Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 08, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    i ,
All wound
April Old time concert,
gt Joseph-! hall, t p. m.
.April 11. Game, Salem vs.
Uooaejaw club.
April li- Monthly meeting
of Salem Art Legue, library,
1p.m. "
April 11 Ragalar meeting
Salem Cherrians, Commercial
club, 8 p. m.
April IT. Debate, Willam
ette and College of Puget
Sound. .
April 18- Bloat-ei Day in
Marlon county.
April 81. Willamette Glee
club concert.
April 23. Howard E. Weed
lecture on "City Beautiful,"
Commercial club, 8 p. m.
April 28. Debate, Willam
ette and Pacific University.
April 2S. Elks Scout night,'
armory, 8 p. m. .
April 30. Pageant. "Awak
ette and McMinnyille College,
ening of Spring," opera house.
April 30. Debate, Willam-
May i. Benefit Dance, Com
pany M, Armory.
Court House News
We wish to thank our kind friend
during the illness and death of out
beloved daughter and wife, also th..
beautiful floral offerings. Respect
fully. S. D. Paris, husband: Mrs. J.
C. Jackson, mother, and familv x?.
, An auto reported stolen in Cor
vallis late last night, was reco'pred
by its owner in Linn county, accord
ing to a later report reeci.-d by po
lice here early this morning. Police
here were requefvd to aid ,in the
search for the auto, that was believed
to have come this way.
That wonderfully good music foi
dancing, at Moose hall, Saturday
nights. Ladies free. 85
i Professor L. B. Baldwin of the O
A. C. will Dreach at th Virat r,,ir.
ed Brethren church (Tew Park) next
Sunday at 11 a. m.
, Saturday nights. Moose hall an 1
the "Revelation Harmony orchestru.
for that "different" dance. Ladies
ree. V 85
Police here were cooperating with
the sheriff's office todav. fUMne
the search for an auto, benr'ng Ore
gon license No. 83279, stolon in Eu
gene some time last nlhA The auto
is said to have headeil north from
Eugene, and authorities all 'ilnns the
line north have been notified to watch
for it and capture the thieveB. R
port was made to police last night of
the theft by Deputy Sheriff Bowers
in grave danger. Sir. and Mrs. Bar-: Morelock was detailed to investigate, of forest fire patrlo associations
ham left Wednesday evening for the but reported that he could find no Cnton and WaJlowa counties.
.southern Oregon city to be with their i trace of the machine. Police believe -
.son. that the automooiie had been stolen.' W. D. Hadley, of Portland, visited
1 an dthat the thieves were endeavor- friends at the county court kr-us4,
Jesse R. Wilson, traveling secretary! iR to make a getaway with it with Thursday. . ; ,
of th Student VniuntMr movement. 'the lock on the wheel. o auto was .
is at Willamette university this week, : reported stolen, here this morning, With but ten .office days remaining.
hloding meetings in the interest of nowever. tor registration for the May prlmar-
foreign service and meeting individual; jies. Clerk Boyer's record shows thati
students personally for conferences! 1 ne regular mommy nusiness meet-many hundreds fo voters have failed:
in regard to- life work. With a num-j "S of the Salem Art League will be to register, though eligible as vot-j
ber of men and women already in the held on Tuesday evening, April 13,'ers in this county. Failure to" vote,
field, Willamette is greatly interest-!'11 tn Public library at I o'clock. jduring the past two years and change,
ed in this work. And has lately raised; Officia la of the league say that as ur- of residence from original precincts
for building a chapel se business will be brought up, it are the chief causes of suffrage caa-
cellatino. Voters residing in Salem
in 213, which was stolen from Eugene,
on the night of April Sth.
A modern blast furnace produces
about 400 tons of pig iron every day.
consuming 1300 tons of solid material
and i'a tons of air in the nrfwm
a fund of 3500 for buildine ft chaDel
in India and for work in other places. is necessary that every member make
special eirorr 10 artena.
