Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 07, 1920, Image 1

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Oregon: Tonight and Thursday
ihowers; moderate southerly winds.
Local: Min. temperature 40, Max.
54, mean 46. Rainfall .24 inches. River
7.8 feet, stationary.
Average for Six Months ending
March 31, 1920
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation
Associated Press Full Leased Wire
Johnson Not
History of Byron s Life
Is Story Of Swindler
Federal Records Show
New Torlt, Apr. 7. New Tork
state's "big four" nninstructed delega
tion to the republican national con
vention rolled over the opposition ot
former Sttae Senator William Bennett,
pledged to the presidential candidacy
of Senator Hiram W. Johnson of Cali
fornia, in yesterday's primaries, ac
cording to virtually complete returns
early today.
With only 126 election districts out
of the 2571 In the city missing the vote
for the ."big four" was: Nathan L.
Miller, 70,043; Senator Jas. W. Wads
worth Jr., 70.398; Senator William M.
Calder, 73.601: Colonel William Boyce
Thompson, 68,104. Bennett's vote w.
25,561 of which his home borough.
Brooklyn,, contributed LI, 317. The
vote was lighter than anticipated by
party leaders.
Scattering returns from up state
where the vote was also light indicated
that the organization candidates had
won over Bennett by a wider margin
than in the city. No candidate favor
able to Senator Johnson was elected In
any of the twelve congressional dis
tricts where contests were waged.
I loover Delega tes Lose.
The organization men also defeatea
two candidates ... pledged to Herbert
Hoover In the seventeenth congression
al district In Manhattan by a ratio of
about two and one-half to one. This
was the only district in the state where
candidates favoring Mr. Hoover was
There were no contests among the
democrats and the party vote was pro
portlonately smaller than that cast for
the- republicans.
Women turned out In large numbers
and proved active workers, particulate
ly as watches after the closing of the
It was the city's first "dry" primary
and political leaders and police offi
cials declared It was the most orderly
ever held here. Not a single arrest in
connection with the primary wa
Holds Michigan 1nd.
Detroit,- Mich., Apr. 7. Belated re
turns on Monday's presidential pri
mary, coming in slowly, from me
sparsely settled sections of the state,
added but few votes early today to the
totals already compiled from approxi
mately two-thirds of the precincts.
These figures gave Senator Hiram W.
.lohnson a lead of 42,251 over Major
Ceneral Leonard Wood on the repub
lican ticket and Herbert Hoover's ad
vantage on the democratic ticket was
4466 over ..Governor Edward I. Ed
wards of New Jersey. .
The voted stood:
Republican (1661 precincts out of
2421) Johnson, 124,949; Wood, 82,
8; Lowden, 44.229; Hoover, 40.624.
Democrats (1472 precincts) ttuo
ver. 17,552; Edwards. 13,196; McAdoo,
12.602; Bryan, 11,641; Palmer, 7570.
Complete returns had been received
fro monly a few counties and five4
Alser, Baraga, Benzie, Iosco and Mont
morency had not been heard from at
all, as a result ot the Easter snow
storm, i
It was generally conceded this morn
ing that aside from the close race
among democratic candidates, it was
unlikely the present standing of the
candidates would be altered.
Burt C. Cady, chairman of the re
publican state central committee, In a
Ktutement said he believed' Senator
Johnson's victory was assured and de
clared the large republican vote was
a forerunner of the greatest republi
can victory in the history of the party
In the state and nation."
Those who cheerfullv
the $50,000 Jack-pot raised in Salem
by Carlos L. Byron last fall and cher
ish any delusions about havine their
money returned, will chanse their
mujds if they read the historv nf tl,.
case in which Byron was connected, an
. appears Z5 Federal Rennrtu
Byron Is now serving sentence at the
McNeils island federal orison an ,
suit of his conviction.
Story of a Swindler.
The story of this Case is a renetlH.m
of the Salem cases, the Seattle case
the Tacoma cases, the Roseburg cases
and countless other cases dating; most
oia time m the past 10 yea:-a
Byron's record proves him a heartless
and cold-blooded professional swindler
wno has used and reused the Bame old
game of contracting to deliver patent
to timber lands, for a cash considera
tion, and who in the language of the
report: "never had succeeded in so
curing title for anyone for either 'se
lected or patented' lands by means of
nis proceedure or otherwise; that ev
ery application filed would be reWt
ed; -that prior filings covered all land
in question: that defendant never in
tended to repay his victims and agree
ment made were only to prevent vic
tims from discovering that they had
been cheated and defrauded."
