.llddlUiiOld UUUili O T d .1 k.. ite Follawbs Is tli3 Officii! publication cf the record of Enh Claims before the ElanoD Coiaty Commissioners Court For the March term, 1920. wHh the amasn! allowed, Bis continued, eta, according to the records in the office of the Coontj Clerk ROADS AND HIGHWAYS Road District No. t jveu i uiasBinK ,. J j Snyder, A C patrolman 10 5(j Kond District No, a Deacon. Percy grubbing etc Dunn, T J haul gravel .... Emmert, Ben haul gravel etq Fellers, John putting in tile'.... Fry, Frank snap team ." Hosteller, Dan gravel and haul ing Xoffman, Frank puttingin tile Langdon, E D haul dirt .......... Leffler, George haul gravel" Mnmi A CL y,l.l,i.. " " '"" ......... goo Moon, H C pulling stumpa .. 12 00 Newton, Harry haul grave; .Z is 09 w .., Biasaing ana burn ing Painter, R C shovel gravel " Palmer, Earl haul gravel etc"" Platz. James spreading gravel etc -n naui gravel Scholl & Son, J powder log v"""' CLU 70 IW, 1 a naui gravel 42 '""'' Aiuim slashing and turning Welty, Glen shovel gravel 7. Wolfer, Hue haul gravel Zoolander, John dragging" uroudt, c D patrolman 84,0lj u insirict No. .8 Bass, Geo T shovel gravel Cone, G A haul gravel Davis, M O spike team Eppers, Een haul gravel . Feller, A E do " Feller, Harley do ". ' 7" "" Jiickson, Wro shov$ grctvei to Miller, J M shovel gravel ' Miller, Kenneth leveling "road etc Miller, 42.00 21.00 33.00 6.00 .30.09 293.00 . 4 no 30.00 24.00 Road District No. is Deggell.-r, William A drairah,,. c? a W O patrolman . Road District No. U Winter, H J shovel rock etc Mais, Geo do , Eachlor, A I haul rock Ocder, A patrolman Road District No. 15 Riches, Charles R dragging... King, Andrew J running grad er Kaser, Joe R draenrinr KJssling, Will. J haul gravel Muller, Albert shovtl rrat'al Goodknecht, Jno W patrolman" Riches, Charles- R mdii,. Haberly, Will J do """ I Goodknecht, Jno W patrolman Road District roster, n R draeelne- ... Willig, Freid do " Jefferson, W J patrolman , Road District No. id' Collard, W P gravel .. , .Fatterson, Ray haul gravel Hammack, Ross do ..... McCormick, Ray do faterson, Pearl do Cole, 6.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 12.0C 14.0C 3.00 lAH: tie ... .... Rue, Giant du I'! emlt-n, Iver do ... Olsen Ed E, blaster Langrsey N G, ditching . Brokke Helnier, ditching, etc. Thompson M C, dicthing Brokke Taivor. ditchine. etcJ J Taw Jalmer, ditching, etc.- jtunrue BeBn, patrolman C Koad District No. 58 I Case Threshing Machine Co 3"t'; J J. I., 24-ft elevator lS.uu Clyde Equipment Co, crude oil "' " I burner , Fairbanks Morse & Co, No." iu"M "a'e-r - ... warmer tiaw L'o JKay L. rvnair. iur Aumsvuie plant 137.73 xarmer aaw CO Kay L. n. STS.70. Salem Sand and Gravel aimraiw' Sivei , .... 35.03 353.09! 7.20 11.70 pairs for Salem plant.. r i"1t Farmer Hdw Co Ray L, 23.62 McElfresh I M, ! gravel, etc. .. spreading Oregon Gravel Co., gravel Haj nes W H, patrolman Road District No. 59 Falls City-Salem Lumber Co., lumber .. Van Sickle Floyd, bridge work Bennett Ellis, dractriniy ,6 5 Anderson R E, patrolman 15.00 Road District No. 89 .00!joun8f Henry, repairing road.. 3.r.oiioun George, repairing road T.i I Caret C A, hauling title, etc... r B, dragging , Reek Paul, drascin Kimsey J E, patrolman 9.00 22.BO 25.00 30.09 - 30.00 18.00 13.50 117.03 108.00 21.00 12.00 16.00 63 00 15.00 63.00 40.50 18.00 1.00 63 CO 16.i0 21.00 12.00 Robt. patrolman . Road District v an Cade, Tom grading Kaplingr, Wm F patrolman. Road District No. 20 u Oregon dravel Co. eravl Gruenfelder, ;.Melvin haulins gravel eto Wacken, Rudolph .do ig 75 Gehrman, G'X. dumping slips" s!oO iieeier, Jueene load nor nlina eic Gruenfeldor, Edgar shoveling iirt etc Wacken, Herman do .. anCleave, L M Batrolmsn Rond District No. 25 Colvin, Chas dragging: . Lewis, Claude do Road District No. 2B Denham, Jay dragging Road District No. 28 V, Farmer Hartlware Co, Ray L spikes .... .... Clark, E shoveling 14.00 28 00 4.0.i 1S.75 6.00 3.00 3.09 27.55 6.00 6 00 9.00 rou.-.m ,jai.;Mgei plant. .210 28 1 S7 2OVen " reialrinK Plants.... S3 13 MM v V "'M"UI Plants. 