Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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"r.., pTrword Each Insertion one
.Jf 't insertions a cenU. one month
if insertions. II cents, one year, per
"onto. cents. Minimum per ad 2e
CeW insertion only tn New Today,
ri-v'ais cash hi advance and not tak
n over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account No allowance for
phone error. '
WANTED To hear from owner of
rood ranch for sale. Stats cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, .mum
VOIR future foretold: Send dime,
birthdate for truthful reliable con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Uause,
box 215. Xos Angeles. Cat.
EplBELLA corsets Bold by Mrs. Alice
A. Miles, 451 N. 21st Measure tak
en, ff guaranteed. Home Thursday
afternoon. Phone 1902J.
MARRY, if lonely; for results, try
me: .best and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage, soon; strictly confiden
tial; most reliable; - ytars experi
ence: descriptions free. "The Suc
cessful Ctub," Mrs. Ball, box 666,
. Oakland. Calif. 277
i'OI'R future foretold; Send- dime,
birthdate for truthful reliable con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Hause,
box 213. Los Angeles. Cat.
$10 buys five acres Texas field.
Desdiamonia leases sold at 75c non
worth $10,000 per acre. Carter
paid 75c per arre and sold for $8,
000 per acre. Texas-Rainbows End
now opening up shows same geo
logical formation as proven terri
tory. Lenses here may Jump any
price with first well coming in. It's
a speculation, but the kind of spec
ulation that has made many small
investors rich. The Fortuna Oil Co.
started in by several men pooung
$400 in leases sold out recently
for a million dollars. If you don't
understand lease business, we will
gladly explain all details. Remit $10
for five acres. We send you legal
lease form and keep you in touch
with developments. Send name for
free map and full information.
Rainbow's End Co., 417 Herskow
itz bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. SJ
l'OH SALE A real bargain. 160 acres
120 acres under plow, balance it.
pasture and timber. Large 0 room
house, 2 Tiarns and other buildings.
10 head cattle, 2 horses, chickens,
liogs and all Implements. . Located
about 15 miles from Salem, lti
miles from R. R. station and good
town. In German settlement 2 miles
from good church on rock road,
next year on paved road. Crops go
villi place. A few days mly $110
: per acre. H down, balance easy
terms. See or phone Chas. Ran
som. AuinsvillP, Or. SI
TWO acres, part river bottom, on
paved road, bearing fruit trees,
small house and barn, worth $2500;
want an offer. Also four room
house not finished and about en
acre land $600, Choice acre tract
on car line and pavement $900.
Four room house and five lots on
car line, $1800. 290 acre farm fell
improved with stock, crop and im
plements, $125 per acre. F. L.
Wood, 341 State St. nSS
FOR RENT Furnished room in private-
fumllyi reu-sonftble. - Phono
1 009. j 2
FOR SALE 75 cords second growth
fir 6 miles from Salem on the Dal
las rond. H. M. Fleming. ee82
A PACKAGE! In Oregon depot, prove
property and pay for -ad. 1163 S.
Liberty. SI
6 ROOM nnidern house, good loca
tion near school and car line, small
lot. a snap at $1250, $250 cash, bal
ance monthly payments. I handle
bargain and sacrificed properties
If you have property to sell list 1t
with me. H. S." RattcUff, fdfein
Hayne bldg. H82
FOR SALE By owner, 8 8-4 acres
of good loganberry or prune land
ready for planting, $1100. $300
flown terms on balance. Also one
12 guage 6-shot Winchester shot
gun and one 22 gunge, octagon
barrel Winchester rifle, both in
good working order. Enquire of
Win. Livock, Masonic bldg pool
Jiall. c82
DARGA1NS for home buyers, conven
ient homey cottage at $1250. Goj1
seven room house with basement.
In rue lot, close in on car line only
$:SUOO. Modern 5 room cottage well
furnished, -piano and good range, 4
fine lots at a bargain, Square peal
Really Co. 81
WANTED Housekeeping where no
lady overseer or cooking for small
crew of men. Call at 688 N. Chumh
" 81
WANTED To buy 20 f 60 acres ;f
farm land, with or without bullrt
Ings. H. ). Lovcland, 1105 S. Lib
erty St., Salem. fit
FOR SALE Slab wood, car loud lots
Capital City Transfer Co. I'hore
S33. ee83
FINE modern bungalow for sale lo
cated 2310 State street: owner will
be on premises Saturday and Sun-
day 2 to 4. f.l
TOR SALE Good potatoes, also a
brood sow with pigs and one to
farrow soon, 1 Poland China boar
weighing 300 lbs. at a bargain. A
Franke, Garden road, Rt, 7, box
223. 81
FARMS FOR SALE That neat, lit
tle, well kept, up to date farm of
110 ncres at $100 per acre, is a
daisy. 140 acres wh over 100 in
cultivation and $4000 worth of
buildings, is surely a bargain at
85 per acre. Two or three fa miller
would do well to buy this 300 acre
farm, onehalf In cultivation and
grub oak enough to make a good
share of the payment, at $75 pel
acre. Address H. C. Porter, Aums
ville, Or. 81
FOR SALE White Leghorn day-old
chicks $16 per 100. Phone 27S call
Mrs. Ent. fSJ
V ANTED 8 or 10 swarms of beef.
