WEATHER FORECAST Oregon: Tonight and Sunday prob 4b!y raia west, moderate westerly winds. Local Rainfall, .14 S.g feet, falling. Inch; river, FORTY-THIRD YEAR. NO. 75 if i pital a ' ' ( Uiii 11 1M Love Affair May Explain Steiger Case for Mri Steiger, wife of. X. W. Steiger, who was shot three times and seriously wounded while in the barn on CIRCULATION Averags for Quarter Bn"ttg December It. lilt 5 4 5 8 Member Audit Burets of Clrenlatica Associated Pre Full Lease Wtr Df'.J.- II,' 1. T , A Jobs n ii subject To 10-Hour jUaessa rails crown i n i i . as Bolshevik Launch Drive Paris, Mar. 27. Odessa, the reply to a question raised by Thomas I" KUSSian port 0 nthe Black "7TOIa" of " Providing for a work day of ,e hour, with an extra three hours of overtime to be paid for the rate of time and one half, ap. Plies to employe, engaged in piece work as well as to those empioyed by the day. according to Attorney r..- al Brown. The opinion is written In SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920. Hill Asks Until Monday To Make Plea To Charge -asper nui, auas C. H. Hill alia PRICE 2 CENTS. McCusker of Portland, secretary- Ms farm a mile north of this the in'lustia, Nation of city Thursday night and his de-J "The law plainly provides that no sire to get her husband out of , shaU be mPoyed in any mm, L 7 tAv .AA kj'T r. ""tocturln. establish- me waj, " c,vvu uji imrin in mis state for juthorities as a shooting that is attributed to Jesse Mullinix, 40, now in the county jail under a charge of assault with intent to kill. Knowledge that Mrs. .Steiger would be the sole heir to a large estate her husband would leave in case of death, and that if he successfully wooed her he would get it, is another theory that was being worked upon to day by Prosecuting Attorney Max Gehlhar, Mullnix was formally charged with the crime last evening: He probably will be arraigned In court late this aft ernoon, Mr. Gehlhar said. The arraign ment has been delayed, it was stated, to enable deputies from the sheriff's office to gather further evidence on the case. Steiger Sonfesses. Reluctantly Mr. Steiger, who Is con fined at the Salem hospital, -told Mr. Gehlhar and Sheriff Needharh yester day afternoon that he did quarrel with Mullhilx while he was'employed on his farm in August, 1918, and that he or dered him from the premises after Mullinix had paid undue attention to Mrs. Steiger. Steiger admitted that he did not believe that Mullinix would re turn after this long elapse of time to get revenge thought to have been sought when they disagreed on how horses on the farm should be cared for. Investigation made by Deputies Bower and Smith on the Steiger farm yesterday resulted in the finding of five empty pistol cartridges, from which, authorities aver, the bullets which en tered Steiger's body came. They were found lying together about ten paces from where the shooting occurred. Shot' nt Barn Door. It developed today that the shooting did not occur in -the barnyard wnue ' Mr. Steiger was en route to the house, but that It occurred at the entrance of the bam. It is the belief of Prosecuting Attor ney Gehlhar that whoever commltteed the crime had intimate knowledge of Mr. Steiger's habits. For, according to Steiger's story as told yesterday at the hospital, his assailant reached through the door, that was apar not more than a foot and a half, and fired Just as he :rame through with the milk buckets. Steiger said that he struck at the man with his lantern, then grappled with him. When his strength ebbed the fellow broke away and ran. He is be lieved to have emptied the shells from the revolver as he ran, and thrown the weapon into a moat nearby. Authori ties have thus far been unable to find the revolver. Neighbors Silent. Although declining to discus uie matter with officials, neighbors near the Steiger farm persist In stories that Mullinix had made clandestine visits to the Steiger home recently and that they saw htm with Mrs. Steiger. They y there can be no doubt that Mul linix and Mrs. Steiger enjoyed Intimate acquaintance. Prosecuting Attorney Gehlhar re tailed today that about two years ago "e was on the point of filing a charge t perjury against Mullinix when he testified in a criminal case in one of the local courts. He claims that the Prisoner, who testified as a witness ?n the case at that time, made misrepre