42.7 u tiu, repairing planta Mason. A work on Aumsvilla J Pnt liooi NitUnfl T&n,c Pil company 00 " "''u 664.50 12.001 "7S"U uravei company screen JL . P. 666.80 5.20 """au' Jonn "usmng rock ..2681.62 1.0.80 v"lVu P company 4 rwrs 14;63!Sraith- L A 13.50! allowed . 11.00! disallowed ; I Smith, L. A hauling crushed rk 15.00; Leslie, John A bolts, nuts, etc 13,00! Burning, R J work at Dlant. Ebner. J W nails .. Griesanauer, John giving tick ets, etc . 6.3 66.2 83.1 24.00 269.00 20.00 17.00 822.00 . 2.90 92.60 4.4!, Road District Vn. Buyserie Louis A, dragging Buyserie Alphonse J, patrolman Road District No. 63 Beckner C L, hauling gravel, in Collard Pierce, gravel ie'oe r..T. I .T "" 84.00 Harris A E, hauling graveCI lioioo! etT ' ? ' mo naming gravel.. 111 aa o-. - .z Martin Dm. hano. , "8car ip: Rock.. t T"' er .v fuii-uiiiian ... ... 140 OQ noaa district No. 63 i-aiem Water Light and Power company water sen-ice at tool Jhousa Shaver, B A r and h claim" blanks .... Snyder, Bert A operating B V ferry .. Whitman, C F shovels Wilson, C O lumber .. I Yamhill Electric company Newi oerg Dndge lights Tt -1 n ttu-ue sons, inc., rotary fan 125 00 (Inula W rt .... . . . vwuutjf cuinmission- oaiary ana expenses 100.50 J T do L 69 89 2.58 3.00 117.74 4.12 Hunt, GENERAL FtXD -' Miscellaneous Accounfa Boggs, G w additoinal relief Erea, Blaa bounty on gophers, ' etc .L.;. Beckman, Julius a0 - Stafford, L E bountv . Brssler, H C bounty on gophers, etq. .-.......- Schar, A do v. Barhes, Letta M relief .u. ..1 Branam, Emma R do 1 Bureh, Lillle F do Cook, Alice do Ping at cru- Morer Fred P. gravel- lai i Smith Dewey, dragging, haul ing gravel, etc. 87 0o Mathiot Pete, patrolman 129 00 Eull, Will do Schwab, Fred Jr., grader"" Road DiMric-t v,. 1 Engleheart Antone, ditching Forcier Wm C, hauling gravel anderbeck Al. irradins- Rubens Joseph, patrolman""! S.25I eto Koonberg, Leo laying tile .. cutcn, Albin do Duda, A grader " Hilger, Frank ditching .... "" 36 00L Market Roads. 12.00 E?rtruff- D E wood 4.50 ""uwe"' w s operating roller, Coppock, Lula do m .... Garren, Annie Alvlra do Gibson, Gussie do . 31.00 Harper, Clara do 37.00 Holley, Flora L do . " " Kliewer, Minnie Myrtle do .Mciiratn, Etta do i.- uiituuewt s tMUee. i Reid, Cora tsj cierK . .. , 100,09! Fulkereon, Mary L supervisor.. 12-X001 Arnold, A X do .... - 129.00 ' roor Account Continued. f 63.00 W::i Byrd, R D Co ohrsiclnn Jackam, Hattie il special offl- 75.00 33.60 60-.00 Road DlHtrict K is Patterson earl, hauling gravel Hannigan C A, dragging .. Patterson Richard, patrolman" Rond District No 67. Hiller Geo., adv. for road urag, etc. .70 60.00 Harper, J F hauling gi.oo 19.50 35.10 42.00 35. 8.5 j 15.00 35.75 ' 21.00 :.oo 4.50 S-7T 43.3 J.OO 44.31 25.se 29.00 9.00 18.00 8.50 T.30 16,00 ,18. UO gravel N W drn.e-0-lno- Morey Fred P sand and grave"' 205 69' Ierket, I rank haul gravel eto 43.13 wuong, L,ee do Singer, John do " Whitney, O C spread gravel..! woolworth, R haul gravel Miller, J H patrolman .'.""" Rond Dlstrtct No. it navidsoa, John haul gravel etc Iavidson, Ralph dragging Faber, Ed gravel eto . Managre. Ray dragging Waltz, irermin gravel Iavidso:i. W F patrolman'"""'"'' Rond District No. 6 Cehlha,. Max adv for trial v morion Co.... 6 00 Thn Vri r' " uravel- Co gravel 16.2 ii .:v" ,mui graveI 168.00 i-iorce gravel Mangold, F A shovels Harper, F A hauling With truck ... Warper, J S e-rndT "'" Cutsforth, F H haul grave!.... Schafer, Alfred king lok drag work roH-n, Luke.' dh" Cutsforth, John H patrolman. Road District No, 8 Wlutm.m. C F shovels tac Keene W M scraping etc":.': "all, Henry do .. .. t-ewis, Charles do Wochhalter, Fred scraping";:;; Cerento, Lewis do Adorns. Nelson do - " - "a nkes, Joe do Dnrant, L W patrolman"!:';'" CoJ Roads Machinery Co grader parts . JMn Paul dragging' C'."'"' Campbell, Sherman, running. grader 8 "ckerson, G R haul 'gravel. - 33 75 r '1,. y DUlllnsr- wooden Hawley, D. H "ihweTmTeTZ iverson. o O shnvoi ,oi W C haul oTni ' 6.00 3.80 174.0 88.00 15.00 3.00 8.00 . 6 CO 12.00 104.00 8. SO 44.00 42.00 E4.2i : 7.C0 .- 6.1.2 7.00 . 24.50 30. 00 10.5? . 9 00 1.50 Johns, e- Albert spread gravel l....' . 