;t tun an' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FIUAY,APEiL(j Famine Will End Strike Declares Union President? ih addition of some three and on office were attempting to put him in of slates M'fae his formal petition for nt : nan miles 01 n:.w pipe line. a coll last sunaay. r""- - The city of North Powder has slsol The order Drovidea for the inssitu- candidate f..r re-election. submitted clans and specifications! tion nf a school in which new ami in-' It nix platform Bucht for tin- posi i few l.,s. h ' promises. 'said, if! So far .Mr. Kvar.s is the only oik hatchery when completed. The appli cation asks for iormi.sion to ep,.. . pi-iaie water from the Santinm river and from Stout creel!. for a. new water supply. The water is 1 experienced officers will be jrfveu in-i nominated and elected, to continue, to. to annoume his intention of iipposim; Chicago, Apr. . Famine wilt end the rail strike if the men "refuse to listen to reason." 8. K. Hebcrlinsc. in ternational president f the to be pumped from wells into a tana of 50.0US Kallons capacity. The state engineer has been asked the slate health board to pass o:i I plans for a proposed Gravity watr j system and a sewer system to be in stalled by the Aiwa River Lumber ! company at lis camp at Alpine i. Switch , : , 'Karl Race, present city i-ecorocr. the race this election, .nr. i;.ce in reelection to the olfu-e several men's union of North America, deelar-' ed today Just before (coins into a mass! TrlnfA PnlfrP meeting to address 2u sinking mem-; Wl HUItl 1 CliCC bers of his organisation. J Rp In tfrilHPi It would be Dosslble under the i U UC JftOl UKCU MniMlnn F:ieh pintain l inalriiclr.il administer tile commission s ! ... . I v: I- .i...t j...;.... i fin a jiminil business IkISIS and as CCO IV IK UUW Jill 1 1 1 ' II II UII II llll.l. 3 tf I.M i . ....... i ....... ;....ii.. .... i n.i.d;t.iii niih the mib- i tor now 10 jieriorm mem, aecoruinj? lo tne -- ' i ... , order. He welfare; will aggressively confine j'" aB Chief Jenkins' order forbids the ; n.v e.imiMiit n for ample alKH-aiion anu strikinv of a prisoner in the s ation equitable Jis:riliution of cars for Ore house. He nlwi orders the us: of the pon s industn.s and lumber shippers p.nroi waKun in laitin;; an unruly pris .'d strive as in the past to protect und oner to the station. Persons under the' advance the state s interests." : influence of liquor must always be tak-! -Merit ami eiiicicnc) win oe ni umj , t-( jjov LcdKerwood of Stayton, en to the police station in the patrol consideration in employing tne com-, fish waracn in charge of the new hi ini-RXAL WANT AD GET liESLXTS an i.ermny il,, , increased in lesier ral en. In 44-..h in. . women's wage w ' v " " in Remember li'i IV ater Asked For Santiam Hatchery dep- ; wagon, iKVordine to the order. t I I In Arrest Methods terms nf the transportation act to ar rest these responsible for the strike for conspiracy, but I do not think suchj i-rtland. Or., Apr. 9. All members drastic measures will be necessary." of ,,. i.orlinu 1M)liw bureau are to be he continued. "The men will be in the j ilu,,rU(.tPd , ,he pruper methods of bread line In two week unless they bo; nttmlljmf M.0,,ie all( making arrests, back to work. I according to an order issued bv t'hief II me striae continues mucn longer Buchtel In Race For Re-Election To State Berth mission's staff and equity will be my guide in the adjustment of the rates ,and service nf all utilities and railroads." Evans To Seek Job As City Recorder uty hatchery now Hearing completion on the Santiam river near Stayton. called at the state engineer's office Thursday relative to an application f " tsc ap propriation of water for use in the EMPEY TRANSFERS. EMPEY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LUMO DISTANCE MAUIINfi v . TON. CONTRACT OR HOUR "WE STRIVE TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS" (he pu)lk will (h'mar.d guvt rnnit-nt ac lion and prostM-utlcm of the parties guilty of hftvincr t'ttuwU all this suffi-r-hifS. The irfst thins the trainiin can tio Jh return lo work today." Incorporations. Articles of association were tnei with the state corporation depart ment here Thursday by the Portland .Caterer's association. Officers of the association are Joel H. Coe. presi dent; K. M. Crlssell, first vice presi dent; I. L. Rean, second vice presi dent; Krank W. Reach, secretar.. Ueasurer. Corporations filing articles, Thurs day, were: Hoover and Peterson, Inc., Port-! Hind; 13000; V. H. Peterson, A. A. Hoover, and Dora R. Hoover. ' Klsley, Starkweather lilack Real- ' ty company, Porthind; fl.KHi; .liilm ' F. Risley, H. !. Starkweather mil Ada R. Starkweather. ' Veribest Laundry company, I'm'-i nd; $1000; A. C. Preble, N. M. Tod 1 K. P. Currey, J. L. Losey and Sam- j lei Lee. I Oregon Foundry Co., I'nitlan T, j tlG.OOO; II. I0. Harris. Milloii I!. Hen derson and II. T. droves. Tlie capital slock uf tin- Cltil.e Th ater Co., Inc., Albany, liaa been in rroascil fn.m 1 ." . 0 '( n lo ?:iO.U(l, a. ordlnu to a certiflcale filed here. Resolutions nf iUhhiiIiiUmii were fl! td liy the Korest drove fruit (ini.v rs liKsoelatinn, Korest drove, nn:lj the Kslncaila Really Co., Msby-ada. Enterprise Asks State To Approve Water System Plan The city uf Kmerprise lias suhunl-! ii il to the Mate cliKlneer'n nfilee f.