UU;iAY, AViUli: "TUB CAHIAL JUI RNAL J A Salem of Hoover's Day Is Shown in Display of Photos ; 'Early Appearance Reports From Many 'JSix Million Will j Of Anthracanose Streams Shmv Good j Be Spent By Rail On Trf.tta Rennrtedi Season Coming Lines This Year FRI.VCKMIMF-S UK .VF. f .r "k .J " l' ro lUKLi cvmv nr T TI.E qraa am n-" j acci.iK. - bW formerly Mr, B. Leeds. wid j house of Greece 1? denied. v of a miuur naiure, ' What horticulturist! hold to be one The information dep-irtment of, Lnica0o, April i t ... . . 'n,;iii,.n ir.iit.FH -m nripd hv the of the direct results of the extreme Ilauser brotr.-rs store nis receivea a - reather condition, in December is' number of fetter. In response to oner-; railroads this year to P"r t ........ .... , .. .v.. ,,. .,w mt .t rentlv for information ; cse or new equipment . Viiloubtediv one of the most Inter-'""" 1 " - oeruinin to tV cor. l.t on of streams, ation of Rlw-r Executives announc- ' nearsm,. of anlhrac&noee ranker on .pertaining i ut ii.i.i.n uiutiiur, .iimj.i, est o collection of photographs shown ' ,pp trfes ln variou part, of Wil-' the localities named. While the re j" ' lo" '"" divi."n of ,ne the 1. f... L. n I. ' .. .... ,. .. ' ... u,ik r..i,- h-iv. rni-frih. I "ICl licit l " lameue vaney. ss. 11. lan i rump. -j - .. by t case of the Tom Cronise stu-'mHnir fruit insnector renorted today uted to the turbulent conditions of the -l .. !'"" 1UT 0 ' itliat the disease to noticeable here In' streams, several Saleni fishermen hare 'transportation acu - . no rtnrmhrn th. lr,nrlr nf .v.. ,.l.l ,.1 . d i . utrinrs In the unner! ne remaining . J," J J. IF the rate capitol when that building: peeially upon tree that were Injured; reaches of the waters. a fence encioed the giounuar itr.j Cancerous U.rk growths, formed Elg Elk anJ Vagina river In vi- j vestment market, the eivunes m..i-. rourt house in the days when tht- out snore, a very unusual condition ' clear streinw f-illinir. The tront are EiUipiem neeat for tn year. t tat ne ihjsf mirmouniii thui huiMinc'ss the snore Dostules are not usually Ktriifint? n!nnfn rennmlim- bin little ! presidents leportetl , . !....i.r..j k. . i i i..i i t,.-. l. , , ifieinht cam. : ia ser cars u new ana an wwpect. 01 mminiuuiL i cwk " h -iii iia u. uoou over niiit accomnioua i i n t. Aiu f th. Ai.t! The abnormal annearance was first: ti.-.. i&wv luin'mutnTO. ftcutch mills on Xurth Front street, be-1 reported by Professor H. P. Earss. for than plant was burned. Brtcxl0' the tlepartmenU from tne ruitia of the mills U helnr'P'ant patholosy. A. used to the eonstrucUon of the new." noticeable in the pimpled and QUn and hotel at Falls City. Lyons on the Santlatn reports fair fishing, with plenty of hotel accommo- rimiMhvit liv that trtmac !?ir s -teniS Tid ! through loans neitottated in tne In-! Utt.t1 :tno Luckimttte . river upper reaches of the apple tree, the blisters beinsr A ' . Deacuurs hospital at South Winter street- The Chemeketa bote! as it stood in 1 Is also here shoeing sini;le arated aurreys driving- along South Commercial stret, which was not paved at that time. This hotel was the nu treatment programs wUl be announc . Thee scenes were all familiar ones't(i during Hoover's boyhood here, 188 7-1 ' plitered condition of the outer bark about the six of a pin's bead. of botany and clear and cold. Fish axe striking unit,: Prfifirfl C nrtfitlllP. j C. Anthracan-!slow on spinner. Too early for fly. - , To Send Iroops