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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1920)
WEATHER FORECAST Oregon: Tonight and Wednesday showers, warmer tonight east portion, fccntle winds, mostly southerly. Local: Min. temperature 39, Max. 5". Mean 41. Rainfall, trace. Rivr, 7.8 (eet, rising. Cap itel Journal CIRCULATION Average for Six Month endlnj; March SI, 1920 5286 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Associated Press Full Leased Wire SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1920. PRICE 2 French Troops Occupy Towns In BlQl V, ) I It - - w j Rhin lodaxr Johnson Has Safe Margin In Michigan Ietroit, t April 6. With . approxim ately one-half of the precincts this morning voting in yesterday's presi dential preference primary tabulated this morning. United States Senator Hiram Johnson held a lead of 44, 657 VOteS uver lunjui uruciai ard Wood for the republican indorse ment. The figures from 1.200 pre cincts gave: Johnson 106,558; Wood. 61,899. ' Detroit Gives Loud. Included in 'the figures .was the complete vote oi ueiroii, variuauy complete figures from Grand Rapids and more than half the precincts in other Industrial centers of the state. Johnson was running behind in the state outside of Detroit. The complete Detroit vote, however, gave him 69, 004 against 16,143 for Wood. Returns from the northern penlnlu la. which the Wood campaign man agers claimed as one of their strong holds were slow in arriving, figures from 125 of the 257 precincts in that peninsula, however, showed Wood 10,742; Johnson 8,011. . " i Hoover Lends Democrats Herbert Hoover, whose name ap peared on both ballots, was leading the democratic ticket with 11,469 aeainst 10,260 for Governor Edward 1,. Edwards of New Jersey. Wll . liam O. MeAdoo had 9.258 and W. J. Bryan, 7,267. The democratic votel seemingly was much lighter than had been anticipated. Reports from the western part, of the state were that returns in the rural districts might not become available for 48 hours, owing to disrupted wire communica tion and impassable roads caused by Sunday's snow storm. Wood led in Grand Rapids where complete returns wave Wood 4,734, Johnson, 3,059; Saginaw virtually complete gave Johnson 2,996; "Vood l.H; flint, half complete, gave Johnson 2,940; Wood 1,352; Muskeg on, virtually complete, gave Johnson 1,456; Wood 869; Jackson, virtually complete, Johnson 1,080; Wood 1,397. Johnson led Wood In a number of the principal cities outside Detroit Union Promises Aid in Breaking Chicago Strike Cleveland, Ohio, Apr. 6. W. G.Lee, president of the Brotherhod of Rn.. way Trainmen, today issued the lowing statement regarding the em ployment of brotherhood memoers as union strikebreakers In the Chicago -switchmen's strike: Regardless of reports issued by John Gruneau, leader of the strike of switchmen at Chicago, such strike illegal and members of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen and others will be fully protected In accepting po sitions as switchmen or switch tenders made vacant by such illegal strike. "The question of increased - wngos had nothing to do with the present trouble but the removal of John B. Cruntau from a position as yard con ductor was the cause of a few switch men in the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul yard, who were members of rene gade organization headed by Gruneau, quitting work. The question of In creases In the wages was later injected for the purpose of playing upon the sympathies and other train and yard men who naturally feel that the fed eral railroad administration did not grant fair an equitable wages during government control." Chaberlain Back . In Seat In Senate Washington, April 6. Senator Uiamberlain returned to his seat in the senate Monday, having recovered from the effects of a minor operation' upon his ear. He returns Just in ttire to take part in consideration of the army reorganization bill, in which he Is much interested. Can you take temperature correctly? Women Disobey Picket Ultimatum; Two Are Arreste d by Officers Washington, April 6. Disregarding Warning, 0f the federal government that they would be prosecuted under federal penal statues, three women favorable to an Irish republic resumed Joday the picketing of the British em wssy which led yesterday to two ar rests. A few minutes after the women ap peared carrying banners they wer arned by the police to leave ait., when they failed to obey were arrest f. TneV gave their names as Mrs. Honor Walsh. Germantown, Pa., and mis Elaine Barrie of Philadelphia. The second group of women arrested wre Miss Helen O'Brien, St. LouU, anl Miss Kathleen O'Brien, Phila delphia. They also were taken to w nouae of detention. -After being booked at police head tuarters on charges of violating the Salem Victims of Byron Told to Charge Loss to Experience That the 120 Salem people who last fall and Winter advanced some 340,000 to $60,000 to Carlos L. Byron upon timber contracts, might as well charge the money to experience