Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 08, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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lijhhrfnss And
Beer Chosen for
Senate Password
With a lomn that dcelares for,
Tight wtoe and freer; whiakey tori
medicine and not medicine fur whi
key," John C. Shilloek of Portland, to
day filed with the secretary of Kate'
office hie petition for a place on the
republican primary haUot a a candi
date fur state senator from Multnomah
"I will during my term of office1
start a propaganda declaring an ope '
eun n the dry' to the cad that the
national and state prohibition lairs be
amended, that light trine and fceer
whiskey for medicine and not medicine
for whiskey can ba obtainable," Shil
Jock declare In hi platform. "That
In af)u. epidemic it ariil not be neces
sary to make nine-tenths of the popu
lation criminal," 1 Bhiilock's reason
for his wet stand in his plea for sup
port of his candidacy. ,
be lo?t in :.v!U.::: ihr p.iU'-'iit in a rt?or;i
by rume:i.
S. Disin fret ion of body dUchargts.
the Unen. the utensils and th h-
i the attendant.
j . Special point in the care of hi-
i hies, their feeding, bathing, aleepj
inJ of school chiHren.
State General
fund Held to be
In Safe Condition
Martin Peturns
From Interesting
Business Trip
Ivan C. Martin, filem attorney, re
turned yel-rday from a business trip
ti'.e Os'.friessland will be
the Cnitel States.
New Vork, April.
Xjnsoaiond,' first
ihe lra.i,.
: 7. ..t i. ... wi..-hra at the l"l:i:uatL-
..,!,-. ttt r Prince of inatiuii is cu.i-. w . ,
-- ,J.'reDnbjcan voters, states that he also turneJ over to tne l nsteu
Walectodav a a contrast from the repuo.n.iu v , (
proceeding; of yeerd.,v. in which he; in "fZ., n th7 most' The battleship
raram ouratu mrr to tw u.ictura , ,: . . w i. nnxldent . ..tot ennimf.n in SentemDer: - Vt at Boidier .w.
of the first rate bank of Donald and mi. Her normal displacement is. dieod in base hospitals la England .u
a director uf Char.ipoeg school. lii.SOO tons, her length 54 feet and ing the war. Relative and friends i
Iher beam S3 rett. rne compliment " me k usaemuieu at the dock t0
iaoout 1,00) men. Iceive trie flag draped coffins.
a local committee before lunch, and
wound up the day by dancing with a
core or more of San !et maidens at
a l!l which continued far beyond mid'
'night. At the prir.-e's
quist, therefore, to!ay w?
ly open. i
There will be a reception aboard the ,
I k:. , , M-inir Knt !
OstfrlesUnd was,"-" Irom Europe, arrived her 4a
September ;toujy w;n lne bouieg of 87 solo
.personal re- PolaTlU LtllTia tiOg '
ps left virtual j
Sells tor $4U,vuv
Viilisca, Iowa. April S. A tbor-
to Portland ar.d Seattle. At the meet- no other function la planned. It was 1 oughbred Poland China hog which
ing of the saprme board of directors! believed that Prince Edward mittlit . tne William Brother, breeder of
frr the UiiHed Artisans, of which board
Mr. iartir. ig a intaiber, arraapements
were road-.' last Saturday to immediate
ly place the Beck building of Portland
in first class repair, painting and mak
ing certain alterations in the structnre
and changing the name ta the Arti
With more than two million dol
lars due ta the credit of the state
general fund between April 5 and
May 8, from current tax payments san s building.
there is no occasion for any alarm This to the six story business btnek
over the condition of the fund which which was recently purchased by the
with onyl IXMsS.M to it c.fc board for the Artisan home office. The
, . , . consideration wu 3S,009.
April 1. is now at the lowest point in
the history of the office, according to p'r8 pm Mem-
Joseph Richardson, deputy state Vni!e in &iU Mr- Mart!n mct
treasurer. I w- Spansler, who was formerly a stu-
Klchardson's statement la occas dnt of 019 Willamette university. Mr.
loned by newspaper stories to the ef- Spongier Is now president of the First
fut tht l,,- .. ii.x - m Vnttnn::! hank et $2.ft!t!i Anil ! recne-
ml - - - - . ' ; - - v. i iic wuujiion ui - -. .