Celerity and Silence.
Byron moved with celerity and si
lence in making bis Salem shake-down.
Secrecy, he represented, was in essen
tial to success and his grave-vise con
nection with the land office mustn't be
whispered about for a very good rea
van, as is now apparent. Uyron was
accepted at his own valuation evident
ly, for without looking up his record,
notorious throughout the northwest,
without an inquiry into his charater,
which was as shady as his timber
deals, without ascertaining, the status
of the timber land in question or By
ron's ability to deliver, title, citizens of
Salem, business and professional men,
merchants, educators ' and clerks
eagerly gave up their money to a con
victed swindler already under sentence
to the federal penitentiary for perpe
trating the same old fraud.
It was in September that Byi-un
made Ijfs first Salem clean-up, while
Rail Men In
Chicago Defy
Union Heads
(Continued on page eight)
Immigration is
Principal Topic
Of Convention
New York, Aprl 7. The first na
tional immigration conference ever
held in America began here today to
discuss naturalization and Immigra
tion laws, the shortage of labor, the
exodus of immigrants Trom America
and the cause of unrest arJlong thv
foreign born with a view to formu
lating recommendations to congress.
The meeting was under the auspice
of the Inter-Racial council of New
York, and delegates included repre
sentatives of thirty racial groups and
spokesmen for industry, agriculture,
capital and labor?
William H. Barr, president of th3
Inter-Racial council and spokesman
for industry, and General Coleman
DuPont, chairman of the board of d'.
rectors of the Inter-Racial council,
opened the meeting. A statement pre
pared by E. T. Meredith, secretary of
agriculture, was read.
' "America is 4,000,000 men short as
a result of Swingling of Immigration
since the war," General DuPont sail.
"Thousands-of immigrants are going
back. Other countries are making or
ganized efforts to attract Immigration
The United States is not..
"The indiscriminate denunciation
of foreign born, which has been tak
ing place in America, '.a r(;3Ultin m
many of them laavina thia country.
It is resulting als In growing misun
derstandings til ' i a laiK'i and foi-
elgn born residents and in general
demoralization of industrial and loclbl
Carranza Holds
Co-Operation Above
Monroe Doctrine
Washington, April 7. Solidarity
among Latin-American nations must
replace the Monroe Doctrine as the
protective policy of those countries
President Carranza of Mexico de
clared in an interview printed recent
ly by La Prenza of Buenos Aires
copies of which have just reached
Washington. The Mexican executive
was quoted as declaring his unalter
able opposition to tffe Monroe Doc
trine which he characterized as in
efficient for the purpose of meeting
the needs of weak nations.
It is not true, President Carranza
said that the United, States govern
ment assisted the revolution which
placed him in- power. He expressed
his conviction that "unscrupulous
merchants" are sending arms and
ammunition into Mexico.
According to La Prenza, President
Carranza is of the polnlon that th
Mexican government will annul vast
concessions granted foreigners in
Lower California.
Hawaiian Schools
Face Wage Problem
Census Figures If"
vtcimcujd 1 1 uicdi 1 1 emu
Invasion; Occupation of
Rhine Sector Is Continued
Washington, Apr. 7. Popu
lation statistics announced to
day by .the census bureau in
cluded: Hudson, N. Y.. 11.745, in
crease S28 or l.i per cent over ?
House Preparing
For LongDebates
On Peace Measure
Washington, April 7. House repub
Ucans today cleared the way for a twe
day debate on the peace resolution,
beginning tomorrow. Under the pro
gram adopted by the rules commit
tee the final vote will not be cast un
til after 5 o'clock Friday. On both '
days the .house will meet an hour
earlier than customary. I
Tiv a strict Darty vote the rul?s
Riggs and Carson
Announce Selves
For County Jobs
Zadoz J. Riggs, Salem druggist, to
day filed his formal petition for tt
place on the republican primary bal
lot as a candidate for state represent
ative from . Marlon county with th t
secretary of state's office.
