PHONE 1608J. HAUL
iivn AND MOVING. a96
FOR SALE Rent or trade, house
garage, fruit, garden. .Phone "90.
FOR SALE 5 room house at 1484
Chemeteta street. Price $2500.. W.
H. Grabenhorst ft Co.. 275 State
-.fact J ' a87
FOR SALE Five room modern
tmimp. full basement.- ZO
FOR SiVLE i room -house, large 101.
$1100. See owner Rayford T. Ooode
inn Toffarnnn citV. a9.J
.Modern 4 room house
and 2 lots in Salem: good bearing
fruit trees on place, on paved street.
Address Geo. DeBord, Hillsda e.
Or., box 19, Rt. 2. a8'
FOR SALE 10 room house at 687
N. Front street, corner lot good lo
cation. Price $4200. W. H. Grabe.i-
FOR SALE T room bungalow, lot
72 54x75 feet, located at 160 Divis
ion street, close in location and a
good buy for $3675. W. H. Gr
Lenhorst & Co., 275 State St. aS .
run SALE.
iOK SALE A neat little buugalow
in West Salem, $500, termi
acre farm, 40 in prunes on good ,
rona. line soil. A. L. Seamster Reil-
r-r- i
UK sale By owner one 7 room.
"""icily modern bungalow, excel-1
ent view' block and half from car 1
l'."8 in uih Salem 149 Superior j
bldg. Phone 43.
FOR SALE a room, cozy bungalow
and a ( room bungalow., modern
except heat, some fruit. Inquire
1242 N.Front. a9S
FOR SALE New 7 room modern
house except basement; 2 large lots
with . abundance nf bearing fruii.
This is a beautiful home. Prise
13200. Hart & Huller, 208 Oregon
bldg. . a
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, 2 fine
lots, most all 1n bearing fruit. Price
$1850. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon I
a i .
SALE 5 room icOttasre. bath.
toilet, 3 Mocks from post office on
N. Church street. Price $2250. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 8 room strictly modern
residence, close in. Price $3750.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon Mug.
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, mod
ern except furnace. Also furniture.
1290 S. 14th street Call after 6:30
p. m,. - a94
SEVERAL houses for sale, anionic
- them a 5 room bungalow. Inquire
493 N. Cottage, phone 1186. alll
EXCHANGE 2 lots in Meekers ad
dition to Salem for acreage or smaU
car. A. Gueffroy, Tigard, Or.
; n87
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE Few more small tracts,
recThm farm, one mile east of pen.
must sell right away, no better ber
ry land, terms. J. II. Koltes, Hotel
Tiligh. ' b87
FOR SALE Or exchange for Salem
property, 37 acres clear, level land,
near paved highway and school,
3 -miles from Corning, Cal., tae
city or acreage, and pay difference.
'Mj-s, B; M. Woods, Rt. 2, Salem.
NOTICE Must dispose of property,
have five good lots with 26 bear-
4ng' toiit trees, five Cherry trees,
-tnree;. prune trees, remainder m
nears and apples; real bargain it -
-this -price, $225 per lot if taken at
.once or wouia consiaer late mocieii
T. LlTi'f-c.68 Wner " i0lKfi
Commercial St.
FOR. BALE Direct from .wner, a
highly improved 10 acre tract, all
-out" in- fruit and berries, address
box M J Capital Journal. - g87
e6r,SALE By owner, 15 acres Just
"outside city limits, all plowed, 3400
loganberry tips go with the placo.
Call nt 825 N. 22d St. b8.
FOR SAXiE 15 acres land, fruit, ber
rlesT "grain; house furnished, all
Btock and Implements; also car. In
quire 3 miles north from fairground
on Pacific highway. John Lephart.
CHOICE closeyin berry land, 10 aero.
located just outside city limits, u
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum road, all cultivated; pob-
. session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
.' Phono 1427. b
FOR SALE 20 acre fruit farm, 4
, acres 5-year old prune 3 straw berries,
4 goose berries, 4 acres un
;..der.' irrigation from Inge splng:
' most of balance ready to plant; fair
buildings, 4 miles from Salem on
food road. Price $8500. Hart and
Muller.' 208 Oregon bldg. ji
FOR, -SALE 3 acre tract on north
enii Brooks ave. Just outside city
limits,-.. 100 fine chickemv cow and
a" horse, small farming outfit. WIU
s-sell this week. See owner, J. D.
tHenn. '- , , P87
For Sale Miscellaneous.
