Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FA IE TWO.
iiim ii mwniiiniiiMi miwii urn niiwi m
PKX.N'J tht; sucUtt a- borne in H-wie, Idaho, after spendir.:
levities, the Monday N.shI the winter i Lunir f':.iif.,rni-.
JUancing e!ut set lhe tjnduid j.
with a .laneo at the Moose hall
Monday night. The ttilv nt of .prill,;
and the proximity ul Kimer were not
d lit the artixtic deroiations of the
kail, an abundance of flowers belrg
augmented by dainty Easter misses
tioc. Music was furnished by one of
the best 6rrhetrn in the city.
Besides the membera tf the club
several additional guests were In at
tendance. Air. K. J. Shepherd of
Oregon City was the Ruest of Mr. and
mrm. n. i. uner. Airs, liner anil
Mrs. Shepherd are sisleis. lr. and
il).iv, '.j .,.ir..i fi.:i s:re;. wr.k ie
: !.k-.-.--t a to h. ar of htr recovery fron;
serious iiinesia.
i Mi.s-1 Margiret Cosper, supervisor of
eseiiieutury S'-huoSs in Sleai, wa- hun-
i "r gii-at at a theatre psrty at the Ore
: Bon Theater Monday evening. The per
lormunce was followed by a luncheon
at The Soa. Tho?- in the party included
! iJisi L.uiru 1;f!1. .Mis Ureta I'hiiHps
accompanied iliss (" Bn!"'"' Ellis
and Miss fclla reyroe.
Sirs. Ausu.t Kisser
by her aunt Mrs. William A Ri.ih..
tora leu eaiem Mar.
lag. Nebraska, to attend the fnnerl!
of Mrs. Rist-er's faiher. Mr. Boblilti i nnurf unit ,.t ii..V.i..i.,
who was killed in an auto acclUert ! foreman of the canning department of
.,.,. , ... wvj mm uc ausi.iii wv. k. t a r. ........... .1-,.
oral utanlra !
, .... ii w .. aim 411.
- J- I
7j..eifi-fCTfj jiarK McAllister.. The two men are
cousins. Mr. McAllister was called to
he States by the death of his father
Mr Fred Thompson we.e guest of 'M f business -was
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore. Mr. ard 1 . ""'"H wlth' foresting response
atra. J. K. Erophy had as their guest
fr the danoce Mr. and Sirs. Clifford
Farmer and Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Kuhu
Miss Marie pn ma th
guest of Ir. and Mrs. Herbert U Stiff I
The Press luncheon will be oue of
the social features of the biennial con
vention of the general federation of
wuoieu s club to be held at Lies Moines
June 16-23. Special speakers, and
greetings from newspaper men and
women all over the country will be the
attractions, followed by a press con
ference hi which the press chairman
from forty eight states wil Itake part.
This luncheon is always on of the great
features of tho biennial convention,
ftnd promises this year to be. a red let
ter day indeed. Special pluns for pub
licity in the home pupeis during the
Uttxt administration w ill be f,,r, ,,!,..,.
and the importance of the committees
The tiociaJ Hour club of the Salem '
KeichtS met At tho t'ntnnmnlt
Thursday, March 5(5, with Mrs. AVick-' He Plan 'o remain a month.
burg, Mrs. Bohamaa aad Vrs. Brown-
ing as hostesses. After business -was Wednesday. March IS. at fh hum.
of her father, F. Kex, in West Salem.
Miss Clara K. Kex became the bride of
Charles F. Price of Harrington, Wash
ington. Reverend G. F. Liening reaii
the ceremony in the presence of the
immtniate relatives.
Miss Rex is a popular member of
West Salem society and active in all in
formal affairs. The groom is a busi
ness man of Darrimrtnn. at n-hfoh
plac; the young people will make their
luture home
from all members at roll call was en
Joyed. Mrs. Hleks and Mrs, C. Sawyer,
with Sirs. W. Sawyer as accompanist
lavored the women with a ch flic V, ir I
selection. Delicious refreshments r
served at the close of the meeting. The
next gathering will take place April 8,
with Mr Clemens. Mrs. Tjiiiriulfer
Airs. Moris and Sirs. 1'ray as hostesses.
