r.vo. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, AF1UL 7, io; 1 nan Arms n To Scouts; Big Rally Scheduled " - i., thn ,..'v if u ji be one of ih moai fi f-ie vk' enjoyable h"!J thU year in Salem, j , .., mv-j st-d fit ----- ihe amironnauon or wr nu: could not be used with any success A two putoon The Art s-m orehrsir.i. curap MrM-I.U p.tm ..... m - - rfrtmeic I1U The drill cirls tean.e -unnameu K.'" ing th? ever lately in preparation fur the dance i By J- A. Mays. Tost, covering the; probably will stage several drill fetes! appropriation of water from Mora?-. The dance Is beiug given to rai-j heaven creek Cor the irrigation of funds for the purchase of uniform? acres In Crook county. , i.... ... r tuc M... . j j;y jjeruen n- .a." . uanu ui . , tlhfti tha uniforms have , Mj.. iIm n..nr.ii,r:lion- ol ielh-wsmp first of any orsanaauon u-. uml tm5 !JCiU alembly ol ! , from unnamed springs for ir j the city the Salem lodge of hlki ! have. ih wj!J Journey xa Eugene am, f s acres !n Hood River i iiw4 their arms to the Bov Scouta .i,.,in, s ....!... Ullh (mo lito brother aoiru .. .. county. i before otner assemuues. Ine saiem n.i ks nave ucivrnniieu iw for such pui poses. The R-34 is 640 feet lung and was expeeted to have a cruising radius of nearly 5.000 miles ner.t if being oo.' ..s:cm the deprt- frttHHtt Jved at A-ton.i. i f Extending the proverbial The Okanagon Lavestcrk asscciati n has voted a reward of 500 to the widow of George P.. Snyder, complain ing wtlness in the trial and coriviatiou of John FUjJir.ski for iaitie stealing. ASTHMA There is no "cure but relief is ct'tea (: - A t brought by- t" , tha Scouu through, and with a big J-H trether meeting In the armory the( night of April 2. that ahali mark the viruial coronation of the scout move ment in this city, tha -ouH and men bera of the antiered herd shall the.c nfter "pull together." Bounding the spirit, at the meetlni; ef the committee last night in the Klks club, better, perhaps, than any ether. Exalted Ruler K. A. Kurtx said: "The Elks ar wildly American: al war have been and always shall be. The Boy Scouts of America are sworn to the sam creed. Therefor w are brothers, , and we'r going to act &s uch." ' ' Public b InvUrd. ' The meeting set fur April It, a( 8 'clock, is open to the public, and ev ery cltiien of Salem la Invited to at tend. Arrangemeuta have long been discussed whereby tha Elka were to act aa big brothers to the Scouta, but t ut to the Influenxa epidemic and other handicaps. It has been impractical to hold the meeting earlier. Every Scout In Salem la looking for ward to this night. Thrilled with the thought that the Elks are actually In te rested In them and their problems, they are planning every conceivable form of entertainment, and those who attend are assured an evening of live Jy and interesting recreation. Especially for th Scouta tha Elks nave aranged to have tha Kcnut motion picture film "The Sijuure Table" to ex hi bit at this meeting. The big broth era have sent all the way to Chicago for It, beouuse they believe that the Mcouta will be pleased to see it. F.iik'rtuliinicnt l'laiincd. The Elks orchestra will be there. The evonlng shall not want for music. Tha big brothers are now working on other forms of entertainment both for the Bcouta und numerous citizens that are expected to atleml. Waller Denton, Scout commissioner, will make a brief talk on "Hcoutlntj": George Hulvornen will tell how he siw tha Soouta work during tha war In England, Franca and Belgium; and Fred Erixson and Exalted Ruler Kuril will make short narrations. . The Elka com m ft tee that met la, night, dedicated to the task of making H ararngementa for the Kika to par ticipate a big brothers in the suo'it movement In Hal cm. was: Fred Kri.v aon, E, A. Hurts and (leorgo Hulvor. aen. Several other mem hem of the committee are arranging events for th evening, but were not on hand at the meeting last night. ' Water Permits Rv'Albert L. Oklhajn of