Foil "SAl.K Oood hotel proposition.
Ko- IS Silverton. Or. ' c88
Fii'.t" SALl-J Good -reTali grocery
.proposition. Box 12, Silverton, Or.
NEW gasoline engine, drag saw out
fit for sale, a bargain. 205 Oregon
bldg. Phone 1427
FOR SALE Dining room set and li
... brary table, golden oak, good as
new. price reasonable, can morn
IngS and evenings except Satnrday.
' 665 N. Liberty St. Cf l
FOR SALE A good farm wag-on at
891 N. Commercial. j c87
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Almost new baby reed
carriage at 110 N. Commercial
St. ; CS.B
For Sale Nursery Stock.
ETTERBEHG 121 strawberry plants
$7.60 per 1000; -Wilson $6. P. O
box 214, Salem, Or. ' ,d93
LOGANBERRY plants wanted. Ward
K. Richardson, 2395 Front it.
Phone 494. d93
LOGANBERRY, Mammoth and Hima
laya blackberry and asparagus
plants. Fresh garden setds. Ward
K. Richardson, 2395 Front St,;d93
THE famous Etterberg 121 straw
berry plants, best canner and-Bhir-per,
heavy producer. A very profit
able crop bringing quick return.
Vigorous healthy plants, quantity
prices. Order now. Ward K. Rich
ardson. 2395 Front St. ,d93
STRAWBERRY ftlants in any quan-
.1... 101 flnA TV,llot
Progressive Everbearing, Oregon.
Treula, wjison. xnriny, wsu .mul
ed plants. Low -quantity prices, City
delivery. Ward K. Richardson," 2395
Front, Phone 494. sd93
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Cofh'l.
For Sale Livestock. ;
.AN se iew more young calves. C.
c Russell, phone 8r 3.
SALE One 3-year old
1 , . " ra..
fillie, 1
4-year old- gelding. Phone 38F11.
GOOD 6 year old cow for sale. Phonfe
Oil VV ""f
WANTED Stock hogs wanted. Phone
64F13. - "i
FOR SALE Young fresh cow for
sale. P. Bischoff, Rt. 6, box 4 9 A,
Salem, Or. ' eT
FOR SALE 19 1 head of goats and
some kids. 776 8. lztn.
FOR SALE 1100 lb.- driving horse,
. rubber tired buggy and harness.
1311 N. 4th street e8T
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, heavy
... hj ith Evr,nA 75IYR
milker. 1311 N. 4th. Phone 750K.
For Sale Poultry
WANTED Plymouth Rock chicken.
or Rhode Island Red.. Phone 602
1 J
RABY CHICKS--Tancred and Barron
strain, $18 per 100. Hatch weekly :
O. J. Smith, Turner, Or., Rt. 1. f!04
for SALE Hatching eggs, fertility
ci.rnnleed. Phone 93F5. ! f87i nlDed into house and barn. This
TOBTsALEFweeka old White Le?-
. . . . . -
bnrn cli cks, fall 1M9. 15 1-
FOR SALE Day old chicks, Hansons
stock of Corvallis, 300 or less. W.
L. Fuller, phone 85F32, Brooks
ri- '87
WANTED 50 1-year old White Leg
horn hens. Write N. R. Fister, Rt.
1 box 68, Gervata, Or. State pric :.
, For Sale Wood.
WANTED 30 cord big old fir,
10 it i
ST i
length. Phone 9S1M.
, ... m ac-, --c-
lenym. i m.c ... v
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
your wood. Phone 1004. m93
WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash,
Small block wood reasonable. Office
SOS 8. Churcn- rhone 1542. Fred
E. Wells, ee
IS your car hard to start 7 Does your
motor give trouble? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone'308. M. J.
Jackson, prop. Will tow. your car.