Due to the resignation of Harold
Dimick, who has taken up the work
Mrs. F. M. Wells, who underwent a
of physical director at the State serious operation at a local hospital
Training school and has had to give: Tuesday, is reported as recovering
up most of his school activities, Fran-j nicely.
cis Cramer has been elected presi- "
dent of the Sigma Tau local frater-I Manager O Leary, of the Home Res
nit y. Cramer is a senior and a char- taurant on North Commercial street.
and immediate vicinity will find the
books open at the court house, 8 to
11 mroning, and 1 to i afternoons.
"Come early and help us avoid the
rush" is Mr. Boyer's slogan. The
books close April 20th.
ter member of the organization.
Once upon, a time Frank W. Durbin
of Salem was a red-hot democratic
is in Portland this week on
bined business and pleasure trip.
Salem persons- Interested in the de-
politician and was intensely interested! I""',! 2".
Fred Schirman, 53. Turner farmer,
filed declaration for first citizenship
a Com- nanem Wednesttnv TT mam hnrn at
. I - - -
Cohl mia. Russia, and came to the
United States, May 1. 1880.
in matters political He says he does-
the exhibit being held " at the Art
Enterprising thieves visited the Gill'
farm, on the Pringle road, some time
n't pay-any attention to such matters!?)'. F"h an?,J,yIor Wret8, Monday or Tuesday and took an end-!
now and is concentrating his attention ln rortlanu The exhibition consists iess chain hoist, according to a report!
on hops He
Henry A.
man. Mr.
by artists of; made Wednesday with Sheriff Need-
was informed that
will lie naiil In '
1 . .1 J . - . ... . - "- ... ,. "v..
attention when Tracy and Merrill es -I J, ' ,"uao" "Km criticism formation-., leading to the. apprehen-
fe is at the Imperial with ,Z Z 'ZIJZ "imade Wednesday i
Sonoyer. who Is also a hopljff nr W , "f0 G,lbert- of,ham. The sheriff
Durbin attracted state-wide city' "ly SaIem r,lst wno, reward of 820 w
deliver-. of the local office.
Circuit Court.
Catherine Hill vs. Edward L.
Motion fo rorrter directing
iinr child to plaintiff.
Grace M. Southwick vs. Rolland. S.I For Veal pleasure in dancing "rev
Southwick. Motion to strike out parts option music" by the -"Revelation
f further and separate answer. . orchestra," at Moose hall Saturda'
Silas W. Howard vs Hotel Marion nights. ' . 8u
company and Walker D, Hines. Stip-! '
Ksti'lle Cheffings vs Walker D
Hines. Stipulation.
Henry Welp, estate. Semi annual re
Valimla Howell, estate. Semi an
nual report.
George Pappas, estate. Semi an
mull reoort.
Ole P. Dyberik,
Anglers licenses have been issued
in Salem to L. E. Strausbraught, J.
P. Best, Turner; Sam H. Brown,' Ge
vals; Archie Rankin, Marion; I.yle
Page, Roland DeSait, F. A. Tracy, W
A. Longworth, J. C. . Banner, Lfw!s
Marten, George Marten, C. M. Ogles
by, Walter Fandrich, G. G. Sheets, K
estate. Semi annual D- Richards, C. C. Sniver, Caltey
report. liveene, jviene- u. tvie, u. u lusher,
Frank J. Hagernauer, estate. Affi-'.Earl Thomas, William W. Keltey, Cai 1
davit of publication, of administrators M uaDrieison.ana J. c. Savage,
notice fo appointment.
Marrhgc Llceusca
Roger Tyler Pickett, 26, Salem
chauffeur, to Lela Marie Baum, 17,
Salem. ' -
Daily Statistics.
PILLETT To Mr. and Mrs. Webster
D. Pillett, 3093 Portland road, a
daughter, April 7, 1920.