7 4 09 1.50 1.50 6.90 6.00 50 36.00 18.00 66.00 52.50 64.00 2.5J 31.75 30.D0 16.63 3.50 13.00 14.00 9.75 1.75 6.50 26.00 60.50 34.00 88.00- 35 00 51.67 30.00 2 25 -3 CO 2.26 1B.7.5 6.00 18 00 27.00 58.50 , 26.00 71.5 J 58.50 6.50 39.00 89.00 8.50 187.7:. 12.J0 12.00 Juvi Kahn,,f riV . Ki uvei it A euer grading ..430 McCornick. .Inhn ., . " "'BB"lg- IV Ov etc LK' J8ePh -Trading Mnio "t'""'1 .'.": 13 ; lluolr V ? g on,ve etc 8 00 Muck, Geo shovel gravel ... . 1 no HoM?,erVEB-,pread raveI eto 9.0O Hhoa M11 .... vs-i-i . , "" iinuig noies - j nauiing brick ngem-oth. Wm haul ffravel um Jn C. F nails hdls etc ""j, i.oya etc ... Scollard. Wm ' n'ati'r Hoad District No. ji shovel gravel 1.50 6.00 38. 7j 3.1-0 10.50 43.00 LC:,-iJ.n!y.0regonrry fcable 109 a nraircrini, 'uug, n T. ,i Va"anCl Jowph"."";! r,,,, ,"i Wstricfr No.'lft"" "Ma, Alois haul gravel etc.... lm hauI Kokkeier, Louis do"ZT a, John spread gravel - joffenbelr, Louis do Hemshorn. Steve grading'";:.';: ''Seh. Frank . A 00 3 00 18.00 Bros blacksmith- 13.50 90.65 40.65 20.70 24U5 25.09 3.50 7.00 4.10 4.10 7.00 4.00 . 32.20 4.75 30.80 weissenfeld ng I fslie. John A do ..' "" Gesenauer, Ed hafcTgr't --uauer, John dragging sravel etc dsm Z'Iner. Jos runnin"g"ro'li7 Annen ,rL i1"1" e ...... ISO "en- Wn B patrolman 56.08 Rmu ""f"1 Ditrlct No. 12 j.irr, A l, naljs hjavl cutting log's "aean; ShiSey '7o'"27'l C-rhart do ZS Hogg, W T patrolmaa ..""""; 2.00 11.00 18.00 l.0f 42.90 Davis,. T E shoveling Boney, J A do Jones, J N patrolman ha. m Rond District No. 29 LovelanJ, L haul gravel etc.... Harris, Clarence plowing scrap ing etc Ramey, F A do Harris, John patrolman 42.00 Rond District No. SO Jefferson. Review, The pub rd meeting notice Lysett, J A lumber West, Homer haul gravel v Kester, X O operated grader eto March, Norman slashed brush eto .' Russell, H E grading ...Z Russell, S H operated grader.. Schultz, Frank hauled gravel Seborowskl, Alex grubbing .... Sherwood, Frank scraping grubbing eto ...... Weddle, Robert grading grub f Ding etc , Wells, Lop patrolman . Road DlHtrict No, 31 Browner, B G bridge work etc- March, Norm do Russell, C W do Russell, H E do .'".'.Z'l Sherwood, Frank haul gravel.. Russell, S H. patrolman .....1.... 73,50 Kond District No 33 Etzel, J W dragging Siegmund, Frank do Freres, Theodore do Rond District No. 33s Richards, A A haul rock etc.... Beringor. Wr patrolman Rond District No. 37 Back, Mrs. Seid' gravel Hoyser, Geo M do 2 60 Sloper Bros & Cockle nails 1.60 Smith, E B planks .. McCarthy, Donald haul gravel DeCoster, Vergil do ..; Cox, Sajl do ' Ruch, Henry do Way, .Toy B do . Chandler, Dalbert do '. Cauthorn, Henry do Hoyser, Milton F bridge work Hoyser, Geo M patrolman ; Rond District No. 30 Kobow, C A dragging Sim, H do Rond District No. 40 Hammond Lumber Co shovel handles .... Work, C H gent repair work Richards, E J patrolman 62 00 Road District No. 41 Welty, Raleigh cutting brush 6.03 Vost, George dragging 15.0& Welty, G patrolman- '. .. 49.90 Rond District No. 42 Hain, Geo dragging 690 Matten, F E dragging 2.00 Matten, E E patrolman ,10.00 - Road DlHtrict No. 44 RIngwald, C'lj haul gravel .... 121.30 Salem Sand & Gravel Co gravel 48.60 Road District No. 45 Scherman, Dan haul gravel ...... Schermnn, W H shovel gravel Martin, W X do Wilson, W H repair . bridge....' Hodson, E A do . Morris, G L haul lumber Fleetwood, H T patrolman Rond District No. 47 McAllisier, Vernon J log drag ing . . McAllister, C L patrolman Road District No. 48 Galbreath, Robert haul gravel Holt, Cecil do Loveland, L do McMillan, E O haul rock etc Miller, Chester dragging j......- Osborn, Elmer haul gravel .... Stevenson, M 8 gravel West, Albert- haul gravel ....... Hahn, L'dwin W patrolman 'i..:. ' Road District No. 49, Hughes, W W log drag work Hchte, Fred placing: tile Norten, Claud do .'. .l..- Norten, Clifford do, 4 Norten, Dennis d"o .. Norten, Geo L do Simon, Paul do ..i..!....:..4..-...'. Sweaney. Geo W log drag work Taft, J .dBi ..