ffflJSSDAY, MARCH 25, 1920. Pardon Me By M. B. - lad gemrttaxw , fhe thing Oolite misses fbaa the thing . .. Hfld tt gets" e Wealth for instance ,. Or mat long-planned , . Trip . e e Or tooring car 1 foa made a sacrlf ico f)r the new Hospital Xo would gain More TUui jou would . By spending Hie raou'ey otherwise . . What? Fairfield Fairfield, Mar. ,25. Jess Moore, who haa been employed on the Wil liams & Heart hop ranch, Is moving to St Paul tlus week. Cecil DuRette 1 nursing a frac , tured rib, the result of a wrestling match. Lenard Mahony spent the week end with his parents in Portland, his father returned with him Sundav of- ternoon, who is spending this week with his family in this section. J. B. Lovegren ditched the Ford order and now drives a fine new Oc erland. Arthur Brook and Mrs. Harry 'Brook and little daughter of St. Johns ppent Saturday and Sunday at T. A. Ditmar's. Mrs. J. T. Cockerham spent th? week end at her new home near Day ton, Miss Morion McCaully of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mahony Jr., w'er guests at John Marthaler's Sunday. 1 Mrs. Geo. Sigfrit of eastern Oregon who has been a guest of her slstir. Mrs. Allsup, is spending this week iu Portland. Miss Emma Cockerham of Mc Slinnvllle college is spending he- upring vacation with her sister, Mrs. E. J. J. Miller. Mahony Bros, have traded his Wa , terloo Boy tractor for a Case. Miss Bessie Congdon of Eugene visited la'4 week with her sister, Mrs. E. B. Smith. mitt Agnes and Cecil A.' DuRette from 0. A. C. are spending their , spring vacation with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. J. Miller enter tained as guests over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Qhas. Backstro n'iof PortlanV. they also motored to McMlnnviile Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 9. F. Parker attend- fd the funeral of their son-in-law, Miles Jameson. Mrs. Parker remain ed a week. Fairfield Sunday school will have an all day session Kaster Sunday; Sunday school at 11 a. m. and a basket dinner and preaching services st 2:30 by Rev, Achor, James C. Bonum is visiting a few days with Wm. Allsup and family, en route from eastern Oregon to Cali fornia. 1 ( Wednesday with p,. , j state engineer, by the Enterprise Eiec itric company 0f Enterprise. Wallowa , inty. which seek, the rfch. propriate water from Fall Creek Lake creek and the east fork ol Other appllrotions for water rirfiu were filed as follows: ghU By & P. Gilmore. Junction Citv. Ore- mtn? Par c"k ,or th v,!op poZi hPower for farm pur- By Ransom Carter of Rogue River covering the appropriation of ter from Evans creek f. ,h ;" ., aler. 10 acres in Jackson countx " " Wolf week for the irrigation of a small tract In Josephine countv. . By Wilson R. Winans of Dee. Ore gon covering the appropriation of of 80 acres i IIood River coumy Incorporations, The Pain bed at 150,000 filed articles of C "ura ,on ne Wednesday. The incor poraton axe L. W. Himes. If. Schwaz back .md Julius Cohn. w?i!?Cr, cororations filing articles Wednesday were: . Columbia Trunk company, Portland $25,000: R. W. Rll T r. n0' Charts E. McCulloch. Bull Run Lumber company. Gresh am J5000; W. E. Bender, J. 6. Bchult and Erma W. Schults. Standard Products company, Port land, $30,000; James P. Kelly, Coe A McKenna and John J. Beckman . Resolutions of dissolution were filed by the Interstate Auto Service com pany Portland; Allen Brass company, Portland, and the km., t .u. ., ."i iucrvan- u company, silver Lake. The Federation Publishing company Portland, filed a certiflnata - increase in capital