Our work guaranteed. " qlOw
FOR SALE Ford . carlate model.
good condition-. zin iitn St. qsa
Radiators, tenders and gas tanks
repaired, traptor radiators a ape
cialty: Ford radiators for Sale. 1&
8. 1 2 rh St. , Salem. Or. -
DUNTLY magneto brake timers in'
Fords and Fordson tractors, guar-
- anreed for fifty thousand - miles.
National snjrrk plugs. Clark's Tire
. House, 819 N. Coml St' Salem, Or.
. q87
FOR SALE Ford 'touring car. Good
condition. 1340 Shipping St. q89
FOR SALE Ford touring car, good
coliditiou. 260 N. 13th. q89
FOR SALE Chevrolet in good con
dition, also 1914 Studebaker No. $.
Will take team on either car and
give terms. Room 416, Masonic
Temple. . : . . , . q87
FOR SALE --2 -ton truck, S'ton
trailer, all in gdod repair 404 Fer
ry St. Phone 1177. q90
$3500 TO LOAN on good city prop
erty. No commission to pay. In-
quire room 325 Oregon bldg. ; mS
DRESSMAKING by day. Phone 910M
BUILDING contractors," altering and
, repairing. Frapk Beer. t& Co. Call
1559W. ' ' ' mt'd
FOR plumbings and general repair
work, call 1586W. 1ST
$3500 TO LOAN on first class secur
Ity. H. E. Bolinger.
kauuiu o "
; lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren, n n. uom i,
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furnl
ture Store, 271-N. Commercial St.
Phone T34. Residence 1359 Hines
WALL paper 2 So double roll and up.
Max O. Burett, 179 N. Com'l. m
Wanted Help.
WANTED Two men to cut logs, can
make good wages, must be good
men that understand cutting logs.
For .information xall 8-25, Turner,
Or. . -. ' t g87
MARRIED man wants work in town
good teamster. Room 1, 891 N, Com
St. Phone 456. .','"'' h87
WANTED Farm hand, married with
wife or small child; small house
with milk, wood and garden, must
milk and understand farming, and
be good worker, 6 Wnonths work ur
longer. C. C. Russell, Gervais, Rt.
2. Phone 8F3. B"
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED A few tons of oats ani
vetch or clover hay. Tel. T2F1S be
tween 6and9j)!tn; 186
WANTED A houses full of furniture
Box S Capital Journal. .'i90
W. BEAVER well -driller, one mils
. ennt of faimround. Phone 10F5.
- - - n ma
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. n
OFFICE rooms for . rent, steam heot,
splendid Janitor service. 205 Ore-
gon bldg,
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen,-steam
' heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
WANTED To rent garage or place
suitable to keep car near Church
and Ferry St. Address Garage cm a
Capital Journal. 1 , '" 11
FOR RENT 160 acres T miles fr
Silveston; for particular, inquire of
E. Dayball, Scotts Mills, Or. J88
ROOMS for rent by day. Inquire 49 J
N. Cottage, phone 1186.. J90
FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in.
Phone 1525. ., ,; J87
1 Real Investments.
A real home and 21 acre, nrunss,
logans, evergreens, red raspberries
Lawtons, family orchard, an incom1;.
240 acre stock ranch, school on cor
ner of place, 7 miles from Molalla;
20 acres cultivated, 80 slashed; oa
good road; buildings, $21 per acre.
30 acres, 2 in prunes, family orch
ard, 1 mile from town with good high
school, on good road; buildings, lots
of work, $2600, $600 cash. '
Homestead relinquishment $300.
: Some city property priced right.
W advertise your property at youi1
price, we will not Increase the prlco
and make the sale Impossible.
Estes & Magee.
428 Oregon bldg, Salem
Portland office, Chamber of Com.
6 room house, large lot pn car line,
for quick sale, $900. ....
23 acre tract near Salem, fine set
buildings, nice orchard,- choice loca
tion, fine home on good terms.
Choice 10 acre tract half fine bear
ing prunes, half strawberries, 8 miles
from Salem, juuoo.
Choice ZVt acres close in on Garden
road, 7 room house,, barn,, orchard.
