Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 06, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1920.
11 Ground Town
club; Leslie Morris is secretary. The Cal., is in Sale mas the guest of her
enterprise will be known as the Cap- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Fronti
ital National Bank Poultry Club. j Nonh Kront for
April War Mathers meet
Commercial club, 1:J0 p. m.
April Marioa-Polk Coua
tj Medical association. Com
mercial club. 7:J p. m.
April 5. Art appreciation
class meets In library, lp.D,
April S War Mothers meet
ing. Commercial club, 2:39 p.
April . American Legion
meeting, armory, 7:39.
April 7. Lecture recital on
American music, library, 1:30
p. m.
Aprit 7 Meeting of Sweet
Briar club, heme of Miss Nellie
Taylor on Wallace road.
April 8,--Old time concert,
St. Joseph's hall, 8 p. m.
April 11. Game, Salem vs.
Hoosejaw club.
April 13. Monthly meeting
of Salem Art League, library,
8 p. m..
April 13 Kegular meeting
Salem Cherrians, Commercial
club, 8 p. m.
April 17. Debate, Willam
ette and College of Puget
April 18- BIojsc-m Day in
Marion county. .
April 21. Willamette Glee
club concert.
April 23. Howard E. Weed
lecture on '"City Beautiful,"
Commercial club, 8 p. m.
April 23. Debate, Willam
ette and Pacific. University.
April 30. Pageant, "Awak
ette and McMinnville College,
ening of Spring," opera bouse,
April 30. Debate. Wlllam-
Mny 1. Benefit Dance, Com
pany M, Armory.
The lecture by Miss Ethel Sawyer; eral da"- Mrs- Rfley accompanied by
scheduled to be held in the auditor! her husband, made the trip by motor,
ium of the public library this month, and has a woeful tale to tell about
Joeckel is principal of the school and'nas Dn Ptponed until some time the condition of some of the roads.
Mrs. Ethel McCoy is in charge of the ,n 41ay- Tn utl os tne lectur w At. Smiths Hill, the dread of every
primary grades. nciion. ana tne ctbhivb rveau-i motorist, tne party was obliged to
er." Miss Sawyer is delivering a ser-istay all night in a mud hole. After a
Tractor owners, attention. Tou I ies ot Iecture ' Portland and will go, brief visit with relatives and friends
should be interested in a small thresh I a?t ln the ear,y ummer to give the i Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Riley will
er with wind sucker and self feeder. I aaD1 cours ln m 01 we leading motor to Seattle
bow on exhibition at tha rKsriu o icuies mtre.
Archerd Implement company. Ca.l
and examine it. 84
See baseball today: score at Otto
Klett's for Pacific Coast league. 83
lEvidenc leading to th amrf a
The regular monthly business meet- w n . H(,rn(ion in Anhnr. w..h
tag of the Salem Art League will be Mondav on a charge of forgery com
hoid in the public library Tuesday, j miMed hen gathered through
AprU 1J at 8 p. m. (the efforts of Officer Lee Morelock,
. " T . , , 1 who, after Herndon's departure froii
An exceptionally Important meeting' ' " . '""'this city, placed it in the hands of
juw pinning ucpsniiiciii vi uie morn- ntkl. yat- v- - ; j
of the Teachers' club will be held ln.ig Salesmen, was a Portland visitor .Zt.t T
r.,ju. , ... oi.j ..-j iOf tn city. Herndon is said to have
at 8 p. m. Tuesday, April . Miss Cor-I
nelia Marvin will tell of interesting. A. B. Stewart,, proprietor of a ma
experienees during her recent viist to chine repair shop on Court street.
the Orient. Several musical numbers made a business trip to Portland Mon-
have been provided. Following this day
program the regular monthly busi
ness meeting will be held.
See baseball today: score .at Otto
A. D. Spier, formerly owner of .
second hand dtore on Kor.h Commer
cial street, s spending the Week in
passed a check at Barnes Cash, store
and received 825 change after pur
chasing a quantity of goods. This hap
pened March 25, Officer Morelock
Klett's for Pacific Coast league. 83 :DallaB. " business.
