HU . Bi. fierUons 6 cents, one month "- "ifons i? cent om rear, per l inerti1ntl Jiinimum per ad 35 lr Insertion only in New Today. i. ei in advance aad not tak Phone unless advertiser to !e, ..m,nt. No allowance tor monunj -"- . - Acmrs. nflOKff ci ' , ; NEW TODAY. -jjTTTjiniT Sleeping room, close hi. Phone 15-3. , , TKDExperienced waitress at ffi.Jtoye restaurant. pSfi rr-nn TtTLOAN' on good city prop va ronimission to ray. In- inire mom 325 Oregon bide. - m? VTvfTl' l'lvniouth Rock .chtckei.s i.hnl Reds. Phone 502. MTavtiK ,, . iMi gLE A good farm wagon t m N. Commercial. cS7 fTTRD touring, gooa i.res. runs imo. F0,v 1325. See this at 187.8. Ub- tRVNGE 2 lots in Meekers ad dition to Salem for acreage or small wrfV.'A. Gueffroy. Tigardl Or. vnR RENT Pleasant front room to luiv will give breakfast if desired; lu. ' r , m, ...... wm also puase for reiit. Phone 1413 C-iVTED A few tons of oats an1 vetch or clover hay. Tel, 72F18Hb-. -ty-genj and 9 p.m. IS? voR RENT Furnished downtown sleeping room for gentlemen, etea-c heat, bv the month. Phone 1427. mFKlCE rooms for rent, steam hent, splendid janitor sen-ice. 205 Ore- 1.1.1 gen 1'nib' KOOMS for rent by day. inquire 42 N. Cottage, phone 1186. J 9j WANTEIj a house full of furniture nor S Canital Journal. i90 FOR SALE !V4-ton truck, 8-ton trailer, all in good repair 404 Fer- rv St. fhone 1177. qf SEVERAL houses for sale. amon: them a 5 room bungalow. Inquire 492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. nlll HOt'SE for rent two blocks from State street on N. High, strictly niodern; lease if desired. McDonald & Parks, 162 S. Coin, room 1. Phon? 747. - FOR SALE Chevrolet in good con dition, also 1914 Studebaker No. 6. Will take team on either car and give terms. Room 416, Masonic Temple. ; SjLL. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, mod ern except furnace. Also furniture. 1290 S. 14th street. Call after 6:30 p. m. . : . - - n94 POOL'S BARGAINS 3 acres one mile ont with house, -fine garden land. $180, or will rent. Eight room modern house, paved street close to car line, east Salem. A snap at $2500. Seven room plastered house one block to car, $1750. Three room house and two lots, 3500, F. L. Wood, 341 State St. n87 FOIl SALE 5 room cottnge. bath, toilet. 3 blocks from post office on N. Church street. Price 12250. Hnrt & Mailer. 208 Oregon bldg. a FOR SALE 8 room strictly niodern resilience, close in. s Price $3750. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon blag. n FOR SALE 5 room cottage, 2 . fine lots, most all in bearing fruit. Price $1850. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bMg. a DON'T cuss the car take it to- En penal at Salem Auto Exchange, 22.1 Slate. . q86 THE Avery Tractor for heavy work, the Donnle for light work. Place orders early, If you hope to get a machine. Salem Auto Exchange, 229 State. 0S6 "WANTED 30 cord big old fir, 2-tt. length. Phone 981M. - - , eg? I'OR KENTFurnished room in prU vale family, reasonable. Phone 1669. ' , 1Ri FOR SALE Ford touring car, good comimon. L'liU K, 13th. 8 !) FOR SALE Hatching- -eggs, - fertiliTy Buarameed. Phone 3F. f87 W. BRAVER well driller, one mil? east of fairground. Phone 10F5. . 1113 $li BO.NT'S for information that wl'l enable uh to rent desirable 5 or 6 room house. Address box 67 Jour nal. -10? "WANTED Use dtypewrlter. must be in good working order. State price and full particulars. Address Draw- . " ''ana City, Or. 85 oi,',? 5'e:r old cow for sale. Phon- FOR SALE Day old chicks, Hansons stork of Corviillis, 300 op less. W; , J l uller, phone 35F32, Tirooka' - - fS? ,i,R8AI-,K fJ""l wheel, reasonable Call Iriend 778, after 7:30 p. m. - ; 'c80 FOR .SALE Medium size cook stove cheap. Inquire 2770 Brooks ave. JT ' cSli 'OR SALE One 3-year olil.fillle, 1 f '-year old gelding. Phone 38F11. - c8S "ANTED Agents wanted for Noise. '?ss typewriter. Communicate AomelesB Typewriter Co., 81 Fourth SLi.Xgrtland, Or. gs 6 V0 SALE Two extra fine' Jersey cows, fresh; six heifers, yearlings Past, extra good; twenty 3-month old Pigs. Otto Timm, phone 114K -eyenhigs. 85 Fhil, SALE New 7 room modern nouse except basement. 2 large lets with abundance of bearing fruit. i,'L ara "eautlful home. Pric? nidg & MuUer 208 Oregon lmACRKS- K0""' sized hUfe anl many outbuildings, suitable for raN nna cnickens; running water. $1, o on easy termB. Mr. Chicken enJ if1"' " you vant t( raise chicki ns. here is your opportunity. Can 11 more land if you desire it. John " Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregin b86 E'i S,X cannot be toltl from a th?n Car- Wil1' BeU this 400 less n?.T on" and K'v very good terms, win take small car in trade, oee me at once if you want a new ,.,, l,s secondhand price, as this wont last long. Phong Adams, 361. q86 AnJL 1 PPrtunity Iii Central J " ,a a"d Saskatchewan are rich th Jia " 8open Prairie ready for hVE Interspersed with trees, itoel t tori excellent shelter for Ine 'r,i ,f Braln tfrowing, dairy ing VI stoclt ral8lnK are be CoTInflrr,leJ,Jon "uccessfully. The