Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 10, 1920, AUTO SECTION, Image 11

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Lexington Auto
Is Selected By
Motor Expert
After y1"9 of study and identifica
tion with the automobile industry and
dose inspection of all cars at the New
Tork and Chicago shows, a Lexington
' model was selected by Charles P. Root
of ' fhicigo. for the : season's ' work
ahead of him. '. '
If was Mr. Root who managed the
1919 Elgin road race, as he did the
; first one in 1910, ana he has also been
leleeled as manager of the first nation
al motor truck reliability contest,
hich & to take place iif June. Like
' irtse he has been named as .the- mana
ger of the 1920 Glidden tour, to be run
from Xew Tork to San Francisco, 3400
miles in September.
Twice over the 3000 ' mi)e truck
' contest circuit the trip from Chicago
to the starting point at Omaha and re
turn and then on to New Tork the
journey means the greatest variety of
roads that could be devised, and for
the greatest part of these roads are
little more than virgin trails.
The work to be called from a car In
such service means It must have sim
plicity to make for stamina; speed
which will be called for and this
means that road tenacity is essential;
ud dirt roads as they come and moun
tain grades call for unwavering power.
Kaowing what lays before him, what
car will be called for he selected the
Lexington Thorobred as the one that In
his judgment best fitted for his needs.
In the past ten years, since. May,
1909, to be exact, Mr. Root, who by the
way is C'nioago representative ofA.A.A.
contest board, has confined himself to
just two cars and in that time . has
driven those two more than 200,000
miles. Ho was for some years editor of
the Motor Age and also automobile
editor of the Chicago Hcrald-Kxamln-er
and personally drove over the tour
ist routes that paper featured.
. In short he Is an automobile expert.
The B. & C. Motor company of 178
Fouth Commercial Btreet,. asks motor
ists In this section to watch the per
formances of the Lexington.
Tommy Milton Sets World Record by
Driving 50-Mile Heat 26y2 Minutes
A new world's record for a mile and
a quarter track was hung up by Tom
my Milton in his Duesenberg1 last
Sunday at the new Beverly Hills track
near Los Angeles, Cal.. when the vet
eran driver won the final BO-mile
heat rrora a large field of racing
stars in it minutes, ' fifty -two and
two-tenths seconds an average speed
oi xu.a an nour.
. KMn la Second.
, Art Klein drove his Peuguot to sec
ond pluce, Pullers big Richauda took
third honors while Roscoe Sarles' by
fine driving finished fourth. Just with
in the money. The winners of all three
heats made non-stop runs on Good-
The race consisted of three flftv-
mile heats the rirst four drivers tjn
tshing in each heat .qualifying for the
nnnis. in the first heat Art Klein
drove his Peugeot across th Hnn a
The newly-crowned racing king,
Jimmy Murphy in bis Iusenberg
took the second heat with Pullen in
his Richards In second place, De Pal
ma with his B&ilot third and Roscoe
Sarles in his Mrontenac fourth.
Murphy's average speed for the dis
tance was 110.7 miles, an hour.
Drtrln Is Wonderful.
Interest in the finals wa raised to
fever heat by the terrific speed and
wonderful driving In the first two
races.. The wild-eyed thousands in the
packed stands kept up a continuous
din as the racers burned up the track
in the furious struggle for supremacy.
Ralph De Palma led the field untU
the thirty-eighth mile when a tire
change' delayed him long enough to
keep hirli out of the money.
Quick aa a flM& Milton forced his
car out of the van and crossed the
line a winner amid the deafening an
winner, closely followed by Milton's Plause of the spectators but not un-
Dusenberg. Boyer's Frontenao andltil he hail been fonvui m. -i,a
Hearne's Chevrolet. - Klein's averace sneed demons in rrv cvMni, mnta
speed was 110.8 miles an hour. .for mile and a ouarter tracks.
Specialists In
Auto Mechanics
yAt Great Western
L. 8. Hickman and E. W. Hobson, re
puted as being the most export auto
mechanics on the coast, will assume
charge of the mechanical and repair
department ot the Great Western Gar
; age. 121 North High street, about April
15, it was announced at the garage this
week. Hickman and Hobson are com
ing to this city from Portland, where
they were connected with one ot tne
largest auto distributing firms, Hick
man as Shop superintendent and Hob
son as service forpman.
396 Trucks and
Autos Cross Busy
Corner In 1 Hour
Some idea of the marked growth of
the automobile as a business and
pleasure vehicle among the people
of Salem and vicinity, as elsewhere
over, the world, during the past 15
years is contained in the figures
compiled by the Valley Motor com
pany. Ford and Fordson distributors
In this territory, showing the num
ber of automobiles which cross the
intersection at the corner of State and
Commercial streets in this city.
