Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1920.
Logging Halted
By Heavy Snows
Near Silverton
Silverton, Or.. Mar. SO Work In the
Silvtrton logging camps cast ot hers
entirely abandoned several days
Ijst week, occasioned by the 'fall of
(i-ht inches of snow. Many of the
vjtgers left for Portland. The camps
lve shut down three or four times
during the winter on account of snow
.nd it is id that more snow has fall
en during the past season than at any
time since the establishment of the
cjmps. More men will go to camp this
Veek a'"1 K is ePcted that work will
resumwl under normal conditions.
Eastman Brothers are erecting ,. a
tuilding on a lot south of their blow
pipe Bhop and will establish an iron
foundry as soon as the building is com
pleted. Dr. J- W. Welch purchased a lot on
Fisk street a few days ego from J. M.
Brown and will build a residence early
this spring. The building will be for
At a recent meeting of Ihe Silver
ton Community club, L. C. Eastman
whs named as a candidate for m.ii.i,
and George I. Barr, R. G. Ames and
A, E. Johnson were named as candi
dates for councllmen to be nominated
at the primary election. A committee
of three was appointed to select some
reliable republican from this part of
the country to be a candidate for rep
resentative. As yet no one has been
(elected. George W. Ilubbs, Mark A.
Poulson and C. S. Bristol liave all "been
suggested, but it Is said neither ol
them care to enter the ce.
Charles Goss ana wire who have
been in different parts of the state
Biiice they sold their home here last
.fall returned Saturday and announced
that they would either buy or build a
home in Silverton soon. In all their
travel they could not find a place that
serried as near home like as Silverton.
Miss Vivian Brown, who is attending
business college in Salem, spent Sun
day with her parents In Silverton
. Mrs. E. B. Kottek and son are ex
pected to arrive in Silverton Tuesday
from Moro, Minnesota. Mr. Kottek
has purchased the Silverton Tribune
and takes possession of the same April
Hugh Mage, a' real estate dealer of
Salem, was in the city on business
George Cuslter has leased the Lewis
Johnson building on Main street and
Will move his stock of general mer
chandise to the new location about the
first of May. The building where Mr.
Cusiter has been In business for nearly
fifty years has been sold to E. C. Ol
een, a Silverton druggist.
F. II. Turner, who purchased tho
Palace theater last winter from T. J.
Robinson, gave up the lease of tho
building a few days ago and moved his
equipment to Tortlnnd. Mr. Turner has
purchased a small grocery store near
Portland and will move his 'family
there soon.
The funeral of I..W. Stevens, who
died at the home of his son at North
Howell ' Wednesday .night, was held
from the Christian church Saturday
afternoon and was largely attended.
Mr. Stevens was one of 'the early set
tlers of this vicinity, having lived here
for more than sixty years. He is sur
vived by two sifters living In Silverton,
Mrs. II, D. Mount and Mrs. Jennings
Smith, also a son living on the old
home place, where Mr. Stevens sud
denly passed away.
Rev. George Henriksen and son,
George, were Salera visitors Saturday.
Marion, Mar. 30. E. E. Bengs is
grubbing six acres of prune stump"
mat were grafted to prunes Inst year
nd all died. Ho will replant it with
. Pninc9.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Miller of Crab
Vtree wore the guests of Mr. andMrs.
C . A. Mute last Tuesday.
Clifford Jarvis who was injured
last week Is now in St. Vincent hos
pital in Portland.
Mrs. Ruth Keuschner who bnn
been working for Mrs. E. E. Benps,
.in Just recovering from a severe at-
, bck of thfl flu. Her sister, Alta White
has been nursing her. .
, Mrs. Horry Colgan went to Portland
last-Friday to spend a few days with
her mother, Mrs. Ramsey.
Miss Alice Boyle and her mother
ent to Brownsville Friday evening,
returning Monday morning.
Mrs. Lee Doerfler and daughter,
Virginia, went to Portland last Sat
urday to meet Mr. Doerfler, who Is
sow telegraph operator at Banks, but.
ho would be In t,he metropolis tr:
a few days.
' Mltton Kephart left last week -for
. Maclcay where he is working on .a
ranch. ' ' ' ' - ' ' '-'" ' ' '.-"
The prcperty of Miss Sophron'a
Parnham was purchased last weak
; the Friends church. They will use
it .tfl a rtnwHHn.
Rev. ami Mrs. Wain bronner, w
re gtod to state, will remain In Ma
Won for another year at least as pas
tors of the . Friends church. Th-y
have done a good work here nl
their many friends are. pleased th-it
they have decided to etav.
D. A. Hoag spent last Saturday ar.1
Sunday with his mother In Dallas. '
Ernest ISouck was taken suddenly
nd seriously 111 one night lost week.