What have you? Box Bees care
Journal. i8C
i OR SALE 25 acre farm, house and
barn, good berry and fruit land. 7
H miles from Salem. Box H K cart
Capital Journnl. 81
IN . N(
fl COURT ST. q.
j WANTED To buy secondhand hm - 'i
, t, i,u bunding and ten !
i down. hat have you? Write me it t
; once and 1 will erne ami srt you '
; War K. Kron, Kt. 7, box 7 4. Sa- ,
I lem, f ir. , ,
' FOR SALE A real barcaiu J i 1
fou see this place you will not turn
f Z'Jtt V il hW ,0,act quick iKOR SALE-IS acres -miles north
plow hLl ,tCIVS- X? U,uWl near Pacific hiehway ou good roa.l.
f ZlV ?,T a,ni ,imbr- Pricp " small payment will
i-i orinara- ?" kmds ' frim. handle. Hart and Muller. 208 Ore
Good 9 room modern house, 3 good ! gon bldg -
barns, with large machine, ahe!. ' iTTcw.- .if '-r Z , ,
Located 4 utiles to R. R. station ., ! - ,JlK. ft'f ranch to trade for a
5H miles Awm " .
road. Price only $o per acre, reas-
enable terms, P. o. Box 118, Aums
vine, ur.
LOST Eastern Star pin Friday. Fin-1-er
please leave at Roth grocery
with Mrs. Montgomery. ki" 2
,, uu "F onen Ior a KOo
, Ing proposition. We want capable I
f 1 "icH.wno are not i
1- ,n w ui inenwno are de
sirous of obtaining a 'position that
will enable them to constantly in
crease their earning power from
month to month, single nien be
tween the ages of 20 and 30 preferred;-
no investment or experi
ence required, but must be able t
travel Call Capital hotel afte 1
a. m. Sunday ask for Mr. Ruthruff
WANTED Live agents wanted to
take exclusive agency for new fast
est selling household article. Genu
ine $75 per week proposition. Goods
prepaid. Modern Specialty Co., Div.
5, Los Angeles. Cal. SI
13500 TO LOAN on first class secur
ity. H. E. Bolineer.
?OR SALE Eggs, Rhode Island reds
Utah strain, dark red color, very
large, good layers, 15 for $1.50;
also incubator settings, ifc mile s.
of 12th St. carline, Rt. 5. box 40,
Mode Reedy. Salem. Or. f8S
THE Avery Six trartor makes farm
ing easier and more profitable. The
factory is swamped with orders
, only early comers can get spring
delivery. Salem Auto Exchange, 22J
Suite. . . . - - 082
FOR SALE 5 room plastered house,
full basement. 36l N. 2lth St. 88
WE sell used cars; to you.. for. you
r-anil guarantee them. Salem Auto
Exchange, 228 State. q82
FOR RENT Clean comfortable room
, for gentleman, $1.50 per week. 355
Division St. ' 81
FOR SALE 9 room house, modern
except basement. Price $1800( goon
-easy terms. Call 796 N. 14th.'. . 81
FOR SALE Windmill, tower Iioumc
and tank complete. Bargain. 667
S. Capitol. cSt
FOR RENT Furnished room a'djoin
ing bath room. Close in. Phone
2001R. SI
1915 Ford $276 ...
1918 Ford roadster $475
1917 Baby Grand $475
1914 6 pass Studebuker $225
1S1 Auburn chassis $125
1817 Maxwell 6 pass, $450
19V5 Overland 5 pass, $325
1913 Studebuker boat bug $27.5
. 1 Stoddard-Dayton rorm truck .will
sell cheap for cash or trade for team
horse-and wagon. Our repair depart
ment is now under the management
of B. W. l'eyree, experts only. W3
can save you money in this depart
ment. What have you to trade for an auto.
Investigate our swap department;
U. S. Garage
Phone 1752, 654 Ferry St; 81
FOR SALE Thoroughbred water
Spaniel pup. 2983 Portland road.
FOR SALE 6 room house close in
on Chemeketa street, bath, electric
'""lights. Price $3160; $1150 will
handle. W. E. Compton, 469" State.
Phone 930 or 34F13. 8l
LOST Fine gold chain with gold
crest mounted on black enamel.'d
gold pendant. Finder please re
turn to this office and receive re
ward. 81
FOR SALE A neat little bungalow
in West Salem. $500, terms. 63
acre farm, 40 in prunes on good
road, fine soil. A. L. Seamster Real
ty Co., 416 Masonic Temple. a
5 ACRE" tract, good house, barn and
garage, good road, family orchart;
all In cultivation. A splendid buy
for $3500, terms, V, cash. We have
other tracts near town and farmr
' of all sizes and kinds. We adver
tise only good buys. Give us a call.
S. R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon
bldg. Phone 43. ;
For Sale Houses.
HOUSE for sale on 622 N. High. n82
FOR SALE 5 room cozy bungalow
and a 6 room bungalow, modern
except heat, some fruit. Inquire
1242 N.Front. a93
FOR SALE Modern 5 room bunga
low at 1190 S. 14th street $250t,
$500 and monthly payments. Phone
1059M; a82
FOR SALE Rent or trade, house
Wose In, good garden and garage.