stock from J2QQ 10 :v,uvv. t, . , , nure mention ot bol 1'J comics is the s5m. toL IUughter aaa gladness coin- an mkle remark: "Mai- th- ,tv. long and prosper." Bankers Ordered To Testify Before Bankruptcy Board rxv. : - .. , , Mlr' 5 Jse K. M. Lan dH today ordi w .TT." noU - I U1UH.BTS ot llll- no u i ..nd Uwi summoned to federal rst'nV 7TWt lD thfl '- l,ni .i m . ui ne oanKrupt Dania Hayes Land eomp.my. Wo I """Tfivld. attorney for Washington. Iowa .i. I .. conny totro4acd a new dement In en e rtemanded Ihi.t lei Havea Jr. v.. ... - wny v&morni r.r,. .t 10 nls f"nts 'n Iowa m same tun was sold to other customers ta Ohio. Judgo Landis or aered the charge invsetlted. th ,w ,erftld brouEnt out that th-a company was incorporated in rn as well no I.l .u-. - -w,.v. r x was -""-" now tnia swindle got bv Delaware without hooking up with it," Judge Landig commented. Chilean Cabinet V Being Reorganized cabinet has been constituted bv th president, the premier and mlnisMr of the Interior being Pedro Nalasco Montenegro, former minister of war. Antonio Huneu. who at various times during the past 20 years has held portfolios in Chilean ministries, has been appointed minister of foi eign affairs. ' , Riot Of Comedy Is Promised In Mutt And Jeff Prepare for the time of your lives for Jtfrtt and Jeff are nomine- tn This uhiouitous and reallv fnn,.u are underlined to appear in a brand new musical comedy in three acta and five scenes entitled "rntt n,i r. Dream ' at Grand theater commencing iuesuay, ainrcn 30, one night only with tho customary matinees. Vmm nil accounts the latest versions of the ramous "Bud" Flshor conilca are the funniest of the sorles thus far pre sented l:y Gus Hill who Is still sponsor for Mutt and Jeff on tho tcge. The company presenting this enjoyable at traction is composed ot thirty people including twenty of the prettiest young women ever gathered In one aggrega tion. There are sixteen original musi cal numbers th intervening special ties. 3urDrises. screams, tvft. nnvaltioa calcuVued Jtq please the millions wno MLSSOl-RUNS IS CHINA ORG..VIZE STATU CU B Shanghai. Feb. 10 Mi.i dents in Shanghai hax'e formed th? "Missouri Society," the first state or ganiiation in China. Tho society was launched at a meeting at the home of Major Arthur Baesett and Dr. John T. Procjor was nimed president. Water Permits DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in GOLD MEDAL Ths world'i ftandsrd ramtdy for kidoejr, liver, bladder and uricscid troubles and I Iwlionai ttemeay oi noiuna eince idw The storage of water In three reser-1 Three siies, all druggists. Guaranteed )irs for power development Dumoses' Lol for ! CoU M.dl erery tx voirs for power development purposes ? """'veq in an application filed here tmi accept ae iaiiutiea . One tea advertises 300 cups to the pound ; another 400 cups. Why don't we make great big promises like those? Because we- want to be believed. . ( ypu really want to know how. many cups Schilling l ea makes to the pound, tell us hoW large is yotir cup, how strong you like your tea, what flavor you drink Japan, Ceylon, India, Oolong, English Breakfast. Then we'll know what we are talking about. We know this . anyway 1 Schilling Tea makes more, cups to "the pound than any other tea we know of ai any price. There are four iavws ef Schilling ' Tea Japan, Cevton India, Oolong, ErigKsh Breakfast AH one quality. In paichBiyn-lined mofctare-proof packages. At grocers everprfcere. A Schilling f Co San Francisco Food Islfour Building Material ((Chosen wisely; you profit in energy and healih Yqxi can do this