Into Frankfort Stream in vicinity of Jordon is run ning deep. Trout are striking spinner. Frankfort, Apr? 5. French troops ISM. At that time, Chinatown was ln fult bloom and tha picture of the Sing Ling laundry on Liberty street, be tween State and Court, shows that the Orinetaia at that time were ensconded on whut la now one of the most valu able, sections ln Salem's business district One picture is shown, a portion of operation of Air. Van Trump in in- rnnTifowr. lh1 at bait. Camp grounds and continued today to arrive in Frankfort . . room a af ni,rel-.iFOre. 1 wvhik. uimuvuicu iiuuukuvui urw- Uttle and Big Nestauccas. from i occupied district from this city, head of tide up-stream Water is high j Paul Tirard, president of the inter but falling (April 4). FUh are taking: oatlonal Rhlneland commission, and bait and wild for spinner. Over-nlgm j Major General Henry A.ieu, coiu lodging at Cloverdale hotel tand farm ! mander in chief of the American army hom. The fkhlne here is reDortediof occupation, visited Hayence today to bet getting better all the time, good.an1 conferred with General DeGoutte, commanaer ol the French occupation forces. Calf Sells For 431.92; Cottage jfOVe IS tie at 'atchehav'nSbenmade'ntheclear- . , er reaches. .uiiuge oruvB nasn i got anytnin; on Salem or vicinity, when it tames which is familiar to even recent resi- j to ntin Profitable veal calves, dents of Salem. This Is a view of the' la 1316 ltsue ' a Portland p Southern pacific station at 12th and"1, "'PMrd an r"cle from Cottage Oakrtrwt. That until three years airt .1 nertln u """e1 "'at a Mr was the reception "parlor" of this city. ! f; "Carla." 11 veul at The building is now used a an adjunct ,P ""f, or '"' T Mr"' Mcl"ar to the new depot and stands nearly onTI? b"red- he recw le Its old site. One of the two horsecars! T ' ae- rOU'? ' Salem' has shown in this nle-ti.r. . .ir.v i "rot her Deut- IIe w,lt' a veal calf ly Herbert Hoover and at th, .i.,.!,ne "azelwood company here aever.l 1H0 were rer.irded as strictly mod 4rrn Inntivntlonai fur tKln nltU There are three views of Salem's fire I MtirdPf Si C t)Pri department in all Its glory. One Photo-W?' "ir7C;('t Kmph depicts a fire tournament in full blast with the Salem volunteers Jubi lant over having carried away the hon ors from rival cities. Another picture hos the police force of thrco men in US, the member of the groun belli? Linn Smith, Jime Meade and Wells Popular Girl And Dentist Married This Afternoon A proclamation was issued by the French authorities forbidding shop keepers to increase prices to the occu pying forces. day flHO for (3 1.92. San Diego. Cal.. April 10 Jamei Woods, whose real name the polio Lntourette. That unt.m . .... Andrew Huirt and who wn , . srresieu Attempts To End Life With Knife DOCK STRIKE PROBED Portland, Or., April 10. General 1 .rtTlflitinnt nffuiltnn snllilni n.onfr .nil Swelling the list of weddings thatjthe 3ituatlon ln r.ortiad created by s giving April a record that bids fair,,he recent of longshore. to rival that 6 'June as a "Honey- men ,0 load ,he ,teamer Eelbeclc wUn moon month, Grace Wane Davia, , .hi,.. h h one of Salem's mont attractive younc women, and Dr. W. A. Johnson, of this city. were married this afternoon at the parsonage of the Lealle Meth odist Episcopal church. Reverend H. j service t that time to prove,, by heC, 1 V ",e"'r f on Photograph of employe. 