Phone 1390R. nSl
5 ROOM BUNGALOW Strictly mod
ern except basement, has electricity
hot and cold water, wash trays
gpod bath and toilet, dutch Rltch
en, wardrobes; house nicely arrang
ed, built 5 years. Good lot and soil,
garage, good streets. If you will act
quick $1600 will buy it, and
$800 will handle it. Nor-' far
out Possession in few days. S. M.
Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phono
43. a
FOR SALE If you have $6300 in
cash you can buy a $7000 house
direct from owner. See this before
you buy anything. Address 666 care
Journal. '
FOR SALE 6 room house, barn, 1
good lot. Price $1150, easy terms.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 4 room bungalow, 2
good lets. Price $900, Vi cash. Hart
ft Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. - a
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l. a'
FOR SALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow, excel
lent view, block and half from car
line In south Salem, 140 Superior
FOR BALE By owner new 8 room
modern house with about 1 acres
land, fruit, paved street, near car
line; also 6 room modern bungalow
530 N. 24th." a82
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. Max O.
Buren, J79 N. Com'l. n
For Sale Farms.
CHOICE close ia berry land, 10 aeres
located just outside city limits.
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500. good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phnnn 1427. - b
FOR SALE By owner, 31 acres ,
miles from Salem In Polk county.
1 mile from proposed paved road.
S acre in young orchard tusr bear
ing; about 27 acres in cultivation,
20 acres In crop; small house and
hum- Bnrinif and running water.
Price $4200, call at isS K-High St
SaWm- b84
- . . ..irt ituit t.rm. 4i
acres ,-,1,1 nrnno i U ktfv-.
berries. 4 goose berries, 4 acres un-!
uer irrigation from lage spine; ;
most of balanee readr tc plant; fair,
huildings. 4 miles from Salem on',
good road. Price $8500. Hart and ;
Muller. 2S Oregon bld'. - n !
- rincn.
240 acre slock ranch, buildings, 40
acres plow land, family orchard.
some timber, several springs. PrpMjWALL paper 25.0 double roll and up.
JIS5U0, $4500 cash. E. C. Derrick j Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. . m
Realty Co, 462 State St. Phone ' pUr.-. 57 : ; :
1034. nSt' 1220 We repair furniture.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Show cneis and refrig
erator. Roth Grocery Co. c8
OK SALE Typewriter Underwood
No. 5, first class" condition. 305 . S.
church St. - Phone 1642. - esi
WANTED 300 sacks ood potatoes,
any size lots tafceo. Roth Grocer
.Co- - - m'
Live Easter Jnunniea, Easter duck
lings, Raster chicks. C. N. Needhan.
358 Stofte street." : c81
12-INCH steel beam - plo -wfor sale
good as new," Ward" K. Richardson
2385 Front. '.- C82
FOR SALE Good, liotej proposition.
Box 13 8ilvertonY Or. . cSS
FOR SALE Bean spray outfit; 'ore
1-S-in. Winoni' wagon, box com
plete;' one 1917 -Ford truck. Phone
. 107F13. - c81
GOOD dry onions at 2 Hi cunt pound.
Phone 399 or call 197 S. Com. cSt
FOR SALE: Good retaa grocery
proposition. Box 12, SiJvertoh, O:'.
- CV!
ONIONS for sal cheap. 197 Suth
Commercial. c86
FOR SALE New 3 Bain wagon, S
men tires. 1311 In. Fourth St. c82
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping ana pacmng 100 bundle. Cap.
ltal Journal office.
For Sale Nursery Stock.
FOR SALE Wilson strawberry
piants 4 per lUOU. 955 N. 21st. dSl
ROSE bushes; shrubs, grafter Frav
quette walnut, and a few hundred
Italian prune, 4 to 6 ft. unhurt cv 1
freeze; also peach seedlings for
lining out," at Northwestern Nur
sery, Phone 111F3. d81
FOR SALE Extra good loganberry
tips. Box 351, Balem, Or. dS5
A. FEW thousand A-l Etterburg 121
"and. Wilson strawberry plants, at
$3.50 per M, dug, if taken soon.
Phone 12F4 R. M. Commack, Rt.
. box 88. . . d84
- For Sale Livestock.
WANTED To buy all kinds of live
stock. Call 87F24 evenings. 181
FOR SALE Horses, team weighing
.". 8000. Young, sound, kind and true.
'. Wm. Lillie at Center street feed
barn. Phone 927. e82
FOR SALE Chester White shoats,
at Rt. 8, box 100, Salem. Phone 71
F12 evenings. - - . r e84
i YOUNG pigs for sale. Call 107F4..
r on - bale one big -young team,
8300 lbs., harness, wagon cheap;
one horse, 1360 lbs.; cheap; one big
black, team 8200, and harness for
$300;'no dealer. I got to sell. H. A.
Smith, Center street feed barn.
One team -working in town, come
and see them, you keep, the 30b.
FOR SALE Two fresh Jersey cowk.
1311 N. Fourth St. el 2
FOR SALE Good milk cow at 891
N. Commercial. .. e81
FOR SALE 2 horses, weight about
1150 each, work single or, double.
