Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1920, Image 1

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Average for Six Months ending
ilarcb. 31, 1920
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation
Associated Press Full Leased Wire
Oregon: Tonight and Sunday prob
ably showers west, fair east, freezm
temperature tonight east, portion,
moderate winds, mostly southerly.
Local: Min. temperature S7. Max. 48,
mean 40. Raiufall. 05 Inches. River,
feet, rising.
Circuit Court Tax lnjtinctipn Hits Schools Hard
Hoover Asks
to Drop Name
New York. Apr. 3. Herbert Hoover,
who has announced he is ready to ac
cept the republican presidential nom
ination if it is demanded of him, is
sued a statement today in which he re
quested he be not further embarrassed
by. suggestions of some independents
that his name be placed before any oth
er,party, as "a primary sense of team
work In any party organization would
preclude; such a possibility."
' Mr, Hoover said in his statement hi
had ho great record of partisan activ
ity and "admitted" that his political ac
tivity was confined to membership in
a prominent republican club and alle
giance to the party over a period 51
years. He added that because of his
profession of a mining engineer, con
tinual shift of residence had prevented
him from exercising as much as he
desired the privilege of every citizen at
the polls. '
Asserting . that his administrative
duties in various relief organizations
would prevent him from making a
personal canvass for the nomination.
Air. Hoover said he expected Hoover
organizations throughout the country
would have to expend certain amnunw
for printing and other expenses, but
that he hoped they would confine
themselves to minor subscriptions and
expenditures and would be preparea
to open their books to public Inspec
tliui. -
Mr. Hoover requested that men and
women advocating his nomination
"bear In mind that personal criticism
of the other names before the party is
chiefly of service td the opposition."
"All these men," he said, "are pa
triotic, honorable Americans. They
have all served the country well and
are entitled to respect."
Hecause he had refused to allow h
name put Into the primaries, Mr. Hoo
ver declared there was "little organiza
tion" m his behalf a.nd at this late
date no organization is possible that
could compete with other organiza
tions. He urged that his supporters
confine their energies to "promotlotvof
their views to the country and the dele
gates already named, with full respeot
to their prior pledges."
Mr. Hoover said that he had no ex
pectation that his entrance Ijjto the
presidential race would be welcomed
by the "type of person who conceives
that fitness for office, patriotism and
citizenship, depend upon placing sheer
partisanship above national interest 01
who requires years of demonstrated
participation In work with mechanical
politicians." -
Corvallis Has no
Control Over Any
Part of River Bed
Regardless of the fact that the or
porate limits of the city of Corvallis
extend to the middle of the Willam
ette river and the further fact that
these boundaries were established by
the state legislature, the city does not
control the bed of the stream and the
sand and gravel contained therein. This
is the gist of an opinion prepared by
Attorney General Brown In reply to an
Inquiry from R. E. Wilson, city attor
ney of Corvallis, who, In his letter, de
clared that the city was proceeding up
on the assumption that the eity held
the exclusive right to the use of that
portion ef the river contained within
the city held the exclusive right to the
use of that portion of the river con
tained within the city lirhits Including
the sand and gravel rights.
The state legislature could have
granted this right to the city, of Cor
vallis, Brown's opinion Btates, but It
has not done so. Consequently the right
remains vested in the state..
Under the law of 1920 under which
sand and gravel companies must se
cure permission from the state before
operating in navigable streams, Brcwn
states, the state Is granting leases not
only within the corporate limits of clt'
ies and, towns but within the limits of
P'Tts as well.
Sunday Schools
' Hold Convention
Here April 9-10
Programs are out for the annual
convention of the Marion county Sun
day school association. It will occur
on Friday and Saturday of next we?k
April and 10. In Salem. Most of the
time will be tafem up In a school of
methods, the work being done in
groups. Four instructors will be in
charge. Rev. Harold Humbert, state j
general secretary who will have
charge of work for teachers of the
young peoples division. Miss Violet
Johnson, educational superintendent
Oiegon state Sunday school associa
tion, will give her attention to the
children's division, Mrs. T. H. Rich
mond, state adult superintendent, will
deal with the adult problems. Elton
Khaw, state administration superin
tendent, will discuss organization f: r
school and district.
