Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 23, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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-"'TiU.TUonB 5 cents, oue month j
-tions. 11 cent one yew, per
jS m"w- nt3 Minimum per ad 25
gOllt& l- -
eeBl uix.wa only In New Today.
, ds ca
"...r Dhouo,
Srttbly account.
No allowance tor
-r-rn-gvw Fisher boys'
002 . 1004.
i-nlir WW"' - -
' SVLr; 5 acres, small but good
yk"l barn and -all necwnry out
f .iVinca family orchard, good
h-rv and loganberry lard
f miles from Salem; all for IH
. -n W. W. care of Jourua;.
li . Tl '
pPKT In a quiet horns a cieau
MB-'o'tabie furnished room. tl.6
" Veek, for refined gentleman.
phon J207W. n 21
fTgALE 5 room plastered eot
iee citv water, one bloefc to car.
price $ia0- CilIl at 16 5 Broadway-
rTrT) LOAN on stood security. J.
rntitfil Journal.
ti. caic .-fc. i
Tgr) Rood all around mm for
ejneral farm work. : W. U. Fuller,
Brooks, Or., Thone 5F8t.- g73
JTBli 9x12 rue, leathortiiven-
nort and library table from private
party. Jesse Walling, Rt. I, box
ma Siltfm. . " ; ' ' ; , '?6
foRSALE Jiilk cows. Rt ' 5, box
78, Sf.'.eni, Or, e76
VANTEl'1 Men for hop yard work.
. phone 1662. g"3
FOR SALE i'BO-egfi McCfanahan in
' rabator, also tireless brooder. E. L.
turliv. Rt. 3, box 279, S-Ilem, 67 2
1917 FOR Dtourlng for Ble, first
ctas conauion. xjtraviui; lovit. ' w.
Hopkins, Rt. S, Salem. p7S
PONT rtelay getting your walnut
trees, as it willsoo n be too late to
pluiu them. VS'e still have a few
left c the Franquett walnuts graft
ei on the California black stump.
These trees are Oregon grown aiid
cclimsited so they withstood the
freeze and are large health trees
that will soon come into bearing.
If in need of any call. Middle Grove
nursery, phone 24F5. d76
EflGS for hatching, Mottied Anconas
from Sheppard's strain $2 26 per
settine: larger quantities for incu
bators priced on application- Jas.
Fry, Rt.,3, box 25S, Salem. 71
, F0R""SAI-K 1 Ford touring c;r.
jiist overhauled, a bargain. 70S S.
19th St. 0."2
FOE 8AI.R Egge for hatching. J'n-t-ridst-
Rocks, $1 per 15; Huff Mi
norcus $2 per 15. 447 S. Com'l St.
Phone 194I1M. . f'3
FOR SALE Some nioo Jersey cows,
fresh and coming fresh. Call 87F
24 evfrtiingn. " e"3
NICE warm room, with boaru.771
K. Cottage St. Phone 1008. J72
FliK lRAUE llorso, w "h 1
for mower or disc. IT. Rentier. Rt.
2 I'os id. 71
LOOK AT THIS 38 acres, 18 bear
ing prunes, ninrketed 340 bushels
last year, first crop; 7 acres tim
ber. ! .Uance under cultivation. No
lniil(U':t,-. R4 miles out, liberty dis
trict. SL'iiO per ncre, terms; private
reasi.r. for selling. Call at Farmers
feed barn opposite the O. H. depot.-
Phone 2090M after 6 p. m., owner.
WASTE!' Lady waitress, -assistant
1,'uty ,v'k. Home Rest, JS& North
OPu. C3 1
IF you want a - nice
, our place. Oscar II
& TU Co.
roadster cali at
Gingrich Kotur
FOR SALE 9 room modern house,
S. store Miikling 2x52 feet two stor-
R' ml ware house, all . lighted;
, two ;.,.Tes of tend in high siato of
1 jIj cultivation, WelK.fruited, -w-ttuAted
! : on Oregon Electric R. R. Stock of
. merchandise, at invoice, annual
,' sales aggregate about $$0,000.. W.
; A. Lb-ton, agent, 484- Court St, tr7S
FRKPH cows for sale. Phone 74F4,
' !': i.u and .Torscys. e73
FOR SALE 28 acres north near Pa -
cine highway, 16 norcs fall wheat.
" lance plowed. New" 4 room bun-
siiuw. good barn. lrice with crop
$130 i,er acre, y, cash. I;
2 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE One 15-25 Samson'trac
, tor in excellent shape, used only 1
HoefcmiH Hnnn nt Ifll O .n,.n
.WASTED Student solicitor.- Salem
, '' - r i. Dyeing Works. 1215 S.
:r" '-"-"lal St. Phone 1868. 71
tOR SiiLE-1918 Chevrolet also 1916
morif.' .Ford- 5 pass. $325. 187 S.
