' u-5; V STAY, MARCH 24. 1920. "7 I J.-'' rr ' T-.nions & eeni. one month insertion only in New Today. I ' i, cas in advance and aot tak-, i utione. unless dverlier ha ...,mnt. No allowance for . . i atm U LWl i- , Furnished house.. Phone i rOBf'::- -,n . f,i li (iumm-i l5t IT '" V ,- jTS (IS!. .vrvn Dining loom woman .ll I,,..,... i ff J NEW TODAY. ". ' j .Ml of Grant Hon. Spautdiiigj ,2 Co.. Front-and Ferry . g'i' .....i:'r- -f Averv Orchard Six is " lllling it.!" It will do your work. Salem J8 Exchange, it SUte, 7J Gt' t'ARATSEU auto repunrj, we . gave you worry and loss. Sa- ,, Auto Exchange. 73 ,-Ar.probably at skating rink gold Cunt tin pen without oap. Finder Se K0 Jt UtOJ. k?4 5aNTE1 Klderly dy tat lUrht haurt work. More for a home, than the work. Three small OhUiirwv in famill'- Address R V Capital Jour, nal. ; 74 Hoi'e'K for rent 1st Astl. fi rooms big IP' 8,1,1 chicken bsuw. 1878 Oak street. Inquire 70 N. 17th. j?3 fSTILL have 25,000 Wilson Kiraw-berr'- plan's for sale at $6 pr 10Q0 tied,' 4 per 1000 not tied. Deliv ered in Salem or at express office without extra inainn. tio. n, point Rt. 6, box !S. .dJ4 fKEE for the hauling, two to" four bis wads of oak and fir aahea. fine fur fertilizing. Call i'attotis book more. e74 FOR SAI-ti 5 room plastered cot tufX, cite water, one block to car. Price ?H00. Call at ltOt Broad way. Ji FOR SALE Secondhand lumber, Sx. 4xi. and 2i6 all lengths. Also While Leghorn hn, rood luy eiu i,;S6 Lee St, Salem. e77 WANTUf' Woman for eeneral house work. Rt. I, box 6A, Salem, Or. . . e73 fOR SALE Team. WBlffht 2S00, in alley behind White feed More. T2 FOR PALK Lot G0xl50, east front, reinent walk, gas. water and sew enix, uooil location and surrouhd incs. l'rice $r.00. I'hone t78. ad drew 'x'X Lot Journal. c73 VAXT j.asture for BO head rf s'uud CutB'eid sheep; will let out on share. Address lit. 8, box 120, Sa lem. . r77 FOR SALE Beautiful modern resi deiire ('f 7 rooms and 2 bath rooms full ci-ment basement; paved atreet etc., ir. choice residence part of city. Si.me furniture with. it. Euy ter.... .see Teai-cy Drftfc, HO Oie eon I'iJe. a"4 ftAXT."!) Secontlhantl . camera, Grai'l.ix or 4A kodak preferred. Stit price, condition. Box SS Cap ital Journal. ' i"5 WASTED A loncsomo but Siffectlon iiir ; i iy wishes to correepond with re;o:.iUe eentleman for eompanv. Ilea '. firow, Gen. Del., Salem, Or. 72 FOrxi' I'our autoniobils and truck eiar.k.s ut Capital Journa.1. Please cull ii-.'l identify property and nay for IV. Foil SALE 3 fresh cows with calves The.e cows are young and heavy mi:kvi. Call and try them before Iwyii g. SOli; N. Com'!. e73 For. SALE Clood learn, wagon ami harness.. 1IC6 N. Liberty Sf. Phone c73 WANTED Nice modern furnished room, close inr"!ntilot place, business nua preferred. Dox 41 . Capital Jowt.il. i J73 Wanted First clans woman res t. tir, nt conk. Please do not ans- wer tuiloss yo uknow your business. Rood wages; no Sunday v.ork. Dox , I HAVE a registered roan Shorthorn --bill! 1 will exchange for another ; one good. F. M. Cook, Turner, v . Rt 8. PT7 1 POK SALE 10 White Leehorn liens 1 all f:rt class. Call tti N. Winter. Plwne laSl'.f. , HiEL wanted for housework. Apply ei..iis. 82S N.;Capltot St g74 ' KOCiJI modern house, well located, corii-v improved street, full Imse f "lent. A real snap. 4600. John H. wot; Ucalty Co.,, 828 Oregon bl.lg. . - a73 OK SALE 6 room plaKtered house i mi..i-;i, oxc.opt furnace, 2 large 'ois with fruit trees and fine gar en s-i.ace. Would consider some StOCK ill evili-.rin-f.. l.rMa mou- aMe. -: 4 1 Lop St. 'first house west of 25'1. St. -7 rnpV ... hji s...,rti.;!" bouse, barn i ; FORD touring, is ifi, good paint, runs r onlv $;i0 cash. 187 S. Liber- ' ty St. ' 72' "ORD TlXl. B-n,.7r " A-i condition, a bargain. 187 O. IJlfMv U. 72 hahv ohicks l-r..,,!,. rA. .-.-...lint. delivery. Ancrmas, Rods, Leghorns "ckk and Kntleroups. C. ti. Keed--JiiiliJoiS State, f74 1!' u By experienced .senpral work on farm or or h73 We Ur- in the ...n.-ua I limi Mil 1UI IHHlUtl, rgj. or smuii quftnMtieg, Clifford ; ?J:'vn. 174 t?r Duroo brood sow regis- ' f tn t'''ri' soon, and a dandv i ,"r,ti!fc I'r'ce; 2 good milk cows, 1 i ""hen soon 'and me other to i"'' In June, giving t 4to 88 lbs Sflt 8 ,y' test about or better, i n''".''8 "UBgy harness alm..s' . r.ier.p for cash, er will trade ' u,r.,if,0cl hog. Have good Chosta-r f "u : for sl wt. about 250 ' l,?'; Mhwt to register, and would , ,TKb dandy brood sow. Phone , w mp H c Aumsvillo. Or efter S p. m. 73 STae!..0f'k! L,slpn. Mr. Investor, 80 Ji. ,flve miles out; 70 in cultlva ' h . l)aB'ure. 30 acres seeded to :. ceriies, 6 and 1 years old: 1 tZ ""'"wberriea. 