Rev. William Mall Case of Eugene
will make the convention address
"The task of Religious education."
U is anticipated that all officer'
and teachers of the schools of Marion!
county will avail themselves of the
rare adrantage of this school f,r
church school workers.
Republican Ballot To Be
Loaded With Candidates '
Names; Nine More File
There will be no' dearth of candi
dates on the republican primary bal
lot this year. In fact there promises
to be plenty of competition for all as
pirants from the lowliest effice on the
ballot up to the most' prized plum
which is represented -in this contest
by the secretary of state's office.
Nominating petitions are now arriv
ing thick anf fast, nine of them reach
ing the secretary of state's, office this
morning, seven of which were from
republican aspirants, as fallows:
A. E. Flegel, Portland, democrat,
candidate for nomination 8b delegate
to the democratic national convention
from the third congressional district.
Isaac E. Staples, Portland, republi
can, candidate for state senator from
the thirteenth senatorial district. -
Gus E. Erickson, Portland,- repub
Present Time, to
Purchase liberty
Los Angeles, Cal., Apr: Bi Governor
Stephens today issued ' a letter in
which he said:
"Now is the time to purchase liberty
bonds and victory notes, not to sell
them. Thgy are below par chiefly be
cause those who purchased them dur
ing the war are now forcing their hold
ings bn the market In excess of the de
mand. "All financial authorities agree that
liberty bonds and victory notes will be
worth considerably more than par long
before their maturity.
"These bonds and notes of the Uni
ted States'government are the safest
investment in the world. They can be
purchased at this time very advantage
ously. Instead of selling your bonds
keep them and buy as many more as
you can.1' '..
Federal Officers
Told to Prevent
Coal Profiteering
Washington, Apr. 3. Federal dis
trict attorneys were instructed today
by Attorney General Palmer to receive
and consider complaints of profiteer
ing in bituminous coal "which may
arise in your drsirict under the Lever
Mr. Palmer's telegram was prepared
after some bituminous coal operators
had stated publicly that the new wage
scale agYeed on under the terms of the
award by the coal strike settlement
commission would result in an increase
of from 60 cents to $1.25 a ton on
coal. . - - - -
Pointing out that the total increase
in wages had been estimated at ap
proximately $200,000,000 a year, Mr.
Palmer said that if this entire amount
were "added by the pperators to the
price, It would only make an increase
of forty cents a ton."
"If, however, the operators absorb
(he 1 4 per cent increase granted In De
cember," said the attorney general,
there will be left only $96,000,000 to
be passed on to the consumer. - In this
event the Increase In the price of coal
at the mine should amount to 20 cents"
e ton."
Mr. Palmer said he understood op
erators had estimated the demand iw.
export coal would be 100,000,000 tons
but that port facilities are only ade
quate for the exportation of 30.000,000
tons per annum. This, he said, should
not been made an excuse for raising
the price.
Harbord Report
On Armenia Sent
To Senate Today
Washington, Apr. 3. President Wil
son transmitted to the senate today the
report of the American commission,
headed by Major General Harbord,
which Investigated Conditions in Ar
menia. The report had twice been ask
ed for by the senate, first last Novem
ber, and then under a resolution adopt
ed several weeks ago.
The commission made no recommen
dations as to the United States assum
ing a mandate over Turkey and Ar
menia but its report contained exten
sive arguments for and against such
No mandate should be taken, the
commission said, without formal, agree
ment with France and Great Britain
and also "definite approval" of Ger-1
many and Russia. The inhabitants
the commission stated, desire America
to take the mandate first, with Great
Britain their second choice.
The principal arguments advanced
in favor of the United States accepting
a mandate were that the influence of
the United States would tend to avert
wars, that the Inhabitants wanted
American protection and that this
would give the United States an op
portunity to do a great humanitarian
work. . -'
Ueasjms advanced against a man
:ate were that It "would weaken our
position relative to the Monroe doc
trine' that "hiimanitarianisrn begins
at home and that the first year's cost i
would be $275, 000,000, including $38,-1
POO.OOO for the army and navy.
lican, candidate for state senator
from ,the thirteenth senatorial dis
trict. W. B. Dennis, Carlton, republican,
candidate for state senator from the
twenty fourth senatorial district.
