Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 10, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1020.
to all.
broader expression and understand-; fill everyone present with mingled motion picture
ing of life to all women wheihter they! awe, respect and admiration. Facing Soldiers of Sea.'
Deiongea to a woman s club or not., the West, witn me triumphant radi
Every woman around that special 'atlng from their features, they will be
board will wear a silver crown andiaan inspiration for service for all wo
have a. serenity of expression that men in the noontide of life, who have
will be a benediction in itself regard-! taken up their tasks. Always is the
film fhowinff
Elaborate in every detail, and car
ried out with a noticeable spirit of
good r will. . the get-.together baneuet
tat which the employes of the Miller
Mercantile company were guests at
the Marion hotel Wednesday i.rht
was a success In every sense of the
word, one of the splendid .dinner j
tor men me hotel management Is
noted, coupled with the friendliness
of the entire affair, assisted in mak
ing the banquet a never-to-be-forgot
ten event, ihe handsomely annolnt.
EAD1NG the social events of the
T w.ek, the social to be given at
xX the First Methodist church this
-veaing promises to eclipse all similar
Iffairs of the season. Infinite pains
have been taken to make it an unrival
.ff.ilr in church and social annuls.
From 7 to 8:15 o'clock the junior and
intermediate department of the Sunday
.hnnl will be entertained. Mini Mary
vindlev and Miss Chapler acting as
special hostessea,
chert of the two classes. Beginning at
n the social proper will be held.
oecial committees have been appoint
ed to take care of each individual fea
ture, and in this manner a perfect ev
ening of pleasure has been assured.
The program under the expert direc
tion of Mr F- 8." Barton, will be a
m of its kind, with tHree minute
gpeeches by Mrs. Charles Bowen, Miss
IJna Heust, Jteverena 1 nomas AKinr
and Paul Poney. The music will
anoint of the quartette 'comprising
Meesra A. A. Schramm. John Todd, R.
n itarton and F. a Barton. There will
also be selectolns by an instrumental
Messrs. Zencker, Fiegel and Bar-
' ton- and the features of he evening
; m be augmented by selections by the
anndav school orchestra..
Mrs. Ronald Clover is. chairman of
the reception committee, nnd she will
agisted by the following: Members of
ia Tomarco class; Mrs. iiowara siu
i.. Mrs. Arthur Fleming, Mrs. Frea
v ' Zimmerman, Mrs. R. D. Barton,
Mrs. S. Royston, airs. u. i. v nerry,
Mrs. H. tV. Allinjer, Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, Mrs. Frederick . Thompson,
Mrs. F. L. t'tter, Mrs. E. C. Richards,
Mrs. Cecil Hawley, Mrs. Roy Melson,
and Mrs. drover Bellinger. Members
of the Mothers' class: Mrs. B. 1
Steeves, Mrs. Walter Winslow, Mrs. A.
A. Underfill!, Mrs. C. C. Clarke, Mrs. E.
A. Kurtz. Members ot tne Marion
Lawrence class: Mrs.. Carl Gregg Don
ey Mrs. George T. AUlen,' Mrs. R. E.
Farmer, Mrs. B. E. Carrier, Mrs. E. J.
Swasford and Mrs. E. V, Ryder.
In charge of the evening serving,
with Mrs. 3. B. Littler as chairman the
following committee will serve: Mrs.
V. O. Foyer, Mrs. -B. E. Carrier artd
Mrs. W. H. Young, and Robin Fisher
is taking care of the decorations.
One of the most enjoyablo events of
the post week was the dinner party for
which Mrs. James Kapphahn was gra
cious hostess at her lovoly residence
. Monday evening. The beautifully ap
pointed tablo was artistically centered
with season's blossoms and covers
1 were laid for Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Gregory, Miss Vernlce Gregory, Mrs.
A. 0. Foor, Mrs. P. Pearl Ling and Mr.
and Mrs. Kapphahn. .