1 acre logans; 8 f'ir. house, full basement hot and "'a water, dutch kitchen; lnr "oni and other outbuilding Dace i; fenced. Party going east. Im- possession. Price $13,600 soir.. ' termtt 17nr...lu ei r. SOU -""HU.iJ Ol O. IV. I rill - l'iLOregojjJjldghcneJ; n eai1 1 L n'ne for sale, close in f front. First floor hAS nail rs parlor, living room, dining . column openings, built Ir wokcase. buffet fine electric fix e. finished in white enamel, tn- room' kichcn. closed in pan, vp-t 1. roo,n cemont fruit and e-r1' rocm Just off from kttcb second floor has 1 bed fooms " g room, bath, and toilet room: Kir.i,. fn, 9 . , ?"llig is In. . F01 njcuiars phone S. 72 OOl. Ja BARGAINS triv. 1 " MI1IC VUl, pis.(k UUf Z ",'Vd ,208 r ut er - --of bottom land east Balem. fine rf,"'n 'nd. $300. Seven room bur. blocks out. $2t0. Kin 6ff h.ou' tu" blocks from post ce. $jt7eo Five room ,aeHiuw k,V I- Sma" bouse and two goo.i . 2S0 acre farm all etock in ,t d "'O'PPed one of the best eV .raUT' 1?5 per acre. Nine falrf !,or "nt. F. U WooJ 341 St. n74. ..V TODAY 5 rooiu house. t-.TTT ";, -7' t. extra ' nouwe roll. Jto o j.s is. fom'l, . W -VLLPASTE' nan,,,,,,. : f-ter "ALlihUAKll- I, 'a,h i,,,a or limed. Max o Uurta. 179 N. Com'l. .1 jWAIX paper J3c double C lt M.ll .... Max O. Ruren. 179 N. Com'l. ,.' I . , Wige lots with different kinds bear m .run, moeK to car. Owner 17:f N. Summer. BARN for sale cheao. Pi.n.,a Hi ' durlng day or MS of evenings. c74 1917 FORD tourin, n car lor i.i k- olaas condition. O. W. Hoffman, Rt. a, oeiem, or. . RARflATV K b "7 . .; . i . " u aitji, . mna.s irfim line, good soil, family. orrw.i Ti,A chickens, furniture, main an'rl k.vi and implements. S room house fine location. Price 370, terms. Saw yer Emmett, room 3, Bavne bid? FOR SALE Buy this farm, vou can not lose. 55 acres with large new oarn loratea about is miles from Salem and 1 mile from i xj . .. "'"e 'ran It. K. station, store, postot'flee end 1 mile from school. Price for a! few days at J6600. See or write iaRnnsoin, Anmsvllle, Or.7S FOR SALE Span of bav mares. 8 years old. weight 3140 lb good workers; also span of mares, 7 and 8 years old. weight Sf.70 lbs; span geldings, 7 and years, weight S2o0; one bay horse, weight 1870 lbs. This stock id all good workers and true. These horses have been working, all will be sold reason able. Will try them to your satis faction. Inquire Farmers food barn across the street from Oregon Elec trie depot. e73 FOR SALE. For Sale Houses. 6 ROOM house extra good buy i sold this month, plastered, modern ex cept basement; garage; one block from State street, north. Investi gate this today. Price J2250, terms 81260 cash, balance term of years. 8. R. Pearson, 406 Oregon bldg. rnone 43. R FOR SALE Dwelling at 14! Court street; 20 acre fruit ranch, Rose dale district; o. 264 N. Commer cial now occupied by Chinese ba zaar; bungalow in Roseburg; store with living rooms at 1390 S. 12tl. J. 1). Olddliigs, Kldridge hotel, Sa ' n7S ALMOST new T room plastered house full basement, everything the best, attractive inside and out, very close In, short time only. Prlee J5260, terms V, cash, balance 6 porcent. S. R. Pearson, 406 Oregon bldg. Phone 43 n FOR SALE 9 room modern house, (ttore building 32x52 feet two stor ies, good ware house, all lighted: two acres of land In high state of 1 cultivation, well fruited, situated on Oregon Electric R. R. Stock of merchandise at invoice, annual sales aggregate about 820.000. W. A. Liston, agent. 484 Court St. n75 FOR S.VLE I5y owner, 7 room mod ' em house, two corner lots, cemont walks, some fruit and walnut trees; a bargain If tnken at once, come and see it. 896 8. 16th St. a7B 8 ROOM modern bungalow for sale, built in features throughout, full cement basement, fruit room fire place, large lot, hot and cold wator linoleum and range go with sale, if taken at once, $3250. See owner. Peterson with John IL Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. n FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house, water, lights and toilet; lot 105 ft. wide, 110 ft. deep, all ln bearing fruit, mostly Royal Annos, at a bar gain. 81400. 600 Turner St. between 22 and 23d on Mill. a78 FOR" SALE By owner, now house, modern, .7 rooms, fireplace, furn ace, large lot. fruit, near car line, paved street. 630 N. 24th, n72 FOR SALE By owner one 7 room strictly modern bungalow, excel lent view, block and. half from car line in south Salem, 140 Superior 8t. ; a9A FOR SALE i room cozy bungalow and a 0 room bungalow, modern except heat, some fruit. Inquire 1242 N.Front. a 93 fOR SALE Ten room house; largo 'corner lot. Inquire 6S9 N. High St. a73 For Sale Farms. FOR SALE Our fine 20 acre home east of pen. with fine team, cow, 3 fine Poland hogs, 3 dozen Plymouth hens, 60 bushel wheat, hay; ten thousand, $4000 cash, balance 6 per cent. See Ryan, 240 River St. b72 FOR SALE 28 acres north near Pa cific highway, 18 acres fall wheat, balance plowed. New 4 room bun galow, good barn. Price Willi crop $130 per acre, V, cash. D. E. Hart. 208 Oregon bldg; ; L 500 ACRES land cheap. Call U2F13. . 1)72 jjOTICE If you want close in high class improved acreage, home, See Hrown, room 8. 