Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 29, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    AvnAY.. MARCH 29. 1920.
7te per word Each insertion one
lTsiI insertions i cents, one month
insertions.' ir cents. one 'year, per
If laser'
9 cents. Minimum per ad 25
E1 . . .linn Anlv 1 Ke r Tnilnv 1
First u is' 1 - - - " - -
ritv aJs casn in dvanC8 nd not tak-
vr pHbne. unless advertiser has i'
gionthly account. No allowance tor
hone errors.
N. CoiaV:
leeping rooms. lnqu'i
tjL Dry -wood. Phone 167s W.
-A wood saw. Phone ev.-'
1 191? o PASSENGER Chevrolet for
sale cheap. 171 S. High. - qSI
KRKE dirt for the hauling. 686 North
Winter St. Phone 3;1R. 7;
GOOD dry onions at 2 H cents pound.
Phone 399 or call T S, Coin. cSl
JflJiAN anted .for a good job. C:in
earn from $30 tu $60 a, day., $15tt0
will handle. Call 888M. , q78
FOR RENT Two roomed furnished
apartment. 365 N. High St. - 76
FOR KENT Three room furnished
house close in, till the first of June
ami perhaps longer, to man and
wife only. Phone 351R. 7f
FOl R fresh cows for sale, two mile?
east of PrAtuni. Theo. Nadon.e7&
fOR SALE Three fresh cows with
calves; all young and heavy milk
ers. 2015 N. Com'l. e?;
FOR SALE Modern S room bunga
low at 1190 S. 14th street. 82500:
400 down and monthly payments.
Phune 1059M, a78
KOOSE bonds issued July 1. 1912, by
Cherry city lodge No. 49S Loyal
Order of Moose, will be redeemed
for f 10 'flat upon presentation 01
mailing by registered -mail to Unit
ed States National bank, Salem,
Oregon. Agent for trustee of bond
holders. ' , 7
FOR SALE 6 room house, modern
conveniences, fruit trees, chicken
park, close to' school and street car,
1357 N. Winter. a;s
ROSE bushes,- shrubs, grafter Fra'i-
quette walnut, and a few hundred
Italian prune, 4 to 6 ft. unhurt cy
freeze: also peach seedlings for
-lining out, hi Aonnwesiern ur.POR SA LE-Co, twin hi, v,.,.T ".77T
sery. Phone lUf'3... (181 I
FOR SALE Am leaving for the east
April i. inusi iur oasu my new
ly remodeled five room house, all
finished except front porch, hot and
cold water, toilet, bath, stationary
w;ish tubs, cellar, with six goodlots.
Immediate possession: corner of
Superior and S. Liberty; will be at
property Tuesday from 2 p. m. until
four. K.
FOR SALE White Leghorn pullets,
Tancred stodt. Phone 112F12. 76
LOST Saturday a. m. watch chaMii
between Washington hotel and Ne!
son's plumbing shop. Return to J.
H. Ltumunt, Nelson's. Receive re
ward. . , k77
ROOM wanted by man teacher, cen
tral, modern, hot water in it. Box
' Room care Journal. 1 7(1
WANTED Within walking distance,
2 rooms with bath, or small npart
nitnt. Address Z the Journal, 177
FOR SALE 5 acres, $1350 cash";
small but goodhouse,'. burn and all
necessary outbuildings, family orch
ard, good loganberry, and straw-
berry land on rook road, 3 4. miles
from Salem. Address W W care "f
Journal. b7j
FOR SALE 1 brood sow and 10 pi
Plump 44F5. e!
FOR SALE Light .wagon, hi,rnes
and saddle. Phone 64F5. - j c7.
FOR SALB-f-Two stock hogs,'. 200
Italian prunes, 2 O. A. Cv. White
Leghorn cockerels, 35 good
sacks. 1FL5. , j 7f.
C H O LC E close In berry land; i itl Acres
located just outside; city limits, :i
blocks from Qenfcev- St,' carline on
nsylum road, all cultivnted; pns-
wssiou. at onoeiv. Prise $3800,
terms. S. 11 acres..-adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kms and Roberts. 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. li
WA.VT to -buy' mule wqighiiiR about
1100 pounds. . A. A. Whelan, Rt. 4.
Saleiii.PhonellF5; ' - "If"'
FRU3H cow for sale. Phone 9F'?3. c7."
FOR SALE 2 3-year old Jersey cows
with calves, been fresh about a
month. First house east of asvhpr,
OR SALE Eight yearling grade
Cotswold ewe lambs, $15 per head.
Phone 7F32. ' p77
-2 sleeninp- rooms
rwnovup t'hone 536W.
vnn c , tV.
iv. uneap, zi square
linoleum. 8vin inininitir
. fumed oak library table, horseshoe
wrinwr, and irons and screen for
"replace, and sanitary couch and
niHtti oss. Can be seen' Tuesday at
Jli t'hemeketa .street. .-. 7i
HAVING" sold my ' dairy farm I w-ii
Jol 3 heavy milkers. 2 extra good
heifers. Call at A. Franke, Garden
roadL Rj.7, ttox 223, '-.,. , e77
FOR SALE Good retail grocery
Proposition. Box 12, Silverton, Or.
