Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 10, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ALVAL 1 ...
1 H iTi A i i 1 A L j ot K.NA L
it A
Hubbard Shows
Promise of Big
Building Boom J
Jews CoverTng Central Willamette Uaiiey by CLPtali
Much interest is
I und then r-turn to Aurora to makef
i ti! f Jt-iri? home. 1
i Harry L- keurs, Kcai bp buyer, hx.-;
iwr-TTi-n a contract fur hops invuh-tnci
i34v.CoM pound at J cent per pourd.
.a nan.ber of Oddfellows Irom Au-
a are making plans on attending the
district convention at Butteville tomorrow.
Hubbard. Or., Apr. 10. That unpre- . - ,
dnted building will rark the year t ' TUlt L,(MtleTy At
Hit In Hu'bard is apparent. It iJ . . - - J n 1m 1m 1
believed that the coming summer Willi rillVvCLTCL rTOuCLVle
witness unusual activity in si! lines of i .
Industry. There has been unnwiil ae-1 HClOTC Y CUT tltlUS
tivlly In tne transier nt real estate in
Puddin? River
Once Navigable I Taken In Waconda
Old Timers Say, Special Services
A jrura. Or. .Apr. 10. A little ear'.yj Wae'umU, Or., Alr. 1. -Good at
history has been recalled her of late I tendance and a widespread ir.tervst
hi the discussions Involving the state's j a!1ong the woiie of tile community
claim to the river re! ot navigable i -...,. ..,, vh erv-
Stayton, Or.. Apt 10. Preparing fotj streams and the gra.el in the "bed OI j lcts"whkh have bet,:1 hM this week
Stayton Woolen
Installing New
Machinery Now
bis summer run of business the
Stayton woolen mill is installing new
machinery, erecting new buildings,
creating new departments and sys-
sueh. It develops that Pudding rtverj
is hardly a navigable stream as tar up
as this city.
Early pioneers recall thai the lasti
the past few weeks, purchasers dic!ar-i
Hubbard, Or.,
tag their intention to begin building! fruit nd brry
Apr. 10. The smali
industry is enlarging
tematically making arrangements o steamer to navigate Pudding river was
take care of the business coming to one that came up as far as the old toll
that enterprise. Three new looms are bridge In 1S3J. Aside from several
among the additional machinery being; pleasure launches owned by Captain
when the weather conditions will per-! remarkably In this vicinity and many lnsta1?d Jugt noW( and a new washer ; George" Fry, Watt Snvder. VV? XV. Ii
,!( tn different swtlnns of i he citv!of tm larger farms have been cut BP ,,..,.,;. ,ni luun b,. r p -tkn.,.. '.-j ,w.r
silt. Tn different b-rtinns of the citv
new residences are planned ad the re- iol ,ma" lract ai,J "oli to different
conduction and building of new bus! Prti' who ar making berry farnw.
ess houses is also anticipated, accord-Is0 rapidly has been the development
sag to current reports. I ,hat nn'nK factory for Hubbard
Among the business houses to b. durirS the coming season seems to be
constructed is a modern a'ore building 'n91 a certainty, according to a re
to be built by Beck & Son. Plans and' nort fiven oul "diiy b' prominent
specifications have not yet been fur
bished, but it is understood that the
traildlng is practically a certainty.
The school work tn this city has been
handicapped to some extent during the
year by reason of sickness. A couple
berry producer.
Early in the season it was believed
that the berries were seriously dam
aged during the winter by the severe
cold. It sems, however, that the dam-
' f, CM In nnl nnrlv mm trt-.. u , mm mrnm
vt months ago the English teacher was' ""Pu. fames in rested hi the
bilged to resign on account of illi "anuraeiure o truit Juices and canned
health and Slary Paulstin of Salem was' frul" have bepn. ner within the past
iew nays investigating the advisability
employed to fill the vacancy. Now Mr.
. Paulsan Is confined to his bed at the
home ot his slater in Bilverton and It
sma impossible to fill the vacancy at
the present time. Mr. Paerlson is ex
pected to resume work, however, the
first of next week.
J. W. rawes of Donald has pur
chased the ten acre berry ranch for
nierly owned by ilr. ftnsntck. William
brothers, also of Donald, have per
-chased thirty acres of land near here
belonging to Mr. Kelly.
; Heck A Hon, who recently sold their
.lumber yard in Hubbard to the Cope
land Lumber company of Portland, ex-
IM-ct to engage In the general merchan
flise business here on a large scale. It
Is predicted that they will have one of
the best stores In the county when
, plans are consummated.
