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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1920)
MONDAY,, MARCH 29, 1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL JTST ONE OP SALEM'S Sunday Sermons Rev. I. G. Lee, Highland Amnio Friends Cburt-h text, Col. 2:. T- Ae ye have there fore received Christ Jesus the Lor3, go walk ye in him: .Rooted and bu'it op in him, and established in the faith, . abounding therein with thanksgiving. The Christian life begins in a per jons! reception of Christ; and not ir , mere intellectual' belief in the his torical statements concerning hiir. Religion is not a self development ,.f inite human goodness, for the soul of man is poisoned through and thru with tin. Hear the description thjt God gives of the unregenerate heart, Genesis 8:21. "the imagination of man's heart is evil from -his-youth:" Jeremiah, tells us that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desper ately sick," or Bick unto death. Jesus gald "out of the heart proceed' evil thoughts, murders, "adulteries, forni cations, thefts, false ' witness, Blas phemies." In the face of these tea ful sentences concerning the natural heart, together with the statement of theApostl e Paul, "that every mouth Mopped, and all the world guilty be f01o uod," it is evident that all mere human effort of the" unregenerate soul can only tend towards the devel opment of its own Inborn corruption No matter how much we educate the mind and refine the tastes of the un regenerate, we only increase the ca pacity for evil; and, 'although they may never fall into, the gross Immor alities that some people with less ad vantages have done,' they are non the less sinners than the poor outcast, and as certainly lost as the down an i out. ' . . Salvation is receiving a Divine gift. Then the growth and development of the supernatural man. What all men need, and what all must have, i.s ThHet In vmi the hone of .elnrv ' : ' To receive Christ means to receive Him in all that he claimed to be, and in all that he came to " do. Josuj Christ claimed to possess all the Di vine attributes; He claimed equality with the Father, "I and my -father an, nno " "thA frtthpi- fa tn YY1A Rnd f in him," "All things that the father hath are miine." "Before .Abraham was, I nm," "Father glorify thou mt ' with the glory which I had with thee before t tie worm was. wo man can receive Jesus Christ who puts him on a plane with other good men. No man can receives Jesus Christ who be lieves Him to b'e-dlvlne, only- In the same sense that all men are divine. Jesus Christ is in a class all by him self. He is divine In an uniquesens. and to receive Him in salvation, is o believe on Him as such. One grows weary, in these days, of the beautiful sentiments that men are expressing about Jesus Christ, of "his self sacri ficing life," "of his devotion to the cause he espoused,"- "of his splendid example in atie service of humanity" when at the same time they deny the efficiency of the blood. These are the days when men are minifying sin, and magnifying culture; when men aro humanizing Christ, and defying fal len humanity; when much is belns said about the ability of man to lift himself by Intellectual attainments and ethical culture. But, friends, nv.n are lost, hopelessly lost In sin and if. they are ever saved, it must b-- Jesus Christ. This redemption Is di vine, as Ood is divine; It is infinite as God is Infinite and yet it was rmrpi-,aa .UU 1 1 TvT. Un V.I. ,.1 ocu ULUUII. 1113 UlU ' of bulls or goats; but with the blood of the infinite Son of Gor. "Ye were not redeemed with corruptable things as Bllver and gold, but with the prec ious blood of Christ." i . . . ... .. ... "rrjug came to save us irom win. "Thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins." This salvation from sin is ac complished, first, by the new birth. Jesus said to the Jewish ruler "ye must be born again," born anew, bore from above, born of water and of the spirit. This is not a mere mental ati ent to the great truths of salvation. !ut a supernatural work of grace wrought in the heart by the Holy Ghost. This means a new creature a new creation. "If a man be in Christ, he la a new creature; old things arc Passed away; behold, ail things are become new. Secd, while the "new birth" produces a new nature, jrrt the old nature, the inherited tendency to sin, the fleshly nature still remains "The flesh lusteth against the splrl;, and the spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary one- to the oth er" This old nature .manifests Itself In a variety of ways; as selfish ambi tions, pride, love of applause, angc.