Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 09, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    I"- '
Rate i ixnti one month
t ii insertion- 1 .
H centi Minimum per ad 25
i OIK'
insertion only In New Today.
Fl" Jrlth in advance and not tak-
" Sv account No allowance tor
-hone errors.
-rr. r..k .,1.1 White
A- rhlcki Call 1FI5. 1ST
-tt: rth Iuinpv row. heavv
iR.?- ,111 X. 4th. Phone 750R.
lb. driving horse.
bber tired buggy and harne
r... x- jth street. eS7
X5"p"FvT Unfurnished apartment
, t JL HiKh. Phone 645. 86'
irTRRlED nia n want woriv in win n
Mt3 teamster. Room 1. 891 N. Com
. s, Phone 456. h"
vr- gasoline engine, drag saw out
fit for a bar8ain- 205 0ren
Ki.t, Phone 1427. -
r"n"TLE Ford chassis Just over
FhaulVd ue tires, $275: 1915 Ford
inuring $325. good tires.- runs fine.
SE'&ie. IS5. 17 a Liberty St
FOR SALE uiniiiK rev.,.! ...... -
hrirv table, golden Oftk. good as
' price reasonable. Call morn-
Ines anil eieu.i.S" r. ..
65 X. Liberty St
fKr Bill fold containing about $27
Finder leave at Journal office and
1 ."khla. 776 S. 12th. eSS
voffCE Must dispoee of property,
have five good lots with 26 bear
ing fruit trees, five cherry trees,
three prune trees, remainder in
pears and apples; real bargain fit
this price. $225 per lot if taken at
once or would consider late model
car in trade. See owner at 2015 N.
nimmerrial St. ' bSS
FOR SALE 7 room bungalow, lot
72V47o fee'' located at 160 Divis
ion street, close tn locntion and a
cood buy for $3675. W. H. Gra
benhorst I- Co., 275 State St. n87'
f0RSAI E 10 room house at 6S7
N Front street, corner lot, good lo
cation Price $4200. W. H. Grabe.v
horst Co.. 275 State St. 8V
FOR SALE 5 room house at 14S4
Chemeketa street. Price $2500. W.
H Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State
pnn EEXT 160 acres. 7 miles fn
Silverton; for particulars inquire of
E. Dayball, Scotts nuns, tir.
FOR SALE Young fresh cow for
sale. P. llisclioil, lit. , oox 4a,
Salem. Or. . e87
FOR SALE 1 dozen Burred Rocks,
1 dozen Knoue lsianu eus, a
venrlincr strmk. Call Mrs. Ent, 278.
FOR SALE 1 team of geldings, wt,
2300; will be at Cherry City feed
barn Sat. April 10. , 80
WANTED To rent garage or ptaoe
suitable to keep car near Church
nnd Ferry St. Address Garage cai
Capital JotirnfH. J87
WANTED Stock hogs wanted. Phon"
64E13. 11
FOR SALE Ford car, late model,
good condition. 2180 N.. 5th St. qSd
A FINE stock nnd dairy ranch of
265 acres, 125 in cultivation, 25 of
this bottom lnnd, the balance of
land is lolling and hilly, in pas
ture and timber, well watered by
creek which runs through the farm,
flood house of 10 rooms, hot and
cold water, bath and toilet, 2 good
barns hog pens nnd chicken hous
es, fine garden, can Irrigate about
10 acres of the very best onion land
there Is a good family orchard. Lo
catert on a main county road, mall
and telephone, 3 miles from Phi
lomath. Price $40 per acre, terms.
Particulars of this and other good
buys write Henry Ambler, Fhilo
math, Benton county, Or. L 86
What about your future? Would
yo ulike pleasant, remunerative
work? A place where there is am
pie opportunity for advancement.
Then take a course of business
training at this school, and begin
now. There will be a new class In
shorthand next week. (Day school.)
mpit.n i!usine?s College. 86
FOR SALE Or exchnnge for Salem
property, 37 acres clear, level land,
near paved highway and school,
314 miles froin'Cornlng, Cnl., taite
city or acreage, and pay difference?.
Mrs. li. Jj, Woods, Rt. 2, Salem.
FOR TRADE Six room modern
house, -garage, cement basement,
furnace heat, paved street, about 5
blocks from Ladd & .Bush bank.
I want seven room modern house
close in; what have you to trade?
HI care Journal. S6
6ATIRDAY April 10, 1:30 p. m.
Auction Sale. 1510 Bellevue St., Ss
Wocks east of S. P. depot.
1 6-ft. oak dining table
oak dining chairs.
1 small oak library table.
sooa piush couch
1 oak rocker
1 heater
1 Universal range
1 kitchen tabus .