A Physician from, Salem was surr
Woned who advised that he be taken
to the hoepltal at once for an opera
tion. He was better the next morr.
Ing. however, and Is J still Improving.
Mrs. Ell Davidson occupied the P"t
Ht at ihe Friends church last Sun
day, and a profitable time it prove i
to be. , .
Mrs. A. V Room has returned ' to
Salem where she will remain -
"me lime under a physician euro
Claxtar. . Or.. Mar. 30. Farmer
We are planting early rose potatoes
for Mtri a-.-:,. .
Potatoes. Wve, wi !
until May. .
A rushing busine b being done
here in selling strawberry plants, ,
immediate planting. T,ie w
strawberry gans and the Earnest
Sa.-age gardens having filled hundreds
of orders, already this season, riants
litre are especially f:
IIP mrin.'
to the sandy loam, which ra.
to develop a vigorous root-...
E. A. Matthis is well again after a
week's illness.
The National Eank Pig club held
drt.. r KJ.)S cU,b
ottZVL'Sy. Gehard H. Fra-
work received a new imuetti.
. v
Frnnlflin If.. it...? '
from hi, recent i inesl reC0Vfre,1i
The J. Cooper family are amnnsr tn-
new home makers here.
Allie Kites and family have returned
from several months spent in Arling
ton, California.
The Hayesvillo Sunday school dis
trict convention was largely attended
from this place. It was held March
2S at Jason Lee Memorial church of
George Matthes of California visited
briefly with relatives here. Mr.
Matthes was enroute to Brady, Mon
tana, for the summer.
Reverend Sydney Hall, conducieu
the Sunday services on March 28, at
Kelzer. filling the pulpit for Reverend
Barnard Brewster.
Rubin Ekln, whose sudden death oc
curred in Salem last week, was well
known and well liked In Keizer Bottom
wncre he farmed last year. His chil
dren were members of Kelzer school
and the news of his passing causes
general regret here.
Mrs. G. S. McXunn of Quinaby vis
ited relatives hero Tuesday.
Men are working in loganberry vine
yards here placing the vines on the
trellises. Also many loganberry and
raspberry tips are being sold for set
ting out new gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wycoff and son
have removed to Silverton, Oregon.
Five husky boys, with three husky
dog.s can be seen passing this way
each week. ; This is an inspiring sight,
and shows that some people still have
the courage to own a dog In this child
less, fenceless dogless Eden!
The Siletz Bay Lumber company of
Corvallis, capitalized at $100,000 filed
articles of Incorporation with the cor
porntlon department here Monday. The
Incorporators aro W. A. Moore, J. M.
Hodge and Georgo S. Coles.
Other articles were filed as follows:
White Pine Lumber company, Kla
math Falls, $50,000; Marion Mine,
Leslie Rogers and John M. Moore.
Klamath Falls Creamery, Klamath
Falls, $25,000; Robert E. Smith, E. A.
Skldmore and J. A. Gordon.
Medico Publishing company, Port
land, $1000; M. A. Hines, C. II. Green
and E. V. Littlefield.
Old Fashioned Cereal Mills, Port
land, $20,000; C. U. Moore, J, M. Hodge
and George S. Cole.
Clovcrdale, Or., Mar. 30. Very re
cently a party came here to look at
the road patrolman's place with the
Idea of buying it, but after traveling
over this bad road, refusod to con
sider the deal at all.
Several from this locnllty were do
ing business in Salem Saturday.
Mr. Ivan Hadley who has spent
the past ten days at Tillamook re
turned home Wednesday.
Mr. Will Massy who was a railroad
employe at Myrtle Point returned
home Saturday. He expects to take
up work in Salem soon.
Miss Violet Craig, returned Sat
urday from a ten days visit at Quin
aby. Mrs. M. Fliflet spent a few days
in Salem last week visiting her son,
Levi, and family.
Licenses Popular
Game, Not Marriage
With April 1 only a few days dis
tant, there Is bound to be quite a bit
of rivalry between the finny Inhabi
tants of Marlon county waters and fish
ermen therein, so far as first honors
on "All Fools" day is concerned. That
sportsmen of Salem and vicinity are
anxious to have a try at their luck Is
evidenced by the sale of many anglers
permits during the past week.
Fishing licenses were issued Sat
urday and Monday to R. A. Hooper,
Shaw; William K. Kaplinger, J.
r.l,a Mxnn Tllshon. A. N. Fulker-
son, Fits Menane, Arthur J. Huntley,
R. G Dcsart, G. H. Holm, u
fler. J. W. Richards. A. A. Schramm.
V C. Butler, J. A. Bernhardl, J. A.