C. A. Sidler, Grants Pass, republi
can candidate for representative from
seventh district.
H. A. Brattain, Paisley, republican,
candidate for representative Irom
twenty first district.
L. G. EewelUng, AtSany, republi
can, candidate for district attorney
for Linn county. .- ,
John Baker, Hood River, . republi
can, candidate for district attorney
for Hood River county.
Gilbert L. Hedges. . Oregon ' City,
democrat, candidate . for district at
torney for Clackamas county.
Ford and Edison .
Burroughs Guests
On 83rd Birthday
New York, April 3. John Bur
roughs, dean of American nature writ
era today varied the quiet routine of
his life at "Yama Farms", on th
Hudson, near West Park, by inviting
a number of friends to help him ob
serve his 83d birthday. Among thoso
invited were Thomas A. Edison and
Henry Fora.
Turks Shocked by
Wilson's Demand
They Quit Europe
Constantinople, Apr. 1. President
Wilson's note to the allies intimating
that the Turks must get out of Europe
came as a shock to all Turkish parties,
Mr. Wilson s note appeared In a
slightly censored form which made the
position of the United States seem
harsher than it appeared In the full
text of the communication.
The note was equally displeasing to
the-Greeks, who were much offended
at the American president's apparent
unwillingness to grant their claims to
a large district abouj Smyrna and his
insistence that Adrianople be given to
the Bulgarians.
American business men here are ap
prehensive over the effect of the presl
dent's stand and there is considerable
uner.4ness as to the effect It will have
in Asiatic Turkey where E00 American
born teachers and relief workers are
considered to be In considerable dan
ger IC the protection of Turkish forctss
should be withdrawn.
Political Fight
Leads to Killing
Of Uruguay Editor
Montevideo, Uruguay, Apr. 2. Po
litical excitement prevails In this city
tonight as. a result of the death of
Washington Beltram, editor of the
newspaper El Pais in a duel with for.
mer President Joseph Batlle y Ordones
this morning. After the last elections
in Uruguay, the nationalists accused
the Batllistes, "the party headed by the
former president, of frauds. Beltran's
newspaper In an editorial concerning
the election, called Batlle the 'chain
pion fraud.' " It was this utterance
that led to the fatal duel.
The opponents met in the midst of
a pouting rainstorm and waited for
three hours for the rain to cease. Be
cause of the rain the two men decided
to keep on their hats, but Beltran
changed his straw hat for a felt, so
that both might be on even terms.
Standing 25 paces apart, the duelists
were given the word to fire, both miss
ing ot the first exchange. Before Bel
tran could fire a second shot, he was
struck bv a bullet from Butlle's pistol
and sank to the ground mortally
Battle, who was twice president
of Uruguay and now Is a member of
the national administrative council,
voluntarily gave himself up to the
police, following en order by the state
prosecutor for hiS arrent, as well as
that of the doctors, seconds and other
persons connected with the duel. He
Is being held incommunicado in a
police station. j
The chamber of deputies at a
special session late tonight unanimous
ly adopted a resolution according an
nual pensions of $3,000 to Belyran's
widow. The chamber also sent a
message of .sympathy to the widow.
Eeltran's family has requested that
the bodV lie in staet In the chamber
of deputies, pending the funeral.
Middle West and
West Clash Upon
Cinder Path Today
Berkeley, Cal., April 3. The Uni
versity of Illinois track and field,
team today sought to even the score
with the University of California fori
the defeat" of the Californians ad
ministered five years ago today In the
only dual meet between the two uni
versities. ;
Illinois recently won the western
indoor track meet.
Each university is represented by
13 men today.
2 Escaped
'Central ia
Reds Caught
Centralis, Wash., Apr. 3.-Sheriff
J. H. Berry was expected to arrive here
before noon today with a prisoner be
lieved to be Ole Hanson,-alleged In
dustrial Worker of the World, charged
with the. murder' of Warren O. Grimm,
one. of, four former soldiers, shot. .ana
killed while marching in an Armtstlc
Day parade' here: The prisoner was
arrested in " Ellensburg.