1 OR SALE 5, 10, 15c and up store
'n' good valley town, large pavroli;
invoice $3000. May consider Salei.i
Property on part payment; quitting
nn account of health. Call on C
Kay Dullum, Silverton, Or., Mason-
JLMdg. . . - , .,
WANTED To trade 4 large lots for
automobile. Call after 6 o'clock n
-JL'jS.. 21st 77
HOMe""koR SALE I have a good 9
room house, - large lot tfhloh will
"ell on. very easy terms. $700 down
take it. This place is close in
J. Parks 365 N. High Sr.
i"ne.64s. ''''
I'LAe KMinorca eggs for hatching
'l 454 Hood Sr fdl
('H S.VLE Goud fresh cow. -891 N 1
t-mmnirclat. e 77
rR SALE Extra good loganberry
tips. Box 351, Salem, Or, . dS5
''KrOWe repair furniture. I
moyeUag shoos; also lawn mnv-
eiv sharpening and soldering. We
lljinddeliyer. nSJ?
Lastee' bunnfeg, Easter duckling.,!
F.asteF chicks. C. N, Nedham. 658
ljj street. - - c81
OR SALE 10 acres 414 miles north
near Pacific highway on good ronri.
Price ($1750, small payment "will
Handle. Hart and Muller, 208 Oce
iijildg ' h'
FjR SALE 20 acre fruit farm, 4
acres 5-year old prunes, i strnv.
berries, 4 goose berries. 4 acres un
"Pr irrigation from lage spin';
jnost of balance readv tc plant; fair
buildings. 4 miles from Salem on
-Pood road. Price $8500. Hart and
Mjler. 208 Oregon bid?. "J
fc'.G BODIES, bug bodies, bug bodies.
J-ate model Ford chassis, motor
Wrt overhauled, good tires, $310:
ord taxicab late model, lots of t
good tires. $450: late model
Pord touring $400. 187 S. Liberty
lPhone 7. 76
10 ACRES, must sell at once. All In
cultivation. Located t r.iiles from
"lem on a good rock road, (no im
provements.) It has a mortgage of
$2000, running a term of years,
pwner is a non-resident and will
Jake $500 for the equity. $250 w:ll
"andle it. I handle bargain and
acrifice properties; tell your wanf-
H. S. Radcliff, room 4 Eayn
bldg. b77
For Sale Houses.
6 ROM house extra
this month, piaster,. 1 "50id
exchange; term. '.,.,....
, ii snii.1-
640 Lee si. f:. :
of 25th St. l
vun. a.urj i room mm-
an.t a e - .
iVI- OUIWS ,iv- tn.,...,.
;5TipN.5SBL'0,ne Iruit -f
FOR SALE - 2 laTge"
room house. See party af,er iiv
Sale or rent large lot. 3 room r .u
househoUl goods, all go at sale. ;:,
m.u-, roo.n stru-iiv ,o.i
.... ..u.-.r. some trau. s,.od
age. Va on imntd .
g li
ncott Kealtv lo
gon bldg.
22n Orev
- .. T lx,om house ready to
o .T ' Snrrten, barn,
ter, 2
00.VKS irom school. r,f
uown, easy terms.Owner.
2011 Ma-
pie ave.
a SO
vr r oat it,
- QA.r, r ne room mode n
house, full basement. 2475
aSo ;
run SA1.I-, lune room house, eh..-".
- i
trie lights and city water, barn aim
poultry house: one and y, acres
fine land with English walnuts, ap
- Pies, cherries, prunes, plums mi l
berry fruit. Four blocks from scho 1
five from car line. A dandv place
for a retired farmer. Would con
sider a good team horses, a few
good cows or farm machinery in
the deal. 2786 Lee St., Salem. n7S
GOOD 6 room house (not mod
with 2 large lots, woodshed, barn,
chicken house, yard fenced for 100
chickens. 5 large fruit trees, one
block school, 4 blocks car. Owne
1449 ojmiHvoijrarjtore. a7i
WANTED To buy abouFa" 5 ' room
modern house, not too' far on. I
"State terms. Address box 29 Joui-j
nal. 17 7
h0i,,,; " . "7.7 ! .""
" " "' Hitier. wuu line
well 32 ft. deep, wood shed, nn
corner of 20th and Lee Sts. a79
WALL PASTE" perfect for paper
.hanging, no cooking. Max.O. Bur
en; 179 N. Com'l. a
FOR SALE By owner, 5 room house,
water, lights and toilet; lot 105 ft.
wide, 110 ft. deep, all in bearing
fruit, mostly Royal Annes, at a bar
gain. $1400. 500 Turner St. between
22 and 23d on Mill. a78
FOR SALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow, excel
lent view, block and hnlf from car
line In south Salem, 140 Superior
St. a94
ROOM bungalow, looks like new,
lnrge bath room, closets, pantry.
hot and cold water, electricity in
house and barn or garage. Go id
yard fence, modern chicken house
and pen. 19 mixed fruit trees, good
garden. Good home for small fam
ily. Possession in 10 days; not far
out. Price $1500. cash. 8. R.
Pearson, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone
43. n'
CLOSE IN 6 room plastered house,
lights, bath etc., fine location. $2,
000. 9 room plastered, lights, bath, fire
place, extra close In; terms. Price
Half Cost 5 room plastered bun
galow, $000, terms. Brown, room S,
341 State street. a78
For Sale Farms.
