Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Lcnine the man and His Book
l!.c Caiutal Journal wiU publish a rcvh w of a new book occasion
ally Uiat Is worth reading. - boi.k is yond only wlien it meets
porno human hunger or refutes some liftman error." IhrLsto
pher Moriey.
Miss Siyrtle Mason, a junio, took
first pi ice in the women's debate try
out helj at Willamette university last
niglit,- Miss Lorlei Blatchford
and Tnos tlnt fur nornnrf anil
Ths Ruwin revolutionist must b,plaee is Germany. To fight Lenin is i Haael --Bear and Helen Hoover tied
'Junior Girl Is
Winner In Women's
Debate Try Oats
av man and a half for it has take a
three men to write his life: Albert
Khys Williams, an English socialist:
Col Raymond Koblns, head of tlu
Ilad Cr isa mission in Russia, and Ar
thur Ransome, an English attache .u
the court of Petrograd. These men
tell their story and estimates of tho j
man firsthand. They were with hin;
when it happened. This book ia ths
first collection of authentic informa
tion about the Black Prince of boi
ahevlsm, the inspiring demon of world
revolution, the overthrower of
thrones, the manufacturer of histo,-v
while you wait, and the present rul
er of two fifths of the globe. Lenin
mastered one revolution to set ud a
more far reaching one. His father
waa head of a gymnasium school an 1
became one of the minor nobility
bis brother was hanged by the czar,
Lenin served his term of exile in S -beria,
tren, forbidden to live in any
large city of his native country, was
driven to reside as an outcast in tho
capitals ol Europe, and in 1910 had
forced himself to the headship of1
tne International social democracy.
He did good preparatory work for
twenty five years and was ready
when the opportunity came to step
Into the rulership of 170,000,000 hu
man beings. So far he has held on.
He has tuilt a government, has rais
ed an army and today Is directing
the revolution in Germany. He is pic
tured as a man without magnetism,
who speaks in low tones, without
rhetorical or oratorical efforts, ha3
never 'nude the big noise or dono the
arm waving and clinched fist act so
prominent in men like Hiram Joh;.
aon, anj yet has never failed to car
ry an audience even when It can e
armed vith repeating rifles to take
his life. He had to leap from worid
obscurity to a throne. As a statesman
he was more than obscure he wp. j
what patience, what training, what
mastery of detail, what constancy jf
the red revolutionary impulse ittook
to achievs that sublime leap. And
It Is not yet certain that he can bi
dethroned, unhorsed, or conquered,
ntil he shall have run his course.
Lenin has been accused of being
the hired tool of the kaiser, col 1
bloodedly betraying his comrades for
Sold of Junkerism. John Spargo, the
American socialist, accuses him of
herding the ignorant an;l appealing
to the tasest passions. But he never
met the man intimately as these threa
foreigners did whb write this book.
At the university of St. Petersburg
we find him working sixteen hours a
day and winning a prize for a thesis
on the visual organs of worms. In a
revolutionary congress In 1904 Lenin
Introduced every question that he is
now trying to solve as the head of
an actutl government dictatorship
of the proletariat, confiscation of cap
llal and property, and the doctrine
of revolutionary action io its extreme
limits. In the realm of ideas Lenin
Is an aristocrat with the preference
of a granl putriclan for men of bral,
the only real aristocracy in the
world. He once said: "For every hon
est bolshevik there are thirty scoun
drels and sixty nine fools." He be
lieves nt heart in the absolute free
dom of the masses, as far transcend
ing the teachings of Jefferson as Jef
ferson surpassed the rankest tories
of his time. Hear his faith In the un
taught dark people of the lat e realm
of the rzrrs: "Make man free and
he ore-lies. Under the quickening
touch cf the new spirit there liae
grown vp ten new universities, scores
of theaters, thousands of libraries
and common schools by tens of thou
sands." Let us quote Raymond Rob
ins, the American who has lectured
In Hulenv: "Russia has a revolution.
Lenin did not inulto It. He led It but
he did not make it. Yet he does lend
Jt. And be leads it nil the time, as
to play the German game.'
T-eucessfuily fight Bolshevism it
is necessary to get its number and
dimensions. This book published by
Scott and Seltzer New Tork, is a step
in that direction.
Pardon Me
By MB.
I' pon the faithful in
The little things
Rare blessings wait
The little things
Like subscribing
To the Hospital
Fund, for instance
A legend
Of a Nun
A pious Nun '
Tells us while she sat
Reading the Book
And marveling much
A vision rose
Of her loved Lord
Whereat she knelt to pray
A bell signalled the hour
To aid lier fellow men
Which humble duty done
She sought her room. and Lo
The: vision brighter than
Ilt'fore appeared
And mulling sjinkc
And said e'en so
Is heaven obtained
Huds't thou lingered here
I had not remained!
for fourth. The subject for debate waa
Resolved, that the principal cause of
Americas present wave of anarchy
lies in unjust labor conditions in. this
country. The debaters were coached
by Horace Rahskopf, assistant in the
department of public speaking at tie
university. .
Miss Mason was a member of the
varsity debate team two years ago.
a.nd wi'.h Otto Faulus defeated the
teams from Pacific university and
College ol Puget Sound.
President Doney presided, and
musical numbers were rendered by
Evelyn DeLong, John Lucker and
Floyd Mclntire. The judges . were
Profess r H, F. Savage, E. M. Page
and Rev. James Elvin.
Wilson To Spend
Vacation At Coastl
Washington, Mar. 29. President
Wilson will spend the summer at the
home of Charles R. Crane at Woods
Hole, a village on the southern coast
of Massachusetts, near Martha's Vine
yard, it was said today at the White
D. A. Davis, a deckhand on the;
steamer Dispatch, was drowned in the
Coquille river while loading cans of
milk on the boat.
