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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1920)
SATURDAY. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TAGE EIGHT. An item in an evening paper Salem Ball Park and Stands Ready for Opening Game with Moosejaw Tossers : A. "7 if 1 1 V CV I - . 0 T . ' , .... t. -'wS'. V . ' " 7-' V Yl'l s J '" .. -5, JA 8 Her h la. Although th stands ana bleachers have beea completed for sev eral week, many Salem and Marion county residents do not realise that one of the beat arranged ground in the date is located at l!th and Olfurd streets. Although the ether will not per mit the playing of the big game. San day. the Penatora will stage an eihil.i tton fumt- that afterfviMiH, the weather fHTmillftig. The game will be with ihe mysterious Yanfiigana and no ad mission will he charged. Manager Kiehop wants all Kalem ltawiall fan to conte out and gie their team the oni-e over. "A good chance fttr Kalem Ixwiatera lu come out and get an Idea of the team that will hold up thia rlt)'a end of the g.inie thia aumnier." Murray Wade, the artiat. had inatruc tioiui from the Ri-nator'a manager to l"uve that vacancy In the right hand portion of the bleacher Jimt aa an ob ject leiwon. "I't it be only In the plc tulV" aavji Mtnager Itlnhop. "ttilem liberality h.ia helped u In creatltui llila park, now we count on the putronage of the thouaamtR of futta In thia coun ty." In aihlition to the ewitlnst rapar H y of the atanda, protected parking will alau he provltltd, lo that the auto owner may remain" In charge of hla car and uln view the game In aafety. Thin In Itaelf la an it novation in the l;y of auto and robe thli vea. The Moime-Juw game fur BumLiy is railed off. All week the Kenatora hAve b.-en going Ihrnirgh intenwive training In anticipation of the game with II liam a Cana lian. All week the cluh h.m uaed every available moment In patting the grounds ' lutn At ah Placard announcing h, gm ttr, V- A?AJ 1; H C T! 'isoline war on in the Xewberg. and that as a : result mere are iuiios smiiuius one roSy fiU hut tank with the sacred fluid at a price as low as !l cents. , Let us hope that the battle will spread to Salem. Gas at ! cents! Can i ' you believe it? t e Di.CB.O'NeiI OPTOMETRIST-OPTiClA. 4 rrriceT OS uJ X. 8 ZfCte State a Beautiful New Wall Tints and cut out borders Just received.- j MAX O. BCREN i 17 N. Commercial St Ddn Kelley, Once 1 Famous Sprinter Dies In Canada Baker. Or, Apr. 19. Dinirt J. Kel-, ley. aged 33. once a famous amateur i athlet". died yesterday at Mernle. B. C, of pneumonia, according to word received here. As a member of the I'niversity of Oregon track team of 1903 and 1S0. Kelley, whose home was here for a number of year. toke not fewer than five world record, including a J-ai aeconda recard for the 100 yard dash at the P. S. A. meet at Spokane In June. ISO. Kelley set a record for the 20-yard dah at 31 1 i seconds, and set a coast record In the broad Jump In 190S at 24 feet S'i Inches. He took secoiia place In the broad Jump In the Olym pic game at London In 190$. COAST LEAGLEL ICBS Salt Lake Cily ter passing all measurement tests, is I taken to the "silent room." There it is run with a master gear under a I'. -ton stress. If it runs s.lently and smoothly it is exact, and is sent out for installa tion on a pot-war Maxwell. h put nut and In h'inor of the open " r. tlMt Jiw iua.1 the" (licy-Pall have 1-ai'ngeii Htrrnetive. w lnduna. ,. Jtiptlef Piiniu did 1t. Anyway, ho matrer how hsdly ha wants In rtrtithlt tht IfViIoia in contest wlfll una of Hi. tt-NCKt S'tl! P-' I j uKe my. April i. Loci j baseball fans are all primed and ready for the opening game of the n-tf racitic Loast league season here j Tuesday, when the Salt Lake