The South Circle of the First Chris
tlan church met .Wednesday at the
home of Mrs, Harvey Stanton, 156
iOUth Cottaae Street. The reurnlar in,. I.
ness meeting was held, followed by a
social hour. Those who were In at
tendance were Sirs. F. T. Smith
A. J. Basey, Sirs. Richard, Mrs. Bailey,
Mrs. Charles Havls. Sirs. Clyde Town
send, Mrs. O. C. Watkiim, Sirs. Harvey
Stanton, Sirs. Clifford Klgin and Sirs.
Cass Gibson. The next assembly of
the circles will be held at the home of
I-rosram. while .Mrs. tfasa Mirijseniaey
ers received the s.iwr t-fferin? at tne
itss Aeii i.e!s, vnu h:us rei ertiy re
ttitTed from service in KuK-ia as a
iturse. uuivle the appeal to the audience
to give to the worthy cause. Sii-N E'.ii:li
Kan:- deserves commendation for th-J
houTi sieiit reheai-sin as accontpa::.-a:
with the children. The sin-cess of the
dances was due to the able direction
of Sirs. Oscar Gingrich, who showed
talent in directing the little tots. -i
this connection, it may be said that the
dance "Jack in the .Box," by Leona
Geer, was eiiual to any professional
work The dance was original with
Sirs. Gingrich.
Miss Joanna James, vocalist, . and
Miss Bertha Clark, whistler, were well
received. Sliss Ruth Bedford was .
enmnaniHt for f ia flurk. V i t .-.icp
Fawk was in charge of the decorations
and Sliss Genevieve- Yannke in charge
of the costumes, which were carefully
thought out. The whole affair waj
under the ausnices of the Woman's
club and it will be repeated soon.
Am a nrnnf lit thair nnnn.Hi.Hnn fni
Miss Edna Is Sterlng .who coached
tne nign scnool play "The Prince of
Liars" members nt tha fnlittu ranaat
club presented her with a beautiful
reauing lamp r riday evening.
t'.u' lhe retnuiiid-i j
ti.eiii on easy :
of Uuir lives. I
The still, a home ma.lo affair for'
'tton was alto found by the officers. . -..u b.:id-
Siatoma was brouiiat to lKill is lai. j
Thinstlay afiinooii aiul trieil W'or. !
Justice of the Iicc J. K. S:Hry who.
assessed a fine of SZ an.l costs atfain
him. He was then dismissed although
there us a likelihood thai tne leuerai
authi.ritie will re arrest hitii for niaiiu
facturing the liquor .in dt fiance of the
h .'j-d Lr. lite" u svniritis"' trtct to the amount oi Sl.j;i,. ,i,
onimis.-iup' to advertise the .vile or - li ,..a U of the Wana Springs IrrU.,
of stale burnt to ue iiis:i,ct to the amount of Jl v.
, ,,.,-.,-. t tif -he s.:iii-.iniiial mtere.i wh .-u htv. t""" p';r.r.;u
s of the Ochoco ini,.it:on !.s-' s-J utiuer uie i.nv oi tttia.
" i'i' ttlU
State Treasurer Hoff has been au-!
work in bringing the great work of the' Mr- - C Wa'kln. 57 South Lib
federation before tho readers of thoj rly street-
uewuyupers anu niusiielne In building
t us clientele win be emphasized.
With nearly one thousand club edi
tors on the great dallies of the country
co operating with the Dress commute...
Us opportunity to spread the gospel of
icuurauon is incalculable. Making the
most of this field of publicity will be
the chief feature of the luncheon.
Thursday In the pnrlors of the First
Wuthodlst church, the mlsslonury so
cieties of the Jason Leo, Leslie anu
First Methodist churches held the first
of a series of banquets and get-toguth-r
meetings. The series will culminate
tuna , on which date anniversary din
ners ewlll be held all over the country
iumoring the foretlth aiiiiivorsary of
the founding of the societies.
Mrs. J. o. I'urdy, Mis. II. K. Carrier
Mrs. Fred A. Legge, Airs. J, H. Bukei
nd Mrs. Ray Farmer composed the
committee on Hnaiigemeiita, ,r.
