Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    TUESDAY, MATCH SO, 1220.
"pata per word Each Insertion one
Kent s-S insertions 5 cents, one month !
z - ' .j-rions. CenUi. UUfi Tear, tier
16 I"
t cents. Minimum per ad
First Insertion cnlr h.Sfw Today.
a, 19 casa 1 ,' . ....... o ' "
over phone, unless advertiser has ',
nnnim t. . -- - - - - v
nhone errors.
GIRL wanted at Th- Spa.'
WANTING stocK ana lat nogs, IT.oiio
; J or S4'2: i7M
W'AN'TEll Girl or woman fur hotel'
iv.vrkCatl 536M. - - - j
SALE Indian Kunner and:
Mammoth Pekin duck eggs. $1 pi rj
2751 Laurel ave
FOR ALE Bird dog. Lewellyn s-:
ter. female. Phone 468W. 7S
volT SALE If you have. $6300 in
cash you can buy a $7000 house
direct from owner. See this befoe
you buy anything. Address 5SG care
journal. a82
FOR SALE Or rent, five room mod
ern bungalow. Call 955 N. 21st St.
fult SALE New range, heater aru
other household goods, ut once.
1 1 4 j y. Liberty. cT
WANTED Truck driver, must u-i-derstand
GMC truck. Apply Pacif
' ic Fruit and Produce Co., Mr. Cr.t
yatt. - "
FOR SALE Jersey-Guernsey cow
Will be fresh soon. Take south Sa
car to Eskelson's or phone 21F1I.
RAILWAY mail clerRs, $U0 mouth.
Experience unnecessary. Young
men. 17 upward, desiring clerkshi s
' write for free particulars. J. Leor
ard (former civil service examin
er). 10S7 Eau'table bldg. Washing
tmi!j3. C. g2
yOR SALE Horses, team weighing
3000. Young, sound, kind and true.
Win. Liilie at Center street . fe--d
barn. Phone 927. ' e8:l
FOL'Nl' Ladies shoe. Call at Journtl
office. ;
FOR RENT Furnished lfousekeej
ing rooms, close in. Phone 136.1J.
WATEli For Portland factory, good
litthe man for Westcott automatic
broom handle lathe. Box B C Capi
tal Journal. , 8?
FOK SALE Brown and tan rug ?x
12; tlso leatherette couch, both
good as new. Mrs. McGilchrist Sr
S Commercial street, near ceme
tery Phone 1348R. c
W'ANTKI) Farm hand, married with
wife or small child; small house
with milk, wood and garden, must
milk and understand farming, and
be good worker, 6 months work or
loniter. C. C. Russell, Gervais, Rt.
2, Phone 3F3. g
WANTED Work shingling, genera.
repi'ii'Mip a specialty. 2751 Laurel
ave, near mute school. h!0
LOC. AN plants for sale. Phone 254 or
after office hours 622. d78
' FOR SALE Cheap; nice large home
with beautiful grounds, or will ex
change for smaller home. John II.
' Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg.
WOO!) choppers wanted, good tim
ber, grod price. Phone 254 or 622.
WANTED To buy hoiise and lot di
rect 11-0 mowner. Address box 4".'i
' Journal. 7T
ONE brand new ladles spring suit
for sale, color navy blue, size 3S
or 40: will sell on account of being
too small for the party. Call at 79o
t th St.. north. ' c78
. LOST In Gray-Belle or in Oregiii
thenter or on sidewalk between the
two places,, a black change purse
containing about $7.50. Return to
Y. . C. A. office. Appropriate re.-
ward. k"8
FOR ' ALU New' flniir ' wngnti. 3 V,,
? half truck, 4-inch tires. 1311 North
4th St. ...'.: c7'
FOR SALE 2 fresh Jersey cows, 5
years old. 1311 N.- 4th St. e78
FOR SALE Modern bungalow" 1.)
;. cated 2U0 State street for $;i8ri0.
'Phone owner 1812. a78
WANTftllCaialenwork by hTs".
boy during spare time. South Salem
preferable, 60c per hour. Phon.
'.' U2-'R. ' Ji7J
FOR SALE 6 room house barn, 1
' Rood lot. Price $1150. easy terms.
Hart & Mttller, 208 Oregon bldg. ?'
FOR" SALE 4 room bungalow. 2
I good le ts. Price $900, cash. Harl
Muller. 208 Oregon Mdg, 1
iOU SALE Bug bodies. Ford chas
sis, 'ate model; late model Ford
touring car, lots of extras, now
tires, dandy motor, $400; Ford tax
Icab late model. 187 S. Liberty St.