Gosser. Harold II. Smith, Chester Al-
lon. C. J. Koon, Eyron u. wets, p
Order a disk for lunch or break
fast at any hotel, restaurant
far lunch counter
hen order a.packae from
your grocefs.for the home table
Grape-Nuts isr ihe most de
Hciousjiourishing and eco
nomical of 'prejparecz cereaZs
"There's a Reason"
Sold hy Grocers Evcryere
MdtbyVotvim Cereal Co. Battle Crcck,fich.
n. G. E. TomT
kins. P.ov Ti o,mv ... . I
. a. A. Hughes,
r.rj i . Andresen. Ban raw, -r .
Hughes, L. c. Farmer. Everett Ander
son. F. N. Tooihacre. A S. Rahn.
Thomas Newton, M. C. Anderson. AI-
Glen Hogg. R. V. Hogg. R. W. Hogg,
tY. E. Kerns, B. S. Beall. Salem- TV...
Ku 1 r . , 1 ' '
" , a' !inaw; Ray Patterson,
Geryais; George W. McCall, Jefferson;"
V V,' t'riaw; D. F. Eastburn.
A. F. Zuber. Aumsi!le: n T.
try. Marion; Alfred Kampf. Walter
Kolbe. Pratum; II. c. Shie
aura, OOOOUm.
Combination hunting and fishing n-
to Ben Pape. A.
J. Ratcliff. L. H. Polka, F. W. Durbin,"
F. W. Durbin Jr.. Salem; Homer West.
Pioneer and Civil war veterans game
permits: W. II. Englisii. Stayton; Rob
ert C. Halley. A. P. Van Slyke. Salem.
Linn Peppermint
Growers Expect
Big Crop This Year
Aioany, March 30. Indications for
the peppermint crop in Linn county
for the coming season are excellent,
according to reports of farmers who
are husbanding this Industry. Linn
county producers an oil that is super
ior to any produced elsewhere in this
Acreage under cultivation In the
Ui,.. r "P" will be doubled
icai uer msL year, tinormnn-j
yield per acre has encouraged a num.
ber of farmers to put in crcrs of this
Last year O. D. Marshall of Albany
secured 40 pounds of oil to the a'cre off
his product. He sold the oil In Port
land for $16 a pound. Some yeajs as
high as 72 pounds can be taken off an
acre, depending upon the moisture dur
ing the season. Prices for peppermint
oil vary from J 2 a pound to J 16. At
the present time the market for oil is
approximately (8 a pound.
State House
The Mountain Sheep Irrigation dis
trict in Wallowa county, has filed with
the State Irrigation securities com
misoion an application for the certi
fication of a $100,000 bond issue and
for state guarantee of interest pay
ments. . I
A total of 1801 real estate brokers
have now been licensed to operate In
Oregon, according to C. V. Johnson
in charge of the real estate depart
ment of the state insurance commis
sioner's office. Licenses for 1819 to
talled 1537.
Mrs. O. E. Osborne of Medford will
be. re-aitointed as a member of the
state board for examination and reg
istration of graduate nurses when her
term expires April 1, according to a
statement by Governor Olcott Mon
day. Mrs. Osborne is secretary-treasurer
of the board.
Bis Little Boy
X mass of Sores
So write. W. C Wtrrut ol liiUbore, Virginia,
ind he addi:
"We tried rw food dortort, one tpe.
citliit on litis diieaw tod thy did hiia
no rood. V. wd 1 bottle of D. D. D.
and bit race, which u iimplf turn
i,t tout, it now nuooUi u paper.
Thooiandf of irtful mm of D. D. D. h
mitttn to tell of tho woncirful rtlkf I tm
them ' n hi opplicMioa completely ton
ttaiIIIUhlrifDdbiirnmp. whirooltryD D I).
nt once ttid bo coorirMCdf sour money bseR
If the Orithottlodoee not brinf relief. (ftceM
Ddtl.oo. Try P. P. l. Sop, too-
m lotton for SWn Disease
J. C. Perry, druggist.
Used Car Bargains
A guarantee with each car
These cars have been overhauled and are in perfect rriech-
anical condition
1918 Velie Six, newly painted, looks like new $1500
1918 Studebaker Six, 7-passenger, cord tires $800
1918 Maxwell Truck, perfect - - ?650
1917 Maxwell, 5-passenger $600
Flanders Bug, A-l condition - -'- $300
Cadillac roadster, good shape ...$450
Reasonable terms given
Salem Velie Company
'162 North Commercial St. J. W. Jones, Mgr.
Brace Up with
energizing lood-r
TV "nT . 1
. . auii Anrr.i.
t f.,i., . .!
I, iiuim), "
euuniy. nas iuea wnn
the state public service commission an
application for permission to increase
telephone rates.