1 set double driving harness, neat
ly new; 2 spring wagons, suitable
for berrymen. 2865 Brooks av?.,
near fair grounds. e81
FOR SALE 1 brood sow and 10 pig.
Phone 44F5. eSl
For Sale Poultry
CHOICE Buff Orpington hatching
, eggs. 154 Columbia St. Phone 139S.
FOR SALE 90 6-weeks old While
Leghorn roosters. J. H. Day, Rt. 7.
box 200. Salem. f81
BABY CHICKS .Tancred and Barron
strain, $16 per 100. Hatch weekly.
O. J, Smith, Turner, Or., Rt. 1. fl04
BLAC KMinorca eggs for hatching
uau 4D4 Hood St.
For Sale Wood.
FISHER boys will saw your wood.
Phone 1004. m81
STUMPAGE for sale on rock road,
1000 feet to station. Box 333 Sa
lem. eeS2
B'OR SALE First and second growth
fir timber, seven miles from Salem
on good road. About five thousand
cord. Room 16 Ladd & Bush bldg.
or phone 193. ee86
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
your wood. Phone 1004. m9D
WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
805 S. Church. Phone 1542. Fred
E. Wells. ee
FOR SALE New Elgin Six can be
seen at the Chevrolet garage. Price
H7S;. l'hona 97. gS2
WANTED 6 passenger Ford car,
must bo cheap for cash. 2180 N.
5th St. 182
FOR SALE Ford touring, A-l con-
dition. Phone 316, q82
IF you want a nice roadster, repaint
ed and thoroughly overhauled,
come and see us. Oscar B. Glng
rich, 371 Court St. q81
1 1918 5 PASSENGER Chevrolet for
sale cheap. 171 S. High. qSl
IS your car hard to start? Does your
motor give trouble? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 308. M. J.
Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
Our work guaranteed. ql 0
WANTED To trade a five passen
ger Reo, In good shape, for run
about Mr. Longcore, cor. Jeffer
son Way and Commercial St. Phnre
112F18. - q&l
Radiators, fenders and gas tanks
repaired, tractor radiators a spe
cialty; Ford radiators for sale. IIS"
S. 12th St., Balem, Or.
FOR HALE One 15-28 Samson trac
tor in excellent shape, used only 1
Vt seasons, gnau. At 173 S. Com.
FOR SALE Buick light touring
car, A-l condition, 5 new tires.
Take a- look at it. Highway Gararre
ipso H. commercial. Phone 339. qS.1
1919 MODEL Chevrolet $560. Must
be sold. Cherry City garage, 179 S.
12th St. q 4
SOMEONE can gave $200 en a 19 an
modil five passenger Elcar for a
short time only. This car has not
run a. hundred miles. Will consid
er trade for cheaper ear. Any bus
iness man should be proud tn own
this machine. Let us demonstrate
to you. This car carries the factory
guarantee. In addition to this 1916
Chevrolet, $350; light truck $27P:
1919 Hudson Speedster at $2009.
This car is worth more. Run si
months. Cherry City Garage, 17
a 12th. q82
TO LOAN $3000 ou farm security
"WALLBOARD"' can be used overioaInr Iam"" orchard. SiOOO i
lath and papered or tinted. Max O. LJ, aT? ".a""1" lrm Saltm 0n i
Buren 179 N com'l c ' g i', I. X , , .
. c j 1 acres. S .milea out, close to Pa-!
ec sujclai, aute transfer, !
general draying, local and. long :
distance hauling'Offioe phone S56
J ' m85 '
TRANSFER, Moving. Storage Wood
j for sale. Office at People's Furni-I-
ture Store. 271 N. Commercial St.
i Phone 134. Residence 13s Hinas
. ; -: ii.uj L.t' a 11 it Buura, kibu lawn mow
er . sharpening and soldering'. We
.call and deliver. nS2
YOUNG couple want to rent a four
; jor - five - room furnished hause.
care Journal.
"WAXTEDk-5 or 6 room bungalow,
moaern, wnn a, uutch kitchen, plosv
irr. - Box- 45 "Journal. - 181
FOR RENT Blacksmith shop twee
' ty by sixty feet, with some tools.
t twenty dollars monthly, 803 K.
Liberty St. Werner Fennel. j8
WANTED TO" Tent ty young couple,
' .coming to. Salean a famished o"r un-
' furnished flat,., apartment or resl
, dence. Address tR L C care Jour-
. iml. " : - J81
FOR RENT Unfurnished, three
-. rooms upstairs In private residence,
-electricity., bath and lavatory;, en
tirely seol uded from rest pf houn
."No uhildren, $15. Inquire at 119
12th St. J19
Wanted Help.
MAID wanted, no washing.
MARRIED man wants work on grain
farm. JJ. A. Schrock, Salem. Or,
Rt. 6,- box- 55. - b.81
WATED For Portland factory, good
lathe man for Westcott automatic
broom handle lathe. Box B C Capi
tal journal. g82
MAN and wife want work on farm.
W. R. care Journal. hSl
GIRLS wanted. Learn a trade and
haVB teady work the year around
Glove Factory, 1455 Oak St. g83
RAILWAY mail clerlts, $110 month.
