Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 08, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    SDAY.APKIL-8, 1920.
iball Grows
l Interest In
Eastern Marion
irel, Or.. Apr. 8. Merrier and
l,,,mea the baseball whirl.
Winging 'em faster and faster
morning when one wakes up
jjhat a new club has come into
and has sirais"iw.
l( as an opponent to the r
ranidly organiaed team in
It is evident that ML Angel's
an as a sort of Mseoau center
a-ing. It was the first to start
j,ient which is culminating; in
.mises to mark the present aea
teat in the history of
Murion county and adJacenP
Iiest to throw its hat in the
llverton where a team is being
Jd among the ousineas men ana
i. th:it community. A survey-
is mnieiliate field reveals that
In and the little town of Scotts
l also have teams and some
es are looked forward to in
i of the county with niuch an
li on the part of local baseball
iDiving Suit,
kt Pair o' Boots
Weed Of Players
Ihndv knock on wood and
I sunshine." sa's Biddie Bish
jus the lnt two weeks, the
i have had a herd of tractors
f.fnrd lu'k in an effort to keep
4,111(1 worked into shape for the
iv game, Sunday.
,vr, the rains have descended
consequent tlood has staged a
ocean where the diamond
be. In fact, water has flowed
pre.ssion in the outfield so rap-
the hoys were nearly convinc-
fthey had struck a ' gusher,
rees. and thirty seconds nor'
ihortstop, would be a good
the location of u diving board
esent time.
sure want to play the game,
savs Chuck O'Maliey, who has
a crick In the neck from look,
t the "weather . However, if
hides his face and the "farm
inza contineus, Biaaie nopes
fence the proposed series with
Julian, club.
Williams, manager of the
fx club, arrives In Salem, Thurs
rnoon and the two managers
a ouija board and go out to
nds for a consultation.
Cutters Of
Corners Fined
persons paid the penalty In
face's court yesterday for cut-
:ed by Traffic Officer Mof-
psell Seeley and C. P. Cupr.
cs of $5 each.
Yolk, councilman, arrested.
lelton, and Ed. Wenger, who
led J 5 each.
erman working classes are so
by the peace treaty that large
i will be compelled to emigrate.
no rr
140 Court Street
loo Junk of All Kinds
Best Prices Guaranteed
f CALL 398
fpital Junk Co.
jhe Square Deal House
fhemeketa St. Phone SOS
(Takes the place of house
lining for less.
- TIT tv n D..-
179 North Commercial
House Furnisher .
u get more for your
oney at Moore's.
Care of
Yick So Tong
i m'!,e'llclne and Tea Co.
.""me wnich wiU cure
ly known disease.
Sunday, from 10 a. m.
until 8 n. m.
153 South High Street
wegon. Phon, jg
TW Sr.....
uy Remnants
emnant Store
f 54 North CommerM.i
"Just Human, After A1F is One of
Salem's Oldest Chinese Characters
Oakland, ci., Apr. ..-l)ell Howard,
manager of the Oakland club In the
Pacific Coast baseball league, is rely
ing on a quartet of long hard hitters
to keep his team in the lead this sea
son. The four heavy batsmen are
Wilie, Miller, Gulsto and Knight.
Howard, however, is said to lack an
experienced shortstop as a result of
having sold Sammy Bohne to Seattle
last year.
Oakland has a long list of pitchers:
Krause, Kremer, Hulling. Bun Arlett.
Weaver. Pat Ragon. Winn and Gearin!
In the infield Oakland has Guiato at
first, Keider, former big leaguer, at
second; Mitchell, up from the smaller
leagues, at Bhort, and Jack Knight at
third. ---- . . .
The outfielders are the same as last
year: Hack Miller, Billie Lane, Venie
WUie and Claude Cooper.
Fulton Ends Bout
In Second Canto
Thru Knock-Out
"Vng Shoo, l!nf Shoo?" never heard
of him before. This is what many Sa
lem residents would say if asked by his
Christian ("St & name concern
ing a local Chinese character who Is
perhaps better known by sight than
the mayor of the city or other citizens.
But if asked if they know "Monkey"
or "Rubber" as he is called nearly ev-
of all the Jerseys in the register of
merit and IS per cent of the entire
breed that have made over 600 pounds
fat. This one' fact U all that is need
ed to prove the quality of Oregon Jer
srys as topmost.