FOR1 SALE Or trade, I have lCn
acres, good stock ranch, plenty of
good out range and water, good
house, close to school, family or-
irrchardi 2 good barns, plenty" of hiy
land; vill sell cheap as party can
not take care of same; good terms
or will consider trade for city prop
erty. Address L care Journal. Must
be sold. . . b77
40 ACRES 7ft miles north of SaleT
In Polk county, located on good
gravel road. 8' acres in cultivatiin
and 7 In stumpage, the remainder
in fir timber, good fences and n
creek running through one corn?)
of the tract. The soil is good and
will raise any crop. The wood alone,
will pay for the place. Price $150
per acre. Call 1F15 evenings. b?6
FARM'S FOR SALE That neat, lit
tle, well kept, up to-dare farm of
110 acres at $100 per acre, Is a
daisv. 140 acres w:;h over 100 in
cultivation and $40.00 worth of
buildings, is surely a bargain at
$85 per acre. Two or three famili s
would do well to buy this 300 acre
farm, one half in cultivation and
. .grub oak- enough to make a good
share of the payment. . at $75 p "i-acre.-
Address H. C. Porter, Aums
ville, Or.
FOR SALE Acreage, modern bun
galow, new barn, adjoins city lim
its, lights, water; cash or terms.
Best soil for fruit or berries. Own
er, box 210, Stayton, Or. m80
For Sale Miscellaneous.
ONIONS for sale cheap,
RI-ILDI.VG contractor, alterations
- nnd reiuilr work done. Frank Beer
- & Co.. Phone 1559W. . e
FOR SALE Oats and wheat hay. 2 2
ton. 1 mile south Mcisary siau
C. Muller.
EASTER lilies, all kind of flowers
and ferns for Easter. Come to Ar
iv,. nl.rnta p-reenhouse. 1298 S.
JEWELER'S set of tools, materials
some stock, to exchange for reii
estate.. Box 194. Salem, Or. ciH
FOR SALE 1 ton of vetch and oii:
hay. 2011 .Jfjiply
WHITE Rose potatoes, asparagit
plants, Himalaya and mammotn
blackberry plants, city JW
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front,
phone 494. -
FOR SALE Secondhand number.
8x8, 4x6 and 2x6 all lengths Also
8 White Leghorn hens, good lav-
ers. tin" -
nrofl t a at rsaipin.
For Sale NurseryStock
FOR SALE Baled hay at barn. L.
H. Turner, TurnerjLM
eept basement; g.lrage; one bio. k 1 ed nl' ml , Thrm- root-- pasture with enoogh timber for tam-,
.frum S at street, north. Irn u j deliverv u , l"SUX? pHces' City KW room house, full ce-
Wle this today.. Prieo Uii"tnl Fro m Pi h1K,ohardson- !M' t basement, bath and toilet.
Uo0 cash, bula,,,-. .--.!: tyr"'s 1 . thone 494. dTS'fine Ww -,, -.. . .-.
' rho'ne Vr"' " UresoB ' For Sale Livestock ho house 750 gallon eel air pres.
i r"""? A - - :utw.h. sure lank. fenctd and cross fenced'
rnn snravlng fruit trees, etc., cnM,;"
Nelson. 41VK;
ynvi SALE"" Good seed potatoes,
,.- it a nr morn -
Phone 1205M evenings or
i j.i.v vpttine your
themWe still have a few
Pius ,., wn inula era It
I'd on the CatifornU black stump.
These" Zs r Oregon grown and
acclimated so they withstood the
freeze and are large healthy trees
thTt w'll soon come into bearing.
,??n:eedofny ?..1.idd.e Grove
nursery. phoneJ4F5J i
fTTvBERRY plants wanted. Warn
A5hdon 2395 Front, phone
494. - I
tot .trawherrV plants,
EerLousa'nd. near
Salem, Or., Kt. . oo.
A-" FEW thousand A-l Etterburg 1 21
A . ,J. wrawberry plants at
ana !-" , ,!,. -non.
f j 50 per M, dug. if S ' ,
Phone 12F4 K. M. Commack. R.
4, bOT 88.
KTR , w-i.r-T,, :
l l!-ntv Plants in any oian-
Proerel. r1-1,- Gpld D:!
bus f,.i- gal,.. ;3C f
cows. ro. 5, box
&ilem. Or.
v. ti t. . , r,'r n-r-
.j. .irti.r, i nnik cow. 2 sows wirh
PS- Phone 79F4. .77
FIVE 7-wrtks old
Phoiw 71K22.
pigs for
t ii Afc a register! roan Shorthorn
bu'l I will exchange for anotaer
one as good. t ji. Cook. Turner.
For Sale Poultry
Ft. -It
. ALh Eera fop hu,..hi
Khol island Reds. 11 ii- An,a,.
14"! X. i,5th.
uo very choice , White
UUllets. Tanerpit itnin
til sell ailV numher Pull at
Brooks ave. or.2144. N. 5th St. eve-!
t or Sale Wood.
FISHER boys will saw your wood.
Phone 1004. mgi
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
your wood. Phone 1004.
WOOD for sale, first class 16 'inch ori
-vt.iv .,lioarv. is? a
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will lights, bath, toilet, good location $1,-
DUV all kinds Of corrl wonrl nffo. ;
305 s. church. Phone 1542. Fred '
E. Wells.
WIGGIN & SLOCUM. aulo transfer,
general draying, local and long
distance hauling. Office phone 356
. . ' . m85
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
. street.
