1 i 'It PAGE TWO. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Pardon Me By M B. One day this work A Sulem niau was a-Led To nHI the fund For Hie. new llospitul And he said I give At Christmas time .. And bought ( In war time . . liberty bonds And pay my cliim h duos ' ... And that's enough For one man to do So here's four bits For your Hospital i. ,' Oik there; lived Calif lluhsun ';...' Of whom I( Is told - Hat dowu ope day to make Ail Inventory Of his benefactions ' '! And thus the Hems ran Cold for the inciiies . In lHuihan Cuvarans to Jleeeit Amulets fur the pious . Three buss of gold I'or the liiia;iu And Iwrj more ,to pay Tin dervishes. . Item one loaf A weekly dole To a poor widow ' " . ' ' I AVIth a slekly 4ill(t ' Bit as tho Calif road tho list 1 Im a hand swept dowu And an angel spake "I am find's messenger Km ployed to write Tho pious deeds of men l'rny look once meie" The Cullf looked And niw upon tlie stono The final Hem With ull elw erased! Incorporations. The caiiital stork of the Henry tiavis Lumber company. Portland, has been increased from $250,000 to $300,000 a! cording to a certificate filed with the corporation commissioner's office here Saturday. Another certificate filed Saturday shows an increase in the cap ital stock of the Consumers Co-operative association of Astoria from 400i to $10,000. Articles of incorporation were filed Saturday as follows: , Forest Products company, Portland. $15,000; Claude McColloch, Joseph R Knapp, R. 1L Rankin and Joseph Kami Grant County Hosoital association. Prairie City, $4000; V. C. Belknap and 3 others. High Prices Force Consolidation Of Roseburg Papers Rosebure. Or. Mar. 27. Announce ment is made here of the consolidation of ths Roseburg News and the Rose burg Review. The merger will become effective April 1, the announcement says. Incorporation articles calling for the publication to be known as the Roseburg News Review. The Review is the Oldest paper in southern Oregon', the News formerly the Plaindealer be ing almost as old, it is said. L. Wim- berly, editor of the Review, B., W Bates and son, Bert G. Bates of the News, are the incorporators in the sum of $30,000. Economic business poli cies are the reasons for the consolida tion, it is said. Walter S. Fisher re tires from the Review. The new pa per will be published from the office of the News. Black Cat Sign ; Of Sabotage For Wobblies Is Claim Portland. Or., liar. 29. The black cat which frequently appears in I. W. W. literature stands for sabotage, ac cording to George F. . Yanderveer, counsel for Joseph Laundy, alleged I. W. W. on trial here for violation of tlie state criminal syndicalism !a. ''Tan derveer made this admission in court today after he had objected to William Josh, a state witness, giving testimony as to the signifance of the picture. Josh, was asked J tha-aignifanco of the black cat In the I. W. W. literature had -ever been explained to him. He said he had heard-several explanations hut VandeTveer objected to him giving them. - But the autonii'Sw. was rebuilt and entered in th race at Indianapolis. There is turned over, driver and me chanician were trapped under it, and both burned to death. But the owner agnin had the car rel'iiilt and won a race at Elgin, Illinois, with it. In "Ex cuse My Dust," Wallace Reid drove the machine at top speed from Los An geles to San Francisco and had no trou ble at all. . The picture is a thrilling mi$ure of business intrigue, auto racing, and laughs. " Ann LittlCfs the reading wo man, and Bam '-Wood directed; Will Rirchey Rd;p"i sfry to the sereo from an original by Byron Morgan. Political Pot . Loyal M. Graham of Forest Grove is a candidate for re-election to the Ore gon state senate. In his nominating petition filed with the secretary of state's office here Friday for a place on the republican primary ballot Gra ham declares for "justice, good roads and economy." Alfred E. Clawson, of Joseph Tiled FiiJ;;y as a eiir.uiJalc fur tue republi can nomination for district attorney for Wallowa county. Mediator Seeks To End Long Strike Butte, Mont., March 29. Thomas 0XDAY,iURci. ms industry vTHT-'' eisht weeks, as a r 'mm- puse. He l,:w '' 01 a . ' for any confers. Eight thou., -i ... massacred at M.,,,, ea e tifteen Turks were kT v4 msoraers, aecoi(li ,' uun u casualties received in o es"nia! o from Americans Lon5taw1;,!: Armenian refuge ln M re 2000 are under An!!!. . care. Mother, May Have some ALBANY PIOXKER DEAD Albany, Or. Mar. 27. F. S. Crosbv. Oregon pioneer of 1849 and respected resident of Albany continuously for the past 10 years, died at his home here Thursday aged almost 92 years. JOURNAL WANT AD GET RESULTS "Excuse My Dust",. Fall Of Thrilling Speed Incident In his new Paramount Artcratt pic; ture, "Excuse" My Dust," an. excUUlg automobile racing story .that is playing at the Oregon theater today and luwr- dayt. Wallace Reid tempted, fate by driving a spud car that holds the rec ord tor accidents. The automobile began its career as regular, racing car and captured sev eqnl prize. Then Wallie Reid drove it for scenes In his recent successful Paramount picture, . "The Roaring Road," and smashed a record for speed arouna the famous death curve or the Santa Monica course. Then came the Santa Monica road race, and the driver of the car in that event turned it over on a curve and smashed it e pieces. For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablet! Look for E. W. 