4 WK ng peuuon o Mt,h, fund .. tmpi ml h, fc niaed as one of the big men of the
lovejoy of Portland as a candidate for duced l0 penury" while awaiting city. He s he ha. a warm spot in
the democratic nomination for con- ment o ,heir , warrants. hta heart for 8alem.
io salary warrants will be drawn Clark Belknap, who formerly resid
agalnst this fund antil the Utter part ed In Salem and was a popular student
of April and in the meantime the if Willamette Is practicing law in the
various county treasurers will hav Hogue building of Seattle and was seen
begun their remittances of state taxes, by Mr. Martin.
Richardson explains, which should in Mr. Martin says that It Is believed by
ali probabilities be sufficient to cov- the buslnee authorities he met Includ
er any warrant issued against the ins Mr. F.ich. superintendent of the Se
u, nth Bradstreet office that the apex of
,n,' the secreUry of hiBh priret in commodities has prac-
r.nJT T WarrlnU 'ically bten reached yet this does not
codUlon .f Z r!f8rdI.?f ,he he of some article,
prop iauo. flt i. . b ". 5,t Mr- Rich- h0 l ,n
payment of the warrVn . when nr "usln he bel""M
sented to the Mat. r.,.. .,.. ..,. oustnes would continue to ne gooo
A complete outline of the cours. In mf.r(.lv tan..wd, ,"d Vor .."t and that Prire wou!d not P"haps re
ime nurainar nn bin I ,t t.. . . . ' . .. ' ' u lur want , . , , , .
gress from the tnlrd district, was also
flied this morning. "
- "Oregon's resource are the heritage
of her people safeguard and develop
. them," 1 D. Lovejoy slogan.
Course In Home
Nursing Covers
Vital Subjects
either take an automobile rule over hls pU bought about fifteen
some of the California roads concern-j .
u, .. w . . j . 1 months ag-, from L. R. MoClarnon
mg which he made inquiry yesterday ;
or might visit the Coronado golf Unknot Eradlville, Iowa, for has been
and take some land exercise after histoid by them at private sale to W.
H. tilswortii or lioiaziesa, ioa ior,
'the record price of JIO.'JOO, declared;
to be the highest price ever paid for
a hug in the United States, if not in
the world.
three weeks aboard ship.
Office 330 Phones - Residence 327W
Seed Potatoes
Earlv Jlose, Eurbank, Pride of Multnomah. QrJy a few left
R.S. McNeil & Co.-
261 Court Street
Bring us your eggs - ' Salem. Or.
Borne nursing now being taught by
Jlis Marion Adams, to representa
tive number of Kalem women, has been
given out by the officials of Willamette
chapter, American Red Crow, for the
enllghtment of those who have no defi
nite idea of what the course comprises.
The following Is a brief, but complete
Limniary of the vital things taken up
in the series of IS lectures, based upon
the tet book and supplemented by
practical work In the application of the
lesson: -
I. The causes and prevention of
cli-km'Mi; recognition of symptoms of
common infection and communicable
disease! tuberculosis; measles; mitj.
t. The emrntials of good hsicnic
romlitliMi for babies, for children, for
grown people and for the aged.
a., me (essentials of hygtrne
(health) of our environment (eery-
ining outside the body that nffects It)
and of our person, includes ventilation,
cleanliness, disKsal of garbage, sew-
age, nisei-is which carry disease. The
importance of proper clothing, food, ot
aleep and recreation (not merely exer
else but enjoyable exercise).
4. How to make beds. Not only the
nroinary bd, but wjth the patient in it;
how to change the bed clothes with a
patient In lied.
. l!ow to give a bath to a patleitf
In bed; hot foot bath; enre of mouth
and teeth; how to wah the hair of a!
feed pntient.