sentations of time in an attempt to es tsW'fh an alibi for a friend. For this reason, Mr. Gehlhar said today, he Is '"dined to disbelieve Mullinlx's state ment that he was playing pool In a "'"lard hall down town here when the wwtlng occurred at 8 o'clock. ,'t was reported from the Salem hos pital at noon that Mr. Steiger's condi tion la "good," and that every hope for recovery is held out. Jack Gillmore, whom authorities say has confessed to :he theft of a watch and S from Cecil H. Creson, asked time to plead when arraigned before Judge Uuruh this morning, and was given until 10:3 a. m. Monday. HIU cnarged with larceny from a build ing. He is said to have taken the watch and coin from Creson 'a room tn the Rex hotel. ' He was arrested hv oiienrr iseeanam, Hill, Friday, was positively identi- iiea as tne man who. on March i motive for the J10" m an'r one Brown s opin- uu reads, "it- mabu. - men working on piece work. 'Wages' ik,0"' Mar- 27. Novorossisk. dw. Tii .1 0 worlts by the j oase In southern Kussia T " wno works at a givrn sum per day." sea has been occupied by Uk- ramians under General Pawlen ko, commander nf th in;ni.. vniiuuiaii , . - r national armv eeni; , . ibous"ht a case of eggs from the R. S. , al am' according to in-McNiel Co.. I2S1 Court street, took formation received by the Uk- half ot them wlth him- ni sled the rainian mission in Pari fndnv res.'. de"vered t0 the "po Restaur- uiuKiun in rariS today, ant" when payment would be made. The "Depot Restaurant" not existing the market people were unable to col- Allies Discover Huge Stores of Arms In Germany Paris. March 27. Great quantities of arms have been discovered in Ger many by the allied officers charged with supervising execution of the peace treaty, according to advices re ceived here. In Brandenburg and in the immediate vicinity of Berlin alone 3,500 three-Inch field guns were found. This discovery by the allied officers, together with other information In possesison of the French authorities, is considered by French officials to in dicate that Germany Is endeavoring to avoid executing the terms of the treaty. The discovery Is commented upon In connection with reports that-a repub lic has been proclaimed in the Ruhr region. The French, It Is Indicated, are inclined to believe that occupation of the Ruhr district by German trobps or the alleged separate government would have as an ultimata effect, if not as a direct object, delay or evasion in executing the treaty terms. Particular significance is attached here to the discovery of so many field guns in a small part of German tn view of the fact that the Germans, re plying to the demands of the commis sion of control to which Germany's excess war material and munitions should have been delivered March 10, declared it was immaterial whether the munitions were delivered to the al lies or destroyed and they were destroying them. lect for the eggs. Maude Jones, who sold the egg to Hill, Identified him in j . A.MOOlCt under control of r.onm-ai tw; Kine, has been captured by the the county Jau Friday evening. Russian bolsheviki. accornW tn a wireless dispatch from Mos-' cow. Petitions Ready To Poll Attitude On Port Question Petitions calling for a special elec tion when the Question of whether a proposed district shall be bonded to create a Port of Salem' and constru t a huge dock and warehouse on the water front here, will begin circula tion about next Tuesday, it was stat ed at the Commercial club today. Th petitions have already been prepar ed, and would have been started be fore this were It not for the illness of one of the men who was delegat ed to carry the petition to rural districts. ' If eight perc t of the voters the proposed district sign the petition for the election, the county court then is called upon to set the date for the election not more than 60 days aft.T date of filing the signed petitions. As from 15 to 20 persons will n engaged in circujatir'.g the petitions it is expected that the gathering of signatures for them will take only a few days. Salem Deposits Second Only to Portland Banks Warsaw, Mar. 25. Russian soviet forces, swinging south of the Pripet mrsn country Between Mozlr anl fins and attacking Polish lines at various points over a front of approx imately 250 miles, have captured sev eral towns along the Slutch river, It was admitted In