Three hundred and ninety six auto
mobiles, actual count, crossed thih
intersection between the hours of 3
and 4 o'clock last Saturday afternoon.
an afternoon of only average traffic
because of unfavorable weather con
ditions which kept many people from
the rural districts out ot the city,
Strung out in parade formation at
intervals ot only 10 feet, these 396
cars would make a line greater in
length than State street and would
provide a means of conveyance for
approximately 2000 people.
Included in the total number of
machines crossing the ; intersection
were 156 Ford touring cars, sedans,
coupes, roadsters and trucks,- to -say
nothing of the scattering of "bugs'
for which Ford chassis formed the
foundation: one Ford to every two
cars of all other makes.
"compared to the general propor
tion of Fords included In the total
number of automobiles in use in the
United States today, the count made
Saturday shows an unusually low
average," says John Harbison, Ford
sales manager of the Valley Motor
company. "Where the figures of this
count show only 49 per cent of the
cars enumerated were Fords, statis
tics show that 80 per cent of the mo
tor vehicles in the country today
came from the Ford factory."
Vick Brothers Get
Large Shipments
Of Big Tractors
During March, Vick Bros, local
Samson dealers, received one hundred
and twenty-five tractors and during
April they expect to get over 100 Sam
son tractors and tracks, largely trucuw.
The fcarnson tractors, in two modej
havcbeen shown here the past month
but the new truck has yet to make its
appearance. The model 15 truck Is
rated at 3-4-ton capacity and the mod
el 25 truck is of 1 1-4-ton size. Both
are adapted to either city or farm use.
By the use of an extension rim on the
truck wheeLs, either truck is able to
travel over ployed ground which is an
iu.n, of special interest to farmers. This
is a new device but one which will be
come very popular.
Vick Brothers have now severed all
connections with the Ford line and will
hanOle Samson products exclusively.
Puring the last -week they opened a
branch at Woodburn which makes
them six ..places of business In the vat-
ley. . 4
Republic Carries 35 Tons of Logs
... J
A w
A 3 Hi ton Republic truck, owned by
the Erown-Petzel Lumber company of
Stayton, with trailer, hauling 35 tons
of logs over rough roads near Silver
ton. Standing by the truck Is the lnl
George Warford, who' drove for the
Brown-Petzel Lumber' company for
four years, and always preferred the
Republic truck.
After using this truck for four years
the Brown-Petwl Lumber company
has bought another 34 ton Republic;
and has assured W, II. HlldebratHlt f:
company, Salem distributor!! of the Re-
Republics will be pressed into tlK-h-servlce.
Of the approximate 1000 Republic
trucks being 'used in Oregon, 300 are
being used in such heavy work as this
one, hauling logs and lumber over
public, that as business expands iuoi4pome of the roughest roads in the stat ?
Motorcycle Club
Here To Attend
Big Hill Climb
Fully 25 members of the Salem Mo
torcycle club will ride to Oregon City
Sunday, April 11, to attend the Hill
climb which will be staged there by
the motorcycle club of Oregon City. A
large delegation, from the Rose City
club of Portianrt' will also be there to
tike part in the - events. Several of
Portland's best riders will be there so
a very interesting tirne is expected.
The party from Salem will
Through the great part motor ve
hides played in the defeat of "the
enemy of the world" on battlefields
ot France, one of the leading manu
facturers of motor trucks was decor
ated with the Croix de Guerre by the
French government, .
fawn .
Franklin Runabout
; thiiisa real personal car f or one or two people, ligM, ru&tf,
convenient j in. every sense deserving the name runabout.
Upholstry ii hand-buffed, etxt'-U'-kae
.bright finish; applied in English straight plaits. The at cushion. -is
built in two parts. ' The floor is-covered with horsehair carpet.
' Equipped with Wman top aand Always Ready curtains of -Neverleak
fabric, with two oval plate glass windows in read etar
. tain. Immovable attachments facilitate opening and closing tke
door with curtains in position. ' The' body is designed so that tf
light detachable winter top can befitted.., - . . ' . , - ,
- . ......... ... . -. . -. . . v
The seat back contains a compu-tment large enough to hold or
dinary packages. -The space back of the seat raU retains lighj
-parcela conveniently. The rear hamper .'provides room for .suit
cases and a"spare tire. .''.'." "... ..T .
Standard color i3 Brewster green. . . -"
Weight, fully equipped, without gasoline, 2315 pounds. ,
Marion Automobile Co.
25 South Commertial Street .
Salem, Oregon
Pfctne 38
about i a. m., rrom the motorcycle
store of Harry W. Scott's, 147 South
Commercial street.