Absolute exclusion of foreign immi
grants waa advocated by J. H. Gilbert
of the University of Oregon In an u
dresa at Salem.
40 years ago an old doctor wss
putting up a medicine for diseases of
the blood, that cured the worst cases
of blood troubles, "and time proved,
that the cures were permanent. Af-j
ter many years I secured the pre
scription (being a druggist), and
took each ingredient separately and ,
referred to my V. S. Dispensatory;
and other authoritative books on ,
medicine and found the medical prop I
erties set down as follows: "Era-!
ployed in diseases of the glandular i
system, in blood troubles, eczema.
constipation, stomach and liver trou- i
bles, chronic rheumatism, catarrh, in
sores, ulcers, pimples, skin eruptions, J
mercuriU and lead poisoning. Under
its use bodily eruptions and scrofulous!
swelling .that have withstood all oth- j
er treatment disappear as if by mag- i
ic. oT commemorate my fortieth i
year as a druggist I named this medi-
cine "Number 40 for the Blood." I. j
C. Mendenhall, Evansville, Ind. Sold ,
by Schafers drug store. (Adv)
For Colds, Grip or Influenza
and aa a Preventative, take LAXA
Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature
on the box. JOo. (Adv)
. Inquiries concerning the forfeited
Oregon & California land er.t .
coming into the Roseburg land office
at the rate of 100 per day.
Applicants for Insurance Often Re
Judging from reports from drnir-
glsts who are constantly in direct
toucn with the public,, there is one
preparation that has been very sn
cessful In overcoming these ' condi
tions. The mild and healing infTuenci
of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soo.l
realized. It stands the highest for its
remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one '
the prominent life Insurance com
panies, in an interview of the sub
ject, made the astonishing statement
that one reason why so many appli
cants for insurance are rejected is b-
oause kidney trouble is so common
to the American people, and th
large mniinitv of thnn ..rt, oi
... v... .....,. ideations are declined do not even su.i-
ward the task of actually earning apert that they have the disease. Dr
uv.iis in ovum wuriu. no is caiurg Kilmer's Swamp-Root
ir eninecriny uuvisers now, tor t;tt:
tory managers. To get them he 13
willing to compromise with American
business men. If wo make it difficult
for his government to compromise,
he will make his compromises arvi
get his li.ctnry managers where he
How to Keep Baby
-' Smiling and Well
See that the daily functions are regular and normal
YOU can t expect the little
ones to be happy and play
ful when the head feels dull
and the stomach Moated. The
normal habit of children is to be
happy and when you notice them
cross and .fretful you will usually
find constipation is responsible.
Perhaps they Lave missed that
daily function so necessary to
comfort and health. Look at the
tongue and see if the breath ia
bad. Watch for belching. These
are the tell-tale symptoms of con
stipation. Tonight give a little
of Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin,
which you can buy at any drug
store, and it will act in the morn
ing and the troublesome symp
toms promptly disappear.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin ia
a combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin. Unlike the
harsher physics it acta gently and
without griping so that while
grownups can use it freely it can
also be given to a, tiny baby with
perfect safety. Thousands of
American families would not think
at the
of being without bottle in the
house for the emergency arises
almost daily when it is needed.
f n spite of the fact that Dr. Cold,
uitUlf Syrup Pepsin is tfu largest selling
liquid laxative in th umld, there
being over 6 million bottles sold each
year, many who need its benefits have
tut yet used it If you have nof; send
your name and address for a free trial
bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, jii
Washington St., Monticeilo, Illinois.
can and the quickest and easiest ti-l Journal
is on sale f
all drug stores in bottles of twa sizei
medium and large.
However, if you wish first to teat
this preparation send ten cents
to Pr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N
Y., for a sample bottle. When writinj;
be sure and mentio nthe Salem Cap -
. Rolls, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Snails, Doughnuts.
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street.
Outfitters to Womeny Misses and
1 Quality Popular
Merchandise Prices
Get Your Easter Shoes Now while they are Great
ly Reduced. We are Closing Out Thousands of
Pairs at Unbelievable Prices, Come in now and
get your Pair. 'All of the newest pumps and ox
fords included in this SALE!
V - - .V jJLe.,,,..,,,
HanaB Show
Fox Pumps
Witch Elk Boot
Ball Band Boots
Foot Appliances
326 StateSt-KexttoIaddftBusJiBanX
THERE are so many daily uses
for Kara' (Blue Label) for pan
cakes, cooking, baking candy-making
that alert housewives buy it by
the dozen cans.
This is" practicing real economy.
Ask your grocer the price per dozen.
P.S. Have you ever tried Blue Label
Karo on Grape Fruit? Delicious!
ITBtll.r,rUc, N York
Why have the same record that air your friends and neighbors have?
Have something different. Let us help you in your selections.
Lyric Sopranos
74488 Voce di Primavera Mable Garrison - ?1-50
74107 Kiss Waltz Alice Nielsen ....$1.50
Famous Violinists' - .
64390 Air for the G String Kubelik ....:.....I............i........--:$l-00
64827 Prelude Zimbalict ., $1-00
Glorious Contraltos ' -
"64506 Pierce Now the Flames (Trovatore) Margerite Ober -?l-00
88592 Danny Boy Schuman Heihk .
Stirring Bands
35047 Cascades of Roses Police BaBnd of Mexico ..'....$1.35
35028 Death of Custer Pryors Band .$1.35
Name ...... ... .. . J.". '
Address ......
Place X opposite records you wish mailed you,;
Sales Representatives Sherman and Clay Pianos