Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 29, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Nitti Declares He
Regards Slavs a?
Friends of Italy
Rome, Mar. 23. Premier Nitti de
clared in the chamber of deputies to
day that he had never regarded th-
Juro Slavs as enemies, but had regard
ed them as friend. He expressed hop-?
that they would soon partake of Ital
ian economic and cultural advantages
and deplored what he described as
"dangerous press campaign which is
calculated to foster distrust among the
'. Jugo-Slava."
"While' anxious to bring about a
friendly understanding with the Jugo-.
Slavs." he declared,"ther is another
: solution to demand the enforcement of
. the pact of London. France and Great
Britain have stated that if Italy desired
the application of the pact they wuuxi
not refuse, as they hold themselves
bound by It. If Italy is compelled to
demand the earning out of the con
vention it will be necessaryto ask its
complete enforcement without includ
ing Klume."
Slgnor Nitti condemned that section
of the press demanding the pact und
also Kiunie and said he had told the
supreme allie council in London that
if Italy required the enforcement ot
the treaty, she would concede autono
in v to Dulmutia.
"If no other agreement can be reach
. eil." he continued, " a third solution of
the Adriatic question may be to ac
cept, with suitable modifications, pro
linuria formulated by Great liritaln
and France. This solution is desired
still less by Jugo slavia than by Italy,
but nevertheless It Is necessary to keep!
It In mind while continuing our efforts
to reach an adjustment by an amicable
understanding with the Jugo-SIavg.
IJaring the 1919 season the Applet
up tor me oenerit or the children s Grower- association of Hood River
ward in the ew hospital.
Chicago Shaken By
Quake Early Today
Chicago. Mar. !. An earthquake
shock of considerable intensity was re
corded by the seismograph in the of
fice of the weather bureau here. The
tremors started at 11:15 p. m. last
night and continued until 12:20 a. m.
today. It was most Intense at 11:27
p. m. The earthquake was centered
approximately 1200 miles from Chi
cago. ,
Terrorizes Town
handled 1.460,649 packages of fruit as
compared with S14.30 in 191S.
Stock in Morrow county's new fair i
association is being placed on sale.
Every section of the county will fie!
given an opportunity to buy shares, j
The Baker county chamber of com-1
merce has indorsed the measure to
raise the limit of state indebtedness forj
roads from i 4o 4 per cent.
A quarter of a million dollars' worth;
of gold according to estimate. Is placed
In the teeth of New . Yorkers every
er. '
John Walter, proprietor of the Low
don Times, left as a legacy to his
daughter, one of the advertising voi
rmns of the paper. For many years
it brought her a steady income of 1S0
a day.
Tf - - j' An inters
Ui(U KjUpilir ctl.the door In the reception room of the
.uituuii nuspiiut. n is me operation
hall of the eighteenth century, and, in
the day before anesthetics was tolled
by the surgeon when he wanted four
of the strongest porters on the prem
ises to hold down a patient while he
operated. upon him.
Seattle, Wash., Mar. .29.; Tom Legg,
80. alleged Industrial Worker of the
World, was in a Seattle hospital today
suffering from two bullet wounds in
flicted by the deputy sheriffs when
they arrested him yesterday at Issa
quah, Wash., near here, where he had
openly proclaimed himself "king" and
had fired on several' residents and into
a number of homes.
Legg paraded the'lssaquah streets,
officers said, for an hour driving all
pedestrains to cover. One of his bul
lets passed close of Mrs. W. "E. -Evans,
wife of the Issaquar power plant su
perintendent, and drove into a pantry
Japanese bronz work was the Inven
tion of woman.
Union county hm established a
gravel digger in the river bed near La
Grande. Gravel will be taken out this
summer for the county roads.
A modern hotel, a sash and door fac
tory and a new sanitarium are a few
wall, sending splinters Into a cake Mrs of the latest developments in the build
Evans was making. 4n's line at Cascade.
Sinnott Formally
Enters Contest
For Re-Election
N. J. Sinnott of The Dalles has for
mally entered the race for re-election
to congress from the second Oregon
district Saturday.
In this nominating petition filed
with the secretary of state's office Con-
greHsmnn Sinnott declares for "Ameri
canism" and "continued effort for
state development." , His platform de
clares for "supremacy of law and the
. ,i ..... , it, jtlons: .lust
Recognition of the personal and flnan-
clul sacrifices of the soldiers, sailors,
murines and nurse, who served In the
went war; recognition of the respect
ive rights of the public, labor and cap In liuluntrltil disputes; suppression
of profiteering." If re-elected he prom,
i'A to "continue my efforts to secure
the reclamation of arid lands and the
full development of the other resources
of my district and state nnd will serve
no interest but the public Interest."
Frank Sloan of Stanfield filled ns a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for state representative from Ulna
llll.'i county. '
Hearing For New
, Trial For Radicals
Again Postponed
Monteiyinn, Wash., Mar. 29. Hear
ing on Ihe moUon for a new trial for
the seven I. W. W. convicted hei
March 13 for the slaying of Warren O.
(ii linm, one of four victims of the Cen
tialia Armistice day tragedy was again
postponed today, being set over by
Judge John M. Wilson until Saturday
morning. The second postponement
was asked by Defense Attorney George
l'. anderveer who Is busy with a syn
illciillsm case In Portland. Sentencing
of the prisoners will not occur until
after the motion for new trial is dis
Posed of.