- ........, Welnacht, M do McKee, Clias A patrolman Rond District No. 61 Farmer Hdw' Co, Ray L ghov els Road District No. S3 Cawrse, Frank dragging .. Krenz, Julius C do Jones, Clarence C patrolman Road District No. 56 Ames, Sam powder teoln etc.. Koloen, M M working out rock etc .. Silverton Lumber Co lumber Rue, Ole blaster Manague John, puttmg"up"sign wimrua Road District NiTiia Begin John, haulinir Murphy Wm E shoveling gra'vel Loose W H, patrolman Road District No. fl" English Elvin R, hauling grav ci, uucnmg, etc. Branch, A C hauline tile. tr. 42.00 CasP. Frank work on rock" 4.50 wa" -- 11.00 -naPman Jas hauling tile and rock .... Dawson, Ralph w'ork"'o"nTock 42.00 Wa-U .... 7.00 4.00 11.00 7.00 6.00 64.25 36.00 24.00 13.50 10.00 18.00 9.00 37.6a 72.0 58.50 27.32 24.00 vr,,mu t ,r , -.,UU1K J XI. lUmtiftP 19 Tk .' .iiius morris j, patrolman.... Road District No. 70. Etzel J G, filling mud holes... Roud District No. 83. Kelly A, gravel Rutherford F E, hauling gravel Smith Hery, shoveling gravel Crabtree Everett Tata rl.,u , ,. " " . . "ui"g gravel 3.00 " Bnveing gravel.. 2.00 jiohu Difttnot Vr. an Sevens Claud, clearine- nu Cole A E. fenclne- Jreeman Ernest, grubblnb Jorgenson O A, bridge work Mills Claud, grubbing, grad ing, etc Nave N S, clearin'g"r'o'a"d"'"e"t"c'.rr Purcell Charley, shooting stumps, etc Turnidge D E, grubbing" drag"' ging, etc Turnidge Henry, grubbing Turnjdge J D, hauling gravel," Turnidge W J, lumber Steele H J, clearing road, etc." Wells R L, maklne fill .... Turnidge John, patrolman 28.60 9.00 3.75 18.00 12.00! 6.00( 24.50 11.40 4.38 7.88 55.59 52.50 14.00 10.88 8.25 .70 4.50 3.95 Domogalla, F A hauling tile etc Drager, D G testing sieves ........ Farmer Hardware company, Ray L spikes and crayons Farmer Hardware company, Ray iuiva ana nanaies . .... Farmer Hardware company", Ray axe, pick and handle . . Gesner, Clifford work on rock wan Gilmer, John W chainman" Johns, Paul sawing wood .....Z Leach, C A work on rock wall" Martin, Ora chainman, etc Mcliwain, Lester work on rock wall Mollwain, Wm torem'anWMH'n'jt UVU fll'ocrin "- ' --e,.,.. company, gravel 985.80 i ri.-e ce eon, jot L shovels Richards, R d work on rock - wall - Robinson, Tessie do '., Seeger, Mary do .. Shields, Bernice May do Smead, Mellie Christina do Whedbee, Emma do 10.00 weoster, D relief for J M Cor nine . Webster, D refief for Sarah a" Ellis . . Webster, D relief for Barbara Leslie Van Cleave, Kenneth bounty on ijopners, etc .... Woodruff, Clyde do Haines, M do Hamby, Nina M relief Grodhong, J E bounty on goph ers, eto .. .... .... Steele, Henry do .... .... .... . Weeks, Wilbur H juror "LZ...Z Hammer, George bounty on go- yuers, etc ... 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.10 6.50 6.00 15.00 22.30 2.80 36.40 9.00 46.85 9.00 44.75 15.00 S45 8.00 28.00 3.50 S16.25 18.00 15.00 14.00 4.07 7.75 72.00 72.00 48.00 72.00 Salem Sand and Grevl company, gravel 9.50 37.16 36.00 3.50 132.75 1 50 24 00 Pacific Highway South Bonney J, dragging, eto. 21.00 urager u u, adv. on Hanson contract . 87ft It ,rixon & Jones account Taylor "riage iB4 Sll Jascmng H W dragging ;. 7.00 Hansen A C, account contract work i.4Sn tin Hauser Bros., powder, fuse and caps Hill Lynn, dragging, etc Hoverr Oscar, sharpening Dicks Mason A, grade foreman Schaffer A C, blacksmithing.... Westenhouse W W, foreman.... Chandler A L, clearing rlght of-way .-. Chandler J V, dp :,; ",;"";" Pheips j b, do ;;;;;;;; Phelps Austin, do ....." Taylor C H, foreman Taylor C H, two men and truck tools, moving, etc Taylor D B, clearing right-of-way Salem Sewer Pipe company rd Pipe t Salem Sewer Pipe company,"'" pipe Shaver, B A claim blanks 32.90 Hottlnger, Fred do"I iuiuuis cogging company Chas. - graae stakes 21.26 Swart, H S deoutv rnnrtmnuio,. Tautfest, Alvin.do 48.00 Talklngton, Cora M bailiff ...... 68.00 Doner, Jacob bounty on aonh- ers, eto .. Beiuon, John do Davenport, M0IH9 M do . Davenport, Mollie M do Byrd, W H examinaton .... .""" Byrd, W H examinaton .... Griffith, L F do 1 Griffith, L F do 3.50 Giesy, B F do . Prime, G E do 34.00 Pemberton, J Ray do D,..J TXT a ui v a ao k n 8&.10 fieniano iternard bounty on ao phers, etc .... King, A W do TJ..J ,r 1 iom, narvey ao 11.85 Dove, H A bounty ZZZZ. 1.70 4.35 32.40 1 916.80 176.00 28.00 7.00 Watt Shipp Powder companv. powder, fuse and caps Lichte, Fred placing tile McKee, Chas A placing tile," etc McKee, Rodney do ZZZ". Norten, Claud do ZZZ.'