and forget it, is the opinion of United States Attor ney Lester H. Humphreys, as expn-. -ed in letters to Salem victims. Byron, who Ls now serving a 15 months' sentence at McNeil's island, states Mr. Humphreys, has a long rec ord as a land swindler and is Judg ment proof. The remarkable thing about Byron ls his faculty of hypno tising victims into a belief in his inno cence. Whether or. not fresh prosecution will be launched by the government Silverton Mill Workers Strike; Ask Reinstatement of But Company Refu Silverton, Ore., April 6. Anticipat ing that trouble of a serious nature might follow the strike declared here yesterday morning among the tim ber workers, Sheriff Needham was asked to attend a meeting in the opera house last evening. The sheriff and his deputy, Oscar Bower, accepted the invitation and reached here early In the evening. The meeting was called by members of the Timber Workers' Union, and was attended by Walter Denton and L. J. Simeral, representa tives of the Salem union. Employers entirely Ignored all efforts of the .union to make adjustments by refus ing to attend, and nothing was accom plished in the way of settling the dif ficulty. The matter will be put up to the state arbitration board today. - The Sliver Falls Mill continued work this morning with a small crew and It ls said that but few new men for the vacated positions are available. Guards are stationed in all directions about the mill yards and no one is Wood's Campaign Manager Target Of Texas Legion Fort Worth, Texas, April 6. The executive committee of the American Legioa of Texas, meeting here, adopt ed A reRnhitinn nsklnB- National Onm. mander D'Olier to demand the resig- natlon of Thomas W. Miller as chair- man of the legislative ;ommtttee o' the legion. The resolution declared thM Miller, who i ramnnlirn mnmnrer for Major General Leonard Wood, would violate the constitution of the legion by remaining ln office. , - Transport Sails j i T 1 " " "10 Hettim I anlieC t Dead From France Brest, Apr. 8. The United States transport Mercury will leave here Frl- day for the United States with the bod - ies of 315 Amerlcaij soldiers who died in France. Stolen Machine Is Found At Hubbard The Oldsmobile car stolen Sunday night from the George Ramp garage on- the Pacific highway, was found MonJay near Hubbard, according to word received by Sheriff W. I. Need ham. The machine had been abandoned when the gasoline supply was exhau-H ed. The travel Indicator on the car showed that the machine had been on a hundred mile drive and it is pre sumed that the car thieves had start ed to Portland and became confused in the net work of smaller roads. No especial damage, other than ordinary wear and tear on the machine was re ported by Mr. Ramp. Cn you follow tious properly? a doctor's Instruc- federal statute making it a felony to assault a diplomatic representative of a foreign government the women were taken to the house of detention. As soon as the word of the arrests reached the headquarters pf he wo men at a hotel, two more pickets with banners were sent to the embassy and It was announced that the pick ets would be sent out in relays as rap Idly as those "on duty" were arrest ed. When the two women appeared the police stationed at the -aioassy sum moned the patrol with police women to arrest them. Later It was announced that since the police were interfering with the picketing on the street, it was plan ned to send women- up In an airplane to drop literature on the embassy. The first flight, it was said, woul'i take placa at 4:30 p. m. today. " and Forget against Byron for his Salem operations depend upon developments and upon the victims themselves. As Byron was careful not to use the mails here and cautioned his victims to keep silent, an injunction they have generally obeyed, there are no charges yet filed, despite the fraudulent character ofthis opera tions. . . . Mr. Humphreys is very skeptical about any ot the timber contract pur chasers having received their money back from Byron, as contrary to the government's experience with the swin dler, whose operations have been wx tensiye. He advises anyone who Is of fered the money back, to grab it, tor (Continued on page two) 40 Discharge d Men ses to Hear Proposal allowed without to cross the property line a permit from the office. , Sentiment of disinterested citizens seems to be in favor of the timber workers to a considerable extent. A large per cent of the men discharged and those who walked out of their own will bi-a hanrio nf fomiiio. onH many of them have homes only partly paid lor. 