The Jury which tried the Centralis
inurner case cost Lewis county approx
imately ,$7200, according to figures
made public today. Witnesses called
in the ease received fees and mileage
of $5746.
1,000 Public
Spirited Citizens
Wanted, to subscribe $10
each for your Ho pitaL Are
you one of them to be added
to the
$10 Honor Roll
Benefit Musicale
Tuesday Evening
Open To Public
Preparations were almost complete
Aioniiay morning for the pageant ana
iniiHieale to be irlv.m In the Muu hn
Tuesday evening by the little pupils of
jwihs Meat rice Hhelton, unuvr the ftus
Ulces of the Salem Wnnieii'u nlnh ("..n
trary to the general onlnlon. the nf.
fair In not Invitational, but Is open to
the public.
There will be fairy dancing, cenes
m the court of the Queen of Hearts, a
tableau and several other features. The
children will be assisted bv M
lift James, Miss Bertha Clark and MLsa
Kuttl Bedford. Miss Hh1fnn la l,.,l
assisted In directing the performance
iy Mrs. Oscar Gingrich and Mrs. Kdith
Ivan. A silver offering will be taken
f Ventilate Your Noe With 1
Fragrance from Northern Pine
Gears Catarrh
Breath thru tit nortrila.
Keep the luul pusagea
rand dean. Catarrh,
up the nose, causes
. mouth orMthing and ohm
fuul btth. Msyt't Pint
Plredll P4lm cornets u
aha troubles and kwp
nuJnoQ, thug climinati
hmd, mom ind thratt rW u "V'
NndU Btm b uMtt A pur
(Mtural product iKm h Uligh JLy)
m. Soldn I mam, fi nrf oc
MtytS Pin NmkU Sifi?
I tULm it fix by
T Iuna 'AJtJM '0 T
and Hrugglsts Everywhere
I r UaUW"U.MI WtJin vuua.;iu
Rolls, Cakea, Pies, Cookies, Snails? Doughnuts,
Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery
457 State Street. j
Retiring ss i
A sale of vast importance meaning
that the price of everything in the store j
is reduced at least ten per cent Many '::
broken lines reduced very much more. :
For Easter
Silk Hose Splendid line in black,
white and colors ranging in price
from $1.00 to $2.25 a pair, Less 10
per cent.
Yet, a pretty new lace, organdie
or Georgette collar does help ever so
-much.. 50c to $5.65, less 10 per cent.
And don't forget the ribbon. Girlie
must have a new hairbow and sash
for Easter. There is a lovely assort-'
ment here, all 10 per cent off.
Perhaps First of All
We Should Have
Full line' colored
thread. Buy all
you . want. No
Spool ...6c
Doien 64c
The all Importan foundation for a
perfect fitting Easter frock
Thomson' s"Glove Fitting"
You know Is the only corset name that really means something. We
have sold thousands upon thousands of these cornets to Salem women.
We still have a pom! line but soon, right soon, you may be'QrVtabl to
Kft your h;e In ur favorite iuode.1. All less 10 per cent.
For the little kiddies in
patent, brown or black,
button or lace, the best
patterns for looks, fit
and comfort ' of those
growing feet are there
at all reasonable prices.
Pumps, black kid,
French ''heels,1 Cuban
heels,, baby French, Mil
. itary or school heels and
x priced from $11 to $3.95'
Are On Display in Our Big
Beautiful Windows
You can advantageously spend a half
hour in studying the wonderful displays of
shoes. Pumps and Oxfords in the late de
signs, high qualities and low prices thereon
We are now showing
Ladies' Footwear
In the proper designs both low and high shoes for Spring The
elegant boot in "Beaver Brown" or "Camel" color the new pencil
toe and they are only $15.00.
In either patent or kid, new pencil toes or shorter vamps
$14.00 down, to $11.00.
Either all brown kid or with Beaver Brown tops, French! Cuban
or Military heels $14.50 down to $5.95 -
In the standard stylish lines, black, brown, kid or calf and priced
from $11, $10, $9, $8.50 and down to $4.00. : -
Salem's Satisfactory Shoe Store
"Plamates" the best
child's shoe made, nev
er hurt a foot, fits good,
always pleases and
"Broadwalk" dress shoes
for girls, brown or black.'
You will like them once
You use them.
Brown pumps in French
Cuban or Military heels,
- kid or calf, styles right,1"
priced $12.00 down to
$4.95. . ' ' V
16V N. Commercial St. ; ; . . ' Littler'& Upmeyer
v . At thfl.Eiectric Sign "SHOES", '
You Should Buy ford Products
They are honestly made haye been thoroughly tested have
proven their worth and efficiency. s .
What would you think of one or two persons occupying a Pull
; man Car ALONE, and paying from 15 cents to 30 cents a mile for
' the privilege? You would say Rank extravagance'" And so it
- would be. Yet the same applies to motoring.
With the heavy advances in gas, oil and tires, why not inves
tigate the FORD CLOSED CAR, an dcut the "up keep" to a minU
s mum. - V- r-"imWiT--------V . .
His acknowledged by all that
, Ford Cars can be operated for less
. than any car built.
fdlley MotorCd.
,1 i