official statements issued by Polish army headquarters nere. ine enemy, however, has been unable to cross the river, despite per sistent efforts. Poles Repulse Attack Bolshevik attacks Wednesday were chiefly directed toward the village of uievsK. infantry and cavalry were launched at the Polish lines under heavy artillery fire while soviet air planes bombed strategic points alonic the front. In the neighborhood of Zaslavl the Poles virtually annihilated a soviet brigade, among the killed being a bol shevik colonel. On his person were found orders directing that Zaslavl be taken regardless of the cost. Th town is still in Polish hands. , Polish Capital Moved London, Mar. 2T. The Polish gov ernment was removed Thursday from Warsaw to Bromberg In Polish Pos- en, twenty five miles northwest of Thorn, according to a Berlin dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company quoting rumors In that city. A staff correspondent of the Asso ciated Press stationed at Warsaw, fil ed a dispatch from that city Thursday which contained no hint of any in tention on the part of the Polish gov eminent to leave Warsaw, nor were there Indications in the military newr .contained in the correspondent's mes sage of any reason why it should feel Impelled ,16 make such a'riove atlhln Juncture. ' Finns Burn Town Chrlstianla, Norway, Mar. 27. Finnish forces at Patchenka, in the Murmansk region, burned the mon astery and several other buildings there before abandoning the place lo the Russian bolsheviki, according to travelers arriving at Tromsoe. Occu pation of the place by soviet troops occurred March 22. Highway Board Asks$l,000,000 To Match Fund In order to meet federal aid now available for forest and post road pro jects in Oregon the state highway commission has asked the state board of control to Issue $2,500,000 of state highway bonds, a block of $1,000,000 to be sold immediately and the balance to be sold as needed. Federal aid so far available In Ore gon totals $3,700,000, of which amount $1,200,00 has already been matched leaving $2,500,000 still, available. It is expected that further federal mon ey will be available for this state after Julv 1. Under the act of 1920 the state highway department is permitted Eyerly Brothers Drop Fight and Are Taken South Russell and Raymond Eyerly, broth ers arrested here several days ago on telegraphic Instructions from Bakers- field, Cal., authorities charging them with burglary and grand larceny, were enroute to Bakersfield today in the. custody of "deputy Sheriffs A. P. Cochran and T. E Yancey. Failure to gather any evidence in Montana suf ficiently strong t to outweigh the charge against the pair of breaking into a garage and stealing an auto two years ago, was given today as the reason for withdrawing the ha beas corpus proceedings and permu ting the youths to return tor prose cution. , The brothers were taken from the city Jail last night by the Bakersfie'd deputies, after a copy of the with drawal motion had been served on Chief of Police Welsh. They left fo? the south on train 13, which will ar rive in Bakersfield some time Sunday nighl. The arrest of the Eyerly brothers in Salem two years after the crime, to which they have confessed, was coin mitted; their spectacular fight against extradition, and final surrender o the law has attracted coast wide in terest. Extradition was granted bv Governor Olcott last Monday Just a' few minutes after a petition for a writ of habeas corpus had been fllod In circuit court here in behalf ot the brothers,.,;,,.. ,,......, With the filing of this petition- po lice were compelled to hold the pair until April 1 the time set for hear ing on the petition in court. Immedi ately following the filing of the peti tion the attorney for the brothers began investigation in Montana of their connection to the crime, and District Attorney J. R. Dorsey of Kern county, Cal.,. began to make preparations to come to Salem' April 1 to argue for the return of the boys to. California. - JuhL before departing last night Deputies Yancey and Cochran told a representative of the Capital Journal that theif stay in Salem of almost a week had been one of pleasure, anl that their treatment by authorities here, the boys' attorney, and whoever they came In contact with was mo ,t cordial. "We have had fair play on every point," they said. , Mueller Refuses Job of Organizing New uwman aomet; rignnng continues clinedrJS' !lTHirrJTn .MueUer' foreigB minister in the cabinet of r BKr.' e Frenlh ff JSg? officf tX 8 MoTtl0n . by th .niJchen,! wlk f,the PPMntment of Carl Legien, president of the German federation of trades thv-L M e'nTCT Prussian under-secre-tary f commerce, or Herr Kreuger as premier, the advices say.. All three are prominent in trades union circles. Berlin, March 27. Expect a-j t T ! tions this morning were that the rllOltivPQ Flnrlr new cabinet, announcement of u5fUw 4iUttt which was looked for shortly,! TA n,.t JL flAt. JnB will compromise six socialists,! 