Liberty St. " - ., - - - . - 71
FOR .SALE 3 4 ' farm wagon with
. I'ox icml snring seat $65;, loose and
baled cheat hay. 1 yearling BeUia'n
colt and 1 coming 4 year old Clyde
;mare. Phone 851R." , . ' c72
WANTED Young man wanU job
nriviii,; truck, some experience. Rox
Hi Capital Journal. Ii76
FOR SALE Horse, weight 1200 fbs.
'rue to work .single and double,
klml and trusty, for woman or
ohi,,l to hsndle mv mlpeo. Price if
sold at once ,$40t Club Stable. .71
FOR SALE Cheap, 1 gelding'aee
weight 1150, 'good worker, single
, or duubie; spotted nony welr-ht
550, drives and, ridos", gentle for
ladv or children.' 2865 Brooks ave
. "ear fair grounds. e72
FOR SALE 1 tearn weight 3300, wa--on
and harness, II. A. Smith, Cen
ter St. feed barn. t73
WASTE V G Irl. cfr womalTfOr gen
tral housework. Call $05 N. lst
ftreet. Phone 1231R. g"2
ForSaIe Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Turning lathe for wood,
1 blacksmith bellows and vise, as
sortment of springs fop trailers.
ver:ier Fennel, 803 N. Liberty St.
.. - c72
,' SALE 'Light hac, a nap at
-' jhpne. 60F2. c7 2
Cash register and safe for sale. 143
Jjjgli St. c72
SALE 4-months old foit terrier
"eg $5. Address 1157 S 15th. Phone
FOR SALE ii.-.i,i.i r.,.-n,t,ir
"Mu.ig room set, oreasers. bed,
mattresses, rug, heater, combination
"""is, baby buggy and high chair;
Practically new. j 2 pUre bred White
laying hens. 705 S. ltn
unions for sale cheap. 17 Seuth
i"imerclal. c86
For Sale Poultry
FORSAl,b? very fine Chorough
wea Black Minorca pullets. Phone
j-64s- fTl
,l"LTRV 1B0 White Leghorn puf
ets, 50 Oregon breeding hens, mat
nith O. A. C. cockerels, will sell
cr all to the first caller At IBOO
crook, avenear fairgnunis.f72
8 AE Eggs for hatching, $5
P" 100. Tancred and Tom Beren
tock.Phone 1790W1. f71
"LACK Minorca eggs for hatching,
cali 454 Hood St, any day but Sat
Ura&y; also a good Jersey c for
. good milker. - J
F1? SALE Cheap128-eer KIcCTsn
anan incubator; One trio Silver
irco Wyandotte chicken. 447 8.
..Com. St. Phone 146M. fil
OICE laying strain Anconi esgs
" Per tting. Pa. S, box 11, ,a
el. fa
For Sale Houses.
6 hoam ,.VTrrr-
! ' M Rood buy it toa
tKlB ""v " jruoa imv if
cent K?'"h- . modern
cept tesemw: . 1 "i,""
rrnm Ktt. - v ""'v
i street. nmt-.
norcn. Invest u
S. R,
x rs,)n, 4lia Oregon hM
.rnone 43.
AuMObT new 7
fl'H basement
fun i Tea nouse i
fi'U basement, everything the be-st ;
attractive inside and out. verv ;
in, short time onlv. PrinlSUfl
terms cash. baiance rt.wntj
S. R.- Pearson. 405 n ki
a. R.- Pearson, 405 Oregon bide
dale district; o. m X rl3! I . dl-?l
ciai now occupy bv chirW tn-t Per month with 7 'U pay ?50!
aar; bungalow in Rnh , ,,, ' ," w"h board, room and
with livinJroLTafnI: SS? mTJll .
""e n, j Jiii5niry;4jTstate St
RKADS room modern house. onw!4X- WATEIV-lI.Tntowrk
.nX. L IromPs i orttee, price!
right half cash. Brown, room S,
341 State. .,;!
rv SALE-6 room houseTn
wis on caved street t. fc,
rnt linn Ti: . -. r . .
cash bnlanee small tayments. E.
C. Derrick Realty Co.. 462 state I
M. room 7. Phone 10S4 -
' ?i?Jl house- 1 Spre ground, fruit.
hi "b nouse, barn,
- v :hoURe- Pen. Close to
carhne, terms. Price tia.m m..
rjen r r..
A MltlWll,
Bellevue. I
" . a71l
F0R SALE By owner. 7 roonTmoi: !
io corner lots, cement-
walks, some fruit and walnut trees-
a bargain if taken at once, come
and see it, 896 S. 16th St. a75
Lr,-up traue for Salem
property, or small acreage. 37 acres
-ei viear rann. ummprovpo. ciose
to school, Vt mile paved highwav.
a miles to Corning. Cat. Write to
B. JI. Woods, Los Angeles. Cal
Pen. Del. f71
6 ROOM modern bungalow for sale,
built in features throughout, full
cement basement, fruit room fire
place, large lot, hot and cold water
linoleum and range go with sale,
If taken at once, $3250. Pee owner.