In his petition Riggs declares for
"sane, equitable, constructive . busi
ness like legislation, having consid
eratlon for the tax payer."
In bis platform he promises to
"strive for the enactment of sane and
equitable laws which protect the In
terests of the people. I will stand for
Justice for the people generally an
against domination by special class
or interests. I will support those meas
urea which appear to be conducive
to the moral and material welfare of
the people of Oregon and Marion
county in particular.".
John H. Carson of Salem filed to
day as a candidate for district attor
ney for Marion county. Carson's slo
gan declares for "just, Impartial and
fearless administration of the laws."
Honolulu, T. H.. April 7. The ter
il'orial department of. public Instruc
tion will ask the legislature at its committee today agreed to permit nc n I f 1 f
special session expected to be held ,amendment to the resolution being of- !)IPri LOCal 01
late n Anrll ne url In Mm for 2R 7 . . .... n WUIVIU UUVU1 VI
- ... . .,, ierea irom ine nui- iriiiwvm,
per cent Increase in salaries of teach-1 ,, ho remitted to offer one.
In elementary and high schools moti'on lto recommit. Such a motion
and 10 percent increase in the sal- . ... ooM , contemDlated. I;
schools0' PrlnClpaIs ln ?lerrfentar5r probably will provide for repeal of
, Th . proposed . increases would MZlZll rules'
Ztt ,mnth t0 the payr"' the, declared that, while no filibustering
This would drt nfW its nan -the. authority of congress.
more to the payroll.
Supports Strike
fruit and i
Vancouver, B. C Early this sum-
rnT hydronlnnea orlll nmi-Mo
Stewart mini.. .l. I Victoria
v """"IB vnuiu uii ine cum-i ' , .boa
. tn- ho ent r 1920 small
'-'"ot a rural mall delivery and will 1 berry crop ot the Frazer River valley
""liver from the southern markets j nave Deen offered by canners, E. B.
"erythlng from prunes to lumber. ' Barrow, provlnciaal minister of agri
Several machines are now being con- culture announced. The estimated
"tructed in Seattle and early next1 crop will be 400 tons under the de
month the first one will fly to Stewart. I mand, according to Mr. Barrow.
The Salem union United, Timber
Workers, meeting here last night with
about 40 members of the union at SI'
verton, voted support to the organiza
tlon's fight there, championed con
servatism, and advised that the entire
matter be referred to the state con
ciliation board. It was felt during the
B. C, April 7. contracts ieeU here tmU ,ne dlssute witn
Frazer River Crop
Of Fruits All Sold
Game Warden Declares
War On Illegal Fishing
Portland, Or., . Apr. 7. War has put that man out of business until the
the Siller Falls Lumber company
would be amicably settled within a
short time.
-en deelared on commercial fbsher-
opening of the season. The spring
n"-n who are now being tempted to! closed season from March 1 to May i
"Perate Illegally during the closed sea-Jig designed to permit the fish to mi-
"on on account of the i .!n.i
n'i the high price of salmon, accord
to Carl D. Shoemaker, state We
Zun- Tne Columbia river in the vi
'lty of Portland eemt to be the fa
"te haunt and th Jart 10 dayg
en fishermen have been arrested
ar Portland and their gear has been
tan and sealed.
"In order to nut ij
h' ays the game warden,
issued orders to all of the war
grate up stream to ine spawi"s
ground. We have five patrol boats on
the river, all of them of the highspeed
type, and, together with the two boats
which the state of Washington has on
the river, tfie Columbia will be better
patrolled this year than ever before.
"Violators who are caught will not
only be required to pay their fine but
will suffer loss of their gear during the
I remainder of the closed season. The
commission will decide later wnetner
n to confiscate nets and boats, re it will be disposed of or turned back
"ve the gear from the fisherman and on May 1, when the season opens.
