PAGE TV. 0. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL uvuvio iu Season Sunday If Weather Permits Salem golf enthusiasts will hold their first golf tournament of the season tomorrow on the links of the Ulihee country club. There is a lot of fine golf materhl In Salem and by getting a start early in the season the local experts will be in shape to give rival club teams tome real competition later on. The following schedule of matches for tomorrow, weather permitting, have been announced by Ercel Kay: Hutcheon vs Ollnger; Griffith Smith : McDougal vs Locke; Roberts vs Farrar; Thielseh vs T. B. Kay; Cox v Baker; Rahn vs Livesley; Maa rria vs Dyer: Gabrielson vs Plimpton; Spears vs Cross; Edwards va Burg kaxdt; Gardner va Keene; Olcott Toung; Abst va Myers; P. Staley . Leffingwell; Lantis vs Paulis; Mrs Locke vs Mrs. Gillingham; Mrs. Ba ker va Mrs. Kay; Mrs. Farrar vs M'S Vangis. Mr. Kay stated that any one whose self evident That more ex-service! b?" " aJ of armed workmen their own loss as there is no mistak-j ?:ked the place they would fight to ing the sincerity of "Jimmy" Elviii,he !ast man- or Physical Director Hull in "Ue ,iidn t know whv we ft'Ught the Uncle Sam s men the best that the Y i alli's-" K"J 'he leader to the corre spondent, "But we know what we are fighting for now." has. In introducing Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis, the speaker of the evening, Sec retary Elvin called attention to the fact that the "Y" is offering its coun ty apportionment of ISO scholarships! to all ex-service men who need help j in undertaking, various educational projects. Those Interested were ask ed to consult with the secretary - at the Salem "T" office. Secretary Elvln also emphasized the standing invitation of the "Y" to ex-service men, a six months free membership being made available tc all who wish to take advantage of the offer. 'Mrs. Ellis, who has a national rep utation as a writer, expert character reader and vocational advisor, ad dressed the great war veterans upon various phases, of her work during the war. "Only a mother knows what a man costs," stated Mrs, Ellis, adding, 'but only a soldier knows what a nation costs." Mrs. Ellis was well applaud ed when she stated that It waa to bo hoped that in event of another war hi xi .4 DISCUSSES TOE OLD HOUSING PROB ikwit i i H f 1 i V.i' TOMORROW - MONDA Y- TUESDA Y name did not appear in the above ony trained women would be sent list wouia De particularly welcome n participate in tomorrow's tournament, and that if they would come, oppo nents would be found for them. Willamette Juniors f Select Class Play The junior class of Willamette unl verait y has selected Bulwerr-Lytton's "Lady of Lyons" for the class play to be presented during the May Day ex ercises of the university this spring. The play is being directed by Miss Barnes, head of the dramatic deport ment of the Ellison-White Consetvn tory in Portland, formerly of the Emerson College of Oratory in Boston, and later dramatic critic for the New YorJc Times. The scene of the play is laid In Lyons, romantic city of France, shortly after the French revolutTon. The cast: Claude Melnote, Loren Eas ier; Colonel Damns, Ralph Thomas; Beauseant, Edwin Socolofsky; Glavls, Floyd Mclntire; Mons. Deschappens, Paul Flegel; Landlord, Ivan Corner; Caspar, William Sherwood; Capt. Ger vais, Fred Aldrlch; Capt. Dupont, Rus sell Rarey; Major DesMoullns, Frank Foster;' Notary, Herald Emmel; Ser vant, Kleth Lyman; Pauline, Fay Per Jnger; Madame Deschappelles, Myrtle Mason; Widow Melnote, Dorothy Buck ner; Janet, Wllfred.Eyre. out into the various undertakings. Following the address, Mrs. JSIlis made many appointments for consul tation with ex-service men, Saturday, regarding character analysis and ad vice as to the occupations best suit id for the individual. Workers Revolt In Saxony Report (Continued from Page One.) Uliss Rasmussen's Funeral Sunday The funeral for Miss Mable Grace Rasmussen, age 29, who died at her home, 318 Miller street, Friday a! ternoon, following several years' Ill ness, will be held at the chapel of the rigdon Son company at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Rev, Kantner will have charge of the services; and burlnl will follow In City View cemetery. Miss RasmuBsen's death is mourn ed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Rasmussen, and three brothers, Paul. Mllo and Albert, all of Salem. Mrs, Ellis Speaks To Ex-Service Men At "Y" Social Eve "Say, pardner, didn't I meet you at Navarre in September, 1817". These nd other salutations flashed acroh the well laden tables In the Y. M. C. A. banquet hall last night, when Sec retary James Elvin welcomod ex service men and American ,Leg1on members. As the fifty or more ex-service men and overseas veterans, assailed' various portions of the well served i workers were organizing a guard. A dinner, reminiscences were exchang- few miles further on the village of dand the spirit of fellowship was Germcweltz was found to be occupied lute helplessness of workers In case of armed conflict and we will not attempt to physically resist military occupation of Falkenstein. If the troops appear we will again call a general strike. Hoelze, for whose arrests there is a reward of 5000 marks, said the work ers grievance against the government was its militarism and asserted they would not tryto weaken the governmen ment by agitation. Communtots Entrenched. Chemnitz, Saxony, Mar. 26. Com munists are firmly entrenched in con trol here and prepared to resist at tacks by government troops which may be sent against the city. In the event the troops secure control, a gen eral strike may again be called. Heiiv rich Brandler, chairman of the execu