Peterson with John It. Scott Realty
Co., 228 Oregon bldg. . n
FOR SALE By owner, 5 room hotlse,
water, lights and toilet; lot 105 ft.
v.wlde, 110 ft. deep, all in bearing
fruit, mostly -Royal Amies, at a bar
gain. $1400. 500 Turner St. between
22 and 23d on Mill. a 7 8
FOR SALE By owner, new house,
modern, 7 rooms, fireplace, furn
ace, large lot, fruit, near oar line,
paved street. 630 N. 24th. a72
FOR SALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow, excel
lent view, block nnd half from car
, line in south Salem, 140 Superior
St. a94
FOR SALE 5 room cozy bungalow
and a 6 room bungalow, modern
except heat, some fruit. Inquire
1242 N.Front. a!3
FOR SALE Ten room house; large
corner lot. inquire 8K9 N,. nigh St.
For Sale Farms,
FOU SALE Our fine 20 acre home
east of pen, with fine team, cow, 8
fine Poland hogs, 3 dozen Plymouth
hens, 60 bushel wheat, hay; ten
thousand, $4000 cash, balance 6 per
cent. See Rvan, 240 River St. b72
mTATn -1 1.. i in
i,nuii.r, mum" 111 uniij iw v.n-et
located just outside city limits, 3
blocks from Center St. caillne on
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session nt once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw--kins
and Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. 71
BOO ACRES- land cheap. Call 112F13.
NOTICE If you want close in high
class improved acreage home, See
Brown, room 8, 841 State St. m72
FOR SALE Acreage, modern bun
galow, new barn, adjoins city lim
its, lights, water; cash or terms.
Best soil for fruit or berries. Own
er, box 210, Stayton, Or. mSO
in ACRE orchard full bearing, most
ly prunes, some apples, pears and
cherries; 9 room fionse, barn, gas
pump and tank. This -orchard
shows all Indications of a bumper
crop. Located in best locality and
nmnmnnltv near Sunnyside. south
of Saleim Owner will take $4000 if
sold in two weeks, Mi casn, naiance
- percent. S. R. Pearson. 405 Ore-
gonbldg. Phone 43, n
FOR SALE By. owner, 24 acres on
the famous Howell Prairie, 7 miles
east of Sulem on" rock road, 100
rods from proposed paved road, 60
rods from railroad station, all in
high state of cultivation, very good
for prunes, berries and general
farming. Price to sell $5000. Imme
diate possession with crop. No build
ings. Phone 23F12. bTJ
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE '- 1 pair mares, weigh
1100 each; 1 pair mares weigh
1450 and 1500. Cal! 64FM. 71
FOR SALE 1 milk cow. 2 sows wnn
pigs. Phone 7E4.
FOR SALE flood 4-year old Jersej
cow, fresh. T. i. wuimcr. 0,11.,
Rt. 5. .box 125. Phone 81-23. eil
or 4-day
old calves.
Call 3F3.
FOR SALE 9 grey Jerseys all fresh
but one. G. A. Aronson, Rt. 1. . 2
FOR SALE 15 lbs. long standing
'spinach seed GOc lb.; 1 -horse wa
gon, buggy, t single harness Jos
eph E. Bartruff, Rt. 7, box 13S. ,2
FOR SALE Work team ana now
T3..1., -ifrnn IEiSTj l. LfHitKf, . -
FOR SALE Chester White pigs, 10
weeks old, your cnoioe .. 1
36F13. George Moore's farm. e
YOUNG horse for sale. J. A. Wallace
Rt. 7, box 1 6, ',,r
For Sale Wood.
FISHER boys will saw your wood
Phone 1004.
WiJoD .for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly
bur nil kinds of cord wood. Office
805 S. Church. Phone 1542. Fred
K. Wells. L
PfiR BLE 2d growth fir a n d
FV o "Vl
... . v--r-r, Uniixe to rent.
should be nt least partly modern.
Phone 1707. ,
FORSALK-l-hch old fir wood,
fail inOOM.
FOR SALE First growth 4 ft.
a ti Gu rnrd. Phone 6S.
It. siao-
c-i- XTuvaAmr Rtnrk.
iirvsr nlants in any q'.an-j,,
titr Etterburg 121. G"'d
Progressive Everbearing, Oregon,
Trebla, Wilson. Tnrmy, , .. 1
ed plants. Low quantity prices. City j
delivery. Warn
Sc.' . m,.. 94. '
"' "
ptttRPBUK -21 lr- lorry
Ti 9itiribirry pm.t. pies; an oe 01 uw-un
1000; Wain H AOJ'' ! to street car; good 5 room house ,
lit stsiem Or dT.'i'igood bm. water system. See this If,
lJ.eJr: : " ant th(, heat location. $7500.