"Oregon has bred and owned five of
the eight present standing world -..
years. -
Time was when Shoo was strong and
energetic. He came nearly directly to
Salem from the Orient when he was
about 22 years of age and has worked
in this city and vicinity for the past
ery man, woman and child In Salem half century. "To much work, break
would know which of the local Chinese! him up" is the way Chinese who know
friends say necessity has driven him ; ords, has owned at one lime six of the
with a stern hand during the past few; eight and has two splendid opportuni
ties again in three more months to
hold six of the eight world's records of
the breed. Oregon has produced $0
one-year butterfat world records be
sides milk records, accumulative reo
ords. Oregon stands second in the Uni
ted States with number of Jersey herds
was being referred to. Wrinkled, and
bent, and clad in shabby clothes, the
old Chinese has frequented the Orient
al quarter of the city for pearly fifty
year. .- : .- j
Cglyand decrepit In' appearance, he
is seen in various parts of the city in
quest of "lubber." By gathering arti
cles of Junk and by doing odd Jobs, the
old man secures a meager living from
a portion of the city's waste. Many
persons who notice him on his furtive
rounds, hastily picking up a morsel of
Junk and stealthily concealing it have
formed an opinion thut the old man
was dishonest. How many Salem boys
have made life miserable for him by
calling him names and baiting him?
Perhaps many who would not have
done so if thev hd Rtnnnpri and nnn-
Portlajid, Apr. 8. Fred Fulton of ! sidered that there might be another
Minneapolis knocked out Gunboat 1 of Vng Shoo "Shoo" as his own
Smith of New York in the second l,etle know him. "Him hurt, Just l.kel
round of a scheduled ten round fight,! you an' me" ne Chinese friend com-j
here last night. I ments. f
A riirht i-m. in h r. .... Not very long ago an incident oc-1
on test.'
him phrase the matter. "Him proud
too, all time we offer 'um food, he no
take, throw in garbage pall, he take."
Perhaps a queer code of pride but if
more white skinned beggars used the
same "ethics,' "perhaps there would be
fewer of the clan of able bodied men
dicants. Just to test if Vng is really human,
say "Hello Ung!" to him some
time and you will be made aware that
he likes fo be noticed. Perhaps, thej
unexpected salutation will puzzle him,
too and he will go to his scanty bed
in the corner of the old Jiouse in the
fast dwindling Chinese quarter with a
problem as to the change from "Mon
key, monkey!"
I curred in the waiting room of a local
depot that showed what is left of the
old real T'ng Shoo, t'ng was croached
near n radiator, having sought warmth
aitd shelter- from chilly spring weath
er disagreeable to even younger flesh
seconds of fighting in the second round.
put Smith down for the count. In the!
first round Smith w;w floored twice b.:' j
lefts to the Jaw. Smith seemed to be
afraid of Fulton and the referee warn
ed him to fight or get thrown out. He'
was no match at any time for Fulton. !'
Frank Farmer, Tacoma heavyweight
won a ten round de'cislon over Hugh
Waler of Kansas City in the semi-'
windup, taking the lead in nearly ev j
ery round of the ten. -
Joe Mandot, New Orleans light-i
weight, and Muff Bronson of Portland i
fought a six round draw. j eyes were noticing everything happen-
Iiilly Mascott, Portland bantam-, ing about. Perhaps they notod -'the
weight, won a six round decision over ! scorn and contempt shown by the
Danny Edwards of Oakland, Cal.
Carl Martin won
Lough in four rounds,
land lightweights.
from Freddie ' ies? as such.
Oow of New York City, secretary of
the organization; Hush (1. Van Pelt of
Walterloo, Iowa, director, and Roger
H, Brown of Indianapolis, editor of the
Jersey Bulletin, official organ of the
and bone. Crouched there, revolting! organization, will be guests of honor
perhaps in appearance, s?nile and at a banquet in Salem, May 6, when
worn, the only estimate the onlooker j the second annual Oregon Jersey jubi
would probably make, would hav less will be celebrated,
been unfavorable. "No human enio- The jubilee will be held May 3 to
Hon there, nothing worth consideration 1 may 6, and will consist chiefly of a
in that wreckage" one might have been!t0ur of inspection of the famous herds
heard to say. j lu tnc Willamette valley, culminating
And yet, those bright, shifting i ,vih the Salem Imnnnet.