with ecori oiijrwhen you choose for your cereal food- 1 Ir, -n-O f4 Delicioiis in flavor, ready cooked. GrapeNuts is the ideal ready-to-eat dish iviudi should be on eveiy femily table. There's rat aJbit of waste, and Gie-Nuts .needs no sugar Made by Pbstam Cereal Co. Battle Cxeek.Michu Former Emperor William Is Poor XT n J T O L. e !roe,aMln washed on I Man, Dutch Say t?n4ot Iri . ,'. Ltii siat vetrlr.4rian. wua. cnecti.e Thursdav. The ouarantinp. hnn. j . . feet Importation of sheep for ira- I Th-s rroelamatinn . ----- 43ow nn pnp PAGB THRE2 The Hacue, Mar. Stn..ft. . e elte that " a contaeious b,,.i i claiming to know tlle iancia, con-1 1 ?.v i TT f kno' daion tf former Emperor William f; i!!ttS? 8 ' .toUle extent vermaoy are ereatly an.tsed at varl- ShBiV-. , r s,als nd at uus reports enuitlng from Berlin to v,dlcvl ln nitnam gave nionetarj sirinpeut quarantine placed in effect 1 .iprii e, lai o convey wab aM ,hat ' " ' support to the' reactionary revolt' of I t,7vtmUn ot future .- "In reality the former emperor is mZ '"T' of tne uara Virtuallv a noor n ,., ... . ; offered for imiw halt to pay Count Bentinck. owner the f M witiwut astleat'Amerongeuwhere7U-l Thi tP , dlng Vm abwn . lne Proclamation nL , " icss virtually a poor man," and official told: Oreso , , , WaUotl , the Awsciated Pi-ess todiv. "There hl'?L,t:w b ler a Wetion whether he has money LT f?"! P- officer and tl enouKh to Py Count Bentinck. owner ,7. ., .' PnoJ ' with of the castle liam haa been stavine !n v..,.. 1918, T-hat he ows him." . According to another official famil iar with negotiations between William of Hohcnzollerrt and th? Dutch gov ernment, William has throughout dis played anything but a heroic attitude. So anxious has he been to obtain Hol land's protection, he has ooen glad from the very start to clve a pledge not to participate In political intrigues. "We are confident he will Jteep his pleds?,' 'an official remarked todiiy. Importations Of Sheep Without Inspection Hit Importations of any sheep In.o tne state of Oregon wlhout proper inspec tion and permission granted iii accord ance with the rules and regulations of the United States bureau of animal In dusfy and the state JIvest.ioK sanitary board is forbidden under a quarantine proclamation Issued by Governor Ol- TeB Your Friends About NIcotol The Enemy of Tobacco It improves any man's health to quit tobacco if he can escape the aw ful craving that usually attends quit ting without such assistance as Nlco tol gives. Did you ever have smok er's cough? Try Nlcotol in epttino- rM of the tobacco habit and see how quickly the cough will disappear. Nij otol Is dispensed by most good drug gists in this city, especially by I). 3. Fry. (Adv "Walfelt" Takes the place of house lining for less. Max 0. Bur en 179 North Commercial FOR LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING , WillametteV alley Transfer Co. PHONE l0p WE ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING ' BIBLE SCHOOLS I"L.N.VKD Many towns la Oregon will conduct a daily vacation bible school this vear The Oi ben oraanued to h!u all who plan this I ioa oi a sonool. Why not rendr tnw sen-ice to the children of vour town this year. Kev. J. W. H.ivt. Ashland. Oregon, will furnish infoi-mi'tion and help in erganjnng a school. tox kvt:rs race Columbus, O.. Mar. 25. An active TOmpalgn in the interest of Ooverno. James Jt. Cox of OhU for the demv cratlo nomination for president was launched her Wednesday. lIireaB's Heals Thre Kl- I', beiiit e.'lJ. .0.w:naa ', -i mw a KToarkaMe Cireef a twi tern with 8rmt." t ''s mirte bottr r)n& tiithr cm, 1 si t Riifurn rn, r-t..i." C ft-oai wve'it iUt rrnw Wt'-if r It try. .k(..fl, Intl. tinteJum fct awre fv l We tee. he ! n.