, 77'
FOR KENT Unfurnished, three
rooms upstairs in private residence,
electricity, bath and lavatory; en
tirely secluded from rest of hou ,
No children, $15. Inquire at 1(0 S.
jjth St. Jjjt
CABBA'JE plants, earlv varieties, vig
. orous transplanted plants, 50c ec
K iiuimica, py mail 65c postpaid. Mc-
- inlchnst Bros., Rt. 4. Phone 13
I'fjEO Republic trucks, 1-ton over
hauled and . guaranteed, express
body, top ani windshield, 1920 li
cense free, $1350'; foW price. long,
easy terms. 1 ',4 -ton overhauled and
guaranteed, cab and windshield,
license free; low price of $1--'
650. long, easy., terms. W. H. Hil-debra-.tilt
& Co., 279 N. Com-mercb-l
-hone 075. ,. ' - q71'
F0R S-U-E Buy this farm, you cin
Jiot Ins. 55 acres , with large new
r house and barn located about 16
. tiilles from Salem and 1 mile from
V R. station, store, postoffice and
: mile from school. Price for a
. "" Jays $5500. See or write Ch ts
. .-g!n. Aumsville, Or. 7 2
. FOR SALE 7 rooms, 4 on first floor
Plaster.: a, 3 upstairs ceiled and pa
pered, large pantry, electric lights,
"ath, toilet, two good lots, on wesl
We of N. winter street, close if.
borne fruit, improved '.street and
good alley. This is a good buy for
someone. $2700, $1200 cash, bal
ance monthly or in three years at
pel-cent. See Petersen with John
realty Co., 228
BOMKjxe can nave $200 on a 192
r' IVU(1:'1 five Passenger Elcar for a
. short time only. This car has not
- run hundred miles. Will consio
f '"de for cheaper car. Any bui
ness man should be proud to own
J"is machine. Let us demonstrate
to you, This car carries the factory
. guarantee. In addition to this 1910
- ,07vro'et' 3: I'sht truck $27f-
Hudson Speedster at $2000.
'"a car is worth more. Run fix
?ont is. Cherry City Garage, 170
5J2th. q8'."
- Fia SALE 2 acres located just oui
f city limits, family orchard and
Dere3. small building. Price $1000
acres on Market street, 7 room
use in fine condition, good mod
" plumi)ing electric lights,
' ea!' a rn' chicken house, street
ea- A chance to plant an acr
' togans and Increase the value,
fnee $4200.
c.rojw house well located, modern
1a B and I'Bhts, furniture new
" Sood quality. Pric for hous.
"d furniture $2500. Mrs. Winnie
'"yjohn, 275 Stat, street. Tel.
f- Personal
tA 11000 on good security t
Prcent. Inquire 1263 N. Church.
! rnp citr. ' ' - ' rAGU
K) i o I i"
modern 1 1"'lct
i house
UW With frnr ge i
.. iurm
aen space. Would
"Tro aoo- i;ne e-,r
ne sar-
consiiler some
able. 2640 L. V'. ,,s
x III f.MMIiinirai t
o( 25th St.
room cosy ku,u;
and a 6
room bungalow, modern
at. some fruit. Iau;
except heat,
' 1242 N.Pn.nt
rrr - - ; a93
Linn l. it.. .
room house. See 7,,,.,.. 1,. .
S. 22d St.
a, i
home forIaLe i hn.rr
room hmicA 1., . . . K"
good 9 i
sell n .""" Sr ,ot "'! Willi
verv e:isv
will take it. Thi. ,,,jWn!
e. J. Parks. 365 1 i, !
Phone 645 s ,s'-1
r. 17V 1
ALB- room h,,s- ...... Tt
Srr".J,':.TH Iot' warden, barn wa-l
. i,
SVi- "rS.Iro 1. IJic
pie aVe "rs.ow1ier, 2011 Mn-J
house, full baseman, urn
'T' "
ave. M'" -
FOR SALE Niiie room house. eleT
trie .ghts and city wa,er, ba ana'
poultry house; one and acres
i ta-hd W"h EnBlUh P
ber7y f,l S?m .P. Ums ""-f
f "'wro iium geno i
five from car line. A dandy place
dV nret" 'armer' Wouid con
sider a good team horses, a few
Bi.uu cows or farm mnehin., i
i-eii6jeSt.. Salem. a7S
WANTKn T 1 r
, . " ""out a t room
modem house, not too far out '
..e lerms. Address box 29 Jout
P-il. i7
' &ALE Comfortable ho
use and!
desirable lot, city water with
eu aj it. deep, wood shed
corner of 20th and Lee Sts.
WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l. ,
FOR SALE By owner. 5 room house,
water, lights and toilet; lot 105 ft
wide, 110 ft. deep, all in bearing
fruit, mostly Royal Annes. at a bar-
f o - iUJt9- 600 Turner st- between
22 and 23d on Mill. a78
FOR SALE By owner one 7 rn
strictly modern bungalow, excel
ent view, block and half from car
line in south Salem, ;I40 Superior
st- a94
4 ROOM bungalow, looks like new,
large bath room, closets, pantry,
hot and cold water, electricity in
house and barn or garage. GojJ
yard fence, modern chicken houie
and pen. 19 mixed fruit trees, good
gurden. Good home for small fam
ily. Possession in 10 davs; not far
out. Price $1500, cash. S. R.
Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone
43. .,
CLOSE IN 6 room plastered house.
ugnis, oatn etc., tine location. $2 -000.
9 room plastered, lights, bath, fire
place, extra close In; terms. Price
Half Cost 5 room plastered bun
galow, $600, terms. Brown, room 8,
341 State street. a7S
FOR SALE 6 room house, modern
conveniences, fruit trees, chicken
park, close to school and street c n .
1357 N, Winter, B: 8
FOR SALE Modern 5 room bunga
low at 1190 S. 14th street, $2500:
$400 down and monthly payments.
Phone' 1U59M, H7(i
For Sale Farms.