According to D. Brooks Hogari, man
or the Ladd stock farm near
Jersey cattle, far from be
ing a hobby with Oregonlans, are a
necessity. Regarding the industry, he
Hamburg Stands
' As Monument To
Merchant Marine
Washington, April T. Hamburg to-)
day may be described as an impos
ing monument to the dead glories of
the German merchant marine, accord
ing to Consul Francis R. Stewart, who
was detailed by the American Com
mission In Berlin to Investigate con
ditions at the former premier German
port for that body. A report from
Mr. Stewart detailing the results of
his inquiry has Just reached the De
partment of Commerce.
"A short, trij) through the harbor
quickly discloses what a graveyard
the port has become," the Consul re
ported. "Tugs and lightetrs are -tied
up here and there, apparently for
gotten. One small cruiser rests, de-
M. D. Dunn of St. Paul, president of , serteo, alongside a pier: rtecW
the American Jereev Cattle club; R. M. cranes n,e motionless on unused
i oocks; uonting elevators and docks
lare moored in rows, probably in
readiness for delivery to the Allies.
"The giant Bismarck (56,000-ton
Hamburg-American liner) floats at J
a fitting-out pier without a sign of
life on board and from a launch no
new work could be seen in any of the
big shipyards. Tied up to another!
pier in the outer harbor is the former j
Atlantic record-holder, the steamship
Deutschland, relic of the war, painted
a deep black over-all, with spots of
white showing here and there where !
passing craft have scraped her sides, '
a grim reminder of the glories once I
held by the German merchant fleets."!
Willamette Class Kentuckians Form
Orators Will Vie First Hoover Clati
A1nnr1nt Titonin rr koukvil'e. Ky April 8. A "Hmv
iUUIlUUy niVETllIlg er for president" republican club the
Next Monday night is the date set first in Kentucky, is being formci .!
for the intercluss oratorical contest at Iiuisville. Sixty-six persons, time cf
Willamette university. Hoy Skeen- will whom are wMiten, are identified e-ith
orate for the freshmen, John Lucker the club to date.
for the sophtimores, and Fred McUrew
for the Juniors. It is not known Kvery state in the union has at kast
whether the seniors will enter a re- une confectionery establishment, but
resentative. Monday is also the date the largest number of wage earners are
set for the Judging of the essay con- employed in the manufacturing states
test, for which prises of $5' and Jl t, f,-ew York. Massachusetts, Pennsyt
are offered. A number of essays have vanta and Illinois,
already been turned In. -
I The Potato Peelers' union is the lut-
Industrial manufacturing plants in est In the field, with headquarters at
Indiana now employ more than 180,000 ' Chicago. The union scale is 86 a day
women.. ' -and meals. '
National Jersey
Club Officials Tk)
Visit In Valley
passerby and
intelligently credited
Ordv an old Cbinnman.
Both are Port- but a good, common-sense lesson In says:
Coast League Scoresl
oughnuuiess tor many who are more
pleasing in appearance.
A little girl, accor panted by an
' elderly lady, passed by the station door
and the child dropped her handker-
i chief. The old fellow nicked up the
1 bit of . linen and offered it to the
little tot, who after a frightened
pause, accepted the recovered hand
kerchief and hurried away, with no
thought of gratitude, "Ung is good
hearted and honest" his Chinese
friends say. '
Not long ago, he found a five dollar
note while' passing along the street.
No one noticed It at first and he could
have pocketed It, but instead went
stooping along, extending the currency
At Los Angeles R. H. E.
Oakland 6 11 1
Los Angeles 4 6 1
Regon, R. Arlett, Kramer and Mitze:
O. Crandull and Bassler (11 innings!.
At Sacramento R. H. E.
Seattle 7 8 4
Sacramento 8 5 2
Gardner and Rohrer; Penner and
At San Francisco R. H. E.
Vernon ... 2 6 0
San Francisco 0 , i X
Fromme and Devormer! Smith and ilo all he met and asking "You mon
Anfinson. ' .- .'ey?" Finally someone took the bill
At Bait Lake City R. li. eJ and advertised for a possible owner. -
Portland 8 16 , 2 Just an Instance In the present day
Salt Lake ....... . 4 9 1 i life of "Monkey," Several times the
.Sutherland and Baker, Koehler;
Leverenz, Thurston and Jenkins.
"Oregon has produced 6.6 per cent
Philadelphia now has more than 1
.'500 female candy makers.