'GROVE'S signature on the box. SOc. . (Adv) t iyvvv ruouc Spirited Citizens Wanted, to subscribe $10 each for your Hospital. Are you one of them to be added to the $10 Honor Roll MMeMt44t-. " v. ONE of the reasons why housewives are so delighted to know that the old, reliable Karo is now to be had with the flavoring of purest maple sugar is because it solves the "High Cost of Maple Syrup Problem." The new Karo Maple Flavor has the; delicious taste of new maple syrup; it also has the rich body so desirable in a table syrup. ' Compare the flavor and cost of Karo Maple Flavor with other syrups. You'll then know why it is so popular. I Barker of Los Angeles,. Cay., comrms jsloner of conciliation, United States i department of labor, arrived in Butte i ,1 , ..i . .1 V. i .J . . . ......... tv ' . ..-v . . . v . o tvnmu mi- I J""'1 " X "V l" uuiia- JOURNAL WANT ADsHt- nf flip l$PKri Be sure fo ask your grocer for Karo Maple Flavor in the Green Can. It is guaranteed to please you or your grocer returns your money. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery Place New York StlUng Repnamntativ JOHNSON, LIEBER COMPANY Portland, Oregon ' .Jiff - -k ,' A Prayer For a Little Home God Send us a little home To come back to when we roam Low walls and fluted tiles, Wide windows, a view for miles; Red firelight and deep chairs ; Small white beds, up-stairs; Great talk in little nooks ; Dim colors, rows of books ; One picture on each wall; , " Not many things at all. God send us a little ground Tall trees standing 'round, Homely flowers in brown sod, : Overhead, Thy stars, 0 God! ' God bless,.; when winds blow,' .. Our home and alt we know. : -.FLORENCE BOXE tip tondor. Spectator) "Those in this country who do not own a home are not getting their share of the benefits of living in America." Salem will undoubtedly become a very substantial city during the next few years. Get in on the ground floor, and buy now.: YOU WILL BE THE GAINER, BY INVESTIGATING A FEW OF THE FOLLOWING OFFER INGS. I HAVE MANY MORE. ALLOW ME TO SHOW SOME TO YOU. YOU WOULD BE UNDER NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER. ymSS&mmM: STRICTLY MODERN And close in. Seven rooms. Substan- V tially built, lot 50x115. $4,000. No. 315 S, Winter St. One-half cash. " - . . . $3000 WILL BUYA good piece of property at No. 555 Trade. Has fine speculative features. Lot 50x150. A CHEAP HOUSE Is that at 1196 S. 13th street. Eight rooms. Lot 75x280. Woodshed, . bam and several young : . ' inirrUueiv!-iJ30? cash' assume mortgage of $600. .. . $1000 CASH HANDLES A 7-room, modern . cottage at 271 D street; basement. Lot 45x200. $2500. 1; ' " ' ' . A GOOD BUY For $3000 is No. 675, North 16th street. Has 6 rooms and is modern except basement. Lot 40xuu. , Some fruit. $1200 cash. Balance $30 monthly. SIX-ROOM, JRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW-Close to ' Washington school. On paved streets; Close to carline. , A really good opportunity for someone at $4200. (A pre- ' ' - war price.) , - . -' ' . ; FINE, MODERN HOME In the Oaks addition. Eight y and pvprv mnrlpm rnnvnwnc from eras and iurDace fireplace and garage. A choice offering at $6000. t jacujji LiBiBd mm the house at 960 Froadwav. It was erect w.In ost substantial way, and is in first-class shape. :- ' 2! basement. Excellent fruit and i Zin jx " WU1 ior only $4000- and the - 'utessto"58ol6oli',buy' . , HOCSE-Mf basement . : ,DANDY LITTLE HOME-At 1625 N. Front. ' Six -rooms All modem ctmvOnimnaa . -. iv"'- fruit. Sm r ana,iireplace. Good . . una, ou ieei irant. $1800 only, MODERN 6.JROOM HOUSE Half basement; . N two toilets; garage; fine fruit and. two io"""'nfl lAlfi Tmrl ZtrJf niMimiTE TOSSESSION. $ ' 4 n. .; " . . j "r.i extorts. Fiv nr-AL. wuMli At xyin anu m v v"fnrnfe rooms and all modern plumbing .throughout. Two finp Intd fruit, trees. Good Darn ' Installments.' ' ,'...-, STATE STREET HOUSE Of six rooms No 177i Hear of , , .- all encumbrance. $2000. InsteffSte ' C " ' . $2300. F1286 S. 15th STREET Attractive 5-room bungalow- young fruit. $1800. $500 cash, balance my- God HAS. W. NIEMEYER Masonic Temple ), Safem "Just Real Estate" Telephones 1000-iOJ I