Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1920, AUTO SECTION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 11

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Austria Troops
As Allies Offer
No Aid In Peace
Vienna, April ! A wave of pessi
mism baa swept over the country since
Baron Koran!, minister of finance,
and the food controller returned from
Paris with empty hnds except fw
some small food credits. Newspapers
express regret at the delay of the
hoped for American loan and publish
warnings of approaching exhaustion of
food supplies and of another crisis.
Depression prevails in business circles-
Manufacturers declare that these
driblets ot loans for food purchase are
f utile and that only credits sufficiently
large to enable business to. get on tta
fret by the purchase of coal and raw
materials will 'postpone the complete
breakdown of Austria,
One of the basic' causes of the covin-'
try's paralysis is lack of coal due to the
failure of the coal supplying countries
to live up to their agreements. For
this reason Industries lie idle.
Austria's natural and logical coal
supply lies in Bohemia and Prussia, or
Upper Slloeia. Under present arrange
ments coal is secured, what there is of
!t, under agreements between state
governments and upon arrival here is
distributed by government officials.
The supply is so small that virtually
all of it is needed for limited railway
operation, the gas and electric plants
and limited private domestic use.
None remains for Industries and no
factories except those producing the
necessities of life are in constant oper
ation. For Instance, the great Floris
dorf locomotive works, with a capacity
of 160 locomotives a year have been
Idle for four weeks while all Europe
is crying for railway motive power. The
demand for freight cars is insistent and
yet tfie Oraz car factory with a poten
tial capacity of 300 cars a month pro
duces lees than fifty bocause coal is
not to be had and consequently they
cannot secure wheels, axles and struc
tural iron for bodies.
Vienna is Burrounded with a for
est of factory stacks but smoke issues
from few of them. This has been true
ever since a revolution fifteen months
ago. Manufacturers say that if coal can
tie assured in sufficient quantities they
-will manage to find raw materials
enough to tart with and slowly build
up credits for more.
Commtcsion after commission has
- vainly tried to obtain delivery of the
coal for which contracts were made
with Czccho-Slovakia. The reason for
this failure Is unknown here. One ex
pert says that unless Austria is allowed
to get coal from tho upper Silesian
fields, whence has always come the
bulk of Austria's supply her population
must bo deported or the country will
perish under starvation and anarchy.
The solution, he says lies in the hands
of the powers.
Auto Dealers To
Organize State
Association Soon
Eugene, Or., Apr. S.a state organ-!
lzaticn of automobile dealers will prob
ably be effected at a meeting at the
Eugene chamber of commerce in the
near future. Will G. Steel, secretary
of the chamber, has received a letter
from Ralph II. Mitchell of Portland, a
former Denver newspaper man, who Is
Interested in the movement, asking u
the roomsf the chamber will be avaiV
able for the meeting. He. has been
told by Mr. Steel that the dealerg are
perfectly welcome to meet ther.
The letter from Mr. Mitchell states
that it is probable that an afternoon
ana evening meeting will be held with
a banquet at the Osburn hotel in tne
' Mr. Mitchell says that he has sent
letters to at least 600 dealers but he
thought that not more than 2S0 will
be In attendance.
Eugene is chosen as a meeting plane
for the dealers on account of ita cen
tral location In western Oregon.
Deep Sand No Bar
Petitions are being circulated in
Clatsop county for a special election to
vote on tho purchase of Tongue point
and donate it to tho federal govern
ment far a naval station.
Tho Suffrage is
Adopted Many of
States Bar Vote
Washington, April i. Women in se
era! states may be denied a vote in the
coming presidential election deeplt.
ratification of the suffrage amendment
before November, it is said at the
headquarters of the National Women't
party here, unless changes are made
in registration laws.
; In order that women all over the
United States may register for the com
ing November election under existing
laws, ratification must be completed
before Mav 1. 1920. on which ilara
Georgia closes Its registration. Exclud
ing ueorgia the next date la June 30,
when re frustration rlnaM In RHrMfo In
land. Registration in all other states
uoes not close until September or Oct
ober by which time suffrage leaders
are confident the amendment will be
Other requirements, however, beside
the element of tlma mav nullifv the
women's vote next November in cer-
inln fit tna ctat&a Aaw..falt.. (n V. n
1 " ...- - - . , .in
TV 7! f -... . -T ' J South, unless the letrislaturea are will
I. U IflUlUiLyLllSl Ing to make necessary changes In the
Weather doesn't mean anything to laws- Payment of a poll tax ts required
J. E. Merz, Indianapolis motorcycle in eight of the states; in Virginia, ovor
Is mantled in snow, he Just puts his ectlon and in Florida and Louisiana
family in his side-car and travels for the two years previous. Texas law
where the weather suits him. Ka h cniia tnr tho .-rv, . .mi
Just returned from a delightful trjp1 January 1, Alabama and Mississippi on
w ihj iittui reoruary 1 aJia jvortn Carolina and
manv interpaHni
, . v,u TTiniiotfuui ,nruuRaon may i.