Experience unnecessary. Young
.men, 17 upward, desiring clerkships
write for free particulars. J. Leon
,ard (former civil service examln
, er)r 1087 EquUable bldg. Washing
ton, P. C. : gS2
WANTED Farm ,htu)d, married with
wife or small child; small house
with milk, wood and garden, must
milk and understand farming, and
be good worker, 6 months work or
longer. C. C. Russell, Gervais, Rt
2. Phone 3F3. " -" g"
8 room bungalow strictly modern,
with furnace and ready to occupy,
paved street. .$3000.
6 room house, -modern, no basement
paved street and carline; -empty. $2.
500. . . .. .
Trade, good housa In. Portland rent
ing at $60 a month, for Salem prop
erty. What have you? "
House equity $450 to trade kit
light car. - ' ' '"" ' '
Fine 8 room modern home, elegant
lawn and trees; 1 Rcre of land, paved
street close to carline. $2500 will han
dle. Price $6500. .
20 acres -1 mil efrom -town; no
buildings. For quick sale $6000.
We have a number of houses and
acreage tracts. Cone In and let us
show you. - it- ', - -
Insurance a,., specialty. We mace
loans. We write bonds.
Laflar & Laflar ,
407 Oregon bldg. t a81
$1500. A 6 room' cottage on paved
street near school; terms.
$2000, $500, $15 per month buys a
very good 6 room "house. Has electric
lights, bath, toilet, basement, 8
blocks from Bush bank.
$2200, $700 down, terms on bal
ance; 7 rooms modern except base
ment, centrally located, new garage.
$2600, 6 room bungalow on paved
street, a good buy. ,
$4500, 8 Mi acres 2 miles from
state hospital; this is a good buy.
$5000, 10 acres 3 miles out; 2 acres
logans, some orchard and other fruit,
no better soil.
$4250, 10 acres 15 blocks from car
line, beautiful location.
$14,000, 45 acres near the city, some
timber; this is a good buy. -
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 353. 416 Masonic Temple.
Real Investments.
A rel home close in with an In
come. 21 acres, 614 in prunes, 2 'n
logans, 2 In evergreens, acre red
raspberries, and acre Lawtons, 2
In family orchard. Modern 6 room
bungalow, double garage, ' barn, am!
two chicken houses. Price $16,000,
380 acres, 100 In cultivation, right
at the door of over 2000 acres of oi't
range opened by a special act of the
legislature. Plenty of running water,
2 hours drive of Salem, on main road
Fair house, two barns, spring wa
ter. Some stock and equipment go
with the place at $13,000. Terms.
40 acres all in cultivation, 3 In
prunes, should have 6 or 8 tons. Gocd
buildings, 2 miles from town. Price
$5250; terms.
30 acres,- 2 In prunes, family or
chard, buildings. In a good prune
district a mile of town. Price $2600
$600 cash. r
Homestead relinquishment $300.
2 fives, 1 six and 1 seven room bun
galows, priced right.
We advertise your property at your
price, .we will not Increase the price
and make the sale impossible.
. Estea St Magee.
428 Oregon1 bldg, Salem
Portland office. Chamber of Com.
For Sale, 60 million feet good tim
ber on main line 8. P, 25 percent
pine. Snap. $1.50 per M.
Nice 80 acre farm near Elma. Wn.
half In cultivation; good farm bull 1
ingsi $6000; will exchange for acre
age near Salem.
For fale, dandy nice 15 acre tract,
12 in cultivation. Good new bungalow
good barn and other buildings; i
acres, bearing prunes and loganber
ries. $3uo, terms. -
10 acres choice loam son near SK-
lem, 6 room house, outbuildings, fine
well; one acre timber, one cre prune
orchard, near school and church.
choice loganberry or strawberry land
$4500, easy terms, or will exchange
for Salem residence.
Choice 80 acre Waldo Hills farm
for quick sale, $8500.
24 ncre river bottom farm 6 mile
from town, farm buildings, orchard,
berries, good road. Bargain. $3500.
Call and aee our list of farms, acre
age, prune orchards, city property
before investing.
' Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com, club bldg. n
Best Buys.
acres near paved road.
miles from city limits, 4 room house.
cine nignway. a tine location; abou: I
5 4 acres in fine Italian prunes. 2 'i j
cherries. 2 apples and pea.-s. all laTgo
bearing trees and a fine orchard. $4.- !
1 so. ierms
30 acres all in cultivation, 20 prunes.
S ia Iogacs, some apples and pears; j
4 room house, barn and new dryer,
v.. ,i,uu ivMtu in inw until vl ii:r
prune district. $12,500, after April
1st, $15,000. .
acres on paved road, close to
town, small new house and good barn
4 acres in cultivation, balance oak
timber. $3000.
5 acres. 2 cleared, 3 in fir timber
5 miles from Salem. $300 terms.
95 acres close to good town, on
main highway; 46 in prunes, 7-years
old; 7 room house, plumbed for hot
and cold water, large barn and other
buildings. $12,500.
10 acres. 2 miles from city limits;
all in cultivation, best soil ; 4 ' room
house, barn and other buildings; tarn
ily orchard. $4750.