Coming as an enjoyable surprise to
her manv friends in Salem and vicin
ity, word was received this week of
the recent marriage in Klamath Falls,
of Miss Mary Dunigan, daughter of Mr,
, and Mrs. E. A. IHmnlgnn, of Halls Fer
" ry. Miss Dunigun was formerly an in-
structor In the Marion county schools.
She later took a course In nursing; at
St. Vincent's hospital In Portland, and
wan following that profession at Klam
ath Fulls when her wedding took
The groom, Lewis Clinton Warn pier
of Odessa, is a well .known stockman
of Southern Oregon, The young people
will mnko their home In that seotlon
of the stfite, but are planning a visit
to their friends In the valley some time,
during the coming .summer.
concluded the
A cordial invitation first meetil
land the
'The' from each soeiety in his church. Thetthe!r children t oth service. Ei-wortl
program will continue' will be lead by Mr. Horace" Rahskop.
(throughout the day and evening.; Young people are urtied to l?.ke ad
LESLIE METHODIST EPISCOPAL j,. meeting will be to anyi rants? of this mating. Come earl v.
Corner South Commercial and Mey-i , . . . , , , , . .
. person interested, and a. large at- Preaching service t ":36. Thi meet-
less of any spoken word one may hear program rich in thought and expres-iers streets, Horace X. Altlrieh, pastor. -....,. i
o ,k : . ,.t ...M .h h;,,.. - i . ...... lenuance is expecieu.
...... n.u Kiirj iui lie (.Wltlllfc niiktirii &I1 fciiw hid v ui. Triii.i u nrw,
... - - . . . s. ..... i . , aiiu- . . . . 1 1 , , t v , ' ,
mark of a well-spent life; they will j (Continued on page Six)
ing will be evan.stlc. On Tues
day evening nt 6:3) members an-1
A. Rhoten, supcrin- LUTHERAX East State and ISth Menus of the church will meet for
combined social ami misiness meennir.
tendent. Primary department meets streets,
in hartl, in chaise of Miss Sue day school at
Williams. The Live Wire class will
i begin a study of "Capital vs. Labor.
nT-tra t.-.hlD. nftof Cun-
10:00 a. m. Divine serv-!.fcw" "
U-e at 10:3 a. in. Quarterly meeting; '" r 1" . .'. "
T ti,KA- 1,,,,.,. Q 7.A,- , t MiieHUM.V tlfltli; l I.JV.
at S p. m.
Llss T. Albers, leader. Evening serv-
extend a cordial Invitation to the pub-
welcome '"tf 10 Clte' w'th us on these occasions.
Items on a Christian Basis." These,1" " 7:30 p' m' 'iait" are
; discissions will cover a period of five Trl, Vr-.rnr,tr r EVANGELICAL CHI UOH Cho-
wrn,on:ahe Cit '
I with sermon by the pastor; theme. ? m. Sermon 11 a. m. V. P. A. devo-
,'He Came to Himself." :30 p. m. dd-l - xr r,'.. Itional s.t T D. m.
SCIENTIST Sunday service is. held church.
at440 Chemeketa street at 11 a. m
(Reading room 203 Masonic Temple,
I ices:
open :every day '
kets of choice
list included:
E. L. Baker and wife. Mable
'luriler ' -T nnrth anA .iA tt-
Denton and ulf M. ii xr u holidays, from 11:45 to S p,
Vivian Bartges, Lilly Chambers. Agnes &r "rdialIy 'nvited to our services
Rinin -p r, kC. 5,- nd to our reading room. -
OT IWUlilBVII UI1U llr, I t
Mrs.- Umn InllsT ' 4 achurovf. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN-Corer
p. m. .., . k , Itional s,t T p. lit. S rmon nt T:4"i.
votlonal meeting of the Kpworth . . . .. . ,; P. a. monthly mee-Tin Tuesday eve-
the'League. ; Leslie Springer, president.l ' ' , ,a.K-M a,. .j x-i.!.! nine. Pray.-r meetir.ic ThumlaV -ev-j-
i T.. v. : , 1 tiff S.T IV. VI V Will hul.l ni.f-
11:00 a. m., subject. The Great Com-"iS or. Tuesday. F. W. LiuikjT. pas
mission. Class meeting at 12:15, Mr.itor.""