841 SlatMjmj.2 FOR SALE Acreage, modern bun galow, new barn, adjoins oily lim its lights, water; cash or terms. Best soil for fruit or berries. Own er, box 210,Stayton, Or. m80 10 ACRE orchard full bearing, most ly prunes, some apples, pears and Cherries; 9 room ouse, barn, gas n,.n,n and tank. This orchard .i.nw nil Indications of a bumper crep. Located in best locality and truck j,, A.t condition, terms If de community near Euiuiysldo. ""'! sired. Salem Velie company, 102 N. of Salem. Owner will take $4000 if j sold In two weeks, ft rasn, oaia. , 6 percent. H. K. l eaism., ... gon bldg. Phone 43. n For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Turning lathe for wood. 1 blacksmith bellows and vise, as ' sortment of springs Jor t Werner Fennel. 803 N. Liberty St. c 1 3 FOR SALE Light hica. snap St c72 $10. Phone z- CASH reeister and safe for sale. 143 N nigh St. lf FOR SALE 4-months old fox terrier dog $5. Address 1157 S loth. Phone 1194. . - 4.' firm wneon wlih "y'l.Hnl .eat $03: loo "d box and Prl"K " - j ?ottn1rcohXg,mirno.'c;lH mee Phone 851R. .. !Li NIONS for sale cheap. Commercial. c88 MISCELLANEOUS BIGGIN SLOCUM. auto transfer, general draylng. local and long distance hauling. Office phone FRANFER. Moving. Btorags 00a foV J. Office t People's Furni ture Store. 271 N. Com,claL8 Phone 734. Residence 1368 Hin Wood street TRYlhe Biederman Transfer. Phone 100, res. phoneJ08X.ll 0-RDEiTyW awnings from DiUman Write Highland are. mT FOR SALE. rn in tne fninquott walnut miUtniiiivt iv r.,ni.fr- M on the California black stumn I These trees are OreLn "'i I cclimatea bo they 'withstood theielt jVoi ' eiUCkeD hwtt- STRAWI'.frpv "f" T ' room house, ol. hpt and cold wa- ..." .... ,ul Plant in any n..an- ter. bath, toilpt. lot Stu-ifii in i ut-rourg in. Gold rW,:iiT. T'. E'-bearinK. Ore.n. I.. "." mriuy, well root- eu plants Low quantity prices. City 1 Front rhune 44K'cnaidson I . Sni very fine prune farm, from m. inone .44. . ,17a , 5 to 40 acres. Money makera, i-.;W'U 21 'riUrrv piii.t..i m crc 15 ecrea In cultivation. J..50 per 1000; 'Vilson 8.' Add"ss 18 a0, ln wheat. 30 acres In clover. r. o. box 814. Senrtr j. , 25 acres in oats and hay. ii acres Fnr ?olol t ! i i mor roBdv to "9d- 8od house and rur aa'C LaveStOCK. I outbuildings. ( miles 3 W. $150 per !SJJ " - T- Walter McLaren." " FOR SALE t grey Jeraeyg all frosh i Room II. 180 N. Com. St. n i . . " . " 1 -"e- u- Aronson. Rt. J. e73 , 1t,s" l'uw fr sale. Durhams and Jrv. ...'I FOR SALK-Cheap. 1 ISSSTwl iH,Sht.at the r ,f v'r 8000 a0" weiriu inn ",j , T :, of w,t r"nge opened by a special act w toiiw. L?, Wrkr' rtn,!,c!ot the legislature. Finty of runnuS or double; spotted pony weight water, t hours drive of Salem on tto, drives and rides, genUe for ! main road. Fair house, two barns, lady or children. JS65 Brooks ave, 1 spring water. Some stock and equip near fair grounds. e7j!ent go. with the place at 118.000. rnR cup l. : ; uood , oALK borne nice Jui-sey cows, I i, nd om'K fresh. Cull 87Ff,,ii "Venlnga. ebest FOR SALE Milk cows. Rt. 5, box fob alT' ,.r- - 7 i ruu BALK 1 team weight S300, wa-! gon and harness. 11. A. Smith, Cen-; rSnT-Pr-1 -1 rOR SALE lo lbs. lung standing! spinach seed 60c lb.; 1 -horse wa-1 uu,,, 4 (unpen' jiariioss, jos- eph E. Bartruff, Rt. 7, box 13S. 72 FOR SALE Work team and new 3'i Bain wagon. W5 N. Cottage. c72 I FOR SALE Chester White pins, 10 i 24 nCrPa. 'l new land and Is fine weeks old, your choice S. rhone i dal'15 lam soil. Fine new house, barn 86F13. George Moore's farm. o72 ; garage and big chicken house. Young ffJ"irXTe I SSrrtlSlgSS- "ri8- - T' feIiWould be excellent berry land. This For Sale Poultry !ittle farm la 100' yards t,om 8tation Pdi iTOv .rn .,,., ; r and about H mile to school. L. leei Kii rTTi:'0 Yhl.Lp?horn BU "lon good graveled road only 8 miles Mnfo ln,,heM;,,"'";lIrol fl,nte house- Just 15 "lnute T. i. C-,rr.k1'nl!,: W;ll,r d,'iv t0 m. With the place goes 6 or all to the first caller -at 2S00 ,he fttlr8 ... ..,. ,.R J OR SALfc hgse for hatching. Part-1 plow, harrow, oream separator, stump ridge Rpeks. SI per 13: I5uff Ml- puller, feed and grain In barn. Ev norcas 82 per 15. 447 S. Com'lKt. erylliing goes for 88000. Wator piped Phone 19-lf.M f73,lnto house, barn, chicken house and FOR SALE lfiO-cgg MeCliinahan in : pasture, from large red wood tank. , cubator, also fireless brooder. K. L. , This Is an Ideal country home. Darby, Rt. 3, box 279, Salem. e73, Neat T room nlnstered home with For Sale Wood. FISHER boys will saw your Phone 1004. wood. I m8l!f WOOD SAW-Fishor buy will Tw I ,galow'l T fZ? , "f"1"8 uM your wood. Phone 10D4. mSl I tr:"? f?LUt;..TB f, 8d b"y mnnw .i.J. ,eT:r7.l" 320'' will handle. 