'rneir families are wholly de- pendent upon their earnings and un less proper adjustment can be reach ed soon and the men given employ ment, privation and suffering is like ly to ensue. Business houses have al- ready commenced to feel the effects of the strike. It is claimed,. and the ultimatum of the affray is likely to become more serious than was first anticipated. ine men wno waiKea out Monday was not opposed to granting the fran number In the neighborhood ot 200, chie to the Southern Pacific railroad according to reports. The strike was, company, because that would not con precipitated by the discharge of 40 fine the right of franchise to one uiciiiuriB ua me uewiy uraiuzeu xim - BerworKers union Friday. by the company Russian Troops Incited Attack Upon Vladivostok I """"'". me japa- "ese attack on Vladivostok which gave 'hem contro1 of the resulted from threatened and aggressive acts of a Portion of the Russian army," accord ing to an official dispatch from the Japanese war department received Maor Central Kazutsugu Inouye, the Japanese military attache I The dispatch said the Japanese com rnander, after disarming the Russians issued a proclamation that his action I had no motive other than to maintain order-u wa that the Russia authorities were "now being negotiat ed with ln an endeavor to arrive at a harmonious future policy." 1 The dispatch said that the batt'e between the Japanese and Russian larmy at Nikolsk and Khabarovsk was continuing. This battle was said to have been forced "by the sudden ag gressive action of the Russian army." Truck Drivers Of Astoria Demand Advance In Wage Astoria, Or., Apr. 6. 'Motor truck drivers employed by Clatsop county andthose employed by the larger trans fer and draylng companies here, went on strike today, following a vote taken last night by union rivrs. The only motor truck in operation in Astoria to day are those being operated by own ers Individually, and by a few concern who operate only one or two trucks, according to union officials. 0 The men are demanding an increase In wages of one dollar a day. Rotary Clubs Of Northwest Name Cochran As Head" Victoria, B. C, April 6. Rotary cluni members of the northwest district, in convention here, last night elected C. E. Cochran, Portland, district president to succeed Clayton M. Williams, Everett. Forgery Cleared Up By Confession Passage 'of a forged check at tr." Peoples Cash store last Saturday -for, the sum of 85 was cleared up by Of ficer Morelock Monday evening when he recognized the hand writing of Lloyd Zachary. Inmate at the state reform school, and was able to get a confession from the boy. Brought tp the store from the training school, Zachary was Identified ty a woman clerk as the man who passed the check. Zachary. with E. Stl'-kney, were permitted to leave the trilnlng school last Saturday to spend Easter 8unday with their folks. Zachary was "sert up" for forgery; and although deny ing It at first he admitt-.d that he wrote this bogus check to "get some easy money." Council Has 'FuIl'Rbster gain With John B. Geisey, elected to su ceed Councilman Weist from ward 4, in his chair for the first meeting; and with the election by the council last night and his confirmation of George; Wer.derworth to serve the people in wad 5, and the election of O. L. Fish er, to ward 3, the city council is aga i intirt with a complete roster. Vacan cies recently oreated with the re-estab- lis'iment of ward boundaries in the cti" are filled; and further upheaval in the council, that a month ago stirred the attention of every citizen in the city, seems, for the time at least, end ed. : . Wenderworth was elevted by unani mous vote of the council following the reading of a petition signed by resi dents in ward 5, and a resolution pass ed by the North Salem Improvement association endorsing him. A petition asking the appointment of Mr. Fisht to the post on the council from ward 5 wt.s also submitted. Spur Vetoed. A volume oi business concerning the improvements of streets in the city occupied the attention of the council lasf night. The ordinance proposing a method of payment of Increased salai ies to members of the police and fire departments was read .and referred to the ordinance committee for action. ' " av important action tne I u"cl1 took ln "upportlng a vote " "" l" m.-iuse ior tne om.iuaru uu company 10 construct a railroad spur along Leslie street to its station. The mayor, based his veto on r.r contention. that the franchise. If ed, would retard future development ln th.o.t vicinity; and declared that if a . spur were constructed there that It j should be passable to other concerns having occasion to use it. He said he jpany. Paper Mill Spur Held ln. Fcr the same reason, this time raised Dy uouncilmen Vandervort and Utter. franchise granting the rlcht to th. Oregon Pulp & Paper company to con struct "a spur . from Trade to Front street, was denied. The ordinance calling for this franchise was referred to '.he street committee with instruc tions to incorporate usage clauses per mltting others to use the spur. A bill-to amend the city charter, fix- in? the salary or a secretary to the board of health at $900 per year, Was sunmitted by Councilman Schunke. Reflecting the determination to ac complish something along the line of development and Improvement, a dele gat'on from the North Salem Improve mei.t association, headed by A. S. Tll linfthast, its president, was present. A