. Norten, Clifford do- JZZ Norten, Dennis do .... ..I T" Norten Geo L do ".11 .""" Simon, Paul do Norten, Sam L do . Curtis, J F ditching ".J" Robertson, Cecil G do '.. Roller, Louis do .... .. Strong, H C do Drager, L W patrolman .......... Bartruff, Edward laying tile.... Binegar, Walter do .... a Poor Account. Hamby, Nina M relief 15, Armstrong, George M do ... Baker, W A do .. Balliett, S do .... Barker, J F do .... .... Barrier, Mr and Mrs do McCormick, Mrs. Chas relief for Jiiisie riartrow nn isoegersnausen, G W relief ..... 5 01 Boys and Girls Aid .society do' 25.00 Dunum, w it ao ... 47.43 32.00 104.00 26.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 A 4 rtn 7 Bullis, Mrs .Florence L do g 00 lurroWB, W F do .i. . 1 i lClrllKm. C Gar do ..' 10.50 nv,Dn.. 21.00 SttK-k Inspector. Morehouse, W G county veter inarian Health Officer. Cashatt, C E eoui.ty health of. ficer Scakr of Wetohts and Heasuw. Jones, J F salary and exxpenses 44.14 county Court and Commissioners Gouiet, yr H Co. com salary and exxpenses 27.20 Hunt, J T do $4.30 Sopher and fee Bounty Contlnaed. Russell, C W bounty 1.95 15.001 . Circuit Court Account. ; Nadstanek, V juror 3.20 12.10 I Poor Account Continued. 1.50 J scnmidt, Peter addiUonal relief 1.00 4.00 1 Gopher and .Mole Bounty Continued trenner, Geo bounty . e.30 1.40 J Registrations and Elections. 3.00 1 Conger Printing company regis- 15.001 tration notices ; .. 15.00 1 Moo res & company, Ross E reg- 12.50 1 istratlon cards .10.00 1 Rowland Printing company, re- 15.001 ; gistratiorr tally sheets 17.501 - Sheriff's Office. 25.73 I Aurora Observer, The snvelon- 7.50 1 ea and postals 10.00 Bartholomew, P j work In tax 17.50 collection department 10.00 burroughs Adding Machine com 25. 00 pany work on adding machine 17.50 Butler, C D work on tax books 10.00 Butler, S J work in tax collect- 20.001 ing department . .. Crescent Ribbon and Carbon, company carbon ., Elliott, N D tax receipts, etc Harris, Douglas work in tax col lecting department Johnson, D do Laue, Mrs Ethel do Moores & company, Ross E legal blanks .. . . Need ham, W I advance for stamps and envelopes .. .... Needham, W I use of auto Needham, W I sheriff expenses in Richards case .... Oregon Statesman certificates of delinquency blanks 32.50 Pacific Telephone and Telegra ph company. The telephone and calls . Portland Railway Light and Po wer company gas service Rodgers Paper company cash registers, etc .... . .... Salem Taxi company taxix hire Schmalle, Ray work in tax de partment . Shaver, B A printing books of certificate of redemption ., . 25.50 Shipley, Miss Flora work in tax department 18.00 Smith, Homer premium on bondl25.00 Western Union Telegraph com pany The telegram .60 Wrightman, F T work in tax de- partmont ., 24,00 Clerk's Office. Aurora Observer, The receipt books .i Boyer, U G advance for stamps Commercial Book Store, The fastenera, erasers, etc .. Commercial Printing company, marriage license books .... .... Huckestein, August envelopes Kloepping, H H services .... .. Moores & company Ross E le gal blanks .. ... Pacifio Telephone and Telegra ph company, The telephone and calls ., Patton Bros, paper .... Rodgers Paper company, record book, binders, etc Shaver, a A Judgment roll cov MellTvain, wood Moore, W W linoleum etc Portland Ky Light rowor Co" Light service i Roth Grocery Co, salt (Salem Water Light & Power Co, water sen-ice Scheliburg, H carpenter work" Spauiding Logging Co, Chas K ruing case .. spauicung Logging Co, Chas K lumber Stiff & Son E L liquid veneer W eidner W wood . S '.'3 75.59 104.1S Willmaa Frank painting , Circuit Court Account Pacific Tel & Tel Co. phone and calls .OA, service, taxi service acocunt grand Jury . Hokstad. Sofus witness ZZZ White Volna J juror I Byrd R D witness Hug. Fred do ' Richards, Annie M do S3 22 134.23 .