The theft of an auto robe from his
auto as it was standing near the Ja
Bon Lee church Sunday night, Was
reported by J. B. Parker, 480 North
19th street, to police today Mr. Park
Thursday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. I laa -ner, of Los Angeles, who," B'a " WKS apparent an at-
under the auspices of the Marion ;veral years ago was manager of ai mpt was aiso mane to start nui auto
County Children's Bureau. Dr. Frank1 restauranl on Commercial
Brown, specialist, will address the
Ike Walton List
Grows As Marion
Men Get Licenses
With reports ot good fishing pros
pects coming in, residents of this
county are making heavy inroads in
the license blank supply for the coun
ty. The growing list of nimrods would
make a good sample deturn sheot
for the recently completed census.
The Capital Journal is receiving .data
regarding the condition of the many
streams in this section, and a list o'
fishing streams and conditions will
Angling licenses have been issued
to G. P. Maines, Redne; Herman Bar
tell, Moreley; Chas. Sappingfield,
Chat. Sappingfield, Jr., J. Kenneth
Rogers, S C. Northrup, August
Schukey, John McCulley, tieorge
Downing, W. J. Dirr, Vale Hagedorn,
D. C. Burton, Ed Sams, A. E. Darbv.
Harold Kuhn. A. H. Leichty, A. 3
Spong, R. W. Rat ilen, W. H. Wood
worth, E. Graber, W. L. Heise. J. E
Main, Joseph Graber, W. R. Ruth. E.
Parson, E. N. Warmott. E. W. Can
Portland School
Teacher Loses In
retary of state at Salem her declara
tion of candidacy tor delegate from
the third congressional district to the
republican national convention. Mrs.
C i L7 C 1 ' !orlnruP ' Sttlit' o be the first woman
OUlt COT Oalary of thisstate to enter the race as a ca.i
rc, H Tart of Portland ! didate for delegate. In her deohw
never having "signed a contract" j
with school district No.
man county but being dependent on-
ly upon her appointment to the posi- j JflQUCSt Of B0S
tion by the acting superintendent of) '
Death On I oday
support the peoples choice for oresi-
1 of Multno- HPn.
schools was not a "regularly appoint
ed teacher" and therefore has no
claim against the school oistrlct. ex
cept for the time actually engaged in
teaching. This is the opinion of Jus
tice Burnett handed down by the su
preme court this morning reversing
the degree of Judge Robert Tucker
of the Multnomah county circuit
court and dismissing the action It!
mandamus by which Mrs. Taggart
sought to compel the Portland school
board to restore her to a place on the
teaching staff ot the Lincoln high
"The statutes have prescribed th-
door by which the teacher may enitr
Portland, Or., Apr. $. The coroners
inquest over the body of Wayne Cason,
19-year-old boy who was killed in the
local police station last Sunday even
ing during a struggle with policemen,
was not completed last night and wsis
to be resumed this evening. Cason, ac
cording to the version "of the tragedy
told by the police, tost his life when a
revolver fell from a pocket of a polio
man, exploded by the impact, the but
let entering the youth's chest.
noy. E. H. Arnold, C. W. Elgin, John j UDOn th Pth whlcn ultimately
Butcher, John Humphrey. Chest -Yantis,
R. H. Savage, G. W. Walton.
Charles Adams, Carl I. O'Neil, E. S.
Hartman, E. B. Palxel, Russell Smith.
F. A. Given, Clarence Adams, F. C
Nichols, J. B. Wyant, Ralph I. Stev
ens, O. H. Nebr, E. R vsirin, J. K
Smith, A. J. Saylor, F. L. Woodward,
istreot, and who has been the guest of i Additional donations were being
mothers of Salem on the i of th inemts ln i-ortland and Salem for ths , receiveo py tne nospitai committee
ear. The lecture will begin promptly past few weeks, !eft Tuesday for her) today. Among the larsar donatlor!E. J. Dixon. H. H. Reynolds. A. Smith
at 2:30. as the rlontnr h nniv . .." vuiuurma.
iwere 1100 from the Miller Mercanti'c
ited time to spare. It Is expected that
a great many mothers will avail them
i, selves of the opportunity to hear Dr.
in the auditorium nf th rmmioi have" been visiting in Salem for sev
Brown. The lecture will take place eral weeks- have moved to the 40-acre
' company, successors to Meyers, and
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Valentine, for-j $100 from Irwin Griffith, who is at
mcrly of Baker City, Oregon, who present sojourning in San Dieeo.
