Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 10, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    p. . :
church Sun-' first v.f the year it has made a rcllsious. Profit Sharing s
Buying of Road
Filler Outside
Of State Scored
(Director of Music for Salem Schools)
: " . ....... ..i ..,..M.,5litM.K.
1S4 nr!..y.s of nine mere ..e , j, furnUhed re, Basis:
vot-.l i.. ..rt iniic a vardiuen union lav school, al "e nume , - - . .. I
IX " .Mr, A. c Bohrns'.edt. ISM Kairmountj mun.rative work for many of lu tu, APnl 11 A ,
tubers of dent members .and an asamam to tne, ; , " ""at,
life and service are dUKUtard. Be- capital. vie. !"Vt
that the cnuron snouiu neip in April 18 .in .
hy other larse school systems.
Switchi'.' n and yardmen on the N'r
folk nn.l Western P. niisyh ania rail-
I on
avenue. Over eisnty oi me in.-.,,... . ...,. ... . .. . J , capital assets
the via.- wi re present, in a.miiion ioPasioi. u.r w . assets. liquid a
ds walked cut at Columbus last s,.Veral visitors. Kollovving the break-, tian life an
;hl and .ail: I uday .and four crew Usx yr ,.,ohrnste(U who U the leader j lieviiiB that
ihe l altimore k Ohio were reported ' . i bringing ah
ine I-""""'" - ,h. ..meted the auunal eluss,
to have !;" ou strike at Dayton. - ; ana co-oic
Mu4r tiiib Mcrts .. . 'copied
. . i 1. 1 .. I a 1 I 1
TucsUay evenmg ,M . "" " ----" - . ,nlffic ,B ttw St. Louis dbv
of the state .music leacners -... - 7-"-, - , ,, tail,bt,Ul today and letters from
iii,.h ,v mninrinn in the state, i tion met at the Kmiiinn residence on the Oerhy Dunning. 1. - . . .,
. . . . .. I t..t .,..... A viuultv ntlliihor It.a nnlml viulmlsf aftd
and the atate mgnway cu,m.-.... v.u....... .. . .. "- - - J . , .,..- to n... ..f ,.rk at East St. Louis.
with Its influence should buy al were present ami enjujeu ine . loriianu. . 1 " , . ... " ri
mlTZ. t ".d construe I Kive., by i.r. Umdsbury. dean of the Sa.em twh weekly, presented fiveroad officials admitted that ,Mmen.fuP ,ife vice in christian work, four;
STnhaT rZnl. In U,i atate anl 'mhool of n.usi.-. I of o. 'pupila in informal recital. Several Jn-jon 27 road, were out in this district. of thp being Ida Xiswanger. Mary;
LZ ndToCa.iiorltlH and other The Doctor, who by the way. in a vi.ed guests were present and wera Both freight and P Ama Ithorer and Vesta.
"at7. for materials. accordmB to A.'vt.ry voluble and forceful -aker. 'delighted with the program. , were reported under an embargo at In- l1(.ks .m w,namette university tu
U Clark manager of ihe Asso iat.-.l ,t f..r his aubje-t. ".Musical Con- A thing which could not ewape no- dianapolis. ; dtnts, Laat year five others signed up
industries of On gon. who was in Sa-! diti.o.s in America." and especially th e was- the good, round bow ton( Ptrlktls ,.-.-i.-,p. d that a 100 H-r cent for life service, and at the present time I
lem Krld-y from Portland. Mr. Clark education through imisic. lie Sam r" . fff 1 walkout had ocountti at ivan&is v-n. , jujw noiniw juiivr, v. 110 s.gncu up
said that It had been brought to his j that niusinavs were apt to become mental, and often marks the Ultler-; Swlch,, ,.n oll an ra,l8 oiH-rating j for life service two years ago, is attend-
eonlractors:dl.sinterrstid 111 other lines 01 tne ' r. 1 out of Kurt orlh, TYxas. waiKeu out , mg tne cnteago Training sehotd for
! deaconesses. Several others w ho signed
on four railroads at up for life service in other churches,
about a better understanding ,nrt ,.,,fif v.,.., J"1 "Ur
Wen I
service, lmring this service .lbor ,he of town members voted to discussions dealing wun ilioae
teacher of iM st.K ky .rd workers were thrown w-ere wad alld it uas annollnce(, mt ' V - P ng system, .T.
