Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 09, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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jijamette To !
Li Three Men
To Indoor Meet
... a track men!
tX rd dash. The con-l
,n ....-a fi..ld has prevented j
f "Tthe field events, so that no
i ,he J! ,-. entered, al-
n Co " m these events. Gan-
iisinK ,. j hurdler. L.V-
. . nole-vs"ilr' , .
h"re,. weigh!
fnnV .ill develop into a"
sb ,,, training.
TjSdl-V in theColum-j
r,1Lt rear nd is expected to;
I'' ....
'Sl.n. ar at 11 fav-
Coach Mathews will line hi,
Hm m against the Chemawa
d is in ev.-nwo.-se condition'
fleldls i not -all cer-t
hThe game will be played.
'h3t Z , the Bearcats'
t,n Will i'" " , i
.ill be the receiver.
itpver ia,l" "
" f a baseball team, it is cer-(
l;1 will he one of the
. outmsimt out by any college in
10 ,i.-It..-ik nnil nV es
' d are shw'S up faster lnBnJ
Irvine played on the team of,
. v. i.,t of his speed,
ana n;t
i irnev Page, a new man, Is equa
.d'as the other. Pimick, Aus
Catton mav compose the out
. ...u.. mm- find nln.ce
(Other men . -lineup
ave Easier, catcher; War
mer; Power and liillett. Infield
ni Radsplnncr, Robbing and Cor-i
outfielders- I
. I
ost League Scoresi
Salt Lake R- H- B-
aad-. " I
lke t .
firoeder, Juney and Koehler;
i and Byler.
Oakland R- H. E.
S 10 S '
rancisco :- 7 1 !
Insider, Hill and Pevormer; Sea-
nd Anfinson.
Loi Angeles R- H. E.
Ind -3 10 0
kngelea 1
Arlett and Mitze; Thomas una
Sacramento R- H. E.
lie 2 '
kmento a i
jury and Rhorer; Kuntz, Larkln,
and Schang.
care of by veterans. With Babe Bor
ton at first base, Bobby Fisher at sec
ond and Smith at third, very little Is
expected to get by them."
"Hap" Morse of Saginaw, who play
Public Forum
the Editor In assessing
But when we come to assessment ' proof that the assessor's practice is
for paving costs, we find the corn r j right, and the city charter is wror.g. !
lot Is called UDon to uav nearer thre'Th voters, therefore shmiM amend'
I times than twice as much as an in-' it at the proposed special election in j
'be ; Bij no matter where it is.
. Los Angeles, Cal., Apr. S. The Ver-j
non club of the Pacific Coast Baseball;
league, minor league champions, is rat-'
ed by William Easick, its manager, at;
25 per cent stronger now than tt was1
the corresponding time last season, de-j
y pile me lact that it has lost five of
us oesi player ttooert Meusel, heavy
hiting third baseman, Clarence Brooks,
caicner, joe Dawson, Joe Flm-.n-att
and Byron Houck, pitchers.
For a time it was believed by the
Tiger officials that the team would
start the 1929 season intact with the
ingle exception of Meusel, who went
to trie jsew i or Americans. But, it is
said. Brooks demanded a salary that
in justice to the other players could
not be granted. Dawson was sold to
Akron. O., after he had refused to
come to southern California, while the
other two players quit.
Jleusel's place at third base, the only
change which will have to be made In
the field this season, will be filled by
J. Carlisle ("Red") Smith, formerly of
the New York Americans. ;
The outfield is better than it was
lust year, probably the best in the
league," said Kssiclr. "Hughle High
will play at his old position in leftfield;
Chadbourne at center, and 'Stumnv'
Edington at rightfield with Tomnij
Long and 'Scotty- Alcock as utility
men." t
"The infield berths will be taken
Plumber Thought He
Needed New Pipes
"My stomach and intestines were
always full of gas and I often had se
vere colic attacks. The pain and sore
ness caused me to think I needed a
new set of pipes. Since taking Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy all this has dis
appeared and my only trouble now is
to make enough'dough to buy all the
food I'd like to eat." It is a simple,
harmless preparation that removes
the catarrhal . mucus from the intes
tinal tract and allays the inflamma
tion which causes practically all stom
ach, liver and intestinal ailments, in
cluding appendicitis. One dose will
convlnee or money refunded. J. C.