4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will 1 buy all kinds of cord wood. Office on paTed 8tre;t ln fina 'residence seo 805 S. Church. Phone 1642. Fred ! tion, close In. A dandy place at 84, IC. Wells. ee I 300. FOR SALE First growth 4 ft. slab wood, 87.60 cord. Phone 6R3. ee73 WANTED. Wanted Help. WOOD culters wanted. Call 0SF5. gju WANTED Lady waitress, assistant lady cook. Home Rest. 223 North Com. gV3 WANTED Young man wants Job driving truck, some experience. Box 111 Capital Journal. h78 WANTED Girl or woman for gen- tral' housework. Call 205 N. 21st street, rnone 1Z31R. 1T72 WANTED Men for hop yard work. Phone 1C62. J73 WANTED Good all around" niaTi for general farm work. W, L. Fuller, Brooks, Or., Phone 35F32. g73 WANTED 2 farm hands at Oregon j an, . 8 room house, hot and cold wa state tuberculosis hospital, pay $60 iter", bath; pood barn and other bulld per month with board, room andjlnKS $12,000, easy terms, laundry furnished. Phone 433. g72 0 ncrPa on pttClfo highway, fani- HELP WANTED Two men to work lily orchard, 2V4 acres logans; t room on general fruit farm, also man, with team to plow orchard. Phone 107F13. g72 IF.VTLMl !...-..-.,....., nii.l l.nap.laM 11, n 1 w...v. " !. private family on car line. F euro Tim-nn 1 172 EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. Jia lie Rile Bakery, 457 State Mt . WANTED Wood cutlers for 2110 cords Or. Phone 10SF31. g72 STIMIEK'T wnnls work afternoons or ni-A,,l,,rr nnrl Si I iiriln V A .1 il IOqS ' box 457Journal . h72 ! WANTED 9x12 rug. leather daven port and library tabic from private party. Josso Walling, lit. 1, box 103','Sali-wi. i'"i AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE Saxon 6 pass. Don't full to see this buy. 444 1' prry St. q . r.- i FOR SALE 1 Ford touring car. 500, $6500 cash, balance at fl percent, just overhauled, a bargain. 705 S. (This place is 2 4 miles from Mon 19th St. q72 ; mouth, Or and represents one of the 1917 FOR Dlouring for sale, first ! best values In the real estate market class condition. Leaving town. O. I today. Are you going to get this one? W Hopkins. Rh 3. Salem. g7. FOR SALE fine 15-25 Samson trac tor In excellent shape, used only 1 4 seasons. Snap, at 183 H. Com. FtHtliALEi Ford car. 1 ladles bi cycle, 1 gents bicycle. Call at 2180 N. 5thSt, .72 A SNAP Light six 5 pass, car, good tires, late model, terms. Phone 888 M. 75 FORD repairing, expert work at reas nmihln iiriooH with satisfaction guar anteed. We use genuine Ford parts Phone us to tow in your car. Lsed Fords bought and sold. The Auto Shop. U7 S. Liberty Ht. next to Club stables. Phone 7. W t.YR SALE ('bean 1-lon Maxwell Commercial St GENERAL automobile repairing magnetos repaired and recharged Ford work a specialty; batteries r charged. The Fairgrounds Garage M. D. Jackson, Prop. Phone 808 I7 FOR SALE Brand n"w medium priced car at a sacrifice. If you have a cheap car and want to own a classy 1920 model try us on a trade. This car has not run a hund red miles. Cherry City garage, 170 H. I2lh. Si. fl"' Salem Auto Exchange. Monitor cars now on display. Com and see them. 22 State St Phow 869. FOR RENT. F0R RENT Large house, Judson ,u : ... ... NICE warm room, with eoaru.i.i(i 3.4 mll from carlin. Price N. Cottage St. Phone 1003. j ana. $1600 down, balance $ percent FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms! interest. .... for lis housekeeping. 670 Union! 20 acre tract, 5 acres full bearinr Lreet ' J"! logans, 1 acre set out last year; 5 JZllr , -i-g- 1 Italian prunes, small house Scavenger, 3ALEU SCA VANGE R Garbage ano : ....... nf all kinds removed on monthtv contracts at reasonabl rales. Cess pools cleaned. Dead anl maJs removed. Office phone Mali 187. Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade 8ts Bills paysble monthly ia advance Phone 87. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL REAL ESTATE. I IP your property i.i. .he u.oue we list it, we O.eruse it. Lr 4. tit?r ol aiu. Rir , "I" . ' - . room houw etrtc light IS750. 10 fine lots, t room plastered house $4250. irwM. winonuit, outbuildings. Real Investments. 3S0 acres, 100 acres In cultivation. uooii terms. room plastered house, modern. basement, lavatory, one of the Unc. h..O. kA.iaa ! U. . I. . . 1 , . . i at JS150. Wiop clewed most of th time this week-except between 7 and p. m or by appointment. Estea & -. 428 Oregon bldg Salem Portland office. Cham ber of Com FINE NT3W FARM HOME. modern conveniences except base ment and furnace. In excellent con- dltion. East front; pavement to back lot Room on lot for another bun- I IT na HAilnH MAhHi uin iii"ut-i h v 1 win homo with full knsnmeHt fuanuna urn Thao rail Wo want more listings of city prop erty well located. Also small farms and larger ones. Give us a chance to sell your property, we want to be of sorvico to you and our community. LIST YOUR FARM We sold a 8H.OO0 farm to a Sa lem man Wednesday through our lo cal advertising and we have more farms to offer. I4t where you get results. Kinney &-Smith, ii0j Bank of CommWcebldg Best Buys. 8 acres all ln cultivation, good val lov soil, close to town on paved road. $1600. 