Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 05, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    :lvX:UY, APRIL
Ba Eecls Sentenced to Serve 25 to 40 Years In Pen 1
monoa rcr new
Trial Is Denied;
Defense Appeals
'.Popular Salem
Girl And Local
t Another Car Added
1 SiK'S
MoEtesano, VTiih., April 5.
The seven men co.-.vkted
T ft K 1 r c :.r "I sl4 wr?.
, i" T Vi " ,7 7 .P-" of the First J!i2 Ep-
tr iUT ICC Sigytug W. nwita V.renJ ctarch. reverend R X- Avs.
jbnrnm, L-esiraiJA ArEi5tiCe iaj. Poster th charts, officiating.
noiner ar riaaea . r n
To iJecenf Scrfe lPralse of 0reSon
Denfisf Wedded, Ot Machine Thefts Is iunff DV DOaltat
J 4
Luncheon Today!"
jweirt cat ta fc-s j;-rrze Sor.2y zc-ars-
.,- ...... "ie Cerf Hisp. a resiiest
' yossr s-a-dew of tin ertv. were ie.y tr. . v - . v 4
. . . Oid b:e wis a west. Th car Eii
tsarr..! Sit-.arday afteraooa ta , . . . , ,,
sn. n. S-ssday t, an is exact
parage vicurn were sentenced to u-Lat -utn- t tie rol. vAm M5,T j-.
not fcss than 25 Tear? each is I . ' 7- ...
IBI7C4 of ha v.:
rl ki(1 bob! &t & ts4ct cf tbt
rossf p&yfAe Art we J Lao in Siitm.
aM a id arete cf (rvsU kr
AJr a 4d:rr uip Dr. eJ
Mra. C9t s rill &ak Utir bom in
th Miiiaa apart aieata, (3 NcJi
Cwwnal imt. .
Etaies prisca cor more than 40'
years, by Judge Jofca L Wilioa;
t i. - l. j r , j c
Attorney ?ene- took ei-; c.
iKywru w sciiicis.e aju gate,
JsAre WiHa aiil k C94 ts-A psf
atteauea t the Jarj'f f k c erj
:-" -n Barwt a4 iota Lajnb ti
Uia of tie rrideaet hick wm
"ase ae rtnrxW the
eaata aiiat aa the mem f idcaucat
Lerea Batwrts iU Us iorr fca4
lae. -a ordfa atut to the trim
.aal tar arl al tbe Willi W:u
The ama teattae4 to !i to 44
Jr baprlaofiRwt4 tadar O. C
Biasa. n Biaaa. Jaha lut, E(tik
Earwa. lmt llelneratj, Rjj Beck
er aa4 Briit teith.
Drfraw rVad tnaMke.
lf(rtHoo. Witi, Apr. S IVftiT
k Ih lerfiiet in the taw ef ih trrt
t W W. fjKa fuiity of murder la tht
dgre for the d-ua etv
ra O. Grisara. CBtr;j Am rfav i
Bsarder ;rt aj. 14 be a tri-y ea
a" aaa thja ijW
Albany Would Use
Club "Hpsn Here
To Form Own Body
boots ere af lix high lit ty?-
Eica f it tlsr H Is ware tirj-tr&oM-rv
Ai tbr hid afke4 rri
iat t3s iiRisee t PonIil it
tiagiit thai tie Eirhir z-ufr,'
hare ar-lJJ to tbesa i a soiatio
The ear IT:4 is tJOvrt. U
cease ratiVr IIJTJ; ro:or tb
B 3tT17. The car fcu r. i cjrtifc iL
arooad aa4 is u:j-i throacS C.
iriia Gjfj tsr t!ra, Tt
i.;i tai a ts.k3 rja cpetiir.;
jiia above tb m-fcL
E M. P.ers. editor cf tfc Aihas
HrrsJsl. mi a visiiur in th otr tods?.
WfeiSe h Mr. in. a a S t t
'Pioneer Resident
Of Salem Passes
... -,v , t .va 1 f. ,..-if---s -sere si.-ontly urg-.a. in a.
vj-cr . .5. ic., a- i-i-v e ; -
ijcore.-i that he c-JJ Ulk til-J - '-al aw vy . r.
Hi xir. ta anuc- ciiWi, to bwjr.e wetabera ot the - Cjri- O. Brandenburg.
osisa each fur hcaeit anl no n 'Wjh. 1 n r" !" - - - ; . i v--; a Jtowna, organ of th r,
tiat rU for brUinient cf eon-i:::or.--
ilr. Eoalt sal-I thit t!i PortaoJ
and ia June. aa4 JtpSK-l the d:.-e , -'-'- j section last '
l:o feature SUIea is the pa? of :bv, (.iodine Law -Utaokca. j freiiing an J other elements tlut i
sfTisper. E?-i'jrt of a "freak clause" in an no: hive occurred tad ih pr.i.jI
I ray thi ecaa$ 1 hire !f--h in- Ore-oa eovfrains tu Mr gaso- b3 prjrly stored in uhab!e war.