'of this tottJZZ. ! Uth: -unxvic VUllim-llUn Willi two murders, attempted suicide in ,..:m; : :,, "."".:uu or':fl1' n, brought from the north- of the 8nlm postoffice. W. .1 T 1. 1 . .. , . fo mI" 'r,- I'-"' ' ny here today mer neighbor of Hoover', I. sown J? ". T"J " wiwi man carriers eiuliiment. H also, Halem residents are given 1SS8 ven lons of lhn II. Albert and Dr. W H. lt)rd. That Hnlem had u bit the policj. nootls used a rusty pen rnifc In hi- union dock workers were the prlnci pal topics 'taken up today by the Northwest Waterfront Employers as sociation, in session here. E. P. Marsh ... ijanior, otiiciaieu. U51HK!.... .v. i : . . -jiiucu in, iiiurniug session. nil? ififi ccicniviiir. Although their engagement had been an open secret among their hott of friends, the marriage of the youna couple was a surprise. Mws Davis ,n for a number of months employed in the millinery vstabllshment of Mrs. O. C. Locke, on Liberty street. Mr Johnson Is a dentist of this city. Both young people are extremely populir here. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Ponuroy acted as best man and brldesmi'M, and the MIXERS INSPECT SMELTER Seattle, Wash., Apr. 1 0. Delegates attending the International Mining con i gress here left today for Tacoma to In-! spect a smelter. , I CORONER PROBES DEATH Seattle, Wash., Apr. 18. Coroner C.i C. Tiffin today conducted an inquest to determine if possible the cause otj the death of Miss Blanche Crowe, one! guests, all of whom were relatives ..f!"' uur i"e ""n 'nen l"e jelfort at suicide, thi arresting off.-i the couple were: Mrs. C. W. Davis, j uncoln was destroyed by fire here; cer said, and although h- Mncecded ' mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. W. ' w ednesday. The coroner said he would j I in inflicting serious ..mr.es u...... IV. oJhnson. parents of tha si-nom. t,.. investigate cnarg that tne hotel was iviiem nad u bit o' snow ln'.i w , . .... ..... . .' ... ... . , . . 1ilR' t k...ui.i . "i-i, iic inienvu me juguiir vetr ..ml " ojnnson, jean jonnson. .iirs. .uti- thotoaranh nr h i L i, , " ' belieVf,d hat he will reciver. rey Hobson. of Pcio; Miss Muriel Dttv !"M,.U!r,,l,.,,0,n,,,"!Woo", had' several hund.ed fioliir, l and Thelma", Ruth inl Margaret ! Johnson. n hit' pos' wsslon when arrit)J. hit i When arrested In Ijtm Anunln. The eyes of Wood denied that he was Huirt and reslilene. ,l.h . h.. ... ... ." " "',ln liberty bonds and a large and va ' rh. . ..u . . i'ed "aaortment of Jewelry H,v iii.uj viner reuiiuuers tna. van in has changed quit a during the past year. The eye ui mt omer resident arrow ...ri.j n... i i ....i o.. , . .".'!.!!: U.M.h,PV Vlt'.w Uu" Kene for Plr. In a safety deposit box iiiij ... ,,m ,eopie no ngure there here would prove his Innocence. Thu Mrr'n,""'' , , , ,Hr ,he ?vs not located ,h. Mr. UoniHe ha. labeled the photo-' safety deposit lu.x, although they ay Kraph the best of hi. fti,,v and, that they expect to do so this aft,. plans to add other from time to (ie. Interesting views noon, 'lAggie Professor .. Resigns To Enter . Federal Service Corvallls. Or., April 10. Dr. U. P. Harrows, professor of agricultural ed ucation al Oregon Agricultural -o!