15 acres on Garden road close in, it.at nf soil. 1U nores familv orch- modern bungalow, 4 blocks Irom street car. $8500, 24 norm, 20 in orchard 9 years old, loganberry fillers In., part; 8 room - ... ... , i..i,. ,.j -o""". ""l '. ;" . barn and other buildings; 5Vi miles out. $9600. 80 acres. 60 cleared, 22 acres beav er dam; family orchard, large barn and silo, small house; Joins city lim its of good town, 15 blocks to school; would mako an excellent dairy farm. Wl t 11 POU Itiment $ 1 0. 8 00. 100 acres on good road 3 miles from town: fair houso, good barn nr ranged for 20 to 30 cows. 8 silos; with ssvrnl thousand dollars worth of stock and equipment, $20,000, lernvt. 06 acres, all cultivated, 40 acres 7 year old Italian prunes, 25 acres in crop, fair Improvements, on road to . . ., , n Kood sol 12 ; not If vou are a slow mover. 30 acres all cultivated lencea, narn close In. $3600. tcrms-lf desired. This Is mostly good berryland.- 11 acres, loguns, bearing English walnuts, family orchard, good Im provements.' stock nnd equipment goes. Just out side Salem limits, on paved road, best location; a snap $11,000, easy terms. If you are Interested In any of thee nbovn Items and mean business, I would be pleased to have you call on jmn' Socolofsky. I41 Bte'e Good Buys. 20 acres of good prune, loganberry nnd strawberry soil, all cultivated. Price $3000. 10 acre tract, S acres cultivated and In strawberries, balance In timber and stump pasture, house and barn; 6 miles from Salem. Price $3200, $1850 down, balance 7 percent Interest. Well Improved S acre tract located close to carllne. bearing fruit, good bungalow, electric lights. Pru $6000. 20 acre tract all cultivated, 4 acres logans, I acres cherries, some apple" i room plastered cottage, barn, well, on rock road close to Pacific high way. Price $9000. (0 acres of good fir timber located northeast of Salem. Price $100 . per acre. 180 acre farm located on North Howell prairie, 120 acres cultivated and In crop, house and barn, best of still. Price $175 per acre. 10 acres bearing Italian prunes seven and 9 years old, located 4ty mites south of Salem. Price $6000. a acres locatedon main Pacific hi?hwav. 2 "A acres In prunes, located !nm fine timber, two springs. Price $7500 HOUSE BUYS ( room modern bungalow, fireplace corner lot,' east front. 1515 South LflmmUliU ii . ' v . i room bungalow, bath, toilet elec rin IIbIiIs. Price $1800. room house located ar 1585 oNrtb 5th street. Price 4Z. W. IL Grabenhorst & Co. 275 SUte street B tii.AL ESTATE. FOR BALE 8 acre good 8 room house, one acre bearing prunes, some fruit; cow birn, chicken yard, balance cultivat ed 4 b.ocks from Commercial street car. 83150. . room bungalow. 17th St., electric U-hts, bath, .Kt 80x137. Price 11800. terms. . jom house, modern except base ment, garage. Winter street, close in, . . ner. l'rice 84200, : ,W. E. Comptoh. it,'j siai St.- Phtfne 820 or S4F1S - -. - " n RiiAL KSIATET 40 acres choice Howell Prairie farm 48 acrve growing grain, M acres Urn ber. All best. of Mack roam son; near .y new 1 room house, good barn and other buildings On paved roaoT. Price tlO.000. Will consider good residence in trade. S acies. about 8 In prunes and. ap ples; alL best of Garden road sil. close to street car: good 6 room hotuw good barn, watnr system. .See this if you want the best location. $750. Choice loganberry land - It, ij-.jo acre -tract, well located audprteed right .- f- Oregon Land Co. " 71 448 State street 8OME GOOD FARM LAND FOR BALE 40 acres, 38 under cultivation, and tn crop, 5 miles out. Ko improvements 1-1 of crop goes. For quick sale 84000 18 arms on good road, v, miles out, GoQd family orctiard. Modern farm home. $SH00. $ acres on Garden road, close in. some fruit. A sure simp, $3200. '10 acres, $ in Italian prunes and 4 in strawberries. Just set out No im provements. $3500. We have a list of good large farms. Come In and see us, John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bldg. a73 FOR SALE Highly Improved ISO Acres, 130 set to red clover and fall wheat, balance pasture- with eneugh timber for fam .ly use. New 8 room house, full ce ment basement, bath and toilet, ' 2 fine barns with water in each, two hog houses, 750 gallon steel air pres sure tank; fenced and cross fenced with wire. This farm is the very best of soil and In good community. Price with crop $95 per acre, H cash, bal ance 6 years ( per cent. E. E. Hart tog Oregon bldg. ' n CHOICW BARGAINS AND INVEST MENTS 177 acre stock ranch one mile from city limits of Roseburg. Or. Snap. 86. 000; will exchange for prune orchard near Salem. 40 seres near Salem, mostly ln cul tivation; 3 sets buildings. 8 acres bear ing orchard, fine soil. $8000. 20 acres choice prune orchard in bearing near Salem. $9500. 16 acre tract near Salem, fine 8 room bungalow, good barn, choice dark loam soil, family orchard. $7000 easy terms. Nice modern 8 room bungalow, pav ed street nice location, near carliue. $3000. Perrine & Marsters. 