Iter,- tecUrel. -i sav 04airs. w ior more man hjif rt
-WJi I eaae PorCaaa ft.- because if Pt.rt.-1 ..i-ura-t "" '.7 "i-3'. " w.J
ion. Th riwli nf th ?kis- ;
'ja isto a ticor Lsat w;u jiuu
t .n m afturi of the state r.H;iv .!'!- nf ih. v .
.... . .- - - -- u pr,,.
'FresK-I the tope taat reotri-. every- on, a-J urged
ere in the ate rea:iz tois anu hi "jr
greater nuciw.
tie organization.
ly a maj fJUon aiocg c; p-tih cf life
lad Oretoa. to m. ij a bv-1 ral xt?a dollars. And il Portan 1 - " ' ". . " npy in fa,.
. euh tflese eixra aouar, 1 et b.-.- . -.. uU n- could Bot
Mrs. Et.ixi J. Prrt'T. are I, widow
h Altrtsj cfcaajtTof cni3afc-e j,.f Chiru X. Pt?r, whj di4 here t
Iied t tb Cf !UBixial ciab to ra:h
r laef oa whxh the AibEr orrscsts
tka miskt tf lhir 1 r the
.n. 1"afTT- )ia k54 a oe-Ung r FrtJar reS.
. , ' . . 1" at wismb tuec plant tor tht fifjr!f- b
355. pi.wd iit at her ho,, or-
er rit tswJ s:at r.r:. a; I oc;x .
SasUy BAnutt Mr. PonT his 'fZirg 1 ChmPRP.
2ri-jM i fc niii. tK. r.M.iaaoer t-.a cents: or mar be a o iar- are no bitter, wt come up
oftheworii. B bow. U FortJ4.ter.- i.rd of this Uw. Thia awociation. x
isd aU over Oregoa I ee great opjNr
tanSty f r Eatenal weil'-h fcr n. The
waa?rt' ta Ged c y !:fe. la Ort-r-
aa4 ia Portiaad. God w-iHiaa.
hiC! t?T.i the rest cf the day? cf my
Perhaps so greater praise has been
anr of a-r sate, in k few ora, as
was rhat of Fred L- Ksat. editor of
"-he PuffTlacd New, who addressed the
bsines m at their rtfaiar week-'r
lascbeon in the Omiierciil c3sb this
Ea yir. Boalt was the principal
peiier of the lyncoeon. and h britt
eoscf tilk. based 011 eulogy for "the
borse I have at last fsaad" instiT.ed
his frtEr more tha ever with
ia their cone tute.
Harmony Is BrowgdM.
Haw the worid war ets:ed to hive
wtlfti c5rjes ia Orertn aad ever the
I'cited Slates, iato gra;er harsior.y.
v. h in Ettroje everyirhere wis tin
harraony. to the mat.ii! becef.t of al!
fonreJ the scacleu f-jr Mr. Eoait'f
-Djrtzg the war the bir.ier found
tha; he co-aM sit in the srae rc-tm with
to the , uncirst:! why anyone woMld opp-ej
a mikm of th. citj tut the 47
'reair. The f jaeril w 21 be h id at the
jthipel of Fglo3 & S-ja C03?iKy at I
iil b d SrAiW-Kl.
JCPrttr. of t! Cootneraal rtofc. and
t ;rdfnWti,e tJlt reason, fr j I-ir:lr J . Cnaptn. rhairmaa of the g.
'";,r-c trial: j "rTiHur jann: ,f ,fcf eiuo. w.!i
Ffn! That the rri,n w "tiMe- "4 a:d in hi.p.r.g piatss for
that ft did eut derMe sv.hrt the j 1o tbrr
wer raJiy Of InooceuL Jlr. Ita left in the afterso-on for
end That tbr were grar r !p!i,0, he he plana to riit th
rrj r taw made durirg the tf'jL ' ilr!'ir comiae-x to g-ejn farther
Third-Ttoat JUW H,D , n. - IT?!00 y ,a t!B" mott hil
te! ih iu t. ... : : " 'r-
ftdaitta were mbniited la aa aittmp!
U arOVa Sr !ln '.r.
f j . .
-pr- - Jn the Caa.iI- a
front th t-f;!heviki
will i ia the
fdiy. B-iTiU
Two fjrs and one ifeaghter, I V.
