Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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f. MARCH 30, 1920..
round Town
purchased by the British firm at 42 State and Commercial streets while; Purchase of the tracks of the cum
cents per pound. The 19il and 1922 'the car was discharging and accepting , pany was recommended last week by
crops, each estimated at 20,0 pounds I passengers, was fined ii by Police j the state public service commission in
areto be purchased at JS and 34 cents'Judge Pace this morning. an effort to avert bankruptcy which
per pound, respectively as to the two ' I officials of the traction company say i twi.iv ri Mai- sii The Tier-
Ken State Senator C. M. Thomas of confronts It. The only other altern- vipv oiiv council hv ordinance todv.'ry J 3-4's. 9 .5
March S"l'
Moose hall, T:30 p. m.
.,,, i Marion county vet-
xJtt association meets at
Woodburn. '
' 9North Salem Improve
APr" " maeting.
nt association
Highland school. 8 p. m. -.
lif .. viaftHnir Marion
April -----
,.i Polk county pig club.
,,ercial club, 2 P. m.
and Folk
inril 4. Game, Senator vs.
yannigans. Oxford field, ! P.
ril 4 Easter Sunday.
April 6. American Legion
roeeung. armory. 7:30.
.ril 7. Lecture recital on
American music, library. 8:30
April 7 Meeting of Sweet
Briar club, home of Miss Nellie
Taylor on Wallace road.
April 11. Blossom day.
April 11. Game, Salem vs.
Mousejaw club.
A it ! 7 Debate. Willam
ette and College of Puget
Auril 21. Willamette Glee
dub concert.
April 23. Debate, Wlllam--ette
and Pacific University.
April 30. Pageant. "Awak
ening of Sprin," opera house.
April 30. Debate, Willam
ette and McMinnville Colege.
stealing a valuable watch and J! m
coins fro mCecil H. Creson, with
whom he was rooming in a local h.
All the knights and ladles of the
royal court will be at the wedding in
the Moose hall Tues. at 8 p. m. Put-
nc invited. n
According to a report made to po
lice last night by Linden Martin, 140T
Berkeley Opens
Municipal Market
Medford. is a capital visitor today in tive lg an increase in fares, according
consultation with state Engineer uup- to authorities.
per relative to irrigation matters.
Center street, an auto he was driving I Thomas who has been actively lden
and an auto, driven by A. H. John-i titled wit hthe interest of the sports
son, 502 North Winter street, were men ot southern Oregon in their fight
both damaged in a collision that oc-!on the nor of the upper house of the
curred on Ferry street, near Com-jsl,e legislature during the past sever
mercial. lal sessions declares that the recent
'agreement between the MacLeay in-l
A horse belonging to Harrv Loomis terests and the sportsmen of the up- Denver, Colo., Mar. 30. William 3
129 North 18th street, was found per River country has defln- Byran t0Id Denver democrats in a noon
'astray in the streets Mondav after- "el nine long manning Kogue
liberty bonds today were: J H a, S7.S4;
first 4 s, 99.50; second 4's, 89 44; flrt
s, 90.60: second 4V, S9.S4; third
V 92.9S; fourth 4 'a, 89. S; vie
victory 4 S-4's. ?.4
Liquor Interests
Delay Suffrage
Declares Bryan
chicks, dainty Easter cards. Salem n00n- and was captured by Officer ""rr lls" oul ul ln s"a-
Varlety store. . jg,owe. ine norse was later delivered
to its owner.
Eddie Durno, Rodney Smith, Ever
ett Pixley and Robert Mann, four
students at the University of Oregn,
arrived in Salem Tuesday morning.
Durno find Smith continued on to Sil
verton :o visit at the former's home
during the remaining days of the
spring vacation at the university.
established a municipal markst which;
it ia proposed at once to put into op-J Mocnion. vul., Alar, ae. r.iix-rt
eration. All sorts of footstuffs will be Coutts and Jack Dymond, both former
handled by the market. It will be L w. xv m.mhei8, w.r. m ,.
under the control of a market direct
or and answerable to the department.
day as prosecution witnesses in the
of finance of the city administration. ! case of It. V. Lewis, charged whh crim
inal syndicalism.
Coutts testified concerning I. W. W.
A permit to erect a stable on his
property on Shipping street, between'
Fourth and Broadway, was issued to-
day by the city recorder to Fred Bush.!