Wtuatlon I'nc-hauged
Silverton, April 7. Tne strike con
ditions at the Silver Falls Timber Co.
mill in this city have not changed dur
ing the past twenty four hours, ex
cept that a few men have been add 3d
to the force, and matters are still very
much unsettled. It is said that sever
al men arrived here from Portland
lpst evening expecting to work, but
when they learned of the conditions
returned to Portland. About for'y ;
members of the local union went to
Salem last night to attend a meeting
of the union at that place, anticipat
ing that some adjustment might be
Chicago, Apr. 7 Representatives m,
8600 members of the Brotherhood Lo
comotive Firemen and Knginemen em
ployed in the Chicago switching dis
trict to4ay had defied their union offi
cials ad voted to Join the unauthor
ised switchmen's strike called nearly a
week ago. -
Freight traffic through the expan
sive Chicago district already was re
stricted seriously and both aides agreed
that it the force of strikers was aug
mented such traffic would be brought
virtually to a standstill. -
The vote of the engineers and fire
men came in the face ot predictions of
grand officers of the Brotherhooa
Railway Trainmen and the Switch
men's union of North America, that by
Saturday the strike would be broken
by loyal union men rushed here from
other citiesv ,
The engineers and firemen declared
tney would not work with "scabs" as
they termed the loyal union men, and
also demanded an increased wage. En
glneers are paid $5.75 a day and they
demand $1.50 an hour; the firemen.
paid from $4.10 to $4.2S a day, de
manded $1 an hour. - .
Food Supplies Low.
Passenger trains would not be inter
fered "wtih, the strikers said.
Meanwhile supplies ot certain foods
and fuel were beginning to run low ln
Chicago and nearly. 20,000 employes
had been thrown out of work at the
stockyards by the stoppage of receipts
of cattle. It was stated that unless re
cetpts of livestock was resumed short
ly approximately 50,000 men would be
made idle. ; ' i
The switchmen continue their striksf
under an ultimatum from the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen that they
will forfeit their union memberships
unless they return to work by tomor
row night. They also would lose their
seniority standings with the railroads.
The strikers claimed early today
that 16,000 men already were out In
the district and that by night 25,000
would be on strike. Railroad officials
said about 2500 switchmen and yard
men were out. Office clerks and su
perintendents Joined the union strike
breakers In the yards yesterday.
Action Is Planned.
Grand lodge officers of the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen and the
Brotherhood of Firemen and Engine
men called theirdlvisional chairmen
on the twenty roads affected by the
strike to Chicago; today' to plan the
campaign against the strikers.
- More than 1000 union switchmen
are at work today as strike breakers.
Vice-president Whitney announced,
and similar action is expected to be
taken by the firemen and engtnemen.
B. Corigan and M. W. Cable, assist
ant (rand chief engineers, were in con
ference with the firemen and engnii
men chairmen this morning after vain
effort last night to pravent the unau
thorized strike of their men. There is
a great deal of sympathy in the broth
erhood ranks for the switchmen, Cor
rlgstn said. t
--; Situation Desperate.
" "The situation has become desperate
because of the fact that the wages paid
these men in the Chicago , terminals
were absolutely not enough to live on,'
Corrlgan said. "The strikers," he add
ed, "receive a schedule ranging from
$4 to $5.76 a day." Controlling, he
added: . -
. "Our men could look out the win
dows of their cabs and see common la,
borers receiving more than engineers
who had devoted years to their apprenticeship."
Railroad offices announced - this
morning that passenger trains were
moving virtually on schedule time, and.
that considerable quantities of freight
were being moved.
Only eighty cars of livestock reach
ed the stockyards this morning as
compared to a normal dally receipt of
1000 cars.
Buffalo Men Out.
Buffalo, N, Y., Apr. 7. Five hun
dred switchmen on the night shift of
all railroads entering Buffalo with the
exception of the Erie and Pennsylvaia
lines went on a strike last night and
this morning virtually tieing up all
freight in and out of the city. Up to
10:30 o'clock this morning, the day
shifts had not reported and It is be
lieved the strike will be general.
F. G. Sheehan, - president of the
switchmen's union, said the strike was
Cleveland Men Stick.
"Cleveland, Ohio, Apr. 7 W. S. Car
ter, president of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Englnemeni
had received no official report early
today of members of his organization
Joining the strike of switchmen in Chi
cago. "So far as this organization is con
cerned the Chicago strike is Illegal and
will be treated as such," Mr. Carter
Warren S. Stone, president of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engtneer
issued the following statement regard
ing the Chicago switchmen's strike:
"The strike of Chicago switchmen Is
illegal and will be so considered by the
engineers brotherhood."
