Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 10, 1920, AUTO SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 13

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amsden Aquires
Agency Here For
Goodyear Tires
i v Ramsden company, 387
-,t. "Home ol the Dayton.'
v tnofc tie agency Here lor
irear Tires and Goodyear acces-
f .d expects to be able to render
FL.. tire service by the first of
pooaj- romDlet, una of Good-
L,, tires "d accessories ma
Lmctired bv Mr. Karowen i""
handlers of one of the most com-
5 .... una of Urea,
! Few persons know of the progress
a enterprise of Lloyd E. Ramsden
mnany, and for that reason cannot
JTi.t. the creditable business It is
doing. ne
known S lnB '
Lay. In 191' Uoyd K Ramden
tought mi""
hum in Munnlpt mn
nd nas ""
f rviHonoe in the volume of business
ianisden is handling. 100 bicycles
iere tola "J
Lmsden expects to greatly exceed this
msiness aunns
Union Depots For
Trucks Are Being
Erected in East
Farther evidence of the proven prac-
hility of the motor truck express Is
ivlosed in the establishment in To-;
jpdo, Ohio, if a union depot solely for
fcotor truck freignt.
1 organization of independent
tucking concerns, founded a year ago
lir the development of inter-city mo-
i,r transportation, is responsible fr
tiii Innovation. Business has grown so
Lpidlr within the course of the year
hit the building oi a station in me
Icart of the city was made necessary
i, facilitate shipping.
This building is a modern structure
two floors and basement. The eq-
rwr.ent will include electric elevators
ini other machinery which will aid In
he speedy handling of freight.
More Depots Seen.
According to E. A. Williams, Jr.,
resident of The Garford Motor Truck
mpany, who some time ago urged
lie systematic organization of motor
ruck Interests, sucn aepois soon win
p established in all trade centers.
"The rapid development of the mo
r truck express In various communi
ty Wni result shortly in a net-work of
antes extending over the country,"
lys Mr. Williams.
; "With the amalgamation of trucking
iterests and the improvement of the
ighways, this system will soon become
great factor In the nation's transpor
ition. I "Without a unity of purpose there is
1 certatin waste in transportation
Jjss of tonnage hauled. Naturally this.
suits in Increased costs. The creation
a highway transportation commisions
ji various states and the organization
if transportation bureaus in cities has
I suited in the elimination of much of
ill capacity waste.
"These latter associations, compris
g the leading motur haulage concern
the community ,are centralizing the
licking activities.
OfNccs Maintained.
"The Toledo association, for Instance
raintains for the mutual benefit of
uck-owning members and those
f horn they serve, a central office and a
fpcretary-manager. In this office an
fccurate check of trucks is kept on a
fcrge blackboard. The moment a mem
f'r has a truck not in use he notifies
pe secretary and the truck Is immed
iately posted as Idle.
"Another member, whose trucks are
fi operation, may receive a request
pom a shipper. He notifies the secre
eiry of this request and the idle truck
thonging to the first member is plac
id In service.
I "In the inter city hauling trucks are
fperated so systematically that they
re assured cargoes both wnvs. Rate
hedules are based unnn tho, ,
lan and the association provides for
"embers a course of instruction whlrh
ache the proper way to determine
I "i me operation.
All cargoes are Insured by the as
sociation from the Ume they are placed
poard the truck at the shipper's
t'lace of business until they are doliv
re at their destination.
"Detroit, Cleveland, Akron, Pitts
rg and other cities in the Central
4 "
recently have established similar
pureaus and all are hot t
3 . iiitcinvvcii
f ont system. The varions as-
Nothing is more bitter than to discover that your neighbor drove a better bargain
for his truck of the same make than you did.
Republic prices are low and standard with good service a feature. No discounts are
offered. '
You have heard "yovj'ie a good fellow so we will give you 5 per cent or 10 per cent
ff depending on your shrewdness. You never find the real price on that basis.
They are all good fellows with us. All deals are alike.
By a Truck that will have a home this year and next
IV. H. Mdebrandt & Co.
serving territory
- i-mne raaius of their res
pectlve cities.
"With the organisation of these as
sociations in several more of the large
centers as now contemplated, the mo
tor truck express system in the Central
States will be practically complete
There seems little doubt thai it .in
then spread rapidly to other sectoins
ana- eventually throughout the eoun
Trucks Bringing
Farm Closer
To Town Daily,
me miles between farm and
city Is becoming one of the most popu
tax occupations of the motor truck in
those sections of the United State
wnere good roads are the rule.