9H acres on Garden road, about i
acres in bearing prunes, some appls
and cherries; best of soil, welldraH
ed;fin house now building will he
strictly modern, basement, fireplace,
water system, lights, hardwood floor
breakfast room, everyt&ing like city
home; nothing finer to be had. Own
er will complete house and aell it
$17,600, terms. - -
9 room strictly modern house, sleep
Ing porch, two blocks from state cap
itol north. $6500. This place wou'd
cost $10,000 to build now.
6 room modern bungalow, good gar
age, wood shed, garden, a fine little
home and priced to sell at once. $3250
terms. ' '
Want a $750 loan on 80 acres of
timber land.
Want a $2400 loan on a fine bear
ing prune orchard.
Want a $1000 loan on a good 10
acres close to Salem, all cultivated.
841 State m.
2 14 acre farm home, located on
good graveled road and about mile
from electric station. Finest kind of
soil, 3-4 acre set to loganberries,
good 4 room house, barn and chick
en houses. This is a dandy little place
and a bargain at $1500.
10 acre tract of river bottom land,
1 mile from Salem on good road. Bon o
fruit and grain: 6 room plastered
house and smaJI barn. A fine home
place for $4000, half cash.
22 acres only 5 miles froln the
state house on good road, 18 acres
cultivated, balance pasture. Dark pro
ductive soil; 4 room"hou8e with elec
tric lights, new barn, hen house ard
garage; 6 fine cows, good team, driv
ing horse, buggy, wagon, plow, cul
tivator, cream separator, about 30
chickens, 2. calves, heater, linoleum
on floor and telephone; 18 acres In
crop. Everything goes for $6000.
29 acres of fine river bottom land
about 9 miles from Salem on good
road; 21 acres set to hops. Yon know
what hops are worth. Price $10,000
40 acre general farm at Mill City;
20 acres cultivated and enough saw
timber, piling and cord wood on the
balance to pay for the place. '7 roor
house, big barn and brooder house;
1 acres orchard. Good outrange.
You can't beat it for $2500.
We must have more listings of all
kinds of farms of all sizes. We have
buyers for them". Drop in and list
your place. " . ' .4' j $ ; .--
Kinney & Smith. .
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. 1 n
64 acres, 30 acres tilable, 24 acres
in pasture, 5 acres loganberries, 1
acres cherries; new 5 room bunga
low, barn, etc., oiv good road and mall
route, close in and in good locality.
Price $11,600; easy terms.
5 acre tract, nice new bungalow,
good barn, 2 acres orchard 14 acrs
strawberries, fine location, close to
Salem. Price $3800. .
10 acres close in; a money maker.
5 acres in bearing loganberries, good
orchard, all -drain tiled; house, barn,
choice land, fine location,, close t'
Salem. $6250. .'..;
30 acres, 15 in bearing prunes, In
prune district. $6000.
200 acres good soil, close, to sta
tion, not far from Salem. $100 per
acre. - .
64 acres, 25 acres m' choice bea
lng prunes, produced $16,000 in one
crop; good 'house; barn;' fine up to
date dryer, close to Salem. This place
Is a real money maker. $30,000; terms
New 5 room bungalow, electric
lights, bath, toilet, good location. $1,
600. ;
Oregon Land Co. '
442 State street " '
41 acres six miles from town In red
hills. 10 acres bearing logans, 29 acres
prunes. Buildings. Splendid bargain.
$21,000. .....
10 acres, 7 acres in bearing lo
gans, strawberries am? a pies. Build
ings, new land. 6 miles out in red
hills. $7000; half cash.
67 acres walnuts and heavy bear
ing prunes. On highway six miles
out; buildings, dryer. Fine ' property,
well cared for and best of condition.
One of best money makers in tha
hills. $27,600.
We have many other choice fruit
properties located in sections unin
jured by the freeze.
Pearcy Erothers.
210 Oregon bldg. gi
233 acres, first ' class farm build
ings; 20 acres bearing prunes; farm
fully equipped with machinery and
stock; 80 acres seeded to crop; some
fine timber; situated 6 miles from
state house. Price, Including every
thing on place, $193 per acre.
200 acres; first class buildings; 150
acres in cultivation; 25 acres in tim
ber, balance in pasture. Priced at
$125 an acre.
173 acres; good buildings, includ
ing fruit dryer; 20 acres in bearing
prunes; 12 acres logans. Three fourths
mile to R." R. station. $32,000.
6 -acres; good farm buildings and
fruit dryer; 39 acres in prunes, 30
acres in full bearing; situated
mile from R. R. station and 12 miles
trqxn Salem. A snap at $25,900.
87 acres; 15 acres bearing prunee.
5 acres timber and balance in cultiva
tion. 5 miles from Salem, on good
rock road. Price $7000; $2000 cash,
balance to suit purchaser.
117. acres; 10 room house, large
barn, various outbuildings; ail In cul
tivation. 3 miles from Monmouth. $200
per acre.
18 acres; cheap buildings; all Ir.
cultivation. Fine loganberry land. Sit
uated 4 V4 miles east of SaJejti. Price
82 acres; good buildings; 28 acre
in .cultivation; In Polk county, 2V,
miles from Bush bank. Priced at $12,
We have four cheap houses to be
sold on Installments, with $150 to $250
cash, balance In monthly payments
Also 3 six room bungalows and one 5
room bungalow for sale at bargain
484 Court street nSt
Good Buys.