five additional members had signed up T K.n.rtiv. AL.Z.ZL' Welfat ,
IKnillOll reinrai April 25 lc I
next few Sundays will be de- and nrofit sharin. 4
S Ith - 0 aiFBla . ;
Jiay 3 id) Wher. "T H;
ine v:"
attention that highway
laying highways in the slate were
ending for materials In California
that could be procured In this stale
at a more economic?! rale, and ni-.ter
lals ci even suptricr quality.
Mal. rlal lt.. :hl !utKlilc
Highway contra. '"is In the sta.
are buying Ihousaifl ' of t ..s of lime
dust andither fillers In California
and are atorlng them In warehouses
throughout the atate against the high
way paving season this spring, Mr
Clark said.
'The state sliouliT develop the (Sold
Mill lime plant to take care of all re
quirements," Mr. Clark declared, 'for
road building In this slate, if present
equipment does not reduce Ihe lime
rock there to the proper fineness, na
has been said, then proper machin
ery should be Installed by the. stale
to reduce the rock to sufficient fine
ness for use as filler. The cost of Im
proving the plant at (Sold Hill to furn
:ood teaching and,
- . - ..I-.. v i
world s work, and that the highest -."" 1 last night.
...-.. It,. t-l.tiniut U'hftt 111 lire.lth iSl K .nfcii..
suc-css was not attainable except Dy - Switchmen
collaborating wilii others. He liked o singer, ann tne cii.uouciro .0
to think of as simmered he. bandiiian.
1.. isi n. ord,.t,npn..l Two beginning pupils. Mildred Rob-
Springfield, 111., voted to join employes ,:ir now active members in this class,
of two other rads who went out yes-. T113 engagement of the president of the
Adjustment of one's self to the eon-'h'son and Kennem Alien acu.un.eut -u.. ....
ditlons alKiut him so as to make the themselves well. More advanced i""j ... ... ....u..u . a we
it " f ' hem not oly in the a of rk was done by Miss Perlioh. Mr. out and a fieuhl embargo was In ef- engagement of two other members of
?!. .' ?,,.. :.. k." . . Jl..eil and Miss Kmmons, Miss Per- feet. At lN-calur strikers were form- the class, Miss Cladys Barber and Mr!
eiij.iHK H.w u. - - ... . ... ! i. -., ..i.,l, If',,,. r....
nu.i .1 eh's number was an Amianic ncini...a a. n........... s v.u... .. "u. i .ii.-iiu.eis .n
i.lii.Kn u..;..i...ij.i u. r.uu. a...... , . ....
. .... ,i,.. ..-i. afforded opportunity lor uencate Railroad officials on the racuie."" -"- eie uu.c i ue presem
ty. .Music Is too limited in itself to shades of bowing and accurate intona- coaat struggled today to keep coast andi were Miss June Selh-ck. n former "Wil
nierit one's whole time. The old idea tion. Mr. Bucll attacked "with snap, trans-continental passenger trains movj 'amette student who is now teaching
of i.raeticlnff six r.r eight hours ner "ash and enthusiasm" one of De .kh,. awailing the result of an ulti- at Carlton: Miss (Since Presley, who is
day is ridiculous. At the state uni- Heriot's difficult scenes di Ballet matum that striking employes would; attending the O. A. C. at Corvallis is allowed to practe The different styles of' bowing and( iolte ,hi,h. ,,oyitins u,, they return- j S'i-ss lottirounds. who is attendiiif
more than three hours daily. They do meTapiu linger worn uiaoe ins to Wlrk bv 4 m switchmen and '"' nonmouin Mirinal, and Miss
Outfitters to Women, Misses ant
- . Children
not aim to turn out "finished", e....i....-......u.e. yardmen w. re erported on strike in 13 "'a .unier. wno Is an assistant In the
innsiclans. but they do aim to turn Amnions gave a brilliant interpret!!-, rtlvi8lolai und terminal points in Call- administrator! offices of the O. A. C. at
l-"" '" . . . .: . . lornia and Oregon. I"-"' .vmong me visuors were
youni; ll..l Ull'l IIP! uun u.c ..tee....
out educated musicians.