WALL paper 25c double roll and un.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. mion and 15 acres timber. 7 room
i7r,"rrvr,Trr7vTrT; : : r i house, laree dairy barn. silo, several
. ,, , . .. ,
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c I
mn tarvNTrn ! I
l'Jl 1. .1
FOR RENT 'Large house, Judson
and. High streets. Phone 1216J or i
815. J
WANTED To rent four or five'room
furnished house. No children. 21
care Capital Journal. J
WANTED To rent six or seven
room house, close in. Call 854 S.
Commercial. 17,1
WANTED House to rent, should he
at least partly modern. Phone 1707.
NICE clean apartments and sleeping
rooms can now be had at the Cot
tle apts., under new management,
343 N. Com'l. 17
YOUNU couple want to rent a four
or five room furnished house. I!
care Journal. J
Wanted Help.
HOUSEKEEPER for aged couple or
widower. R S. care Journal. h7 3
WANTED Children toboard and
care for. Write Mrs. Nettie Gra
ham, Gen. Del., Salem. 176
WANT Chamber work in or out of
city. M care Journal. h76
WANTED r Young man wants Job
driving truck, some experience. Box
111 Capital Journal. h76
WANTED Girl for general house
work, good wages, modern conven
iences; no washing. Phone 627, 678
. Slate St. g7fl
FOR SALE White Orpington eggs
for hatching from prize winning
stock. Phone 957. 871 N. Com. f7fi
WANTED 9x12 rug, leather daven
port and library table from private
party. Jesse Walling, Rt. 1, box
105, Salem. 176
Wanted Miscellaneous.'
WANTED Plowing by ,the Job, Box
Plowing care Capital Journal. l
WANT pasture for 50 head of good
Cotswold sheep; will let out on
shares. Address Rt, 8, box 130, Sa
lem. c77
Lost and Found
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, -extra
special, 34c double roll. Max. '.0.
Buren. 179 N.' Com'l. ' h
to LOAN $1000 on good security- it
6 percent. Inquire 1263 N. Church.
' " ni7
1917 FORD touring car for sale.. First
class condition. G. W. Hoffman, Rt.
3, Salem,. Or. ' q76
IS your car hard to start? Does your
motor . give trouble? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 308. M. -.
Jackson, prop. Will tow. your car.
Our w-ork guaranteed. QHh'
FOR SALE 1 good secondhand ttf.i-.
, .i.ii F v.. Loose. 226 State
. c.i... ". . n77f
PL., n,ii,-m. -- -
1917 FOR Dtourlng for sale, first
class condition. Leaving town. G.
V. Hopkins, Rt. 3, Salein1g76
Radiators, fenders and gas tanks
repaired, tractor radiators a spe
cialty; Ford radiators for sale. 1!(8
P. 12th St., Salent, Or, I
FOR SALE One 15-25 Samson trac
tor in excellent shape, used only 1
Heasons. Simu. At 173 . mm.
GENERAL automobile repairing
magnetos repaired and recharged.
Ford work a specialty; batteries r
charged. The Fairgrounds Garage,
M D. Jackson, Prop. Phone 08
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Come
and see them. 22 State SL Phone
" : remTestate.
IF your property ir worth the money
we list it, we ( dvertise It. Elite
& Magee, Salem. 428 Oregon bldg.,
Portland. 909 CP'mper oi um. ma
Bargains in property
4 roonl house, ceiled; electric lights
i i j r0om house ana o room nou
i ,afrt(r,di tine lots, plenty of fruit,
. . e n A
t room house, old. hot and cold wa-
I ter, bath, toilet, lot 60x165, close in.
Jo fine lots, t room plastered I house
fruit trpp.
windmill, outbuildings.
j4250. .
overal very fine prune farms from
5 to 40 acres. Money maser-.
135 acres, 105 acres in cultivation,
is cre in. wheat, 30 acres in clover.
25 acres In oats and hay, 25 acres
more ready to seed, good house and
outbuildings. miles B W. $15. per
acre' Walter McLaren,
Boom 21. 180 N. Com. St. n
SeU for LeSS,
.jg - ff
nir you more cash for jour
household goods. Get our bid be
fore yon MIL Peoples rurnlturt
and Hardware Store. .71 N. Com
mercial street. rnmit
Highly improVd 160 acres. IS set!
calves. 'with wire. This larm is the very best
of soil and in qood community. Price ;
20th St ruii p ' ' Pr acre, ft cash, Ba.1-.-
anee ye,ars S per cent. j I
" ,--UI, .- .1
Oreron hide.. 1 . .t n 1
! LOUANtiKRRIES . ! right at the door of over 2000 acre
1 &4 acres. SO acres tilabte. 24 aWe:f out range opened, by a special an
', in pasture,- art-res loganberries, It ( the legislature. Plenty of running
acres cherries;- new 5 room bunga-' water. 2 hours drive of Salem, on
low. on good. rad and mail ', main road. Fair house, two barns,
route, close in and in good locality, i spring water. Some. stock and equip
' Price $11,500; easy terms. " I ment go with the piace at $13,000.
5 acre tract, nice new bungalow, j Good terms.
; good barn, 2 acres orchard i acrsl 87 acres, J acres in cultivatlot-,
strawberries, fine location, close to -18 acrs in prVnes, 6 years old; bat
'Sulani Pii..j t!lSi,A kfanr,A trt tlmh., .,.1 Kv..t. ...1
ia .1 i.
. i i s T. ... .
iiiiorcnaro, all drain tiled; house, barn, I
choice land, fine location, close.
salem. $6259. - '
SO acres. 15 in bearing prunes. In
Prune district. $6000.