211-18 Com. club bldg. n FINE LOGANBERRY LAND This Is the biggest bargain tn fine river bottom berry land we have seen. 28 acres of excellent laud with about 18 acres cleared. A rich, dark loam soil; there is nothing better for ber ries. Fine new i room plastered house with fireplace. Several small bonis and sheds. Located 9 miles from Sa lem on good graveled road. Woven wire fencing, (lus engine for pump ing water is included with the farm "t 8000. $1600 will handle. First here first served. , ' vKinney'& Smith. "' 201 Bnnk of Commerce bldg. r $1600. A ( room cottage on paved street near school; terms. $2000, $500, $15 per month buys a very good 8 room house. Has electric lights, bath, toilet, basement, 8ft blocks from Bush bank. $2200, $700 down, terms on bal ance; 7 rooms modern except base ment, centrally located, new garage. $2G00, 6 room bungalow on paved street, a good buy. $4500, Sty acres Sty miles from state hospital; this is a good buy. $5000, 10 acres miles out; t acres logans, some orchard and oilier fruit no better soil. $4250. 10 acres IS blocks from car line, beautiful location. $14,000, 45 acres near the city, some timber; th's is a good buy. A. L. Seamster Realty Co, Phnn 4H Masonic Templo. DIRECTORY. Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY raior blade sharpening ma chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew rt Renoir Shoo, 847 Court St Why Sell for Leas. WE will pay you more ensh tor youi household goods. Get our bin be fore you soil. Peoples Furnitur and Hardware. Store. 271 N. Com merclat street. Phone 734. Money to Loan. On good real estate security TllOS. K. FORD over Ladd it Bush Bank. Hulom. Or. Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loans Any amount. Long time. 6 and 8 percent Interest. City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple, 3alem, Oregoi FARM LOANS Any amount. Los rates. Full repayment privileges Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at t per cent. Haw kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg !in, Or. .1 A kioN-POLK National Farm Loai Ass'n. Government mousy to loai at 6 Mi percent. 301 Salem Bank ot Commerce. W. D. Smite. J. W. YOUNG A SON Contractors and builders. Phone 1972. 98" WANTED Second hand furnitur rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery anc tools. We pay the highest price fbr everything. The Capital .Hard -wars and Furniture Co., 285 K Com'l St Phone 847. Optician. OR ALBERT R. MILLER Optorne tr 1st -optician, eyes thoroughly ex amlned. glasses made and fittso 510-11 U. 8 bank. Phone 84L Osteopathy DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo pathic physicians and surgeons 404 U. It bank bidg. Phone 858. Di White, res. phone 46: Dr. Marshal rsa. phone 84 OR. JOHN L. LYNCIL osteopath! - physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore gon bldg. Res phone 58F6; office phone 1 394; 7 FOR SALE Old papers for wrap ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap Hal Journal office. Stove Repairing. 4TOVES rebuilt and repaired. 18 years experience; Depot Natlona1 and American fence, sixes 2$ to 5' inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, ste . loganberry and hot hooka. Salens Kencs and Stow Works. Hi Court street Pboae 13$ i j - . CliEMKKEXA 1 dge No. n.eein every Wednesday evening at J:30jUI. O. O. F. hail, a NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet atil? Curnack hall on eveijr Tuesday ai - J. It. Tucker, C C; P. J. Kunta, K. R, 8. cioliU. MiiliHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Urage camp No. 13S0 meets tvery Thursday evening in JlcCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 148 Union 8t recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North SOth. INITEL. AKTIBAXS Capital Assaiu biy No. 84 meets every Thursday at I MB. In 1. O. O. F. hall. P. An dresen. M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec retary, Salem. Or. V. O. W. SALEM CAMP 11 tlu Lodge Directory. every Friday night at 8 o'clock In nouncement by morning. The commit " UJnlt,nall'.?or- Court and Ub : "ho have not vt reported are PROTfiCTToN led.. Ko. , A.O. U.l, Itt " M w. meets ever atonasy evening at 8 p. m. in McCornack hall. 00 r. Court and Liberty streets. John H. Carson. M. W; A. U Brown, ftnan ;ierr A. Eugene Aufranc, recorder. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMSRICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. $344 meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock . In McCarnack building Court and Liberty streets. H. Q Coursey, V. C; IFrank A. Turner elerk. . Legal Notices. NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that I have impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One white female . anepneru oog wun utacn ears, weigni 23 pounds; one little yellow bob tall' dog, mongrel male; one black shep-t herd male, weight 3$ pounds; one black female shepherd, 20 pounds.! The above described dogs will be kill ed If not redeemed by owners, on or before March 27, 1820. as provided In said ordinance. W. 8. LOW. Street Commissioner. March 23, 1920. 