Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Small Holders of
Liberty Bonds are
J , n ill
UrPEQ it 01 tO dell
W O w fcvr I
Liberty bonds and Victory notes, j8'1" be played Sunday afternoon
. ! ,wr"ven the Salem Senators and that
dexpite the present depression In the. famoU3 unknown pennant winning ag
luarket, are the best securities in the gregation, the Yannigans.
world to hold and buy now, accord-! Admission to this game is free and
ing to John L'. Calkins, governor of
the federal reserve Dan at ann rran-
cisco, who has written Governor 01 -
cott requesting that he use his ln-(
fluence in convincing the small hold-
er of government war loan Issues of
the folly of selling these securities at
this time, )
vailing with these securities now
wouiu d me ne.gmu ui ion, ..... .
business proposition could be ex
cused only on the ground of ignor
ance, Calkins writes. Thoughtful peo
pie are buying Liberty Bonds and Vic
tory Notes from the thoughtless pec
pie who do not appreciate their real
i . ji I
value, he declares.
Calkins calls attention to the tin:'.
that "so-called 'bond sharks' the
country over are spending thousands
of dollars for advertising and for of In Iholr minln
gather to themselves our government s'
wur loan Issues which are held b
people of limited means and exper
ience in investment matters."
"Obviously," he declares, "these se
curities are bought because buyers
realize their present worth and future
"In word all buyers seem willing
to trade what they have, be it mer
chandise, real estate or fake stocks,
for Liberty bonds or Victory notes,"
Calkins points out. "This fact alone:
should indue the thoughtful Ameri-
can to retain his bonds," he Insists.
.1" LT:,eZ'0Xe- a" governor
v. DLuin ui ujrguii, .mil uie
peopie s attention to this matter in
uch a way as you deem most appro
priate?" he axks. "Kindly mnko clear
to them their true Interest and equity
in the premises, pointing out as you
so well can that this is not the time
to let go of the government securities
they- hold, but rather a ripe oppor
tunity to Invest further In Liberty
bonds nnd Victory notes; also to prac
tice thrift and systematically Invest
Hu'ir surplus earnings in War Sav
InifH Stamps and Treasury Savings
Sunday School
Convention Here
Is Big Success
fourteen of the eighteen Sunday
whmils composing tho Hayesvllle dia
tin t of Marlon county and the banner
single district of the entire state, met
in quarterly convention at Jason Lee
Memorial M. K. church in North Salem
lust Sunday,
The Sunday schools were represent
ed as follows: Auburn 2, Brooks M. K.
8, Brooks Evangelical 2, Clear Lake
20, frultland 8, Hayesvllle I), Hazel
C.ieen 19, Kelser 14, Middle (hove 26,
Macleay 9, Menonlte 14, 1'ratum M. E.
.12, Pioneer 3, Wueonda 3. The four
schools of the (listi'lest not represented
were Bethel, Chemawu, North Howell
anil mini Congregational.
Iielegates nnd others were In attend
ance to the number of between 300
u.i.l Aim ... .
...... mm in noon luncneoii was
served to nil at the church from bas
kets deposited In advance by those pres
An address on the Armenian situa
tion by Mrs. K. T. Allen, replete with
.incidents witnessed and experienced by
me HpcuKpr personally .Indicated that
conditions in that stricken country are,
even at the present moment, almost be
yond description In their tragic awiui-
ness. She described situations which
duplicated in kind those so often re
peated In the past, but the horrors of
which were in multiplied degree, ,ie
only ray of relief being found In the
fact that the allied nations are at least
taking a hand in the situation.
v.. .it. was n nine address on
KiKht of the child," by Rev. 11. F.
Humbert, retiring secretary of the Ore
Kim State Sunday School association
nnd many other features of interest to
tho large gathering of Sunday school
iniees. ,
yuinaiiy camp ground was choset.
as the location for the next convention
Former Convict
Found Suffering
From Shot Wound
Portland, Or., Mar. 29. Fred Lovi,
said by the police to be an ex convict,
was found early today by officers nt
the home of friends suffering from a
bullet wound in his spine. Love re
fused lo give the police any Informa
tion as to how he received, tho wound.
-;. A, few minutes before Love was
ton nd. ti. H. Monroe reported to the
p olice, that he had shot a man In the
back who had held him up and ron
led him. Monroe said the shooting oc
cuivd about noon yesterday, the police
say. The locution of the alleged rob
bery. and shooting U not far from
where Love was found. . tils condition
i serious, physicians any. '
Love was found at the home of Rob
bert and Zeno Luons, to which' place,
he police say, he went early this morn
lug. Monroe claims he Was held up
while cutting wood In a forest near the
city limits and that he procured the
rifle and shot the robber after he hud
been held up.