Sheriff - Berry said In Ellensburg
last night that o was certain the man
was Hanson. -
Police In the Pacific northwest have
been searching for Hanson and anoth
er fugitive,' John Doe - Davis,- -since
Armistice Day. Both were charged
with murder in the information on
which eleven -otheV defendants were
placed on trial at Montesano recently.
Geoi Wenderoth
Upheld For Post
In Gty Council
The fifth ward, in which was left
a vacancy in renraiuntatinn In t"h
council 'by the shifting of Edward
BcnunKa, win be represented by Geo
enoeroth If favrvrahlo ai.H.r. ia fob.
en by the city council on a resolution
passed Dy me North Salem Improve
ment league at Its meetlnc iviHiv
night. Mr. Wenderoth is employed by
th state highway department as a
civil engineer, and is held hlirhlv effi
cient for the post on the city council,
ine desire of the North Salem Im
provement league to have Mr.. Wende
roth represent that section of the i.
will be brought to the attention of the
council in trie form of a petition at its
next meeting. ,
The city council will also be asked
to pave 26 block' and construct 22
blocks of concrete sidewalks In kwi,
Salem, in petitions endorsed by the
league last night, and prepared to sub
mit to the council.
Proposed amendments tn the ritv
charter, as endorsed by the directorate
uCTmmrrciartiu; VeTte supporr
ed by members of the North Sai-m
provement league. Mayor Wilson, who
was present, also spoke In favor of the
umenaments. ; -
Declaring that "we are trying to
cnange over night. the customs of cen
turies" Miss Nell Svkes.
spent a year in Russia and Siberia with
me Kea cross during the war, told
of her experiences there Kh it j
tjie desolate country, through which a
wave or revolution leaving behind It a
trail of blood, was sweenlnu with n,i..
one aim: a.representatlve government.
m-me or tne means in which th. r.j
Cross spent the 15 millions of dollars
alloted to It for that work In Siberia
was told by Miss Sykes, whose talk was
extremely interesting.
How American engineers were or-
uerea to Keep the Trans-Siberian rail
road clear, and were vnmii.,i .
stand guard along its line to be-shot
uown without authortly to even defend
uiemseives. was a so mantlnn.j i,.. .u.
speaker. "Many poor American boy
wem uown mere Just henn,,00 .k ...
. .,,iV linu
orders to not defend th
ji " iuiss sykes dec a red
To months spent In Japan, durln
wnich time she made a careful survey
of conditions and customs there
causes her to believe that America has
nothing to fear of that
....I... . iu
oj nes said. it is too tinv. so Htnnii
can't fear anything from her."
Kussia, with its surainff iwi-.,..
mas, of peaples, wa vividly pictured
"3 miss ayKes as a land with a reign
of terror wherein no law t.u.
- uiuri iiuiun
nere tne only law is pointed out
uy tne quiCKcst trigger finger."
Returning to .lannn vtioi, a,.i.
-- - jrT:o
that there is a law there that no for
eigner can nold even an Inch of ground
there by any other mean. i,n i.
lease "Yet we let them come in here
ana watch them buy up our very best
lands, and we don't raise a finger In
protest. If Japan sees fit to deny us
that right there, I am in favor of deny
ing them that richt her
don't agree with me but I am heartily
in support or i;aurornla in her efforts
to expell the Oriental."
Traffic Officer Verden M. Moffltt
and C. H. Stevenson delighted the mem
bers of the league with vocal solos.
Union Boycotted
Dallas, Or., Apr. 3. The Dallas
Washerwoman's union w'hlch was or
ganized two weeks ago with Mrs. .
Harder as presiding officer, has re
ceived a serious setback at the begin
ning of its career, the women of the
city refusing to meet the increase In
rates for washing and Ironing as
charged by the members of the union.
As a result tubs and other washing
materials that had been discarded hav
now appeared and the women are do
ing their own work thus cuttina: down
both the hish cost of living and also
the Incomes of the washwomen who
have heretofore made wages equal to
those of men practically every day In
the week.