1 u 4u'U UUIUer four democrats and four mem- C.. D-J T bers of the Center party. ITOm KCCI ierrOr Wesel, March 27. Govern-' Rotterdam. Mar, 27. Hundred of mnt trnnm mflrl r.rtifl anntl, !'u'"v "om the Ruhr district ar Workers Revolt Extends Thruout Saxony Is Report Falkenstein. Saxony, Mar. 25. Workers have taken control in towns and cities of Lower Saxony, but there is an impression their would be short lived as they are not sufficiently organised In a military way to resist pressure successfully. In this little town, tucked away in a pret ty valley 15 miles from Plauen, Max Hoelze, whose regular Job is lecturer in a moving picture theater, is direct ing affairs. Widespread reports ns had established a soviet republlo here made him famous throughout Ger many a few days ago but these rumors are declared untrue. The burgomas ter f'.ed when the upheaval came and workers have since been co-operating with the other town officials. One hundred workers under the di rection of Hoelze entered Plauen Sun day night and kidnaped City Attorney Hubert and held htm until he gave up data he had gathered for the prosecu tion of trade unionists and communr lsts accused ot political agitation. Herr Hubert's wife came to Falkenstein and secured the release ot her husband after he had been a prisoner for five hours. Hoelze has established headquarters in castle ot Freiherr Falkenstein who has fled from-this region. The red flag waves from the tower. It as in a room ot this castle that the Associated Press correspondent inter viewed Hoelze. He Is a small, young appearing man, He said in part: "The time Is not ripe for the estab. Ilshment of a soviet form of govern ment. The agriculturists would not approve of it and we would be quickly starved out. We recognize the abso- (Contlnued on page two) United States is Scored For Stand On Latin Tangle Bryan Declares Democrats Free To Defend Labor Lincoln, Neb., Mar. 27 W. J. Brjan began his campaign in Nebraska Fri day, speaking at Elmwooa In the aft ernoon and concluding with an extend ed sneech at Lincoln last night. His at the discretion of the state board of j address here was intended mora espe-j control to match federal money tor nearlnar the Dutch frontier a..ti.. 1 r iL.- :x l l j , i i. . l 1 "a cast ui una cny llHiay, arove DO-,1" correspondent of the Courani. sieging workers forces fromj l2lTZ T T?JV their posts, shelled their retreat- in towns through which spartacist ing columns and raised the siege' haIf dr,vcn. rmred cars. v wl in,!, L .1 Thejr m""n reports, the eorra OI Wesel on both the east and spondent says, that the workers force SOUthteast. ' ! are being led by Russians or other Artillery operated by work-, I0""Kn9ra' j i ... Th gov cio lurvea uruppeu two Bneus in to the city and then withdrew. Snipers Still Active While the counter attack against the beleaguering forces was going on reinforcements arrived here. Among them were the Death's Head Hussuir and Uhlans. Allied commissioners conferred with General Kabitch, and soon after the Belgian military authorities at Buderlch, in Bolgian territory south of here and across the Rhine, begau issuing passes for civilians to return to the city. Snipers are still active In territory evacuated by the workers forces. Sev en shots were fired at the correspond ent of the Associated Press and other American newspapermen, while tht y were returning from advanced Be' gian outposts on the Wesel side of tlif Rhine today. They were on an island formed at the confluence of the Lippe and Rhine which is considered Bel gian territory. Workers Ranks Spilt Dissensions seem to have broken out among the workers troops. The staff at Hagen resigned yesterday. There Is also some trouble among thj government