10 ACRES, must sell at once. All In
cultivation. Located 3 miles from
Salem on a good rock road, (no Im
provements.) It has a mortgage of
$2000. running a term of years.
" Owner isv a Won-residont -and w ill
take $500 for the equity. $250 will
handle it. I handle bargain and
sacrifice properties; tell your want'
to H. S. Radcliff, room 4 F.avi.e
bldg. b77
FOR SALE 5 acres, $1350 cash;
small hut goodhouse, barn and all
necessary outbuildings, family orch
ard, good loganberry and straw
berry land on rock roa.l, 3V4 miles
from Salem. Address W W care of
Journal. b
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acres
located just outsicie city innus. 1
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms, 8.11 acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2S00. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bid;,".
Phone 1427. b
B'OR SALE Or trade, I have 10H
acres, good stock ranch, plenty of
good out range and water, good
house, close to school, family or
chard. 2 good barns, plenty of hy
land; will sell cheap as party can
not take care of same; good terms
or will consider trade for city prop
ertv. Address L care Journal. Must
be sold.
unit SALE 20 acre fruit farm, 4
acres 5-year old prune.!, d Vi stray
berries, 4 goose berries. 4 acres un
der Irrigation from lage spins;
most of balance ready tc plant: fair
buildings, 4 miles from Salem on
good road. Price $k500. Hart and
Mllller, 208 Oregon bid
FOR SALE 10 acres 4 Vi miles norm
near Pacific highway on good road.
Price $1750, small payment will
handle. Hart and Muller, 208 Ore
gon bldg.
FARMS FOR .SALE That neat, li -tle,
well kept, up to date farm of
110 acres at $100 per acre, is a
daisy. 140 acres with over 100 In
cultivation and $4000 worth of
buildings, is surely a bargain at
$85 per acre. Two or three famili-s
would do well to buy this 300 acre
farm, one half in cultivation an.
grub oak enough to make a good
share of the payment, at $i l
acre. Address H. C. Porter, AuniH
ville, Or.
FOR SALE Acreage, modern bun
iralow, new barn, adjoins city lim
ft8. lights, water; cash or terms
Best soil for fruit or berries. Ot ..-
, t via sti.vton. Or. tnso
For Sale Nursery Stock.
ROSE bushes, shrubs, grafter Fr.v -ouette
walnut, and a few hundrel
?5tanIn.Ntolft unhurt W
freeze; also peach seed lings fo
llnine out," at p.orui -
ery, Phone litr.'
FORLE Extra good loganberry
tips. Box 351.J!a0
FR-SALE Baled hay at barn.L.
H. rurnerii:
Good seed potatoes.
Phone 1205M evenings or ...
LtKVBERRY plaluTwanted. 1 .SALEM ALTO RADIATOR SHOP , fc nothing finer to be had. Own
K Richardson; 3395 Front, phone Radiator8, fender, and gas tanks , eomplet(, how M,i lt
K. Kicnaru u$.r . trac,or radiators a spe- . .
f-TRG" 121 strawberry plants
ETTEKBLko i" Quinaby,
,4 per thousand near
Salem, Or., Rt- mx 10 1
and Wilwn strawberry P
pfV M. Corn-pack. HI
pnone 1-"
4, box 88-
ST-i!KRRY Plants in any d;
lar, 1
.!. tftterburg 121. "' i
Progressive EfumT well root-
TreWa. Wilson. Thr W.
ed plants. Low qua" W P
delivery. Ward K. Kicnarww
Front Phone 494.
. rUiVSAT.P1 I rT7 T TTT"Ti TT-l , . .
ForSale Misceli
Fun tu l- .-r,...-
Live E.-,r, k'TT
p..u. j..-..
s. Easier el, i,.!. .. . -
j o "- -eeanan
and saddle. Phone 4VS
tll'i SALE Gon,l
t vi
Proposition. Bos 12. Silveru.n. '
10, loc and tin sfnrii
!HrP!0,1.T?lley ,own- lare Payroll;"
Z . Z '30t'0- May insider Sitleia
1., " saiei.:
VV Pay'ent; quitting
R.. 1, ., nealth. Call on C.
i 1 r""ul" ouverton, Or., Mason-
ic bldg
O.NIOA8 r ..u .uU -tC- I "
-." uKaii. ij ( soutn
BllLDiXG contrac,,,.
and repair work done. Frank Bee
v"-. none loasw
'"" OAi.Koatt and wheat hav 22 :
C Muller"e "
FrTrT7r i
on . , . alt kin(ls of flowers i
oooii di v .,,...... ... ., :
i'hone 399 or ca'l It- 4 r Rans. strawberries ami anples. Build-i plolKS Iro" Bush bank.
VAKTSlh-- ings: ,,?w lantU 6 '"iles out in red j $2200, $700 down, t
2 rooth b"th 1 "f..f,1StanC?h'' f7"0; hi)'f ash- , v !ance: ' H,m. modern
ment Address 7 .h. , J", apar!" ! . 31 ,crea Wi4,nuts " teavy bear- ment. centrally located
th i easier. Come to Ar- paved soon and only mile to K
inur Plants greenhouse. 1298 S.iK. station, about 1-8 mile to school
c"7 !
asparagrri"" casn.
prams, nimalaya and
mammoth 1
blackberry plants, city de very :
Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front,
,R SALE Secondhand
8x8 4x6 and 2x6 all lengths. Also
8 White Leghorn hens, good lay-'acre8 cherries; new i room bunga
ers. 2786 Lee St. Salem. e77 1 low, barn, etc., on good road and mall
FoTSaTe-Livestock. : !p,w' tlTLin ini 1.nf0od loca,ity-
'"'OT cow for sale. Phone 9K33
ton SALE Three fresh coivs uhh I
caives; all young and heavy mil
era, 13 IN. Com'l. e 7
FOI R fresh cows for sale, two mil.;
east or iratum. Theo. Nation. e78
1 brood sow and 10 pig-, j
Phone 44F5
WANT to buy mule weighing about
noo pounds. A. A. Whelan, Rt. 4.