-t rrnark rw.tta Kl-eapllthed l. O l Biiraltl i; irmt li fteai lilwriee and t! kieane er ratee ef tu, thai vr tti , v. b iu . C.nue X aiui . ut ).. (. e (uanatee (Be Aril twtlie. IV. J, r. C4 ioncn lor $m yisea JOURNAL WANT AO GET RKSITLTs! J- C. Perry, drugg st. r ':--Tlib'-::WhoIe Ss ret of A Better Tire Simply a Matter cf.thc Maker's Policies This yctl will realiztf one you ffy a Brunswick that a super-tire is possible only when the name certifies that the maker is follow ing the highest standards. iP or fire making is chiefly" a mat ter of standards and policiescost plus care. Any maker can build a good tire if he cares to pay per iection's price. All men know Brunswick stand ards, for Brunswick products have been famous for 74 years, . Formulas, fabrics and standards vary vastly in cost. Reinforce ments, plies and thickness are a matter of expense. And these vari ations affect endurance. ,' It rests with the maker how far he wishes to go how much he can afford to give. ' For there are no secrets nor pat ents tohoM one back. To ascertain what" eacS maker offers one must analyze and test some 200 tires as our laboratories! have done. Then it is a matter of comtimng the best features and building ac cording to the highest standards. Once you try a BrunswicK you will understand how we have built model tires, regardless of factory expense. Yet Brunswick Tires cost you the same as other like-type tires. Our saving is on selling cost, through our nation-wide organization. .We realize that you expect more from Brunswicks, and we assure you that you get it. ONE Enms wick will tell you the tory. And then youll want ALU Brunswicks. No other tire, you'll agree, gives so much fat your money. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDEF. CO. , . Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis TKontoil NonskldS XJSHortoo Tire Co. V 83" Court St ALLOWANCE made on your old tires W.W.MOORE House Furnisher BOMB OF THE V1CTROLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. Draperies MADE TO ORDER TO FIT TOUR WINDOWS C.S. Hamilton 840 Court Street Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiator a Specialty Ford Radiator! for Sale 108 ft lh St Salem, Or. FORD TRUCK WITH TWO TOK ATTACHMENT. RUNS USB A TOP OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. T1 Coirt Btreet Phone eil 1 ... , ttulU HI. t a. rs: '-- t ' - -ml ;, " ' -lev ii v)uiiiii'"llll,ll""w"a""''"'ttwii.L . v Cord Tires with "Driving" end "Swastika" Skid-Not Treads Fabric Tires in "Plain." "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Treads Great Western Garage 147 N. High Street , Cherry City Garage 170 S. 12th Street Buy Remnants AT THB Remnant Store tii Norta, Commercial . g' J mm eJuwei m m ini ajaaf il"ira) . lajaai-iayajpay mm1 WW JT, '! " I "a B1KBaBWaBBBBBBBtBBiBnBMeMM(BiiOTBaBi(aBeHBaa HIDES j and SACKSi WANTED Also Junk of All Klnda ' Beat Price Guaranteed CALL III 'Capital Junk Co. The Square Deal House 171 Chemeluta BL Phone 811 L.M.HUM Car of YkkSoTong Chinese Medicine and T Co. Haa medicine which will cure any known dlne.-ue. Open Bundaye from 19 a. ra. untU S p. in. Hi SooUi High Street , Y STORE Has Just Received a Car Load " SWIFTS CANNED BACON Which can be had by mail at, the can $2.75 I Postage and Insurance Total , 1 t 'Armour's side bacon - .$2.96 ....20c We have a few HHospitaF blankets at $6.00 Postage and Insurance $6.U J.T.CONWAY, Mgr. Albany, Ore. 107 Lyon Street