- 32.20 34.26 35.75 82.50 34.29 Tokstar, Martin do . Justice Court Miscellaneous. Pacifio Tel & Tel Co, calls acct Mayer Celestlno and Kava- naugh cases 121.90 Earl, H L drawing iurv.. Knight, M O do Osborn, J H do 6.00 10.00 6.59 41.09 2.29 4.99 T.69 5.59 State vs. Chas. rinmir. tTnruh, G E justice De Long. W E constable Uhruh, G E justice . .Continued 3.00 1.00 209 9.29 1.90 11 n D Long, W E constable 1.99 state vs. Fraspr. L'nruh, Q E Justice 5.79 Da Lond, w E constabje 1.90 State vs. Sin Hut" unrun, u ta Justice . De Long, W E constable ..... State vs. Huntlcv tTnruh, G E justice . De Long, W B constable StfUA VM. Tflmtlnv uiirun, u js justice De Long, W B constable 11.55 Stats vs. Kneschke. Brown, P L justice 1.00 Simeral, A F constable sn 3.41 1.09 11.80 2.40 5.95 3.45 1.1 36.00 1.1 2.90 2.60 2.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 1.50 2.40 00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 16. 00j Crane, Frank do 3.00 16.00 67.75 42.00 14.00 14.00 48.00 6.00 Gehrman, G L do .... Gruenfelder,. Melvin do; . Lovre, Thomas do 1....... Roth, W A do ..." Sim, Henry do 7.00 24.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 24.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 do Van Cleave L M foreman 37.60 MISCEtANEOVS ACCOCNTS, Trucks Account. Barr Theo M, tubing Bollier John, driving truck ...... 103.50 108.00 108.00 Burns J A, driving truck Clare. Chase, driving truck Degge & Burrefl, recharge and rent Drager D G, adv. for licenses.... Farmer Hdw. Co. Ray L. re-' Hensley R, driving truck 6...... 108.00 pairs for trucks 36.50 Iowa Machine Shop, work on Archer & Wiggins companv rods for welding outfit g.70 si.bv Archerd Implement company, . cnarles R motor pll ,.. 2.05 iimegar, Ray L work on trucks, tractors, etc .... 96. 00 Blrdwell, W S repairing roller etc Blrdwell, 1.35 2.00 252.00 45.00 60.75 5.00 28.00 S.63 3.28 3.2 1.75 1.7i 1.50 4.00 . 9.09 9.75 61.00 4.53 186.06 16.65 -" 4.1.0- 60.03 . 1.4" 12.00 - 18.00 etc . W S do Boyer, U G advance for stamps Branch, A C miscellaneous wk Buffalo Springfield Roller com pany 4 road rollers 15.380.00 Burns, W E Dan truck re pairs .... .. ; 189.60 nm M 0, driving truck No. 4.. 108.00 1 Chapman, Jas repairing rollers trucK no. 4 ;.. 1.50 Jorgensen Ira, repairing gate catch. t 3.75 Koehrlng Machine Co. Nw, re pairs for S. Truck 41 o Liberty -Machine Shop, making shaft, etc. : 12.75 McAlvin J H, driving truck wo- 1 103.50 Pearce & Son Lot L, drive chain for hoist 10.75 Quackenbush Auto Supply & Vulc. Co, tires, etc. 260.74 Shafer F E, .fan belts, etc 12.50 sneu company- of Calif, gas and distillate ' 608.08 Stroud E, driving truck No. 5.... 108.00 Valley Motor Co, windshield, etc. 12.0.1 3.50 3.50 . 3 BP 3.59 3 58 . - 3,5k. 12 00 6.00! ; 7.00 3.5C 6.25 10.00 lS.Oii 40.8S 5.S0 7.92 47.00 Wilson Otto J, gasoline Caterpillar Accounts. Archerd Imp. Co. Chas D, dls- uuate Ashby Claudei" repairing cater" puiar wo. 1 express .on re Barr Theo M, cutting plate, 'etc. ...,.Xr;.;......... Bartruff Robf, grading -.....;., Binegar Rar Ly operating tractor No. i ;.....;...v........-.a, Drager D G, ! pairs : Durant L W, running grader.... I Farmer Hdw Co Ray L, tractor I repairs - ......................;.'..; Good Roads Machine Co, hand" wheel . ........ Holt Mfg Co The, repairs'for caterpillar .. ..-a;...J:;......... Iowa Machine . Shop, welding" casting, etc. ..:.....-.. Jorgensen Ira, scarifier re pairs, etc. Llndeken Ed, running cater- piller No. 4 Standard Oil Co, gas and dls tniate - Paving; Plant Account. Anderson Steel Furnace & BoBller Works, two gravel chutes , ... ; Butte Creek Lumber Co, lum ber for crusher . - 67.50 Clyde Equipment coenpany, rd drag ; ' 40.OO Culver, W J rpadmaster salary and expenses 242.80 Culver, W J advance for freight " luauuuiery, etc 00.85 Domogalla, D G advance account ferry cable '. 8.52 Domogalla, F A miscellaneous work , go.oo Drager, D G advance for freight on gravel 93.90 Farmer Hardware company, Ray L supplies for tool house 24.21 Farmer Hardware company, Ray L roller repairs ... .... 33.15 Giggey, E operating Santiam i i ferry 4 4 25.00 Heckman, C work on trucks etc 115.00 Herren, J II self and car convey ing surveyor g.no . 64 Johnson, F O deputy roadrnaater salary and exxpenses u 172.45 Jorgennson, Ira roller repairs.. .40 Linde Air Products company, - Pacifie Coast oxygen .1.. ..4 4.40 Mac-Bar Automotive company' ; accaount Independence fer-i ry 243.40 . continuea Mcliwain, Wm work at tool ' , for 10.00 10.00 .15.