Potter. &Jie; T. J. Pot:er. New Tort
and Mrs. Dran C. Cromwell. Sjlfm;
nd five graniUhiilren ar.d one great
gruBikhiiJ, scrive Mn Potter.
MI ST ABAADOX POUTIO Apr. 5. Po?:ti-al activity by
iry prk-rt wh:" eeltbratir.g mass or
preathir.g at any chjreh in Ciecho-a
iki wo-jid be n-s-le a riair! of
frnsp under in arner.drsert to the pen
al ole intrvwjjtv4 in the rtatiora! as-
In antwerirg Vanderveer hh
" . .1 1 1 a I I . . 1 . w.l.i .... . .
CmMogaaw iirilLi , ," - ' ' bcfc toward Xohos- embly of to-jntrr 1-7 the autvUter
t. rfH a jm it aaa loo tea- (loan official :tte- ,-ni f-,.
'govtmmeril a: i.5,,)-.
VM 1
Consortium Sought
By Japs, Report t
Tikio. April S. Japan desires to 1
enter the Chinese eocj-rtiuin but wi'l
not abandon her s::d policy de-
uiandfeg the exclosion of Manchuria
srd Mongolia, accord:r.g to axtities
published in newspapers here after
an extraordinary cabu-.vt meeting.
The policy, however, usiy be moii
fied provided first, that rights a'ready
ic-itiired in those prWitKes are rec-ojnae-l
and. second, thit the vor.
sarium excludes ftitare loins of a na
ture prejudicial to Japan's national
defense or rr.iiitarji inierest in Mjr
cturia and iloncoiii.
It is the penera! rpinion here tbv
a long practiol step towird erni--sent
peace In the Far East may be
ihieved by the eocKrliurn.
Note Prices
On a few items of
Women Are
More Interested
At this season of
the year in
Than at any ether time. You
vrlll be able to supply your
wants Jn the season's latest
from us, and at the saire time
save yourswlf, a lot cf money
Victim Of Strange
j Malady Recovering
Keoovery of J. & Hetiick. J3. con-j
' e I at the stale ;:h an at- j
tjvk of 'aCeeiuag tactless" is almost j
j ert3:n. according to a report this noon j
:frora Drs. F. L GriTCth and Evans.'
' ho are rttending him. I
! TnVew some other complication sets '
i in." Dr. Griffun asaerud. "Mr. Heltkk
j will recover.-
j This is the first -Seeping sieVe-e
' Stltm that baa been reported; !
nd so fir as known the first one to be t
: successfully treated.
New Torai Apr.l J. Fira!
of liberty bonds were:
SVs StAl: first 1 fl.ii;
first 'V 1.5S: second
4''s : '.. third I4 Ji.St; funrth
s t.t; victor
4 J-s S'.ii.
S J-' 1 i'.ii: vie
Ladies Coats
and Suits
New Models that are correct in every detail
-Direct from New York and Philadelphia
fashion centers are gathered here for your
inspection. Ladies coats of Taa, Polo doth
or Camels Hair in all the I'po- Sr
818.50 10 $50.00
Ladaies' Suits of French Serge, Tricotine,
Wool Poplins, etc.
822.50 to 855.00
CWS. '
cr i in
:1 f
; it', ifii
rm mm
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Formerly Oiicago Store Court and Com! Sts.
Dresses and Skirts
la the latert styles, colors and materials
of iiik or woo!. '
lfe; !!" ! !?
c,nj .. (its
T'-O IV f lO.Jd
In Serges, Poplins, Tweeds, Silveriest",
Tricotines, Polo Cloth, Camel's Hair cloth
and novelty weaves.
SuUa f27.50 to $34.75
Coats $14.75 (43.00
hats . S.
m Imt fl la. m K I
For women or cusses that ntL'J please, and
wve you money.
Women's Hats ilM io
J.uss Hats 11 , troa
3 Kvr hare we Un better uinV(l . ...
wat that are right unfa ,ML . stoFk
! a K surprised at the wonderful uel 'lJ W ,M yU
&friC- d Chin, WL,.fl.W l0 Ilt sa
- ... 1 BO A A . a
oUe Waists
Yoa win fmd it to your ad
vantage to stock op at cur
Hosiery Dep't.
1 1. 1
I.a3 9 Qj
i 3 i I $ 1) mymwmi
. - --' -r vi
1 m yy ;
z-v jfiNnriifmM
Let Us Fit You
veryneataZiS ndgtVahmcomSoTievtTy ""Ming hour. It is a
can fit you correctly. Why take a chance on gettin a
poor fit. Come to us
lem Woolen Mills
C. P. RInnr trn'r