Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 09, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    "u. CAiiiAL J'JtiLNAL
FillDAY, A!
defendants were charged with haV 1 hU tar a.r ". r
iog damped sawdust in a sn-aU rara ' jfr-" s'rah Wet mo
tributary to the Loekiamute riv. r , where her son has enii.
ft. led to agree when the case was .i.u. ... .
I to
Dallas, Or, April . District At-
,torne- E. K. Piaseeki this week filed
with County Clerk Moure hi decla
ration to run far ,;flce again. ilr.
, Piasecki has held the office lor the
' Xtallai, Or, April -JL delegation f 'f"'- H 18 dJm""t J has
of promintnt Dalia citizen. nJ-',, . P'-i'wm njorous project;-
, , . ! Uon of law breakeri, no favorites,
farmer of thi. community called on jPuIk coantT-, ,IlterMU careful'yi
nage ass u. kodiiisoh or the Polk f guarded. Mr. Plaaecki's opponent on
county court Thursday afternoon andjthe republican ticket in the general
petitioned the Judge to do all In hi' election will probably be J X He!.
power to secure money due the conn- Igerson of this city who filed his dec-
trid before Justice of the Peace
-John P.. Sibley Thursday afternoon.
The jury was out about two hours
ft-r failin- reach an npn-
ment was discharged by Judge Sib
fey. ..
, J. C. Rice and family airived from
.Vor-iska yesterday after an extended
visit. ..
- :y ih.t fe.nie hh -dn-.s was no
Canty longer' a joy forever, and Thuvi,o'
in the Was married to M:ss Le!a y. :r.-
, Baum, the event being a surprise to
Latest Mews Covering Central Willamette .Ualfey by Capital Journal Special Correspondence
Polk Tax Payer
Petition Court
To Hasten Work
'Piasicki To Run
For Office Again
the many friend of the cuiiple.
' After the wedtling eerernuny, v-hi-;i
was performed by the Rer. Powell
roads. The roads leading Into Dallas
r some of the worst in the county
n the business men assert that rT
something la not done towards fixing!
mem op larmera w:u b unable to
reach the city next winter to trade.
Too delegation was assured that ev
erything possible would bo done to
wards securing money for market
read construction.
A delegation of farmer from the
McCoy district also waited upon tho
county court at their regular month
ly alon yesterday and naked for
the construction of a road over th
Bethel hill to Salem.
Roads in various parts of the coun
ty have been cut UD this irear owinir
to the big freese in December andj
rauicai mean ars taken
laration for office last week.
Mint Industry
Given Impetus
Independence. Or.. A Dr. I. On. in.
dustry in this vicinity that gives prom
ts of development and material worth
to the entire state is tbe mint farm and
distillery owned and operated hero by
Messrs. Wilson and Davie.
On the Marion countv al.L ni h-
Willamette river, not fur tm.r. i-a.
wards fixing -them up this summer! Pendenee. i a thirty-acre mint farm
it will be Impossible to operate cars' an!l ,he distillery is located on C street.
majority of them durlna- the Mr- Davie stated yejiterdav that the
coming winter months. op gives promise of success and he is
convinced that it can be profitably pro
duced in this country. They are at
present making plans to enlarge the
plant and Increase the production as
much as possible.
It is comparatively new enterprise
in Oregon, but the owners have every
n-.uwn to oeneve that It can be de
veloped and that In time mint will he
prouueed on many farm In this vlcln.
ity. The soil In the bottom lands, it is
ciaimen, is adapted to the production
of mint, which yield more to the acre,
it Is said, than perhaps any crop ever
Woodburn Lines
Up to Organize
Community Club
Fairfield Folks
Observe Easter
With A Program
Silverton Sees
Little Prospect
Of Armory Soon
Bllverton. Or, April . Silverton
not likely to have an armory built
this year sfter all the preparation
nd the only obstacle now standing In
the way is the a per cent tax limit
law. Silverton appioprlatlon is
ready, but the stats and county
money can not lie had. according tj
Information received from headquac
ters this week.
This matter has been del tAn
long. It required two elections In the
first place to get 8llverton on tho
right track and the next difficulty
was In finding a suitable location.
This being accomplished the building
program was held up pending the re
eolpt of an abstract. Now onines the
tax limit measure, and there Is no
telling what next or how long the
matter will be delayed.
Mil. J. w. Johnson and daughter.
vi Jamestown. N. I), who have been
pending the winter with the former's
daughter, Mi. Dr. Wrlghtman. left
yesterday for their eastern home.
Mrs. Johnson's health has been very
poorly here during the winter.