-lege and state supervls-ir of agricul tural education under the Siu 'li llughes act, has resigned. Ho will ie--om federal regional agent for rlcultural education nd his torrlbn will comprise the seven western states Headquarters for the work will be at ' tfan Francisco, Schoolchildren ' Get Soup At Noon County Agents Save Farmers Million Dollars' After a brief wedding trip' to Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will re turn to Kalian, where they will aiake a "fire trap", and that the fire escapes j were faulty. J their temporary home at the denee of too bridu'i mother. ttsi- Funeral Service For Hughes Held PORTL.Xl FLYER HI RT j Camden, N. J., Apr. 10. Lieutennmi Mark C. Hoglie, of Portland. Or., and, Lieutenant Richard Wright of Cleve-I land, O., were injured today when the aerial mail plane they were piloting from Bustleton, Pa., to Washington, caught fire 17000 feet over Berlin, 15 miles from here. ' Portland, Or., ' services for the April late 10. Funeral MI RDERKR SENTENCED, liutte. Mont., Apr. 10. Steve Byrne recently convicted in district court ' Corvallls, Or., April 10, Nearly a million dollars was saved to the far mers of Oregon through the work of the county agents, according to tip annual report of Paul V. Maris, conn y agent leader. This was done at a com of I9M75, or approxl'nately t!0 saved o II snent. County were employed In S3 of the 30 coun ties of the state lust year and thnv additional counties have rmpjoye.l agent thii year. Thirteen t.t 26 coun ty agents in thu sluts are eradDat: of the Oregon Agrlcultuial colkg; here. Hughes, resident bishop of Oregon for the Methodist Episcopal church, were held hero today from the First Meth odist church. Final rites were under , tha auspices of the church and of the Masonic lodge. Kulonlvs were deliver ed by Bishop Paul 11. .Mitchell of St. Pul and Dlshop Earl Cranston, first resident bishop of the church in the northwest. The body l,ny in state to day until the funeral nt 1:J0 o'clock. Final ceremonies wore held at Ine Portland crematorium late tills after noon, the body being placed In a vault there pending final burial arrangements. .Matthew S. (here of the murder lajt December 9 of Sjlvester J. Prenatt, was formally sentenced by Judge J. J. Lynch today to be hanged on Friday, May 28th. . Financed bv the Mother club of the First Methodist church and fostered by thi Mothers club of the Highland Mchoul ,n successful movement Is being rarrled on whereby children ,f n... Bower Would Be Sheriff Here Potato Boycott In Force In Tacoma Tacoma. Wash., Apr. 10. X boy- cott on the use of potatoes Is under way here today. They are selling for lt5 a top and dealers were predict-' ing that next week they will touch the l-'io mark. ; Local restaurants otday displayed such signs ns "Potatoes are outrog eouly high. Eat beans, lioe and mac- Oscar D. Power, chief deputy in the tiffi.,,. ... ul la ... . !L.r'!!- " ! - caniiidacTr "ZT . ,1 . V ""mrrn mn required fl, Satiirdav. Deputy Bower who h is "roni." .L. I: . 1 r'1 r,,r xn "'', ha. a good remitatlon f. .'." .:' the price drop service, . ' 1r0l,uc iloalers said that hmise- No other candidates have Med for11'" Br rc,u'nS ,0 by potatoes, this deiartnieiit. although Sheriff W I bm fnitt ,h,"v arc sollilS "'I 'hey can ""ihaui announced some time ago that h would not be a candidate for re -election. the child Is unnhlo to pay, In which ase It is given free. ; It is served in the old playroom, cafeteria style. Equipment for the en terprise was furnished by the school board, and supplies are furnished by the Methodist Mothers' club. The pro ject Is receiving the hearty en-opera. Hon of both the parents and the dill dren of the school. ouring the week April S-10, Ui fcowis of soup were served, (0 of which were free. "ltoycott