SaJem.jhonellF5. 17'
-Two Stock knn 9 nii
Italian prunes, 2 O. A. C. White
Leghorn cockerels, 35 good hoo
sacks. 1F15. ' 7,-,
ViM a t in Ti :
uk SALE Good fresh cow. 891 N
commercial. e7; .
n"ni soin my dairy farm I w!l!
sell 3 heavy milkers. 2 extra good
"c""' -n at a. f ranKo, Garden
road, Rt, 7, box 223.
FOR SALE Eight vearline erode
Cotswold ewe lambs, $15 per head
Phone 7F32. e7!
FOR SALE 2 3-year old Jersey cows
wnn calves, been fresh about a
month. First house east of asylum
FOR SALE 1 milk cow, 2 sows with
pig. Phone 79F4. e77
FIVE 7-weeks old
Phone 71F22.
pigs for
I HAVE a registered roan Shorthorn
bull I will exchange for another
one as good. F. M. Cook, Turner,
Rt. 2. e77
For SalePoultry
FOR SALE Eggs for hatching,
Rhode Island Reds, $1 per dozen.
1402 N. 16th. f7b
POULTRY, 100 very choice White
Leghorn pullets, Tancred strain.
Will sell any number. Call at 2800
Brooks ave. or 2144 N. 6th St. evo-
nings: . fSO
BLAC KMinorca eggs for hatching
"Call 454 Hood St. fSl
For Sale Wood.
FISHER boys will saw your wood.
Phone 1004. m81
W0OlJJryvwood. Phone 167SW.
' ee87
WOOD SAW Fisher boys
your wood. Phone 1004.
will saw
WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
305 S. Church. Phone 1542. Fred
E. Wells. ee
FREE dirt for the hauling. 626 North
Winter St. Phone 392R. V.
WIGGIN & SLOCUM, auto transfer,
general draying, local and long
distance hauling. Office phone 356
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 1369 Hinee
WALL paper 25c double roll and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m
PHONE 1220 We repair furniture,
bicycles and shoes; also lawn mow
er sharpening and soldering. We
call and deliver, nS?
FOll RENT Sleeping rooms. Itiqu!i-J
5(16 N, Cmii'l. JJj
WANTED To rent four or five room
furnished house. No children. 21
care Capital Journal.
WANTED House to rent, should be
ut least partly modern. Phone 1707.
FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms, 35 i
f'.ellevne. Phone 536W. J7J
MCEc7ean apartments and sleepi ig
rooms can now be had at the Cot
tle apts., under new management.
343 M, N. Com'l. 17
YOUNG couple want to rent a four
or five room furnished house, li
carp Journal. 1
Wanted Help.
A JIAN" wanted for a good Job. Can
earn from $30 to $60 a day. $1500
will hajleCair 888M. q78
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED A wood saw. Phone eve
8F2 3 , LLj
WANTED Plowing by the Job. Box
Plowing cargCapltal Journal. 77
WANT pasture for 50 head of good
Cotswold sheep; will let out on
shares. Address Rt. 8, box 130, Sa-
1 1918 5 PASSENGER Chevrolet for
sale cheap. 171 8. High. qHI
IS your cat hard to start? Does your
motor give trouhle? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 308. M.
Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
nor work guaranteea. qi-"
WANTEI To trade 4 large lots for
automobile. Call after 6 o'clock a
fc-rn a 77
fTBArE-Tgood secondhand tw-
'IJI18, t p P , 2-)g staf'
ton truck. F. E. Loose, 2.8 Hta ;
St.. Salem. 5!
clalty: Ford radiators for sale. Ifjj , room atrtct!y modern house, steep
a. 12th St.. Salem. Or. -' Ing porch, two blocks from state cap-
voTf 8ALE One 15-25 Samson trac-"! to north. $6600. This place wouM
lor In excellent shape, used only 1 : cost $10,000 to build now,
4 seasons. Bnau. At 173 B. Com. room modern bungalow, good gar-
-'""cijrTiitA F.xrhanra !". oo1 shed, garden, a fine little
Salem Auto wngo. and d to ((ell lt once 325tf
Monitor cars now on display. Come j
and see them. 339 State t)t rnonj
869. ,., .
Lost and Found
f7TSaturday a. m. watch chain,
between Washington hotel and N.1-
M; piumblng shop. Return , to ,.
R Bumont, Nelsons. Receive -
mnn n 4 tt i t Ta.TTV IT- -
41 acres six miles from town i ri
-hills. 10 acres bear ins 29 am'i
-prunes: huililines. s.i, har....
... . .,.,- -
10 acres. 7 acres in bearing lo- i
u:ouey niaKers- m the hills.'