oPst, cov ering the appropriation o water fro.n unnamed springs for stock watering 'purposes In Crook county. John H. Seavey of Springfield. Lane By Chas. Bilyeu of Enterprise, cov- ... - .. .... L ... ,n.i.,inn nf v.tbr frol county, has tiled application wj.n ering ine apiii --- -- Hurricane creea lor irrigauuu v acres In Wallowa county. By Chas. W. Valentine of Heppner. covering the appropriation of water from Willow creek for irrigation of Percy A. Cupper, state engineer for permission to appropriate water froir the Middle Fork of the Willamette river for the irrigation of 28 acres of land. Other applications for water rights; 24 acres in Morrow county. have been filed with the atate engin eer as follows: By T. T. Shell of Wallowa, covering the appropriation of water from Mc Donald and Shell creeks, for the irr - gatlon of t acres In Wallowa county. By John McDonald of Wallowa covering the appropriation of wat'-r from McDonald and Shell creeks for the Irrigation of S acres in Wallowa county. By J. C. Fraker of Portland, cover ing the appropriation of water from a spring, tributary of Rogue river, for domesti cand stock use. In Jackson county. By John Graham of Wallowa, cov ering the appropriation of water from Spring Creek for the Irrigation Famous R-34 Is 'Already Obsolete, Pulham, Eng., April 7. The dlrlg-j ible airship, R-34, tfhich crossed the Atlantic Ocean to America, already is declared to be an obsolete type, al-t though she was not completed untill after the war had endia). It is an nounced .that this trana-Atlaatlc dir-j lgible, her sister ship, the R-33, andj the R-32 ar to be used hereafter only for experimental purpose. Thei Globe says that reports that they may be used for commerce or passenger carrying are untrue and. that they How Much Tobacco Will My Heart Stand A Question Vital to Every Man Who Smokes or Chews It May font a I'rvclou Mfc to Find Out by KxerliiH-iit 'Artisan Dance To Be Held In Armory f Here This Evening The artisan drill girla team dance, for which many ticket have-been sold liy the lodge member and other In terested, will b held at the armory tonight. Oeorgeous decorations have been made around the hall, and the The heart of every user of tobacco bears a double burden. It does its al lotted tank and then tights nicotine for supremacy. A long as the heart wins he lives; when it loses he tlle, hut before the final victory ut nico tine you pass through many stages of decline and decay and suffer many pangs. Hearts are like human beings some are slronger than others, therefore some hearts will stunt! more tobacco than others, but there Is a limit to what any heart can stand The man who puts this additional strain on his heart a dozen times a day by smoking cigarettes, a pipe or cigars or chewing tobacco la taking a madman's chance with health and life to lose and nothing to win out the chance that he may not lose them He Is Indulging In a costly habit at the expense of precious health. Ank any doctor anywhere, and he will tell you that using tobacco Is lnJur!oi' and that It Is far better to quit the habit than t experiment to find how much tobacco your heart will stand without serious results. But the thought of quitting Is un pleasant to most men even to thos1! who know that tobacco Injures them and ta really quit takes more will Nicotol tablets and taking them as directed. The habit really quits you and Its departure is a pleasure equal to Its indulgence. If you want to know how much easier it is to quit the habit with Ni cotol than without it, go twenty four hours without tobacco and note what an effort it is to you then begin tak ing it as usual and take Nicotol tab lets. At the end of a week discontinue smoking or chewing for a day and it Is probable you will have no desire resume. At least your desire will b. greatly diminished and another week or two should make It not only po--sllile, but a pleasure, to quit. NOTE: Dr. Connor, formerly of Johns Hopkins hospital, under