J. M. Clark In charge. Junior League!
1 3:00 p. m.. Miss tjrace Tyler supenn- ilord than bti.voo wa earners ar
. lAn.lcnf Pnranta nA ito-e.l A a.-wi,,-' biii til. . a.4 It, tV,. ntn.j tVi'in V.Oik ....n..
" ' -.l 1 I hu hM u ti'lm-i. S.Oi . ... I" " ' " t- .i-v.- . - - v.... ........
o clock. i ' .,. , . T . K ,, , , ate witn ine aepanment oy sending lactont.s in ine L ni:a suites.
all ' the' services' of
1 7:30 p. m. evangelistic hour,
the choir in a song service, and an ad.J
t FIRST BAPTIST Corner of Mar- uress tre Por.
Are in, uis-i i
ease and Death Real." Sunday school" ' - " " I.NSTI rLTIU.NS services ,.- ., -. I
w.u 4uv itunusomeiy aDDOlnt-i ..., ni ,... ,u . M1,iif .t,.o,! . , , ... ., , p. ui.. .uiss vimue ivier superin-l .i.r iu.ui ov,vu..i wkkc t-uiners bh
ed tables were centered with art bat'" a. m. Wednesday evening rWeewill occup the pulpit both at the state institutions Sunday w. Jl tendent. PareM, are urg;d t0 cooper.1 empl.ved lu the mow than 2.100 eun-n
frAta r.t nlmW ...... . . iinomiUK ttllU TeniIIKi niurillllK erv-. "- nv.ff. .w , in. ictiioi ..
''". ine guest testimonial meeiing at ociocr.i . . Mir,rf i,! h o .,,,j
except Sunday and
m. All
Rnnrtnv nrhnnl 9-i.l. Prfl.nchlnf1 J'maea institute DJ"
.... . t, i- n tr i JU P- '" -oage rarm,
C. H.
rowell. 3:00 n. m. Girl's Training
Preaching T:30. . school, by C. W. Corby. 3:15 n. m.
Tuberculosis Hosnlial. by W. C. Kant-
Dr. Richard N. Avison, minister,
Church and State streets.
bauer, Bessie Bradley,''
Brunk, Vera Casebere,
Prudenc; JZZl :XS a. m. : old time class-meeting.!
Mrs. L. M.
The Salem Ministeriaal association
fltpodto (in ' Kle, "To .K rr, .win ----- . . -"'Wl l meet in reirular session Mnml.-LV
Mollis Pear- ... . , , room 1 dowii stairs. W. T. f!nmnilnirs. 1 An,ni, n , a . ., -i i- r i..
n,i.. t nn.A ,,., T . , una campaign is now over ana over ' ' - . v.vw v ha.m .""imi,
M Hl' mnm rlih r a P'??"' torty new members are added to our ler.- 9:45 Sunday school, Prof. Gtt-.held in the Y. M. C. A. Berton F.I n. 7? Bea -lqe number. Cur nicmbership has doubled superintendent; Robbin Fisher, Bronson. state secretly of the Inter-I
assisting. 11:00 a. m. sermonette. church World Movement will be Dres-
lond Mrs. Mary K. Miles. anolher mile t. The Lord is lead-"Tlie Water Battle." Prov. 38-37. Vnt and address the asseclatlon.
taOOde. Mrs. Oscar Olsoiu , ... . . - Snemment of Lord's Runner. W00 n. tt,- ,,k- i- v.:.
i7f&n-.- , , t , ihk us on 10 certain vicvory. auw, . mviuvti ui.u ; icavuv.