E.l. Smith, C. M. Cox," P. W Hub-
ranch in Polk county, five miles from; 14th street, have as their guests for
Salem, which they purchased recent- a few davs. their son. Henrv Bar.'.
A valuable battery testing lnstru-"y' and wiU make that thelr Permon-iand Raymond Cudahy; ack Johnson
ment, the owner of which has not yet
been found by police, was found on
bard, Chester A Mee, E. A. Olson, Sa
lem. Combination hunting and angling
licenses: B. N. White. J. P. Zeilinsk',
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Barr 185 Norr?i jL. L. MillcT, H. V. Doe, Salem; W
E. Vincent, Jr., Jefferson; Jay Crohno
Edward F. Wright, Salem.
Hunters: Lute Savage, Salem; Er
nie Todd, Jefferson.
cherry avenue Monday afternoon by Mrf. winnlfred Pettijohn, arrested)
and Derwin McCarter, all students of
Columbia university in Portland.
H. L. Clark, of f!lark' Tir lor ""ving an auto past a standing F. V. Brown of Dallas is actlne a.i
319 North Commercial street. The ap- 8treet car- P'ead K"ty when arraign-j manager of the Spa during the ab
paratus was turned over to police, , efo,.e olice Judge Race tllls morn-'sence of Frank Myers who is ln Vic,
who are holding it pending the ar- Sn! and w' ,,.1 '?' She waB ar" toria, B. C. attending a convention of
leads to the position of permanent
employment," the opinion reads.
Calling attention to the fact that
Mrs. Taggart had "never signed a con
tract with . the district the opinion
declares that "at her peril she de
pended upon her transaction with the
superintendent, who really had no au
thority and if he bad, could not and
did not exercise it as the law re
Portland Woman
Would Be Delegate
Portland, Or., Apr. 8. Mrs. Frank
O. Northrup, member of a pioneer fam
ily of Oregon, today filed with the sec
Court House News
Circuit Court
B. F. Boughey va G. D. Treat. Mo
Catherine Hill vs Edward L. Hill. IMonday evening the girl's foster par- at nUl home wa reported to the police
enta, according to police reports. "avase.
brought her to headquarters claiming
that they could do nothlna with her i mrs- Jtoung ana cniiaren.
Police, in turn, placed her in the cus- Edl,h Donald and Harvey, who have
tody of County Judge Bushey. ' . Deen visiting in Salem for several
' ' (days, returned to their home in Toledo
A permit to erect a garage on his Tuesaay-
property on D street, between Cot-
tage and Winter, was issued Monday! Mias Grac Taylor, 448 Center street
evening at the city recorder's office was called Corvallis Monday by
Order on county treasurer for pay
ment of suit money, etc.
Probate Court
"Rebecca Caroline Wright, estat.
Order to show cause why order of
sale of real property should not be
Rebecca Caroline Wright, estate.
Beml-annual report and petition for
an order to "sell real property.
Rebecca Scholl, estate. Final ac
count. Rebecca Scholl, estate. Order fix
ing time for hearing filial account.
Andrew Duval; estate." Semi-annual
Rebecca Scholl, estate. Vouchers.
Marriage Licenses" ,
William Evans, 22, of 482 South
High street, a farmer, to Frances
Turner, 19, of 244 South High street.
Walter R. Liesy 20, of 605 Wilbur
street, a sawmill worker,
fitowall, 17, of Stayton. " '
to Zora
Daily Statistics
rival of its Owner.
.rested by Traffic Officer Moffitt,
During f the absence of Judge Geo.
Goldie Gldlev. 16. who reontiv ,' A blcyc'e. toen Saturday night
caught by police here after sha hart from Homer Hulsey, was recovered G. Bingham, who Is holdin? court it
fled her home at Scotts Mills after by Polle lust night at the home ofTlbany, there will be no court in the
taking a horse and riding through the H- H- Savag. 245 South 15th street, local department No. 2, until April
night until she reached Salem, today whre tne tn,ef had apparently aban-u( the calendar being blank until
was in custody of the juvenile court doea it. The presence of the bicycle that date.