potatoes for 10 days and l obtain. Local Briefs. . ... ... uirr itoaa, Miiverton nttornev. l. I nuea to court matters In Salem iay. Alleged Thief Is Asked Re-Arrested ONLY TWENTY YEARS AGO, Nobody swatted the fly. Nobody wore a wrist watc'j. Nobody wore white shoes. Most young men had "liverv bills." Farmers came, to town for their mail. . ' The heavens were not full of man birds. Nor the tens alive with under water boats. The hired girl drew one-fifty a week and was happy. The butcher . "threw in" a chunk of liver. ' Thu merchant "threw in" a pah; of suspenders with every suit. Nobody "listened In" on the telephone. There wire no sane Fourths nor electric meters. Straw stneks were burned in stead of baled. Publishing a country news paper was not n business it was a dueling game, There were no Bolshevists or International anarchists. The sc.fety raitor had not In troduced the clean-shaven face. And they didn't say Sedan. Portl.i nd, Isaac Stevens Or., Apr, 10. AnmiKi Frl- 1 K lr,wlt'd yesterday at Scotland, S. IX, on a warrant Issued here chare- Ing larceny, has been release.! nn hnii uiiuge ueorge O. Rlnohnm aroominic to advices re.ii-hlnir hir t. led to his homo her rvi.i.,,. . dav. I.in'iiI .nitli.nlil.n i, I. ,,, , uun . ivn (ii im- i illildlnir eniii-l nl An.n.. ...- .. I t., U.....I.. .i 1.1 . . ... ----- - uuring me - - '""i '""iioruies asKing tnai Heirs Arc named? fifc.M.! , I According to Sheriff Hurlhurt - , II'! l?M 8". Mount! Combined asgler.- and hunters' Uumte. nllegv-d defalcation, here air- d T ,T i'"1 "h rBr"1"' '!7rml"' hnv' a wH,"n t G.iwM more than 10MS 6 dmittrd lo probate, Frldav. Ellis, ". Rturuis, Brooks m.l T-.A u , ivens and Willard Steven, are ap-ll,r Stayton. h" pointed executors In an order signed! . bv County jMdge W. XI. Hushey who! F- Hoffman, manner of the also appoint F. E. Cillister, M. o.'c,,ur Apartments, reported to police ll'l-T" Pd ,A'li""' " aP-i"lUn'ur"i ha h!S auto sustained "i,., , , l:"',.',:I,h, da,,,a m- - ronsists ot per-i iiiaenin driven hv Base Crook Takes Coin From Church Portland. Or., April his absence from the 1. During parsonage nn - ui pirr-i - - ,h, nine driven py A . i-i.wimfcu nn prorwrty valuod at 15000 and ""Kherty of Junction City on Court . . ,f,r Sumlav- """rings of the day real holdings valued at $J.00. Heir "'. between Liliertv and Hich ,,,all''1 approximately Joo were u; Litis Ktevens, Oerval I.nteson, Estacada; Wtllard falern: Millie Itateson, Th and Daisy Bump, Oervals. Krma Sevens, tMlies; and High. A delivery ca rbelonglng to the Massacre Occurs In'Mexican Hills vnerry l ,wkerv w KyMy mma ru-en by Dr. O If roiuoea with It t th Uobertson, I taken from tho parin.ic d, w i; . 3. JUtton, rector of St. Mark r.pisco,vai church told the police today. It was the first opportunity he had corner of Capitol and Market street haJ r,"ort ,he loss of the money yesterday evening, according to uo.'ne a!d' " of which had been taken lice report i.i.ln- v.. ., , , , In the Ei1ei. ..tr....... l "i' " was injur ed. Agua rrieta. Sonora, Mex., Apr. 10' Kolx-rt CaHllm chief of Carran..'J crel tervice. who returned her ihl ml'Ty io.r ,'hB rnm". h- In the Easter offeratory. WAR S ISE I'RGED vkll. iw... pouuin ras simllur l thoi wornlnf from the eentral section of ".1!" i'h. "1 h-il "' 1,,,a ""SKested for Ihe state, brlnn news of a wholewte ..!.. '.'"l' of ,h Rlgdon Son com-l,n fntlnction of grasshorpe a,,l nwution at .Nuevo Minos yesterday 'd