The r 8J?eal for mlled Arming offerinnal'an Pacific railway is fii , a Iarge are of these fer Battilf" Ln L'oydminster and bnd tf'ni dtatrlct- Thlg fcrtlle tenrt. .become the home of thou iTmnL , 5rosPeroas farmers. On the wo, tnd Sear Wheeler grow, minster Prlz" whfat- Near Lloyd been Worm' oat have hteheJT W1J: an,J butter the Soon h.qUaUty 18 made- A man can fa?m t0??.8 '"dependent on a n h. Kth ditr'ct. These lands ag"nbJU5h.t now t Price, aver- o frtK. deT- ettlement conditions Ui end r.7Payment ot Principal nn annual JJ th'n "nt MPlym,tnta- Interest is per T is,' Canadian Pacific rail Alberto 8t Street- E- Ca'ry, NEW TODAY. - c L'eucun Ala-' rm-.l.a xylophone, almost new, with 1 traveHn, u-ank. Very lw 'p vM Phone 1597W. 1 J ! FoR SALE Rent or trade. '"huule ! garage, fruit, garden. Phone l3so"- j a 3 t'ASSEXCER 1918 Maxwell A-T condition, price oo with terms ! Salem elie rnin.- -ic v- I t ommercml. v-, i...ucn Ataxweu, new um new paint, new uiholstrir.CT . i shape; for quick sale only " ti'z I terms. Salem Velie company, 162 , FOR SALE 15 acres land, fruit, i.. ries. grajn; house furnished, all stock and implements; also car In ciuir 3 miles north from fairground on Pacific highway. John Lephart b9 FOR SALE 6 roonj house and fur niture, well located, furniture ex cellent quality and new. moder.i plumbing, a good buy. Price $2. .: T ro mmodern house, furn ace, garage, 3 blocks from Carne gie library. Price $5000. S room cottage near 8. P. station. Price $1. 0S0... Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 275 State St. Tel 615. nS7 i UNIQUE RECORD, BL'T TRUE How is this record? Calls for per manent help in January 27; filled "4- February ' calls. 20; filled 7, March calls, 20; filled 4. This does not include scores of calls that w have had during the same period for temporary help; and this is the dull season of the year for calls. We should have four times the number preparing that we have. A new class in shorthand next week. (Day school.) Capital Business Col lege.' 5 HERE'S A SNAP in Timber and land. kzu acres in timber and pasture running water; the timber cruised years ago eight million and a half, old fir nnd second growth fir. It is located 4 miles from'own and railroad, one half mile from fine graveled road. The price If Bold soon $12. 5 Ter acre for land and timber. Particulars of this an l other good buys, write Henry Amb ler, Philomath, Or., Benton coun ty. 85 FOR SALE One of the most desir able country- homes in the county, only 3-4 mile from city limits, and on paved road. 214 acres, good house, barn, warehouse, silo, small greenhouse, wind mill, hot and cold water in house, fruit dryer; 12 acres prunes, 2 acres cherries, 2 acres apples, t .acres English wal nuts, 1 acre strawberries; only 5 niHiutes ride to center of the cltv. First time offered for sale and will only be on the market a short time. H. E. Bolinger, 328 Oregon bldg. n MR. HOME-SEEKER If you arc looking for a country home, be sure to see our large list of coun try prppeitj'. Here are a few of them;. 5 acres, unimproved, splendid land $75 per acre. 8 acres, improved. $1000, $100 oas,,i $100 annually. Do not over look this. . - - v .. , . . .. 6 acres just outside the city, limit! of Salem. Fine cow, wagon, and much other personal property. $2,- 500, one half cash. 5 acres near Salem, improved. $3,- 000. 161 ncrea, splendid fnrm, good im provements. $10,000, $2000 cash, . 116 acres with buildings. $30 per acre on very easy terms. Andmany others. John ."H. Scott Realty. Co., 228 Oregon bldg. n86 FOR SALE. For Sale Houses. HOUSE for sale on 622 N. High. a82 FOR SALE 5 room bungalow , on 1363 tfriTth. $1500, $500 .'ash Jwll! handle the deal. '-f a8f FOR SALFl Nine room house am lot 165x82 ft., tnree diocks irom - city library on SW corner of Win ter and Mill St. See James 8. Al bert, 445 S. Summer St. a86 FOR SALE By owner, new J room house, strictly modern, fireplace, . furnace, large sleeping porch, gar age, about 1 Vfcncres mnci, zu iru't trees, paved street near carline. 630 N. 24th. n8? FOR SALE House, corner High and Chemeketa. Inquire of owner, 54S Chemeketa. - Phone 92. ast 100"HOUSK BARGAIN 6 room , house., lot 75x150, barn, chicken house,' rrult trses -.ona garuen, choice location, one block from 9. Commercial St., full basement, city water, toilet, etc. Possession soon. Extra good buy. Price $1600 cash, - or $800 -cash, balance like rent. S. R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. ; n WANT 6 or 7 roo mmodern bun galow, 6 fooms and bath; first floor. Must be niodern. Give price, terms, exact location or no 'atten tion paid. Will look at the outside and if I think suitable will see you. Address Seeok enre Journal. n86 FOR6ALE 5 room, cosy bungalow and a 6 room bungalow, modern except heat, some fruit. Inquire 151!! N. Front. a93 $300 CASH, balance like rent, good 6 room plastered hbuse on paved street, lot 60x160, not modern; pos session today. Exceptional buy if ' taken at once. Price $1500.' S. R .Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon, bldg. Phono 43. - ' n 7 ROOM modern house close In. Mr. Homeseeker if you are looking for a very desirable property, moderr and up to date except furnace, bet of construction, arrangement an 1 ' appearance, see this. It has exclus ive features and close in. Lot 60x 165, new garage and other Im provements. $2500 in money wlU handle it with immediate posses sion, balance easy. An exceptional buy. Short time only. S. R. Pearson - & Peed, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43 FOR SALE 5 room plastered house, r.,U hneament 2RS N. 20th St. 81 FOR SALE A neat little bungalow in West Salem, $500, terms. 60 . acre farm, 40 in prunes on good rond, fine soil. A. L. Seamster Real ty Co.. 416 Masonic Temple. a FOR SALE By owner one 7 room strictly modern bungalow, excel lent view, block and half from car " line in south Salem, 140 Superior ct a94 $500 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY Will buy 5 room strictly modern bungalow except basement, almost new; hot and cold water, excellent bath room, large closets, plastered, dutch kitchen, fireplace; nothing has been overlooked in onstru. tion. Seeing is believing. Let me show you today. Possession In few days. Good park lot. Price $2500. S. R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon Klrlcr Phone 43, n FOR SALE Five room modern house, full basement. 2475 Maple a87 FOR SALE 5 room house, large lot, $1100. See owner Rayford T. Goode 113ft Teffemon citV. a93 FOR SALE Modern 4 room houe and 2 lets In Salem; good bearing fruit trees on place, on paved street. Address Geo. DeBord. Hillsdale, Or., box 19, Rt. 2. ATTRACTIVE seven room house. All modern conveniences except furnace.- Owner will sacrifice for $3. 800. See him at 1910 Trade street (corner 19th and Trade) between S o'clock and 7 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Immen; ate possession. n Cw SALE 5 Sd soil, 1 i blocks southwest Richmond school ' Frio Jiui). Sign on lots. Call 7 mn m. ii.r terms. 8 I IilEDERMAN TRivsren pcav 10. RKS. PHOXE 160SJ. HAUL 1NO AND MOVIXO. aS For Sale Farms. FOR SALE Few more small tracts, red barn farm, one mile east of pen. must sell right away, no better ber ry land, terms. J. H. Koltes. Hotel Bgh. b87 FOR SALE Direct from iwner, a highly improved 10 acre tract, aU out in fruit and berries, address J -apai journal. g8 FOR SALE By owner. 15 acres just uuisiue city limits, all plowed, 3400 loganberry tips go with the-placo. Call at 825 N. 22d St. . b8S A FINE STOCK RANCH With two ot buildings. 400 acres. 80 acres in cultivation. . balance pas ture and timber, 2 sets of farm building, 2 family orchards, fino springs, water piped to house and barn; there is also some fine tim ber and outrange; this is a splen did bargain at $30 per acre, terms. Located ( miles from town on cuun ty road and mail route. Particulars oi mis ana other good buys, write Henry Ambler, Philomath. Benton connty, Or. " 84 worms RAnfiirea Two acres, part river bottom, ou paved road, bearing fruit trees, mall house and barn, wortn $260; want an offer. Also fovr roeia house not finished and about en acre Jand $600. Choice acre trac on car line and pavement $900. Four room house and five lots n car line, $1800. 290 acre farm fell improved with stock, crop and im plements, $125 per acre. F. I Wood. 341 State St. n85 CHOICE close in berry land. 10 acre lucuiea just outside city. limits, k blocks from Center St. carline oa asylum road, all cultivated; pos session at once. Price $3500, good terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho above land, black loam, all ready for planting. Price $2800. Haw kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg. rnone iiz(. i FOR RAI.R n fir. f acres 5-year old prunes, 314 straw berries, 4 goose berries, 4 acres un der irrigation from lage splng; most of balance ready to plant; fair buildings, 4 miles from Salem on I good road. Price $3500. Hart and Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. n FOR SALE 3 acre tract on north ena ttrooks ave. Just outside city -limits, 100 fine chickens, cow and a horse, small farming outfit. Will sell this week. See owner, J. D. Glenn. ' b87 For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Transfer business, with good 2-ton truck. Phone 1177 or call at 404 Ferry St. c86 FOR SALE Good hotel proposition. Box 12 Silverton, Or. cR8 FOR SALE Good retail grocery proposition.. Box 12, Silverton, Oi cS".' ONIONS for sale cheap. Comrhercial. 197 Seuth c86 FOR SALE Old papers for wrap ping and packing lOo bundle. Cap ital journal office. FOR SALE Almost new baby reed carriage at 110 ft N. Commercial St. ... cSS For Sale Nursery Stock. PLANTING onions lc per lb. Good dry onions 2 lie per lb. Call 197 S. Com'I St. : 85 ETTERBERG 121 strawberry plants $7.50 per 1000; Wilson $6. P. O box 214, Balem, Or. - d93 FOR SALE About 6000 healthy lo ganberry. jtins. Phone 37F2. d8 i FILBERT and prune trees for sale cheap. Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg., Snletn. d86 LOGANBERRY plants wanted. Ward i K. Richardson, 2395 Front St. Phone 494. d93 LOGANBERRY, Mammoth and Hima . 1 laya blackberry and asparagus plants. Fresh garden seeds. Ward K. Richardson. 2396 Front St. d93 THE famous Etterberg 121 straw berry plants, best canner and ship per, heavy producer. A very profit able crop bringing quick returns. , Vigorous healthy plants, quantity prices. Order now. Ward K. Rlch- ardson, 2395 Front St. d93 STRAWBERRY plants In any quan tity Etterburg 121, Gold Dollar, Progressive Everbearing, Oregon ' Trebla, Wilson. Thrifty, well root ed plants. Low quantity prices. City delivery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 ' Front, Phone 494. d93 "WALLPASTE" perfect for paper hanglpg, no cooking. Max O. Bur en. 179 N. Com'I. a For Sale Livestock. WANTED A young Phone 90F12. work hors". 185 CAN use a few more young calves. C. C. RusbpII, phone 3F3. I FOR SALE A-l cow. 891 N. Com mercial. e84 FOR SALE A good cow. 13th and Wilbur sts. Phone 1212J. e86 FOR SALE 3-year old heifer giv ing milk. 1595 Saginaw and Lin coln. Phone 1698R. e8 FOR SALE Fresh and coming fresh cows, 2 Jersey cows giving 4 gal ' Ions per day, 5 years old; 1 Guern sey cow. 5 years old, freshens the 15th; also one Jersey and Durham cow, 8 years old, giving 314 gallons per day, family broke, for $75. These cows are all good testers and Just from the farm. Club Stable.- e85 For Sale Wood. WANTED 30 cord big old fir, 2-fott length. Phone 981M. 87 FOR SALE First and second growth fir timber, seven miles from Salem on good road. About five thousand cord. Room 16 Ladd & Bush bldg. or phone 193. ee86 SLAB wood for sale. Phone 2005JT ee85 WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw your wood. Phone 1004. m93 WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or - 4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will buy all kinds of cord wood. Office 305 8. Church. Phone 1542. Fred E. Weils. ee For Sale Poultry BABY CHICKS Tancred and Barron strain, $16 per 100. Hatch weekly. Ojr8mlth. Turner, Or.. Rt. 1. f 104 BABY CHICKS Week old now on sale. Best hoganized stock. C. N. Needham, 558 State. Phone 400. 85 FOR SALE One black Minorca ful; blood rooster. Call 48F14. f83 WANTED 60 1-year old White Leg horn hens. Write N. R. Fister, Rt. 1, box 68, Gervais. Or. State prio-f. - 87 BABY CHICKS Week old now on sale. Best hoganired stock. C. N. Needham, B68 State. Phone 400. 85 Lost and Found. LOST Sunday, March 21, Oregon Electric station, hand embroidered , Infants garment. Finder pleas ' leave at Journal office. k85 LOST Probably on State street be if anil 19 nVltwk. Anril 6. 2 twenty dollar bills. Finder pletfi leave at this office. Reward. k86 ttJH SALE.- AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALK Indian motorccie. in. A-l condition. Call Capital Journal. - s1; IS your car hard to start? Does your! motor give trouble? Try Fair! Grounds Garage, phone 30S. M. J. ' Jackson, prop. Will tow your car. j Our work guaranteed. qlOu1 SALEM. AUTO RADIATOR SHOP- Radiators, fenders and gas tanks repaired, tractor radiators a spe cialty; Ford diators for sale. lk S. 12th St.. Salem, Or. FOR SALE One 15-25 Samson trac tor in excellent shape, used only I H -seasons. Snau. At 173 8. Cora. DUNTLY magneto brake timers f ji Fords and Fordson tractors, guar anteed for fifty 'thousand miles. National spark plugs. Clark's Tire House, SIS N, ConU St' Salem, Or . q87 FOR SALE New Elgin six. can be seen at.thevChevrolet garage; wil! be there Frrday from to 12 o'clock Price $1750.. ., uS5 FOR SALE I :new Ford .touring body and top complete $140. Fhone 1468. ' '. ; . qSS i PASSENGER Dodge at a bargain. Enquire at 162 N. Com'! St. q85 FOR SALE Ford touring car. Good - condition. 1340 Shipping St. q8l - . MISCELLANEOUS. FOR- SALE Dining extension table, also fireplace screen. .Enquire at 673 N.-Commereial Sr. c85 DRESSMAKING by Say. Phone 810M BUILDING contractors, altering and repairing. Frank Beer & Co. Call 1569W. meJ FOR plumbing and general repair work, call 1586W. lg7 $8500 TO LOAN on first class secur ity. H. E. Bolinger. " 'WALLBOARD" can be used over lath and papered or tinted. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com"l. c WIGGIN & BLOCUM, auto transfer, general draying, local and long distance hauling. Office phone 858 mlt TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood for sale. Office at People's Furni ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St Phone 784. Residence 1359 Hinei street. WALL paper 25c double roll and up. max o. JBuren, 179 N. Com'I. m WANTED. Ivntid-JEIelp. WANTED Salesman for Banner automobile tube, the tire which will puncture but which will not de flate; fully guaranteed. Splendid business. Enquire G. G. Ripley, Marion hotel, Salem. q85 WANTED To be as dentist nurse, have had two years experience. Ad dress 459 Union St., Salem, Or. h86 WANTED Good steady man with clerical experience, married man preferred. Room 809 Masonic bldg. 85 WANTED Man to cultivated garden ; on shares. Everything will be furn ished. Must understand the work. W. H. Burghardt. Sr., 625 North Winter. Phone 1532J. WANTED Man and wife to shaie nicely furnished house with lady with small boy. 148 Miller St. oi Phone 27. 