J. C. Smith of Grants Pass, stat
senator from Josephine county, will be
a candidate for re-election. His nom
inating petition for a place on the re
publican primary ballot was filed with
the secretary of state's office here Fri
Census Figures
Washington, Apr. S. Popu-
lation statistics announced to; 4c
day by the census bureau in-
chided: ,
JPootsville. Pa., Jl,7$5. an iir-
crease of 1541 or 7.7 per cent
over 1S10. ' : 4c
Lpganport, Ind 11,626, in- - 4c
: crease 287$ or 13. & per cent v
-. Connersville, Ind 901, In- 4(
crease 2163 or 28 per cent. 4c
Lorain, Ohio, 37,25. In- 4c
crease 8412 or 2.l per cent. 41
Waukegan, 111., in-
crease 3130 or 19.5 percent.
c Pekin, 111., 13,086, increase 4c
4c 2189 or 22.1 per cent. . '
41 Milvitle. N. J., 14,691. In- 4c
4e crease 2240 or 18 per eent 4c
Railroad Orders
Steady Northwest
Lumber Markets
Railroad buyers COntlmiA nmnno1
the most active factors in the lumber
trade of western Oregon and western
Washington. They are making heavy
purchases regularly. While railroad
business is brisk, demand for yard
stock and material for industrial con
struction continues at a good leel.
As a result, mills are maintaining
a high average production. The cut at
128 typical operations contributing to
the report of the. West Const l.mhr.
men's association for the week end-
ea March 27 was 86.373,705 feet
which was only 4.296,295. feet or 4.74
per cent below normal.
New business accented was 83.41 it.
608 feet of which 61,950,000 feet or
Z0b5 cars will move by rail, 19,319.
.789 feet- by water and 2,246,819 feet
is to be delivered locally. Of the wa
ter shipments, 10,236,034 feet will l,c
exported and 8983 feet will go to do
mestic markets. The prospect for ex
port business Is particularly promising
The car situation hus not changed
tn the last few weeks. The railroad
are short of equipment. In the lam
four years the freight traffic of the
railroads has increased 45 ner cent
according to late estimates, but thu
supply of engines and cars has in
cread only two Der cent.
The mills are doing all they can to
satisty the Insistent calls of eastern
and middle western mnrketit tnr Inm.
ber. hTe total rail shipments last week
were 2248 cars or. 67,440,000 fee.
The 12 mills represented Iwfhe re
port have a balance of 10,476 enrs ir
.314,280.000 feet of unfilled rail ord
ers on their books. '
Londonderry Is
Closely Guarded
From Sinn Fein
Belfast, April 3. In addition to
pronounced military activity In the
vicinity of Londonderry today, all
the roads about the town being pa
troled, the passengers who arrived by
the Scotch boat at Londonderry were
searched by the police. Meanwhile,
violent scenes were reported taking
place among the Sinn Fein prisoner.'
confined in Londonderry Jail.
, Unusual activity also was displayed
by authorities at Dundalk, midway
between Belfast and Dublin, special
patrols being posted at all approaches
to the town. Motor car drivers were
required to produce pemits.
Census Figures
Show Cities and
Towns Growing
Washington, Apr. 8. To date popu
lation of 253 of the approximately 14,
000 incorporated cities, towns and vil
lages In the country have been an
nounced by the census bureau. Virtu
ally all .show Increases and some have
more than doubled in size. Some of
the larger cities, including Chicago and
Nejj- Orleans, are being prepared for
announcement, while New. York's port
folios are almost all In.
Figures for only ten of the fifty cit
ies of the group having 100,000 or
more inhabitants in 1910 thus far have
been made public. Of these Toleuo
showed the large Increase with 44.3
per cent.
f the 49 cities, having 50,000 to
100.000 inhabitants in 1910. six have
been announced, Schenectady, N. Y
leads the Increase In this group with
21.8 per cent.
.Population of 28 Incorporated places
of the 119 which in 1910 had from 25,-
000 to 50,000 inhabitants has been an
nounced. Knoxville, Tenn., leads In
this group with an Increase of 114.1
per cent.