Costs of the barn will total 3300. An-j
other permit to alter and repair heri
dwelliner Ht 15A1 Rrndftwrnv wn Isjaupii t .
tio jits, r. in. Muiney. rms worn, win
Auto In Which
Convicts Escaped
Recovered Monday
San Francisco. Mar. 30. Melville peelings he had attended in many elt-
Marx, 55, known throughout the lea. naming Kansas City. Great Kalte,
countrv as a nartner In the theatrical Spokane and California towns.
meeting here today that the "outlawed ,firm o( GoWob an(J Marx Speaking of I. W. W. activities in
institution ot the saloon with Its whls tod He mvlivfi b a wldow and Sacramento, Coutts told how a com
w nnt h rhamiiinned hv the . . mine nao oeen appoimea mere w in-
" , . two cniiaren. , teres the American Federation of La-
aemocratic party at tne wtn r ruiicisco
mnventinn In June if he could i.reventi CLOSE KI.KCTION' RK.SV1.T
The automobile belonging to P. M.
Mr. Bryan charged the liquor Inter
ests with delaying the vote on woman
suffrage in Delaware and proposed
sending a plea to the legislature of that
cost 3300, according to the permit re
arncy. state parole officer, used byia((,te to put the name of the common
Robert Grant and Jack Price, in mak- wealth on the roll of honor without
jing tuelr escape from the state prison! further delay.
Big dance, April fool hard tlrafl
dress dance. Hurst hall Thurs. eve.
Good clothes and jewelry subject 0 -With uninne
small tine, given by Knights and Ia- ,im. ducklines and colored eecs in the1 turned to Salem last night. The car
Keiresnments sen-
Satmday morning was located In
displays of rabbits,1 Portland Monday afternoon and re-
Court House News
dies of Security,
windows of the shop C. B. Clancey.
the florist, has one of the best Easter
displays in the city, if not in the
state. Any hour of the day small
children and even older persons, may
had not been damaged. No trace has
been found of the two escapes.
Attention, G. A. R. and associated
orders, meeting of Marion County
inuisuiy, -viwi iii&L. .uci. ,ii ciiiruiamoffg waicning me wnite rauous ami
depot for 9:45 train. James Lisle, jsmall ducklings frolicking in the min
president of association. 77 Mature ponds and yards.
Snoiv Situation
In Oregon Is Good
Sioux.. City, Iowa, March 30.
Mayor Short's apparent lead of twen
ty five votes in the closest and hard
est fought political battle In tiioux
City's history will be contested If the
official count today sustains Unit
lead, It was announced atthe heatl
yquarterg of J. A. Tiedeman opposing
candidate for mayor.
bor in the Ford and Suhr case. Later,
he said, sabotage was suggested as a
means of revenge for the arrest f
Ford and Suhr, and the sowing of John
son grass and the "dropping of match
es" wore discussed.
Portland Cannot
Purchase Tracksy
Attorney Claims
, , . v. , t, i ir.w, Portland, Or., Mar. 30. The city's
A series of revival meetings will be C. B. Webb, of the firm of Webb
opened at the Salvation army hall, & Clough, undertakers is expected to; !" "
Hallway, Light Power company
Portland, Or., March 30. W. C.
Portland, Or., Mar. 30. The snow ,,"""' " ,
.;..... . ,v. m,..,nt.i., f nrL. wanted by the San rrnnclsco uuthor-
is more favorable today than it was at
the close of February, according to the
241 State street, ijuesilay evening. ; return tonight from Portland, wnere
Colonel S. L. Brengle, International he has been since Sunday attending
evangelist, conducting them. The to business matters,
meetings will continue until Sunday!
nisht. A specia lshop meeting will be The Cherrian band, under the ai
Circuit Court
held Wednesday noon fo rthe employ- rection of Oscar Steelhammer, held
ees of the Charles K. Spauldlne Log- its first rehearsal of the season last
glng company, and Sunday morning night in the city hall. The band is
Pninnul Rrenele will conduct services compsoed of 24 pieces, and will hold
Kwuritv State Bank of Woodburn f 1h prisoners at the state penlten- rehearsals each Monday night, pre-j
rs. Frank Aral et al. Order confirming tiarjr iparatory to the usual summer evening
e I ' concerts in the city parks. John Gra-
J R. Olmstead et al vs. - Joseph, EaBter cards and novelties, candy ber Is manager of the band, and pro
u.Cer et al. Affidavit and roder for chicks, rabbits. etc'Salem Vii-!mises better entertainment.