85 MARRIED man wants steady work In town. Call 1796. 85 LADY cook and assistant wanted at Home Restaurant, 223 N. Com 1 St. g85 WANTED Two men to cut logs, can make good wages, must be good men that understand cutting logs. For Information call 8-25, Turner, Or. - tV. ; g87 WANTED Farm hand, married with - wife or small child; small house ' with milk, wood .and garden, must milk and understand farming, and be good worker, 6 months work or longer. C. C. Russell, Gervais, Rt. .-- Phone 8F3. - - g Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED Good sweet buttermilk. A. Swanson. 1767 Waller St. 185 WANTED To buy from one to twen- ty stands, jof bees.' F. M. Alley, 371 8. Church street. Phone 273W. 186 WANTED ;8 or 10 swarms of beer. What have youT Box Bees care Journal. 18C OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra special, 34c double roll. Max O. Buren, J 79 N. Com'I. t ' n FOR RENT. FOR RENT Blacksmith shop twer ty by Gixty feet, with some' tools, at twenty dollars monthly, 803 N. Liberty' St. Werner Fennel. J81 REAL ESTATE. IN THE COUNTY COURT of the Slutu of Oregon in and for Marlon County In the matter of the estate of John Koeneke, deceased. Executrix's no tice? , Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed exec utrix of the estate of John Koeneko, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified, in the . manner provided by law to McDougal & McDougal, attor neys for the estate, as above men tioned, in the city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, at the county clerk's office in the court house, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, the flrHt publication of this notice being made on the 26th day of March, 1920. ' MARY T. KOENEKE, Executrix. McDougal & McDougal: Attorneys for executrix. ' Real Investments. A real home and 21 acres prunaa. logans, evergreens, red raspberries Lawtons, family orchard, an Incorafc $16,000; .' ' ' - ' .- ' 240 acre stock ranch, school on cor ner of place, 7 miles from Molalla; 20 acres cultivated, 80 slashed; oa good road; buildings, $21 per acre. 30 acres, 2 in prunes, family orch ard, 1 mile from town with good high school, on good road; buildings, lot3 of work, $2600, $600 cash. ' ' : ' Homestead relinquishment $300. Some city property priced right. ' We advertise your property at your price, we will not Increase the price and make the sale Impossible. Estes & Magee. 428 Oregon bldg, Salem : Portland office. Chamber of Com. $1500. A ( room cottage on paved street near school; terms. . $2000, $500, $16 per month buys ft very good 6 room house. Has electric lights, bath, toilet, basement, 8 blocks from Bush bank. $2200, $700 down, terms en bal ance; 7 rooms modern except base ment, centrally located, new garage. $2600, t room bungalow on paved street, a good buy. $4500, t acres t miles from state hospital; this is a good buy. $5000, 10 acres t miles out; 2 acres logans, some orchard and other fruit, no better soli. $4250, 10 acres IS blocks from car line, beautiful location. $14,000, 45 acres near the city, some timber; this Is a good buy. A. L. Seamster Realty Co. Phone 253, 41$ Masonic Temple. REAL ESTATE. 6 room bungalow, large iuu with a number of good fruit trees, located in east Salem on car line. Price $2( 500. terms. An elegant 7 room bune-alow 4 blocks tram t. h. ".. ' .. " . . , : . - i fruit trees on rfiV,. S?" ,0' nd SSJ ThT pTacry8- i! v,!ii VsTfl moBtmy payments.' Dandy place f'jr anyone working In Hunt cannery or King Co. House in goea condition. Act quick oh this one. room bungalow with furnace, on paved street, close to State street; house empty; terms. $3000. I room house, modern exceptbase ment, paved street and carline; houre empty. A bargain for quick sale $3. 500. We have a number of fine farms, both large aad small, to sell and trade. See us first. We. loan money. We write Insurance- - Laflar & Laflar 407 Oregon bldg. n85 GENUINE DAIRY FARM EQUIPPED This Is the best paying big dairy proposition we have heard of, Sii acres of fine land adjoining good lit tle city not far from Salem. (0 acres cultivated. 40 acres in fine hay crop and balance is ready for corn to fill the silos. Good 9 room fiouse and fine dairy barn with 2 silos. Also good steam bottle washing plant, good granary, hen house, and other necer sary outbuildings. With the place go 16 fine Jersey cows, thoroughbred bull, S horses, t ponies, brood sow, 6 shoats, 2 wagons, hay baler, corn planter, fanning mill, harrows, plows, cultivators, rake, new cream separa tor, ' blacksmith shop and equipment and all kinds of implements. Also a gas engine that pumps water which is piped into house and barn. This farm raises all the feed for the dairy except a small amount of mill feed. Income for March was more than $511. All stock, equipment, imple ments, feed, crop and everything goes for $17,500. You can't beat It. Investigate at once. City advantages. but no city taxes. Kinney & Smith. 