Perry, D. J. Fry and druggists every
where. Adv
Where lots are 75x150 feet, eight
to a diih-k. the corner lot muft nav
W Service Men
raduated During
First School Year,
ring the first year of Its existence,
Ford service course, organized
lary l, WH, by the Ford Motot-
any, graduated more than 1000
tot men who came to Detroit from
dealers in various parts of the
M State to learn the proper and
efficient way to repair Ford cars,
the Intention of the company to
fually have every service man and
anic employed by authorized
dealers come to Detroit to take
polntments are made through the
branches, one of which sends five
Mtei each day. The time occu
isone month and it is divided be
P theory and practice. The stu-
f are paid by the Ford company
their time a part of which Is
doing actual work on curs in fhe
It. In the present class are 120
M, and every state is represent
ee expenditure of $150,000 which
Je cost of beginning- this rnnm.
'ked upon by company officials as
'd Investment because It will help
e standard service to car owners.
The only sure way to get rid if
dandruff is to dissolve it, then yon
destroy it entirely. To . do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retir-:
ing; use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it in gently with the finger
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most if not all. of your dandruff will
be gone, and three er 'four more ap
plications will oswpletely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of It, no matter how much dan
druff yon may have.,
Tou will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, andj'our hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy silky and oft, aad loek
and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and never
fails to do the work. Ad(v)
Neuralgic Pains
Give Way to Soothing Hamllu'8
Wizard Oil
forme German emperor is per
'd to leave the cahIIo m Am.
"I'y On Urcont r,oo(... c.
A4D0 mithl'anlr V, , ......
4 . ,vtlrt 'e uas omy onoe
f i Doom estate', to give in-
f ule worn, uur
ay of his daughter and son-
- nere Be was not permitted to
" esmte to his guests.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and
effective treatment for headache and
neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain
Is, it acta as a tonic to the tortured
nerves and almost invariably brings
quick relief.
Its healing, antiseptic qualities can
always be relied upon to prevent In
fection or other serious results, from
sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and
stings. Just as good, too, for sore
feet, stiff neck, frist bites, cold sores
and canker sores.
Get tt from druggists for 80 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick head
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
pleasant little pink pills, 80 cents.
Guaranteed. (Adv)
Same Fair Price AS
Before The War
and the same pure,
wholesome beverage so
ttvany have enjoyed for
i Instant
? Postum
has a pleasing coffee
Ifte flavor but is more
economical than coffee
and has the added value
.. of absolute firedomfixm
caffeine or other harm-
tul ingredients. '
Pnum 0al cSn Battle CrwrOEA.
ed third base for the Bencals in its value of property for general tax:
exhibition games with the Chicaeo ?- tion purposes, the general rule of the
tionals, is expected to slay with the'tfounty assessor is to value the cor-'$S55 where an inside lot pavs only
team as a utility man. ner lot from 1-S to H more than tha j315f assuming for convenience S3
hssick has signed two new players msloe lm- lne Iallner "om lne per front foot as the rate of cost.
ns oie veierana. Art K run: mo Wi!.'"" " " 1 ' ' v
lie MitchelL "Wheezer" Dell, Peter ratio ot i"crease 1" value of the
Schneider and Sara Ross, and Ed corner lo over the inside lot- Exceiit
Maier. owner of the r-i.ih i ,rt.i 'in specially favored business loca-
to be in the east Irvine to ii.., . tion. the corner lot Is never assess
Either the assessor is , radical! v
May,' us recommended by Mayor Wil
son, and the directors of the Com-;
nieicial club.
New York, Apr. 9. Final prices of
rl?Sl (1
ew more twirlers. Elmer Hill, a San
utegro semi-professional, and "Lefty";
Mann, ot the San' Pedro submarine
base, are the new mound men alreaay
Al De Vormer, last season's catcher,
will begin the season playing better
ball than last year, according to Es
sick. He will be aided by "Pep" Sulli
van, a local semi-professional, who. it
is said, will fin Brook's place without
any difficulty.
wrong in ms ideus "of .comparative 1 liberty bonds today were: 1 14 s, 9S.82;
values, or the city charter is very 'first 4's, 91.S0; second 4's, 90; first
unfair in assessing or taxing the cor- 414 'a 91. 80; second 414 's, 89. 0; third
ed at twice the value of the In!.'"'":!!! and two thirds tim 414 s, 92.40; fourth 414 s, 89.84. Vic
lot, other conditions being equal.
A good hot mustard plaster is sure
to overcome most rheumatic pains
An increase of salary of 40 per cent " 'viatica and gout, becauso
for the faculty of the Western Reserve i h?at e"-SeS Pa'n'
university at Cleveland was voted yes-1 BfS''s Mustarine rs Just as hot is
terday bv the trustees. This is in "fl-itne old fashioned plaster, more effec-
as much as the inside lot for the cost'tory 3 J-4's, 97.66; victory 4 S-4's,
oi paving aDutung streets. Both can-' 97.58.
not be right.
According to the ratios of value
assumed in the provisions of the chap
ter, owners of suburban property,
where the greater part of future pav
ing must be done, ought to be will
ing to exchange two or two and a
half inside lots for a single corner
lot. But who, or where, are the own
ers willing to make such an ex
change? .