Cenrgo 11. Allien, corresponding secre-
ui me Oregon conference, was
toastmlstress and toasts were respond
ed to by the following:
Mrs H. Peterson of Portland, presi
dent of the conference board: Mrs
Joshua Stansfleld of Portland, first
" presiueiu of the board; Mrs. J
W. Wiser of Portland, mito-box secre
tary of the confei 'HIW (timeIt 1L1I- -vi
hi (Iraee Davis, superintendent f tho
m "umiiii swiuument eenter; Sirs. F.fflo
WilKht Hiiitlnp, president of the Jason
"iary or Haloni; Mrs. A, C,
ornnsiaut, president of the Lf
-;'' y r Mtiein; Mrs. A. A. Under
hill, president 0f the First Mefhodist
v.,ur..n auxiiuiry of Sle,; Mrs. Cirl
Cregg Doney, Salem; Mrs. 0. Sailor
lee. Salem; Mrs. K. J. Hwufford, Sul
m; Mrs. A. 0.' Hoffman, F()reKt
Orove, and sirs. Charles Llttlur i.f
Forest Grove.
Mrs, Roimi Olovor was In charm, of
the program. A number of leadlnw,
- - "'o teatuied the progrum
Mrs. Glover, Mis, .Ue. trude Aldrleh,
M Lucille Harton nnd Mrs. Nell
hitler being the principal performed
tH""! 0t "Ui nt tow" Wo, " wvo '
M. W I'utton, Mrs, Chatles Littler
nl Mrs. A. O. Hoffman of K0r,t
.rove; Mrs. A. A. Smith and Mrs.
' ,nl f Hllverton; Mrs, Hur
jwss Ford and Mrs. H. Lilly, with
three other women will come f,.,
Wayton Mrs. II. Peterson, Mrs. K
r. Collins, Mrs. .ji,ri !l.insfle,l,
Mm. J. W. Wiser mid Sliss Olla iia.
Vis, all of Ponlund, will be here,
n the auditorium of the Lincoln
Junior hlKh ,.hl, jn,,y evtlrt
Kescrve election tk
,P e tiud the following officers we-e
eted: Ninth A; Under, Miss M,.v
fake; eorps scout. Harriet HmltV
oullngs , llnRS cheinnan, Hulln-
K","y,U,n! mn'We ''h;,ln"'ul-
Nl'"h II and Fl,ih A end H.
Ider, Ms (im,v, ).,,,,.
corp. scout, Helen Arpke; initio,.
end limliiKs elialrmnn, Kllmibeth Tuff
H-vic ehairiuuii, IMemi.m Haumiem'
heventh snide; Lender, Mis A O
Wohrnatedt; corps scout, Myrt'ell .
Wilpp; outlnff, ,, Innlnna ehslr,,,,,,,.
.oer.a nonrnstedt: service cm
jjons nelson,
Mr. and Sirs. Frank Gaunt, of Sic
Minnville were house euests r.f r
ana Sirs. Clarence Townseiid last week
Mrs. M. SI. Tomklns and daughter,
Sliss Jesamlne Tomklns, left Slondny
for their home In Los Angeles after
having spent two months In Salem as
the guest of Mr. and Sirs. George Tom
kins, at their home on North Commer
cial street.
An informal dinner was given re
cently at the hnina of m- ,.a it...
, " " i.IIS.
James h. Prunk In honor of Sirs. Ra
chel Reeder and her l.rotlu.r ai...
innririeiu. The remainder ..f th ,
ing was passed informally with music
and social converse.
Miss Gene Epstein. . i,,,r.,. .....i.....
maid of Portland. Is the m,.i, t
of Sir. and M. Solof, at their home
544 North Commercial street.
Mrs. Joe Schullg of the River Road,
returned home Tuesday fi-.,m
months' visit with rehitlu. ...
ville, TeniiusHoo and Ashville, North
Mrs. D. H. Thomas rMtlll-lwtrl I, ..1.1,,..
from a four weeks visit with friends
in Corvullls, . .
Mrs. George L. Pearce will have as
uer nouso guej.t her .daughter Miss
"won i-uurce of tho Portland Y. W.
C. A.
Mrs. L, K. Page klm In.. h.,., j
ing several days in Donald us the house
Kuest of Mrs. August Aufrance, hus
returuod to her home in w,.i.., ,i.n..
in Donald Mrs. Page was (he guest of
j. i. aioore. She was also guest
of honor at n dinner party give,, at
the residence of Sir. and rMa. Earl
Carver, other guests being Mr. ami
Mrs. August AufraniM i.nrt vr... i...,,.
Carver ,of Hamilton, Minnesota.
Mrs, Mark Hnlhawiiv i,..u ...
tr ...... an m.-
Imuse guest nt her lovely home n Sat!
wlnaw street, her mint. i... i
(i. Htartup of Seattle.
The many friends of mi v ........