r TLv, 5' Mabel Nert0n' t us all humbly let the Lord work rvlce at Old People's Home, 12th
wace uais. I in and thru us for another year and nd-Ferry streeta 6:30 p. m. Senior IXTEKCHURCH WORLD MOVE-
. k. t. ', ''. J 'still greater victory will be registered Epworth League, Clare Gillette, lead-,MENT The Marion County Inter-
, " uu'"'lry " me al in His name. The "Each One Win vr- topic, "wnat snail we Do with. church World Movement convention
jiiwara camp, will sponsor a progres- 0mV. contest ia bringing . them into Ow Sundays?" Intermediate League, will be held Friday, April 1 in the
sive five hundred party in their hall the . Bible. school. Twenty-one new ln Epwojth hall, Percy Hammond. First Congregational church. . The
in the armory Monday evening at 8 members enrolled . last Lord's day. leader. All who join by May 1 come members of the team which will speak
Pv m. A charge of 25 cents will be Were you there? Well all be present ln as charter members. Junior League.; here, are Dr. A. JJ. Kullons, Professor
charged for each score card. Every. promptly at 10 a. m. this time. Talk "P stalrff 1,1 Epworth hall, Kennith L.'W. Riley. Rev. E. W. Warrington
one is cordially Invited to attend. i by pastor to the children before morn- Johnston, lendes, Parents see that and Mrs. O. C. Wright, the purpose
The uur Kiimuru ttiienu junior ueufuf. or tne county organization, is to repre-
ling' sermon. ' Morning ' theme.
surprising their manv c. -j -v :.u- .. t..i. with Mrs. i'aromiaKian as suner n-'cent md funftinn - tht intomhni.h
- - - out;uiiu xvey vi iao iviiiKUuiii. i uuim - - ..... ............. ...
mends, Marvin LaVern Sheuard. A n- v. 9. an .v . litio n v. tendent and the MIms Carolyn and World Movement in all its ohWtR In
salesman at the furniture store of E. 5
9 n
1j. btiff iurnitura company, and Mies Song service and sermon 7:30 p. m.. ftnt and ProWau'e """fs will be spent, church, and t develop machinery by
.uwcukuu emjiioye in tne subject, "Jesus Is Coming. Are You "' rmii, now to rinu inemeans or wnicn churches and de
Spa, motored to Portland last Tues-.nM(ivt". This will be the first of a Saf8 Way." Thursday 7:80'p m., nominations may cooperate In to
day evening and were married at sel.les of evening discourses on the'mluweek l,ra'r and l'raise erylce.
Vancouver. They had given their o , rt t ni... p.,.,ioi '
m. Y. P. S. C. E. 6130 p
Gladys Wilsons directors, most pleas-.the county and down to the local
A story of New York political and .
- Social Life . .
Bligh Theatre
county and community. Every pas
tor in the eountv Ih eynerted in nt.
friends no Intimation 'of their Intsn- ..i v,Q t,.,i an. "o- t.i' CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL , tend, and to hm reiiresentntlves
. I t u ii. .;n ui.i 4i uorner oouiu jaiii anu rerrv streeis.
Miss Eldrican Is a formor resident ii t H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school 'J
' '"""I'cuueuce, wnero sue was a tnr'H rvHidencn 1(11 South 14th street " m cnurge oi airs. u. n.
popular member of the very young! Thursday 7:43 p. m. mid-week pray- Edwards. Address by the pastor at
social set of that city. Mr. Shennrd la tv, oot , ,11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor at
formerly of Silverton. but for the past fifteen minute Bible study. ' We wel-'fi;45 P- m; Evening service at 7:30,
iwu jean nas-maue ms home In come all to come and worship with us. ms
Salem. The young people are making n t. Pi.tnnm haetoi- - ' .
their temporary home at 482 South I .... I S. PAUL'S First Sunday after
High street. They plan to settle In ctpst rHPtsTriv-rn.!- .Hieh Easter. 7:30 a. m holy eommunlno;
and Center streets. ' Bible school be.,91-15 m- cnurch s,"01: H:"0 a
ginning 9:45 prompt. Groat orchestra. -morning; prayer and sermon, "Spirit
Welcome to" all. Regular church ual Aspirations' 7:30 p. m.. evening
i ii nn o m r r ndetv :o prayer and address. Portions of the
p. m. Evening service' 7:30 p. m.