C. M. Crittenden and B. Courand.
eiil estate dealers of Hubbard, pup.
chased two city homes this week. They
nought the properties In view of specu
of building a cannery.
U is said that - fully two hundred
acres of berries have already been con
tracted for and before the end of tie
week the acreage will be at least one-
third greater.
j for cleaning blankets and heavy pieces kie. ii. E.' Phillips , and others." the
of goods was Installed the fore part of steamers of more than sixty years ago
the week. C. E. Lampman is superin- is the only evidence of Pudding river
tending the Job of reconstruction, and being a navigable stream.
expects to have the work completed, just how the state can lay claim to
during the early part of next week ! the gravel in the bottom of Pudding
when the mill will resume work with : piver at this point is beyond compre
a larger crew. - j hension.
Since Mr. Bell took hold of the plant !
several months ago the mill has met
with a general increase
It was necessary to make these im
provements earlier than expected. ilrJ
Bell anticipated considerable building
and reconstruction later, but the
change became necessary earlier than
anticipated by the constant Increase ei
orders for the product.
Stayton claims more manufacturing
enterprises than any town In the coun-
rAged ML Angel
Resident Laid To
Rest Yesterday
WL Angel, April 10. Alois Kellei-,
; gea seventy six years, (tied at nls
Jiome In this city Tuesday after a ling
ering illness, and the funeral serv
ices were held Friday forenoon. In
terment whs made In the MC Angel
cemetery. Mr. Keller came here wl;h
-Ills family ten years ago and has been
a resident of this city since that tlm
Work is progressing raoldly on the
water system under course of con
struction, considering the Inclemency
of climatic conditions since the wbtk
was started. The side wlls of the res
rvoir were completed yesterday. '.
fhatfleld, who has been engineering
the work here, left for La Uremia
yesterday and his successor,' J. II.
los) of Port hi mi arrived here yester
day to take charge of the v urk. F. .f.
IjiDoux, also of Portland, is superin
tendent of the work. He also arrived
this week.
With a seven passelll)l j,1y luiit
upon a Ford truck ,lj, w. Myeis
jhas started a stage Una en lien
end Wllholt via Miinjuum and Scotts
Mills. Mr, Myers has contract' to car
ry the mall for the points above mini
d, and makes one trip a day each
way. latter In tho scuson, "when thu
roads are improved ant) the summer
resort opens at Wl'holt, ho expects
to make two dally trips each way.
Water Supply At
' . Aurora . Running !
! Short; Need Well
" Aurora, Or., Apr. 10. Since It Is
. known that the water supply has be
onie Inadequate to supply the demand
la this city's movement has been start
id to drill another well No definite
Jdans have yet been reached, but there
is a sentiment throughout the city fav
orable to the Investment. Ho urgent Is
1 the necessity that It Is probable the
! Work will bp started during the present,
i month. i ,
K. K. Muecke departed this Week for
Iqulipie, Chile, where he goes to look 1
Iter his Interests. He expects to close;
Turner Woman Is
Asking Damages
Of Car Company
rumer, Or., Apr. 10. Having suf
flclently recovered from injuries sus
tained in Portland Beveral months ago
when she fell from a streetcar by the
alleged carUes-ie of the street rail
way com party, Mm. J. J. Lyle Is in Port
land assiting in the prosecution of a
damage case Instituted in .Multnomah
county circuit court. ,Ira Lyle has suf
fered a great (leal since the accident
and feels that ahe is entitled to dam
ages. She is expected home today.
Mrs. Evelyn Martin went to Salem
a few days ago where she Is receiving
medical treatment from a specialist.
Her friends will be glad to learn that
sue is recovering rapidly under the
treatment. ' : ,.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). McVlcker of Salem
were visiting at the Baker hotel In Tur
ner Friday.
After several weeks viBlt fn town Mr.
and Mrs. Ouy Chapman have returned
to their homo In St. Helens.
May i!6-30 are the dates set for the In Turner conducted by
the Ellison-While company, and the
event la looked forward to with much
anticipation, -
Because of a defective line between
here and the reform school telephone
communication was cut out all day
Friday. A crew of linemen were work
Ing In that vicinity and made the nec
easary connection to reMore the service
late in the day,
John R. Howe, brother of Mrs. Perry
Corneljus,- was here a few days this
week, visiting at the home f his sis
ter. He reliirned to his home hi Col
fax, Wash., Thursday. .. '
J, N. Duncan AYd wife, who have
been visiting In California for several
months, returned this week and report
having spent a very pleasant wlnter.1
Pearl Hasslor, editor of the Tumor
Tribune, Iliads a business trip to Iwrt-
Itind haturday morning. Pontics are
I said to have been the prlnii
I ills visit. Mr. Ilassler. and his paper
, will "boost" Htanfleld for t'nlted States
; senator- according to reports. ,
: A. If! (lustin nud family of Pine
, City. Wash., wWo have been spending
the winter In California, have been vis
iting for a few days nt the home of Mr.