Bees are scheduled to take on the Portlan 1 Beavers. No special "stunts" are to be held In connection with the open- nd the fans will be treated to only the customary band concet. Many new players have been addl to the Bee roster and fns are opti mistic over the team's chances of ending the season high in the win column. The Bee pitching staff has be.'n considerably strengthened through the signing by Manager Ernie John son, team shortstop, of left handers Jack Bromley. San Francisco 1919; Nick Cullop, 'ho played Independent last year and right hander El- atteson, with Dallas in the Tex- Hugene. Or., Apr. 10 The vanguard , as league in 1919. Two promising; re of the Moose Jaw Western Canada :Cruit hurlers. Thurston and James, league bascfe.tll team, headed by Man-jboth from California." have also been aner Nick William, arrived fcere Kri- jacquired. day for ten days training. The re-j Catchers Joe Jenkins. Chicago mainder of the team is expected to White Sox 1919 and Mcllenry. a semi reach Eugene tomorrow. During their pro have been added to the club and tarining here the Moose Jaw team will, they with Butch Byler. last year Bee cross bats with the I'niversity of Ore-lveteran. will cover the home sack. gon team dally. Jenkins Is reputed to be a heayv hit ter and In practice has shown plenty speed. Puke Reilley. rightfielder. acquir ed from Indianapolis and Worth, a St. Louis semi-pro. utility outfielder. f r r nave oeen signea. Kettiey in practK-e i 0 DO "enanCe at Boyes Springs. Cal.. the Bee train ing camp, nas shown he is a hea ;y hitter and a fast man on bases. Ed "Tubby" Spencer, last year has left the team to Moosejaw Tossers Arrive In Eugene ZFrosh Culprits Caught And Made The culprit who changed the'Bla.'k MeB" I k l.grwnd of the Junior nu- ,i,A M'ill .malt. .mnrfytnnH t.l li. .,Nia. 'MAI! I i aH.. eii.-t' , ... .1.,.kjj ,1... I8" catcher, . " 1 " . - ItlMV i t K H A ii I V, .... ir I- ,1,. I I , V. a,,lao l.'riJv morning suffered the con-.. . ' , i i . .u . league and Emmett Mu vey. 1919 left aH,.hv apnettring before the stu- ,n, ,. .... . and auya "Hit rain betM fan.wr fiat jffpwer. anyway. " ; w -gfi eg with two dav of guild weitth- H, -it would place u all at a dtaailvan tag to get out on the newly prepared ground at Oxford park," say Middle. "We want to have the diamond in tip top shape when we meet the Canadians and so have decided to take a chanco on the weather the following week. Nick William and Manager Bishop, after a pence conference, Thursday, de cided that the astrologers, the weather prophets and the "wee-Jees" are In henlflc aspect for Saturday, April IT. Next Saturday, the opener will he . played and Bishop announces that ev ery effort will be made to stage the best "first o' the season" game ever staged an) where. Following the first game, the Moose Jaw club will play a Sunday special and over Into the en milug week for a five-day twilight ser ies with the local club. Thl will mark the closing of the Ca tailian's spring training About April 14 .they will be on their way to open the Western Canadian league, playing the Calgary cluh at that place. May U. Manager Williams stated Thursday that hi boys are In good shape ant) that they will do their utmost to give Salem fans their money' worth In the coming series. d"iit in. ohs pel a. id being required ti do penance. , J Vein Ferguson and Leon Jennlson, j both members of the versatile fresn man clans, were the offenders. They were marched In In chains, with two grim axemen, and Ferguson officiated at the piano wjille "Jenny" was re quired to sing the Junlin- song, which he did In more or less correct Imitation of the Junior's rendition. The spirit of Willamette, In the person of Ed Socar lofsky, stated the nature and