& Power
would not be constitutional according
lo an opinion given to the city council
today by City Attorney W. P. La
Roche. That such an act would be an un
reasonable exercise of power because
It would be lending public aid and
credit to a private concern formed the
basis of the city attorney's decision.
local office of the federal weather bu
reau. Considerable new snow awii.n
ulated in the higher mountains since
February 29, the weather bureau re
ports, and irrigation prospects are
much brighter than they were at that
The bureau reports the depth of
snow at various parts of the state as
encouraging, although the fall in the
eastern part of the state la lighter than
it was a year ago.
robbing him of 31,000 In that ci'y
during February, was arrested he e
last nlsht by Detectives Howell and
Morak. He will bo helduntll a San
Francisco detective arrlvce.
Edmond Dupuls, one of the oiuem
residents of Gervnis, Is dead at the age
of 79 years.
Albany, N. , Mar. 80. The Koff.iu
bill, designed to repeal tho daylight
saving law, failed of passage In the
assembly late today. The vote was "5
to 64, one less than required. The same
bill was adopted by a 28 to 25 vote In
the senate last night.
New York, Mar. 30. Final prices i
Heart etises pain, reduces the if
flamtnutlon and scatters congestion,
halfway remedies wili't do. 'i'ou'w
got to draw the Inflammation rlg'it
out. Bogy's Mustarine made with true
yellow mustard and other pnln reliev -era
penetrates quickly and cannot
Apply tonight over that sore, ach
ing back, and cover with a cloth. Iti
the mint. Inn you'll wonder where yoi r
backache has gone. Why you never
thought ot Mustarine before, it's sim
ply 30 cents. All druggists. F
iC. Wells & Co., LeRoy, N. W.
of lui.vf ttiUiLL-uil ' i. iJ:jLu.
riety store.
publication of summons.
Marriage Licenses,
r.i.nn H. Foote. 21, of Woodburn,
an engineer, to uiauys "cu. Farmers Hardware Co,
del, 22, of WOOUDurn,
' Daily Statistics.
WARFORD George F, Warford,
Theft of about 100 pounds of scrap
t?. i.' tho w. R i-! : brass from the company's shops on
...i a, a- nt'x'nrth Church street some time'
COUKCU luou nuic, oat. fi, , - .
77; yesterday anernoon, was rtiiun i"
f ponce oy juhh nai oiBwii,
New officers for the ensuing year ley Motor company. Details of the
were elected Momlay at a meeting of theft were lacking in the report made
the ministerial association, ur. w. u.
Kahtner, pastor of the First Congre
mmmmmmmmm&Mzzt Me At Meverss
gational church, succeeds Rev. G. L.
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Talmadge,
Jr., went to Corvallis Monday tor a
T.nvel . as oresiaent. itev. ueianu vv.,- --- ........ a
taxi driver, while on rip on Jei-Porter of the Fir8t christian church several -
ferson road, lae Monday nigh. Fun
' eral a Sayon Thursday a 2 p. m.
Love, jeweler,
watchmaker, Si-
was appointed chairman of the pro
gram committee.
Evening up the standing score uii
bert's biff ball players at the Y. M. "Talk of the Town," Dorothy Phil
C. A. gymnasium Monday evening jips at the Bllgh tomorrow. 77
won both games of volley and finished! .
the game of biffball with a score of I Dorothy Phillips in "The Talk of
1-4. A point and three-quarters were the Town" at the Bligh tomorrow
gained over Entrees' men before the an(j Thursday.
final whistle. The next game will be;
la vice president; Rev. H. N. Aldrich triends.
of the Leslie f et - There wj be an open meetlng of
re-electea secretary, ivev. . v- o-'-1 Forresters of America in their
0 fhtf.. i0""r rnJharr on North Commercial street Tues-
playde at
six o'clock Wednesday
day evening. All friends an drelatives
of B'orreaters are invited to attend.
There will be social entertainment
features during the evening.
m A CI
B. P. 0. E. dance Wednesday eve
ning, March 31st, for Elks and
dies. 73
Easter bunnies, Easter ducklings
lister chicks. C. N. Needham. 5F.S
State street. 79
Baby chicks, B58 State.
Phone 400,
Charles Pillette, former proprietor
of the Central Cigar Store, who for
1 nnths h'll
tne past tnree or iuur mwio .-.
i nAtmnin(r in ooiithprTi Cnlifor-
ueeii oujuui 4n i to " HV v. --
nia, returned to Salem Sunday.