-, Impatience, a disposition to retaliate 'or wrongs received and other, like ev'l tempers. Jesus camo to deliver u from this old nature. "Christ lovjd he church, and gave himself for, it; that he might santify and cleanse it ith the washing of . water by : the ri. That he might present it to hW. " a glorious church, .not, raving Pot, or wrinkle, or any such .thin;;, but that it should be holy and with out tlcmlsh." "Knowing this, thai or.': old man Is crucified with him, that htr body of sin might be destroyed, 'hat henceforth we' should hot serve ,in" "I am crucified with Christ ;.nev TthelARg i Mt. ytA not J but PhriEt '"'eth in me:" This destruction of the old nature is effected -through the jPUsm with the Holy Ghost. "And which knowcth the hearts, be ir nera witness, giving them the Holy 'ihosL avam i .it,, ii and Put no difference between u3 and them, purifying their hearte by faith. But, how does one receive Chris I answer, by an act of faith, and b, faith alone, but not by a faith that i. heart bel,ef-a faith that commit, the life to the thing believed a falii that lays hold of the promises 0; God and appropriates the benefits of the shed blood for personal salvation But this kind of faith can never exist until there is a genuine repentance for sin. a repentance that brings a willingness to forsake all known sin to turn from the old life and to turn with all the heart to God for succor and help. Arepentance that cauls' one to take the back track and eiem up the back life as far as possible; o pay back that which has been gotte.i by fraud, to forgive the wrongs com mitted against us by others. So walk. Walk' expresses the gen eral conduct of man and indicates progression in formation of individ ual character. To walk in Christ im plies a complete for "how can two walk together ex cept they be agreed?" As we walk with him, there is constant growth In grace and in the knowledge of our ijora ana savior Jesus Christ. It is i -. this way, nnd this alone, that Chris tian character Is builded. It is in this consecrated walk that one becomes "rooted," which carries with it the thought of fixedness, a laying hold ot a foundation with a grip that will not let go. Like the tree out yond'r In the open, unprotected, as the stor n beats upon It, it sends it roots down deeper and deeper and fastens the t about the rocks so firmly that no storm can uproot it. Oh, how many professing christians the-e are who are everlastingly ur j" ' ' . out, swept off by every little breez of adversity, unable to resist the tld? of worldliness with which we are surrounded, or to escape the allure ments of the places of worldly amuse ments that abound on every hand, all because they will not make the full surrender and complete consecration to Jesus Christ and walk with him n humble, trustful obedience. Floral Society Is Revived With New ! Staff Of Officers At the Commercial club auditorium I on r ririav cmninr .... . I "... .....,, U1P uorai soev ; effected an organization which, it Is ' peu. may t,e of great value in assist ng in the nm-... .,.. .v. ..... . . , - .v-cnu - city beautiful, which is coming more and iu w me accepted object of Sa lem residents, united efforts. J- W. Maruny. formerly landscape gardener for the Slate hosnlMJ as temporary chairman. A. C. Barber. lne insurance commission, pre sented a collection of very beautnul examples of direct color photography, which are always received with well merited words of appreciation, not only of the splendid mechanical demonstnv turn, but a artistic and beautiful ex amples of some of the exquisitely beautiful places In and around Salem. J. Howard Zinier, horticulturist', Oregon Btate hospital, gave an inter esting talk, comparing the artificial de velopment of some of the eastern cit ies, in their efforts-to beautify their sur rounding with the natural, artistic method so popular in this western country, because of our natural ad vantages. - Mr. Zinzer, as Scout leader,1 pledged ot assume the beautifulying of one spot in the vicinity. Mrs. C. II. Chanel nresented a nisin that has been made to interest the pub lie schools of the city in organized ef fort to beautify some spot, either their own grounds or some other and Man ager McCroskey has a-?sured them that the Commercial club will award a lovi ing cup to the school who makes the best record for the season. The exact terms of the contest to be announced soon. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Homer Smith, president; Carrie H. Chapel, vice-president; Elizabeth Lord, secretary; J. Howard Zinzer, treasurer. PAGE TERSE NEW ROOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY "The life of John Dedmond," the story of Ireland's leader In the cause of home rule, and Incidentally Irish history since 1798, told by Warre H. Wells. "Selected articles on employment management," compiled by Daniel Bloomfield In 1920, one of the Hand book Series. "The Intelligence of school children" how children differ In ability and the use of mental testa, by one of the ablest students of the subjects. Professor Lewis M. Terman of Leland Stanford. "Far awav and long ago" the story of his youth In South America by the English naturalist, William 11. Hud son. "Why we fail as Christians" based on the fundamental principle that we. must love others as ourselves, by Rob ert Hunter. "The ndventure of life" written to imnress the wonder and the harmony of nil forms of life ln.their dependence on eath other, a challenge to religious doubt, by a physician, Robert Mo- Kenna. "Principles of bookkeeping" by O. W. Miner. "Productive sheep husbandly by Walter S. Coffey. "Health living" by C. E. A. W inMuir. "Studio yearbook of decorative art, 1919," by Geoffrey Holme. "Mot dnum In malice" reminiscences of writers, theater people, and others whom he has known, written with hu mor sometimes with Impertinence, by Gerald Cumberland. vtitmnev-nnt naners on various subjects, with a touch very like Charles Lamb, written by Charles H. UrooKs. "Rnrilnh literature (luring the last half century" by John W. Cunliff- .. nirit nnd seventy cnme poems," translated by Arthur Wr. "The city of dreaiirui niB". i Rudvard Kipling. ... "Singing mountains," a novel oy B. Cunningham. 1 "The great desire" ny Aiem -. Black. "Mother" by Owen later. "Miss Fingal" by Mrs. Clifford. "Maupret" by George Sand. A Group of French Books. T. roman dun Jeuns Nommc pauvre" by.Fe'uillet, ( . ' 'Memoires d'un ant j - de Segur. ' ; .,.., onli L'ami Fritz" ny r.n-..."" - Chatrian. - , ...... ,,, Da-' "La tullpe noire ny .:- mas- ! .... m.rm Lntl. VPecheur-d laianue ; - ASK FOR and GET Soriicu o TUm Original Melted Milk v Infanta rd InOid The Grocery Boy Tells Me The Best Eaters Among HisTradeu POST TOASTIES No corn HaKes,ap 54 proacn uiesc substantial bits, of BOXIXG CARNIVAL AT BOSTON MARCH 31 Kansas City, Mo., Mar. 27. The team which will represent the Kan sas' City Athletic lub in the natlom! amateur boxing championship tour nament In Boston, the first week in April, wilr be selected by a series n. elimination events which will featuis an amateur boxing carnival in Con vention hull here March 31. A tour nament of at least fifteen bouts is planned by Dr. Joseph A. Reilly, ath letic director o, th club. Ti FORCED TO QUIT "I was forced to give up my minirg business and move to Los Angeles seeking health, but thank to Tan'nc I am going back a well man," said William II. Hart, who owns the Vindicator-Divide mine in Tonopah, NV. "For nine years," he continued, "' suffered terribfy from indigestion, my appetite was poor and everything I ate would cause so much gas in ivy stomach that I would be drawn almost double with pain. I got s" nervous I couldn't write a letter nnfi even the wind blowing around tl.e house at night would upset me so I couldn't sleep. I lost forty pounds IP weight and finally had such badat tacks that I couldn't stay on the job another day. I just gave up and can e out here, but the change, like all the treatments I had taken, seemed to Uo me no good at all. "One dav a friend recommended Tanlac to me and I will never be able to thank him enough, for now after mkintr four bottles I feel like a new man. I eat three hearty meals a day. mv nerves are as steady as a rock, I sleep like a child at night and I am going back to my mines feeling fit and fine in every way. I am glad ia. hnve a chance to tell other people. what a great medicine Tanlac is." 1 TnLie is sold in Balem by Tyler s drug Btore, and by all leading drug gists in every town. (Adv) Heat wit all h on rooms fire Protects your home forever It 3oile? New IDEAL-Areola Radiator This new and wonderful outfit delivers the pleasantest, health-protecting warmth throughout all your rooms, day and night, all winter long. If freezing days at home have shown you how comfortless and fuel-wasteful your present heating is, consider at once these unequaled benefits and economies guaranteed by I DEAL-Areola outfits , " UNIFORM WARMTH-The IDEAL-Areola is hollow-walled, and the space between is filled with water This water absorbs the excess heat of the fuel and automatically circulates through piping to AMERICAN Radiators set in other rooms, wanning all alike. The same water is used over end over for years. HEALTHFUL Unlike stoves, there are no coal-gas leaks into the living rooms. There are no drafty halls or chill spots. ECONOMICAL The IDEAL-Areola burns hard or soft coal and brings cost of heating down to lowest