The speaker assured us that he had
only ihe highest motives and the most
unselfish interests in his work which
covers the whole state, and that Inas
much us his salary was paid by the
slate he could eay what lie believed
ish highway material for the stal
wouiu lie save.. ni..r ... ...e .i.--.. williotll leiir or lavor. . , 11!
that Is being sent Into California. Following up the status of music y 1 , T' " , , T li
I rgcs Oirg -nHlm-ts in the universities and colleges. '" .rP,' ' there
... 1 ... 1 , ... , , are a I! degrees of "ear, from the so-
"When Mine dust or silica, s nee: - .a plea was maile for a better standard ,, , . . .
"",r """- ..... .... en ed monotone who savs Jie can t
ed." said Mr. Clark. "t, if High- "" e.,,n ami more reeugnl-
way commission should Insist that, fot H In the hlgl. schoola and fiom ..Yullkt.e )noM. u t0 the
contractors use the silica that Is being ; " ' "' "' lr",;,"1 ,0, "u,;s,'""-,sy.phouv orchestra conductor who
mined at Oregon Chy. or the material " "s s n to supe, intenden.s -' Ore-- 1 ;
from the stale t'.old mil inant. ,ine - -- n,.K ; , , , F de , k stock of
Lorvaliis. Among the visitors
Yardmen at Minneapolis and St. '"'ur r" "'cnarns or
Paul. Minn., and Danville. 111., voa W "''"'ette university and Miss Fran
not to Joint the insurgents. I?Z.M- R'nfs. "ean of women of
! . , , ,. .. ,. . , ' "inamette university. The class has
! A review of the situation todayi...,,, ... , ,
2-yea-r-old son. These ehlldnji showed the number of men out in cit-' " r, ,T
,.. 1 ,.,...,. . .. , . ., , ,, ..i!""l since the first of the year, has an
lug quite well known ni musical cir
cles throughout the city .
Besides these pupils Mr. Graham
presented his 9-year-old daughter
a nd
Offe Blli
state highway comnilsslon has the au
thority to buy these materials una al
low contractors to draw ugalnst tin
Pnuflci Held Needless
"There Is absolutely no need fur
highway contractors In this state to
go to California for one cent's worth
Of road materials, except asphalt."
Mr. Clark sal.l that the Oregon lie
tall Merrluints association. In support
of their campaign to keep Oregon
lnoney In Oregon, were also Interest
ed In the expenditure of the Oreg 11
peoples' money In outside stales for
materials that can be procured her-',
and that that orgiiiil7.atlun. with the
Associated Industries of Oregon,
would lake action agaitisl this prac
tice. Hoover Boosters
Form Sa?em Club!
(Continued from pago one)
needed tor the work of humanity and
sacrificed all uf I hern.- lempnrnry
claims. Through it nil he has shown
the same spirit. Never was there
more true American."
During Hoover's food administra
tion, Mr. Newall, pointed out, Ameri
ca received the best that I louver could
give. The first move was to ask for
tii eooprrnlloii of Ihe Ainerlnn
housewife, "lie exercised (hut won
derful foresight mid ulilllly that had
made hlni a leader in his profession
nnd us a result there'wero no bread
lines, feiiil curds, or any of the strin
gent enlid;tloiiH imposed lu dealing
with the same situation In Kuropi..
lie called" the biggest men of all rep-'
ivHentatlv.. lines Into Ills personnel,
irrespective of political creed ir fac
tional Ideas. Soon his inspiring lead
ership Infected us all and the sulise
iiuent unity wus n great factor In the
undertaking, said Mr. Ntnvall.
Asks Invcslluiitioii
In reference to Senator Heed's
threuts of Investigating the grain cor
p'Uatlnn, Mr. Newall said that such
research would disclose the efficient
machine thill provided food for mil
lions under the most disl resslng cir
eutiisliinces In (he history of tllslrlhti
Hon. Hoover and llarnes were agalns' to place intislc on a par with .,' ... . .