Salina, Kan. 15,085, increase
5397 or 55.7 per cent.
Spartanburg, S. C 22,63$,
increase 6121 or 29.8 per cent.
Greenville, a C, 23,127, in
crease 7886 or 46.9- per cent
two Killed And
Five Hurt When
Hotel Destroyed
Seattle, Vah. .April 7. Anoth
er body, believed to be that of
Miss Blanche Crowe, Seattle, 20,
waa fonnd In the ruins ot the
Lincoln hotel here today. Miss
Crowe, It Is thought, was an em
ploye of Seattle restaurant.
Seattle, Wash., Apr. 7. Two persons
are known to be dead, five Injured and
Berlin, April . The German
charge d'affaires In Paris was in
structed today to hand the French
government a note protesting against
the French' occupation of Frankfort
and other territory on the right bank
ot the Rhine.
Say Treaty Violated - .
"We must In the name of Justice,
and humanity," the German note
says, "make the sharpest protest
against the French army. It cannot
possibly have been the intention of
a number of others received minor I
i quickly as possible in the part of Its
family hotel at Fourth avenue and r"lorVT' Berlous,y 'urDea oy
, u&nus oi ruuuers. . .
Madison street. In the downtown dis
trict, with a property loss estimated at
approximately $400,000.
The dead:
Fred R. Hamilton, 50, Berkeley,
Cat, killed by leaping from fifth floor.
Berlin, Apr. 7. Occupation of German cities in the neutral
zone east of the Rhine by French troops was denounced in an of
ficial statement today. It is declared the government did every
thing to prevent this "unheard of action, which is neither in ac
cordance with the sense of the peace treaty npr its scope and is
out of proportion with the insignificance of our measures in the
Ruhr region." :
Prince of Wales
And Party Visit
San Diego Today
San Diego, Cal., April 7. Edward.
Prince of Wales, and heir to the Brit
ish throne, arrived oft Point Loots,
early today and there the cruiser Re
nown, carrying htm to the Antipodes,
lay to and awaited events planned
here for today and tomorrow.
The prince and members of hi
party are to be guests of San Diego
for the two days. A commute ot
citizens and prominent British resi
dents will be taken to the Renown at
11:80. Thereafter luncheon will b-j
served aboard the Idaho.
After luncheon the prince and his
party will come ashore and will b
guests on an automobile ride to near
by points. The ride will terminate at
San Diego's out'door auditorium,
where tha prince will apeak briefly,
using a sound amplifying device that
was tried out when Prestuent Wilsen
was heard last fall, and by the aid of
which it Is expected that 60,000 per
sons can hear his voice.
Following the speech the prlnrej
will be taken to Ihe hotel Del Coron
ado, where he will be the dinner guevt
of Mayor and Mrs. Wilde of San Die
g. The day's events will conclude
with a ball. .
the treaty ot Versailles to prevent
hi.rta . th t .iJ. Germany from restoring order aa
today destroyed the Hotel Lincoln, a
'The movement in tha Ruhr region
if it had not been quickly opposed,
would have shaken the republic to li
foundations both politically and eco
-Mi88nQi?y Ha'nilton. 21, daughter of ea the movement qulckIy collapsed.'
r red R. Hamilton, jumped from fifth nt ,... nt th.t
The note points out that alleged
violations of the treaty must, under
the terms of that instrument, be re
dressed by all the signatories on th.
allied side and not by a single one,
acting independently.
Occupation Continues
Frankfort, April 7. Occupation ot
The injured: '
Charles F. LaCasse, fireman
Martin Elliott, fireman.
H. Fogelqulst, fireman.
C. W. Tebault, newspaperman.
An unidentified woman.
Hundreds of spectators gatherea in
the streets, saw Hamilton and his Homburg by French troops today vlr-
aaugmer jump to tneir aeams. r'lre- tually completes the operations out
men, cummng the sides of the build- lined to General DeOoutte, in charge
lng. with scaling ladders, rescued a nf the occupation movement, in h't
number of guests whose escape had orders from the war office. The en
been cut off. ,Over two hundred guests- tire plan has been carried out with
scantily clad, made their way to safe-' out any significant incident.
ty down smoke-filled stairways. I The inhabitants of Frankfort arj
The building, a seven story brick j accepting the occupation with com
and frame structure with basement plete outward indifference.
and sub-basement, was wrecked ry
falling walls,
was saved.