Your vegetable, garden, carefully
planned and planted will produce thru
a long season a big supply of deliciouSy
fresh vegetables for the table and canning of a quality that
you cannot buy, and will prove 4 most interesting and"
healthful diversion. ' ' t
Our seeds are grown by reliable seed growers and are
selected for their purity and germination.
When you plant our seeds at the proper time and in the
proper way you are sure of a good crop.
D A. White & Sons
255 State Street
Salem, Or.
Dr. Kilmer's Swunip Root is not rec
ommended for everything, but If you
have kidney, liver or bladder-trouble,
It may be found Just the medicine you
need. Swamp-Root makes i friends
quickly because its mild and immediate
effect Is soon realized In most cases. It
is a gentle healing herbal compound -
a pnysicinn a prescription wnicn nas
proved its great value In thousands of
the most distressing cases according to
reliable. testimony. J
At druggists in large and medium
sice bottles.
You may have a sample stae battle of
this always reliable preparation toy Par
eel Post, also pamphlet telling about It.
j old llow h taken Junk thit was a, Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham pr
btt too TaluaWe for such, however ton, n. 1., an denciose ten cents, also
without Intent ' of theft, though, his .nention this paper. adv
The Most WelcomeTire
rUT the cost of living next winter by growing
, long-keeping Vegetables in your own garden
this summer. - -.
Root crops give fine returns with comparatively
little care. You can easily grow enough beets, car
. rots, turnips, squash and pumpkins to store youf
cellar. Then when fresh vegetables are out of sea
son you will have this good food fot your table at
a very low cost. The soil may be utilized early for
radishes, lettuce or any quick maturing crop, and
then sown to your favorite root crops.
For large, full-flavored vegetables you must sow
good seeds. Northrup, King & Co.'s Seeds have
been bred to produce Nature's finest food. They
are all carefully tested. You can be sure of their,
vigor and productiveness.
Your dealer Is now displaying the convenient
Northrup, King & Co. Seed Case. Its selection of
6eeds represents thirty-six years gardening expert
ience. Let it help you select your winter vegetables
now. Cultural directions on. the back of each
Let Your Garden
Supply Winter Vegetables
1H M '
ITtimM.T.," ' ' - W 1
tx f
St .
T1 A ' . li'TT
v 1 " 1 1 1 n 1 miinM- j
' F3A v4-M'M ;. VSjv U' V-a I'll
That Ever Came to Marlcet
Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The JSrwmvich
In tvery great? Hre factory, tH .
thief question is: "How much can
jwe give for the money?" And the ,
product depends on the poKcjj
adopted. f
Every man'who Has Kecome ac
quainted "with Brunswick Tirea!
knows that Brunswick standards
are again evident. This famous con
cern noted as a leader in every
line it entered since 1 845 - has once
more proved that its policy is right. ''
' VA perfect tire is simply g matter
bl knowledge and standards and
Skill. No secrets nor paterit3 pre
yent making an ideal tire.
But standards come first. For iri
ftire making there is vast room for
Skimping, for subtle economies, for .
hidden shortcomings. Makers with
out the highest standards don't
fauUd high-grade tires.
The Brunswick organization of
tire makers includes a brilliant staff
of technical experts. Not a .man
among them vKaS BfSSni lest than
20 years in handling rubber - - - - -
Each is a rnaster of hf staff.'-'
And the new ideas they bring td
the attention of Brunswick dire
tors receive sincere consideration.
; Every proved betterment is
adopted unanimously.
The Brunswick Tire fs a combi-
nation of acknowledged features
plus Brunswick standards of manu
facture. The result is a super-tire, the lika
of which you have never known be
, fore. The kind of a tire you will
gladly join in welcoming
Yet Brunswicks cost no more
ihan like-type tires.
Try ONE Brunswick. We prom
ise a surprise. And we feel certain
that you will want ALL Bruns
wicks. Then good tires will have a new
meaning to you.
Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street .
Sold 0(i An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
.,.1.. W ',. r S.
Vv -V
-i ri ' rwr 3
WV..' .."lILJhJM'"""""' -'"-ill Miw
1 1 m :'"
iu ulilllii 1
Cord Tires with "Driving" anJ "Swastika" Skid-Not Treada "
Fabric Tires in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads
Great Western Garage
147 N. High Street
Cherry City Garage
170 S. 12th Street :