If there are none, we have plain
dition to a 25 per cent increase errant
ed last June.
An effort is being made to organize
New York City's 12,000 girl telephone
Banish Catarrh
Breathe llyomci for Two Minutes uml
Stufftd np Head Will Go
If you want to get safe relief from
catarrh, cold in the head or from an
irritating cough in the shortest timo
breathe Hyomei.
It will clean out your head in two
minutes and allow you to breathe
freely, awake or asleep, or money re
funded. Hyomei should end a cold in one
day, and relieve you of disgusting
snuffles, hawking, spitting unu oi
fensive breath in a week.
Hyomei is made chiefly from Euca
lyptus, a soothing, healing, germ kill
ing antiseptic, that conies from the
eucalyptus forests of inland Australia
where catarrh, asthma and other bron
chlal troubles are seldom known.
Hyomei is pleasant ana easy to
breathe. Just pour a few drops into
the hard rubber inhaler, use as di
rected anl relief is almost certain.
A complete Hyomei outfit, includ
ing inhaler and one bottle of Hyo
mei, costs but little at drugeists ev
erywhere and at D. J. Fry's.
Ends indigestion
I! relieves stomach Buserr, tour mod
eh, belching and all to mack discus or
memrj back. Large box of tablet! 60
seats, Druggist is all towns,
Keen Tour stomach Sweet
today and ward of! the iatfi
Station of tomorrow try .
the new aid to digaction.
As pleasant and as safe to
take as candy.'
Makers or com emulsion
health.1 gry
There is no question but
that better bread makes
for better health. That be
ing the case there is noth
ing that should stand in
your way of ordering our
bread at, If your food
store doesn't handle it send
their name and address and
we'll see that they will. Re
member to order it by name
170 N. Com'l. St. Phone 247
'jt .(fl-oj lases me piace ui iiuuae
""''I llnlnir tnr laaa.
Max 0. Buren
179 North Commercial
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.
Has medicine srhkh -will cur
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
until P. ta.
151 South High Street
Salem, Oregon. Pbons 181
tive, quicker, cleaner and cannot blis
ter. Don't worry about ' those rheu
matic pains and twinges. Apply
Begy's Mustarine tonight over the af
fected parts and cover with a cloth
that's all but eh- what Joyful relief.
30 cents. All druggists. S. C. Wells &
Co., LeRoy, N. Y. , r
i Vw I a For Infants
Km4, tor Cm. tntalll.a
No Ceoknif
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages
Quick Lunch at Home or Office
4void Imitations and Substitute
ForBUttk, Tan. 0 Blood, Duk Brows
UK wuuuw
The Necessity oi Conservation
There exists today on the Pacific Coast an acute shortage of
gasoline. As this Company has pointeed out on several occasions,
the condition is due to insufficient production of crude oil and a
greatly increased consumption of gasolinee by industry and hy
owners of pleasure cars. .
). Oasoline is a vital factor in the life of the community, industri
ally and otherwise, and it is of the greatest "importance, at ; this .
juncture, that it be used with the utmost discretion, that essenti
al requirements may be supplied.
The present is by no means the season of maximum demand,
which comes later in the year. f
The condition, therefore, is Hke-!y to be continuing, rather than ,
- Responsibility for meeting the situation does not rest solely
upon the oil industry. The public also has a serious duty in the
On its part, the Standard Oil Company is straining its re-
sources and organization to increase the supply of gasoline. In
the field it is working for the maximum production of crude oil.
In the refinery it is working for the maximum production of
gasoline from the crude oil and it is spending large sums of
money on equipment for new processes, of its own discovery and
development, whereby a still greater yield of gasoline will be
The point already has been reached Kere gasoline must be
conserved most carefully. That is a duty of the public. In con
sumption of this product, essential industries must necessarily
come first pleasure utilization thereafter.
Already the Company has taken steps toward protecting the
supply for the vital needs of induustry which, if lessened, would
affect the business life of the community. There is now the
danger of a curtailment of supply to non-essentials such as pleas
ure cars.
The assistance of the public, therefore, is imperative. Until
lately, gasoline has been abundant, and its lavish and extrav
agant use has been possible. That time is past.
Buy as little gasoline as possible.
Use what you must "Waste none.
. .-irmirn.-wmrm-twT t
. . . .... u , - I . .ull
CUnttrh. 1129 Jlroftrtway, w,i" - ; 'trrr.i
I mm r it v n K dit 1 inTTTJ"M Af . "IVAMT" AlWP-Wi
y j M.HSU Uj.IU L l;lt lUHJ o Kf kj i inn , jiii, .... i
au; stare street