tive committee , of the workers, de clared today his followers were closely co-operating with workers in the Ruhr valley. "We do not expect an attack as the government's forces are too weak," he said, "but If It comes we will resist?' There are 12,00 tnen under arms In this district, and Brandler said the workers' leaders could call upon not only the workmen of Chemnitz, who made up 93 per oent of the population but those of the entire Vogt land and Ore mountain regions. The mayor of the town confirmed Brandler'B declaration ' that workers co-operating with the municipal au thorities without interfering with the latter. Brandler branded as nonsense reports that a soviet government was to be established. Troops Enter Gotha. Falkenstein, Saxony, Mar. 26. Gov ernment troops entered Gotha today to round up leaders of workers and search the city tot arms and ammuni tion. A long column of troops was pass ed by the correspondent when he left Gotha and his luggage was reached several times. During the long trip here govern ment troops were met several times At Jena everything was quiet, and the "Good morning, Mrs. Findlay." "Good morning; Mrs. O'Doyle ana how are you all this lovely spring morning? "We are fine, thank you, and very comfortable in our new home. Ton known, Mrs. Findlay, that we bought our first home last week, and have just moved in, and oh! Mrs. Findlay, what a great relief to my mind that we are at last settled. My! It surely was terrible. Had to move three dif ferent times in four months from one house to another .and each one worse than the other, until we bought our own home. "My! Mrs, O'Doyle, do you mean to say that you moved three times in four months?" "Yes, Mrs. Findlay we sure did. You know there are so. many houses being sold that unless one owns their own home they stand a chance of having to vacate at any time, and then, too, every one says that not only rent, but prop erty is going higher. And oh! Mrs. Findlay, I' m just so glad that we now have a lovely home all our own. And we got a good deal too." "Well, Mrs. Doyle and pray tell me how you came to get such a home? You know that Patrick and I too have been thinking about doing that same, very thing." L "Sure, Mrs. Findlay, we were advised by some very dear friends of ours to call on Mr. C. W. Niemeyer, In the Masonic building, to see what we could do in the way of buying a house, and really, Mrs. Findlay, we were sure de lighted with the way he treated us. Say, I do believe that he Is the most courteous business man I ever met, and say, he would not sell us anything until he knew we had found Just what we wanted. And oh! Mrs. Findlay, he does such a big business. And he has everything so systematic in his office. Everything at his fingers' ends. It didn't take him but a few minutes to show us on a set of cards and on the map all the details of any of the houses that appealed to us. . That saved us a lot of time, because then we knew pretty well before we left whether the place would suit us or not." "Be sure and see him, Mrs. FIna. if you want to buy a home. You know Mr. Niemeyer has only just got back to the office after over a month's illness with the influenza, so you should phone him - for an appointment He has two telephones. They are num bers 1000 and 1014. Easy to remem ber aren't they?" "Say, Mrs. Doyle, I'm going to call Frank up right away and have him meet me at Mr. Niemeyer's office. It Is In the Masonic Temple you said, Mrs. Doyle?" "Yes right opposite the elevator on the second floor. You can't miss. it. But I must go now. I want to get some more of my garden In. Let me know how you get along, Mrs. Findlay. Good bye! But, Just a minute. Is he any relation to the drug store Nei meyer?" "No. The drug store Nelmeyer is no relation. He bought his business through the real estate Niemeyer. They spell their names a little differ ently too. But It's a good drug store to deal with. Adv. : ..... . LOVE UJLUL I FIGHT ' CCVr. V miKM OH, BOY! V : ' f f Y , SAY ITS i f ,yt i vjtfp3 . . SOME - 1 r-W. 1 OfOlHI ' picture . k , -" yw iry isnr For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventative, take LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Look for B. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. lOo. (Adv) f ii mm lil' pf'iiA I I'fflif ill I mm sj;irWJr Mill H I I I WIMllilWMasMlMMMWMBMMiW " 9 onora MEANS Supremacy IN USIC Because the greatest care has been exercised in its design to reproduce the music just as it is produced by the artisi Shut your eyes.listen, can you tell that the music is from it phonograph? Do you hear the motor? Do you hear the grind of the needle? NO! NOT ON A SONORA. ThaVs Supremacy, Myrtle Knowland Sonora Dealer in Salem Theodore Roberts, Ann Utile and Tully Marshall in the supporting cast BEATS ' "DOUBLE SPEEDT AND "THE ROARING ROAD" FOR THRILLS: Mack SennetVs 'The Kitchen Lady Featuring Louise Fazenda It's a comedy you could enjoy seeing a dozen times. CONTINUOUSLY SUNDAY . By Popular Request HAW LEY PLAYS . 'AFGHANISTAN' 2:15, 4, 8:45, 7:30, 9:15 p. m. The Marion Automobile Co. H as taken the agency in Marion, Polk, Linn and Benton Counties for the Four Forty ; i "THE CAR WITH THE FOUNDATION" This automobile has been on the market for five years, but this is its first introduction in this territory. Readers of the national magazines will be familiar with the specifications of this car. It is a light, medium priced car, possessing excellent riding qualities and abundant power. You are invite dto call at our show room or phone for a demonsira- "' Hon, . ' , . ' " V,'. ' ' : . A full line of tires and accessories. .:.' We Never Close Marion 235 South Commercial St. A utomob fmmw ile Co. Phone 362 i