forces, Judging from con stant references to "cowards" in calls for enlistment. Those Issued today stipulated that "no cowards were wanted," March 27. One hundred Russian officers sent to Germany by Nlcolai Limine, Russian bolshevik premier, are assisting In the opera-: tions of the German workers army before Wesel, says a Copenhagen dis patch to the London Times quoting an Interview with an Ebert govern ment officer at Muenster by the cor respondent of the Politlken. The dispatch says the workers have of the Krupp 'works at Kssen, The officer expeou bloodshed may be avoided, the cor respondent says. Socialists Seek Peace Berlin, March 27. After a confer ence at Hagen, the three socialist parties' delegates have decided to , LaPaz, Bolivia, Bar. 26. Attacks on the United States are published by Tiemno and Diarlo today, which say that the American attitude, Influenced" rZTk by false information furnished by Peru j Wesel to be evacuated by government is creating unpleasantness for Ilollviw troops In order that devastation and and her neighboring states. The news papers declare the American govern ment should seek the truth regarding the situation, which they say would show that Peruvians provoked the re cent untoward incidents. The United States should give no further credence the utterances of Chancellor Porras of Peru, the newspaper says. The attitude of Peru toward Bolivia Zeitung. is declared to be similar to that adopt- edtoward Chile some time ago, when, according to Tlempo and Diarlo, the Peruvian, government Invented tales of alleged persecution of Peruvians In Chile. Both the newspapers catl at tention to what they term the rude and Insulting attitude of Chancellor Porras toward Bolivia. The latter country, the Journals say, did not take any military measures during the re cent controversy. Th government at Muenster. It l said, has had to contend with a so viet dictatorship after the Russian model, which has been getting help from-Moscow, The Hague, Mar. S 5. Preparation to meet any emergency at the front ier have been made by the Dutch rii ernment according to authoritative. Information given the Associated Press. Plant have been perfected for the Instant mobilization ot three lev- ,tes of the second division, and if it becomes necessary, civic guards and volunteer corps from some frontier villages will be called to arms. German government troops at We sel have reinforced and ara rel tablet according to reports received in mili tary circles here. Grocers Pull Out Of Suit Directed Against Packers Chicago, Mar. 27. The Southern WholeHals Grocers association, with jnore than 2000 members, has with drawn from the case brought by the National Wholesale Grocers agalnat the big five packers and several rji'l roads, R, D. Rynder, .counsel ; f.c Swift and company, announced at tha continuation, Offhy heafln tafort Clyde D, Altchiaon. 'of the Inters!. commerce commission here today. The National Wholesale Grocer are asking that an order be Issued fprbkldlng the shipment of grocer ies In refrigerator cars owned by tb packers, claiming that the practice represents unfair competition. ., The southern .grocers were co-complainants In tho first hearing lait full. They have since notified tholr members that the dissolution agree- s ment reached by the packers and A torney General Palmer grants the r lief they sought, Rynder said. 1 In his argument this morning he declared that the effort to restrict refrigerator car shipmentsis not only send envoys to Wesel In an attempt to economically unsound but would als Illinois Women To Vote Primary whether national suf frage has been ratified by thirty six Prediction For Week wys Rain For Coast s &alem Sunday school workers are looking forward to a time of unusual "asnington. Mar. dictions for the Monday are- 'Wthern Rorltv Xfnnnfnln or,,! TW. 27. Weather week beginning tea with u regions. Occasional rains or snows 'th night temperature averaging be , "'w nnrmoi Pacific states: Frequent rains Hon on; seneraily fair south por n- Temperatures nearly normal. Salem continues to hold her place as the second city in, the state in the matter of bank deposits, being outriv. alled only by Portland, according to a .int-emeiit Issued today by Will H. Ben- state superintendent of DanKS. interest next Sunday wnen me nuc- Deposits In the four banks of Salem to- ville district Sunday schools will hold tiled $3 542,467.79, the statement ! their convention at Jason Lee Memor- shows Astoria with five banks andjiai church. deposits aggregating $7,628,599.86 has The program for next 8unday be nosed Pendleton out of third position : ginn at 9:45 a. m. and many local and in the list and is now Salem's nearest j other Sunday school worker will ap rival for first honors. pear on the program. Lebanon appears for the first time At noon luncheon will be served lr. . L. ,hB ijst a. a million dollar city, the church basement to wmcn an win while Dallas, Knierpnwj mm which were on 'the last list failed to ,.i. u, m,.v man CItlCagO, filar, i I . Illinois women were " 1 1 emitted to vote at the pres.. Mr. Bryan said the democratic party " i- was in a position to make a strong ap-1 regardless or 9.x tha Dimnnrt fit the women of frage has be the nation because It is more free to , "tales prior to that time, take the side of the organized mai Attorney General Brundage todar, . . .. . . nt the auireetit on nf Governor Frank rr rri irr T against organized greea man tne n-, , ..,. Here TlllS Week PMU-n party. Women, he afl. mM . I-d reversed a previous ruling IJ"V Aifi'v I .. ... .... .... rlenvnir the nrnmen the vote. naturally come to tne am or aemocracy - - road Improvements in any amount. Sunday Schools To Hold Convention bring about a cessation of fighting there, according to the Vosslsche Soldiers Turn Rebels Berlin, March 27. The garrison r.t Glatz, a fortified town of Prussian Silesia, 52 miles southwest of Breslau surrounded the quarters ot their of ficers and arrested them, according to the Vowsiiiche Zeitung. The soldier were armed with machine guns and mine throwers. The captain of the garrison shot himself, the newspaper says. Babe Promised To Foster Mother Before Birth Dies San Francisco, Mar. 27. Babe Lan caster, who yet unborn was to have been given away to a foster mother by work adlstlnct hardship on tha pub lic generally, If enforced, "We shall show that It theordcra sought by the wholesale grocers were granted by the commission it woulilH mi far as Swift and company Is con cerned require a cutting down of th number of peddler routes from TIT per week to 160," he said. 'This could not but result In a serious sit uation fur the small towns, hamper ing severely their supply of fresh meut." Sinn Fein Hunger Striker In Hospital London, Mar. 27. William O'Brien, alderman of Dublin, who was arrested March during a ruld on Liberty hall In that city, and who has since that tim been conducting a "hunger strike" was removed from jail to a hospital lust night, s;iys a dispatch to the Herald. Mrs. Lancaster upon Its arrival In tnto. organ of lnbor.. U...ntv fnr a nlaee this time. Thirty- . ly three men are Hsted as "miss- three cities with "-"J "d " 'n action" m the A. E. F. during1 posits aggregating tS3S.M4.M7.0l ar, " wrld war. j on the new honor list. Hoover Advocates Full Publicity For Expenses Washington, Mar. 27 Herbert Hoo r replied today to the inquiry as to mpaign expenditures ' addressed to jsidentiki Possibilities by Labor, the -r.1'?d union's weekly, by saying that nan i Ve no cam"a'en. I have no fl cial arrangement." He reitemtco watement of March 8 that he was the candilate for the nomination to - presidency and was not seeking hue office. A umber of clubs have sprung up doing me the honor of advocating my nomination," said Mr. Hoover in his letter. "I ha " knowledge of thoir resources which are probably very small. I have no doubt that they ho welcome who will brine a basket with a contribution to the table. There will be an address by Rev. H. F. Humbert, general secretary of the Ore?an Sundr-y School association, solos by Grace Fawk. Mabel Marcus and Ortruie Aldrich. Other names on the program are Rev. Thomas Acheson, pastor of Jason Lee church; Luther Cook. Florence Fraizier, C. E Haeemann, C. M. Roberts, Mrs. . u. Lee. Rev. William Nlcholl. in its fight against compulsory mill tary training, and because of the par ty's espousal of the league of nations, His campaign In Nebraska, he said, would be In the Interest partly of the faction which presented a .list of dele gates to the democratic national con vention of which he was one. Mr. Bry an said he was making his canvass in order that he might stand In the San Francisco convention for the endorse