Porter, pastor.
as- V
ves X.
Salem permanently.
Miss Cornelia Marvin, sttae librar
ian, who recently returned from a
trip ln the Orient, addressed the spec
ial meeting or the Salem Women's Leland W
ciud which was hold ln the" Commer
cial club this afternoon. Her exper
iences while In the Far East wero
Easter music will be repeated at the
morning service. Everybody weir
come. Ch.'is. II. Powell, rector.
CATHOLIC Communion Mass at
'l-Sft m..h moan nt Irt-Sd -At 2-45
recounted in Miss Marvin's Inimitable Sunday afternoon, His Grace, Arch-!erty and l el"P"' street! W. C. Kant
stylo and the narration was thoiouL-h. hiahnn rhrltin will hn nresent to ad-'ner- minister. 10:00 a, m. Sunday
ly enloved bv nil tha mnmiSiTi hn ,ii.. im school with classes
for all, V. I.
were In attendance. Mrs. Za.loe At tht mrrlw th Arrhblshon Piaiey. superintendent. n:uu a. m.
progressive bresldent of th u-ni ,ioiiv.r a chnrt sermon nnd the Lntil the Day. Break.
club, presided at the meetnig.
Only, Altar Roys' choir will furnish the Christian - Endeavor.
6:30 p m.
Miss Thelma
The New Jersey Federation of Wo
is welcome
one more meeting will he held before musiA ' Evervone Is cowlially Invited, ouns;, leaoer. i.dit p. m. jesus tne
the adionmment foe t, k.o, f,ti,ni(n .,i nn.p(h,.iin ThP1 Shulunt. Following this address a
Among tne prominent women who 'will be no benediction services ln the
have been admitted to mejnbership evening. At 9:00 o'clock the Boys'
in tho club during the wlliter are; choir will sing at the mass 'at tho
Mrs. Ben W. Olcott, Mrs. Charles State Hospital. I
Powell, Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Mrs. Floyd I I
Utter, Mrs. Harry M. Hawkins, Mrs. NAZARENE Nineteenth and Mar-
II. E. Case, Mrs. C. J. Greene, Mrs. ion streets. Sunday school at 9:45,
Homer Goulet, Miss Lena Belle Tar- W. B. Hardy, superintendent. Preach
tar, Miss Ada Miller, Miss Ruth Johns, Ing at 11 and again in tho evening at
Miss Dorothy Pearce, Miss McClay, 8:00. Young people's Bible study at
and Miss Edith Hummell. :30 p. m. Praise meeting from 7:30
to 8:00. The Bible study is being well
The Loyal Women's Class of the attended and Increased interest
First Christian church was splendidly shown. Florence Wells, teaf her. Mid
entertained last Thursday by Mrs., week prayer meeting at 7:30 Wednes-
Gnnrcrn Pend nt hpt- hnmn fifift Vi-th Ao-v oiratifncv Thin (a n limn of re-
men s clubs .will present the name of WmtCr street. After a brief business freshing and salvation. The five cot- j
its president ,Mrs. John R. Schermer- ges0n the ladies were treated to some' tage prayer meetings which are being.
ior tne omce or second vice- delightful Instrumental selections by; held every week are proving -to be a
president of the General Federation of the hostess , and everal enjoyable source of strength to the church. You
cuos ior tne election ui meisolos by Mrs. Styles, including The
"ii-miiui convention or tne organization
to be held at Des Moines next June.