Several of the riders from
have expressed their intentions
tering the climb: - -
of en-
Speeders Better
Bewart! Cop Gets
Fast Motorcycle
It's going to go hard with speeders
In Marlon county this summer. As a
start matter of fact they won't te able to
speed fast enough to make it an euKy
matter for themselves.
The county county court has bought
a new 1320 model electrically-equip
ped I-Iarlcy-Davldson motorcvcle from
Harry W. Scott. Salem's Hurley-Dav
idson dealer, that will be used by the
county traffic officer. The motor in
this motorcycle is of the same .type
used by Fred Ludlow In the recent
fpeed trials on Dotonla Beach, In Flor
ida, at which time he attained a spied
of 103 miles per hour.
The twenty-dollar Federal Reserve
Bank Note, series of 1919, has an en
graving of an automobile on the re
verse side.
Auto Accidents
Crow Less Every ,
Year, is Claim
Automobile accidents continue to)
?et en the front pages' of the new s
parmrs, but the fact remains that tr
ratio of these mishaps to the number
ot cars and pedestrians grow 1 less
. "And t!e reason for it is the at
trition people are paying to the Saf-j-i
First movement, which is one of tha
lug things of the age,", says Jno. JJ.
Mansfield, general sales manager cf
'.he Port Motor Car company. '
Curt'lvsMioss Ousted.
"'Education has rooted out var-?-l?-.sness
to an extent. When you aie
Ojt on a popular and crowded high
way you see comparatively few in
fractions ot the rules. Drivinig whicfi
"ejninds one of the Wild West boys in
the films is . becoming scarcer, the
owners of cars having learned that Jt
iles not pay. Some ot them have
learned this at an expense and others
have caught the spirit of equal riyhts;
w?iich means safety.
"Of particular importance Is watch
ing out for children at all times, They
o not know the rule's, the direction
into which they will jump from a
bunch of kiddies is a closed book,
when in the vicinity of them it is
won to be all eyes. There la no tra
Kedy so appalling as that in which a
"Mid is the victim, and it is tip to
the motorist to help the little ones
wJjo cannot help themselves.
Pedestrians Slow To Lvuru
'Tedestrians are slower in learn
ing the laws of traffic than are mo
torists, for the only penalty that at
taches to their heedlessness Is their
own liability to accident. But, they are
learning. They mind the police mueft
better and fewer of them cut across
lots' on the busy avenues.
"It is noticeable in the larger cities
where there is the greatest congestion
the per centage of accidents Is small
est, and the reason for this is that
both motorists and people on foot a;'e
ptoying tho rules of th6 gantu
Safety First."
Iowa has more than
S2,00 motor
V. The Most Closely Priced Hue Car
We Let You Know What
The Chandler Price Is '
THE Chandler Motor Car Company, ever since the first Chandler
Car was built seven years ago, has, in every advertisement
issued J to newspapers and magazines and all other forms of
publications, stated the list price of the Chandler Car.
It states it now and Hill continue to do so.
There is good reason for this and many thousands
of motor car owners know it. This is the reason
The Chandler Six is the most closely priced fine
car in the whole medium priced field.
Look through the pages of this paper or a
magazine that may be lying on your table. There
are probably from ten to twenty automobile
advertisements. How many name the price of,
the car? : 1 ' . .. , .... t.
True, the cost of automobile production has
increased in the past year, and it is still increas
ing. But the Chandler Company, throughout
1919, with all its production greatly oversold,
held to its price.
The Chandler Six 4 today is a highly per
fected development of the Chandler Six seven
years ago, whichstarted thestrend toward light
weight sixes. All the engineering skill and
production efficiency at the command of the
Chandler Company has devoted to this one
chassis and that fact n ne of the reasons for
the Chandler's leadership in its field today.
Ml Chandler bodies are mounted on the one standard Chandler chctm. Simple,
'sturdy and dependable throughout,its features embrace, as foryears past, -the really
marvelous Cliandler Mottff, solid cast aluminum motor base, annular ball bear
in gs, silent chain drive for the auxiliary motor shafts, and Bosch mugrwto ignition.
Cars that Mar Compare with Chandler
are Listed at Hundreds of Dollars More
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, S189Z Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, $1975
. ' -. Seven-Passenger Sedan, S2895 Four-Passenger Coupe, $2795
All Prices., o. t, CkH.lmul, Ohio
Tcw-Fassetiger Roadster, $189$ "f.
IxnKXisine, $.U9S
Olson Mofor ar Goftipany
: 349 North Commercial Street, Salem
tukh , 1
.. fMtl 'IT P"rr
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor