Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 06, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Llay Day Dance
Yifl Be Given
h"W."Vr. Ih .1
j be
I at.
ies-V'to any military msarr TWO ' RCpUbliCttll
niainst he Gei mans, the newspaper
vuuuiUUitO 1 Ul
Delegates in Race
As Guard Event Republicans of .
New York Select
Delegates Today
Mem bent of Company "M" are plan- j
niftjr, t g:va one of the best benefit
affaire of the s-.-ason. May 1st, being j
elected a the date of tlie dance,!
whkh will oe held at the Armory.
Proceeds from the (lance will be
anted to provide the com puny with ,
special nitss fund for the lummer
encampment, while the guard Is not
34,000 Letters
Cancelled In Day
In Local Office
Second Trial Of
Clark For Taylor
Murder Started
Salem residents who have n
irnte ilei ol the anii'iini oi uusmrs
Fc?n Or.. April . lhe sfcoii.
trial of Martin A. Ciark. one-? convict
ed of murder in the second t. re on
the thars. of r.-.ur.'.wii! Charles L.
Tk lor at McKeniic Hridge, J"1?'
191b, resumed hire Monday.
Chirk was irrsnted a new trial by
Las' Wednesday 10,() U tters were!ju'se O F. Skipworth o the grounds
cancelled; last Thursday 19,000 went that the verdict was not justified by
through the machine, while last Friday : the evidence. The jury deliberated
the records show that 34.000 left the; three hours and brought in its verdL-t
local office. These figures do not in-0f piuruYr in the second degree, and
elude parcel post matters. I thr-e weeks later the verdict was set
Postmaster Huckestien in comment-' aside and new trial pranted.
inc on the volume of business stated i Clark and Charles L. Taylor camped
for rieleeatn from the nt at larire Monday that the office is oeing taxed , together near McKenzie Bridge on tne
in today's state wide primaries. With1.. ,h- .,ubiiCan national convention ' to Hs Unlit, ?"d that if the record of ; r,ji;U of July 24. 1919, and the nett
by the office forces at the post-
oft re, it will be of interest to Know
Expressing 'a prefereneefor either 'that from December 1, 1519. to April
Wood or Hoover as the republican j, i jg. 1.332.UU0 letters went through
candidate for president, Charles H 'the canctlling machine at the office.
Carey of Riverdale, ilondi.y, filed his
, nominating petition with the secretary
, .... .j, iof state's office here as a candidate
New York. April ..-Republican ( of republican na
in seventeen conRTeawuuai ;tional convention from the state at
districts end one In the state at large , large.
i. .1 ..,-.... .,-.. f,w delate, to the national conven- Clarence R. Hotchkiss of Portland
v" "" .v..-...- ' V l ,A ... JU..,,
ments, a first class program of. dance tlon furnished the principal Interest i " . . , it
" ur.d. j. ,v.. . nrlmarlea With ' If ".I,." ' ' 1. !. " ' " "1 1
-Remember the date!" Is the alusani'" ' . .C: T. ... ' ... lu luo r'",,ra national cor
f ,h. mr,lm h r. ied.d to!ln I,-Pon nu. u-declare, ln hi, platform that -world
talk -dance" for the next few weeks' trict ln Manntlan' "here t'0 na conditions demand the return of the
in order to keep up Interest In theiP""1 candidates for delegates are republican party to power."
caning event , P1d8ed to "pport Herbert Hoover, otner canaidates filing Monday
At the present time th. Salem unit I'"' tne Pr'ntial nomination all of were.
lias a muster of 80 men. Several ap-th contu wer made hy candidates, R x Milerj M1Itoni candidate for
plications for enlistment have been ,avorin,f ,h "'""'nation of Senator the nomination for repre-
recevted lately and the company will "Jm v . jonnson m wmunu.. '"P.sentative from the twenty third rep-
Da omit op to aoout lve strengtn ac
cording to present plana
Since receiving the new federal
equipment there has been a notice
able Improvement ln the appearance
of the company. With the establish
ment of a federal pay basis, company
officers report a change for the bet
ter In attendance. One feature of the
Monday night meeting la the lunch
which Is prepared by the company
coon, -some coos, too," as one
khaki-clothed guardsman phrased It
as he Juggled a cup of steaming hot
chocolate and a "life size" ham
sandwich, at ths "feed" last night
regufar xepunucan ueieBaira, nam-' rfiotri
ed by the unofficial state convention. K p..k; ' tj.ii... MndMt.
last February, will go to the conven
tlon uninstructed.
The only contest for places on eith
er the republican or democratic ."big"
four" delegations was that made
by Former State Senator William M. 1
Bennett of Brooklyn, who is pledged
i to support Johnson. Thirteen ot the
French Troops
Occupy Towns
(Continued from page one)
for the democratic nomination for
district attorney for Polk county.
Leon B. Baketel, Portland, candi
date for republican nomination for
state representative from the eigh
teenth representative district.
J. N. Helgerson, Dallas, candidate
;... l . i : : w. : 9 ..
contests were waged in Manhattan ,0,"""":u" '"r
anri Rrnnlclvn cnnirrl.inl rti.trlct , " 111 "r rom coumy.
the past few months keeps up it w
be necessary to employ more help.
Except for two tests of strength
for assembly district leaders there
were no contests among the demo
crats ln this city.
feet the allies are not participants
in the movement.
"France will enforce respect o th
Versailles treaty but the allies will
not help to do it," Is a caption appear
lag In today's edition of the Ueuvre,
the inference drawn being that the
purely platonlc nature of the allied
support is due to failure on the pa-t
of M. Mlllerand and his aides to meet
the exigencies of the situation,
l'ertlnax, political editor of Echo
Da Paris, says more concrete support
will be forthcoming as a result of tho
premier's statement Issued last night.
Hs says M. Mlllemnd "feels capable
or convincing President Wilson, hln.
en, it he s still guided by rules of
Wilson's Vk'W Oppnwcri
-air, Wilsons memorandum of
March 29,'' the writer continues, 'said
dispatch of more German troops Into
Buhr region must. In his opinion, be
Justified by the courae of events. Wo
do not expect pamlve acceptance of
an acconipllHlied fact from our allies
but the confident assistance to which
they have accustomed us."
Premier Wellerand's note on the
aubjeot of occupying Uerman oltlos
ant of the Rhine declared ths Ber
lin government had "given way to
pressure by the riillltiirlst party," and
lhat the sending of government troops
Into the neutral lone was not Justl-.
fied by lh situation, ft was point id
out that the' movement ot French
forces would be of a "coercive and
precautionary nature, and could mil
be deferred, and the premier declar
ed It Germany had carried out the
disarmament clause ot the Versailles
tremy neither the Kapp revolt nor
the Ruhr revolution would have oc
curred. Berlin Is Notified. !
Premier Mlllemnd today formally
notified Dr. Von Mayer, the I) or in an
charge d'affalrs, of the action of the
rmien government In ordering the
advance and Informed him that ns
so..n as there had been coin pie tu evao
na'ton ot the neutral lone by the Uer
xihn troops the French would avacuute
the cities they had been ordered to oo
cup, The premier's note rend:
"My my letter of April 2, I asked
you to make Insistent representations
to " t.ur government to obtain tho Im
mollnt withdrawal of the Clermi,
frocps which unduly penetrated th
Ui jiml lived by article 32 of the
fr.'ily of Versailles.
"Mv request having obtained no re
sult npto this time, I have the honor
of Informing you that the genernl com
manding In ehlef tho army uf the
Ithlr.e haa received orders to orrupy
Im.iiedlntely the cilles of Frankfort,
Moi'iburs, Manau, Darmstadt and Dle
hurg. Thl occupation will end as soo.
a the Herman troops shnl have cnm
plettly eaeunted the neutral gone."
Advance) Continues
Frankfort. April I. Frankfort
Salem Victims of
Byron are Told
(Continued from page one)
H. H. Belt, Dallas, republican, can
didate for circuit Judge of twelfth
judicial district.
C. M. LaFollett, Amity, republican,
candidate for nomination for state
representative from Yamhill county.
there are hundreds of victims looking
for the opportunity.
Byron was Indicted ki the federal
court for using the malls with Intent to
defraud at Portland, March 1. 1918,
was tried April 8 and found guilty up
on five counts and sentenced to 13
months Imprisonment and to pay a fine
of 11000. He appealed the case to the
federal circuit and supreme courts,
which sustained his conviction. While
out on bond, pending appeal, he re
sumed his fraudulent practices, con
tracting to locate a lot of Seattle and
Tacoma people upon government tim
ber land, forfeited by Benson and Hyde
timber operators, and was Indicted
twice In the feeral court at Seattle for
fresh offenses. ,
Though under conviction and sen
tence at Portland and facing two trials
for similar offenses at Seattle, Byron
got a stay of execution from the court
while he pulled off his Salem stunt.
and made nnother clean-up. His ac
tivity here caused him to be tnken Into
custody and held there.
In January, 1920, Byron wns tried
twice In the federal court at Rpatt1.
and convicted in each trial, on about
50 chunts In the lust case. Ho has ap
pealed from these convictions, but
faces the prospect of having to spend
an Indefinite time In durance vile, ai
he can be sentenced on each of the In
counts upon which he wn convicted
nnd those who are waiting to, get thnlr
money back when Byron gets his free
dom are likely to have some wait.
It was the same old Hyde and Ben
son trlmber land representations that
got Byron Into prison, that Salemltes
fell for. He was Indicted, along wltn
Frank E. Alley of Roseburg, making
use of the malls for defrauding Rach
acl E. Wllllams( Mamie J. Flsk, Chas
C. Ernst, Elisabeth Boardman and
Henry I', Klser and contracts for the
same locations were afterwards sold Ir
Taeoina, Seattle and Salem.
Club Organizes
Wh oDesire To
Win First Place
V'ith a membership of 60, the Uni
ted states .National Bank 1'lg club was
reorganized, Saturday. The boys and
girls met at the offices of County
Bcmol Superintendent W. M. Smith,
elected officers and made plans for
the current year.
For president of the organization
Homer Bray was chosen, Carl Rama-
meyer is vice-president and Goldie
Adams will serve as secretary. Dur
ing the year 1920, A. N. Arnold will be
Hub leader.
L. J. Allen, state livestock leader,
was presunt and talked to the club
members regarding the splendid sue
cess of the organization during the
past year and calling attention to tho
fact that the club by constant work
can become one of the leaders In this
The pig club attracted nation-wide
attfntion In livestock circles last year
when Its members captured prem-rr
honors at state fairs. Oliver Feustman,
Homer Bray and Louis Drager, mem
bers of the club formed, a trio who
secured high honors at Spokane and
Portland stock shows In Judging live
Fvery member of the club is pledged
to raise at least one blooded pig.
Should the youthful stock grower lack
the necessary funds to start ln, the
banK advances the money ln the form
of u regular loan.
Sunday Schools Of
County Selecting
Delegates To Meet
A number of delegates to the annual
Surday school convention which will
be held ln Salem the Friday and Satur
day of this week, have been appointed
bv various Sunday schools throughout
the county, and the names have been
filed at headquarters here. Among
them are C. J. Bartruff and Mrs. Laura
Bn.itruff of Middlegrove, representing
the Hayesville district, and Mrs. L. S.
Maehel and Mrs. Delia Overton, select
ed by tha Presbyterians of Woodbun..
The convention will open at 2:13
Friday afternoon at the First Presby
terian church and will close at 3:43
Saturday. The program prepared is
considered one of the best ever pre
sented during a session of this kind,
and will be replete with helpful sug
gestions to teachers .in pupils.
morning separated to nunt on eacn
side of the ravine before returning to
can' p. where the party was campet.
before going on road work, Clark re
turned to camp on the afternoon of
July 25 and Taylor's body was found
one week later. He had been shot in
the back
Dr. Carters K. & B. Tea
Makes Fine Laxative Syrcp
lake It at noma and Bare About
Kl.SO-thiJdrf n Lot to Take It.
Fun Directions With Eaeh30-Cent Packaje
For a real tonic snd blood purifier.tske
a teaspoonful every night or every other
night for at lead three weeks.
Alleged Forger
Wanted Here Held
H. D. J. Herndon, wanted here on a
charge of forgery, has been arrested at
Aubarn, Wash., according to word re
ceived from there this morning by
Constable Walter De Long. Constable
De Long will leave for Auburn prob
ably tonight or Wednesday morning to
return the prisoner here. .
Herndon is alleged to have forged a
check here about two weeks ago for
the amount of 139. .
New York, April 6. Final prices
of liberty bonds today were:
SVs 96.90; first 4's 91.30; second
4's 89.68; first 4's 91.50; second
4W's 89.76; third 4'4's 92.34; fourth
AVt'B 89.92; victory 3 3-4's 97.90
victory 4 3-4's 97.90.
Miss Marion Adams is organizing
ebsses In home nursing. Second floor
postofflec building.
ii. c. l. ih si,v(a;i.D
Anaconda, Mont., Apr. 3. Members
of the general' offlco force of the Wa
shoe smeller of the Anaconda Copper
Mining coiupupy here tre planning to
rtrlke a blow ut tho high coat of Hying
by appearing in the streets and at work
In overalls. ,.
One dollar for a course of 15 .lectures
In home nursing; SOc extra for text
"' '"'"Wssssjr man isaaaai .mi!. ' 1 " ' i ii i m .
""""""" 3
gestion is easy and painless.
aruggists everywhere.
Sold by
For Dyspepsia. Indigestion
Heartburn, belching, sour ao'd
iuai-n, gas in stomach, etc., tul.e
" leaspoonrul of B suraled l iritB.1 ,
-wm uccupieu wiinout Incident by i'" n,t" all"" or hot water after eat
irenrh troops early today and with.1"' mt Pleasant and harmless tt
the cavalry In the lead, followed by;"" "d 'v almost instant relief
Infantry and the artillery, the occupy- 11 neutralises stomach acidity and
lug forces pressed rapidly bevoml n... weetens the food contemn s.. M,
aiy. iney met wltn no opposition. By
Un o'clock In the morning the caval
Vt had reached Eckenhelm (three
miles north of Frankfort.) Ths entire
operation was expected to be complet
ed during the day.
Th occupation takes ths form of
an extension of the French linen
around tthe bridgehead of Muycnce, a
distance of, about 18 miles. The ex
treme limits of the advance form ,(
eml-clrcle slmltnr to but larger than
that of the original son of occupa
tion. The only Herman troops encounter
d In Frankfml by the French wet
r-n-ni-rneiiawriir or volunteers, who
surrendered They probably will be
aimpiy numimed and released.
Italy Approves Act
Rome, April .p0pUlo Romano
ays today that at a cabinet mating
Monday the government decided to
extend to France Italy's moral sup-
... me rrencn occupation cf
s-ranstorv and other flerman titles
IWt neglect It. Rub Turpo, th"
only Turpentine ointment, on thrum
and chest. Cover wlib flannel tiotr.
Repeat night and morning.
Patterson Files
For Chiefs Job
....Declaring that he will "perform the
duties of the office in a snne and im
partial manner," George N. Patter
son, 775 Bellevue street, Monday eve
ning .filed his candidacy with Citj
Recorder Race for the position of city
marshal. Mr. Patterson Is the third
aspirant for the chief's toga.
At present Mr. Patterson Is em
ployed ut the state Insane nsylum. He
has been a resident of this city for
many Jours and has numerous friends
Daniel 3. Fry
Why Pyramid ?
Ash Amy Draairf. How Restated
Sales lime Mmle ryrsaald ths
Refusals Trrstaieat.
Mailed freo in plain wrapper It
gives you relief, tiet a to-pent box
, The Beauty ,
t I he Lily
can be yours. Its
wonderfully pure.
soft, pearly white ap.
pearance, free from all '
blemUhet, wlllbecom-t
parable to the perfect
beauty of ynnr skin and S
complexion l( you will use02'
nr.:. - h
ry- fy
Today fWv
V" Idea M.w Wonderful
rrsa.ll is I .HI t en Tr, lu
Jr,i?m Treatment'or any
druggist. 1! relieved of Itchii'ir
r"t Pile.-, hemorrhoids ,u
E, JUUD'- A single boi
a no suhsiitute
Don't Miss the
Bungalow Orchestra
dance at Moose Hall tonight. Moonlight
waltzes. Popular prices.
'if iftlllii
Presented by
All New Pictures, Too
This Bulletin will be published twice a
week, in the interest of
Ford CarSyFordson Tractors
Fordson Approved
And everything pertaining to necessary
accessories. . . ,
Watch for this Bulletin
"Valley Motor Co.
It will appear TOMORROW.
I.Need Your Business
If you haven't adequate protection let me show you that
you need a policy in my company.
Salem; Ore., Phone 99. 371 stale Street
MMestttttttttt 1
Division of Insurance
OPp Policy-holders and creditors in the United States of the following
insurance companies whose affairs are in liquidation, under til super
vision and control of the Alien Property Custodian.
Aachen fit Munich Pirt Insurance Co.
Alliuis Insurance Co.
Balkan National Iniuranc Co.
Cologne Rdnniranc Co.
Fint Bulgarian Insurance Co. "Bulgaria"
Frankfort General Insurance Co.
Frankona Reinsurance Co.
General Insurance Co. for Seefluss h Land
transport in Dresden
Hamburg Assurance Co.
Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co.
Mannheim Insurance Co.
Mercury Reinsurance Co.
Minerva RetroceaiioQ & Reinsurance Co.
Munich Reinsurance Co.
Nord Deutsche Insurance Co.
(Fire and Marine Branches)
Prussian Life Insurance Co.
Prussian National Insurance Co.
South German Reinsurance Co.
Swiss National Inirn. r
International Reassurance Co., Ltd.
ins ZJtlZll' " Poon.) h-
claim, or demand, on or brfoVeTh, mWTmTSSoTJS '
All claims or demands should be died with the Man..n- nf
panics, lis Bast th Street, New York? Manager of Enemy Insurance Com-
Alien Property Custodian
Ask (or frea
ample. Perry's drug I
lTBAsnr rnco cmvpjint
tNrjrsu,M itldg., Um'bsn. Mica,
rl!lrrlu " aal. of
mmt ru IrMtafaat.iB ni mnpn,
KaaM. ..
I - 1. - J E
VasawaalBsl Vs. HgmaV mm mA skg-acoS ggraaw Wt
Record Supremacy
Our. new Record' Booths on the FIRST FLOOR
are now ready for our customers. Our Records
PROVAL. . ..
YES-We have "Dardenella" and all the lat
est hits. Take one of our new records home today .
- ... j I nj3 1111