201 Bank of -Commerce bldg. n "Own Some Dirt" House. 2 lots, 5 room, modern. $1, 300 will handle this. Terms on balance 2 acres set out to fruit, right in the city on car line. Good house. For quick sale $2500. ' Fine home for $3200. 5 room mod ern housrs, lice 6ig lot, well located. This Is an exceptionally fine home, will be sold $1100 cash. Terms on bal ance. Be sure and see tnls one. Here la a good one. Sale or 'trade for city property," 13 acres 8 miles south of town, road will be paved thi summer. $4000 Is the price. V cash. 1 5 V4 acres extra good house, 7 rooms, good barn, 3 miles from town. The following goes with the place, 1 horse, 2 cows, 35 heaa chickens, i cultivators, 1 harrow, 1 plow, 1 De Laval separator, 1 set ot Harness, 1 food shopper. This place is in a high state of cultivation, all for $6000, $4,- 500 cash, balance on time. This Is a first class place. 21 acre fruit ranch, 1 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres loganberries, 1 acre blackberries; modern house, water system, barn 18x28, 2 chicken houses. double garage, woven wire fence. This place is 2-miles out on the Gar den road. Income from this place Is $4000 a year. Price $16,000, H cash, terms on balance at 6 per cent. This place la a, No. 1. Here Is' a dandy place located at 461 N. High St., lot 63x155 contain ing two houses; the house on the front has 14 rooms, would make a fine apartment house,' used at present as a rooming house; 5 room house on the rear; both Rouses are strictly modern. A suitable payment down takes this with good terms on the balance. See us about this place at once. y .. ' ; . ' - 7 room house, 4 rooms completely furnished, 2 Ms, $2150, $1000 cash, balance any way to suit buyer. Im mediate possession. McDonald & Parks Real Estate Agency 162 S Com'I St. room 1. Phone 747 GOOD BUV'S IN HOUSES 4 room plastered house at 2185 N. 4th street, fries $1000. terms. 6 room plastered house at 2235 N. 4th street, with 4 lots, garage. Price $2000. 5 room plastered bungalow, modern except fireplace and furnace. Locat ed at 1850 S. Church street. Prlcj $2300. Terms. 5 room bungalow at 620 S. 18th street. Price $2000, good terms. 5 room house located close to Yaw Park store. Price $2000. 6 room bungalow with one acre planted to fruit, close to Salem Heights store. Price $3000. ' 6 room modern bungalow located on Leslie street. Price $4000, 8 room house at 156 N. 13th street Price $4200. 7 rooms, 670 Union St., modern. Price $4300. . . 8 room modern house at 745 Ferry street. Price $5000. 7 room modern house, a complete home In every way. Price $6500. 6 room modern bungalow at 151$ 8. Commercial street. Price $6000. - W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street. - n" FINE HOUSE BUYS Nearly new 6 room house, modern except basement, with 2 good M7d lots and 15 to 20 fruit trees in Bear? ing. Also chicken house and pen. Ev erything in good condition. On grav eled street. Can you believe It? Price $2100. See us today. I room plastered cottage with bath small, basement, etc. Comparatively new and In good location close to car line. House add 7 good lots for $3200 Mbdern 5 room bungalow with full basement cut no furnace. East front, 7 good walnut trees on property Range, rugs, buffet, tables, chairs and all kinds of furnishings included with the bungalow at $3000. Close to car line. " ' Kinney & Smith. 201 Bank bf Commerce bldg. CHOICE HOMES GOOD BUYS i acre tract, 6 room bungalow and barn, two acres In choice fruit, acre in bearing strawberries, fine lo cation, close to Salem. Price $3800. 10 acres close In, 5 acres bearing logans and blackcaps, fine 2 acre or chard; house, barn, etc., on good road 86250. (4 acre farm,' good new house, 19 acres tilled to crop, 24 acres pasturo, running water, 14 acres to cherries, acres of loganberries, on koo road 6 miles from Salem, $11,600. 10 acres, very close, 7 acres in fruit prunes, apples and cherries; fine barn deep well, good road. $5500. This place Is worth more money. All kinds of city property for sale. List your property with us for ser vice. , Oregon Land Co. 442 State street 83' REAL ESTATE. GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES For Sale. 60 million feet good tim ber on main line S. ?. 25 percent pine. snap, per M. fJ acre Iar "ear uma, vtn. nan in cultivation: good farm buill- for acre- For ha,e. dandy nIc acre tract, EcSS? "gT tries. J6300, torrns. 10 acres choice loam soil near Sa lem, 6 room house, outbuildings, fine well; one acre timber, one acre prune orchard, near school and church, choice loganberry or strawberry land $4500, easy terms, or will exchange for Salem residence. Choice 80 acre Waldo Hills farm, for quick sale, $8500. 24 acre river bottom farm 6 miles from tewn, farm buildings, orchard, berries, gcod road. Bargain.. $3500. Call and see our list of farms, acre age. prune orchards, city property before investing. Perrine & Marsters. 