The application of the Central Ore
gun Irrigation rompauy for Increase In
rates will be heard at Redmond April
1 by the public service commission..
if you are tired of
hearing the clock
strike two or three.
ni(ht after night.try
a change from tea
or coffee to .
- a vholcsome bev
crae with a fine fla-1
vor. but no harmful
Senators To Meet
"Yannigans" Next
Sunday At Grounds
Just to uniopr up me team ana to
lntro,ll he Salem public to the new
grounds at Kth and Oxford streets, a
Manager Bishop invites the baseball j
lovers 01 tne great American game to
give the team the once over in this
preliminary game. The Senators are
working overtime In order to be in
trim for the clash with the mysterious
The local boys are beginning to pre
pare tor the comlng goa the (lrst
gerle of game with the Canadian
j Mootejaw club is expected to give a
I Rood "look In" on the quality of the
aaiem lineup. Biddle asserts that
Brown, Cole. Cox and Craig, pan com-
nnlnn tvirh Vrnnlia r. A ...ill
im . , ,, T
form good battery material for the sup
port expected of the remaining mem
bers of the team.
And, by the way. Jack Hayes batted
two good ones over the fence during
i ounuiij. i ne Ulg leilOW g
prev'.us ba,tine record is looked '"-
" VI " c"" assets, h
ijiu-K oniy Keeps tt up.
Athletic Coaching
Course Announced
New York. Mar. 30. An advance
course In which college coaches may
loarn more about football, baseball.
track work, basketball and wrestline
wju be given at Columbia university
this summer it was announced today,
Modern methods of coaching will u.
taught In the lccture an(J 0
Medford Chamber j
Boasts Youngest
Member In World
Medford," Or., March 30. The re
organized Medford chamber of com
merce claims to have the youngest
member of any similar organization
in the world. At the closing banquet
or the reorganization committee yes
terday Hon. Ben Sheldon, state repre
sentative from Jackson county, an
nounced that his daughter Miss Bar
bara Gushing Sheldon, aged 23 horns,
Why Pyramid
Ask Any IlruRKlst Hoer Repeated
bales Have Made Pyramid the
Recognised Treatment.
Mailed free In 'plain wrapper. It
gives you relief. Get a GO-cent box
t .
X. . X,. '..
Yon rtnve No Idea How Wonderful
I'yruniid Is I nll lou Try It.
of Pyramid Pile Treatment of any
druggist. JBe relieved of Itching,
protruding plies, hemorrhoids and
such rectal troubles. A single box
bus often been sufficient in one
i Ik lit. Send coupon for free trial.
Take no substitute.
PiSAint) nitno compan?,
wsPyrtuild bug., Mantua Ulcb.
Klrollr bmmJ ne free iemple' of
Pynuald til Xrwtafenti la plala wrapper.
Nam , ,
Street , ,,,,
City State , ....
H wm.i ..i ... 1 1 ,MI in.
t " i l.u i.m
- -- irlUQj-n-li-i-nii -Ti-mmTHssmi'
Now Showing
hatl been properly enrolled as a mem
ber, bringing the total membership to
401 one over the quota Let.
Barbara v.-as born Sunday noon and
enrolled Monday morning.
The first official action of the new
organization was taken today when
the higher educational bill providing a
1.2 mill tax for the benefit of the
University of Oregon, Oregon Agricul
tural College ar1 the State Normal
School was unanimously endorsed.
Complete Fund
Sought To Go On
With Auto Camp
With the completion or the Com
mercial club $10,000 fund, from
which the auto camp ground is to l
built, work of constructing
grounds will begin at once, accord
ing to plans made at a joint meeting
of Commercial club members, mem
bers of the Salem Auto Dealers asso
ciation and business men in the Con -mercial
club last night. Eleven com
mittees were named and today began
active work of completing the quotr.
It Is expected that the 110.000 will
be raised by the end of the week, and
weather permitting, work on the auto
camp ground will begin next week.
The camp ground, as tentatively
planned, will be the best one betwee
when finished, it Is said.
Accused Cashier
. Back On Job In
Bank Again Today
Salisnas, Cal., Mar. 30. Ralph Rob
erts, assistant cashier of the Monte
rey county bank, was back at his desk
in the bank today following his arrest
on a charge of grand larceny In con
nection with (the alleged disappear
ance of $10,000 in county funds, anu
bank officials expressed the opinion
that a mistake had been made. The
warrant was sworn to by Jame3 Tay
lor, county treasurer.
According to the bank officials
Roberts was made custodian of a sum
approximating $105,000 which was to
be returned to the county by the bank
to liquidate a loan. Taylor charged
that a deficiency of $10,000 was dis
For Indigestion
Ml-O-Nn in Citiaraiitwd to Pmmplly
Kcllpve Stomach Distress
, People go on Bufering from little
stomach troubles for years and im
agine :hey have a serious disease.