76 No. 3007 IS THE COUNTY COURT of tlio Stslo of Oregon for Marlmi County In the matter ot the estate of Au- guatin Kufner, deceased. Notice of hearing on final account, Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate of Augustin Kufner, deceased, has fil ed his final account and report ln the county court of tlte state of Ore gon, for Marlon county, and that Monday the 28th day of April, 1820, at the hour ef 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the county court room for said county and statu, has been ap pointed as the time . and place fur hearing at y objections to said final account and report and the final set tlement of said estate. The date of ths first publication ot this notice Is March 28, 1820, and the last April 20, 1920. AUGUST G. KUFNER. Executor of the estate ot Augustin Kufner, deceased. Page ft Page, Salem, Oregon, Attorneys for the estate, Grain! Wheat No. X $2.00l lead wta 80 0850: - milling eats 80086a cheat hay $181; oat hay $2122 lover hay $23; mill run $47. Butterfat: Buttorfat 70c; creamery butter 970c. Hurt, vesi aud oiattoe Pork os fix 15c; veal fancy 83c; steers 11c; ambs 13fcc; cows 79c; ewes 8a sheep, yearlings IStyo. Dressed pork 21c. Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 30c; light hens, 30 & 32c; heavy hens 28c. Id roosters 15 10c; prlu.rs !4a. Vegetables: Onions per pound Ic; eelery dos. $1.75; potatoes. Taklint 8c. Oregon atf 4o; sweet potatoes 8c beets per sack $2; turnips per aaci (3.76; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip siu-k $.180: spinach lOo lb.; rad Ishes 40o dos Oranges 3 OOrJ7l0; lemom 95.60 (S1 0; bananas lie; honey extract li ne .- 4uc; cabbage 6c: head lettuce $1.25: carrots 45c; as paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 dos.; ,.e, a lie ib. rhubarb lStye peas 15c lb. Retail prices: Eggs dozen 88c; reamery butter 7376e; country but er 68c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 O 8.4 soft wheat $2 90 i.u I'XrtH'i. Portland, Mar. 24. Cattle weak; receipts 416; grain and pulp fed steers $11.25011.60; choice $t0.7&4f 11.26; good to choice $9.76 10.7 5; medium to good $8.759.75; fair to medium $7,258.26; common to fair $6.25 &7. 25; choice cuws and heifers 19,00 10.00; good to choice to.uutl 8.00; medium to good 16,6007.60 ilr to medium $5.606.60; cannen U 00 it 5. DO; bulls 85. 0007.50; prim, tight calves $15.50017.00; medium .gin $10.0019 16.60; heavy $7..8 100; stackers and fesdors $7 6 ' M Hn steady; receipts 128; prime mixed $16 00416 25; medium 8l.ui 16.00; rough heavy $11.0015.26; .,k 113918 Saheep steady; receipts 156; eastern la io ha $16 6017.50; light valley $16.2516.60, heavy $14.25 10.26; common to medium $11014.60; year lings $14.5015.00; wethers $14,000 14.50; ewes $10fi l3. nniip-r Portland, Or., Mar. 24. Cubes ex ra 4c; parchment wrapped boa lot 7c; cartons 6Sc; half soxes tye more. less than H boxes lo more; butierfs 7c f o b. station: 70c Portland Poultry anil Fggs Portland, Or., Mar. 24. Egge sell- r' ease ii- ii,,. uy.. price case count 34c; selling price , ui'.;U 4c; selected candled In tar ions 40c. Poultry: Hons 31035e; broilers 40 9 45; roos.ers 20c; turkeys dressed 48 950c; geese 22 25c; ducks 40 048 Wheat and Mill Waffs 'hat-. $3.20; barley, $72; oai $50.00 bid; corn No. 2 yellow $83.50 bid. Ha Bnvln pries valley tlmott $26.00; alfalfa 828.00; grain $2$ cheat $22; clover $26: oats and - 12$. Mlllstuffs: Prices f ob. mill, elt anace $3 extra. Mill ran, ear lota e mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley IT' rolled oats 146 50; ground barley 17' scratch feed $80. Corn whole 864: eratasd $68 Prclilent Wilson contends that he! doesnf understand the difference be- twsen a reservation and mild reW tween a reservation ana mm difference between beer and near-beer.! Memphis Newa-3erimltar. PAGE KINS. Hospital Donors To Be Entered on Scroll of Honor The names of the persons and firms who h;ve subscribed to the Salem General Hospital fund of $100,000 will be .tnnounced Thursday, il was an nounced at campaign headquarters this noon. Special committees were employed compiling the lists, and It was asild that a near complete report of the total subscriptions and the list of donars would be readv for n- It as said that about $20,000 is yet neded to complete the campaign. No hope of ending the campaign by to night the time set when It was thought the campaign would end was seen by Campaign Manager Wil liam McGllchrist Jr., who said that It would continue until the complete fund set out to get will hare been raised. At u. meeting of the Central Trade and Labor council Tuesday evening it was declared unofficially