communication -was submitted by the ascoclatipn recommending an amend ment to the charter: providing fr the construction of all sidewalks in the city with cement. It also brought the at tention of the council to the fact that numerous sidewalks in North fealem were badly in need of repair. Paving Amendment Asked. Another amendment to the charter wherein greater scope would be pro vided in the means of assessment fo paving in the city was also suggested in a resolution submitted by the North Salnm Improvement association. .Damage to the extent of llOO.for Mrs. Mike Ward, alleged to have been sustained when she fell on a faulty .idtwalk and received a broken arm, ohou'd not be allowed, according to an opinion of City Attorney Macy brought before the council last night. The city attorney argued that the sidewalk where Mrs. Ward claims she fell was found to be In a reasonably fair condi tion, making it .difficult for one to stumble and fall there. The city attorney, by motion of ths council, was Instructed to draw an or dinance providing for an increase in th ralary of city engineer from $125 to 3150 Hugh Rodgers ls city engi neer. The mayor was empowered to ap polrt a committee to name volunteer citiztns to act as traffic officers in the city. This plan is being followed in Portland, it was said, and ls serving as practical means of alleviating acci dents there. The volunteer traffic of ficers would served without pay, and their Identity would be unknown, ac cording to the Plans bronnseri la-rf izht. The city and county were hela held unable to provide enough salaried traffic officers to cope with the situv tion. Many Improvements Proposed. Some of the street Improvements proposed last night were: lower and re establish grade on High street north of Lnion; pave North 16th street, be tween D and Market streets; pave Trade street, between High and Church streets; pave North Summer, hetwten Market and the Fairgrounds rqad; pave Fourth street between Bel mont and Pine streets; and also open Fouith street from North Mill creek, acrotr the old woolen mill site to con nect up With North Fourth street at Be'nont street; pave Lincoln street, between Commercial and High streets: pave North 12th street, between Rmr lon and Union streets; pave Division treft, between .Water and Front xtroetg. The "whites" of Hungary are hiv ing huge bonfires of books. Pub'.lc a.d private libraries are stripped of "the works of Marx. Babe! and Jaurcj In an effort to exterminate their idea The "whites" appear to ue as s;u;)id us the "reds." OnceA Census Figures Washington, April 6. Popu- lation statistics announced to- 4b day by the census bureau in- eluded: Vinita. Okla.. 4.961. Increase 976 or 21.5 percent. Logan. Utah, 9,439, Increase 1,117 or 26.5 percent Grand Junction, Colo., 8,665, $ Increase 911 or 11.7 percent. Albany, Ga., 11,555, increase 4c 8.365 or 41.1 percent Carrick, Pa., 10,504, increase 4.387 or 71.7 percent Auto Thieves are Caught by Clever Automobile Man Running a- "bluff" that he was a detective on their trail, J. H. Graham, president of the J. H. Graham Motors company of Portland, and with the aid of Halley Doe, proprietor of the Fair grounds store, Monday evening arrest ed three auto thieves here and recov- eered a large auto belonging to Dudley Clark of Portland. The thieves, Harry Evans, 20, of Portland, Jack Weliner, 20, and Seattle, and Earl Townsend, 24, of Hill8boro, are being held ln the city Jail here pending the arrival of offi cers from Portland to return them there to answer to the charge of auto theft. Graham Starts Hunt. Dudley Clark, an employe of Mr. Graham's, reported to Portland polico Sunday night that his auto was stolen. Monday morning Mr. Graham, who was going to drive to Salem, believing that he might encounter the thieves en route, got his revolver. He forgot the weapon, however, and left It at his of fice. When he drove Into Salem Monday evening he saw the stolen auto stand ing in front of the Fairgrounds store, Recognizing it, and determined to cap ture the thieves, he alighted from his own car, and approaching the other one he Jerked back the curtains and commanded: Thieves Arc Fooled. "Throw up your hands! There are too darn many auto thieves, and- I'm getting pretty tired of It!" He reached ln his hip pocket where a six-inch pliers serenely reposed. The trio threw up their hands; but as Mr. Graham was preparing to foroo them to drive the auto into town, Well ner leaped front-trie car and ran. Real Izlhg the predicament, and believing that Mr. Graham was an officer after the boys, Halley Doe, grasping a clu, started- ln pursuit.'' Although Wellnes had a block start, Doe captured him In three blocks, witnesses declare. ' Meanwhile a woman in the store no titled police and Chief Welsh and Offi cer Rowe drove to the store. They handcuffed the trio and brought them to Jail. . Murder Verdict Is Sustained by Supreme Court The verdlcli of the Klamath county circuit court by which William Hoi brook and J. E. Paddock were sen tenced to serve from one to fifteen years ln the state prison for the mur der of O. T. McKendree is affirmed ln an opinion written by Justice Burnett and handed down y tne Oregon su preme court this morning. McKendree, who was a large sheep owner ln Klamath county, was killed in April, 1918, while engaged In a con troversy with Holbrook and Paddock, an employe of Holbrook, over the right to the grazing land ln the Dry Prairie country. Holbrook and 'Padddock pleaded self-defense, asserting that McKendree had threatened vlolencs The Jury, however, found them guilty of murder in the second degree and Judge D. V. Kuykendall passed the sentence which Is affirmed by the oplu ion of the supreme court today. Other opinions were handed down as follows: In the matter of the estate of J. r. Frlzzell, appeal from Marlon county; proceeding by widow on behalf of her self and minor child to have an exempt homestead consisting of house and lot I In Salem set aside a her own Individual property and to have allowance set aside to her in addition to the aims n of 1100 per month for the first year after death of her husband. Opinion by Justice Bennett. Judge George O. Bingham affirmed. Clatsop county, appellant, for the use and benefit of Frye & company, vs. Fidelity & Deposit company of Mary land et al, appeal from Multnomah county; an action Institued by Clatsop county for benefit of Frye ft compan on bond guaranteeing performance of contract for construction of part of Columbia highway. Opinion by Jus tice Bean. Judge George W. Staple ton reversed, J. Lesser and S. O. Lubllner vs. M. Pallay, appellant; appeal from Mult nomah county; suit to enforce award of arbitration. Opinion by Jostle Benson. Judge C. U. Gantimbein af firmed. Petition for rehearing denied ln Reed vs. Hollisted. It ls being suggested in several quar ters that Chinese coolie labor be im ported into the United Sttaes to stabil ize the mining industry. "I am wi..- ly opposed to any importation into America of coolie labor," says Herbert Hoover. "I t would Involve an unde sirable mixture of races. The Chin.-s:- can never be assimilated with the American people." Frankfort and Darmstadt Entered Without Violence Under Instructions of Focli Mayence, April 6. French trooDs entered Frankfort at 5 o'clock this morning, finding a atiora protection for the people. The occupation of the city was a mere military march and was not attended by any fighting. Darmstadt Was entered shortly afterward by French forces. The German government garrison of that city had left at mid night to avoid contact with the French and this morning was six miies east oi tne city. General DeBoutte has issued a proc iamation to the cities and towns with in the area to be occupied, declaring French troops have crossed the Rhine to compel the Berlin government to respect its agreement with the allies and asserting there is no hostile In tent toward the people of that region. Occupation Temporary The proclamation says the French troops will withdraw as soon as tne German forces have evacuated the neutral sone, and declares no one will be affected by the presence of the French as long as order is main tained. The proclamation makes the following provisions tor public order: Frankfort, Darmstadt, Offenbach, Hochstadt, Koenlgstein and Bieburg. as well as all towns and districts with in the circle of Gross Gerau, Lang Schwalbach and Wiesbaden, with the exception of Biebrich, are declared under a state of siege. German authorities and public ser vice will continue to function under French officials and strikes will not be tolerated. People are temporarily forbidden to circulate in the various communi ties from 9 o'clock at night until 5 in the morning. Newspapers Suspend ' " More than five persons must pot collect ln streets or in private or pub lic meetings without authorisation. Newspapers are temporarily sus pended and permission must be glv en to use the telephone and telegraph Postal censorship iB temporarily es tablished, wireless Installations must be dismantled and the use of carrte. pigeons is forbidden. All arms and grenades must be de posited ln city halls within six hours after the posting of the proclamation but regular police will be allowed t' retain sabors and -revolvers. Safeiy guards must disarm. Any Infraction of these rules wl'l result in court martial. !. "The general commanding the ar my of the Rhine," the proclamation concludes, "counts on the public powers and the population to under stand the necessity for the above measures and hopes repression wl! not be necessary.!.' I'och Orders Advance ' Paris, April 6. French soldiers to day occupy the German cities oi Frankfort on Main and Darmstadt, 1C miles south. Forces commanded by General De Goutte, which have been holding the Mayence bridgehead, were ordered forward by Marshal Foch fol lowing the efforts on' the part of the French government yesterday to In duce, the Berlin ffovernment to with draw Itsforces from the neutral sone along eastern bank of the Rhine