9 7-10 acre tract located close to
street car line and just south cf Sr
lem. sightly location, beautiful view,
7 room modern bungalow, good barn,
bearing cherries, English walnuts, ap
ples, plums. This is a first class place.
Price $14,000. .
Nearly two acres, located close to
c;u-line, bearing fruit, house, barn.
Price $2500.
Six acre tract close to carline, beat
ing fruit, buildings, sightly location.
Price $3609. . - -
10 acres bearing Italian prunes,
good location, 4 miles from Salem.
Price $6000. - '
30 acre tract, nearly all cultivated,
6 , room house, barn, well, first clas
fruit and berry soil, some timber, b
miles from Salem "on hard road. Price
6 room plastered house, and $-4
acre of land, bearing fruit, close to
carline. Price $3000.
1 acre tract located south of Sa
lem, small house, bearing fruit, good
soil. Price $1000.
4.81 acres of first class strawberry
or loganberry soil, located on rook
road close to Pacific highway. FW)
$1309. .
6.67 acre tract, S room house, 6
acres Italian prunes, good location
Price $3500.
10 acre tract, 5 acres In 8-year old
prunes, 6 room house, some timber,
located 6 V miles south. Price $3250.
26 acre tract, stump and timber, 1
acre cultivated, 5 room house, well,
fine spring, close to school, 5 miles
from Salem, rock rotd. Price $2000.
. 56 -acre tract all cultivated, house
and barn, well, family orchard.- lo
cated 6 miles east ot Salem. Price
$175 per acre.
65 acres located near Macleay, ftl
acres cultivated, balance timber, se
eral springs. Price $5000, $1000 down,
balance 6 percent interest.
160 acre farm.' 100 acres in culti
vation, good house, barn, family or
chard, all crop, stock and machinery
goes. Price $1600.
10 acres of good prune and ber-y
soil, all cultivated, 5V4 miles south
of Salem. Price $1500.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
875 State street n
4 room plastered house at 2185 N.
4th street. Price $1000. terms.
5 room plastered house at 2235 N.
4th street, with 4 lots, garage. Pries
S room plastered bungalow, modern
except fireplace and furnace. Locat
ed at 1850 S. Church street. Prlo
$2300. Terms.
6 room bungalow at 620 S. 18th
street. Price $2000, good terms.
5 room house located close to Yiv
Park store. Price $2000.
6 room bungalow with one acre
planted to fruit, close to Salem
Heiehts store. Price $3000.
6 room modern bungalow located
I..II. at rout Prion 4000.
6 room house at 156 N. 13th streeV
Price $4200.
7 rooms, 870 Union St., modern.
Price $4300.
; 8 room "modern house at 745 Ferry
street. Price $5000.
7 room modern house, a complete
home In every way. Price $6600.
6 room modern bungalow at 1515
S. Commercial street. Price $6000.
W. II. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street. n
8 acres, heavy loganberries, 6 years
old, on the wires. Price is right, mon
ey maker.
New grocery stock, good business,
rent easy,
- (also) '
40 acres in southern Alberta, trade
for. property here; well improved,
292 acres south of Salem, 25 acre
bearing prunes; extra farming land,
good buildings, water piped to same.
Price $13,000, terms.
Cloce in house for small tract with
buildings, outside city.
H. E. Brown
Room 8, 341 State. 81
Contractors and builders.
Phone 197 J.
WANTED Second hand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest prices
' for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 285 N.
Com'l St. Phono 47.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phon 841.
SALEM BCAVA:T3EU Garbage and
refuse 'of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo-
res, phone 834. LJ
DR. JOHN L, LYNCH, osteopathlo
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 68F5. 104
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash, for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
- and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 28 to 68
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124
Water Company.
. corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
1 Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 67.
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privilege.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 8 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Hnlpm. Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6H percent,. $03 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
"7" Money to Loan.
) On good real estate security .. . ..
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loan
Any amount Long time,
(ft and ( percent interest
City building loan.
A. C. Eohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregoa
Lodge Directory
CHEMEKETA 1 dge No. 1
meet every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. P. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kuntx,
K. R. A B.
L NIT EL) ARTISANS Capital Assem
bly No. 84 meet every Thursday at
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A: A. A Gueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or, jU
Oregon Grace camp No. 1369 meat
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.
recordet Flora, Nelson, 733 Norl-t
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meet
every Friday night at 8 o'clock la
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross. C. C; L. S. Geer, elerit
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. U.
W. meets every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. tn MoCornack hall, cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W; A. L. Brown, finaa
eier: A. Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 24f
meets every Thursday evening at t
o'clock tn MoCornack ' building.
Court and Liberty streets. H. O. '
Coursey, V. C; Frank A Turner,
Grain; Wheat No." 1 $2.00; feed
oat 885c; milling oat 89985a;
cheat hay $1819; oat hay $21021;
clover had $23; mill run $46.
Eutterfat: Butterfat 64c; creamery
butter (46ao.