J. A. Churchill, state superintendent
ol public Instruction and F. E. Carl
tun, assistant superintendent, wilt at
tend the sessions of the Inland Em
pire Teachers' asociation at Spokane,
Wash., March S and ApUl 1 and I.
Both Churchill and Caiieton are on
the program.
Attroney General Brown has been
asked to prepare a ballot title for a
measure to be submitted to the vot
ers of Hood River county, involving
a proposal to submit to the voters
of the county a measure enacted by
the last legislature increasing the sal
ary of the superintendent of schools
of Hood River county from JS00 to
5,800,000 PKOTLE
Chicago, Mar. 30. Census figures,
forwarded to Washington for official
tabulation, according to published r
ports here, record the population of
Cook county, including the city of
Chicago, at 3, 232,79s.
The census count for Chicago, ac
cording to figures published several
days ago totalled ' 2,S81,827.
More than 12.000 new millionaires
were created in this country in four
yars of the European war.
Lady Overcomes
Use of Morphine
"Troubled about 10 years with
what the doctors culled gall stones,
often I thought I would die befor
the doctor could get here, when he
wuUl m a 'Plle'""ic f "'-
phine and advise an operation. A
neighbor told me about Muyr's Won
derful Remedy for stomach troubles,
and since taking the first dose twt
years ago I have not had an attack
nor needed a hypodermic." It is a
simple, harmless preparation that re
moves tho catarrhal mucus from the
intestinal tract and allays the ir-
flammation which causes practically
all stomach, liver and intestinal ail
ments, including appendicitis. One
dose will convince or money refund
ed. J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry and drug
gists everywhere. (Adv)
Hello there!. Come tc
the Dreamland
Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Tliurs
day and Friday livening.
Children's Day Saturday, 25c
K n
W i
:. , S '"'
! . . . v..
' 1
v if k
j 'if, xr t w
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14 1 1
'i' ' -V
and the Cobbler
Confucious left a pair of
shoes with a cobbler to be
When he went for them
the shoes had not been
touched. The cobbler's wife
had thrown red pepper in
his eyes, for reasons of her
own, and the man cou'd not
see to work.
So Confucious gave him
a pair of glasses, his eyes
were healed, and he fixed
the shoes.
Not only that, but a
squintjAvhich he had in the
beginning was also correct
ed by the glasses.
It is further related that
his wife made a great dis
turbance over it. She had
married a man with a
squint, and now he had
none !
The i Chinese sage re
counting the story gaunt
ly observes, in conclusion,
that the cobbler continued
to wear spectacles.
The office of Dr. Morris
at the junction of all down
town car lines and less than
five minutes from any part
of the business district.
Henry E. Morris
Eyesight Specialists
- 305 State Sheet
837 Court St t
ALLOWANCE made on your old tlret
Car of
Yick So Tong
Jhlneee Medicine ana Tea Co.
flaa medicine which will cure
any known tflaeate.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
untU I p, m.
163 South High Street
Salem, Oregon. Phone 881
WTKraton NmHkiaTgjjp
X'&!lIrtoi Tire to. 3
Will Buy from One Dollar and a
Dollars Worth
A Pollard Comedy
Is Bad
But it is a Good Timeto
Get Ready
Fishing Opens
. Thursday .
Look Over Your
And then let us fit you up with
You Can Rely On
Our Fishing Tackle
And Say!
Have you seen our assortment
of spinners? They will fill your
We issue fisfiing licenses
Mauser Bros.
"The House of Service" .
The Poclcty of Mi With Copper
JIusks in a recent ot'ganlxniton In Tart
connlstlng of Prwh noldlir, nufftr
)ng from facial wounds, who have been
provided with a set of new fcaturon.
FRIDAY, Continuing
8 Days
Peoples Cash Store
186-194 North Commercial Street
iiiaaiMtn-'- i
T5 i 113 ffrnnnik
Also Junk of All Klm'a
Ccst Prices Guarantee!
CapitalJunkCo. 1
The Square Deal Hous !
171 Chemeketa St. Phone III
House Finisher
You et more for your
Money at Moore's.
. "Walfeir
Takes the place of home
lining for Jes.
Max 0. Bur en
179 North Commercial
CS. Hamilton
S40 Court Street
171 Court fltreot Phoae
Buy Remnants
Remnant Stor
111 North CoiuniercS&l
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
Stunographlc und typisrt J'tn for for
rsv r eerviee nien arc open In Washing
ton. Entrance Halarltn ranij-e fr-jm $1,
(00 to 11200 a year, with tho 2
iMj-ifi bonux iiuthoiUed by conifws
Half to Two
..i'nieir - - " " ""to-"'"", . .
it a
S r
: 1
i i
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