J kitchen chairs
1 fir dresser ' . " (
J oak dresser,-':. " :'
1 wool rug
. J Tapestry Brussels rug
cotton 'fait mattress. ' .
J Jumbo mattress
1 book case - '
1 stand
2 beds ' . .
60-ft. hose '
J lawn mowor
1 sewing maFhme
Tools, dishes, etc. .
Wright, 'auctioneer.
"'His Sumner, owner. 83
-ForSale Houses.
enP t(tT '"formation that wi'l
reonvns 10 rnt desirable -6 or 6
n house. Address box 67 Joti'-
lot i7LohNine rooin- house and
1 ?,,2 three blocks from
ter fln7,,on sw corne- ot Win-
i-Jlliyjummer St. - a86
hon T?.y ownvew-8 room
furi;. ,rlct'y "od"n, fireplace,
trV S',1 acr land, 20 fru'r
K24th "tret "ear r,ln- 839
.owe, fl.uit tp location. ; mu '2
Extra i '. r"wession soon.
r $?oo ldubuy- Pri" rash,
R. pl j?"h; ta,anc rent S.
-JSjfcg?," 43 eed- 405 rfg0n.
"iture S8 ,?m "" ." f"-
cellenf :. " "iea, iurniture ex-
P'umbma ."f a.n1. new- "oai
nlmol'rn house, furn-
iiurary. Price isniin
"e St" Toll's. Pet,yj0hn !5.
'C. SALS r-a ive room modern'"
House, tun basement. 2475 Maple -
tOK SALE 3 room h.ins 1. 7
11100. See ownw Rayford T hnl 1
n3Wfersoncity. a3
SALE Modern i r. i !
and 2 lots in Salem: rnnH h...-J
ViT v , ' on pave1 s"'?1-!
' ""wu, miisdalp,
-Rent or trade, hmwu
garage, fruit, garden. Phone 1390
$300 CASH, balance like rent, good 5
mum piasierea nouse on paved
street, lot 60x160. not modern; pos
session today. Exceptional buy if
taken at once. Price $1500. 8. R
Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon bldir!
Phone 43 .
7 ROOM modern house close la. Mr
Homeseeker if you are looking for
a very desirable property, moderr
and up t date except furnace; bet
of construction, arrangement anl
appearance, see this.. It has exclus
ive features and close in. Lot 60x
165. new garage and other - Im
provements. $2500 in money wi'l
- handle it with Immediate posses
sion, balance easy. An excepfiona.
buy. Short time only. S. R. Pearson
& Peed, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43
FOR SALE A neat little bungalow
In West Salem, $500, terms. 61
acre farm, 40 in prunes on : good
road, fine soil. A. L. Seamster Real-
r n., Tin masonic Temple. - a
svu bALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow, excel
lent view, block and half from car
line in south Salem, 140 Superior
B: a94
Will buy 6 room strictly modern
bungalow except basement, almost
new; hot and cold water, excellent
bath room, large closets, plastered,
dutch kitchen, fireplace; nothing
has been overlooked In onstru?
tion. Seeing is believing. Let me
show you today. Possession in few
days. Good park lot. Price $2500.
S. R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon
bldg. Phone 43. n
WANT 6 or 1 roo mmodern bun
galow, 5 rooms and bath first
floor. Must be modern. Give price,
terms, exact location or no atten
tion paid. Will look at the outside
- and if I think suitable will see you.
Address Seeok care Journal. n86
FOR SALE & room cozy bungalow
' and a t room bungalow, modera
except heat," some fruit. Inquire
1243 N.Front. a93
FOR SALE New 7 room modern
house except basement, 2 large lots
with abundance of bearing fruit.
This is a beautiful home. Price
$3200. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. a
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow on
1363 N. 17th. $1500, $500 ash wll!
handle the deal. h8C
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, 2 fine
lotR, most all In bearing fruit. Price
$1850. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. - - a
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, bath,
toilet, 3 blocks from post office on
N. Church street. Price $2250. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 8 room strictly modern
residence, close in. Price $3750.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow, mod
ern except furnace. Also furniture.
1290 S. 14th street. Call after 6:30
p. m. - a94
SEVERAL houses for sale, am out-1
them a 6 room bungalow. Inqulr?
492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. alll
EXCHANGE 2 lots in Meekers ad
dition to Salem for acreage or small
car. W. A., Gueffroy, Tlgard, Or.
, 87
For' SaleFarms.
FOR SALE Few more small tracts,
red barn farm, one mile east of pen.
must sell right away, no better ber
ry land, terms. J. H, Koltes, Hotel
Bllghr b87
FOR SALE Direct from wner, a
highly improved 16 acre tract, all
out in fvult and berries, address
box M J Capital Journal. g87
FOR SALE By owner, 15 acres Just
outside city limits, all plowed, 8400
loganberry tips go with the olaco.