Two farm communities near Balti
more, for example, are operating their
own motor truck lines into that c'itv
on regular schedule. They are using
me truck not only In sending an aver
age of 1800 gallons of milk and a large
supply of other products of the farms
into the city daily, but also in bringing
back to the farms consignments of
foodstuffs, farm implements, grocer
ies and furniture purchased in the
city by the farmers' co-operative so
cieties at reduced rates.
Both of these co-operative truck
lines have been in operation more than
two years long enough to demonstra
te the value and practlbility of the
plan under which they are conducted.
I Many of the persons they serve state
mat witnout mem tneir rarm com
mi.rities would lose much of the con
tentment that now prevails. The in
crease in earnings and the savings they
make possible go a long way, these
farmers say, in helping them meet the
increased costs of farming. Without
truck transportation dairy herds would
be reduced seventy-five per cent, they
The organization of both associa
tions and their manner of doing busi
ness has been made the subject of a
booklet whfeh has recently been issued
by the Firestone Ship by Truck bureau
L. J. Sparks, manager of the Portland
district, whose office is at 65 North
Park street, said yesterday that he has
a limited supply of the booklets for
distribution locally to those interested.
Do not carry your tubes In the orig
inal tube boxes. These boxes are for
shipping purposes only and on pur
chasing a tube the owner's first act
should be to remove it from the box
and place In in a tube bag, which can
be obtained at any supply store.
THE whole appearance of the BIG-'
SIX gives, unmistakably, an idea
of the beauty and strength that have
been put into it, and the well-nigh
unlimited power it is ready to pro
duce at command.
6f-H. P. detachable-head motor; intermediate
transmiuion; 126 -inch wheelbase, providing
mple room for seven adults.
- I
All StudWbakr can wrm quipped with
Cord TirM aBOtbar Studobaiier prcdnt
"ThU it a Studebaher Year"
Balem, Ore.
279 N. Commercial Street
Elgin Sedan Has
High Quality In
Correct Design
Aside from the usual eariosJtv uni
ed by a debut of a few makes of en
tirely new companies and a number of
radical model departures by some of
the other builders, comment on com
parative car values expressed at the re
cent automobile show here will most
likely be centered en two well estab-
uanea types of vehicles which have
been gathering much impetus to )helr
popularity during the past two or
tnree years. These are the 5 passenger,
all-seasons' enclosed Job, and the 4
passenger open sport model.
Representative of these, and especial
ly noteworthy because of the distinc
uon wnicn they hold as being "high
quality brand" in the moderate price
category, are the Elgin Six Sedan and
Victory Scoot models.
" One source of distinction enjoyed by
an Elgin Sedan comes from the fact
that it expresses, admirably a very
modern version of correct design. In
view of this the Elgin has Influenced
the choice of some of the most dis
criminating buyers. who, in many
intsaonees could well have afforded
much more expensive cars. Yet, it is
because of its sensible and commodi
ous arrangement, and the substantial
assemblage of it carriage work, which
meets so well the less conventional
family requirements at a comparative
ly moderate Initial cost and mainten
ance that its popularity is particularly
noticeable throughout the gamut
medium prioed car buyers.
Tire Makers Buy
Food By Pool Plan
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber com
pany believes in protecting its 31,000
employes in Akron as far from possi
ble profiteering,, so a committee of its
Industrial Assembly,, the congress wor
kers that runs the huge plant is buy
ing food for distribution.
Three carloads of sugar and one of
ham were bought .recently and sold to
employes at a price close to cost. Dur
ing the winter all kinds of food was
distributed at reasonable prices even
made-to-measure clothes.
Other Akronites, including restaur
ant keepers, were so keen to partici
pate in these food sales that identifi
cation cards are now necessary so that
only genuine Goodyenrites will benefit
Trucks I
Motorcycle And
Bicycle Grow In
Favor Steadily
Higher fares ana poor transporta
tion service in the cities are combining
with better roads in the country in
giving; the motorcycle and the bicycle
an ever growing popularity in both
congested and thinly settled sections
throughout the United States, accord
ing to close observers in the business
When street car lares were increas
ed in Boston recently to ten cents, the
surface lines were collecting 800,900
fares daily, according ot local newspa
per estimates. It was estimated this to
tal fell to eOO.00 fares at the Ume of
the Increase. At the same time there
was noted a stimulated demand for bi
cycles and bicycle tires.