- --- .alitor
larks, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. Geo
Satisfaction at the unqualified suc
cess of the presentation of the chil
dren's playlet, "The Order of Hearts,"
given last Tuesday night in the Sloose
hull bv the niano student, .if Mi.
trlc-j Shelton for the benefit of the
children s ward in the new Salem hos
pital, warmed the hearts of Sliss She
ton and her able and untiring assistants.
This effort of the children was so
well received at its initial performance
and there have been so munv renin. t ...
for a petition, that it will be repeated
in a short time. The date and the
place will be announced later. At this
first performance the sum of $54 was
received trom the silver offering.
The .Moose hull was tastefully dec
orated with spring flowers and long
learners until it took on the nature of
the audience chamber of a woodland
queen. It was the assembling; place of
me royai members of the Undying Or
der of Hearts, and on this occasion the
toyal personages had Invited their
court to pay honor to St v..inn
who had Just returned from his anual
festival trip around the world.
The quetn of the court was Miss
Bernice Mulvey. St. Vn!enti,.o ,.. ....
personated by Truth Huston. The la
dies of the court were Dorelle Ander
son, Lorana Geer and,. v..
Cupid as impersonated by Windrow
o""o. i no pages were Angela and
Geneva Sundin The members of the
wedding party were: Bride, Slaxine
Myera ; groom, Rollln Umber; best
man, Ellsworth Fletcher; ma!d-of.
."..or i,,eanqr Schmidt; bridesmaids,
Dorothy Moore. Doris McCallister.
Margaret Bell, Esther -Gibber!, Claud
Je (lueffmy, and the minister, who re
serves special,,,. f,. u... . , .
- ...s aumir.
able perforniunce, was Bert Hoffhinc.
o.c.a, mention must be made of
hose who colaborated and assisted in
n this even, the siiccess it was
Miss Beatrice Thompson arranged the
i and 8uKge,tlon of Miss Shelton
i to the playlet form and wrote the
I ..ogue. suss L. S. fleer and Mrs.
John G ruber assisted In staging the
Japs And Liquor
Seized In Raid At
Dallas. Or.. Aor. 2. One nf the hia-
Eest hauls of llouor made in this coun
ty since the prohibition law went Into
effect was made late yesterday after- j
noon when Sheriff John W. Orr with
L. C. Sluscott a deputy In company
with two internal revenue officers
from Portland arrested J. Siatoma, a
Japanese of the Independence neigh
borhood, with more than 40 irallons of
siki, a Japanese drink highly Intoxi
cating, in his possession.
Siatoma admitted hie cnitt in
nection with having the liquor in his
possession but stated that it had been
mane not for sale but for the nm-noae
of celebrating a wedding that is to take i
place at his home in the near future.
.uaioma told the officers that he work
ed in a distillery In .latum fn. -iv , ;
and that he understood to a nicety the j
nay io nianuiacture liquor.
The fact that the Japanese of that
district have received more than 200
sacks of rice during the past few
months led the officers to believe that
perhaps Hie teniDtation nt ton ,....
paid for moonshine whWav ia tv,
-op asiray ana tnat they saw visions
of a quick return to thoi nuti..
trywlth enough cash on hand to lund
. TOO.
Death only a matter of short time.
Don't wait until pains and ache?
become incurable diseases. Avc.d
painful consequences by taking
The Two Salvations
fh9 world's standard remedy for kidn
liver, bladder and uric ccid troubles tho
National Remedy of Holland since 1606.
Guaranteed. Three sixes, all druggists.
Look Cer & bum Cold Mkl oa tmrj fez
ad aecept mo jpiitstiesi
Don't Forget
Artisans Dance
Wed., April 7th
t By C. V. Field of Portland I. B. S. A.. You will be pleased
I to hear this most interesting subject discussed. Conclusions
being drawn from the word of God, which will be delivered
I at the Moose Hall, Sunday, April 4th, 2 :30 p. m. Seats free,
f No collection.
Outfitters to W omen, Misses and
Quality Popular t
Merchandise Prices t
' Appear At Your
Beit Instantly,
If yea receive s sudden
caller or an unexpected in
vitation you can lerl run.
fldent of alwayt appearing
at your beat In but a few
moments it renders to your
skin a wonderfully pure,
Soft comnleslnn that fa
f beyond comparison.
T -fiiiii ImiliTlsr imi'
Rheumatism Back on the Job
'Wi Its Old-time Fury
iiw juei-up in its i or ture.