Call nt 825 N. 22d St. bSJ
FOR SALE 15 acres land, fruit, ber
ries, grain; house furnished, all
stock. and lmplemenlsfalso car. In
. quire 3 miles north from fairground
on Pacific highway. John Lephart.
; . .. b9.)
10 ACRES, good, sized house anl
many outbuildings, suitable for rail
. ing chickens; running Water. $1,
000 on easy terms. Mr. Chicken
Fancier, If you want to raise chick
ens, here is your opportunity. Can
sell more land if you desire it. John
H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregin
bldg. f b86
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acres
. located Just outside city limits, !i
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. h
FOR SALE 20 acre fruit farm, 4
acres 5-year old prunes, 84 .strav.-.
berries, 4 goose berries, 4 acres un
der Irrigation from lage sping;
most of balance ready to plant; fair
buildings, 4 miles from Salem on
good road. Price $8500. Hart and
Muller. 208 Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE 3 acre tract on north
end Brooks ave. Just outside city
limits, 100 fine chickens, cow and
a horse, small farming outfit. WiU
ell this week. See owner, J. D.
Glenn. ' b87
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Good hotel proposition.
Box 12 Silverton, Or. cS8
FOR SALE Good retail grocery
proposition. Box 12, Silverton, Or.
- - c'"
FOR SALE A good farm wagon i.t
891 N. commercial. coi
ONIONS for sale cheap. 197 Seuth
f!nmmerclal. coo
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing luo ounaio.
ital Journal office.
FOR SALE Almost new baby reed
carriage at li N. Commercial
St ' l
FOR SALE Medium size cdok stove
. cheap. Inquire 2770 Brooks ave.
FOR SALE Good wheel, reasonable,
rnii KVinit 778. after 7:30 D. m.
For Sale Wood.
WANTED 30 cord big old fir, 2-fo t
length. Phone 981M. '
WANTED 30 cord big old fir, 2-ft
length. Phone 981 M. eeS-
FOR KALE First and second growth
tir timber, seven miles from Salem
on good road. About five thousand
cord. Room 16 Ladd & Bush bldg.
nr nhnno 183. ee86
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
vniii wnnH Phone 1004. m
WOOD for sale, first class 16 Inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
305 S. Church. Phone 1642. Fred
E. Wells. e'
For Sale Nursery Stock.
V- r 121 strawberry plants
D(I SalenQ
r. d93'
BERRY nlanrs w.-mtH v,-.i
K. Richardson. vrnnt ci
Phone 494. naii
, tEKRY, Mammoth and Hima
and BanArAcua
plants. Fresh garden seeds. Ward
v. rtu-nnrtlson, 2395 Front St. d93
THE famous Etterberg 131 straw
berry plants, best eanner and ship
per, heavy producer.- A very profit
able crop bringing quick returns.
Vigorous healthy plants, quantity
prices. Order now. Ward K. Rich
ardson. 2395 Front St. d9
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity Etterburg 121. Gold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, Oregon
Trebla, Wilson. Thrifty, well root
ed plants. Low quantity prices. Cits
delivery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
Front, Phone 44. H93
WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Coml. a
For Sale Livestock.
CAN use a few more vounar nlvni O
C. Russell, phone 8F3. I
m n.
FOR SALE One 3-year old fillie. I
4-year old geldings Phone 38F11.
- . 88
GOOD year old cow for sale. Phone
327W. - e87
FOR SALE A good cow. 13th and
Wilbur sts. Phone 1242J. e8
FOR SALE S-year .old heifer giv
ing milk. 1595 Saginaw and Lin-coin.-
Phone 1598R. e86
For Sale Poultry
WANTED Plymouth Rock chickens
or ruioue island teds. Phone 602.
BABY CHICKS Tancred and Barron
strain, $16 per 100. Hatch weekly.
O. J. Smith, Turner. Or., Rt. 1. f!04
FOR SALE Hatching eggs, fertility
guaranteed. Phone 93F5. f 87
FOR SALE Day old chicks, Hansons
stock of Corvallls, 300 or less. W.
L. Fuller, phone 35F32, Brooks
Or- f87
BABY CHICKS Week old now on
sale. Best hoganlzed stock. C. N.
Needham, 558 State. Phone 400.
' L ' 85
FOR SALE One black Minorca full
blood rooster. Call 46F14. f85
WANTED 60 1-year old White Leg
horn hens. Write N. R. Fister, Rt.
1, box 58, Gervais, Or. State pric-;.
. 87
FOR SALE Indian motorcycle, in
A-l condition. Call Capital' Journal.
IS your car hard to start? Does your
motor give trouble? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 308. M. J.
Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
Our work guaranteed. qlOu
Radiators, fenders and gas tanks
repaired, tractor radiators a spe
cialty; Ford radiators for sale. 198
S. 12th St., Salem, Or.
PASSENGER Maxwell, new top,
new paint, new upholstering, good
shape; for quick sale only $476,
terms. Salem Velle company, 162
N. Commercial. q86'
5 PASSENGER 1918 Maxwell A-;
condition, price $600 with term
Salem Velie company, 162 NorVi
commercial. q6
DTJNTLY magneto brake timers f v
Fords and Fordson tractors, guar
, anteed for fifty thousand miles.
National spark plugs. Clark's Tire
House, 319 N. Coml Sf Salem, Or.
- q87
ELGIN SIX cannot be told from a
new car. Will sell this $400 less
than new one and give very good
terms. Will take small car In trad-3.
See me at once if you want a new
car at a secondhand price, as this
won't last long. Phona Adams, 361.
FOR SALE Ford touring car. Good
condition. 1340 Shipping St q89
FOR SALE Ford touring car,
condition. 260 N. 13th.
THE Avery Tractor for heavy work.
the Downlo for light work. Place
orders early, if you hope to get s
machine. Salem Auto Exchange,
229 State 986
DON'T cuss tho car take it to .Es-
penal at Salem Auto Exchange, 22:1
State. ; ' - q86'
FOR SALE Chevrolet in good con
dition, also 1914 Studebaker No. 6.
Will take team on either car and
give terms. Room 416, "Masonic.
Temple; . q87
FOR SALE 2 V, -ton truck, 3 -ton
trailer, nil In good repair 404. Fer
ry St. Phone 1177. q90
$3500 TO LOAN on good city prop
erty. No commission to pay. In
quire room 326 Oregon bldg. mS7
FOR SALE Dining extension table,
also fireplace screen. Enquire at
673 N. Commercial St. c85
DRESSMAKING by day. Phone 910M
BUILDING contractors, altering and
repairing. Frank Beer & Co. Call
1569W. me8
FOR plumbing and general repair
work, call 1536W. 187
$3500 TO LOAN on first class secur-
ity. H. E. Bollnger.
'WALLBOARD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren. 179 N. Com'l. . c
WIGGIN & SLOCUM, auto transfer,
general draylng, local and long
distance hauling. Office phone 856
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
street. .
WALL paper 25c double roll and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l.' m
Wanted Help.
WANTED .Salesman for Banner
automobile tube, the tire which will
puncture but which will not' de
flate; fully guaranteed. Splendid
. business. Enquire G.. O. . Ripley.
Marlon hotel, Salem. q85
WANTED Agents wanted for Noise
less typewriter. Commur.ieate
Noiseless Typewriter Co., 81 Fourth
St.. Portland, or. gnu
WANTED Experienced waitress at
White House restaurant. g86
WANTED To be as dentist nurse,
have had two years experience. Ad
dress 459 Union St.. Salem, Or. h86
WANTED Good steady man with
clerical experience, married man
preferred. Room 309 Masonic bldg.
WANTED Two men to cut logs, can
. make good wages, must be good
men that understand cutting logs.
For information call 8-25, Turner,
Or. - .: . ' 51
WANTED Farm hand, married with
wife or small child; small house
with milk, wood and garden, must
milk and understand farming, and
be good worker. months work or
longer. C. C. Russell, Gervais, Rt.
2. Phone 3F3. "
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED A few tons of oats an.l;
vetch or clover hay. Tel. 72F13 bo-;
tween 6 and 9 p. m. IS 3
WANTED A house full uf furniture
Box S Capital Journal. i90
W. BEAVER well driller, one mil?
east of fairground. Phone 10F5.
WANTED T buy from one to twen
ty stands of hees, F. M. Allev, 371
S. Church street. Phone 273W. 1S6
WANTED 8 or 10 swarms of beef.
What have you? Box Bees care
Journal. ISC
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34 double roll. Max O.
Buren, 17 N. ConVL n
OFFICE rooms for rem, steam hen I,
splendid janitor service. 20a Ore
gon bldg.
FOR RENT Pleasant front room to
lady, will give breakfast if desired:
also garage for rent. Phona 1413.
- JS
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
- Bleeping room for gentlemen, stean
heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
FOR RENT Furnished room in pri
- vate family, reasonable. - Phone
1669. J8S
ROOMS for rent by day. Inquire 4S2
N. Cottage, phone 1186. J9.
FOR RENT Sleeping room, close i.
Phone 1826. . 1S7
Lost and Found
LOST Probably en State street be
tween 11 and 12-o'clock, -April '6, 3
twenty dollar bills. Finder pleads
leave at this office.- Reward. k88
MR. HOMESEUKEit If you are
looking for a country home, be
sure to see our large list of coun
try property. Here are a few of
them: .