Little of the contents
Aix La Chappelle, Rhenish Prus
sia, April 7. German government
A. A. Wright, night clerk, sitting at troops are marching on Dusseldorf
the telephone switchboard, heard the Occupation of the town Is expected
fire start with an explosion, ln the. late this evening or tomorrow morn
basement. Smoke immediately began lng.
to pour up the elevator Bhaft. Wright i
stuck to his switchboard, working as I . . Brlttah Hold Back
tust as he could ringing the room tel-.l London, April 7. There is little
ephones and arousing the guests. H probability of Great Britain particl
said he had no idea how .juaiw rooms patlng in the French advance into
he reached. Wright worked at th3 Germany aa far as can be ascertained
.board until he was k choked by. at present, and, according to a statf-
smoke he could not speak. Iment current in some quarters, th'i
One fire victim, Leon B. . Hanan, British government feels Itself placed
who said he was a French war veter- iln an awkward position by the Frnch
an, leaped from the second story in '.occupation of Herman cities.
his bare feet Just as the flames burst j When such a move was discussed
through his door. Mayor Hugh M. recently at the meeting of the am
Caldwell placed Hanan in his automo- bassadors council, it is said Great
bile and rushed him to a hospital. Ha- Britain and Italy dissented, or at any
nan said he lost "his all, Including $1,- rate strongly urge the necessity of
500 ln francs, $800 in bonds, a dia- care(ul consideration before taking
mond ring and a French croix do any definite steps. Consequently. It
guerre. jwas not expected mat r ranee wou'.u
Spectators said probably the most proceed to occupy the neutral zone
daring rescue occurred when two live without their formal approval.
men scaled the wall to the seventh
story and lowered two women to safe
ty. ;
2 Bills Barring
Socialists Are
Proposed Today
Invasion Halts Agreement
- Paris, April 7. Entry of German
government troops Into the Ruhr dis
trict interrupted tentative negotiations
' for an economic understanding be
tween France and Germany, and in
i authoritative circles here there Is a
conviction It was deliberately plan
ned for that purpose;
In the course of the conversations
on the subject, Germany asked France
what would be necessary as a baaU
for such an understanding. The reply
was that the terms of the Versailles
treaty must be .executed. It is thu
.-.. -...
Iowa Farms Are
Indunated When
Levee Crumbles
.... .'.-. A ' -
,i . .. v .
Muscantlne, Iowa, Apr. 7. A break
in the Muscatine island levee at a point'
about 12 miles south "Of this city late
fast night' has inundated thousands ot
acres of farm land and the overflow
of a considerable part of South Musca
tine is threatened.
At least 20.000 'acres of farm land,
will be considered by from three to 18
feet of water. But little livestock was
savod. -
' Hundreds of workmen are engaged
In erecting a barrier across a slough
which extend upwards from the flood
ed' area to the city. , Only the success
ot this enterprise will stop the neces
sity of several thousand people leaving
their homes.
The lower part of Muscatine island,
which is famed for its truck crops, ls
an Island sea many miles in extent.
The break occurred within a mile of
the point where similar flood orig
inated four years ago. A thirty eec
gap soon extended the length of a city
block and the roar of the on ruBhlng
waters could be heard miles away.
It 1 expected that the break here
will result in a lowering of the stage at
other points thus reducing the danger
of floods elsewhere,
Albany, N. Y., Apr. 7. Two bills de
signed to carry out the recommenda'
tton of the assembly judiciary commit
tee "for barring the socialist party of theory here that the military party
America from participation ln politics In Germany confronted with there
in New York state" were introduced in conditions prefered to take radical
the legislature today. action,
One measure Is Intended to require German regular forces entered the
the attorney general of the state to be Ruhr ' valley, it is pointed out, when
gin an action ln the appellate division, Premier Lloyd-George and Earl Cur
third department, for a judicial deter- on, British secretary of state for for
mlnation of the question whether the elgn affairs, were away from London,
"principles, doctrines or policies" of and it was Impossible for France to
the socialist party, "It carried into ef- communicate with her allies regard
feet would destroy, subvert or endan- lng the situation. A similar state of
ger the government of the state and affairs existed late ln July, 1914
nation," when President Polncare and th-j
The companion measure is designed French foreign minister were absent
to amend the public officers law relat- 'rom France and Germany and Aus-
i lng to qualifications of persons to hold trla beKan aggressions which began
office and to provide for their exclu- ,ne woria war.