-i ! approval hi mm cnveiiii'; a new mil-j tut-i : I wan r supply wliirh m now j lltdcr conleiiiplatliili. 'I he jitri tin Iti j eluili) ll main pipe line I'uui' i i I lonir through ivhli h the water mip-1 ply will be diverted from the Wallowa ' river to it reservoir. The illstrlliuilon In the city will also l.e exlended by Asking for a wcond term as a mem-; ber of the Oregon public service com- William 1). Kvans. It'll .Mill street of Police Jenkins. The order was the 1 mission on the strength of hi past rcc-i former owner of the Commercial result of the shake-up in the police j ord of "constructive business adminis-' book store, will be a candidate, for bureau following the alleged accidental; tration in the public" interest." Fred gJ city recorder of Salem in the prinia shootiug and killing of Wayne Cason j Ruchlel, present chairman of the com-; ries. he told a represcntaiive of th in the lobby of the police station while mission, today filed with the seoretar Capital Journal today. .Mr. Kans liar Toasted Corn Flakes ft Happy! Boys and girls love the famous flavor of Kellogg's Toasted' Corn Flakes, and Nature gives them the rich, energy-making value she stores in fine white corn. Select I the "waxtite" package with this signature Every grocer everywhere Jv. sells Kellogg's every tiay. "Let's top it off with a good smoke" NOTHING touches the spot like a good esterfield smoke and nothing can touch Chesterfields for genuinely "satisfying" body and flavor. In Chesterfields the finest of silky, aro matic Turkish and rich, mellow Domestic tobaccos are blended to bring out a new and finer quality of flavor. . Now you know why Chesterfields "Satisfy!" And because this blend is exclusive and cannot be copied, only Chesterfields can "satisfy!" Each package is wrapped in moisture-proof, glassin paper that keeps all of the original flavor intact. , 1 ' "N 4c II' Vill i! l:ltS IHXii WITH HIM) MUSKS If you have rimrlng, Inna- if lng noises In your ens, are v If. KottiiiK hard of hearing ami ,f feur ratai'ilial deafness, go to your druggist and get 1 ounce M of Puriiiliit (double Hlrenglh) :n and m.I.I to It i, pint nf hot i Wuler und u little granulal- : ed sugar. Take I tiihli m.imiii- -J( fill four limes a day. if This will often bring ipil. k V relief from the distressing ;jc head noises. Clogged nostrils ! should open, breathing be- euine easy and the mucus stop 'f dropping lulu the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little f and is pleasant to take. Any ', one who has catarrhal trim- :'f hie of the ears, Is hard of li . hearing or has head noises Ht should jjlve tills pieHei'l M toil a if trial. (ad I n v i "'t l . uss '. rrr- s. i vi n m MT'aslssss ,, , When you wt;,..-.;,-- . hr I 0 K FRECKLES! .March Wnrsi Mouth for This Trouble ; Ilow in Itcmove I'nslly 'fhereV n reasan why nearly every- ; baily freckles in March, but happ'iy i there Is h'so a n inety fur thes,' nelv j blemishes, and no one need sl iv i freckled. j Simply net an ounce uf dtliine, ihm- j We strength. Tram your druggist ai .1 apply a hide of it night and morula.; end ill a few days you should s-e th,,! even the worst freckles have bcgf i to disappear, while the light ouch have van shed entirely. Now is the lime to t.d yourself of freckles, f ; Jf not removed now they may si all summer, and spoil an otherwK beautiful conipleylun. Your money back If mhlne fails. ( v,lv AT ' -K'--' K."'CT31JfcE3OTJsS':ir3 IT IMMEDIATELY APPEALS TO YOU AS D H U . 1 16,000,000 11 uveraus eo on every day mER three times as many men 1 as Uncle Sam's great army -that's how on overalls FOR YOUR FAMILY Resinol lor a dear skin and good hair Foriikiiitlatisexcessivrtyoilvand ia coarse, rluKj;ed Krr, or one that li dUfirured by an aiumying eruption, there is nothinc heitt'rtli.m KKSINdL. Bathe lit -t with KKSIVOt. StM' then apply KKSINOI. Ol.NTMKNT and you can In rraMHiahly jure i l a peedy and re niiik.ilile impruvctnent. Vetiafil Stie u.fit r. Ullr lur tli .Immiioo fcnd. lu kffe tbt Kir lieliuuttnd lh. mu Ik from djiidiuff. H !, I, v., u 4!if.,lr , inwm tumiiiIH'B ot daedrutt. fiait S luir id itth ertaiul li.ai.tcnt wr l li.tu lt li. ip kes t.oie Dcloit Uuiiti..iu. Atmu Jt(ttl4. BAKE RITE SANITARY BAKERY 457 STATE STREET Phone 26S I wear Elue Buckles on every run. They're tough as raw hide and fit easy all the time." Engineer tf the 10th CeBlury LimiicJ -i ,i uunns tne war- many Americans put every day. 16,000,000 men wear overalls in the United States, And of these 16,000,000 men, more wear Blue Buckles than ny other kind of overall. They all want overalls that wear ' vell and fit easyoveralls that do not rip or bind. Just this sort of wear and comfort comes with th'? Pau f ,Blue Buckles- They're made with the toughest longest-wearing denim-and lots of t-with Dtg double-stitched, rip-proof seams-with Heavy brass riveted buttons, and loops and buckles that won t come off. They are big and roomy, with extra wide suspenders, big, convenient, reinforced pockets, and a solid back band that holds the -nape and prevents ripping. oveSk0' B1UG BUCkleS next tune ra buy 'e Buckle Over Alls freest selling overall in the world flit. con! I ws 4tl le u, , - ..-'.0 cn-r on,, bt i which .rMrcr.,lw' v,n aroit S 'VMy msklnir me hat you n do- t. wuua incniiui i .... o oun oireei