They over eat and force on the
stomach a lot of extra work.
But ;hey never thlnlt that the stom
ach neods extra help todo ext ii
work. " I
If tlvse people would take a Mi-O-Na
Tablet with .or after meals it
would ho a great big help to the stom
ach In Its strain of overwork.
Ml-O-Xa helps your tired out stom
ach to do its work and banishes the
cause. No matter what you eat or
drink Mi-O-Na will sweeten your sour
stomach and stop gas belching In five
minutes. The heaviness disappears
and the stomach is greatly aided in
its work of digestion.
And M!-0-Na not only promptly
relieves all distress but If taken reg
ularly will banish Indigestion.
Drug'jists everywhere and Daniel J.
Pry sell Ml-O-Na on the money back
Ends Catarrh or money back. Just
breathe it in. Outfit including inhaler
1.19. Extra bottles 60c All DruggUU.
It's a delight to masticate
our pastry. Its delicate food
qualities are appreciated by
housewives who know good
food when . they serve it.
Serve our bread and other
Jbakery goods at your table
and sweeten up your nome
sweet home.
170 N. Com'l. St. Phone 247
WiPsmmoNiaH O MC) m
A constitutional remedy that removes the cause by
building up the system, will stop a cough and break
up a cold. These elements contained in Vinol
Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Wild Cherry, Iron and
Hypophosphites soon create an energy that
throws off the cold and prevents its reoccurrence.
Hare is Proof that Vinol b a Great Remedy for Couth and Colds
Columbia, s. C " I contracted a
cold and harJ cou ?h so I could not sleep
nights and soon found I was in a weak,
run-down condition and could hardly
keep around. Vinol built me op and
my cough disappeared after other
medicines had failed to help me."
Mrs. Ellen Collins.
Tor all raa-dowa. aemas. aaaeinle condition, weak women, overworked smh
rwpi MM wua vmuarvD, uter w w Tesfteoj Aiae imu
pur wilt b0 returned If
covered in the account after it reached
his hands.
Mexican Congress
Demands Revenge
On Tf1rit dffirin I
El Paso, Texas, Mar. SO. The Mexi
can national congress has submitted a
memorandum to President Carranr.i
requesting that he authorize the attor
ney general to punish a high official
for causing the arrest of two congrcw
men, accordingto a Mexico. City news
paper. The police charged the congressmen
tthrew powdered poison mixed with
confetti during the recent reception to
Ygacio Bonillas, held in Mexico'City,
The poison was thrown, it was said,
while the demonstration was at its
height and many of the onlookers be
came il and fainted from the effects
of the poison.
The two congressmen have been re
leased pending an investigation.
Yank Cammander
In France Back
To Face Charges
New York, Mar. 30. Brigadier
General William W. Harts, who w.i
commander of American troops In tl:e
Paris area, after the armistice, ar
rived from France today. He ise":
pected to answer charges of other
army officers that he was responsi
ble for cruelties to soldiers in prison
While abroad he had charge of the
arrangements for President Wilson's
visit to Europe and was chief of staff
of the army of occupation.
in New York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. Don't allow
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pains and achea. Guard
against this trouble by taking
The world's stsndtrd remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland's national remedy sines 1696.
All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed,
Look (or Ike sun Cold Medal aa erT box
sad aeeest iauutioa
"fiets-It" Never Leaves a Corn on any
Foot for Very Long i
The hurting "pep" goes right out
of that corn the moment a few drops
of "Gets-It" lands thereon. It Is thru
and "for keeps." .
Coras snfl "Gete-It" Can't Live
You'll have no more pain but will
notice the corn getting loose and
wobbly. In a day or so, you lift it
right off without any feeling. That's
the end of the corn and of your trou
bles. Millions have proved "Gets-It"
to be the one and only unfailing, com
mon sense corn remover. Why not
you ? -
"Gets-It; costs but a trifle at any
drug store and carries a money back
guarantee. Mfd by E. Lawrence &
Co., Chicago. Sold in Salem and rec
ommended as the world'i lest corn
remedy by J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry,
Capital drug store, Wm. Neimeyer.
Frank S. Ward, Crystal drug store.
Manistee.'Mich. " I was in a weak.
run-down condition as the result of a
chronic cough and cold, so that I often
had to stay at home from work.
Vinol stopped the cough and cold anil
built me up after other medicines bad
failed." aUrgaret Dale.
Vinol fills
Negro To Try For
Seat In Congress
Jefferson City. Mo., Mar. 30. Dr.
1 William A. Venerable, a negro, today
filed declaration of his candidacy for
h r,,nblican nomination for con
gress in the twelfth (St. Louis) dis
trict. The district has a large negro
population, and at present Is repre
sented by L. C. Dyer.