Mayor Adams bus officially named
Tuesday, May 4, as clean-up day in
Silverton nnd the Women's Social
Science Club and the Community
Club will assist in the mutter r
Jng a more sanitary city of Hilverlon,
A new electric lighting system was
Installed this week si tns Kd Charles
orth faint In tho Waldo Hills, Mr,
Charlisworth says If he can Inducr,
his hens to lay two esus a dav hu
placing lights In lh hen house It will
b a good Investment If the price of
eggs continues the same.
8nnw his disappeared In the 811-
rton logging camps, and a crew of,
men went there yesterday to resume !
work. The camps have been shuti
own two or thre times during tho
winter on account of snow.
A movement Is on foot at present
to build a modern hotel in this elty.
A Mr. Petersun of Portland, ha been
hire looking Into the proposition, and
It Is said that a stock company will
be orgn(r,ed and a new building erect
d during the summer.
Klopfensteln Druthers have closed
deal for the a Ames ranch south
west of hf re. This la a valuable prop
erty and Is said to contain tho bell
each orchard In this part of the
J- U Edison received a shipment
China rhausant yesterday from
th stats gams farm at Corvallls.
Woodburn. Or. Airll . A m.
ing was held at the armory last even,
ing for the purpose of organizing a
club that will do something for Wood
burn and the tributary country. Wood
ban ha been slow to orsanize a com. i
mercial body, but It has started In the
right direction and the dormant spirit
existing in this citv for anma tin., .in
be replaced by energy. T. K. McCros-
key of Salem, head of the county com
munity club, was oresent anrt .
talk along the line of development.
of St. Paul's church, the couide ere
-the guests ef honor at the E. J.
ISwafford residence, where a dainty
I wedding dinner was served,
j Mr. and Mrs. Pickett left Frid-iy
for Portland by motor, they plan to
take a two day's drive over the Co-
e- . ..... . - ijuinoia nignway to ine faiies, re-
Fairfield. April 9. An eniavaht'. ...... . . . .
" ruming to saiem. sunaay niKnt. mat-
r., : ""'"" ' '"'iing their future residence here. i
a basket dinner. A representative!
number jf the congregation vas jn j Ten million dollars in gold bullion
attendance, both at the morning fej- j arrived in New York last night from
tivities and at the anlurwtlri iUvernooL on the Cnnarri liner Par.
preached by Reverend Anchor, in thejraania.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Po'lins attended
the Rebekah grand assembly at
Woodburn Tuesday evening."
Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh nnRetie m'
Salem visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Ceo. Sigfrit and daughter,;
who have been visiting here and in i
Portland the past three months, re-j
turned to their home In eastern Ore
gon Thursday. i
Mrs. Jess Moore, who has been
quite ill, was taken to the hosnital
Saturday, returned home Tuesday, is.
.'mproving. j
Percy Ditmar of I ninn Vain anA '
Arthur Brook of St. Johns snent Fast
er at Tom Ditmar'.
Freeman and Miss Nellie Marthal-
er visited the capital Tuesday..
Jury In Sawdust
Case Cannot Agree
I'utius, wr.. AOl'll S. Th l.i.-v .
the case of the state vs the Rrlswold
Davis Lumber company in which the
And tell the world of
your troubles and years
for Co-Lo will restore the
natural color, life and lus
ter to your hair in a man
ner nature approves.
Co-Lo n scientific process
perfected by Prof. John H.
Austin, over 40 years a bacter
iologist, ihalr and scalp snu-clitlUt.
Trial Of Taylor
Opens At Eugene
Kugene. Or, Apr, . Opening stale
wents were to be mad today when
court resumed at the second trial of
Martin A. Clark, charged with tho mur
oer uf Charles 1.. T lor, near the sum- j
lt of the Cascade mountains, late
July. Helwtlon of the Jury whlch Willi
Istcn to the evidence was Completed!
late yesterdey. .!'! Sklpworth ad-
jnurmng court until this morning.
Mrs. Franklin West was a mieat at .
dinner party one evening this week
given by the teachers and nnnli. f th
grade schools. Mrs. West hu. r.i.,a
as principal of the Woodburn chools
and will leave next week f.e ho. t,
in Centralia, Washington.
At a meeting 0f the council held
iuesiay evening more street Improve
ment was started, ana i i ku.
that great acbievementa will be accoml
pusnea in this respect during the next
fMW niArltk.
B. H. Smith of Salem has establish- v UnJ."btedl'- many "! residents
ed an office In Woodburn h"w taken no,e ot the trembling si-
handle Samson tractors 0n 1 blg Paang'' bus of the
The Woodburn Orange wl'l meet in Marion- Perhaps the warning
Grange hall Anrll , " dev,8e rend" version of Men-
Spcnce, master of the .(, ' ??n8sonn famous wedding cnantay
win deliver an address. The win en x. nckett,
an open session in the aftem., ""iwn0. Pis the bus, returns to the job
A gasoline Dumn In frnn. .1.. . . P'ouauij oo
Berkey raniB . .m.J7 " ., "! , 's sentiments.
ably ye-erday when H. Otjen backed ' mittee of IT
iWedding Bells Ring
tor Motor Driver
Co-Lo la a wonderful liquid.