5 acres, unimproved, splendid land
$75 per acre.
8 acres, improved. $1000, $100 cash
$100 annually. Do not over look
tills. - -
5 acres Just outside the city limits
of Salem. Fine cow, wagon, and
much other personal property. $2,
600, one half cash. .
5 acres near Salem, Improved. $3,
000. -
161 acres, splendid farm, good Im
provements. $10,000, $2000 cash..
115 acres with buildings. $30 per
acre on very easy terms. Andniany
others. John H. Scott Realty Co.,
228 Oregon bldg. .: . a86
Real Investments.: -
A real-home and 21 acres prunes.
logans, evergreens, red - . raspberries
Lawtons, family orchard, an income.
240 acre stock ranch, school on cor
ner ot place, 7 miles from Molalla;
20 acres cultivated, 80 slashed; on
good road; buildings, $21 per acre.
30 acres, 2 in prunes, family orch
ard, 1 mile from town with good high
school, on good road; buildings, lots
of work, 32600, 3600 cash.
Homestead relinquishment $300,
Some city property priced right.
We advertise your property at your
price, we will not increase the price
and make the sale Impossible.
Estes & Magee.
428 Oregon - bldg, Salem
Portland office, Chamber of Com.
6 room house, large lot on car line,
for quick sale, $900.
23 acre tract near Salem, fine set
buildings, nice orchard, choice loca
tion, fine home on good terms.
Choice 10 acre tract half fine bear
ing prunes, half strawberries, 3 miles
from Salem. 16060. .
. Choice 24 acres close In ori Garden
road, 7 room house. Darn, orchard.
Snap. $3600.
Good 160 acre stock ranch on Pa
cific highway near town, good im
provements, well watered, good fenc
es, in southern Oregon. $8000. WouIJ
exchange for Salem property.
5 room bungalow,' good lot. on car
line. $1000 will handle.
Perrine & ; Jlarsters.
21 1 -12 Com, club bldg. n
Nearly new 6 room house, modern
except basement, with 2 good sized
lots and 15 to 20 fruit trees in bear
ing. Also chicken house an d,pen. Ev
erything In good condition. On grav
eled street. Can you believe It? Price
$2100. See. us today,
6 room plastered cottags with bath,
small basoment etq. Comparatively
new and in good location close to car
line. House and 7 good lots for $32100
Modern 5 room bungalow with full
basement but no furnace. East front,
7 good walnut trees on property.
Range, rugs, buffet, tables, chairs and
all kinds of furnishings Included
with the bungalow at $3000. Close to
car line. , '. ' '
Kinney1 & 'Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
This Is the best paying big dairy
proposition - we have heard of, 80
acres of fine land adjoining good lit
tle city not far from Salem. 80 acres
cultivated, 40 acres in fine hay crop
and balance is ready for corn to fill
the silos. Good 9 room nouse and fine
dairy barn with 2 silos. Also good
steam bottle washing plant, good
granary, hen house and other neces
sary outbutldings. With the place p.o
16 fine Jersey cows, thoroughbred
bull, S horses, 2 ponies, brood sow.
6 shoats, 2 Wagons, hay baler, corn
planter, fanning mill, harrows, plows,
cultivators,, rake, new cream separa
tor, blacksmith shop and equipment
and all kinds of implements. Also a
gas engine that pumps water which
is -piped into house and barn. This
farm raises all the feed for the dairy
except a small amount of mill feed.
Income for March was more than
$511. All stock, equipment imple
ments, feed, crop and everything
goes for $17,600. You can't beat It.
Investigate at once. City advantages,
but no city taxes.
... Kinney & Smith. .
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
( room bungalow, laf ge lot with a
number of good fruit 'trees, located
in east Salem on car line. Price f 2,
600, terms.
An elegant 1 room bungalow 4
blocks from state house, strictly mod
ern, on car line and paved street. For
quick sale $5000; good terms on part
6 room cottage with large lot and
fruit trees on paved street, near car
line. This place Is In fine condition
and good location. $2100, part cash.
6 room house, 4 blocks from city
hall, $850, $200 down and balance
monthly payments. Dandy place for
anyone working In Hunt cannery or
King Co. House in goeo condition.
Act quick on this one.
S room bungalow with furnace, on
paved street close to State street;
house empty; terms. $3000.
( room house, modern except base
ment, paved street and carline; houre
empty. A bargain for quick, sale $2.