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.0 15,00 lff.OO 10.00 30.00 10.09 10.00 10.00" 12.00 .00 55.55 500.18 Clevlnger, Mrs S E Dickenson, 8 A do Dodge, Ulyssa Ellen do Englehart, Mrs,' Anna do Fetsch, Emily do ; Foster; Mr sdo Glidden, J H do Gpbin, Lizette do .if. 'Zl Groshong, Mrs J N do :...' Haggard, Delia do .ii .4 ; Hardwick, Charles do ...V. Haynes, Mrs Caroline do . Henry, Mrs Olive E do Knott, Mrs Melvina do Lantz, Catherine do iuciar, Steve Jr relief .self and mother LaRose, Geo relief for self and Amanda La Rose . Lunn, Mrs O C relief Mack, E A do .'. Milelr, Mrs. Vina H do .... ... . Miracle, Mrs A do .... .... !. Newton, O D do .... .... .. . : Old People's Home relief for lurs juna u Hurtle .... ........ Pederson, Olea do 15.00 Fenton, Louise relief for Harry l'entoa -.;....r... 10.00 Reinhart, Rosalia relief.......... 8.0u Schmidt, Peter relief 12.00 Schwlfigler, Mary do .....i..,- 20.00 Simmons, Anna May do .... .... 22.50 Skoog, Mrs Albert do ..: 12.bo S'mith, A H do .... 15.00 Snodderly, Flora do 30.00 Stripling, Hulda do , 8.00 Thompson, Mrs S do ,. 10.00 Wanless, Oilmer do ... 10.00 Wells, H A do 7.50 Wharton, Etta do '. 20.00 Williams Alice do 10.00 Woolery, Nellie E do 20.00 Zachary, Mrs Maud do 10.00 Stater vs. KiuiiiirA 42.88 Brown, P L 1ustin 20.90 Simeral. A F cnnnlntttn State s Lois Et AL Unruh, G B Justice S.2S 4.39 3.65 11 nir u iong, vv is constable . 1 00 Needham, W I sheriff e.50 11.65 323,50 2.50 15.00 State vs. Marshall: Unruh, G E justice Unruh, G E Justice ZZ State va. lr,-r:oo 3.04 Unruh, OE Justice Ue Long, W E constable State vs. Olson. Weeks, W H witness State vs. Slaughter. Unruh, G E justice De Long, W E constable Z.ZZ. Ramp, B F witness Sears, J K do 3.45 3.4S S.45 .10 2.10 14.85 4.30 1.70 1.70 State vs. Slaughter. . Unruh, G E Justice De Long, W E constable ZZ Stata vs. Smith, Unruh, G B justice De Long, W E constable " Needham, W Tsherifr . Needham, W I witness 7.00 Kephart,. Florence dn .... 10.001 StOtMTIlA Smllh Unruh, G B Justine, 5.50 De Long, W B constable .ZZZZ weedhara, W I sheriff sl-40 8tat vs. M. Smlih 46.36 City of Salem, Oregon, record- o.iu er s court fee State vs, Tablcr, Unruh, G E Justice .. State VS. IWnhr. Unruh, G E Justice 8.45 11.20 3.79 1.20 8.20 .50 1.70 1.70 1.90 15.40 3.50 1.20 1.2S 3.45 5.60 1.2:5 97.60 State vs. Tulcjn. Cashman, Lela witness 1.90 ers ...1 ' 36.00 1.64 2(1.00 20.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 10.90 10.00 25.00 Smith, Homer H premium on .. bond ..: i .... ........ Recorder's Office. Aurora Observer, The hop con tracts , .... .... Brooks, Mildred R advance for express .'. ,. Moores & company Ross B leg al blanks . X.VS Pacifio Telephone and Telegra ph company, The telephone . and calls .... Patton Bros erasers, blotters, ; eto ,...r:... . .. Shaver, B A.-record book e press, etc .... ; Treasurer'g Office. . Burroughs Adding Machine com pany, work on adding mach ine Commercial Book Store, The, pencils pens, etc ' Moores &. company, Ross, E printing int account slips ...... I Pacific Telephone and Telegra ph company, The collecting charge'and telephone Pacific Telephone and Telegra ph company. The telephone and calls .... .... .... Patton Bros stapling maehjne..-. Sims, Paul M rubber stamp, etc brnith. Homer H premium on bond 375.00 School Superintendent.' AennM A . . 18.00 " " supervisor's expen- Aurora Observer, letter heads and envelopes Bollier, May grading 8tn"grad"e" imperw ;.. Fletcher, e b do ..."..,::::::::::::":"" Fulkerson, Mary "'a'aV""for stamps Fulkerson, Mary L supervisor's" expenses Glass & Prudhommej annual report record Hoag, D A grading 8th grade papers Larmer Transfer, D A dravage " Moore, W W rent of tables Oregon Statesman, printing pamphlets Pacific Tel & Tel Co, pno'ne'and calls pacine Tel & Tei Co, 'ao"::::::::;:: Patton Bros, stub fii wiT- eto Reid, Cora e truanoy":::::.':;:;::";.'" Rodgers Paper Co, school fund ai'por't record s3 59 Rowland Printing Co, gum la" ueis Silverton Anneal, nnhllnhlnv notice teachers' exam Smith, W M adv for stamps and express Smith, W M traveling expenses Welib, Floyd T grading 8th grade papers 45 4.70 8.70 45.71 7.4E 4.80 t.UO 9.76 6.65 2.76 1.75 18.14 84.25 9.00 9.00 1.00 29.28 47.60 9.09 2.00 9.00 32.00 7.25 11.30 9.25 16.00 9.00 2.35 34.09 30.00 SALARIES. 