I and Mrs. A. W. Blaco.
ot business and Aurora Legion
Post Seeks To
Extend Scope1,, A numbr,
. .f fended the f
Aurora, April It. George A. White
former adjutant general of Oregon,
and William B. Follett, Oregon state
commander of the American Legion,
were here Thlirartav' In fh Interests
ty outside of Salem, all of which areof the wate organilation A meetlng
provided with adequate, but economl-jof the Aurora pogt wj be hM he..e
cai power irom ine jsaiem race, a
stream taken from the Santlam river
and converted into the best water pow
er system in Oregon but one exception,
and that Is at Oregon City. Beside?
the woolen mill there are two flouring
mills, chair factory, excelsior factory.
s;t-mill, electric power plant, and
blacksmith and machine shop furnish
ed with power from this course.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hendershot were
called to Salem Friday evening on ac
count of the serious illness of the lat
ter's sister, who underwent an opera
tion at the hospital.
It became know here yesterday that
D. B. Hill, well known in Stayton, haS
sold his Interest In the Mill City bank
and will move backto Portland. The
new directors of the Mill City bank are
J. W. Mayo of tSayton, Dr. Allen, F.
M. Arnold and F. I. Arnold. Mr. Mayo
is interested in tho Stayton bank also.
He recently purchased Mr. Hill's stock.
The student body of the Stayton
high school " gave a very Interesting
play Tuesday evening entitled "The
Hoodoo." It was well attended.
E. D. Phllllpl of Silverton, who re
cently purchased a stock ranch near
Stayton, on the south side of the river,
is thinking seriously of selling his Sil
verton farm and moving his family
here early tn the summer. Mr. Philip
pi was In the etly Friday on business.
W. E. Thomas of Salem, formerly
one of Stayton's business men, was in
the city Friday vutitlng his son, Alvia
! April 22. at which Captain Convilie
jof Portland will address the service
men on the bonus question as well as
on the matter of strengthening the
local post. It is especially desired to
get an accurate idea of the sentiment
Of the service men on the matter if
what they desire in the line wheth
er cash or otherwise.
Aurora and its mail routes sent
over 125 men Into the service duriig
the war, hence there are men enough
here to form a strong American Le
gion post and Messrs. White and Fol
lett devoted their time at the meet
ing 1o the promotion of the effort lo
Increase the post membership.
New Voik. April 10 A por
trait of William II. Anderson,
stalo superintendent of tho
Antl Saloon League, was hung
In the window of a tightly
locked "thirst parlor" In the
"tenderloin" today as one sa
loonkeeper's wordless comment
on the vice probe.
"But tills rctnrin stuff Is like
a small bank roll In a jm em
porium," Jhf.saloonlst said, "It
wont lust long."
Lumber Company
Records Articles
Of Incorporation
Capitalised at 300,(M)0 the Winches
ter Bay Lumber company with head
quarters in Portland, filed articles of
Incorporation with the state corpora
tion department here Friday. The In
corporators are John Klernan, Russen
.1. Hulitmrd and T. H. Ward.
Other corporations filing articles
Friday were:
Hodel, Holding company, Oregon
City, $70,000; H. C. Stevens. R. J. Hodg
object of "n Hml ,Ionn Erlcksnn-
t.iiiieu mates ittunury company,
Portland, J5000; Percy O. Allen, L. E.
Crouch and I.. Miller.
Northwest Chemical company, Port
land, $10, OOP; J. V. Winter, W. H. Ma
guire and 0. F. Faber.
The Murphy Timber company of
Portland filed a certificate showing an
Increase In capital stock from $100,
(JO l) to (300,000.
An Increase from $10,000 to $25,000
In the capital stock of Fobs Co..
Moro, is also shown In a, certificate ot
According to Dan Burns, Salem rep
resentative of the GMC, there Is much
in a name. At least ever since his last
shipment of trucks he has been kept
busy explaining their name. These
trucks are known officially as the 3-4-1-ton
r, .VIC. "Why twxj names?" people
Invariably ask some even implying that
the reason fof the name Is in order to
follow the prevailing fashion for doub
le "handles." ,
Yet the name is not hard to account
for and Is in reality well chosen, hav
ing been selected because the truck is
really two trucks In one, combining as
it does the flexibility, the speed, and
the economy of operation of a 3-4-ton
truck with the power, chassis strength.
the lang wheel base, and the carrying
capacity of the 1 ton truck.