where they had been ordered to din- perse communistic units that for the past fortnight have conducted a re volt ln the Ruhr valley. Stirring scenes at Mayence yester day are described by Henry Bldovt, military critic of the Des De bats, In a telegram to his paper. He says that during the afternoon troops' activity began and soon auto trucks and field kitchens began moving east ward, accompanied by Morociii troops with machine guns. , Chief interest ln the situation as ev idenced by newspapers here ls wheth er the allies will support France and to what extent. This query was pul to Premier Mlllerand by the Echo Do Paris last night, the premier answer ing: "England was victorious and so wis France, t am confident everything will work out perfectly." Germany Must Pay Asked who would pay the expense Incident to occupation, M. Mlllerand replied: "Why, Germany, obviously, since it was she that by her acts obliged us to resort to coercion." Occupation of Frankfort, Darm stadt and other German rifles In the neutral zone ls generally indorsed by Journals of all shades of politic. .1 opinion. It is recognized the opera tion will be risky and burdensome but unavoidable in view of the tendencls of the German government. Critics of the premier, however, deplore the (Continued on page two) LATE BULLETINS Paris, April 6. Up to noon today the French government had not received a reply from Great Britain and Italy to its noti fication to them of the occupation of Frankfort, Darmstadt and other German cities in the Rhineland. Washington, April 6.The senate naval committee today vofc. ed to establish an extensive deep water naval base on San Fran cisco bay, and authorizes the appointment of a naval commission to decide on a site and submit plans and recommendations by October 1, 1920. Nogales, Ariz., April 6. Unless the Southern Pacific of Mex ico railroad and its striking employes come to an agreement and trains are started running within seventy-two hours the Mexican federal government will seize the railroad and operate the trains with soldiers, according to an ultimatum served pa both sides at Nogales, Sonora, today. small German force, left there to German Advance In Ruhr Region Continued Today Essen, April 6. Relchwehr force marched Into Essen from two sides of the town this morning. Berlin. April 6. The progress of the German troops Into the Ruhr re gion was. chronicled in the following official" statement Issued today: "The action' of the police forces in the industrial region is proceeding ac cording to plan. Regular troops are present north of Bottrop, -WestphalQs. which has not yet been occupied. The clearing action Is also progressing; east of Dortmund, which the first d tachment has just entered and where it advanced against considerably stronger detachments of red guards on the Leunen-Kamen mine. In the Hoerde district the Wickede railway station has been stormed by red guards, as were also the Admiral an Glueckauf mines. "Considerable plundering occurred ln Dortmund. At Essen the Krupp pro vision department was robbed." Wilson Asked to Express Opinion; As to Occupation Washington, 'April. 8.--The French government through Ambassador Jusserand has asked fof'an expres sion of opinion by President Wilson, as to the French occupation of cities ln the neutral Rone beyond the Rhine. It was learned today that the French ambassador presented a state ment of the French position .to Sec retary Colby yesterday and asked that it be communicated to the president; Presumably this was the communica tion referred to ln recent press dU patches from Paris as having been sent to the American, British and Italian governments. At the state department today It was said that the United States had made no statement with reagrd to h advance of he French forces and that It was unlikely that cny would t made for the present at least. TKo position of the American governmeor was described as that of merely aw interested spectator. Officials' said Great Britain anit Italy had taken the same view as tha United States, that there was no ob jection to the movement of German troops into the Ruhr district to quell disturbances there provided ' they were withdrawn as soon as normil conditions had been restored. Japanese Offer To Withdraw 'All Troops In Siberia Honolulu, T. H., April . (By Th Associated ress).P Cable advices re ceived here today from Toklo by the) Nlppu Jiji, a Japanese language news paper, state that Minister of War Tanaka has dispatched a note to ths social revolutionary government at Vladivostok saying that Japan will Immediately withdraw her troops front Siberia if the Russaln revolutionists) -will settle the unrest in Vladivostok. General Oi, commanding the Jap anese troops, has informed the so cial revolutionists, the cable stated, that the troops would be withdrawn if the Russians would restrict the movement of Koreans to Siberia and guard the railroads. No time for tha withdrawal of the Japanese was an nounced. I'm you know any simple home reme dies?