200 acres sood soil, close to 'sta
tion, not far from. Salens $100 ; per
acre. ' " "
84 acres. 25 acres In clrolce bea
hig prunes, produced $16,000 In on
crop; good house, barn; fine up tr,
date dryer, close to Salem. This place
is a real money maker. $30,000: terms
New 5 room bungalow, electric
Oregon Land Co,
442 State street
This farm is a running mate to the
8 acre farm we sold a few days ago.
It is located 2 miles from Corvallls
on the Albany-Corvnllls road and it
made up of first bottom and second
bottom lands. It is located In flee
fruit and berry section and would le
fine for this. Has good family orch-
ard. 58 acres in hiirh state of eultiviv
g(Hd hen houses and usual outbuild-
ngs. Considerable new land on this
farm. Easy distance to Oregon Agri-
cultural college. Immediate possession
for 112.600. $5080 cash. hf.liiiiPB t Kt
Located about 17 miles from Salen.
in Polk county and only about '4 mile
from West. Side highway now being
paved. 106 acres of excellent land cul
tivated and 60 acres In fall crop and
clover, balance to be put in in spring
incorn ; 10 acres fine oak grubs for
family wood. Good woven wire fenc
ing, good 7 room house, 2 room tenant
house, granary, garage, hen houie
hog house, machine shed and nearly
new barn 44x44 with 20 ft. shed.
Barn Is equipped for both dairy and
horses. With the place goes air the I
crop, six head cattle, 5 horses and ha
ness, buggy, hack, wagon, birrder,
mower, rake, plows, feed grinder, fan
nlng mill, wood saw, 7 h. p. gas en
gine, cream sepnrstor, pigs, about 100
chickens, feed, gved and all kinds of
small tools. Everything goes for $12R
per acre until April 1. Exceptionally
good family orchard and lots of ber
ries. This Is the farm you have been
waiting for; don't let ths other fel
low beat you to t.-
PED 285 -acres in southern part of Ben
ton county, only i miles from town
and 1 mile from school. 80 acres if
fine land cultivated; 50 acres find
second growth ftf , timber, some old
fir. Batanca l'suri-aVer land and seed
ed to pastUre. All ,hu gradual slope
to north which makes best summer
pasture. Creeks and springs furnlsn
water for stock. 2t acres family orch
ard, 8 room house, barn and outbuild
ings, 30 acres In fall cron goes with
the place; also 10 fine cows, 6 if
which are registered Jerseys, 1 regis
tered bull. 100 goats. 12 hogs, 10 tur
keys, about 50 chickens and 30 acres
In crop. Kverytning goes ior in, out.
List yotir farms and small tracts
with u: wi have buyers for all kinds
of properties. f ' '
Kimiey & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce '-bldir n
". Best Buys!
2 '4 ncres near 'paved: road. I'j
miles from city limits, 4 room huuso,
barn, family orchard. $2000
.1 acres 3 ft miles from Salem on
good road. $1400.
10 acres, 3H miles out, .close to Pa
cific highway, a fine location; abou:
51 acres in fine Italian prunes. 2 '4
cherries, T apples and pears, all largo
bearing trees and a fine orchard." $!.
750, terms. " '
30 acres all In cultivation, 20 prunes
3 In lngans, some npples and pears.
4 room house, barn and new dryer.
on good road In the heart ot tl-e
prune district. $12,400, after April
1st, $15,000.
t acres on paved road, close to
town, small new house jind good barn
4 acres In cultivation, balance oak
timber. $3000.
6 acres, 2 cleared, 3 in fir tlrnbe.
5 miles from Salem. $800 terms.
95 acres close to good town, on
main highway, 40 in prunes.' 7-years
old; 7 room house, plumbed for hut
and cold water, largo barn and other
buildings. $12,600.
10 acres. 2 miles ,from city limits:
all in cultivation, best soil: 4 room
house, barn and other buildings; fam
ily orchard. $4750.
9t4 acres on Garden road, about 5
acres In bearing prunes, some apples
ad cherries; best of sod, welldrain
ed;fin e house now Jiulldlng will be
strictlv modern, basement, flreplaci).
water system, lights, hardwood flow
breakfast room, everything like a ci'.y
home; nothing finer to be had. own
er will complete house and sell at
$17,500. terms.
9 room strictly mooern r.ouse, siecu
Ing porch, two blocks from state cap
ital north. $6500. This place wou'd
cost $10,000 to build now.
room modern bungalow, good gar
age, wood shed, garden, a fine little
home and priced to sell at once. $3250
terms. .
Want a $750 loan on SO acres nt
timber land. " . .
Want a $2400 loan on a fine bear
ing prune orchard.
Want a $1000 loan on a good 1Q
acres close to Salem, all cultivated. .
$41 Bute Pt. '
$1500. A room cottage on paved
street near school; terms.
$2000. $500, $11 per menth buys a
very good I room house. Has electric
lights, bath, toilet, basement, 8H
blocks from Bush bank.
$2200, $700 down, terms on bal
ance; 7 "rooms modern except base
ment, centrally located, new garage.
$2(00, room bungalow on pavea
street- a goed buy.
$4500, IVt acres t miles from
state hospital; this is a good buy.
$5000, 10 acres miles out; 2 acres
logans. some orchard ana other truii.
no better soil.
$4250. 10 acres 15 blocks from car
line, beautiful location.
$14,000, 45 acres near the city, some
timber; this is a good buy.