Pittsburg. Kan., April 7. After a
plea of guilty to the charge of con
tempt had been made for Alexander
Howat and two other Kansas min
ers' union officials, when they faced
District Judge Andrew J. Curran to
day, their attorney withdrew the plea.
The officials will face trial Friday
morning. Howat and August Dorchy
vice president and Thomas Harvey,
secretary-treasurer, were admitted to
British Plan To
Prevent Spying
sion from public office and preventtiis,
the exercise of official duties.
Toledo, Ohio. Toledo's clocks were
Canada Building
Homes For Veterans
Vancouver, B. C, April 8. Forty-,
seven dwellings, to be sold to veter
ans on the long term payment plan,
have been constructed or are under
construction by the City of Vancouver,
it was annuonced recently The pro
vincial government turned over $300,
000 to the city to be used as a re
volving fund for the construction of
the homes. The fund was obtained by
the province from the Dominion gov
ernment, under the Soldiers' Housing
Smith Again Files
For Re-eEeltcon'As
County School Head
Stating that ln the execution ot the f
duties of his office, he will fulfill all
requirements to the best of his abll--ity,
W. M. Smith, county superintend
ent of schools, filed declaration of
candidacy for reelection Wednesday.
Superintendent Smith has serveiJ
Marion county in this office for 1J
years receiving the approval of Ma
rlon county voters for three consec
utive terms, in addition to serving one
year by appointment. No other can
didates for the office have filed
to the present time.
Hayward, Cal., April 7. John Cal
vin Merrill. 84, credited with the lu-
turned ahead one hour on March 28, ventlon of barbed wire when he wa
under sn nrdinance nasned bv theifarmlnK near Dubuque, lowa,
city council.
I years ago, died here recently.
Socialist Mayor
Named Third Time
Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 7. Unoffi
cial tabulation of returns from 184 of
London, April 7. The British gov.
ernment Is taking steps to restrict the
Sn " ountrtes'-ThV House -Tf!'" rave Daniel
Common, has st adopted anti-spy; JY" Ho,,n' ,oclalt mayor', ,a ,ead of
regulations at the request of Sir Ern-I vtot" ovfrta n""' m,?P'
est Pollock, the solicitor general, who!nent lor re-election, Clifton Williams,
told the members of the House that; Mr- Hoan s indicated majortt, -
information was now being collected: greater than that he scored two years
here for foreign governments and that ag over hit non-partisan opponent,
this oueht to be stopped for the sake'208. The vote stood Hoan, $7,623;
of the country's safety.
"Spies are as active In this country
as ever, said urigaoier General cock.
at the War Office.
Williams, 34,018.
Orville C. Piatt of Spokane has bn
director of Special Intelligence elected president of the Inland Empire
I Teachers' association.
Berlin, April 7. A special session o -f the national assembly
will be held Saturday. The call for the session was issued today
following a conference between the heads of the political parties
and the government.
London, April 7. Recent unconfirmed reports of a Sinn Feirt
plot for an armed uprising in Ireland were based on fact, accord
ing to the Irish police. They state that they are in possession of in
formation not only indicating a risiing was intended but that cer
tain Germans in Berlin had been engaged to furnish war material.
Athens, April 7. Greek troops have been authorized by the
supreme military council of the allies to advance in Asia Minor in
anticiptaion of an eventual attack by' Mustapha Kemal. They have
occupied a strategic position east of the sector they have held
around, Smyrna, according to a dispatch to the newspaper Ethnoa.
Athens, April 7. It is announced here that an Italian com
mrecial mission has arrived in Athens on the way to Russia to
negotiate with the soviet government for the purchase of raw ma
terials for manufactures. The mission, it is stated, is provided
with several million rubles m cash.