Salem Man Plans
To Meet Brother
After 45 Years
,To meet his brother Charles, whom
he has not seen for 45 years is one of
the pleasures that his eastern journey
holds for J. N. Bigler. who, after 35
years residence in Salem, leaves Wed
nesday on a protracted eastern trip.
Mr. Bigler will first stop for a few
This home made syrup does
the work In a hurry. Easily
prepared, and saves
abont ti
Tou might bd surprised to know
that the best thing you can use for
a severe cough. Is a remedy which Is
easily prepared at home In just a few
moments. It's cheap, but for prompt
results It beats anything else you ever
tried. Usually stops the ordinary
cough or chest cold in 24 hours.
Tastes pleasant, too children like It
and It is pure and good.
Pour 2 V4 ounces of Pinex In a pint
bottle; then fill it up with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Or use clar
ified molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
Instead of sugar syrup, if desired.
Thus you make a full pint a family
supply but costing no more than a
small bottle of ready made cough syr
up. And as a cough medicine, there Is
really nothing better to be had at any
price. It goes right to the spot and
gives quick, lasting relief. It promptly
heals the Inflamed membranes that
line the throat and air passages, stops
the annoying throat tickle, loosens the
phlegm, and soon your cough stops
entirely. Splendid for bronchitis,
croup, hoarseness and bronchial asth
Pinex Is a highly concentrated com
pound of Norway pine extract, fam
ous for Its healing effect on the mem
wanes. To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2Vi ounces of Pinex"
with directions and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded.
the Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. (Ad)
Can never go hand in handsays
Prof. John H. Austin, noted bacteri
ologist, hair and scaln sneclnllnt nt
Chicago, "
To retain one's youth one must be
rid of gray hairs. My discovery solves
the problem.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer
A scientific process for developing
the natural color of the hair in a sim
ilar manner to that of developing
the photographic negative. It is possi
tively the only satlsfae.tnrv nnd loot.
ing treatment for restoring color to
the hair in a mild, healthful manner.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer is absolutely
harmless and will not Injure either
the hair or scalp; is not a dye; con
tains no lead or sulohur: will nni
wash or rub off; has no sediment
and Is as clear as water a pleasing
and simple remedy to apply.
co-Lo Hair Restorer comes In
A8 for black and all flhdrioa
of brown.
A7 Extra strone. for let hiark
hair only.
A8 for all medium brown-shades.
A9 for all verv llnht brown itmh
and auburn Bhades.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer on sale . nt
Perry's drug store. (Adv)
1 86-1 94 North Commercial Street
days at Detroit, atte which time he I
will visit Qharles Bigler at Greenville,
Michigan. After a sojourn in Mlcni
gan and Illinois, Mr. Bigler plans to
stop at Chattanooga, New Orleans and
El Paso, on the return portion of his
loop of the United States.
Washington, Mar. 30. Lebanon in
Asiatic Turkey has declared i ide
pendence of Prince FeisaJ'a govern
ment, the state department was ad
vised today by the American consul a
Beirut. The declaration of independ,
ence was adopted the Lebanon legis
lative council meeting at Baalbek on
March 22.
New Ethics
in Dentistry
THE health of the people is one of
the most important questions of
the day. Anything which conceals
information about health is little
short of criminal.
People are entitled to know all
about their teeth all about den
tistryfor infected teeth cause wide-
spreaa sickness, disease and suner
ing. People cannot know of thsse
things unless they are told, and the
best way to tell them is to advertise.
That is why Registered Dentists
using the E. R. Parker System ad
vertisebecause adverlisi
aooa dentistrv can be hnl
is thus making new and better etfiics for the dental mo.
fession. He is opposed to any ethics that keep peon,
ignorant cf the dangers of infected teeth. '
Under the nev ethics, the great masses are now oettiaj
good dentistry, while under the old style only the favored
few knew about it and could afford it.
Your health depends much upon your teeth. You are
invite to call and have a. free examination made.
THE Big -Six can
climb any hill in
high that anj other
car can climb in high
and a good many
that others have to
shift to get over!
lM-laehwtmBMM. teeea
60-as-hanapawer Cennbe leatkerasfcebtarr. '
laUnaeoiaU tieeiaiiirina. Gets one.
" - intermediate tieeiaiiirina. Coed tiiee.
ll '" . C9C7C W
lE 1 F. O. B. Salem '
, Salem, Ore. TI '
in s few momeme. Two L
LtWFOIISt a--.
"utKLa rets srsia.
and tells where
.vo anu itus war
Registered Dentists Using the
Registered Dentists using E. R. Parker
Dr. D. M. Ogden Dr. R. B. Miller
Dr.F.V.Greif r
1 ill
lo raise In price