who.e advice Nicotol has often been used, said when this statement was shown to him: "1 have known Nicotol to con quer the tobacco habit in less than ten days' time nnd I can thereforj recommend it highly." When the dot tor's statement was shown to one of our leading druggists he said; "Nico tol Is truly a wonderful remedy fjr the tobacco habit, way ahead of any thing we have ever sold before. We are authorised by the manufactur ers to refund the money to every dis satisfied customer and we would not permit the use of our name unless tha remedy possessed unusual merit power than they have and -eauseef-Nleotnt Is "sold hv this eityinder nn more suffering than they can volun tarlly endure. To quit the habit make It easy for yourself by getting Iron clad money back guarantee by al! up to date druggists, including D. J Fry. (Adv) for every purpose &rM 1 -.;-r mm FioulL nArfu,4A X KXlncK BLEND is RAND 4 .TOffi'WMiiit 1 nim mi 1 ,in II Will MWilriiwWi mf Always Uniform r No Variation Once a housewife gives BLKND FLOUR a trial, she continue to use it. Due to the great care we flis'!iv in selecting the -wheats and 'our scientific milling IU.KNM) FLOUR is always uniform in quality. fhf're is no variation. While ULEXD may cost a few cents more per sack than most other flours IT COSTS LKSS I'EK LOAF because ii j"v: nu rc an-l lanjer loaves of bcitcr bread. Being a scientific combina'itm of choicest pastern h'aro Wheat and the choicest of Western Wheats JU DLl'-ND is a perfect flour for every purpose, as for cake and pastry as for bread. Manufactured in "America' Finrr Pl.i.rinrr Mill.' - -' - - ' luiua vy Fisher's -Flouring Mills Company StatUa Bellingham ' t Portlaiid ' asy"" "S.ani Tacom Mt. Vernon ' J&r, '-"-'i --a'Vj 1 gfK)d 8:1 fiip DOING ANY SPRING SEWING? Then, of Course, You Have a Hundred Needs BUTTONS? . We have them here of every kind and description. The large bone buttons so smart for sports ap parel; small pearl buttons for dainty waists and ginghams; in fact, the buttons you want. Also a large supply of other sewing room needs such as pins, needles, belting, dress shields, thim bles, tapes, taffeta binding ribbon, sewing silk, spool cotton and every other imaginable need. We Exist for Your Benefit 1. (&. Iftplnj QIa Quality Merchandise Popular Prices 145t Liberty Street l-I'll Of this department i the' magnitude of t which has been the X pride of this store for t many years, we now chronicle the last page. It's simply this: Your choice of all re maining Silks at, yd. $1.95 Such well known silks as Pine Tree, Corticelli, Skinners, t and Bramsons, all 36 inches wide. Taffetas: ' 'Wtlf The real spring-time silk' in taupe"; biscuit, steel, pearL and other shades of grey. Messalines: TiVVm-l Excellent qualities in white, tan, apricot and emerald. I Satins: None better, colors are wild rose, pearl grey, claret, shell, pink, and Kelly green. Plaids: , ' There is still a good assortment of these, especially' good for skirts and misses' dresses. , Retiring from Business A .1.. Announcement -TjT gives us a good deal of pleas 1 1 ure to announce that we have A been appointed distributors 5 for Horse-Shoe tires and tubes in this district. We realise that we could only expect continued tire patronage V as long as the tires we sold made .good. Consequently we were very j careful in making our selection". States, Municipalities and many 1 of the world's largest corporations S are today using Horse-Shoe tires. Exhaustive tests proved the supe rior quality so thoroughly that some of them specified that Horse Shoe tires be used exclusively. So good has this make of tire proven hat the demand has increased nearly sixty-fold in the last six years. Horse-Shoe products are of exceptional quality, yet when figured by Corporations on cost per mile basis they proved, them selves by far the cheaper tire. We would appreciate an oppor tunity to show, as well as tell you, of their merit.. GRUCHON & SON 1825 State Street Salem, Ore.