211-1$ Com, dub bldg. n Good Buys. I 7-10 acre tract located close to street car line and Just south of Sa lem, sightly iocatlOB. beautiful view. 7 room modern bungalow, good barn, bearing cherries, English walnuts, ap ples, plums. This is a first class place. Price $14,000. Nearly two acres, located close to carline, bearing fruit, house, barn. Price $2500. Six acre tract close to carline, beat ing fruit, buildings, sightly locatiun. Price. $3600. It acres bearing Italian prunes, good location, 4 ft miles from Saleni. Price $6000. 30 acre tract, nearly all cultivated, 6 room house, barn, well, first class fruit and berry soil, some timber, 5 V miles from Salem on hard road. Price $0. - ' 6 room plastered house, and 3 4 acre of land, bearing fruit, close to carline. Price $3000. 1 acre tract located south of Si lem, small house, bearing fruit, good soil. Price $1000. 4.81 acres ot first class strawberry or loganberry soil, locatad on rook road close to Pacific highway. Pict $1300. 6.67 acre tract.. 5 room house, $ acres Italian prunes, good location. Price $3500. 10 acre tract, 5 acres In 1-year old prunes, 6 room house, some timber, located 6H miles south. Price $3250. 25 acre tract, stump and timber, 1 acre cultivated, 6 room huuse, well, fine spring, close to school, 6 miles from Salem, rock road. Price $2000. 66 acre tract all cultivated, house and barn, well, family orchard, b cated 6 miles east of Salem. Price $175 per acre. 65 acres located near Macleay, 60 acres cultivated, balance timber, sev eral Bprlngs. Price $5000, $1000 down, balance 6 percent Interest. 160 acre farm, 100 acres in culti vation, good house, barn, family or. chard, all crop, stock and machinery goes. Price $16,000. 10 acres of good prune and berry soil, all cultivated, 5 ft miles south of Salem. Price 11500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 17$ State street n Best Buys. S acres good fruit' land, 5 miles from Salem, 2 acres cleared, 8 timber $800, terms. 5 acres near Paclfio highway, 4 lo ganberries, bearing; 1 prunes with strawberries set between. $3200, terms. 6 acres cherries, bearing, market varieties; only SV4 miles out on good road. $2500, terms. t acres on Garden road close in, ( acres bearing prunes; 6 room strict ly modern new house, garage and fine barn, the finest suburban home near Salem. $17,600, terms. 5 acres near paved road close to city limits; 6 room house, barn . and family orchard, fine berry land, $3, 000. Easy terms. 20 8-4 acres 6 miles out, small house, shed; SM acres cherries 11 years old, 1 acre walnuts, some logans and strawberries, all bearing; 6 H acres oak timber, 111,000. 25 acres 1ft miles from bridge in Polk county, on good road, 10- acres are cleared, balance brush and Urn ber. $7000. Easy terms. 24 acres 5Si miles south, 20 In fruit bearing; 8 roo mhouse, hot and cold water and bath, good barn. $9600 95 acres all cleared, 40 In prunes, 7 years old; 7 room house, large barn; 2 ft miles from good town. 812,500. 7 room modern house, good loca' tion, Close In, furnished. $4000. I room stric-iiy muuurn iiouse, , blocks from capital building, best' lo cation In city 87500, terms. 10 room strictly modern house; one of the best corners in city; $6500 cash 6 room modern bungalow, garage, wood shed, best of garden land, only $3250. terms. 6 room bungalow, lot 100x150 feet basement, built In features; for quick sale priced $1700, $850 cash balance easy terms.- Want a $500 loan on 80 acres tim ber land. Socolofsky. 841 Stats M. DIRECTORY. Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLKR Optome trlst-optlcian, eyes thoroughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted. 610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 841. J. W. YOUNG & SON Contractors and builders. Phone 1972. 96 Scavenger. SALEM SCAVArSER Garbage and : refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead anl male removed. Office phone Main 167. , Stove Repairing. 8TOVE3 rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes,, etc., loganberry and hop hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124 Water Company. 8ALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advanoe. Phone 67. FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privilege Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at I per cent. Haw. kins Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg. Salem, Or. MARION-POLK National Farm Loan Ass'n. Government money to loan at 6tt percent 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. W. D. Bmlth. "Money to Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd It Bush Bank, Salem, Ore. Money to Loan, Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long time. IVi and percent Interest City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregos Why Sell for Less. WE will pay you more cash for your household goods Get our bid be- - . 1 TT-..- I... . A and Hdwar.- Store. 