Mrs, Kc-.hemterhorn has been a mem
ber of the board of directors of - the
general federation for the past two
A charming home wedding was sol
mnised at high noon Sunday March
28, at the residence-of Mrs. Ida M.
Babcock, 749 North Commercial street
when her daughter Mary B. Babcock
became thoArlde ot Clarence A-'MauK
' llng of Portland. Rev. Kantner offi
ciated. The bride was accompanied by
her ulster. Miss Grace Babcock, while
Caroline Lambrith and' Bertha Bab
oek were flower girls. The beautiful
ring ceremony was witnessed by the
relatives and a few close friends of the
rlde and groom. "At Dawning" was
beautifully rendered by' Miss Grace
Paw-Ik accompanied bv Miss Beatrice
Shelton, who also played the weddine
niarcn. .,
The bride was lovely In a gown o
repe meteor and tho maid of honor in
Kale blue radium silk. The bride's bou-
uei was of Ophelia roses, and the
"""a of honor carried Pink carnations.
ine room. were profusely decorated
"n wuq grape and yellow daffodills.
After congnUulatlons the guests re
Paired to the dining room after which
the UriJe and groom depalred on- a
wef honeymoon..
The couple will reside in Portland,
their present home being . 335 14th
tt.. Out of town guests" Were Mr.
nu Mrs. W. E. Pratt and daughters
, and Dolly and Miss Katie Barclay
"t Oregon City. Miss Nellie and Anna
nnenter, J. Fitzgerald, Miss Bertha
land1" Car0"ne Kayle of PorU
rnnnl...i: ' . .
we t most successful six
elts "Each-one-win-one" campaign
"'Pnibers of the Court street Christian
"lurch enjoyed an extremely pleasant
evening in the church parlors Thurs-
- r..le, nononng their succcs..
members, numbering 45 persons.
are welcome to any and all of these
meetings. We are making a specialty
of Gospel preaching. A. Wells, pas
tor. Florence Wells, deaconess.
Marseillaise.- An appetizing luncheon
served by tho assisting hostesses,
The assisting hostesses were Mcs-
rounded out a pleasant afternoon.
dames Styles, Ransom, Morefield.l HIGHLAND FRIENDS Bible
McDonald and Cobley. : The euests school at 9:45 a. m Earl Pruitt, sup
who attended were Mcsdames Case, ' erintendent. Wo have classes for 'all,
Mdtton,- Whitney, Dorsey - Clark, taught by earnest christian teachers.
Welch, Hunt, Steele, Munmy, Wilcox, Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock.
Eppley, McDaniels, . Olmstea'd, Alder- C. E. meeting at 6:15 and preaching
In, Ccrnlk, Brunk, Thomas Clark, at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on
Stantpn.- Hall, Clements, Richards, Thursday at 7:30 p. m. A cordial wel
May, Noyes, Campbell, Remington com to all our services. I. G. Lee
and Humphreys, , . land wife pastors.
...A "Pioneers' Dinner" will be one SEVENTH DAY . ADVENTIST
of tho great social features of the bl- North, Fifth stret and Gaines Avenue,
eration of Women's Clubs to be held Evangelist A. R. Bell, pastor. To
ennlal convention of the General Fed- morrow evening at 7:30 subject,
at Des Moines June 16-28. The din- '.'Spiritualism Is It of God? Or Is It
tier Is scheduled for Saturday even- a. Satanic Delusion?" The question
ing. June 19, and It will be one of the will be handled from the standpoint
most interesting and inspiring tunc- of an open Bible. You cannot afford
tions of. the entire convention, for It to mis hearing, this great subject
Is, and has been for years, one of the discussed. Come and -bring a friend,
red-lettetr events of every biennial ' .
meeting ' of-the organization. Ever FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Regular
since the early- days a special banquet "services at the Tirst Presbyterian
has been given to those pioneer, wo- ehurch Sunday morning and evening,
men who caught the vision o f service The subject fo rthe morning service
through tho great woman's . club will be "And Jacob said I have
movement and have. led in . all the.-enough" and "Esau said I have
great reforms- which have -brought a enough." A codlal welcome Is ex-
lib 'Wid
J)0 not nuke the mis
take of thinking that
cocoa it only an occa
sional drink. It is so val
uable a (bod beverage, so
rich in the elements of
nutrition, so delidous in
flavor, and so wholesome
that it should be used
. regularlynd often.