1. . . . . i
$27. (0. ;
- , i I A.UAU 1 . . . 1 I 1 ' . ! I ' 1. I l. . I ' '111
1, Harness ........ ...v-,ti nrn - . .
cared for and best of .-.,.i,.i., , " "5-
We have many other choice fruit! $5000. 10 acres 3 miles out; t acres'5
properties located in sections unin ilogans. some orchard and other fruit I
jured by the freeje. ... mo better soil . " i 16
3,(1 n.. h,,,
About 72 acres under cultivation. !
3 acres lcg&ns, -1 'year old: 3 acres'
." var v'al
ti uiits piaiuea iu srrawoe
wbetTiws be-1
tween. 1 acre peaches. 7 years old;
10 acros SM,,,ed to grain, balance to
be PlaB!el- Culth-ated land finest san-
m. ...
s,.hT.;. Z XZ"7T'"
-good ani,Lul f years
wner called away and must sell.
Place is on good graveled road to ba
about 5 miles from Salem. For quick
t Oreeon Land Cn.
' btate Stn?et'
54 acres, 30 acres tilable. 24 acres
in pasture, fi acres InpnnWrrlAB 1.1
6 acre tract, nice new hnnirntnvv
KOOa oarn- z acres orchard acr
strawberries, fine location, close to
Salem. Price $3800..
10 acres close in; a money maker.
5 acres in bearing loganberries, good
orchard, all drain tiled: house hnm
choice land, fine location, close t'.
Salem. $6260.
' 30 acres. 15 in bearing nrnnen in
prune district. $6000
200 acres good soil, close to sta
tion, not far from. Salem. $100 per
54 acres, -25 acres In cffolce bea
lng prunes, produced $16,000 In out
rvuw uuiise, uttrn: line up O
date diver, close to Salem. Thi nlon
,. a , monev mnkp, .nn nnn. ,:rm.
Netr 5 room bungalow, electric
lights, bath, toilet, good location. $1,-
Oregon Land Co.
442 State street
This farm is a running mate to the
84 acre farm we sold a few days ago.
It Is located 2 miles from Corvallls
on the Albany-Corvullls road and is
made Up of first bottom and second
bottom lands. It Is located In fire
fruit and berry section and would l.e
fine for this. Hagood family orch
ard, 58 acres In high stata of cultiva
tion and 15 acres timber. 7 room
house, large dairy barn, silo, severnl
good hen houses and usual outbuild
ings. Considerable new land" on this
farm. Easy distanee to Oregon Agri
cultural college. Immediate possession
for $12,500. $5000 cash, b:. lance at 6
Located about 17 miles from Salem,
In Polk county and only about 14 mile
from West Side highway now being
paved. 106 acres of excellent land cul
tivated and 60 acres In fall crop and
clover, balance to be put In in spring
lncorn ; 10 acres fine oak grubs for
family wood. Good woven wire fenc
ing, good 7 room house, 2 room tenant
house, granary, garage,' hen house
hog house, machine" shed and nearly
new barn 44x44 with 20 ft. shed.
Barn Is equipped or both dairy and
horses. With the place goes all the
crop, six head cattle, 6 horses and ha'
ness, buggy, hack, wagon, binder,
mower, rake, plows, feed grinder, fan
nlng mill, wood snw, 7 h. p. gas en
gine, cream separator, pigs, about 1 0 n
chickens, feed, seed and .ill kinds of
small tools. Everything goes for $125
per acre until April 1. Exceptionally
good family orchard and lots of ber
ries. This is the farm you have been
waiting for; don't let ths other fel
low beat you to It'.
285 acres in southern part of Ben
ton county, only 2A miles from town
and 1 Tnile from school. 80 acres if
fine land cultivated; 50 acres fini.
second growth fir timber, some o'd
fir. Balance Is cut over land and seed
ed to pasture. All him gradual slope
to north which makes best summer
pasture. Creeks and springs furnisn
water for-stook. 2 ucres family orch
ard, 8 room house, barn and outbuild
Ings. 30 acres In fall cror goes wl'h
the place: also 10 fine cows, 5 f
which are registered Jerseys, 1 regis
tered bull, 100 goats, 12 hogs, 10 tur
keys, about 60 chickens and 30 ncrfh
in crop. Everything goes for $14,50').
List your farms and small tracts
with us; wo have buyers for all kinds
of properties.
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
Best Buys.
214 acres near paved road. 114
miles from city limits, 4 room house,
barn, family orchard. $2000
74 acres 314 miles from Salem on
good road. $1400. -
10 acres, 314 miles out, close to Pa
cific highway, a fine location; abou:
5t4 acres In fine Kalian prunes, 2 '1
cherries, 2 apples and pens, all large
bearing trees and a fine orchard. $1.
750. terms.
30 acres all in cultivation, 20 prunes
3 in logans, some apples and pears.
4 room house, barn and new dryer,
on good road In the heart of tie
prune district. $12,500, after April
1st. $15,000.
6 acres on paved road, close to
town, small new house and good barn
4 acres In cultivation, balance oak
timber. $3000.
6 seres, 2 cleared, 3 In fir tlmbe.
5 miles from Salem. $800 terms.
95 acres close to good town, on
main highway; 40 In prunes. T -years
old; 7 room house, plumbed for hot
and cold water, large barn an.d other
buildings. $12,500.