Clear, odorless, greaseless.
Without lead or sulphur.
Hasn't a particle of sediment
1 Will not wash or rub off.
Will not Injure hair or scalp.
Pleasing and simple to ap
ply. Cannot be detected like tho
ordinary hair tints and dyes.
Will not cause the hair U
split or break off.
-Co-Iai can be had for every
natural shade of hair.
At rr Itlai-k and Dark
Shatu-s of llrown.
Kir- Ntnmg, for Jet
lllm k Hair only.
AH ur all Medium llrown
Mia (liw,
AOfor Very Uht llrown,
lrnb and Auburn .shinies.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer at Pet-
ry's drug store. )a,v)
Overmire Steel Construction Company
. we ,n W'k o Immcdlaw. ShlpuM-nl
Manufacturer. r ,
' f"" Bulldlim sod ltrl.h.Ts
UU,r 8,WI "' A,cMr, rojU.TAN OREGOV
I'one Fast 8741
$100 Reward
Republic Truck, are attractinsr (he attention of . great num.
ber of pepole. Friend. M well 8 enemies. Urt" Wt Mme
one destroyed . bin board reading -Republic Trucks" on the
river road, with raalicloU8 lntent. w pfly h
$100 for arrest and coaviciion of the person or persons do
injr this.
279 North Commercial St
Salem, Or.
In 2000 CountiesThis Month
The Forces of the Church
of Christ Will Gather To
Face the Facts.
TN 2000 counties in the United States the pastors
X and laymen of 30 great denominations will meet
in conference this month.
It is the kind of conference that generals hold
before a critical engagement; that business men
hold before entering a new market A conference
of judgment, not emotion; a dear-eyed facing of
the facts.
A Survey that Business Men Must AJhhtre
For more than a year hundreds of workers
have been quietly engaged in making a scientific
surveyof the mission fields, and of America counrV
The facts developed are startling. No such pic
ture of America's religious situation has ever be
fore been drawn.
t ,
On the basis of these surveys thirty Pro
testant denominations are uniting in a
Nation Wide Cooperative Campaign
Each of the thirty denominations has its
own Forward Movement" organized and officer
ed. The Interchurch World Movement is the
t clearing house for all of these.
It is the agency which the churches have cre
ated to avo,d 1 duplicate to foster cooperation and
make sure that every man and dollar render the
utmost service possible.
The month of April will be devoted to
maktng me facts of the survey known to America;
m the week of April 25th-May 2nd, will come a
united simultaneous financial campaign.
Whether You Are Inside the Church or Out
To every man ard every woman who loves
llT' 2000 nces
vitally important
faCtS y this great survey
Z wt f0 8t W0rk -Arnica
-and what kind of a country this country is to be.
Ttt9 pubticatfan of this cfVwrr,--.-.
JTl Court Street
Phone (SB
Bay Remnants
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
WillametteV alley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
! SI
Of this department,
the . magnitude of
which has been the
pride of this store for
many yearSytve now
chronicle the last
page. Iifs simply this:
Your choice of all re
maining Silks aty yd.
. Such well known silks as Pine Tree, Corticelli, Skinners, '
and Bramsons, all 36 inches wide.
Taffetas: 'TrfWiiSPlI'
- t
The real spring-time silk in taupe; biscuit, steel, pearl
and other shades of grey.
C.S. Hamilton
340 Court Street
Also Junk of AU Kinds
Beat Prices Guaranteed
CALL 598
'Capital Junk Co.
The Sonar Teal TTm...
71 Chemeketa St. Phone lit
i Messalines:
Excellent qualities in white, tan, apricot and emerald.
t Satins:
None better, colors are wild rose, pearl grey, claret,
shell, pink, and Kelly green.
There is still a good assortment of these, especially
good for skirts and misses' dresses.
Retiring from Business
Of a Fine Quality Of Jersey
A wool Jersey Sports Coat is the ideal wrap for motor
ing and golfing and you should surely see the new
models that we are now showing. They' are most un
usually attractive and clever looking. They come in
all. the leading plain and mixed colors and are fashion
ed in Tuxedo, Norfolk and three-quarter length styles.
You ivill find these Coats at Shipleys -
The prices range from "
S12.50 S14.25 , UP TO $34.75
Specially Priced
be and M becoming. Out&Sj 5 " W
fating jf one is garbed in an Sac ie S t r'" "
and see these. "uracme suit. Come in
S29.75 $34.75
145 Liberty Street
Where Shopping is Always a PUam