ment of prohibition as the permanent policy of the country and for the en forcement law enacted by more than two-thirds of the present congress Pre War Flood Of Immigrants Comes world, riled yesterday a few hours aft er birth, It was learned today. Mrs. Ijinrusler, whose husband she says deserted her, advertised for a prospective home for the babe when It should be born, and several applica tions were received. New York, Mar. 27. Resumption of the pre-war time immigration of la borers began In earnest today when two Italian steamships arrived here with more than 3500 passengers, 3288 of whom were In the steerage. Thpowof enterlng the foreign field on a nr.ers m .nt u y larger scale than ever before, accord- America, from Naples, Genoa and lng newpaper, her. iruiHinio, CH1U MAK Fits CO-OPERATE Havana. Mar, 26. Independent ci gar manufacturers, about twelve In number and representing capital ag gregating several millions of dollars have Initiated the formation of a great co-operative sales agency with the pur- The case of O'Brien, who Is leader of the Irish transport workers, wtt discussed yesterday in the house of commons when It was brought up by T. P. O'Connor, nationalist leader. MHKKTY BO.M1W4. New York, March 27. Final price of liberty bonds today were: $97.50: first 4, $90.40; second 4's. $S9.42; first 4 '4's. $90.60: second 414 ". $iM0; third 4V4', $92,110; fourth 4'4'fi, $89.80; victory 3 I 4's, $97.B: victory 4 3-4 .'$97.56. The city of Joseph Is preparing to construct a sewer system at an estl- I mated cost of $30,000. Referring to the presidential candl- 7-.nlL fc Pjmlpff cy of Senator O. M. Hitchco'-k,' he A-lVV MO I Ul Vf-tvl , From Lonely Jail Argentine Strike !s Fxtended Today dacy said he regretted he was compelled io withhold his support from any Nebras ka democrat who aspired to the of fice, "but to support Mr. HIckcocL f LATE BULLETINS Oeorge Zook, after serving 20 days of his 40 day sentence in the city Ju) would have to Ignore the welfare of , for bootlegging, wasparoled this morn the democratic party, as well as ro ling by Police Judge Race on comii purfiate my own course." ' tion that he pay a $40 fine, represent- Mr. Bryan said Governor KdwariU ing the remainder of the Jail term. of New Jerseys of New Jersey wad at cne time an aspirant for the democ--tic nomination forpresldent and his insurance commissioner. Rio Janeiro, Mar. 26. Ranks of name was entered on the Nebraska striking workingmen were swelled to day when waiters, cooks and other ho tel and res:aurant employes walked All restaurants are closed. . . '. . ' tiM tn keen rsehrjout. would oe on., m Troops have been stationed at stra- Mr. Ko." "?la ' ,hm,nt of full I have been no serious disorders. Gov- 'a.,:r;r.'7nVnn;r restrictions," on ernment official, declare the strike m pumice? f.-r-- campaign expenditures. the work of foreign radicals. Zook was arrested after stepping from a train here, and was found to car ry three full quart bottles of "moon shine" li'juor. Zook's release came about when he asked Chief Welsh this morning If he could see the Judge, When uxktl what he winhed to see the Judge for, he declared that it was lonely in Jail since the Eyerly brothers had beer taken away with their musical in- Former service men carry approx- struments. me r-yeny oroiners were Imately 400,000 War BIk Insurance -Uken out last night, leaving Zook the policies. only prisoner in the city Jail. , primary ballot, but it was withdrawn because the New Jersey executive "did not want to endanger Senator Hitch cock's chances by dividing the we, vote of the state." (By The AKlatfd I'rcwi) Paris, Mar. 27 The chamber of deputies today expressed its confidence in the government by a vote of 518 to 70. The vote followed the debate on interpellations on the government's foreign policy. Berlin, Mar. 27 Formation of a new cabinet for Germany with Hermann Mueller as premier and Foreign Secretary was an nounced today. The minister of labor is Herr Schlicke, a socialist, as is the premier. The minister of economics is Herr Schmidt, also a socialist. ' Southampton, Mar. 27. Two fires on the American liner Philadiephia damaged the vessel so badly today that her sailm was abandoned pending extensive repairs. In view of similar fires on the steamer New York here recently the manager of the line believes the fire of incendiary origin. . .