More than 3,000,000 horses were
displaced hy motor trucks last year.
at the school house.
The Ladies' Aid society met, last
week at the home of Mi's. Blackburn.
The afternoon was spent in making a
quilt .after whicn a d-licituis lunch was
served bv the hostess. The nesfmeet-
ini is to be at the" Russell .home on
April 21.
" Mr, and Mrs. J. C. 'Savage were Wa
conda visitors on Thursday.
Miss Edith Vinyard of Salem has
been spending.a few days with her par
ents, .Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Vinyard.
A party of men folks motored to
Portland. Wednesday evening the pari
ty composing of C. C. Russell, Miles.
Russell, Henry Stafford, Frank Helton
and George Thurman.
Mrs. D. E. Blackburn's aunt. Mrs.
X. R. Buird of Portland, who has been
visiting her for several days, returned
home Sunday.
of Waconda people at-
funeral of Marie Finney,
which was held at Salem last Monday
from St. Joseph's Catholic church.
.-. Iff LmT
Fresh From the Oven
,Ve bake tremendous quantities
of Bake-Rite Bread daily. pay
us a visit and learn for yourself
that our methods are most mod
ern and all baking done under
strict sanitary conditions.
457 State Street. . ' . Phone 268
GRAND 5 Mon., Apr. 17
When the body begins to stiffen
end movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by takuu
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous since 1696. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes, sll
druggists. Guaranteed as represented.
Leak for tlx same Cold feudal ea ever has
aa vstvt M hnitstiea
Beautiful Women
of Soclety.duringthepast
seventy years have relied
upon it for their distin
guished appearance. The
Wt, refined, pearly
...t.i. 1 : I .
wnuc tumurcxiun n
render Instantly, Is
always the - source of
flattering comment f
1 . !.
II 1 f it ff ....
$2.00, $1.50, $1, 50c. Seats on sale Sat., Apr. 17
The Cleveland Federal Reserve
Blink In Ohio Is the first of the federal
banks to make use of a specially built
motor "tank bank". The body Is of
armored steel, bullet proof by tests,
and Is mounted on a large truck chas
sis geared to hluh speed. The motor
laed bank has space for elcht guards
and has several gun-turret windows.
It Is to be used to transport funds
to and from other banks.
The latest production In modern
- "fire engines" hnve motor driven
The ReltUh ,.., ...t......l Jii .,, . ... j ..... ....
! lh... i . . i . 3 v,,,e'.,M 7. ,uui,n Hiauineu iu uenver sou ga long
: '"proved high ,a In this country, women motor drivers during the war. of water a minute.
of battery trouble
Equip your
car with an
HExibe' Battery
backed by
'.'Extbe" Service
171 S. Commercial St.
There are only 2n.US miles of
. -"" est
. .
wmm- j . 'syr"n
isMssVsl iLskHsiBl
Thrilling Scenes
" The Winchester Womaji"
Intense Lpve. Strong Plot.
5. Invisible Hand
6. Mutt & Jeff
Tomorrow 2:15-4-5.45-7:30 and 9:15 p. m.
' 1
if! i : m
HI m. 4 - ' 1 Jll
5! -v ' 5;
e'i ' . - '.' fit
' '. P
3 f t Ii
i; p
y.i ! a
a: " ' i'3
n : m
ii l m
1' . """ nuw roiry ih
. m 5
"WINGS of the MOSMNff
A .ch rtoiy that for Dramatic Suspense, Hair-Raising Battloe with the an'grv seal a Man's Determination tn n,p,
the aean of its Preey, and a Love Story of Intense Human Interest and Heart Aeal. fclSS
A Roaring Sennett Comedy
Hear HA WLEY Play
"The Naughty Waltz"
r-. - , x,. tsr
Fr- iTin..i i - ' ' ' .1 !':.- :' t, i-S. ? I ii. -
x " .y ij ij
; s ....
CONTINUED chemical action
weakens ordinary insulation .
so that it has renewed at
least once during the life of the
battery. Threaded Rubber Insula
tion "is different. The rubber re--
tains its valuable insulating pro-
perties clear to the end of the lifo .
of the battery, so that the user
can forget that insulation trouble
r ever existed.
;Degge &.Burrell-
Auto Electricians
23S North High Sireet -
Through Service We Grow