William Farnum in Louis Tracy's
"Wings of the Morning," at the Ore
gon beginning Sunday. 85
to Oscar B. Gingrich, local auto deal- the "'"e of her brother, C. W. Tay
er. Costs of the garage will be ap- ,or'
proximately $300. "
' j Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Nadon, who
Eighteen persons- were placed in have been quests at the home of Mrs.
positions by the municipal labor bur- Naaon'g parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
eau during the last week, according Eckerlin. 605 North Liberty street,
to the regular weekly report prepared nave returned to their home in Har
by City Recorder Race, head of the rlsburB-
affenCY. for the federal omnlovmAnt .
office at San Francisco. Men were out A trlnaly scuffle during which
to work ln hopyards, as janitors, at
door was broken in on the Poisel
highway work, on farm's and at truck Shaw Btore Commercial and Mil
driving, according to the report
ler streets, was brought to the atten
tion of the police Monday afternoon.
Earl Headrick "The Man Who o,fl0er Rowe, detailed to investigate
Sings" is busy these days rounding up rePrtea that E. Miller and Grant
signatures of ex-service men who are K1eMnger had Deen S0uffllnar, and
in line for the bonus measures now be- tnat they nad burst tne door ln
fore congress. Mr. Headrick. who K1ehtlinger agreed to pay the costs.
Seattle Sheriff
Acts To Prevent
Highway Holdups
Seattle, Wash, April t. Fifteen
men, all said to be-drug users, have
been arrested by police who are
searching for a man known as
"Blackie" alleged to have killed hie
brother robber, Elmer Cady, after the
two held up six automobiles and kill
ed Deputy Sheriff R. E. Scott here
early Sunday. "BlacSie" was describ
ed as a drug user.
Deputy sheriffs, armed with sawed
off shotguns and having orders to
shoot to kill, will feg stationed on
roads leading to Seattle, Sheriff John
Stringer announced today. Automo
bile hold ups on the highways to and
from the city are Increasing, Sheriff
Stringer said.
Presented by
The Snikpoh Dramatic Society
of the
Salem High School
April 9th
High School Auditorium
8:15 o'clock .
Seat reervation at High School, Wednesday morning
April 7th, 8 a. m.
35c and 50c
Armenian Relief
Friday , April 9
Prices 50c to $1.50
Tit t
"Bringing Up Father
In Society"
the cartoons have ever made yon
laugh, it is probable the same char
acters in flesh and blood will mal a
you roar.
CHESTNUT To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd served overseas, and is well known in'
K. Chestnut, 390 Knott street, Port
land, Oregon, a son, March 26, 1920.
He has been named Lloyd Earl, Jr.
Mt?RHAMMER To Mr. tnd Mrs. H.
M. Murhammer, Salem, a son,
weight 8 pounds, April 3, 1920.
Love, Jeweler,
watchmaker, Bx-
A. E. Berry,, whose residence Is
Eola, spent Monday and Tuesday in Clough, has been ill at her residence,
Salem, and Is anxious to eet into tne assertion or Joseph Tuleja
touch with all ex-service men. "Do that n'8 father. Jacob Tuleja, was pre
you want the bonus? Do you want It paring t0 Ieave this ca"ty with Un
as cash, as a loan, or in land?" are flfiIled BUirdian obligations, County
Headrlck's main queries. Those in- Judge Wl M' Bushey iss,Jed a" "rder
terested will find suitable question- Tuesday. requiring tU guardian to
aires at the desk at the Bligh Hotel. appear In court Tu,eJa- whose marllal
The survey Is being made for the Stars troubles and neighborhood difficul-
and Stripes, the service men's news- "es have -been alred ln court durln
paperi the past two months, will be asked
- to show why he should not furnish
Mrs. A. M. Clough, wife of Coroner' ?ultabl? bond ln the KrHanship of
the Tuleja minors.
Baby chicks, 558 Slate. Phone 400.
W. N. Downing of Shaw, was a Sa
tem visitor, Tuesday. - ,
Maxwell touring car for sale, $650.
Call Liberty garage. 86
1128 Broadway, for about a week, was
much improved today, and hor speedy
recovery was expected. I
Amos Beach of Woodburn, was
visitor to the office o county Clerk
U. G. Boyer Tuesday. Mr. Beach a!
John Conger, printer, was the guest' though nearly 78 y"enrs of age- is ab,e
of relatives in Portland over. Eaata.-. to read and writ without the aid of
returning to Salem Monday afternoon. Blasses- He saw four years of service
during the Civil war and went thru
Boys and girls of Salem and vicinity more than a 8C0re of battles, remen,
are taking a great deal of interest in betfng Gettysburg, the Wilderness
the poultry club which was oreanized and 1any others. While in Salem, ho
G. H. Addis, of Woodburn, visited Saturday under the auspices of the ecured a hunting and fishing license,
friends and transacted business nl
this city, Monday.