,,.,,. . the Then. Thomas orchestra
,..., u u.v van. Other I'vcnls
convlmed that it was being thorough-! . .,
!y taught. Ihe two HUperintPndcnts . . . . i t I
who took exception represented two w-'k T T"?"1
'small towns, so it w is practically "T M 'n"1!
!,,,, nnd excellent work of Mrs. Petrlo In'
r.. ,,..... ... . . . 1 her lecture Muslea e for the Salem
Ihe need was pointed out for the '. ......... . .
-...,, , .. ... , iTeaehers club ut the library Tuesday
schools cooperating with urlvntn . ... ,
rvr.i.iiK, 1.1... .i..g.u... ui lepiewen-
ire iuite artistic und talented. Aa (ca throughout the country aa follows: I
Chicago, soao.
St. Louis, nooo.
Toledo, 4000.
New York-NewJcrsey 3oU0.
Youngstuwn, 5000.
Buffalo. 2000.
Kansas City. 1500.
Los Angeles, 1400.
Detroit, 1500.
Pittsburgh. 1000.
Fort Worth, 500.
Columbus, 500.
San Francisco, 440.
Indianapolis. 350.
Gary, lnd., 300.
Salt Luke City, 300.
Syracuse, N. Y., 250.
Saginaw, Mich., 200.
Ogden, rtnh, 150.
Pueblo, Colo., 150.
Decatur, 111., 107.
.Milwaukee, Wis., 100.
Pocatello, 100.
Springfield, 111., 100.
Juliet, III., $150.
Scranton, Pa., 50.
Blomington, III., 75.
Fort Wayne, lnd., 35.
Portland, Or., 110 estimate.
enrollment of over 100 and its average
attendance is nowbotit 75. Since the
w lien 1 was I. .1.1
giving nil entc.--
talnmeiit at the Girls Training school,
and that I was Invited to go along, 1
merely raised my eyebrows and ac
cepted tli,. Invitation. F.von the fact
that those Kllis might perhaps have
enjoyed themselves more had thev
men's'"'''"' l,,eir eomforv.Mn cluti. or
.,.r,.-M.,iui. ,n,u 1 11 e y nan cancell
ed a misiness engagement for the
sake of bringing a lillle cheer Into ihe
hearts of 3ii lonely girls, failed to
surprise me. 1 1 Is Hie sort of tliin.'t
lliat one has crown expoct fro.'i
the lClks. If someone vcn to s.iy o
ne. i,o.lge S.HI ndonled St. -
11,,, ui,,i, tiuio, ,.r iiu.,i,.l,. ,,,.i.
. . . , , ,'. , ' any more. Therefor
for wheal, as bilng unfair when lheIn,,t u1(, .. W(1
same con!;resvonat aei .101 inn ninn
or control the prices for substitutes or
other necessities. "The Fulled States
handled and safely disii ll.iilc.l. fi.e
billion dollars worth of grain, a prl e
ful accomplii-linient," stld Mi'.
Another of llo.nei's aehi
Was his ( I'll, lent uig.mli'.all.iii of
system of distribution control for su i
gar, Mr. Newall pointed out. Where j
homes In Kuropc .1.1 n..t have sugar t
for years, the Auierieaii housewife il
Ways had enough lor her absolnie'
Heeds and she was trusted to restrict,
wastp. Hoover w.ld sugar at I'iom1
Pine to eleven cents per pound. "Now
that the government has no long. 1
liny control over (his item, the profi.
eers are lit clover." stated the form '
vr state admluisrr.itor.
t'lllnnllllltc It.M.ster I
t'hester II. Murphy, el.issmiiie ..i li1
Hoover at Stanford, armed at Hie
meeting lit 8 o'clock, having been d'
layed in PorilMiid and malting the
trip by auloiuol.lle, Mr. .Muhpry gave
the lntiln adiln., Ins plain n.ftri '
tion of Incidents com -rnlng Hoover.'
uru sKclch or liert's success against i 1, ,..,, 1..,...,,.
a clnince to Idossoiu.
ana aul.tim curls, wavy blond hale
and the mixtures that are known a
"American" shades; full lips and
ii.i.t h... ...
e..r niKi... k ...... ''"'"' " ""ses nn.l
v i HIIMI 1IIP H IV Ul II 11(111 I m;l II.H.