Snap. $3C00. ' ,
'. Good 160 acre stock ranch on Pa
cific highway near town, -good lm
orovements. well watered, good fenc
es, in southern Oregon. $8000..Wou)J
exchange for Salem, property. .
t room bungalow, good lot,' on car
line. $1000 will handle. -. ,'..
' Perrine & Marsters;
211-12 Com. club bldg n
This I. the best paying big dairy
proposition we have heard of, 86
! acres of fine land adjoining good lit
tle city not far from Salem. 80 acre.
cultivated, 40 acres in line nay crop
and balance is ready for corn to fill
the silos. Good 9 room nouse and fine
uuirj uttiii TT.,., - .
! bl)ttU washmg plant, good
dairy Darn wnn siios. aiiw
granary, hen house, and other necef
nary outbuildings. With the place r.o
1 s Una jerRpv oows. thoroughbred
; 5 h0r9fl 2 ponies, brood bow.
j wagongi Hy baleri corn
. . . , ...m 1
1 mire, new cream senara
planter, miming im, ,, viunn.
tor blacksmith ship and equipment
, knA - yxn6n ot Implements. Also a
, Bas engine that pumps-water which
farm raises all the feed for the dairy
I -,-n. A . I amnunf nr mill feil
vc,.i . . ......
Income for March was more than
$511. All stock, equipment imple
ment", feed, crop and everything
goes for $17,500. You can't beat it.
Investigate at once. City advantages,
but no etty taxes.
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank- of Commerce bldg.
i I
3 acres one mi'.e nt with houe
fine garden land, HSO0, or wiil ;
rent. Eight room modern house, j
paved street closo to car line, east i
r Salem. A snap at $2500. Sevens
room plastered house one block to j
car, $17a0. Three room house and;
two lots, $300. F. Ii. Wood, 341
State St. nSi
Nearly new t room house, modern
I except basement, with ! good sized
i lots and -IS to 20 fruit trees in bear
I ing. Also chicken house and pep. Ev
erything in good cojuiitiou. .On grav
eled street." Can you believe it? Price
$2100. See us today.
5 room plastered cottags with bath.
small basement, - etc Comparatively .;
new ana in good location close to car
line. House and 7 good lot. for $3200
Modern & room Dungaiow witn run
basement but no furnace. .East front,
? -good walnut -trees on property.
Range, rugs, outlet, tables, chairs and
all kinds of furnishings, included
witn me oungaiow at itivsv. tjiose oigalem. $17,500, terms.
oar line.
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg.
You are it buyer you can buy a
neat little bungalow with east front,
electric lights, bath, several nice cher
ry trees, on car line, $1200. Terms.
Also 1 small cottage at $750, $75
down, baUVnce $10 per month.
Another at $800, $100 down and
$10 a month.
A T room bungalow, modern in
every respect, with fireplace and fur
nace, on paved street and car line,
$300, 6 miles out at $75 per acre.
This can be subdivided and make two
or three farms if you do not want all
for yourself. v -
60 acre farm 7 miles out 40 acres
of fine prunes, a beautiful 6 room
bungalow on it. Will be on paved road
this Bummer.
Have sonie good investment prop
erty. A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 353. n
- Good 4 room house, toilet, pantry,
water, out buildings; good soil, gard
en planted, close to .street car, $350
cash, balance $10 per month..
10 acres, south, small house, $750.
10 acres, Polk county, good house
and barn, $1,200.
42 acres, south, builrtingB;' 6 acres
prunes. Vi cultivated, $75 per acre.
292 acres, south, good DuiiUlngs, za
acres in prunes bearing, lots of wood,
spring water. More cultivated tor less
than $50 per acre.
H. E. Brown
Room 8, S41 State. t.T
, . Good Buys.
' 15 acre tract located 4 Vi miles
south of Salem on good rock road and
cloBe to Pacific Highway, 9 acres
bearing Italion prunes, 5 acres jt
cherries, hi acre of bearing family or
chard. Price $7300.
20 acre tract located 4 3-4 miles
south of Salem on rock road nnd 3-4
mile from Pacific highway, 8 acr-
of 3-year old prunes, tips to set three
acres of loganberries, 2000 strawber
ry plants to be set this spring, .5 acres
of peaches; one team of horses, wa
gon and harness, 2 hogs, 1 cow, 36
chickens; two room house, good barn.