MJtt OA lUiipa totfru
This Is a Porcdctin
Kitchen Equipment is com
ing moKe and .more to Porce
lain. No one would have a tin
bath tub or a black iron sink.
So Why Not a Por
, celain Range
The up-to-date housewife
wants a clean sanitary, home,
without continual drudgery
to keep it so.
You simply wash the Porce
lain with soap and water like
a china dish.
No Rubbing
JNo Blacking
"UNIVIT" Porcelain is
guaranteed not to chip, peel
or crack from heat and will
not discolor. It will lo)k just
as beautiful and lustrous after
years and years of use as it
does when the raange is pur
chased. There is nothing to
wear out, as the UNIVIT
Porcelain is just like glass in
appearance. It is hard as
flint, and the sharpest knife
cannot scratch its surface.
Pir! i - 5 ' -' Hi
JLifci iWu -,''i''.' i ""-
De Luxe
Made 1 in E it her
Pearl Grey or Pea
cock Blue
To Suit Your Taste
or Requirements
. Beautiful in appearance,
smooth, glossy, easily cleaned.
Washable, neat and hand
some, decorative to the home.
Get rid of your old dirty
black stove and buy a
You run no risk whatever.
Every UNIVERSAL is abso
lutely guaranteed as to ma
terial and workmanship and
to give complete satisfaction
in heating, baking and cook
ing in general.
.Burns coal or wood ; fits in
small space, retains heat in
Come in and see them. Let
us demonstrate the Quality
of the wonderful UNIVIT
We Make It Easy
for You to Own One
Tom . . .
" , SUP3ls at the affair, at which
early every member of the congrega
tion was nresent
ith the originality that marks all
rr'J eve" of the Court street church
- ...wum ior uie occasion were
nJ artistic could be de
-u iiv- in. rnriM ,,,,i..
IZ m luuriant abundance formed
nJ - " DaCKeround for the daintier
-s lowers that were used ta offset
adrtfleenery- A few fvergreenioughs
' pa n"iab!y to the general effect.
th"oh?"'ud R- L' P'nam. Ptor of
iwTvTe 3 short and nw
Viols i Valklng "h Ood," and Mis
lin sol conHbuted a beautiful Vio
Von B h ,He proe' aJn nd Miss Grace
iniK a n Rave ome "Pb'ndid rtad
.,rdi "W,,i(,n flowed, at which
and Player PianosBest and Cheaper
: :Makes' ,;;r..:V-V- .
Salem, Oregon :
and Records
Sewing Machines
All Makes ;..
Genuine Needles
andOU - -Sewing
Machines Repaired and Rented
Sheet Music
" '. -- And , -
Music Studies
McKinley and Century
. . . 10c Editions .
' ' - at
Music Store
Record Supremacy
Just Received -Hawaiian Reco rds
2743 Beautiful Ohio , , - .
Till We Meet Again -- -c
2614 Finiculi Finicula . ' 0-
Maria Mari ; , r - RjC
2362 Along the Way to Waikiki
Aloha Land : - - -
2368 Smilea Then Kisses -
Hawaiian Echoes 85c
1616-4- Aloha' Oe - ' c.
Hawaiian Medley .- - :,e
1812 Kohola March
Hilo .:. , : - ;--' r 3e
1933 On the Beach to Waikike .
Ilapa Haola Hula Girl 1 -. 83c
2077MedIey of Hula3
Wain Lulilui 85e
2405 Valse Bleue , -'
La Palama : $5c
2509 O Sole Mio .. .
My Hawaii - - - A3c
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