600. We have a number of fine farms,
both large and small, to sell and
trade. See us first
We loan money. We write Insur
ance. Laflar & Laflar
407 Oregon bldg. n85
FUR SALE Uiie of the imsi desir- i
able country homes in the-county,
only 3-4 mile from city limits, ami
on paved road. 2ti acres, good
house. barn, warehouse, silo, small ! anion, close to Salem. Price tSSOO.
greenhouse, wind mill, hot and cold j 10 acres close in, 5 acres bearing
water in house, fruit dryer; 12 Slogans and blackcaps, fine 2 acre or
acres prunes, 3 acres cherries, Z ! chard; house, barn, etc., on good road
acres apples, 3 acres English wal-1 $6250.
nuts. 1 acre strawberries: only 5 j 54 acre farm, good new house. 34
minutes ride to center of the city. I acres tilled to crop, 24 acres pasture.
First lime offered for sale and will
only be on the market a short time.
H. EBolinger, J23 Oregon bldg.
Good Buys.
63 acre:grain nd fruit soil, 55 acres
cultivated, balance timber and pas
ture, 6 room house and barn, well,
located oti main road, & miles from
Satem; land all plowed and ready to
sow and plant; will consider good
residence property as part payment.
Price $10,109. -
S acres ot cherries. Just coming In
to bearing, located 4 miles south
of Salem on rock road and close to
Pacific highway. Price $1300.
.6T acre tract, t acres of prunes,
5 room house, barn, good location.
Price (3600.
10 acres ot first class prune, lo
ganberry and strawberry soil, all
plowed and ready to plant Price
25 acre tract. 1 acre cultivated, bal
ance timber and stump pasture, 6
room house, good well and spring
wateY, about 500 cords of standing
fir rtimber, located 5 miles south of
Salem, close to station on S. P. rail
road. Price $2000.
iS acre farm all -cultivated, t room
house, barn and orchard,- located o
miles east of -tSalem. Price $175 per
acre. '
Fine block located on Fairmount
Hill, 150 by 150 feet, paved street,
beautiful view. Price 33300.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street. n"
"Own Some Dirt"
6 acres 4 miles on Pacific highway
This is the best buy we have listed.
31000, ft cash, .terms.
5 acres 4 miles on Pacific highway
all necessary buildings. A fine buy
at 32500, V, cash, terms.
These two tracts Join.. . .
21 acre fruit ranch, i acres bearing
prunes, 2 acres loganberries, 1 aero
blackberries; modern house, water
system, barn 18x28, 2 chicken houses,
double garage, woven wire fence.
This place is 2 miles out on Ihe Gar
den road. Income from this place is
$4000 a year.' Price $16,000, ft. cash,
terms on balance at ( per sent. This
place is a No. 1. . ..
Here Is a dandy place located at
461 N. High St., lot 83x155 contain
ing two houses; the house on the front
has 14 rooms, would make a fine
apartment house, used at present as
a rooming house; 5 room house on
the rear; both houses are strictly
modern. A suitable payment down
takes this with - good - terms on the
balance. See us about this place at
7 room house, 4 rooms completely
furnished, 2 lots, $2150, 31000 cash,
balance any way to suit buyer. Im
mediate possession.
McDonald & Parks
Real Estate Agency
162 S Com'l St. room 1. Phone 747
Best Buys.
6 acres good fruit land, B miles
from Salem, 2 acres cleared, 3 timber
$800, terms.
5 acres near Paciflo highway, 4 lo
ganberries, bearing; 1 prunes with
strawberries set between. $3200,
terms. ;
' " 6 acres -cherries, bearing, market
varieties; only 3 V4 miles. out on good
road. $2500, terms.
9 acres on Garden road close In, 0
acres bearing prunes; 6 room strict
ly modern new house, garage and fine
barn, the finest suburban home near
Salem. $17,600, terms.
5 acres near paved road close to
city limits; 5 room house, barn and
family orchard, flno berry land. $3.
000. Easy terms.
20 .3-4 acres 6 miles out, smalt
house, shed; 8V4 acres cherries 11
years old, 1 acre walnuts, some logans
and strawberries, all bearing; 6 H
acres oak timber. $11,000.
35 acres 1 miles from bridge In
Polk county, ort good road, 10 acres
are cleared, balance brush and tim
ber. $7000. Easy terms.
24 acres 5!4 miles south, 20 In fruit
bearing; 8 roo mhouse, hot and cold
water and bath, good barn. $9600.
95 acres all cleared, 40 in prunes, 7
years old; 7 room house, large barn:
2ft miles from good town. $12,500.
7 room modern house, good loca
tion, close in, furnished. $4000.
7 room strictly modern house, K
blocks from capital building, best lo
cation In city $7500, terms.
10 room strictly modern house; one
of the best corners In city; $6500 cash
6 room modern bungalow, garage,
wood shed, best of garden land,
only $3250, terms.
6 room burigalow, lot 100x150 feet,
basement, built In features; for quick
sale priced $1700, $850 cash balance
easy terms.
Want a $500 loan on 80 acres tim
ber land. "
841 Btste nt
Good Buys.