Fork, veal aid mcttoa: Fork oa foot
IS $-4c; veal fancy 23c; steer llci
lambs 13 Vic; cow 79c; we 9o;
sheep, yearling 12 Vic
Dressed pork 21c
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 32c;
light hens, 8082c; heavy hens 28c;
old roosters 16916c; springs 24c
Vegetables: Onions per pound 6c;
celery do. $1.78; potatoes, Yakima
6c. Oregon SV4 4c; sweet potatoes 9a
beet per sack $2; turnips per sack
$3.75; carrot per sack $1.25; parsnip
per sack $3.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad
lshe 40o do.
Fruit: Orange $2.60 6.00 ; lemon
$5.5006; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage Ec;
head lettuce $1-25; carrots 45c; as
paragus 18o; cauliflower $2 do.;
red pepper 25c lb; rhubarb 12 He;
pea 15o lb.
Retail .prices: Ergs dczen 37c;
creamery butter 70 72c; country but
ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.253.49
oft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Apr. 8. Cattle steady;
receipts none; grain and pulp fed
steer $11.00011.75; choice $10,609
11.00; good to choice $8.50 10.50;
medium to good $8.759.7S; fair to
medium $7.26 8.2 6 ; common to fair
$6.25 7.25 ; choice cows and heifers
$9.00 10.00; good to choice $8,000
9.00; medium to good $6.60 7.50;
fair to medium $5.606.60; canner
$3.005.60; bulls $6.008.00; prime
light calves $15.00917.00; medium
light 110.00 0 14.00; heavy $7,009
10.00; Blockers and feeders $7,600
Hogs firm; receipts none; prims
mixed $16. 25918. 50; medium $16.00
16.25; rough heavy $11.00 15.50;
pigs $121S.
Sheep steady; receipts none;spring
lambs $19.00 920.00; light valley -$15.25916.50;
heavy $14.26915.25;
common to medium $11014.69; year
ling $14.50015.00; wether $14,000.
14.50; ewes $10013.
Portland, Dr., Apr. 8. Cubes ex
tra 60c; parchment wrapped box lots
63c; cartons 64c; half boxes He more;
less than H boxes lo more; butterfat
620.63c f. q. b. station; 64066c Port
land. Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., Apr. 8. EEgs buy-,
ing price case count 88039c; buying'
price case count 38c; selling price
candled 40a; selected candled In car
tons 42c.
Poultry: Hens 32 37c; broiler 49
9 45; roosters 20c; turkeys dressed
52053c; geese 22025c; ducks 40050c
Wheat and Hill Stuffs.
Wheat: $3.20; barley $70; oat 680
62.50 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $63.59
Hay. Buying price, valley timothy
$28.00; alfalfa $32.00; grain $30.00;
oheat $22; clover $30; rata and vetch
Millstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, dt
arfage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots o
mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $7$
rolled oats $66.50; ground barley $71
scratch feed $80.
Corn whola $66; . cracked $68.
of the Ktnlc of Oregon, for 'Marlon
County, Department No, 2
J. E. Peltycrew, plaintiff, vs C. A.
Rockhlll and Lulu A. Rockhill. his
wife, Guy S. Smith an administrator
of the estate of F. O. Doyle, deceased,
Mrs. Howard Allison and Howard A'.
llson, Ous Doyle and Guy O. Smith,
Edna Doyle and Geo. N, Doyle, de
fendants. Summons.
To Howard Allison, Mrs. Howard
Allison, Gus Doyle, Edna Doyle and
Geo. N, Doylo, above named defend
ants: In the name of the state ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the -complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this fciim
mons toWlt: BYlday Feb. 13, 1920,
and If you fiul to so appear or answer
said complaint, plaintiff will apply,
to the court for the relief prayed for
In his complaint filed herein towit:
for the foreclosure of his mortgage
recorded In book of mortgngts, vol. 71
at page 428 on Dec. 7, 1812, for Ma
rlon county, Oregon, and for the sum
of $1700 and for the sale of the real
premises described in said mortgage
and complaint and being the NW
quarter of the SW quarter of sec
tion eight, T. 8 H. It. 3 west of th"
W. M., Harlon county, Oregon, and
also an undivided one half Interest
In 14 acre being a strip 16 and H todt
wide for road purposes and being sit
uate in the NE H of the SW H st
sec. 8 T. 8 8. R. 8 W. of W. M.. Ma
rlon county, Oregon, and for his costs
and disbursements incurred herein,
together with a reasonable attorney!
fee, ',
You ara hereby further' notlflei
that this summons is served upon you
by publication thereof In the Capital
Journal, a newspaper of general dr.
culation published daily ll the cU7,
of Salem. Oregon, Marlon county,
pursuant to an order mado ott th
11th day of February, 1920, by tha
Hon. Percy R, Kelly, Judge of th,
circuit court for Marlon county, Oro
gon. Lastly you are notified that the
date of the first publication ot thUt
summons is on Friday, Feb. 13th. 1920
and the last publication thereof will
be on Friday, March 26th, 1920.
G. E. UNftUH, Attorney.
"There is law against duelling in Uru
guay, but It Is understood that one of
the conditions agreed to by Betlran
and Battle was that neither would
prosecute the other In case -of injury.
Duel are Infrequent In this country.