Price $8000.
9 7-10 acre tract located close to
carline, store and school, sightly lo
cation, 8 room modern bungalow.
good new barn, 80 bearing walnut
trees, 67 bearing cherries, 75 apples,
some plums, peaches, loganberry and
blackberries. This Is nn ideal home.
Price $14,000. ' - - ; . , '
l'48H acre tract located on paved
road, all cultivated and In crop. Price
$300 per acre. 1
106 acres located en the Garden
road, nearly all cultivated and In crop
House and two barns, team, wagon
and. harness and some machinery
goes. Price $300 per acre. Terms.
63 acre grain find fruit solk 65
acres cultivated and plowed, ready to
plant and sow, balance pasture ajid
timber. This place Is located 6 Vt ml?s
south of Salem on the Pringle road,
rock road; 6 room house, good barn,
well. Will consider good residence up
to $5000 as part payment. Prioo $10,
600. Fine M block located on Falrmount
Hill, 150 by 150 feet, paved streets.
Price $3300.
B acres of cherries, just coming In
to bearing, 4H miles -out on good
road. This is a snap. Price $1300. -
25 acres of timber nnd .tump land,
located 6 piiles south , qf Salem
close to station on main line of S. f.
railroad. Price $2000.
20 acre tract, 5 acreB of bearing
loganberries, 5 acres of prunes, some
fine timber, rock road. Price $7500.
7 room plastered house located at
1245 E street. Price $3200.
6 room modern bungalow located
at IRIS S. Commercial street. Price
8 room house located at 1010 ook
street. Price $280.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
?7S State street n
6 room' bungalow, modern except
furnace; basement. This place is
a bargain at $2850. See us about this
at once. -
- 5 acres 4 miles on Pacific hfghway
This is the best buy wo have listed
$1000, hi , cash, terms.
' 6 acres 4 miles on Pacific hlghwpy
all necessary buildings. A fine buy
at $2500, hi cash, terms.
These two tracts join.
Here is a dandy place located at
461 N. High St., lot 63x155 contain
ing two houses; the house on the front
has 14 rooms, would make a fine
apartment house, used at present as
a-rooming house; tt room nouse on
the rear; both houses are strictly
modern. A suitable payment down
takes this with good terms on the
balance. See-us about this place at
, .-. McDonald , & Parks .
Real Estate Agency
162 S Com'l St. room 1. Phone 74T
' 6 room- bungalow, large lot with a
number of good fruit trees, located
in east Salem on car line, price
500, terms. "
An elegant 7 room bungalow
blocks from itate house, strictly mod
ern, on car line and paved street or
i quick, sale $5000; good terms on part
j 5 room cottage with large lot and
fruit trees on paved street, near c-.u
iruil irewe uu iacu uri, iicai
,me. Thg piace (. )n fine condition
and good location, $2100, part cash
5 room house, 4 blocks from city
hall. $850. $200 down und balance
monthly - payments. Dandy place for
anyone .working In Hunt eannery or
King Co. House, in- goo conuuion
Act auick on this one.
( room bungalow with furnace, on
caved street, close to state street
; house empty; terms.
use empty: terms, lauuu.
( room house, modern except base
ment paved street and carline; boui-e
empty. A bargain for quicit sate ij.
Wa have a nusnber of fine farms.
both large and small, to Mil and
trade. See . Us first. -
We loan money. We write Insur
Laflar & Laflar
n 407 Oregon bldg.
One of the most desir-
ai'le country homes in the county.
only 3-4 luiia from city Umits. and j
on paved road. 2b acres, good;
house, oarn. warenouse juo. amai. ,
greenhouse, wind-null, not and. CQld..
water in house, fruit dryer; 13 i
acres prunes. 2 acres cherries. 2 i
acres apples, 3 acres English war
nuts, 1 acre strawberries; only 5
minutes ride to center of the city.
, First time offered for sale and will
only be on the market a short time.
H. E. Bolinger, 32S Oregon bldg.
. - n
. . r . - Best Buys,. . -
5.aerea good-fruit Und, S -miles
from Salem, 2 acres cleared, 3 timbar
$800', terms. " -.