9 7-10 acre tract located close to
street car line and Just south of Sa
lem, sightly location, beautiful view,
7 room modern bungalow, good barn,
bearing cherries, English walnuts, ap
ples, plums. This is a first class place.
Price $14,000.
Nearly two acres, located close to
carline, bearing fruit, house, barn
Price $2500.
Six acre tract close to carline, beat
ing fruit, buildings, sightly location.
Price $3600.
10 acres bearing Italian prunes,
good location, 4 miles from Salem.
Price $6000.
30 acre tract, nearly all cultivated,
6 room house, barn, well, first cla
fruit and berry soil, some timber, 54
miles from Salem on hard road.-Price
room plastered house, arid 2 -4
acre of land, bearing fruit, close to
carline. Price $3000.
1 acre tract located south ot Sx
lem, small house, bearing fruit- good
soil. Price $1000.
4.81 acres of first class strawbsrry
or loganberry soil, located on rook
road close to Pacific highway. Pic
6.67 acre tract, S room house, 6
acres Italian prunes, good location.
Price $3500.
10 acre tract, 6 acres in 8-year old
prunes, 5 room house, some timber,
located 5H miles south. Price 13250
26 acre tract, stump and timber, 1
acre cultivated, 5 room house, well,
fine spring, close to school, 5 miles
from Salem, rock road. Price $2000
66 acre tract all cultivated, house,
and barn, well, family orchard, !-
cated 6 miles cast of Salem. Price
$175 per acre. j
65 acres located near Macleay, 60
acres cultivated, balance timber, sev
eral springs. Price $5000, $1000 down,
balance . percent Interest.
160 acre farm, 10O acres in culti
vation, good house, barn, family or
chard, all crop, stock and machinery
goes. Price $16,000.
10 acres of good prune and berry
soil, all cultivated, 6 miles south
ot Salem. Price $1506.
W. IL Grabenhorst & Co.
276 State street n
& acre tract, 5 room bungalow and
barn, two acres in choice fruit, . '4
acre in bearing strawberries, fine lo-
i running water. 14 acres to cherries, 5
teres of loganberries . on road
iVacres. very close. 7 acres m fmlt
pruned Tapp. nd cerrf ine tarn
deep well, good road. $5500. This
place is worth more money.
All kinds of city property for saie.
List your property with us for ser
vice. Oregon Land Co.
443 State street 83'
S acres one mile ont with houe.
fine garden land. 31800, or will
rent. Eight room modern bouse,
paved street close to car line, east
Salem. A snap at $2500. Seven
room plastered house one block to
car, $1750. Three room house and
two lots, $500. F. L. Wood. 341
State St. n8?
trist-optician, eyes tnorougniy ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-13 V. 8. bank. Phone 341.
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972.
SALEM SCAVA::3ER Garbage and
refuse ot all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Mala
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 69
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 63
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street Phone 124
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 67.
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
' Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at per cent Haw
kins ft Roberts, 295 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or. '
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6Vi percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. Wt D. Bmlth,
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ors.
I Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
64 and 6 percent interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonlo Temple, Salem, Oregoa
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com'
mercial street. Phone 784.
Lodge Directory.
CHEMEKETA 1-dge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:80 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, CO.; P. J. Kunts,
K. R. ft S.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
diesen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o'clock. '
Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meet!
every Thursday evening in MoCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meet
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Ross, C. C: L. S. Peer, clerk
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. U.
W. meets every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. In McCornack hall, eor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W; A. L. Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aufrano, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246
meets every Thursday evening at t
o'clock in McCornack building
Court and Liberty streets. H. Q
Coursey, V. C.J Frank A. Turner,
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY rasor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 847 Court Bt
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo-
r?a. phone 834. "
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore-
gon bldg. Res, phone 68F-6. 104
The chamber of commerce In Hazel
ton, Pa., has formulated a plan to fur
nish women labor for the farmers In
that territory during the coming spring
and summer. The workers will be fur
nished at $16 a week or $50 per month,
provided each rural farm owner will
take a minimum of 10 for not less thanKra,tch feed $80.
a month.
Salesman Wanted j
In Portland Is
Caught In Dakota
Portland, Or., Apr. i August Junge
sales agent for an automobile truck
agency here, for whom the sheriff and
private detectives have been searching
for more than a week. Is under arrest
at Scotland, S. D., according to word
ireCelve(i here today by Sheriff Hurl-
Purt - P,Bns were made " a
the sheriff, office, to bar.