Jeweler, watchmaker, Si-
Baby chicks, 558 State.
Phone 400.
Just arrived at Bishops, a large
shipment or corduroy trousers, as
sorted colors. Don't fall to see ther.;.
Henry Moors', salesman, and L, S.
Hickman, of the mechanical depart
ment of the Great Western garage,
127 North High street, motored to
lem. One combination hunting and
fishing permit was issued Wednesday
to T. W. Stevens, Portland.
Frank Eckhout of Woodburn anl
Louis Larson, Salem, route 7, filed re
quest for final papers with Clerk
Boyer Wednesday. Mr. Eckhout Is a
native of Belgium while the Salem fes
ident was born in Switzerland.
H. D. J. Hcrndon, arrested on In
formation from this city chargine
him with forgery, was returned to
Salem last night by Constable Walter
DeLong from Auburn, Wash., whera
he was apprehended several days ago.
Herndon probably will be arraigned
before Judge Unruh late today.
The Women's Alliance Of the Uni
tarian church will meet with Mrs.
Cox, 1250 Chemeketa street, at 2:30
p, m. Friday afternoon.
"Mr. and Mrs. A. Barham, 1263
Chemeketa street, received word
Wednesday that their son, Walter
i Barham of Ashland, had suffered
Portland today where they transact- i double fracture of the Jaw, and was
ed business in connection with the .
pointing on exhibit in the mug-
taped from the penitentiary after kill- " " y " . , , v.uiung me worKsion of the thieves.
lnB several guards. Sheriff Durbin , , ot Mr' uuoert are .
followed the desperadoes to the Clack-i?"gra'Ulat'nf.him U?on hla. ood fo" Attorney M. J,
amas county line and had no more "cn 18 titled' gilverton
i-v ti . . ... r-ar'y HPrmg. H. m. Crooks, of As-
h. doe . .hrihfT. -h , !"a- mer resldetn of Salem, also
i . i has a
iiic-i, in kiiv luiiuwiiig iwy monins. eum
Oregtian. j
Van Valkenberg, of
was a court house visitor.!
Wednesday afternoon. j
D. O. Drager, who in his little cor-L" Lan . wn f h f T
ner in the county treasurer's office, "fl ArtiST ' fheld at the
has kept county financial record. un'.d? FeII..!" haU ton'eht at lSht
to the "fraction of -a fraction" for " C1 , A" memDers ftre rged at
nearly six years, filed Wednesday his
declaration of candidacy for re-elec
iciiu, in an announcement made to
day. The dance staged at the armory
tion. .Many a disgruntled taxDaver. ! msl m8nl Dy lna -"san drill girls
who has entered the portals of the. M 18 neld a hUKe suces- One of
courthouse with, the conviction! all j the larBest crowds that ever attendsJ
county officers were nearly as bad as a dance at the armory was on hand
the common profiteers, hag had con-iat tne dance last night.
tact. with. "Dave's" cherry grin and' ..
departed from the -building in' more i The following Marion county sportj
pleasant frame of mind. Mr. . Drager men secured fishing licenses Thure
states that If nominated and elected day morning, Clair Danker. "Ed Dank
for a fourth term, he will continue to 6r Aunisville; Walter stack, W. I
do his best at the task.
Flagg, H. M. Coburn of Salem.
As a
further development in the
action of Catherine Hill vs
Five tramps, arrested at the South
ern Pacific depot early this morniVie
by Night Officer Victor, spent the re- owara u iini, Mrs. Mill has filed a
mainder of the night In the city Jail Petition and affidavit in which she
states tnat is not permitted or en
abled to visit their daughter, Marvel.
14, and asking that the court Issue an
order permitting the little girl ti, v,v
it her at her home near Chemawa.