that labor unions ln the city would subscribe a total ef $5000. The electrical workers came to headquarters this noon with a report of $320 raised, representing subscriptions from eaeii member of tlut onrB.nMtion, The "flying squadron" continued Its' work during the day. Since Its Inau guration Monday noon about $6000 has been raised by them. D. J. Simeral, president of the Cen tral Trades and Labor council, was named a member of the Salem hospital board Tuesday.to succed P. M. Collier, whose resignation was accepted by the board. The J. F. O'Bryn grain company of Baker is to increase Its capital from $50,000 to $100,000. IN THE COUNTY Ctl!RT of Uw State of Oregon, for U10 County of Marlon ln the matter of the estate of Dan Tracy, deceased, Daniel Tracy, James Tracy, Thomas Tracy, Mary Burke, Michael J. Tracy Bridget Moran, Kathleen Tracy, Jean Baker. Tracy Peterson, . (formerly Jean Baker Tracy,) alias Jean Tracy, alias Jean Peterson, and Jean Peter, son, executrix of the Inst will und testament of James Daniel Tracy, de ceased, petitioners and plaintiffs, vs Hanel Nutting Jones, formerly Haul Nutting, alias Hazel Butting, and Bessie B. Bonnet, and all persons unknown or unnamed having or claim Ing any Interest In the estate of Dan Tracy, deceased, and all whom it may concern, defendants. Cltatlou No. 5692. To nil narsous unknown or unnam ed having or claiming any lntrst la the estate of Dun Tracy, deceased. und to all whom it may concern, de fendants: In the name of the state of Ore. gon: You und each ot you are here by notified that Daniel Tracy, James Tracy, Thomas Tracy, Mary Burke. Michael J. Tracy, Bridget Moran, Kathleen Tracy, Joan Baker, Tracy Peterson, formerly Jean Baker Tracy, alias Jean Trucy, alias Jean Peterson, and Jean Peterson, executrix of the last will and testament ot James Dan iel Tracy, deceased, did, en the 20th day of January, 1020, file ln the above entitled cause and court a pe tition and complaint to ascertain and declare the heirship, ownership and Interest of all persons ln aBd to the property of Pan Trucy deceased, lit which said petition und complaint you and each of you are named us de fendants; und You are further notified that the above entitled court did, on the SOth d y of January, 1920, mHke an order setting the said petition and oom .nt down for hearing on the 81st day of Muy, 1920, at (he hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, and dlroctlng the Issuance and service of citation In said matter, and you are hereby commanded to appear before the I honorable county court ui mo of Oregon In and for tlio county ol Marlon, at the court house In the city of Palom, on the said 31st day of May, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, ir any exist, why the facts should not be found and the rights ot netrsmp and distribution of said estate de creed, ns set forth and prayed for In the petition of the petitioners ana nbdntiffs now on file herein; and yoa are further commanded to appear be fore (he honorable county court or the stats of Oregon In and for the county of Marlon, at the time an iloe above specirieu. uno iu wers sotting up your respective claims of heirship, ownership, or Interest m said estate. - Witness my hand and sal 01 aam "ourt affixed, this the 20th day of January, 1920. I HEAD V. O. HOYER. Clerk of the county court, Martoa county, Oregon. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE of Kule of lteul Properly Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Margaret Buirounns, guardian of the person and estate of Julian D. Burroughs, a minor, pur suant to license duly made and snler sd by the county court of the state of Oregon for Marlon county, on the 26th day of February, 1920, shall, from and after the Slat day of March 1920, proceed to sell at private sale for cash, subject to the confirmation of said oourt, the undivided half In terest of the said ward in and to tha following described premises, towit: Beginning at the southwest corner of lot number 7 In block number It In the city ef Salem, Marion coe-ity. rirevnn. and running thence nf "It along the west boundary line of t .4 lot, twenty one andia half let; thence east parallel with tlu. south boundary line of said lot to the west line of the alley running through said block; thence south along the west line of said alloy, twenty one and a half feet to tha southeast corner of said lot; thence west along th south line of said lot to the place of begin ning; subject to the dower estate of Margaret M. Burroughs therein. Bids to purchase the Interest of said ward in said real property will be received by said guardian at her residence, 16$ North Commercial street, Balem. Marion county, Oregon, from and after the 3 1st day of Marcn 1920. until sold Dated this 2d day of March, 1928. MARGARET BURROUGHS, Guardian of tr. irii'cr, and estate Of Julian P. Burroughs, a minor. 1 1 ti i , f it 1 . J I