notch. The outfit does not rust out or wear out is genuine, permanent investment. SAFE With the IDEAL-Arcola there is no fire-risk to build ing no danger to children. EASILY PUT IN-IDEAL-Arcola Outfit is easily put in OLD or new buildings, without disturbing the household. No cellar is needed. nd 6apk wty of bltln 5 Arcoli Rtdistor Boiler AMMUCAN Radiator. Catalog showing open views of houses. Indi vidual flats, stores, offices, etc., with the IDEAL-Arcola Boiler In position will be mailed (free). Protect your home forever and save at the coal-bin write today Sold by all dealers Ho excluAve agents Aa, Fittar viU (urniih la lii.t ta tuit raaau a4 cliaiatla londitlaat. For Sail Coal No. 1-B Siia IDEAL Areola with 100 aa, ft. of fUdlatioa a-a iso - i-B 4-B SrB 2UO 300 1154 12 317 Prkra Inoludt Eianilon Tank and Drain Valvt. Prlrra da net Inetudt lavor. plpa and nttinca. Kadialion It of tacular 3S-in. hriuhl 1-ct lumri AMHHIC AN Frrrlrra, in aUra at nrrdetl to tuit your roomt. EAftY PAYMENTS, If detirtd. Outftta hipptd oomplttt t o. b. ur ntartat waranouaa at laa Frandtco or Stattla. Sparlal touipmrnt for burninf (ta or oil can ba fiiratihtd If tilracharia, meicanadiator Company Phone or writs us at J219-2J Fourth Aye. Seattle, Wash. . (MbSt aknmeaa at CUnto. Tkm York, Boatoa, SprinxScM. PmkieiKt. Woretatar. Phllad.lpWa. Harrlaburc, Jmrt, "aadla. W Ikatkm, afclHaaw. WaaMnftea. PIHmocj AlbrTraciaTRochMW, Buffalo. FlttTTJih. Ckaatanl, Drtrolt, Orand Raptda, IndlaDolia. Cttatooatl. ITradUu AUa.. Mnaavihaat. Na Ortoaa u.T-l: uinB-noila. sl Paul. Duluth. St. Loula. Kanau Citi. Daa ktoion. Omaha, Daarar. Saa Pnaaclate, Ua l, Bautla, Svtimt. Ponlaad. laranta Wl ;iM)i cmci iT inoMisr.D l OK TOIKUO THACK Tuledo. O., Mar. 27. Officials of tho Toledo Driving rlub are exppct- lng a 'oig week In the grind rlrcuit here, July 12 to 16, in the Crexceuf for two year old trottern, the Khe' wood 2:12 trot for three yenr oUls and The Tecumseh 2:12 trot for n purse of 15000, have thirty cnlir. s each. This is said to be a erand cir cuit record." in the Sherwood even more than a half doien Peter th Great colu are booked. Tho Fort Miami 2:08 trot for a purse of $3000 has a nomination hit of twenty five, while the Tort Hulgi, $3000, 2:09 pace ha 21 entries. Twelve are nominated in the Willys Overland Htake for 2:03 parers, $J, 000 milled inon-y. Thern are evj'i rSW5'S 1 BLENU VlA I M citoinii, J; If 1(1 SN " r-j Is dollars to doughnuts- no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight! 0 Camels mellow-mildness will certainly appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and that smoothness! It's a delight! Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga- retty odor! Just compare Camels with any cVa- reffe m the world at any pricei packa4 a430 rlgaretim for 20 emnta, mr (n uA- Q(M)e.f(f) in ppr-vmf4 tsrton. V atronity recommend thi ettion kt ha. liAjnaB mr afKrm suae.v whmn sou trsvl. ft I HEY HOLM TOBACCO CO, Wlnttm-faerr. N. C 11 in (he Muumeo 2:05 tint, $1000 udileJ nioiu-y. Of the 10,246 army numeH who Haw neivlce ovemenn SHI died wnlle on duty and three were Injured in uo- tlon. Of Utmost Importance Pure, emulsified cod-liver oil is not medicine as many are prone to think of medicine. SCOTTS EMULSION Is form of growth-nourishment that is of utmost importance to many children. That most children rA and thrive on Scott'a h a "trui$m": seceded the world over. Give Scott'e Utks cMirta ini wttck tksas frsw stroaf! KM! J. AUTO TOI'9 AND REl'AIRINO Alo uphoUtertnsj 'ttT covers. Service, fk. XZJ 3. Hull. Y. M. C. A. D-iIMIng", Sulem, Orceon. , fiJ I foil, in 'II if f'o. '. Ail oiin l AM.yiV.,NCB maclo on your old tin W.W.MOORE House Furnisher HOME OF TI1K VICrnOLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. - Milium nm - - HAND LAUNDRY VflIF CLEANING AND ifiLL PRESSING IH (y. 12th. Thone I L. M. HUM - Cars Qt Yick So Tong ;hlri Mtdlrln aftl Tea Co. Ua mcdVin hkh will cur any kiMrwn 4WaM. - Opn Eundaya trim 19 . m. until I p. m. 153 South High Street Jalera, Ofegon. Phona 181 "Walfcir Taki tho plnco of houe llnirig for has. Max 0. Bur en ITS North Commercial Draperies UADT) TO OltCnR TO FIT TiWa Wl-NiKWS CS. Hamilton tit Court Street FOIID THICK WITH TWO TOJf ATTACUMKNT. IUXS L1HH A TO a OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. Bay Remnants AT THE Remnant Store It Korth CoinmerclBl HIDES and SACKS jWANTED AIbo Junk f AU Kind Bc-it rrio Guaranteed CALt. SIS Capital Junk Co. Tria Pauar Deal Iloua rCR LONa DISTANCE ' AtTO TRUCKING WillametteV alley Transfer Co. PIIOXE 1400 WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING W ... "M. - - -1 i coriiiui'u-'-w" At cersjevajrr i J . ill SU .FbftBt.lM.