Scott Bluff, Neb., has the highest
percentage of Increase of any of the
Incorporated places thus far announ
ced w4th 295.9. per cent Other In
creases over 100 per cent are: Eldora
do, Kan., 251.4 per cent Cicero, 111.,
200.1: Alma, Mich., 173.6; Knoxville,
Tenn., 114.1 and Oak Park. III., 104.8.
Manistee, Mich,, has shown the
heaviest decrease with 21.7 per cent.
Other decreases are: Shelburn, Ind.,
11.7 per cent; Jefferson, Ind., 3- per
cent. ,
Paris. April 8. German ships seiz
ed by Brazil' will be taken over by a
syndicate of French ship owners or.
payment of $26,000,000, according to
the Journal, which says the matt--r
has been definitely settled.
County Of ficers to Return
Funds Already Collected
Under SpecialExcess Levy
An order signed Friday evening by Judge George G. Bingham
and Judge Percy R. Kelly of the Oregon circuit court for Marion
county practically embodies four injunctions against the county
court and various officers of Marion county. The suit was insti
tuted, March 25, by Ed A. Jory. As a representative taxpayer,
Mr. Jory questioned the legality of the levy as made in accord
ance with the legislative acts which authorized the excessive lev
ies in question.
In addition to restraining the county officers from collecting
the sums in excess of the limitation, the order further restraint
and enjoins the defendants from : . .. -
(1) Disbursing, expending, appor-
tionlng or applying any of the funds
of Marlon county, Oregon, toward
carrying out the directions contained
in chapter 156 of the general laws' of
Oregon for the year 191$, or the laws
amended thereby, insofar as such dis
bursement, . expenditure, apportion
ment and application. is or may be In
excess of the amount of taxes levied
for the year 1918, as shown by the
1918 tax roll, for common school pur
poses olus six per cent thereof, or
(2) Disbursing, expending, appor
tioning or applying any of 'the funds
or Marlon county, Oregon, toward
carrying out the directions contained
In chapter 271 of the general laws of
Oregon for the year 1919 and thj
laws thereby amended, insofar tis
such disbursement, expenditure, ap
portionment and application is and
may be in excess of the amount of
taxes levied for the year 1918, as
shown by the 1918 tax roll, for high
school 'tuition purposes rlus six pet-
cent thereof, or
(3) Disbursing, expending, appor
tionlng or applying any of the fundd
of Marlon county", Oregon, toward
carrying out the directions contained
In chapter 272 of the general laws of
Oregon for 1919 or the directions con
tained In chapter 156 of the
laws of Oregon for 1919 Insofar a
such disbursement, expenditures, ap
portionment and application la and
may be in excess of the amount of
taxes levied for the year 1918 In Ma
rlon county, Oregon, for general
county purposes, plus six per cent,
' By this decree,, the court and coun
ty officers are restrained from the
further collection or disbursement of
special tax Items amounting to $48,
623.28mbod"led hs aft additions!' en
try in the 18919 tax roll.
This sum is represented by the fol
lowing Items: for common school
Items In excess of the six percent
limitation, $25,470.03; . high school
tuition fund, $12,801.20; for an ar
mory at Sllverton $10,000. These Items
were' authorized Itf recent legislative
acts and when added to the 1919 'ta
roll represent an Increase of 30 per
cent over the levy for the preceding
year, over and above the 8 percent
limitation provision approved by ths.
people la 1915.
District Attorney Max Qehlhar and
others who are informed on the sit
uation state that the order will have,
a widespread effect in establishing
emphatically the fact that the legis
lature has no authority to force the
county to violate thslx percent limi
tation. By the decree of Judges Bing
ham and Kelly, the four acts by
which the legislature ordered the ex
cess are non-effective in Marion coui.