LrllI'lK'I'H ItV I'Vfllk lltf t11ttu i.. t,.L.
I'ui'iin Lit i.inr . 1 .. !. 1.- .....
K'HuonH, proviili'd of rnurne, that the i i. . i i . I
.. .1 .... . , ' I'n vrH If v KtudntH iiml tncu tv to a'
The plan of having music studios in "r'ity, ailW"C, f,t ,l,e '""'
the school buildings was omul Ied; W !?."7",y vel,l,,,K- . . , ,
..... t. nave neard nothing but praise
as a means of aecoininodating every-; fur ra(.h of these functions, and only
body concerned. This plan has nl- lack of space precludes a descriptive
ready been tried successfully in u' analysis of them.
number of titles. 1 A Correct loll
Jn a preceding article "Concerning
H "liesled the plan of ,,iusi: building at Itoeheste ; New
class leaching for piano as a means .Music" II was stated that the ne;v
of reaching more pupils, and men-' Vork, would accommodate tweuty-
lloned (unuand, Califorula, as one cltv f'1"" ll","'';'n,, I'""""- This should
. ,, ' .have read twenty-five hundred. It s
where this plaa hlad been worked . Hine" building, but not quite, that
out so successfully that it had been1 big a sum.
ed word that conferences of voluit- suits than all the burs and keys m
teer representatives from 25 states the world. A few good films .ie
"The Miracle Man," and a wholesome
romance of everyday life would work
veritable wonders out ut that lonely
house of leformulion.
If J remember correctly Ihe girls
drill team of a local lodge is planning
ail entertainment at the boys truinii.rf
school soon. Has it entered the minds
of the committee in charge of it that
pei hups they could spare uuoth.v
night and go out to the girls scho'il
too? True, the accommodations would
not bu as good as at the former
place, but oh, if they could only ee
the look of wonder and appreciation
ou the face of every girl In the school
they would' not hesitate. And, we're
sisters under our skins, you know; wo
and the lowliest of the Inmates there.
Funny, Isn't It, that, it was left to a
lodge of men to break the Ice an.l
lake an entertainment out there. Fun
ny that no group of woiien thought
of such a thing, or having thought n."
it, could span. Hip time?
Hut the entertainment Ihe men did
put on was a glorious success. Such
artists as Mrs. Carlton Smith, .Miss
Von ltehren, the Swart orchestra, Mc
Donald the singer, a 'cellist whose
name 1 have forgotten and (always
the Inimitable K. Cooke I'alton, were
there heart and hand to dispenae
cheer lu copious volumes. And the
whole affair wound up, In line Klk
sijie, won ice cream ana "innl.en
was held lu New York, Tuesday. A
campaign of stale chairmen will ....
held at Chicago in the near future
for Ihe purpose of completing nation
al iirganliatlon of the "Hoover for
president" iiiovemcw.
Mr. Murphy announced that peti
tions are filling rapidly the required
quota being already enrolled. Next
Wednesday oi hydroplane, will flj"
from Portland to Salem, showering
cities with Hoover literature und stop
ping at Salem with the petitions,
which will be filed with the s ,'itcI .
of state.
Busy Elks Carry -Cheer
to Hearts
(t'onliniieil from page une)
you would naturally expect wonders
from, who Insisted on wearing got. I
stone cuff links and inailn a noise
1 when they drank their soup. And I've
I known others, rather slip slind sort
jof fellows, who quoted Tennyson l.v
Hie yard, and could tell one the exact
dale of Titus' entry Into Jerusalem.