A. L. Seams ter Keaity U).
Phone $5$, 41$ Masonic Tempi.
STOP Look'. Listen. Mr. Investor, 9m
acres five miles out; 79 In cultiva
tion, SO pasture, 30 acres seeded to
wheat and oats. 26 acres of prunes
and cherries, 6 and T years old; 1
acre strawberries, I acre lognns; 8
room house, full basement, hot and
m,,. umuu nio'iit-ii: lurKe i
well fenced. Party going east. Ira
mediate possession. Prn-e 113,509,
some terms. Ennuire of S. R. pear
son. 40j Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n
Real Investments
SS0 acres. 100 acres in cultivation.
.. -
u .
3. good buys In house and bungn
We sold farm Monday, house Tues
day. If your property is worth the
money we can sell it.
We advertise your property at your
price, we vlll not increase the price
and make the sale impossible.
Estea & Magee.
' 428 Oregon bldg.. Salem .
Portland office, Chamber of Com.
110 acres, 50 in cultivation, 30 open
liasture. some good fir and oak ti'ii-
ber, good spring branch running thru
place, two drilled we.lli woven wire
fences. 8 room house, small family
orchard, good garage, barn and chkk
en house. This is a fine farm and can
be bought for $100 per acre. You'll
have to hurry to be the lucky on
58 4 acres. One of the best farms
in the valley, fair improvements.
good family orchard, all In crop.
goes for $11,000. See us at once.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg n76'
We' have 820 acres in Harney coun
ty to trade for city or farm property
here. This is free from debt.
40 acres In Sunonia county, Cat
to trade, free from debt. What have
you to trade for It?
8 .room modern house on Center
street to trade for. 30 or 40 acres,
must be good; will pay a difference
If suited. My property is free from
debt, but I will assume. ee Petersen
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg. b76
5 room-plastered bungalow at 690
souin inn street. irice iuuu.
6 room bungalow, modern except
furnace and fireplace,, located at WbO
S. Church street. Price $2300. Terms
6 room plastered house at 780 N
Cottage street, lot 60x168 feet, large
barn. Price $2500. Terms.
8 room house at lfllO Oak street,
corner lot.
Price $27.70. Terms.
6 room plastered house in good
condition, two large lots, plenty o
fruit. Price $2S0.
8 room bungalow ana one acre of
land set to fruit. Located on Salsm
Heights. Price $S000.
6 room plastered house at 1330 S
Commercial St. Price $2800.
6 room house at 156 N. 13th street.
Price $4200.
7 room modern home, excellent ,li
cntion, hot water heating system, a
complete home In every way. Price
$6500. 1 '. ,
6 room modern home t 1515 8.
Commercial street. Price $6000.
10 room modern home located at
1311 Court street. Prioe$7500.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street. n
MENTS ' . ;
177 acre stock ranch one mile from
city limits of Roseburg, Or. Snap, $6,
000; will eachange for prune orchard
near Salem,
40 acres near Salem, mostly in cul
tivation; 2 sets buildings, 9 acres bear
ing orchard, fine aoll.-$8000.
20 acres choice prune orchard in
bearing near Salem. $9500,
15 acre tract near Salem, fine 6
room bungalow, good barn, choice
dark loam soil, family orchard. $7000
easy terms.
Nice modprn 5 room busgalow, pav
ed street, nice location, near carline.
$3000. i -
Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com. club bldg. n
, Good, Buys.
10 acrl tracjt, 5 acres young prunes.
balance timber- and pasture, 4 room
house, barn, fi miles south. Price $3 -
250. $1700 down
5 acre ti'act located on main Pa
cific highway. 2Va urores prunes;- 1
3-4 miles from carline. Price $250o;
62 acre tract, 35 acres under culti
vation, balance timber and pasture
running water, 6 room house, barn,
close to small town, all Block and
machinery goes. Price $10,000,
66 acre tract, all cultivated, room
house, barn, family orchard, located
5 miles east of Salem, goodpralrle soil
Price $175 per acre,
108 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated,
balance pasture and timber, , good
buildings, good road. Price $12,000.
200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated,
balance timber and pasture, running
41ter, house and barn, good road
Price 1100 per ucre.
76 aors of good soil, 50 acres cul
tivated, balance pasture and timber.
Price $125. per ncre. -
10 acres good Italian prune orch
srd irt bearing located 4 V miles
south of Salem. Price $6000. .
20 acr5 tract located 1 mile from
carline. 6 room house, barn, I) acrer
prunes, some apples, pears and cher
ries. Price $11,500.
10 acres of good prune nnd berry
land, all cultivated. Price $1500.
20 acrs, 5 acres of full bearing
loirans. 5 acres Italian primes, 1 acre
of means set out last year, some tim
ber, small shack and barn. Prtee
6 room modern bungalow, located
at 1513 S. Commercial street. Price
room house at 745 Ferry aire
rrir. tr.noo.
6 room cottage located south fa
lem, private, water system, t'nee j,
000. ' . . .
W. H. Graoennorst s u.
7S State street n
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY raior blade sharpening ma-
ehlns. t rst lnuuea ai a. a. mew
art Repair Shop. 84T Court Ht
Money to Loan,
On good real estate security
Over Lad. Bush Bank. 8a1em. Ors
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time.