5 acres near Pacific highway, 4 lo
ganberries, bearing; 1 prunes with
set betweeu. $3200,
r 5 acres cherries, bearing, - market
tvSrietiea; only 3 H miles out on good
.roads 42590, terms.
9 acres on Garden road clese in,
vcres bearing prunes; 6 room -strict
ly modern new house, garage and line
barn, the finest suburban home near
S acres near paved road close to
city limits; 5 room house, barn and
family orchard, fine berry land. $3.
000. Easy terms.
20 34 acres 41 miles out, sraab.
house, shed; 8tt acre, cherries 11
years old, 1 acre walnuts, some logane
and strawberries, all bearing; 6Vi
acres oak timber. $11,000.
35 acres 1 miles from bridge in
Polk county, on good road, 10 acres
are cleared, -balance brush and tim
ber. $7000. Easy terms.
24. acres 54 miles south, 20 in fruit
bearing; 8 roo mhouse, hot 'and cold
water and bath, good barn. $9600.
. 45 acres all cleared, 40 in prunes, 7
years old; T room house, large barn;
2 4 miles from good town. $12,600.
7 room modern house, good loca
tion, close in, furnished. $4000.
7 nr,i etctntlv mndorn linuon. !f
blocks from capital building, best lo
cation in city $7500, terms.
10 room strictly modern house; one
of the best -corners In city; $6500 eash
6 room modern bungalow, garage,
wood shed, best of garden land,
only $3250, term..
5 room bungalow, lot 100x150 feet
basement, built in features; for quick
saje priced $1700, $350 cash balance
easy terms. -
Want a $500 loan on 80 acres tim
ber land.
841 Btsts Ht
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-18 U. S. bank. Phone 841.
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972.
FARM LOANS Any ..amount, low
rates. Full repayment privilege.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20 -year loans at I per cent Haw
kins ft Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or. ; . J
MARION-POLK National -Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6H percent 803 fialem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Honey to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loan.
Any amount Long time.
6 hi and t peroent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt
401 Masonlo Temple. Salem. Oregon
Marshall, osteo-
res, phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, , ostsopathlf
physician and surgeon,' 408-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 58F5. ' 104
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 5o
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, size. 86 to 68
inches high. Paints, oil ' and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street Phone 184
Lodge Directory.
pCf CHEMEKETA Udge No. 1
meet, every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every TueBday i
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunte,
K. R. A 8.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, .eo
retary, Balem, Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o'clock.
Oregon Grage camp No. I960 meeu
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs, Carrie ii Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 738. North
20th. . ' '
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'oiock id
McCornack hall, cor. Court and lilt
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Ross, C. C; L. B. Peer, clerk
PROTECTION lodge "No. 2 A. O. U.
W. meet, every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. In McCornack hall, cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W; A. I Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp no. 2
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In McCornack building
Court and Liberty streeta H. G
Coursey, V. C.J Frank A. Turner,
clerk. .
' READY TO RC.N .' '
' '2 "1918 ' MAXWELL'S
Safety Raor Blades.
r o.u uuaipemu,
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St
Why Sell for Less.
h o
,,,h nlt ,.hl,i h-
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furnltur.
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade St
Bills' pavable monthly In advance
Phone ST. .
" Scavenger.
i SALEM SCAVA::3ER Garbage ixd
refuse -of -ail kinds removed on
monthly .contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mal, removed. - Office phone Mala
Market Reports
Grain: 'Wheat .o. 1 $3.00; feed
oat. 80985c; milling eats 809860:
cheat hay $181; oat bay $21SX;
-clover had $23; mill run $47.
Butter fat: Butterfat 44c; creamery
butter 84 65c. ,
Perk, veal and mottoa: Perk oa fMt
IS S-4c; vead fancy 23c; steers lie;
lambs 13 Vic; now. TO 9c; ewes to;
sheep, yearlings 12 Ho. '
Dressed pork tic '
Egg. and poultry: Eggs cash 800
light hens, 28 30o; heavy hen. 82o
old rooster. 16016c; springs 840.