I've been fooled so often hy the out
ward appearance of members of the
opposite sex that nothing surprises me
Ki ll, FVTF.CTS OF 111 STY ltl.Hi
Kust and moisture are two deadly
enemies of fabric. Rust un 11 rim iimv
seem too iasignifcant a matter to re
quire special attention hut a photo
graph is reproduced below of a ti,e
which has been injured to the point, of
ruination by a rusty rim.
nira 11 rim neeomes rusty It a.
becomes very rough and these rough
place soon chafe through the rubber
on the sidcwalls of the casing leaving
the fabric exposed to further Injury
from rust und moisture.
Finally constunt friction and the (. s
structivo effects of rust will eat
through the fabric ply by ply until the
tire gives out Just above the bead a.s
Watch rims carefully if they be
come rusty remove the tires und polish
the rims with emery paper and git?
Ihem a coat of black varnish. Then
clean the beads of the casing ciirefnll,
and refit when the varnished rim in-e
Tlinsa little precautionary treatment
will save a lot of trouble and expenae
later on. .
11 -sns
"The story of a love that whipped the strange devil
beautiful woman, and sent her back to look her husbani
the world m the eye unafraid. ,
Here's the place the safe
place for you to get the re
turns of all the games.
Come up or phone 1704
and we will gladly give you
the score.
Pool Pool
122 N. Com! St.
brief and inter- I
Miss Mann, Hi
ix Ji mi's c.i si:i by
Pome rasings are apparently worn
out In use, when as a matter of f.ici
they have been driven only a few hole
died miles.
i ue cause oi us premature wear was
that the wheels were not running par.
allel with each other. To express Hi,
matter differently, neither one of n...
'''j wheels was (..lined e.aetly in the -.'i
lection In which the car was traveller
cookies and after a
esling address from
superintendent, we left. I '"'sequeniiy tne wneels revolved with
Out on the porch, In the few mo- 14 s"R,,t M,,le nm,,on' ,,u' effect beiiH
nients we waited for the cais to drive "le ,r0i,a Wi,s ""Heeled to n con
tip. we had time to think over it in I U,U,:l1 8l'''nl'lng along the surface of
retrospect. Far below, out across the!''111 I'"'l1' N" UrP l'"n UuyA usage of
woods and fields that showed only as!1'1'" s"''1' Tll(' H'ouble may be due to
patches of black and deeper black, I a f"'el'i"S knuckle, bent tixie. or
the lights of Ihe penitentiary showed S""10 '"'I'ropor adjustment,
like white stars lu the darkness. Sn-I W'cnever a motorist notices tha. his
lem, the City Beautiful, i;nd tt i, J fl'ont tires are wearing down .quickly or
gates the homes of the world's unfo ! In,'"iaturely, he should immediately
tunatcs, w here weary little rivers : llave ,llB alignment of his front w h,.; !,;
seek pathways to the sea. thi ougli tested,
channels strangely crooked an 1 '
C.S. Hamilton
840 Court Street
A'.co Junk of All Kinds
Best Prices Guaranteed
CALL 398
I Capital Junk Co.
i The Square Deal House
171 Chemeketa St. Phone 3S
L- w mm
lla.i in i -tr ..'.l..u v- -- - tir'v i
Fascinating Paris - Mysterious Ca
A Beautiful Womaa-A Crafty Tcwp
Two part Vitagraph Seriaal Comedy.
Coming "MARY PICKFORD" in "Heart of the Hi
lies baby home." I would say "U,
ly? well. Isn't that nice," tliul go al
li' Work. Becausa, what are a few
bundled babies, more or less to a
lodge of men with hearts as Kg s
pi ii-i' piiiuikios .'
So we Went, ihe Hlks. the em,r
lainers. an.l 1. And we saw m i ......
eomniered. W hat we saw was thirty , ,M'nl'V
the ulrK rniiuimi la .e. ,..., i , ' " d
IS years, with whit,, quiet faces and
1 where boulders replace the
sand be
month 1111 .Mexican outlaws have l.een ... our OHll COUrSCS, i... iiTmmij. ... tM.ntl hicks.