1 and 4 percent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Tempi. f4alm. Orego
u-iRVt LOANS Any amount. Low
-. Full repayment prlvllegei
Very prompt service. Ask about out mans at I Der cent. Haw
kins k. Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg
Salem. Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
a'- nnv.rnment money to loan
at its percent. 30$ Salem Bail ol
Commerce, w. -.
bam and other outbuilding Place p"' T,,lT ,, ,
Demand For Hoover Spreads Among
Oregonians Of Both Political Faiths
r-ortland, Or., Mar. 29. While, the
Hoover republican club of Oregon is
circulating petitions to have Mr. Hoo
., , . L
tically completed his petition to put
the name of Mr. Hoover on the demo
cratic ballot. The refusftl of Mr. Hoo
ver to permit the democrats in v-rious
states to inject his name Into the.'r r 'i
maries, and the Increasing activity
among republicans to bring Mr. Hoo
ver to the fore, has not discouraged
Mr. West. '
'The petitions to place Mr. Hoover
on the democratic ballot are practical
ly filled." declared Sir. West. "I have
received more than the 100 signatures
necessary, and am now checking theni
over to see that they comply with the
requirements of the UlW. Some of tho
people who circulated the petition
were not Informed-as-to the require
ments, so today I sent out a couple of
.blanks, which had been requested, to
gather the few names necessary to oft-
set the mistakes which crept Into some
of the petition papers. This of course,
always happens in every petition that
Is circulated.
"I expect to have the Hoover peti
tion ready for filing with the secretary
of state about the middle of the week.
Thus far everything has gone along
Hoover republican clubs are bemg
ganised in many cities and towns of
the state, according to Chester O. Mur
phy, state chairman of the Hoover re
publican club.
A long distance telephone message
yesterday stated that a club would be
organised at (.old Beaoh. K. H. Wood
ward of Newberg Is organising a cluo.
a fi Rniirilnian of Uourdman Is a let
ter to O. C. Leiter, secretary of slate
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972.'
WANTED Second hand furniture.
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery ano
tools. We pay the highest prices
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 88S N.
Com'l St. Phone 947.
DR. ALBERT R. MIL1-WR Optoins-trist-optlolan,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses mads and fitted.
610-H U. S, bank. Phone 141.
' Scavenger.
SALEM SCAV A" " 3 E R Garbage and
refuse ot all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonably
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
res, phone 834,
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, . osteopathic
physician and surgeon, ua-i u
gon bldg. Res. phons 68FS; offlos
pathlo physicians and surgeons,
ens it a hnnk hda Phone 869. Dr.
White! res. phons 469; Dr. Marshall
nhnna l(.
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing loo Dunuis. cap
ital Journal office.
Water Company. -
corner Commercial ana lrsus aim.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 67. -
Stove Repairing.
8TOVE3 rebuilt and repaired. SO
years experience; wepoi niaioniu
and American fence, slue. 26 to tu
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street. Phone lit
Lodge Directory.
t-' meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. OJShaU
KNIGHTS OF' PYTlilAS meet at Mo-
Cornack hall on every Tuesaay ,
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. 1. Kuntm,
K. It. & 8.
Oregon Orage camp inu. i ih
tvery Thursday evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs- Carrie E. Bonn, 618 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
20th. .
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 n. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An-
dreBen, M. A.
rotary, Sulem,
A. A.
Gueffroy, suo-
W0w7aLEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock in
McCornaok hall, cor. umn
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Itoss.JJJ.!jvB:!!
HOTKCTioN lodge No. A. O. U.
W. meets every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. In MeCornack hall. cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W; A. L. Brown, finan
cier; A, Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar uamp no.
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock in MeCornack building.
Court and Liberty streets. H. a.
Coursey, V. C. Frank A. Turner,
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2 00; feed
at 8085c; milling oats ooo,
:heat hay $18f19: oat hay $2122;
clover hay $23; mill run $47.
Butterfut: Buttertal (uc; cro-iuci
butter 6970c.
prk. -eal and mutton: ror oa loei
is J-4c: vea fancy z.ic; sieers u,
lambs 13 c; cows 7Wc; we o.
iheep, yearling 12 V4o.
Dressed pork 21c
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash $0o;
light hens, 30 32c; heavy hen 8Sc;:
old roosters 16 We; spring 24c,
Veeetables: Onion per pouna so.
celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Taklm
6c. Oregon $Vi4c; sweet poiauws
beets per sack $2; turnips pr ck
u 75: carrots per sack $1.16; parsnips
per sack $8.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40c do.
Fruit: Oranges $3.50 6.00; lemons
$5.60$; bananas 11c; honey extract
iOc: bunch beet 45c; cubuag c.
head lettuce $1.26; carrots 46c; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $3 oo.,
red pepper 25c lb; rhubarb l$1o;
peas 15c lb.
Retail prices; Eggs donen 86c;
creamery butter 7375e; country but
ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 i.40
oft wheat $2 0.
Portland. Mar. 29 Cattle weal.,
receipt 1934; grain and pulp fef
steers $11.0011.25; choice $10.60
1100; good to choice $8.50 10.6U;
medium to good $8.7589.75; fair to
-,,nm 17 268.25: common to fair
$.257.25; oholce cow and heifers
auotltt: rood to cholc $8.00
00: medium to good $6.567.50;
organisation, states that he bs heading
a movement to org:;uae the Hoover
sentiment in his eoiouiunitj,
Petitions are already ling circu
lated In Jackson, W&ltowa, Linn. Mu't
romah. Coos, Curry, I'nion. Tillamook,
Lincoln., Marion. Malheur. Yamhill and
Clackaruu counties. The other coun
! ties of the state will be covered in a
lew days.