If you are afflicted with Rheu
matism, why waste time with lini
jiiontu, lotions and other local ap
plications that never did cure
Kheumutism, and never will?
Do not try to rub the pain away,
for you will never succeed. Try
the sensible plan of findiny tho
cause of the pain. Eemovo the
cause, and there can be no pain.
You will never be rid of Rheu
matism until you cleanse your
blood of tho germs that cause the
disease. S. S. S. has no equal as
flflV th lit. t hnu nnanaaA Vai MnnA
of Rheumatism, and removed all
trace of tho disease from their
Get n Wtu ft .q o a .f.
drug gtoro and get on the right
treatment to-day, If you want
special medical advice, address Tiirnptm. iiio .Q,n;rt r
. ..vv,,j ,w MWUb M.UU
ratory, Atlanta, Ga
Ilxnurlnu Mrs. J. l,,.,i m..
Will leave in the nw... f,,i,. , ... '
"lulu whrre ,he will Ji hw
tand, Dr. l.U.yd Mmt, j, WvMt,r
Wpsuldlnit cnterdilned a coterie r
friends at a hfamifully ,iMul,.:,,
dinner M m.b.v cwnMg, prenedliiR th.,
dance t,f the Monday NlHht Imnciiu
Blub. Thi. tuhle wits tittruuiivelv cen
tered with an nrt of spii,-,.
flowers, end cover were laid fr Mr"
nd Mrs. 'mil V. J.dmwm, ,W.. l.h.i
Molt, Oliver Meyer end Mr. and M s
Waller Sp:iiit,i,g.
M m.
Wrs. Dnvid V,iKht had .
ftnus attests (hi. week her iiunl
I.. J. Mmiftn u,,. i.. ...
litrolyn, wtu ,.r,, , ,.,,, (i( (h(,r
I19RRCRS OF BAD BLOOD er racking tu.lure
J""11 Mi'Klnit rheums, fl,.re,,, inie.une sinne and uhv
cholif imnss, n,Wn.inu. dropeiej
sirimss, plg atrophy, moping me:.'
anphulla, moon.tni.-k madnem, what
wineries?" .Milton.
This 1 the st nte of man or woman
Buffering from blimd trouble. Kend
Wht the V. 8, Dlspenvutnry and oth
er aulhorlutlve books siiy In reard
t lhe Ingredients enterlni lntot"Num
ber 04 for the Wood." Employed In
tllssases of the (tlaudular svntem, in
bluud poiHvnlntr.
constipation, deceased liver, kidneys
" wwii. t niter its u bodily eriir.
tlons. skin troubles, sores, ulcer aad
erouloua enlargements d.i),er n
W by nmgio." Itisixt on "Number 4t' by J. C. Mendrnhall. Kvan.
1I1. Indiana, id yep m a drupiflst.
Bold by Sohuefers drug store. (Adv)
71 1 r j I
PW''" "v V J-i J
mTzu-MK In
licv 'j-s wJK
YMm - v4h-. l&m
MiV;fev . Iirlh'.
.if 1 1 uu' &av
Easter Display Notv Ready
UMCBY, Floris
123 N. Liberty
Nowhere Will You Find
A Better Display
of Dining Room
Our showing of
walnut and Jaco
bean oak period
furniture is as
good as you will
find in many of
the larger cities.
We also have a
large assortment
of golden oak din
ing sets. Straight
line patterns.
Carpet, Rugs and Linoleum
faS are -SS $ f the house wife' While the Pce of all floor cover-
fSST We kePt the Pe down from 5
per tent to w per cent lower than other stores are selling the same or similar grades.
JSF-u"840-00- 75 Axminster Rugs..$62.5Q:
$140 Wilton Rugs $UQ $150 Wilton Rugs.... ......$120
DonH buy a Vacuum Cleaner until
you have seen the
The Sweeper Vac gets all the dirt
out does not injure the nap of the
carpet. The Sweeper Vac has a motor
driven brush and does not pass over
lint and threads but picks them up
The strong suction gets all the dust,
lhe Sweeper Vac is the cleaner you
have been looking for.
Now is the time to buy that - -PHONOGRAPH
We have the famous ' J
The machine with the most perfect re
producer and tone amplifier. Nabtast
f notes you get from aH
other phonographs. . . . :
nIC kelhe Cheney Emerson and
nZ?mfITgra?hs and Person
Ukeh and Pathe Records. ."Vy
Noinierest charged on contract sales
i t
"J Lip (tw' irf -