Irs. Hill refers to a court order which
placed the little jgirl in the Sacred
Heart academy with the provision
that both parents be permitted to vis
it the child. The petitioner claims
The front wheel of an auto, the that while her husband is Permitted
owner of which was not known to the to visit the girl at various times, sne
as guests of Salem's police depart
ment, The hoboes, George Hogan, San
Francisco; Jack Smith, Sacramento;
George Knox, San Francisco; Pat
Peters. Toronto, Can., and Elmer Wil
cox, Sacramento, were permitted to
continue tlielr wandering this morn
ing after assuring Chief of Police
Welsh that they would leave Salem.
police was smashed this morning
when an auto delivery truck owned
by Barker and Baker 339 North Corn-
is denied such rights by the author!
ties in charge of the school. That the
child's father frightens her and com
mercial street collided with it as it j pels her to refute to visit or hay
stood parked at the corner of Union
and Commercial streets. The collis
ion was unavoidable according to
police reports because a house that
was being moved and that stood in
the street made It impossible to drive
past without striking the other ma
chine. . , . ,
An unidentified Ford auto with a
tire clamp or lock fastened to the
frojit wheel, was seen by William
English, route 7, Salem,- this morn
ing as he was going to work, going
east on Columbia street. Of(J.cer
anything to do with her own mothers
is another of Mrs. Hill's allegations.
Baby chicks, week old now on sale.
Best hoganized stock. C. N. Needham,
858 State. Phone 400. . 85
St. Paul's Guild Easter sale at
Stiff's furniture store April 10th.
Cooked food and' other useful gifts.
1 .' ' ' 87
Lulu Clark, 18, arrestea here suv
eral days ago by Police Matron Mr.
Shanks and Officer Morelock on a
charge of vagrancy, was sentenced
to three years in the state girls train '
Ing school yesterday by Judge Unruh
The women of the First Congrega
tional church have been working for
months for their Utility Sale whUh
will be held tomorrow and Saturday
in the Oscar B. Gingrich Motor and
Tire building at 371 Court St. Rail
rugs, silk cushion covers, house dness
eB, pillow slips, petticoats and lin
gerie are some of their specialties. Tn
addition to these thert will be cooked
food, rummage and a few desirable
roots and plants. 85
Roy E. Ohmart'and Ed H. Hand
residents t Liberty, were Salem vis
itors Thursday. W'hile In this cl.y
they looked up one of the Hoover pe
titions showing a .desire to place the
former Sale mboy before Oregon re
publicans in the presidential race.
the Kitchen Cabinet thai saves miles of s(ep
Baby chicks, week old now on sale.
Best hoganlzed stock. C. N. Needham,
58 State. Phone 400. . 85
Called to aid in the formation of h
community club there, Manager T. K.
McCroskey of the Commercial club,
Walter Denton and Luther J. Chapin
club members, will go to Woodburn
tonight. Entertainers from the Cher
rians are also expected to attend the
Just arrived at? Bishops, a larjo
shipment or corduroy trousers, as
sorted colors. Don't fail to see them.
J - ... - '86
, . m-i"
Maxwell touring car for sale, 1650.
Call Liberty garage. 86
: M ?i J if
The spirit of the City Beautiful
movement has spread to the schools
of Salem, and a number of the mare
attempting to. aid the floral socletj
in its labors to make the town a spot
of beauty. Foremost among them Is
the Grant school. As yet no great
amount of work ipas been attempted,
but gradually the children are laying
plans for a systematic campaign.
They have gathered a namount ot
wild shrubs which they will plant
along the unsightly banks -of the
streams that 'flow through the city.
Auto Dealers meet tonight. Auto
Dealers association meeting tonight
-t Commercial club rooms. Import
ant that all dealers be there. G. E.
Halvoraen, secretary. adv) ' r .85
- An unidentified bicycle rider was
knocked to the pavemejit at the cor
ner of state and High streets at about
10:30 a. m. today by A. R. Ewlng,
route 1, Salem, who was driving his
auto out of the Union Oil gaaoilne
filling station. The man was uninjur
ed; and the bicycle escaped without
serious damage. The accident was re
ported to police by Mr. Ewlng.