By this Older, the circuit court hasit0 be. and her methods of teaching
confirmed the county court In th'j !are approved everywhere,
latter's stand In this matter. In pre- classes of two hours duration will
paring the levy the county commie- oe held every morning, aftefnoon ant
sioners and court had published the ! evening. The course includes 1$ lec
proposed budget and had Invited at-1 tures, for which the nominal price of
task on the excess terms as they stood ji j charged, with 60 cents extra tit
There was no tendency shown by any tne text book. All essential matters)
of the taxpayers to fight the matter, connected with home nursing will b
although the county officers werejeait with. Temperature taking, how
anxious to have the question settled to bathe a child properly In bed, the
before the tax rolls were prepare 1UBe 0f disinfectants and simple hon
and collections undertaken. remedies will be subjects for discus-.
Sheriff W. I. Needham stated Satur- sl0n.
day that several hundred unopened
letters containing tax remittances wi'l
soon be In the hands of the crowded
receipt division and a refund made of
the excess amounts will u made.
While the matter has not yet been
definitely arranged, the county court
and district attorney are making plans
whereby those taxpayers who havo
already made payments can be reim
bursed, While the outcome of the suit '."
no surprise to the various county of
ficers, many of them point out ths
extra expenditures Involved and time
devoted to the matter will run lnt
the hundreds of dollars, which could
(Continued on Page Four.)
Lincoln, Neb., April 3. A general snowstorm with low tem
peratures prevailed in Nebraska today. Weather bureau reports
said the storm area extended as far west as Salt Lake City.
Copenhagen, April 3. Decision to call off the general strike
in the entire Ruhr industrial region was reached at a plenary ses
sion of the executive council of the district yesterday, according
to a dispatch from Essen. It will be renewed, however, if Berlin
government fails to fulfill obligations entered 'into with the
Washington, April 3. The administration measure under
which the federal reserve board hopes to effectually check spec
ulation was passed today by the senate and now goes to the presi
dent. Copenhagen, April 3. Enormous crowds are gathering out
side the town hall and marshaling into columns to march to the
royal palace, Amalienborg castle, carrying a resolution asking the
king's help to prevent the calamity of a general strike.
American State
Department Hit
By Latin Editor
Buenos Aires, April 3. Recent Am
erican notes to Chile, Bolivia and
Peru are described as "the fruit at
diplomatic inexperlenpe," by La Pren
sa, which declares they do not reveal
any political plan that should alarm
the South American continent or gi
Argentina any motive for suspicion."
In its first editorial on the subject,
the newspaper asked whether the
notes "which affect the sovereignty
of those states, respond to a resolv.-i'
pol.'cy according to which the United,
States constitutes Itself inherent pro
tector of New World republics," anf
"what should be the attitude of Ar
gentina." These questions are answer
ed today, the Journal stating It has
a "profound knowledge of the func
tonlng of the American state depart-.
ment," and asserting that department
"never cultivated a diplomatic modo
of procedure and does not possess t
diplomacy." It declares . the depart
ment Is an "organ of Internal poli
tics, rather than international,"
"Men of the United States," con
tinues La Prensa, "have generally
wrlttpn on delicate and susceptlbl
international questions with crude
ness with which they, treat Internal
politics. These antecedents induce u
to think the form of the notes In
question does not respond to a po
litical plan of a conilneiital protecto
rate which is cntemptuous In regard
to lesser republics, , They are an in
stance of inadvercence and lack of
diplomatic tact." ' .
Red Cross Home
Nursing Courses
To be Held Here
Coming as a representative of th
American Red Cross, wllh the pur
pose of holding classes In homa nurs
ing, Miss Marian Adams, of Boston.:
arrived in Salem Friday and has es
tablished offices on the second flooi
of the post office building.
Miss Adams, is highly recommended
by all medical authorities as a uonr
petent and .efficient Instructor. Hec
education along these lines is as com
plete and thorough as it is po&ribla
Classes are now being formed, and
those desiring to Join them should
telephone 332 to register. Miss Adam
will remain In Salem bs lung as there
are classes to be taught, and It I
thought that nearly every mother la
the city will avail herself of this op
portunity of learning the essentials of
home nursing.
H,nonIulu, T. II., Apr. 3. The Uni
ted States destroyer Chauncey arrived
here vesterday morning In convoy with
a hole In her sterm, having been ram
med by the destroyer Aaron Ward
while en rtmte from San Diego to Ilono
lulu. The Chauncey was covered by
the fuel ship Cuyama,