gravity of the offense, which was, he said, a dis grace to the traditions of the school, that no upper-class numeral should be molested. The culprits wers required to do penance while the quartet sang "Old Historic Temple," after which the axe men were ordered to break the shark els which held the prisoners. The affair Is no over yet. however, for It Is whispered that two more men had a part In the affair, and the sopho more are also looking for the men who daubed their numeral. It la said that 'ergtuon and Jenuiaon confessed to their part In the affair. Sale. Of Miller Tires Increases . 50 Percent In 1919 The passing of the year 1919 marked the conclusion of the biggest year In' the history of The Miller Rubber com pany, from the standpoint of produc tion and sales, according to F. C. Mill hoff, who Is general manager of that big Akron plant. r The annual report not having been officially completed Mr. Millhoff was not in position to announce the exact figures of sales increase. He did say, however, that the sire sales growth during 1919 would amount to nearly 50 per cent Increase over the i-evious year and that it would exceed even the most optimistic expectations of Miller official as announced in January 1919. But in spite of the healthy 1919 showing, Miller appears to have by no means finished its growing stage. The company, it is pointed out, has already added much new factory space and eq uipment which will make possible still greater growth in 1 020 than that of 1919. Miller, it would seem from reports, is out to smash all of its previous rec ords this coming year. This statement applies to Tires and Drug sundries. Al so, it Is emphasized that Miller will no: depart in the slightest way from its "long time policy of expansion." "The growth we anticipate and are planning for." said Mr. Millhoff. "will be strlotly due to increased demand for our products. For example the demand for our tires In 1919 went away ahead of our production facilities. Hawever, we have been constantly building to answer that demand and now we are not with Salt Lake this year. Marty I starting the New Year with production Krugg. last season's second basemai. ; facilities not only great enough to ans ls a hold out for more money. wer the Increased demand of last year. but sufficient to care for a logical j growth during the next twelve : months." I When the general sales manager was j asked what he considered the biggest j r tactors in me sales growth of Miller i ft LAJWering rriCe .. he answered: "The quality of the The low priced automobile has been'l."'' l"" " Wldr "nd "10re comPre- made possible by preJnt-day-tooU of 1" I',?1 POliC" h'gh'y e"'Cient such hr,i.. .'i... .. ', .... ? f! distribution arrangements and a defi- . , v.. us, DtrCl Illil-y IMS I. U I easily to the reauired Nowaday It is pomlble to make Tools Used Making Autos Big Factor DOKT IWIITS F.AMl.Y KOIWD. Owner-drivers like to do a little t part of the rear axle. tinkering with their cars, but they do This drive gear is first handled as a yy I w f !""' ,llua w"r" rul,- Also.) """ a inserted. In a Oleason gear LiOaSt LeaPUe OC0reSithry ar 1,01 kM,n on hvln search Pner, the most accurate machine of - i tor At Halt Ijike , n. It E nitg course of fair treatment in all cas- ,es, . MTU.. , . automobile part within a thousandths' ,h,t 7 , L po,m , ,? of an Inch fine by following sim. "e ' !fb" T "U"h Pmlnenc for Miller though painstaking procedure. ,tlr"D Pu. vears-unlform mile- The page upon whh this is printed 'TJ?' is about six thousand, of an Inch th icku 7, w"'" """V a m0 and , can be Imagined w ha, Zol l lanS ' k'0" f & bile factcrie, mean when they talk . ' 6 " about a gear being within a thouand' "Ever' da' more motorists learn ths exact. j ,h!,t "'e tires that uniformly wear tne The Maxwell plants In Detroit have ' Ion8e8t re lne lowwrt in c08t Per mile, kept In the front of the procession ! j That ta wl,ere the uniform mileage fea the installation ot machinery and devl-l ,ure pla- a lrominent Part. Millers do ce mat bring exactitude, as evidenced! . """"""' oy tne methods used in turning out the Maxwell drive gear, the most import- I'ortland 4 11 t fait Luk IT Jone. Juney and Koehler; Bromley, Keigee and Jriikint, At Lo Angele- R. J. xj. Oakland IT? lAm Angele n g Kremer, tlen-in and Mltxe. Spell man; Pert lea and Bassler, llartho homey. . At Ran Fmnclsoo R. h. E. Vernon t t 1 San FraneUte.o 111 Mitchell. Bell and Deyormer: Cola, parts hidden In a mase of machln- tVTte. Here it is piaiied to within ten r. Well knowing this condition de-1 thousandths of an inch of the signer of the Don car have featured j fineness. The process is then repeated acctrslblllty. Doit parts are as easily fouiic1 a a sore thumb, and this alone avs the owner from professional er vic and the attendant expense. Lewtg, McQuald. Couch M Anflnaon. all conveniencle. The popularity of the motor bus Is reflected in the naymona K. Derby of Monmouth. So great has been the demand for seals that hs has been obliged to procure equipment with greater seating capa city and so ha Invested In a new 3-4-1 ton CMC. which he ha equipped with I The Oared-to-the-read tread also stands out pust as distinctly as a Miller, characteristic. It Is also well known, that explanation of its construction is! unnecessary. i "The fact that the Miller tire is the only tire In the world combining these I two features gives the public someth- j ing really tangible on which to create! a preference for Millers," i onother machine, until the margin is reduced by one-half. The gear 1. then ,.!"" W VSttKR IXFLATIOX.! part so that onlv th. '."I . " 'rany ioiiows mat if tire is will b7 hdened In th " heading tT) V PrP" process. The portion. J.-Z ,aok of in" Prere. or ex ?:v?.J,"'inim -... toughne Isiitt ?n ,he' ier me copper plating the gear ,,.M.,k T7 " ground down to the required one th ! ! th ot ,he tlre ' ssndth. of an Inch 7. condition. Thoughtless motorist. special tool. ,hj 71,", tTTSJ? Zl 'nJ,,riM from! land. itxer- these causes result from defective fab-! However. Instrument, are not entire- ln" f abovg faul,- j oepenaed upbn. The drive aear af. . Krar. ai- JQI RVll. Tv-vp in rM n... gPEEITUALESIM Is If nf C,A? Or IS IT A SATANIC DEL USION? Tomorrow Evening at 7:30 S. D. A. CHURCH, N. 5th St and Gaines Ave. COME AND BRING A ERJENd!" " " - Commercial Car THE Ilill.Y (:AKI IAI, Jill KKAI. WA MT" rvrt ! cu$ 4 r ' BJ vyzsr w Mm mi w 'm - ' lU ' . - tf ,1 TT4 F. 1 a., a . ..' Ii v i SHEET MUSIC All of the Classical and Popular Hits General Music r ' . - - .'.-, Merchandise S0V0RA Phonographs MYRTLE KN OWL AND 415 Court Phone 352 ii li mm 'ffiM mmmm S28.000 to Datft Can I Make the Hundred Thousand lam sure that I can keep the lead for MARION COUNTY You Will Think and Act Would you like an income of $1,000.00 ' year. at no expense, in case you are disabled? Let me show you how to get it. HOW ABOUT A COMPETENCY FOR YOUR OWN OLD AGE? Would the Federal Reserve Bank accept your note? Would any bank loan you money? TWO THINGS NECESSARY To make a success of your life. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE? t -I'u'T SaVingS ACCUnt at Sme 1 Ins ur life IT you can. deat;WlM standard Policy.. Pays for disabled and cavs M S .? v &W and cancela Premiums when you fere I can prove that you S T1Z! !vT , Phcy 13 83 swi as the best and I believe MUTUAL LIFE on Y JSS furnished Call me on tU lnT 'MC in.the United StateS . c !J'F.HUTCHASON, : 371 State StreetSalem, Ore. K District Manager