Smith, executor of the
George Weinrtch estate has filed fina , Ml.g Raph whltei win entertain
account with the Marlon county court the memocrB 0 tne senior dancing
and May 10, has Deen oesignaieu h cla8s ftt CotiIlon Hall, Wednesday
the time for final hearing. Aiier u.a- evenlngi with a dancing party, roi
bursements in settling various expen- ,owlng their lesson hour, at 8 p. m
ses of the estate, iu,ib. remains
for distribution in accordance wun
the terms of the will, which, was fil
ed some time ago. t .
Attorney F. A. Turner, with offices
in the Bank of Commerce building,
who underwent a surgical operation
at a local hospital recently was well
enough to be taken to his home sai-
Beryl Good, an attorney of Stayton
County Judge W. M. Eushey has
appointed William J. Linfoot, as ex-Urday,
ecutor of the Elizabeth J. Linfoot es-
W. M. Stone, of Oregon- City Is tate. Kooin u. vi, was a buslness visltor ln saiem mon.
visiting at the Rome of, his daughter,! Hazlele Gearhart are named as ap- day
praisers. The estate couw ,
and personal property valued at Three naturalizaUons have been fil
$8 000. Heirs and devisees of the will, & thfl coumy cierK's office during
are: William J. Linfoot, William J.j (he ))ast few u.ly3 Nicholas Krebs,
t.infnot. Jr.. 13. Wilfred J. Linfoot, 1-. . Woodburn, was born In
and Alice M. Ltnlool, ageu
Ura. D. H. Mosher, 354 North Winter.
Bhrinera attention. There will be
a meeting in the Commercial club
rooms 8 p. m. Tuesday. Important
business relative to Jimp convention.
The patrol will drill after the meet- residents of Salem.
lug. O. A. Olson, dep. potentate. 77
The Queen of Hearts will entertain
ker court at the Moose hall Tuesday
March 20, at 8 p. m. Public invited.
Henry J. Keil, has been appointed
executor of the Frederick Keil estate
in. an order issued, by Judge W. M
Bushey, Mnoday. Louis Webert, Al'
bert Kraus and George Fry are nam
At-hen. France, arrived in tne unupu
stmes in April. 1872. John Alexander
McDonald. 31, 676 North 20th street,
Salem, was born at Apple Hill, Glen
gary, Canada, and emigrated to the
IT S.. February 13, 1919. John Bos-
sard, 21, Lyons, laborer, born In Koth-
E B. Lockhart, Y. M. C. A. over
seas worker, former city editor of
the Morning Statesman, and for the
aot fp months pastor of the Metn-
...t imiMi nt North Bend, will wll, araaau. Switzerland, arrived In
leave in the near future for Warsaw, tho v g .s,,p,ember 17, 1919. Mr. Bos
Poland where he will engage In Y. M-sard states that his young niece, who
C A work. Mrs. Lockhart. who has up(m hr lirrlvai i the United States
, ,not of her ire in me uiii, had no knowledge oi tne wwinu
City and who is prominent in Church langunge, has during her 7 months
circles here, will remain m ( resilience in tne uniiea cameo unom-
Suits -Dresses-Coals
It would be impossible to describe the shoiving we are
making of strictly HIGH GRADE READY-TO-WEAR
Three elements were considered in making the selec
BILITY. We invite you to visit us and see these beau
tiful and wonderful creations whether a purchaser
'or not.
Women desirous of the best,
will appreciate and appraise the
Don't delay your Easter
The New
while her husband is away. At pre- ed tne 8lxth grade,
. t i.h,.t la winding UP nis .
as appraisers of the property. . nrenaratory to leav- Mia9 netonia Byrn went to Port
weirs and devisees are Elizabeth Keil, ' '" " (ln(, Mon,lay afternoon to attend the
81, widow, Aurora: Annie White, 51, n8- i ,.,, , h- rnnsin Auguest Schade
daughter, Salem, and four sons, David Lldies Aid society of the Pres-;wn0 &M up hls home Sunday morn-
A., 49, Lewis F 47, Julius, 45, Henry ' . wlu sponsor a bazaar, , 409 TiHaniook street.
an residents of Gervais. The es-, Wednesday April!
tale consists of real property ln Mar
lon county valued at 316.800 and per
sonal property valued at $3,845.
Don't fall to Bee the wedding par
T at the Moose hall Tues, Mar. 30
t 3 p. m. Public cordially invited.