, I No doulq the happiness of th-it iul Aniepicnn. whose mininis .campi
one evening w ill rcma.ti in Ihe memo. , m'"1 1 'Urtdaloupe I'alno, Chihuahua, '
lies of ihe girls as a bright i.pol ,.f iwas raided by them recently, an 101 !
sunlight in the druh gi-eyness of their l1'"1 dispatch stated. j
e;stenee. And the n. lished floors and ; Thl' daughter of the former tiei-.
the empty, empty stairways, and iheiln:ln emperor, the Duchess of Brum.--!
great buililing with no sic.. .,r .. u. wick, returned vester.lav to i :..,.,
or aiiditoriunt, will not seem .'''iii Amerongen, where she passer
radfully loiieh. bv reason ,,rthe Faster tiile with Ivr nareow .,
Hie act of human iliaruv performed .dispatch from Anieroiigeu said. i
haunted c)es. I u Is. the severity of
whose hair .ii-ess, an.l the plainness
t wnose uiulorin could not lii.l,. i!
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
! by a group of l.usy men.
fldverdity were received with frequent
outbursts of applause,
"We are up against some of the
strongest political machinery in the
Country, declared the former Su n-
-rh Tai:;;IIlegal Walkout
Fxtended Today
i continued from page three)
wum uoovtr, ueeause lie is too : n
for them. He, IiIium !f dislikes poll
tin and Is thin skinned against tn
dirty criticism directed against ar;
man who opposes machine ine-hod, ,1)s , ,,inB W,.,1U,BM.
ll'W.rr Ci.ll HIOI will iitflU. I I. ; 11
nr ...... .on- coiitiiiceu ma .Miieiliaus th,. vvorld
" """ "' lo''.o.-.-.. lie ie.u.,i ist.'.l. ,,u, t),
to nop Hiiyirilllg to tio Willi tile R!t--tintloll.
Be is Pot an off i.r seek.'
Mis liiMtoiy shows CMiv Ltg J,o.
has sought bin., and that Is the Am
erican motto, l.ei'a make our p. rs.oi.
1.1 work count, as we hate onlv Iliu
ited literature and supplies. ,,.,n,y
don't win but individual will,"
stated Mr. Murphy.
Orgiiiilulloii (.rowing
The Portland Hoover club i.ceiv-
(Continued from page one)
tip lilted ones, and alwavn.
whatever color of the es a hunted ex
presslon of hopelessness. Ciyslal vus-i tUeown out of work bv slonoae.. ,.f
The dinner this year promises to be
one of unusual interest. j
An event of Faster was the annual
Faster morning break fast of the Live
WillametteV alley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
es, all of them, with the scent oi entitle shipments.
roses, no ma how faint, slill cling- Coal Nuimlv si-.
The coal mi Hole in I'h,. ...... ....... ....
Somehow, in the great i.atiei n ..f mu ted i.. l... .i i!..m.. ....... , ' '..
,, , , , ' ' " less ilia
uieii skeins have becume.a week s supply on hand.
At t;a:v. I ...I itt.a... i.i,..
. ... iitiuac.'
... . nm.ii.M
stale, having been
is trying to amend
matte's and leach the culprit th
, con en way of straightening uui tne
threads. And w stale, being of the
inaseuli e gender, has failed to real
O" Hail ;i birred window and a Incit
ed dor are not the only miuisites in
a case of this kind. A set of Shake
ispealc and .1 volume of Tennyson
j would k. farther. I'm thinking, tu-
had be.
n l.aiiKed todav throwim. !
OOl) steel workeis out of empioMiunt
Sl.el nulls In ihe Mahoning valley
are preicu ins. t close down today and
coiepanv offlcla s said 35.000 workers
would be idle hy nightfall.
Toledo rcpon-d all but one of :a
i.iihoads tied up and a food and fuel
shoiiaae thivatened. Freight move-
omplishlng the desired re- i, m,ami nMwt anV
; lursim 'X..II..1. -..r,1r.. I ..... "'"""l
Borders and Special Da-orations now readv
179 North Commercial Street
Andrew Nelson
, Has Eought a . '
GMC Truck
Another Truck Owner Is
Convinced of CMC Quality
Not brothers the same man.
Ferrv at Hioii clem. Of'
- - s 1 . .....-'
, ., TTrtrTTrny'it nave let yon w it T ntm i .
county, Mr. Hutchason gaid.
'away in a movist ran.