Clubs will be organised In Salem.
Albany, Marshfield, Medford, La
Grande and Ashland In the near future
according to reports coming from ol
untary Hoover supporters in those cit
ies. ' ..
"Hoover, of Oregon, for president"
is the slogan udopred Friday night at
the central librai y,- w hen th Hoover
republican club of Oregon was formed
with the following officers: Chester
Murphy, cha'.riuan; Mrs. Elliott R.
Corbett, first vice-president;' Mrs. 3. C
Elliott King, second vice-president; i.
C. Leiter, secretary; H. H. Haynes,
treasurer. Between 80 and 100 men
and women were assembled to partici
pate In the launching of the Hoover
boom or to watch It get under way.
It was decided that petitions will be
circulated to have the name ot Mr.
Hoover placed on the ballot In the re
publican presidential primaries, ana
the petitions were started and gen
erously signed before the meeting ad
journed. On suggestion of W. S. U'Ren,
membership was opened to all rittoens
of Oregon, irrespective of party af
Wllatlon, although, of course, signa
tutres on the nominating petition must
be those of registered republicans. In
the audience were men from various
branches of the republican party, the
progressives and conservatives, som
who are-looked on as leaders and oth-
era as rann anu me.
fair to medium $5.50.50: cannor
$3.005.50; bulls $6.008.00; prln e
light calves $15.00 17.00: medium
light $10.0014.00; heavy $7,009 .
10.00; Blockers and feeders $7,500
Hogs steady; receipts tmi prime
mixed $16.26 16.60; medium $16.09
16.26; rough heavy $11.009 16.60;
pigs $12 015. '
Sheep steady; receipts zin; easier
lambs $18.5017.50; light valley
$15.2516.B0; heavy $14.2515.25;
common to medium $11 14.60; year
lings $14.5015,00; wethers J14.UUW
14.50; ewes $10 13.
Portland, Or., Mar. 29. Cubes ex
tra 64c; parchment wrapped box loul
67c; cartons 68c; half soxes tio more;
less than H boxes lo more; butterfas
6867o f.o.b. station; 70o Portland.
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., Mar. 29. Eggs Ber
ing price case count S435o; buying
urioa case count 84o; selling prioa
candled 8o; selected candled in car
tons 40c.
Poultry: Hens 81S6c; broilers 4
45; rooslers $0c; turkeys dressed
4960o; geese 2225c; ducks 40O4J
Wheat mid Mill Stuff.
Wheat! $2.20! barley, $7$; oM
$59.00 bid; corn No. 8 yellow $63.60
Hny; Buying prlo. valley tlmoth.
$26.00; alfalfa $29.00; grain $11;
cheat $22: clover $26; oats and veto
Mlllstuffs; Prlcs f.o.b. mill. olt
artag $$ xtr. Mill run, car lots
mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $71
rolled oat $46.60', ground barley ITI
scratch feed $80.
Corn whol $68; oraekd $6$.
Novorossick in
Bolshevik Hands
Reports Declare
Novorossick, Russia, Mar. 29. Oc.
ciiin,tlon of this city by bolshevik for
ces occurred Saturday morning at 10
Thousands of ' General Dcnikine'
volunteer soldiers went over to the so
viet side and most of the remainder
font abroad ship and departe for Cri
mea with DpjilHlne.
The only ships which resisted occu
pation of the city by the bolshevik:
were Uuslnn, which fired a few Hhclls
ai the soviet forces, The United States
cruiser Galveston was the last w
ship to leave the harbor and was mft
fired upon, although British and
French warships wer under fire front
bolshevik machine gnus while dopmt
Ing. Virtually all shipping of value was
removed from the harbor before th
bolshnvlkl gained control of the city.
London, Mar. 29 Official dispatch
es on the fall of Novoroselsk state that
when the bolshevlkl entered the town,
March 27, all the allied forces and s
portion of the relatively small forces
of General Denlklne'i army had been
Extra tonnage ships are receiving
the attention of British shipbuilder,
according to a special report to the
United States department of commerce
made public yesterday. "Not a slng'o
Hulling vessel was launched during the
year," the summary stated.
In the si weeks campaign culmi
nating In the capture of Novorossisk
and the occupation pf the norther
Caucasus, the bolshevlkl captured rich
oil wells from ftvneral Denlklne's
troops, took 12,000 officers anj 10,-
secuied an enormoti
..i. hn,,iu aiinririii nir to s Rus
sian bolshevik wireless. communication
received In London yesterday.
The Hpanlsh government has discov
ered a wliespread revolutionary plot.
jiod the government Is determined to
maintain order .an off heal communi
cation. Issued In Lisbon March 2 stated.
- Margaret Hchakhta is given the hon
or of being the first woman member of
the. Hungarian national assembly to
which position she was elected thl
week, according to a Budapest dis
Legal Notices.
Notice' I hereby given that I havs
Impounded th following described
dogs In compliance with ordinance
No. 1404. towit: One whire femsl
shepherd dog with black ears, weight
25 pounds; on little yellow bob UU
dog, mongrel male; one black shep
herd male, weight $5 pounds; ono
black female shepherd, 20 VoaniM.
The above described dog will be kill
ed if not redeemed by owners, on or
before March 17, 1920. as provided
In said ordinance. ,
W. S. LOW,
Street Commissioner.
March 2J, 1920. "
s y r-