mud. sand and southern hotels. One Pressure will be brought to bear up.
strip of deep sand for 70 miles, from the letri.t,, wh,
n'yCra ,! Jacksonv"". termed, to have registration re-opened and the
I n ft fin Hid tea a a A 4nliMt.M. . .
----- .. i " laws mod tied. It Is said here, but wo
terror of the south. Mr. M t '
warned not to attempt to negotiate it.
While he admits It was tough going
and that he does not care to attempt
it again,- his Goodyear tires gave such
traction that he came thtrough with
flying colors. He met three automo
biles that were lnMifflcudty and says
.1. A JJmH 1 , 1 1 . V. I ... I
w.o luunm ui mm in amaze
ment for his .apparent hardihood.
Man Bruised In
Smash With Auto
II. A. Shuld. 35, of 1640 Belmont
.street, sustained slight bruises late
last night when he was thrown to the
pavement by an auto drive' by II. J.
Ringrose, 967 Center street. Report o?
the accident appeared on records at
police headquarters today.
Mr. - Shuld was wheeling a wheel
barrow loaded with lumber along
State street, and according to iRlnr
rose he could not discern the man
and wheelbarrow tmough the rain
and mist. The lamp on the auto
caught on the wheelbarrow, causing
Mr. ShTtld to be thrown to the street.
He was taken to his home by Mr.
Rlngrose. The accidont occurred near
Summer street.
r2uWl MAM :
Servants and pianos are to be taxed
In Paris. Having one servants brings
a tax of 41) francs a year, tho rate in
creasing with the number.
men political leaders hope the changes
will be accomplished without difficulty
In states where women hare not here
iofore ueeu .en n.e iuil-
filling the necessary requirements, pro
vision should be made for them to go
to the polls this November If the am
endment is ratified in time, they assert
No opposition to the operation of
the suffrage amendment in strongly
intl-auffrage states, similar to tactics
imployed in the gouth to limit the neg
ro vote after the passage of the fif
eenth amendment, is considered likely
y suffragists here.
When examining the inside of a cas
ing for a puncture, fabric break or
weak spot, most of us try to force the
beads apart with both hands, support
ing the tire meanwhile upon our shoul
ders as best we can. This task may
be enromously lightened by using a
wedge made of a substantial bit tit
wood three-quarters qf an inch thick
and three to five inches long according
to the size of the tire. This wedge is
slipped between the beads and puryta
around the circumference of the cas
ing with one hand, while, the other
hand is free to hold the tire.
One thing tn which a good many
states lead Vermont is in getting "Pure
Vermont Maple SUgar" on the market.
Burlington (Vt.) News.
Standard Makes
Please Note Our.
Prices. 6000-Mile
Fabric Tire
30x3 Plain
30x34 Non Skid
32x3 Non Skid
31x4 'Non Skid
32x4 Non Skid
33x4 Non Skid
34x4 Non Skid
35x4 H Non Skid
ORD'fires, motor meter
and 2-Way Head
Lamr;standardequipment -on
Lexington Models, are
among the niceties that
make Lexington an excep
tional car. Come in!
The B.&C. Motor Co,
178 S. Commercial
IOxlngton Motor Company
Connersvillo, Indiana. V. B. A.
Other sizes in proportion
8000-Mile Guarantee
Cord Tires
30x34 Non Skid $26.75
32x3 Non Skid... $33.60
32x4 Non Skid ....$41.75
33x4 Non Skid $43.00
34x4 Non Skid..... .....$43.00
34x4 Non Skid $44.50
Call or write before you buy
Com'l. and Court Sts.