. How to feed a sick person. Borne
thing aliout diets liquid, soml solid.
light, full and methods of administer
ing, 7. What lo do until - the doctor
comes, Kor Instance If one of your
family comes in with a chill It may
mean a bad cold or some more severe
form of sickness. Symptoms to be ob
served and doctor sent for, but mean
while there are things which can t
dona Immediately, before the doctor
ran get there. Children disease lu
early stages appear like a bad cold,
but In these early stages they nre most
, contagious, therefore no time should
turn to the basis of pre-war times yet
lunos wnen the u--, rr-mt. m
draw Interest at the rate of six per- ovAnis to Production catching up with
cent per annum until the money
available for their payment.
Salem Woman Is
Winning Place
Among Writers
-.....,,B inure ana morf p0puJar
with tniigaxine editors and tlic rending
Z M- 1,ar'0' North
-hureh street, is rapidly winning a
-. n.r nerseir in the literary world,
that few persons are privileged to en
Joy. Both the Delineator and the Amerl
can magazines are publishing her short
stories. With the former Mr. fcw.
has a contract for a series of tal. for
'""; '" and with true Oregon loy
alty she has laid the scenes for each
of them in her home state.
The latest composition of the author
appears In the April Issue of the Amer
ican. It Is entitled 'Nobody Else's
Home Kcems Just Right" and Is the
story of tu-n i,a,,ki . ,
grown tired of living in the hoinfTof ! ',1,ctUm mu( '' "adual and all prices
meir rniltlren. Thoe who hue n.ii""""" " ''' I'ruporu-m to eacn
the story tire enthMi.,i., i ......-! olh, r- With Increased production, de-
creaMrd foreign demand and careful
ness and prudence of our neonle there
the demand he believes that during
thU year prices will be reduced and
advise that merchants buy carefully
and not overstock.
High l'riccn Dlscasscd.
He believes that the condition of
high prices can be materially Improved
by careful buying on the part of the
consumer. He told Mr. Martin tnar
only a few years ago the average con
sumer would inquire in the first In
stance as to the price of the article but
now undr $.he pressure of high cost
the customer usually selects the arti
cle he wants and pays for It regardless
of price. This, he claims, has been
proven by many recent, experlmrmr
such as placing on sala articles identi
cally the same the merchant explain
ing to the customer that one of such H. A. Endrap, proprietor of the ho-
amcies write it practically wastheitel at Hilgard. Union countv. which
same, in fact was superior to the. was destroyed by fire on March 22.
other, the customers in the great ma- has confessed to nettinir the hl:,zei
Jorlty of cases were readily willing to; himself with intent to defraud the in- 1
Lynch Declares
'Frisco May Yet
Lose Convention
Chicago, Apr. 8. Fred Lynch, na
tional committeeman from Minnesow,
said here today that dissatisfaction of
democratic party leaders with the con
vention accommodations at San Fran
cisco will be aired at the national com
mittee meeting here April 20, when a
proposal to move the convention across
the bay to Oakland will be presented.
San Frarlciseo Apr. 8. The state
ment of Fred Lynch, democratic na
tional committeeman from Minnesota,
in Chicago today that a proposal is to
be made in the coming meeting of the
committee that the national conven
tion be removed from San Francisco to
Oakland, was called an "Inaccuracy"
by Postmaster Charles W. Fry. who
was one of those most prominent in
bringing the convention here.
"The delegation headed by Lynch al
ready has secured its quarters in this
city " he said. "Furthermore, as I un
derstand it, the committee is to meet
for the purpose of putting Its stamp of
aproval on the arrangement made for
the convention In. &m Francisco. I
have heard of no dissatisfaction with
the arrangements here and most cer
tainly t am in a positon to hear all
complaints. Arrangements for the
convention vitrually have been com
pleted and I cannot coceive of the com
mute overturning them-now."
Hotel Proprietor
Confesses Burning
Hilyard Property
Han Battleships
Are Interned At
Firth Of Forth
London, April I. The German bat
tlesships Nassau and Ortfriesland ar
rived at the Firth of Forth yester
day, this constituting the commence
ment of the eurrender of the remain
der of the German warships under the
terms of the treaty of Versailles.