10 acrei. 2 miles from city llmlti':
all In cultivation, best soil; 4 room
jn((U)I(, barn an(1 other buildings; fain
1)v orchard. 14760.
914 acres on Garden rojid.-aooui 3
acres In bearing prunes, some apples
and cherries; best of sofl, welldrail-
ed;fln e nouse now w... ,-;
strictly modern, basement, fireplace
.,, , nar(lwood fj,,
... ),,,.. m,. i-
Want J754 ,oan on g0 ,crM n
1 timber land
Want a $2400 loan on a fine bear
Ing prune orchard.
Want a $1(MM loan on a good 10
aeres close to Salem, all cultivated,
m Bute Bt
IK.lil t
I street near school; terms.
I $2000 $500. , per month buya .
room house. Has electric :
"Snis, bath, toilet, basement ml
terms on bal -
s4r.on s li a A . .
6 mues irom'
state hospital; this Is a good buv. !
$4250, 10 acres 15 blocks from o, !
Una. hMHf. w... ---
$14,000, 45 acres near the city, some
tlmDer; this is a good buy.
Phone 353. 41 Masonic Temple.
8 acres, heavy Ioiranberrien c
old, on the wires. Price is right mon-
New grocery stock, good business,
rent easy.
640 acres in southern Alberta; tra
for property here: well Improved.
. laisoi
292 acres south of Salem. ?s
bearing prunes; extra farming lana.
good buihllngs, water piped to same.
i-rive u,g(io, terms.
H. E. Brown
Room 8. 341 State. 77
For Sale, 60 million feet good tim
ber on main line S. P. 25 percent
pine. Snap. $1.60 per M.
Nice, 80 acre farm near El ma, Wr..
half in cultivation: good farm buill
Ings. $6000; will exchange for acre
age near Salem.
For (.ale, dandy nice 15 acre tract.
12 in cultivation. Good new bungalow
good barn and other buildines: -i
acres bearing prunes and loganber
ries. $6300. terms.
10 acres choice loam soil near S.i
lem, 6 room house, outbuildings, fine
well; one acre timber, one acre prune
orchard, near school and church,
choice loganberry or strawberry lard
$4500, easy terms, or will exchange
for Salem residence.
Choice 80 acre Waldo Hills farm
for quick sale. $8500.
24 acre river bottom farm t mlls
from town, farm buildings, orchard,
berries, gcod road. Bargain. $3500.
Call and see our list of farms, acre
age, prune orchards, city property
before investing. .
Perrine & Marsters.
211-13 Com. club bldg. n
'WALLBOARD' can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
5 room plastered bungalow at 690
South 17th street. Price $1000.
' 5 room bungalow, modern except
furnace and flreplsce, located at 18b0
S. Church street. Price $2300. Terms.
6 room plastered house at 780 N.
Cottage street, lot 50x168 feet, large
barn. Price $2500. Terms.
8 room house at 1010 Oak street.
corner lot. Price $2750. Terms.
6 room plastered house In good
condition, two large lots, plenty ot
fruit Price $2800.
6 room bungalow ana ne acre of
land set to fruit. Locuted orr Saljm
Heights. Price $3000.
6 room plastered house at 1330 S
Commercial St. Price $2800.
6 room house at 156 N. 13th Btreet.
Price $4200.
7 room modern home, excellent lo
cation, hot water heating system, a
complete home In every way. Price
6 room modern home at 1515 B.
Commercial street. Price $6000.
10 room modern honse located at
1311 Court street Prlce$7500.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 Statestreet. n"
Good Buys.
10 acre tract, 5 acres young prunes,
balance timber and pasture. 4 rooei
house, barn, 5- tulles south. Price $3.
250. $1700 down.
5 acre tract located on main Pa
cific highway, 21i pores prunes; 1
3-4 miles from carline. Price $2500.
62 acre tract, 35 acres under culti
vation, balance timber and pasture,
running water, room house, barn,
close to small town, all stock' and
machinery goes. Price $10,000.
66 acre tract, all cultivated, 6 room
house, barn, family orchard, located
5 miles east of Salem, goodpratrlo soil
Price $176 per acre.
108 acre farm, 106 acres cultivated,
balance pasture and timber, good
buildings, good road. Price $12,000.
200 aero farm, 100 acres cultivated,
balance timber and pasture, running
water, house and barn, good road
Price $100 per acre.
76 ucres of good soli. 50 acres cul
tivated, balance pasture and timber.
Price $125 per acre.
10 seres good Italian prune orch
ard In bearing located 4Vi miles
south of Salem. Price $6000.
20 nerg tract located 1 mile from
carline, 8 room house, barn, B ecrcr
prunes, some apples, pears ana cher
ries. Price $11,500.
10 acres of good prune and berry
land, all cultivated. Price $1500..
20 acres, 5 acres of full ben ring
logans, 6 ucres Italian prunes, 1 acre
of logans set out last year, some tint
her. small shack and barn. Prlci
6 room modern bungalow, located
at 1515 S. Commercial street. Price
g room house at 745 Ferry street
Price $5000.
5 room cottage located south S.t
lem, private water system. Price $2,-
000. .
W. II. Grabenhorst & Co.
27K State street
Keal Investments.