Famous For Its Marvel6Us Motor
Jt i - 1- nun ili nil
Two Great Chandlers
Right Out In Front
HERE are two Chandler Six models which the big arid cort
stantly expanding Chandler factory production has never
been able to build in volume that could supply the demand of
discriminating motor car purchasers. Iliey are the Chandler
Six Touring Car and Dispatch Car, the former a big, handsome;
roomy, comfortable, real seven-passenger car; and the latter a1
trim, smaller car, suggestive in its appearance of all the good
things of outdoor life. The Dispatch Car has a touch of snappy
style in its clean lines, and is strikingly finished in the beautiful
Chandler Rainbow Blue. It seats four persons in restful comfort.
Both the Chandler Six Touring and Dispatch Cars are mounted
on the same standard Chandler chassis, developed, through
seven years of manufacture, to a surpassing point of excellence
and famous for its really marvelous motor. The Chandler Car
is priced much lower than other cars which may, perhaps,
compare with it.
If you want your new Cha&dler,
this Spring, place your order now
Seven-Pasitnter Touring, Car, S1895 Four-Pvtttnger Roadster, S1(9S
Four-Passener Dispatch Car, H97S
Seven-Fas sengtr Stiiatt, t2S95 Four-Passenger Coupe frfS limousine. IMS,
Oleson Motor Car Company
349 North Commercial St., Salem,
lJ ; X 0 Ui ( I Wi n vr M-f KU W
i i :
The SAMSON Tractor has come. to
stay. It has come not only to Salem but
to every farming community in the Un
ited States. The SAMSON has come be
cause there has been a demand for a
tractor that , will not only deliver more
power, have longer life and be low in
price, but will have the backing of . big
men in a big way for many years to
TJie-SAMSON line of power farm- -ing
equipment is the farmer's salvation;
To own a SAMSON Tractor, you don't
have to tie up everything you own. A
SAMSON costs just -what the -horses -you
displace would cost. It comes to
you complete, including : fenders and
platform and power pulley, governor, :
brake and force feed oil system-ready.
to operate in your field. No extras to buy
to inake it give -you the service you
want from it. . - - -;
We don't sii you a SAMSON Tractor.'
This is our plan. We invite you to
inspect our tractor examine every de
tail. We don't talk horsepower, draw
1 bar pull and revolutions per minute.
What we do talk about is what the
SAMSON Tractor will do on your place
with you or your driver running it.
- :lWhen. we take your deposit for a -SAMiSON.
Tractor, we don't consider
..ihat: you have bought a tractor from us. :.
iEirstwemust take the tractor to your -:
field iana truck. ; We send a: competent
man with the tractor, He is your, hired
man for two dayas or. as many days as
. you need him. u-. The SAMSON Tractor '
man never1 leaves your farm until you
are thoroughly satisfied that it is the
tractor for your; farm, -and . that itv fits
youreonditions. J" f
. :, . Then after you have thoroughly' sat
. isfied yourself about the ; SAMSON
; Tractor we close the deal and the trac
tor is yours. You are then a SAMSON
Tractor owner and we are the SAMSON
dealers in your community, ready to
serve you at a moment's notice. We are
ready at all times to make good our
guarantee against defect of material or
workmanship for one year from date of
delivery of tractor.
You can't go wrong on a SAMSON
Tractor. First," you know all about the.
SAMSON how to operate it, what it
will do on your farm, how to care for it,
before we close the deal with you. Sec
ond, we guarantee every part against
defect 'for twelve months. And most im-
: iortant of all, the SAMSON is built in
immense quantities by the General
Motors Corporation, the greatest build-
. ers of power equipment in the world.
. Vick Brothers are here to give you
service. The Salem Vick Brothers store
is but one of ten in the Willamette Val
ley all conducted under the same pol
icythe customer must be pleased first.
iMu mauer wnere you are m tne V alloy, ft-j
a SAMSON service oar or a power farm- ffi
mg specialist is at your command.
The SAMSON factory is today pro
ducing more tractors every day than
any other tractor factory in Die world.
But in spite of that fact, there will not
be enough SAMSONS for every one this
fall. Alraedy our advance sales indicate
an enormous fall delivery of tractors.
Don't wait too long' to consider tractors.
Come in and see the insides of a SAM
SON. Then see the others if you' think
it worth while. Decide now about trac
tors. But above all, don't be forced this
fall to buy a tractor that you don't
want, all because you didn't act quick
enough THERE W ON' T BE
Remember also that we have sever
al carloads of trucks on the" road from
the factory. They will represent more
real value for the money than any other
truck on the market today.
503 Bank of Commerce Bldg,
Dealers in Samson Tracks and Tractors