Vegetables: Onions per pound So:
celery doa. $1.76; potatoes. Yakima
8c Oregon 6 He; sweet potatoes to
beet, per sack $2; turnips per sack
$3.75; carrot, per sack $1.28; parsnips
per sack $3.60; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ian ei 40o doa.
Fruit: Oranges $3.606.00; lemon.
$5.60 6; banana. 11a; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 80;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45o; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 doa.;
red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb 8cj
peas 1 5c lb.
. Retail prices; EgS. - dozen 37c;
creamery butter TO 72c; country but
ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $2.35 3.45
soft wheat $2.(0.
Portland, April 10. Cattle steady;
receipts 267; grain and pulp fed
steers $11.00 11.75; choice $10,609
11.00; good to choice $9.60 10.50;
medium to geod $8.759.76; fair to
medium $T.258.25; common to fair
$8.25 7.25; oholce cows and heifer.
$9.00910.00; good to choice $8,009
8.00; -medium to good $6.6097.80; .
fair to medium $5.506.60; canner
$3.006.50; bulls $6.008.00; prime
light calves $15.0017.00; medium
flight $10.00914.00; heavy 8T.009
10.00; stocker. and feeders $7,809
8.60. !
Hogs steady; receipts none; prime
mixed $16.50 917.00; medium $16.00
916.50; rough heavy $12.00 916.00;
pigs 113 15.B0;
Sheep Bteady; receipts none; spring
lambs $18.00920.00; light valley
$15.751T.00; heavy $W.2515.75;
common to medium $11 14.50; year
lings $14.50918.00; wethecs $14,000.
14.60; ewe. $10013.
Batter '
Portland, Or.i April 10. Cubes ex
tra . 69o; parchment wrapped box
lots 63c; carton. 64c; half boxes Ho
more; less than hi boxes lo more;
butterfat 6263o f. o. b. station; 84
965o Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., April 10 Egg. sell
Ing price case count 38 39c; buying
price case count 36c; selling price
candled 40c; selected candled In car- -tons
48o. . .. ,
Poultry: Hens 3438o; broilers 40
45c; roosters-18c; turkey, dressed
5253c; geese 22 26c; ducks 409
45c, ,
'Wheat and MIU Stuffs.
Wlicni: $2.20; barley $70; oats
tlU.X'i i'ld; corn No. 3 yellow $749
76 liiil.- : ' .
liny: Buying price, valley timotny
$28.00; alfalfa $33; grain $28.00;
cheat $22; clover $30; pats and vetch
$26. ' ' ' '
MUlstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, elt
artage $2 extra. MIU run, car lots o
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley $TS
rolled oats $66.80; ground barley $71
scratch feed $80.
Corn whole $66; oraeked $68.
Carjnda ranks second among na
tions for the manufacture and own
ership" of automobiles.
The estimated production of agri
culture type motor tractors for 1920
Is 300.000.
The Boston postal service In Massa
chusetts Is to be augmented with IV
additional motor trucks.
The state of Oregon has nearly ten
times as many motor vehicles a. the
entire country of Norway, 1
Twenty-five per cent of the women
employed in Industries In New York
are earning on an average of $10.60
per week, while 60 per cent are earn
ing less than $12.50 per week and 86
per cent are earning less than $16 per
It Is estimated that from July, 1914,
to July, 1918, there were approxlmate
!n 1,200,000 women entrants In indus
try In Great Britain. This number U
exclusive of the 400,000 ' women who
came from domestic sorvlco and small
er work shops, , I
Eighty-five per cent of the females
working In Industrial life in California
are now under the Industrial, welfare
commission, which has been Instru
mental in securing more than $1,000,
000 In wages for women In the mercan
tile, "laundry and canning lndustiius, to
,-say nothing of tho gain to office work
ers and to thoso ingaged iii fish can
ning, fruit packing and unskilled occu
pations., -' ' ', '
Employes of the four mills of the
American Woolen Mills, In Lawrence,
Mass., are now able to purchase staple
commodities at cost price since the
company has opened stores at which
they can secure all the necessities of
life at far below the cost charged by
local merchants. If the scheme prove,
successful the plan will be Inaugurated
for the benefit of the employes of ths
54 mills controlled by the company.
r,YS fi
M Vbrfbrn fleU M