- 77
Remember the pageant of the
Queen's courtiers at the Moose hill
Tues. Mar. 30 at 8 p. m. Public cor
dially invited. 77
..ionav evening at 8:45
tar, i"" ' ... - .,,!
portant business win oe
f,,tAein aiinnnr
ii Bt the church parlors. AH friends'; sickness Instead of drunkenness
of the church are invited to attend. wa8 pleaded by L. E. Davis, 742 North
I Commercial street, Kunaay evening,
The Tuesdav Musical club will meet, when confronted by Traffic Officer
th studio of Miss Lena Belle Tnr- M(,ffjU. Police headquarters was no-
tinea tnai an auw, i,t;....b --
drunken men, was seen. Officer Mof
fitt Investigated and found the auto-
Pearl P Hassler, of the Turner ,eionged to Mr. Davis.
. --j .i,-iM a ri.irke of the,
CoTj l. w r 'n Sa!em Tuesday Mrfl. Mer. L. Prunk, of Eugene, Is
Stajton iiiau, y ,r - fP. d!lVs at the home
on business anaj y Mrg A T
. n ninirham ami yw.ffitt sn North High street. 'vVhlle
i Turtle i;eorge v. - . . . " - . . .... .
Henry Arthur O'Rrlen.-guardian of r Kelly, sitting In Joint here ghe will also Be tne go '
Francis Winnlford O'Brien and Jo-!iu"r in denartment No. 1, overruled, prunk.s parent. Mr. and Aira J. r.
. - -"i.m v inituoru kj Drieii mm 'session In aeparnnfn. -i
eph Walter O'Brien, minors, has thp' demurrer entered
Praisers of a parcel of property in-
wuaed ln the guardianship.
An order issued Monday by County
by Marion; Prunk 555 North Churcn street.
granted an order by the county) county through District Attronej - Max.
rt naming Albert O'Brien, George hf) ,n the suit recently '-" jJSd icsko, '"-'"' ' " .,, 1
"Brien and Ivan G. Martin as ap-l , hv Ed Jory. Mr. Jorys sun warrant cmtrB...B ,
substance a protest aS...... , " "
. the six ner cent limita-, ,
nesbllshed several yeago. A.
result the first acuo.. i- .
1 .. , toj tht an early or-
Juclco v t td,.i . i:,ra Marvi . i .nntpd that an earl:
... .... uuniicj icuvi.u I COUri, II ,n . 41,-'
Forcier of further responsibilities w, decide the first stages in the
as mmii,i....i. 41 t ..! Pnrcler' . . -,ta to enloin Bherlit'
'ai "i mo ivM.o ipiaintuiB tru". -- - ,,rt
ate and declares the estate admln-l NeP(!ham from further collection
erea. Heirs are Mary J. Korcier,
woodburn; John Forcier. Taeoma
tax excess.
"is and William Forcier. Gervais;
Theodore Forcier, Portland and
Thomas Forcier, Wahklacus, Wash.
- Jasper Hill, 23, who Monday morn
to Pleaded guilty to a charge of la'
Mny by bailee n-aa iuntenced to 3')
in the county Joil this moaning
Judge Unruh. Hill confessed
1 l. McAmulty of Oregon City vis
ited friends in Salem Tuesday morning.
G. L. riove of Corvallis was a Salem
visitor Tuesday. '
i Btnvtnn attended to
nS in Salem, Monday aft-
. ... of Medford. was a
stat', Tuesday morning.
- nnrtrp G Dingham was
1 ed .0 Fort an,.. . -. - New,,,.
: den deain 01 - -j-
Ii The crop,
I land 192 from
! planted "r',r ' . ,i,j TllPlaV
Effected by n;'of don.
i nnv contrsoi. in U"
Service. Our earn
est endeavor to give
satisfaction, and su
perior service, 1
evidenced, by the
courtesy of our staff
the efficiency of our
management The
satisfaction of our
clients and the qual
ity of service ren
dered, fiuality. Cour
tesy. Efficiency.
Silk Hose for Easter
Pure Silk and Fibre Hose
Lace Boot Hose in blue, black, j1 HZ
mouse and brown
Novelty Lace Hose in blue, green, C0 O K
black and brown ipu.uu
A metropolitan
showing at prices
surpriHingly low.
I VtV, Ar -IP A- J
High Quality Pure Silk
Thread Hose
The leading makes of America,
Knot Knit, Niagara,
Monitor and Kayser
These Hose come in all the season's desired
Hhadcs, in plain colors, clocked and dropped
Neckwear for Easter
It is that little touch of
Dainty Neckwear
that gives the suit a complete
ness that satisfies.
We show not only those light,
airy "late effects," but also the
more conventional collar and
cuff 8Ct.4.
1 i
You Can Always Do Better At
a-- f. s
Who Always Do Better By You
land. in