It is said that at Rome, N. T re
cently 1206 passing bicycles and mo
torcycles were counted at a down town
street corner during the noon hour.
Factories, schools and business buil
dings are adding facilities for storing
bicycles during working hours.
Bicycles and motorcycle tire sales
last year almost doubled those of the
year before, the Firestone Tire and
Rubber company, of Akron, O., re
ports. The factory found it necessary
to increase its facilities to a large ex
tent in an attempt to keep pace with
growing demand.
The motorcycle already well estab
lished in business wherever speed is
essential, is said to be finding its great
est increase in popularity today in af- i
fording opportunities for healthful ex
ercise and recreation. It is finding its
The H. C. L. is raising Well,
It's raising quite a rumpus.
It comes. to pass the cost of "gas"
Once more is gonna' bump us.
It gets your goat to see the "boat"
A-rusting in the "garridge."
To make it worse you wanta curse
The day you sold the carriage.
lBut, stay 1 Old man, I've got a plan;
We still can use the pike.
Forget the flivver, spare your liver,
Well ride a "Dayton" bike.
Lloyd E. Ramsden
387 Court Street.
F. G. Delano
range extended constantly with the
er increasing mileage ot hard surfaced
Because of it the golfer is getting
more time on the course, the swimmer
is finding "the old swimmin' hole" the
sooner, the fisherman is making mon,mott modern ,nBUon -0 miik, p.
... . . . " 1 .
the trout call, and the hunter is able1
at any season to search out the places
where his farerits sport abounds.
Future Of Public
Market Is Made j
, Sure By Trucks
Nearly every day last week, papers
have contained news Items of the op
ening of a public market in some
large town. "And yet few people rea
lixe," says Dan Burns, local represen
tative of the GMC, "the part that the
motor truck is playing in the develop
ment ot these markets. For years be
fore the great war," according to Mr.
Burns, "visitors to Europe Invariably
wondered why American cities had no
public markets like those in the old
world. There every morning the peas
ants are seen with their carts laden
high with produce wending their way
to the city stalls. In our country we
have nothing of the kind. 'Why not?'
the tourists asked.
"Yet the reason -was not far to seek.
Cities in America are far apart. In few
cases do the farmers live within walk
ing distance of a large town. To go to
business center Is (or rather was) a
day's journey. But the motor truck Is
changing all of that. Farmers who used
to have to rise at 3 o'clock, feed and
curry their horses, ana tnen make a
long, tedious trip to town, now find
You are paying from 28 to 30 cents per gallon for gasoline
now. In a very few days you will be paying an advance
of 2 cents per gallon.
prices going up-up-upi . .
a chevrolet 490 car will run from 20 to 28
miles on a gallon of gas.
you can buy a full set (4 ) good tires for a
490 CHEVROLET FOR $72.00.
The automobile has come to stayf but to be practicable it
must be economical. To be economical it must be light.
The Chevrolet 490 weighs 1890 pounds and is the an
swer to low operating costs.
alem Rutomobile
ev-that they can arrive in time by arising
at T o clock. Vegetables that used to
arrive wilted and poked new arrive in
excellent conditon, the dewstUl n
"Queer isn't it that It has taken our
1 oie in America aa old world custom
that is centuries old. With the advent
of the motor truck Public Markets are
beginning to flourish."
Everybody has heard of the Penn
sylvania State Constabulary.
The deeds ot this wonderfully
disciplined body of men in dealing
The High Cost
of Street Car Riding
is nothing in the life of the bicyclist.
Nor is he or she forced to suffer the
inconvenience of the crowded, stuffy,
germ-laden street car. Why should
bicyclists worry about the increasing
price of fares when they have their own
private conveyance ready to take them
where they want to go at any time.
jOnce you're a bicyclist you will never
go back to the sport of strap hanging.
(;We have a bicycle for you it's a
147 South Commercial Street
page Txmru
with lawlessness in individual rami
rank with exploits of the Northwest
Mounted Police.
Heretofore they hava been mount
ed on horses but tfcis to changing
because of the modern demand tor
chased TO Goodyear equipped Harlej
Davldsoa uuxorcyrlet for these era
stables, to use in riot staty and to
make speed in getting to the scene
of crimes.
Road tax, which is imposed open
every male inhabitant in Bulgaria
11 to Si years of age, is bo less than
31.(0 per year, or five days' work.
Two days work is accepted from thee
who use their own teams.
I. E off
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