A real home close in' Willi an In
come. 21 acres. 64 in prunes, 214
logans. 2 in evergreens, 14 acre re.
raspberries, and '4 acre Lawtons,
in family orchard, Modern 6 room
bungalow, double garage, barn, and
two chicken houses. Price ii,..)
380 acres. 100 In cultivation, rtgnt
at the door of over 2000 acres of opt
range opened by a special act of the
legislature. Plenty or running water.
2 hours drive of Solem, on main ro-"J
Fair house, two barns, spring wa
ter. Some stock ena equipment gJ
with the place at $13,000. Terms.
40 acres all In cultivation. J in
prunes, should have i or t tons. Gof d
buildings. 2 miles from town, price
$3250; terms.
30 acres. 2 in prunes, family or
chard, buildings. In- a good prune
district a mile of town. Price $2600
$600 cosh.
Homtstead relinquishment $300.
2 fiv?s. 1 six and 1 seven room bun
galows, priced right
We advertise your property at your
price, we will not Increase the price
and make the sale Impossible.
Estes & Magee.
421 Oregon bldg. Salem
Portland office. Chamber of Com.
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. Max O
P.nren 17 N. Com'l. n
"Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods, uet our 01a n
for yo ell. Peoples riKnitur.
and Hardware Store.
111 n, wmi
mercial street Phon 734,
17. ..
! city r. .M.
east. $1200.
IS room house and S mnm
plastered. 3 fine lots, plenty of fruit,
:s0uln -
except base-! " room noll- 0d. hot and cold wa
new garage, gi111- t0il !ot 60xl!:i' close
ow on paved: "i0 fine lots. S room plastered housa
, fruit trees, windmill. outbuiiilinu
- - v.
Several very fine prune farms from
10 44 acres. Money makers,
133 acries. 10 acres in cultivation,
aeres in wheat, SO acres in clover.
!5 - ttcr! - S ats an.d ba-v: "
...i.rB reaoj to seen, gooa nouse and
j outbuildings, g miles S V. $150 per
Walter McLaren.
Room 31. ISO N. Com. St n
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972.
WANTED Second hand furniture,
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. AVe pay the highest price
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 28S N.
Com'l St Phone 947.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-13 U. a bank. Phone 341.
SALEM SCAVA" 3EH Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
DR3. WHITE and Marshall,
res, phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F5; of floe
pathic physicians and surgeons,
606 U. 8. bank bldg. Phone 86. Dr.
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshall
phone 1394. 7$
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing 100 bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 67.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired; 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 16 to 59
Inches high. Faints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooka Salem Fence and Btove
Works. 260 Court street. Phone lit
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY raxor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Btew
srt Repair Shop, 847 Court St.
Moiiey to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem. Ora
Money to Loan. '
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
614 and 6 percent interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple, Oalem, Oregon
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 6 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 14 percent.- 808 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Lodge Directory.
3t. CHEMEKETA l.dge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kuntx,
K. R. 4 8.
Oregon Orage camp No. 1860 meets
every Thursday evening in MoCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 848 Union Bt
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 Nortb
I. NIT ED A nTISANS Capital Assem
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. In 1. O, O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Queffroy, see-
retary, Salem, Ot
W O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at I o'clock in
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
ertv Bt. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
ci D' Ross, C. C, ;L. 8. (leer, clerk
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. U.
W. meets every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. In McCornack hall, cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W; A. L. Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aufrano, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624$
meets every Thursday evening at I
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. H. Q.
Couisey, V. C; Frank A. Turner,
- Grain; Wheat No, 1 $2.00; feed
oats 80&85c; ' milling oats 8085o;
cheat hay $1819; oat hay $21 22;
clover hay $23; mill run $47.
Butterfat: Butterfat 70c; creamery
butter 69 70c. .
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork ea foot
15 3-4c; veul fancy 23o; steers lie;
lambs 13!4e; cows 79c; awes lo;
theep, yearlings 1214a.
Dressed pork 21c.
Eggs and poultry; Eggs cash 81c;
light hens, &0i82c; heavy bona 28c;
old roosters 16 016c; springs 24c
Vegetables; Onions per pound 60;
celery dos, $1.7$; potatoes, Yakima
6c. Oregon 314 He; sweet potatoes 9c
beets pr sack $2; turnips per sack
$3.15; carrots per sack $1.26; parsnips
per sack $3.50; spinach 160 lb.; rad
ishes 400 do.
. Fruit: (rangs $3.50 8.00; lemon
$5.60 3 8; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 6c;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 doi. ;
red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb 12 He;
peas 16c lb.
R.itoll' prices: Eggs dosen 35c;
creamery butter 73 075c; country but
ter 65c: flour, hard wheat $3.25 03.40
soft wheat $2.(0.
Portland. Mar. 40. Cattle steady;
receipts none; grain and pulp f 'd
steers $11.00 9 11.75; choke $10.50W
11.00; good 10 choice $8.50 & 10.60;
medium to good $8.75.75; fair to
medium $7.25 8.25; common to fair
$6.26 07.25; choice cows and heifers
$9 005 10.00; good to choice $8,000
f.OO; medium to good $6.60 T.50;
fair to medium $5.60 6-60; canners
i$3.005.50; bulls $6.00f.o; pnn-v
$15.00 17.06: medium
,... iriia
$19.09 914 00; heavy $T.0 9
10.00; stockers .and feeders $7,609
8.50. -
Hogs sttady: receipts 767; priu-e
mixed $16.25 ft 16.50; medium $l.t)
616.25; rough heavy $11. uo 1 15.50;
pigs $12S15.