2 7 1 N. Com mercial etreet Phone 784. DIRECTORY. Lodge Directory. CHEMEKETA 1-dge No. 1 meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. haJL KNIGHTS OF I'l IHIAd meet at ilo Cornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. 3. L. Tucker, CO; P. J. Kuntx. K. R. A S. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at : 8. p. m. rn S. O, O. F. hall. P. An- dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, retary, Salem. Oi TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery Drivers Union No. 110 meet every . Wednesday evening at the Labor Temple, 8 o clock. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening In McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn. 648 Union St. recorder. Flora Nelson, 713 North 20th. W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets every Friday night at S o'clock ia McCornack hall, cor. Court and lib erty St Visiting- Woodmen welcome. C. P. Ross, C. C, ; L. 8. Peer, clerk PROTECTION lodge No. 3 A. O. U. W. meets every Monday evening at S p. m. in McCornack hall, cor. Court and liberty streets. John H. Carson, M. W; A. L. Brown, finan cier; A. Eugene Aufrano, recorder. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. tit meets every Thursday evening at I o'clock In McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets. H. Q. Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner, clerk. Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A. B. Stew art Reoalr Shop, 847 Court St - Osteopathy DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo- res, phone 834. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathia physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore gon bldg. Res. phone 68F6. 104 1917 MODEL MAXWELL READY TO RUN 2 1919 MAXWELLS COOD AS NEW. SNAP FORD ROADSTER WIRE WHEELS, LOTS OF PEP LATE MODEL ROADSTER REPAINTED AND OVERHAULED 1918 MAXWELL A SNAP TERMS TO SUIT FORD SEDAN, LATE MODEL. TERMS TO SUIT OSCAR B. GINGRICH 371 COURT ST. IN THE COUNTY COURT for tlio Stabs of Oregon for the County ot Murion In the matter ot the estate of Sa rah S. Mosher deceased, notice ot hearing of final account: To all persons interested In the estate of Sarah S. Mosher, deceased; You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of March 1920, D. H. Mosher, administrator ot the above entitled estate, tiled in this court his final account as administrator 'it the estate of Sarah S. Mosher, de ceased, and that said final accounc will be heard by this court on Mon day, April 26, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day or as soon thereafter as the court can hear the same, in the county court room at the court house in Saiem, Marlon county, Oregon. And you are hereby cited to appear at such time and place above designated end show cauBe if anj exist why said final ac count should not be allowed and tha said administrator discharged from his said trust. This notice Is published pursuant to an order Issued out of the said county court for Marion county, Ore gon, on the 24th day of March, 1920. D. H. MOSHER, Donald W. Miles, Administrator, Attorney for administrator. Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.00; feed oats 8085o; milling oats 10085a; cheat hay $18 19; oat hay $21 22; clover had $23; mill run $46. Butterfat: Butterfut 64c; creamery butter 64 & 65c. Pork, Teal and ronttokt Pork oi foet 16 8-4c; veal fancy 23c; steers Ho; lambs 13ftc; cows 79c; ewes lo; sheep, yearlings 12 4e. Dressed pork 21o. Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 20o light hens, 2880c; heavy hens 32o old roosters 1618c; 4priu;;s 24a, Vegetables: Onions per pound 6o; celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima 6c. Oregon $Vs4c sweet potatoes to beets per sack $2; turnips per sack $3.75; carrots per tack $1.25; parsnip per sack $3.60; spinach lOo lb.; rad ishes 40a dos. $5.6006; bananas 11c; honey extract 20c; bunch beets 46c; eabbage Ic; head lettuce $1.35; carrots 45c; as paragus 18c;. cauliflower 1 $2 dos.; red peppers , 2.5c ( lb; rhubarb 8c;' peas 15o lb. "' , Retail prices: Ergs dozen 37c; creamery butter 7072c; country but ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $2.35 &3. 45 soft wheat $2.90. LIVESTOCK Portland, April 8. Cattle steady; receipts 4; grain and pulp fed steers 11.00 11.75; choice $10,500 11.00; good to choice $9.60 10.60; medium to god $8.769-75; fair to medium $7.25 8.26; common to fair $8.2507.25; choice cows and heifers $9.00010.00; good to choice $3,009 $.00;- medium to good $6.6097.6.; fair to medium $5.5096.56: canner $3.0095.60; bulls $6.0098.00; prim? light calves $15.00 17.00; medium light $10.00914.00; heavy $7,000 10.00; stockera and feeders $7,100 8.50. Hogs steady; receipts 284; prime mixed $16.66916.75; medium $16.00 916.60; rough heavy $13.00916.90:1 pigs $1315.50." Sheep steady; receipts none; spring Jambs $18.00920.00; light valley $15.75917.00; heavy $14.25915.75; common to medium $11014.(0; year- - i ""8 $14.50 1..00; wether. $14... ; " ivin.