Sheriff Stickles of Lane county has
notified the Marlon county officials
to be on the lookout for a Dort car,
Oregon license 63279, engine No. K47
Bonds of Love
9BS8SeS8S6SB8B9BgBaB6BfB8B Meet Me at Miller's 938338838888536886888380886
Q Service
SERVICE coupled with GOOD
GOODS is a combination that
VICE" is one that will be appre
ciated by all, and cannot be crit
icized by any.
We shall render to all, rich
nad poor alike the same service
and accommodation. Anything
purchased at "Miller's" is worth
all you pay for it, and if, for
nay reason you feel you have a
grievance, bring it to us and we
will take care of you.
Our SERVICE will equal our
GOOD GOODS. The stocks will
be complete the clerks cour
teous; attention to customers
prompt and undivided.
We have one object in view
-to make "Miller's" the great
est shopping center in Salem,
and to help in making Salem the
best town in "the greatest state
in the union.
We ask your co-operation and
let theslogan be
Your Home Town
We are not only showing the finest
selection of SILKS, in all the de
sired shades and weaves, but our
SPRING VOILES are the neatest,
daintiest, andx most striking we
have ever had. Aside from the in
dividuality of the Patterns, the
QUALITY is the best on the
market, and you will find them all
marked at Prices no higher than
those of inferior merchandise.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Sheldon of Hull,
,Iowa, have become the owners of the
O. D. Wilson , residence property on
Market street, by the closing of a
real estate deal Wednesday. Mr. and
Mrs. Sheldon ore greatly pleased with
the Willamette valley, and Salem In
particular. The property which they
have purchased Is a 28 acre tract, anil
is near the Englewood school.
Come In and Get Yours
Why Worry About Hosiery
Attracted by Vacancies In the mills
at Silverton where -a strike Is In pro
gress several men were sent from the
municipal labor bureau yesterday to
take the Jobs. Several were also di
rected to Scotts Mills where vacancies
are reproted lri the mills. Due to the
Inclemency f the weather no men
were being sent out today to work in
hop yards and on farms. , ',.
Our stock is com
plete from a High
Quality COTTON
HOSE to the finest
SILK", Plain black
and embroideried.
John O'Kane of Bend, a well known
semi-professional boxer in this state
some 0 years ago, is In the city today
calling on Governor. Olcott and other
personal friends among the state officials.
P. D. Elliott, state forester, return
ed today from eastern Oregon, whera
he has been conferring with officials
Pilcea .
First !
Stop needless mse
of time and strength
Pause in the midst of your daily toil and think of the
needless steps you take; of the time ypu waste. Then come
!nd see the kitchen cabinet that has been so scientifically
arranged that almost an entire meal can be prepared with
out leaving your stool. - , TT -L
Note the Many Conveniences exclusively Hoosier its
20 ner cent oversize table top (porceliron or aluminum) its
celebrated flour bin with the patented shaker flour sifter
its largen bins and drawers, its removable roll doors, and
other work-reducing features. ,
Then end drudgery by installing a Hoosier in your
kitchen. Your money all back if you are not delighted!
Several models to select from. Moderately priced.
Terms that are convenient- , . . : ' .
r : . His Wife's Money '
I '" , . A Story of the Kind of
W I ' - LOVE
7 I . - ROMANCE and
i I T - at m'fillt come "lto anyone's life
! j II '
! J I ' y e ' '"AWLEY
iLw I li . . rJ O'BRIEN ' j
1 I i : I -T -"-6 1 - "'I H'r V , -
"Yonog Mrs. Wlnthrop''
r.roFxr: o bp.tfx
V - Furniture an3 Carpets
11 f , . ' ' NJ
' A Jv 7 ,JV" Jv : -J' J"7" - Jv i
ii -S . -vV - d," V