30.00 3.80 26.25 30.00 .59 25.00 house etc . Sheriffs Office. Bower, O D deputy sheriff , Holmes, J? H do Smith, B R do Willard, Pansy tax' clerk ......... ; - Clerk's Office. Herrlck, W R do ... Arms, A M do ; . . Wallace, Ruth do .... Recorder's Office;" Savtge, Helen deputy recorder Webb, Vera do . 125.00 79.31 100.00 85.00 100.00 85.00 60.00 t s 85.00 80.00 Victor, Pearl clerk 90.00 Edmundson, Muriel- do ...... 18.62 Treasurer's Office. 18.26 8.25 - 19.25 McLeod, A B Work on tractor , .... 1Z0.75 I Mem, Bert J remapine nlats etr i nn US' Nichols Clarence E running B. j v terrr 27.14 75 33 0regon Gravel company gravel 649.20 uregon u ravei company screen- Ings .. 460 Pacific Telephone 'and. Telegraph company. The telephone and and calls roadmaster'g office Portland Railway Light and Po wer company lights at tool house . .... .... Portland Railway Light and Po wer company Salem hH,!r ..J. 18.00 Rlchardson. W T deputy treas- 43.12 - 8.03 10.85 100.00 Aswsemor's Office. Shelton, R extending tax roll.... llo.eo 100.00 lflff.00 45.50 Surveyor's Off loo. Freerfck, Post company, T3ie ( ti-acing fcloth, iblue print leto. 20.90 derrick, B B cash advanced for stamps V- : 1.09 Patton Bros tablets, pens; etc.. '2.22 Smith, Homer H (premium) 4(11 bond ..; 15.00 Aurora Observer, The assess- merit hlunks 142.40 Commerfcal Book Store, Tho pen- Hcultli Officer. Cashatt, C E expenses acct. an- nual convention Pemberton Dr J Rav registrar- Steelhammer, Geo W dr.iirii used in fumigating o Bran don's house 9.00 8.90 28.75 13.11 cils . ." : Assessor's OfTlce. Shelton, R services overtime . 6.25 82.50 Ilghte .... . 17.25 14.72 j Richards, J W repairs on trucks I etc 25 75 80.35 Roadbuilders Equipment com- Watt, G R do Wenger, A J do , Bourne, J dp ..... Lewis, C A do . 33.12 25.00 100. 0 75.00 28.44 7.80 T.80 6.69 3.94 Bates, Elmer E do Wygant, M draughtsman West, G E clerk .. . . Roy, Mrs. C A do .. . Lewis, Mrs C A do Drager, Mrs Lou do Richards, Eva stenographer . Hinges, Mrs Carl do Court House. Morgan, Cal janitor . . Kirby, R P do . Hobson, L do ...... .. . 65.00 65.00 65.90 District At torney . .': Oearhart, , Hazelle stenographer Heltzel, Jas G deputy district attorney 26.00 County Court and Commlslsoners. Commercial Book Store, The Ink-- 1.75 Downing, A L auditing county records 30.00 Oregon Statesman publishing of claim docket 69.52 Pacific Telephone and Telegra ph company. The telephone and calls 8.40 Willard, Pansy typing auditor's report 8.50 Wrightman, F T auditing rec ords 40.00 Court House. Barr, Teo M plumbing repairs.. 2.25 Blrdwell, W 8 hauling wood .... 4.60 Bliss, V W covering for counter-etc 11,62 Boyce ft Chapman, repairing leaks g.nn Chapman, Jas hauled wood ...... 4.60 Domogalla, F A do 4.50 Evans, H E drayage 1.50 Hansen, A M window lights etc 21.6 Hauser Bros, keys and work on door check J.4 Kelley, James A wood 69.90 Kress, T J painting varnishing W 6fc.o Fruit Inspector. Van Trump, s H salary and ex penses j;, TJ Poor Account Continued. Austin's Grocery, groceries for Mrs. Strath 12.00 Brougher, A L groceries for Mrs. Berkmer 12 15 Burger, Wm H house rent for Mrs Donaldson g 00 Drager, D O adv to Mrs Shank account railroad fare for Mrs Hiller ; 1555 Drs Findley & Steeves, profes- sional services for Mrs M Maimer jo.00 Fry, Daniel J prescriptions etc for pest house vgg Guerin, A L nurse at pest house 86.09 Lebold & Co, groceries for Mrs Donaldson 5.4J Nelson Bros, plumbing at pest house ij oj Pacific Tel & Tel Co., phone at por house j,2j Pacific Tel & Tel Co., phone at pest house 1 jg Roberts, C M groceries for Mrs McAfee 4 aa Sali.m Deaconess Hospital, care of Mrs Dickey 29.09 eaiem Deaconess Hospital, care of Mrs Mary Maher 29.09 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care of T F Goodrich 29.00 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care of Mrs Flora Reiner J.00 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care of Mrs Ella McLeod ..... 3.09 Salem Fuel Yards, wood for (Continued on page eight)