Junge returned here to fare a charge
of larceny by bailee. Jung disappears
ed nearly two weeks ago, after a gars
age here, of which he was manager,
was stripped ot 19 automobile trucks
by several men who claimed they were
Aunge's creditors. nA3u3
Salem Men Aid
Organization Of
Woodburn Clati
Still setting the pace for community
club and commercial club organization
tn the state, T. E, MeCroskey, manager
of the Salem Commercial club, Walter
Denton and Luther J. Chapln, also ot
the club, and William McGilehrisI Ja.,
aided last night In the organisation et
a community club at Woodburn. Com
mittees on membership, nominations;
constitution and bylaws and budget
were named.
Principal speakers of the evening
were Mr. Denton, Mr. Chapln, Mr. Mo
Croskey and M. L. Lindahl of Wood-
burn. About 166 persons attended the
meeting, and declared their intention
of backing a community club in th
town. -
Others who attended the meeting
from Salem were: C. E. DeWitt Dan
Langenberg, Claude Stevenson, Albert
Gllle, C. E. Wilson and A. Hoppes.
Miners Demand
U. S. Protection
On Mexican Soil
Seattle, Wash., Apr. 9. Resolutions
urging the United States government
te protect American miners In Mexico
and asking congress to repeal excess
profits and corporation taxes were
adopted by the International Mining
convention here today. Among other
reolutlons passed was one asking the
e-overnment to foster production ot
Sidney Norman, Spokane, chairman
of the resolution eommlttee, presided
at the morning session and introduced
the resolutions. Frank A. Vanderllp,
New York financier, here on hla way
to the Orient will address the conven
tion late today.
A committee of five was named t
recommend the 1921 meeting city.
Spokane and Portland asked to be
The new German minister of de
fense, Herr Ocssler, announced yes
terday in an interview that In thu
event it should become necessary to
.proclaim a state of exceptional law
in any district, special civil commis
sioners and not military command
ers would be invested with executlvi
power. '
Grain: Wheat No.. 1 $2.09; feed
oats 8086c; milling eats 89085a;
cheat hay $18 iff 19; oat hay $21022;
clover Ihid $23; mill run $47.
Butterfat: Butterfat 6 4c; creamery
butter 64 66c.
Pork, veal and arattoas Pork oa feet
15 3-4c; veal 'fancy 23c; steers lie;
lambs 13 H; cows 7 9c; ewes to;
sheep, yearlings 1340.
' Dressed pork 21o.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 30a'
light hens, 2830c; heavy hens 32a
old roosters 16 16c; springs 24o.
Vegetables: Onions per pound fol
celery doa. $1.76; potatoes, Yakima
8o Oregon 6 He; sweet potatoes 9a
beets per sack $2; turnips per saok
$3.76; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnips
per sack $3.50; spinach lOo lb.; rad
ishes 40o dos.
Fruit: Oranges $3.60 6.00; lemon!
35.50 6; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 5o;
head lettuce $1.26; carrots 45c; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 dos.)
red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb 8c
Retail prices! Epm dozen S7c
creamery butter 70 72c; country but
ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $2.35 3.4 J
soft wheat $2.90.
Portlund, April 9. Cattle steady
receipts none; grain and pulp fed
steers $11.00(011.75; choice $10,609
11.00; good to choice t9. 50 10.60;
medium to geod $8.75 9.75; fair to
medium $7.25 8.25; common to fair
$6.26 7. 25; choice cows and heifers
I9.ooi0.oo; good to choice $8,009
9.00; medium to good $(.507.60:
fair to medium $5.6006.60; cannerS
I3.00ft5.50; bulls 6.008.00; prim
light calves $16.0017.00: medium
light $10.00 14.00; heavy f.00 9
10.00; stockers and feeders $7,509
Hogs steady; receipts 311; prima
mixed $16.60 17.00; medium $16.00
18.60; rough heavy $12.00 16.00;
pigs $1315.50;
Sheep steady; receipts 34; spring
Jambs $18.00 20.00; light valley
115.75 17.00; heavy 314.25 15.70;
common to medium $11 14.60; year
lings $14.5015.00; wethers $14,009
14.50; ewes $1013.
Portland, Or., April 9. Cubes ex
tra 6960c; parchment wrapped box
lots 63c; cartons 64c; half boxes Ho
more; less than V, boxes lc more;
butterfat 82 63c f. o. b. station; 64
65c Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., April 9. Eggs sell
ing price case count 38 39a; buying
price case count 87 38c; selling price
candled 40c; selected candled In car
tons 42o.
Poultry: Hens 82 037c; broilers 4
O 45; roosters 20o; turkeys dressed
32963c; geese 22 25c; ducks 4060o
Wheat and M1U Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley $70; oat (89
62.60 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $63.59
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
$28.00; alfalfa $32.00; grain $30.00;
cheat $22; clover $30; oats and vetch
HUlstuffs: Prices f ob. mill, dtj
artage $3 extra. Mill run, car lota
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley $73
rolled oats $61.(0; ground barley $?
Corn whole $6$; cracked $$.