Cirl wanted at the Gray Belle.
The Utility Sale for which the Wo
man's Union has, for weeks, been pre
paring, will be held on Friday and
Saturday at the Oscar B. Gingrich
Motor and Tire building, 371 Court
St House dresses, aprons, lingerie,
rag rugs, bags, plants, - cooked food,
etc., etc. - 83
Capital National bank. The youthful saying that there is nothing like thi
poultry raisers met in the offices of out ot door life to "keep a person
Superintendent! W. M. Smith, who young."
was chosen as club leader. Harry j
Brunkey, is president of the new Mrs. Catherine Riley of Calixlco,
T. A. Walker, registered at
Bligh, Monday from Coquille.
Be thrifty. Have Perry and Wood
do your automobile repairing and
save money on guaranteed work. 805
N. Liberty St. Phone 1169. 82
Girl wanted at the Gray Belle.
Noah King, Clara King and R. M.
Gray, all residents of Veneta, Oregon,
topped at the Bligh, Monday night.
Girl wanted at the Gray Belle.
Poultrymen will find It to their in
terest to call on the Charles R. Arch
ed Implement company for poultry
supplies. 83
K. L. Kirk, formerly principal, of
the Salem High school, but now sup
erintendent of city schools at Eugene,
"was re-electd treasurer of the Inland
Empire Teachers' Association at the
meeting held at Spoken recently.
A basket social held at the Salem
Heights school, Friday, April 2, net-
au ior tne tuna wnicn me scnuoi
is raiding for the purpose of acquiring
-wiiuatuucu eimjpmeufc. aii i "h.
1 -."V r
Need a Partner
Has your business reached the point where an
energetic partner with experience and money is
desirable? Nearly every business, as it develops,
requires more than one guiding mind. And,
usually two men working together can each make
more money than either could going it alone.
Or, if you would like to acquire a partnership
in an established business read our Want Ad
columns. If the particular kind of business you
want is not advertised insert a Want Ad of your
own. It will give you quicker returns than you
could get in any other way.
Details in Want Ad are Important
mm to IniMt iSM trnum
In a ruitliy irolo nuurfartunnf
bunioai. BaUtftaorr U
(Ink UK tbtrn
& vmjAHis dUUt of F wm
nd of jomW ta W
Knricnml ti-Krewivo man. us 41,
bu MtM) run with ' wlueh U ao
Quira ao attiro Interuat n an mb
lishcd dry C'joda buaftwa Hfra
must be locate in a growing my.
l!a bad 15 Tari rxM-rlcr-, IWr
trrm requiral and pita. Ail-MlfFS:
f? Want Ads like these in this newspaper bring
principals together to their mutual profit quickly
and at low cost. It is an excellent habit to
Read and Use the. Want Ads in
Regular meeting of
Capital Post No. , Am
erican Legion on Tues
day night at 7:30 at the
armory. Dept. Comman
der W. B. Folett will be
present. Important meeting. Nomina
tion of officers. , 83
Service. Our earn
est endeavor to give
satisfaction, and su
perior service, la
evidenced, by the
courtesy of our staff
the efficiency of our
management. The
Bntlefavtlrivt nf All
C p clients and the qual
Ity of service ren
dered, quality. Cour
tesy. Efficiency.
mmmmmmm Meet Me at Miners m$m$$mmm
Owing to the change in ownership the
Main room of "MILLER'S" will
For the purpose of invoicing.
and all customers will please use the
Court Street Entrance
You Can Always Do Better At
Who Always Does Better By You
Open for Business Thursday Morning
4 . a
f s -
. "- y
4 ;
1 -
V v 1 i
r , X
.A ", ji M, Al
i ...
": 't.
t f
.a af-
11 4 lv the ilWMi luu.. for oi..en Hmti...d ly M n j,-e- J 1 11. ill-., vt lU. '. II..- In. ' - - I l " "i " v
u ,.otDr from asli tray u Hgarefte. From Wit to rU;lU ore JH-s J.i ':ati.. 1-ion-mit.e llahcl." 1-o.oUi, fcu.'i'lvr -a M..l-