It's a Great Alaskan Drama
Friday Hippodrome VaudeviUe
pay the higher price,
In disciis'lng the situation with Mr.
.Martin, he said "We can not expect
prices 10 oe reduced suddenly; the re
lory tire enthusiastic in ih,.i-
pralse of It.
Mrs. Fargo writes under the name of
"Ruth I'ai go." Although she spends a
great deal of her time at her favorite
occupation, that of writing, she is ac
tive In social and church affairs and
I prominent member of the X.n-th
Salem Women's club.
Women trade unionists In Great ilii
tain now number more that) l.uuo.uao.
Is no reason to fear hard times or fi
Prince Of Wales
Spends Quiet Day
Aboard Ship Today
surance company, according to infor
mation received here by A. C. Bar
ber, state insurance commissioner,
from H. H. i'omeroy, deputy fire mar
shal who has been Investigating the
fire. The loss is
been J2200.
estimated to have
Han I! go, C:u. Apr. 8..
Henry Zorn, of Aurora, owner of
one of the largest farms In Marion
county, transacted business In Salem
Thursday. Mr. Zorrt,, who Is a candi
date as representative to the legisla
ture reports that there is a general
sentiment especially in rural districts,
for efficient and practicable meas
ures that will aid school districts In
I their efforts to Provide better eilm-.i-
Quict and tioiiul facilities. Mr. Zorn, whose nom-
Owing to numerous requests
from patrons, we again offer
for three days Thursday,
Friday asd Saturday. .
Our best quality Crepe de
Chine and Georgette Crepe
40 inch All Silk Crepe de Chine
40 inch All Silk Georgette Crepe
Extra Special, per yard
siii&i -mm
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Gale & Corilpany
Formerly, Gluca go Store
Com'l. and Court Sts.
Friday, April 9
Wees 60c to ?i.50
"Bringing Up Fathet
In Society"
1:39 p. m.
One pair good mules, 4 and years
old. weight 00 pounds; one lij;ht
agon. one heavy wagon; 4 pair har-
Rng plow; 3 buggies; I
engine; One blacksmith forge;
lawn mo era.
iMning tables, clocks, dieer, rock
ers, sewing machine.
Miorie H7T
4-4 Ferry PI,
We Are Better
Prepared to Take
Care of the
Working Man
and His Family
Than ever before. Most of our
merchandise was contracted
ahead of the last advances.
Buying for cash and selling for
cash means dollars to our
many customers. That is why
you can buy the mecrhandise
as listed here:
Note these
Overall Prices
Best blue denim overall and jumper 52.39
Good heavy covert cloth overall and
J"Per. - $2.25
Heavy expressman stripe overalls ... $2.23
Heavy work suits, blue and khaki ... $1.50
Khaki and blue striped ... $3.49, $3.9$
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
Dress shoes from :.$3.9S to $9.90
W ork shoes, from $3.23 to $7.90
By looking over our merchanrlia
comparing our prices with what they are
asking elsewhere, you will be CONVINC-
Now is the time you want
Work Gloves
Canvas 15c
Canvas Leather Face S9C
All leather 59c, 69c, 79c, 98c, $1.19, $1.25,
$1.49, $1.69, $1.93 and $2.25
$2.49; and the best horsehide $2.90
A fine auto dog-hide gauntlet at $3.98
Drew shirts 9Sc lo VM
Work Shirts in Khaki, Blue, Grey and
black 9Sc, $1.20, $1.49 and $1.93
I ifrsruw k
! (iri
i i If II
t 4 i f 1 1 ?
M h mi Urn i
V , X- J S -fc star a 4 1
't- J mm il j I-
. - i t ' .
I . ' v.-i'' ' . '
- Wi u? i i ng if '
taWAl .BI IE u nw ;i
' 4 It
!:lf fUcj
Neckwear Today
Just arrived, a new shipment ot cravats from New York
-Many new shades and patterns. See them. ''
You do not take a chance to lose if you purchase here.
Salem Woolen
Mills Store
Every family in Marion and Polk Counties a Patron
' ' - '-ff- - -f, . '