V,. i-," Burial wlu gophers in We.tern Canadian areas When a company of federal cavalry. ' , Vly Jl,w cemetery. Mr. Palmer ,,v - J- "ould member of he federal J in who have b..ea scouring the ?'" tn lto'''l see-i e:lature. nountalns in the vicinity of Nuevo ' rin, trapped a iwrty of twenty flve! , GAME IS POSTPONED tMnnits in the Caon ' '"'' moving a houw( S.ilt Luke City. I'tsh. canyon) south of that place. , near tne corner of Ferry and Cottage Portland-Salt Lake City jutreets droi-e a windless pin Inta the poned; ram. R. twM J9.0SO and 40 0.10 bl.k l L ",,,rnin omethlne hap-i . ,rers ,he South Africa .M mine! IITS"'1 ' W! The IMtUh ministry of tah aier mam, and for .v.;ir-,ini, ,,u,i. ... . .. . . " " ) i-iu,iru April game post- have susnendea mV'lZZl'''""-'1 ' Big Furniture Auction Sale Tuesday, April 13th l it p. m 151 North Front S Brass and Vernus Martin beds, coll springs, . felt mattresses. ruapie and onk- dressers, oak iiorary table, oak extension table, ( oak diners, fir buffet, Morris chair, rockers, 2 maga zine racks and books, pictures, lace curtains, mats, window blinds, portiers, rugs, 100 qts. home canned fruit, lounge, heat er, good poshed top t-hole charter Oak range, sewing ma chine, 15 doi fruit Jars, wash tubs, boiler ,ax, garden tools, new (.foot cross cut saw, set irold mounted dishes and oth-r dishes and glassware, and lots of other things. Be On Time Tuesday. 1:30 p.m. April 1J Htl North Front Street Mrs. O.W: Hedrick OWNER F.N.W00DRY THE AUCTIONEER i Phone tie or til 'YUodry Bays Ilvcrjlliing" We Are Better Prepared to Take Care of the Working Man and His Family Than ever before. Most of our merchandise was contracted ahead of the last advances.. Buying for cash and selling fdr cash means dollars to our many customers. That is why you can buy the mecrhandise as listed here: Note these WW Overall Prices Best blue denim overall and jumper $2.39 Good heavy covert cloth overall and jumper .. . .....$2.25 Heavy expressman -stripe overalls ....$2.25 Heavy work suits, blue and khaki ....$4.50 Khaki and blue striped .....$3.49, $3.98 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Dress shoes from .. Work shoes, from $3.98 to $9.90 .....$3.25 to $7.90 By looking over our merchandise and comparing our prices with what thev are asking elsewhere, you will be CONVINC ED OF THE WONDERFUL VALUES WE ARE GIVING YOU. . Now is the time you wani 'jj Work Gloves Canvas .. ...... i5c Canvas Leather Face 39c All leather 59c, 69c, 79c, 98c, $1.19, $1.25," . $1.49, $1.69, $1.98 and $2.25 $2.49; and the best horsehide. $2.90 A fine auto dog-hide gauntlet at....$3.9S Shirts. . Dress shirts 98c to $7.90 Work Shirts in Khaki, Blue, Grey and Mack JSc, $1.20, $1.49 and $1.9S yJJy ''Sl'Hation-vide Institictlo j'.. "' " . ' ' i i i rrjn n - : ' """"iiwiiiii j If You Hesitate You May Lose Buy yoUr Spring Hat today while the stocks are com plete. Jhe Spring Hats are all here, so donH be afraid , that you will not get the latest. v 1 SEE OUR HAT WINDOW t V You can depend upon us to lit you with ' the S most be coming shape and shade. We know how to do it and we nave the assortment. . . HltwZowyn StdSOnS 0rllory Hais- STETSONS $7.50 to $Q.OO ' -MALLORY $5.00 to $8.00 You do not take a chance to lose if you purchase here Salem Woolen Mills Store C P. BISHOP, PROP. Everv familv i n Afn ' MVtlt is l e shut off. ' Th " f:,r "WUe work ho. at- J luu una roue Lounties a Patron ... or v Vi. iravteu tn,, mot lr:im-,-i. .