Sheep steady; receipts 119 spring
Iambs $19.0S20.00; liht valley
$l.25ff 16.50; heavy $14.23 f 13.25;
common to medium $11 trf 14.50; year
lings $14.50 013.00; wethers $14,009
14.50; ewes $101I.
- , Baiter
Portland, Or Mar. SO. Cubes ex
tra 64c; parchment wrapped box lots
67c; cartons Sc; half xoxes lie more;
less than 14 boxes lc more; butterfat
6 6 7c f.0.0. station; 70c Portland.
. Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or, Mar. 30. Eggs sell
ing price case count 34 35c; buying
price case count 37c; selling price
candled 38c; selected candled In oar
tons 40c.
Poultry: Hens 31 36c; broilers 4
0 5; roosters 30c; turkeys dressed
49050c; geese :2026c; ducks 40046
Wheat and MUI Stnfr
Wheat: $2.30; barley. $73; oat
$59.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $63.6
Hay: Buying price, valley timoth.
$26.00; alfalfa $29.00; grain $26;
cheat $33; clover $26; oats and TetoJa
Mlllstuffs: Prices to o. mill, alti
aruge $2 extra. Mill run, car lota o
mixed cars $44 ton; roiled barley $71
rolled oats $66. $0; ground barley $71
scratch feed $80.
Corn whole $86; cracked III.
Employes Of City
Of Chicago Strike
Chicago, Mar. 30. Clerks, stenogra
phers and bookkeeper employed In
municipal offices went on strike today
for higher salaries, threatening a pa
ralysis of city business. In addition
136 garbage handlers were on strike
shilling down the municipal garbage
reduclionp lain and causing a suspen
sion of garbage collection.
At the same time a general strike ot
groups of the 13,050 municipal em
ploye threatened at the result ot ac
tion of the city council early today In
rejecting a revised budget carrying
$4.00.000 to meet salary raises.
After an all night debate ever tht
city's financial tangle the council re
cessed until 3 o'clock this afternoon
when it will take up the original bud
get which carries no pay advances.
Three hundred of the 1000 clerks
voted for the strike last night. They
receive $1500 a year and demand a
$300 raise. .
Strike Halts All
Beef Shipments
Oat Of Chicago
, Chicago, Mar. 80. Livestock ship
ments to the Chicago mnrket, with the
exception of horses, were un ler in
embargo today as the result of a
strike of 900 members of the Live
stock Handlers Union employed by
the Unbn Stock Yurds and Transit
Provisions were being made to di
vert hundreds of cars of stock on the
outskirts of the city to other markets.
Cattle receipts dropped yesterday ta
1600 baud and hog receipts to 2000
because of tho embargo.
Demands for Increases of from $30
to $40 a month with elimination of
Sunday work were presented by the
striker. They now recrlve from 111$
to $145 month, according to com
puny officials.
"Hillsboro Man
Joins Aspirants
v To Secretary Joti
The nominating petition of W. D.
Wood of Hllsboro as a candidate for
the republican nomination for secre
tary of state, was filed here this morn
ing, Wood, who has served several
terms as state senator from, V -shlng-ton
county, refers in' his UWi to his
"legislative and business experience"
which, he declares, "assures practicul
and economical service for the state."
R. D. Parker of Condon also filed
today us u candlilHle (or th" republi
can nomination for circuit Judge of the
eleventh Judicial district.
GirUf iiuUermilk Creates
Beauty Overnight!
No Vum, Just Try It This New Way.
Th first application of Howard's
Buttermilk Cream will astonish you.
It creates beauty almost like nisglc,
but tho most wonderful thing about It
is th fact that whilst It turns ths
dullest and most lifeless complexion
to radiant beauty and makes red or
rough arms snowy whits, yet there Is
not tho slightest sign of Its use after
application. It actually vanishes from
sight and the most heated atmosphere
will not produce the least shlnlness or
(1 1 easiness 'of the skin.
It Is absolutely harmless and will
neither produce or stimulate the
growth of hair. Within twenty four
hours this wonderful combination
called Howard's Buttermilk Cream
will work a marvelous transforma
tion. Get a small quantity toduy at any
good drug store or toilet goods coun
ter. The directions are simple and It
costs so little that any girl or woman
can affor dlt In addition the manu
facturers authorise every druggist to
return the purchase money unless the
first application shows noticeable im
provement, so be sure to try It at our
No. JO7
of the State of Oregon foe Martota
In the matter of the estate ot Au-
guatin Kufner, deceased. Notice of
hearing on final account.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the estate of
Augustln Kufner, deceased, has fil
ed his final account and report in
the county court of tlie state of Ore
gon, tor Marion county, sou m.
Monday the 26th day of April. 1920.
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the county court room for
said county and state, has been ap
pointed as the time and place for
hearing ai y objections to said final
account and report and the final set
tlement of said estate. Th date of
the first publication of this notice I
March 23, 1929. and the last AprU
20, 1120.
Executor of the estate of Augustln
Kufner, deceased.
Page Page. Sulem, Oregon.
' Attorneys for the estate.
-A '