$7.5Q per
p. O. box
Lost and Found
. ianirni i
atoreOwner call at Capital Jor- i
"al and pay for ad and prove prop- J
litters wanted f.n t.-u:
. WAXTEDo0-t ..
nf i- , - - v
! ot oak wootV nr vn .
POO fords
I :. ? "vw. or more. Box v
ern Union. " " .
j WTE4Ian"lT7ireld
run en-
rner. K71
Steneral fruit h i
IUl tenm to Doit mA.,,1 m.
triJST T
?.r"Ate. fan,llJ"
r.nomers and boarders in
on car line. P care
pVf F5T?v
i lf-b-'ENCET ssilesladv
' , r if,em- teaming, orch-
Iam' clearing, house
furnished. Csll 1341 MeTnv
kftan E
' i1'
.... , ui.iif map a i. g72
8TVPEXT wants w'ork afternoonror
evenings and Saturdays. Address
box 4ni,Tournil ,
WAXTED Law n garden work or odd
jobs. ,03 N. High, h7t
! WANTED-nrlsbetween the are, of
i . ' '. u"een tne ages of
u U muer training school
in ilia- .nhnnl
for nurses. For- particulars address
Matron, Hoquiam General Hospital
tt'onJ vi
anted Miscellaneous.
: WANTED Dress makini Plio
! - 1S62M. B
I t RAy inu done. Largo
I preferred. Phone 7,i.
MAiNihU House with large lot, 6
rooms preferred. $600 down, $15
per month. A. L. Seamster Realty
v.. .m mawums Temple, n
ANTED To trade, Reo 7 passen
ger car for smaller car. Call on W.
E. DeLong. q7i
FOR SALE Saxon 5 pass. Don't fail
to see this buy. 444 Ferrv St. q75
FOR SALE 1 Ford car," 1 ladies bl
cyele, 1 gents bicycle. Call at 21 SO
N. 5th St. C72
MR. FARMER You need the Averv
orchard six tractor. Salem Auto
Exchange. 229 State. 'II
A SNAP Light six 6 liass. car, good
tires, late model, terms. Phone 888
?L . q?5
FORI) repairing, expert work at reas
onable prices with satisfaction guar
anteed. We use genuine Ford parts
Phone us to tow in your car. Used
Fords bought and sold. The Auto
Shop, 1S7 S. Liberty St. next to
Club stables, riione 7. q73
FOR SALE A good Ford chassis
$300. an exceptional bargain; also
Ford cal1. Ball P.ros., Turner. q71
FOR SALE 11118 Chevrolet touring
car, first class condition. I'honc
1337 or call 1620 State St. q71
FOR SALE Cheap 1-ton Maxwell
truck in A-l condition, terms if de
sired. Salem Velie company, 162 N.
Commercial SL q72
Also upholstering
of all kinds, seat
covers. Service. O
J. Hull, Y. M. C.
A. Building, Salem, Oregon.
GENERAL automobile repairing
magnetos repaired and recharged.
Ford work a specialty; batteries re
charged. The Fairgrounds Garage,
M. D. Jackson, Prop, Phono 308.
FOR SALE Brand new medium
priced car at a sacrifice. If you
have a cheap car and want to own
a classy 1920 model try us on a
trade, This oar has not run a hund
red miles. Cherry City garage, 170
S. 12lh, St. q72
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Com
and see them. 229 State St. Phone
I WILL pay Hie highest price for first
class cows, fresh or coming fresh
soon. Phone evenings 2085J or 84
F2. ni70
WIGGIN & SLOCUM, auto transfer,
general draylng, local and long
distance hauling. Office phono 356
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office nt People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
TRY the Hiedorman Transfer. Phone
100, res. phone 1608.T. m74
FW"8aTE "Earliest of All7, seed
potatoes. Phone 1205M evenings.
ORDER your awnings from Dlllmnn,
Write 960 Highland ave. m74
"" for RENT.
FOR RENT Large house, Judson
and High streets. Phone 1216J or
815. ; J
FOR RENT-Modern well furnished
sleeping room near city hall, busi
ness man preferred. 330 N, High
Rt. Phone 4. 171
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms
for light- housekeeping. 570 Union
street. . J72
MENTS 177 acre stock ranch one mile from
city limits of Roseburg, Or.. Snap". $6.
000; will exchange for prune orchard
near Salem.
40 acres neat Salem; mostly in cul
tivation; 2 sets buildings, 5 acres bear
ing orchard, fine soil. $000.
20 acres choice prune orchard in
bearing near Salem. $9500.
15 acre tract near Satem, fine 6
room bungalow, good barn, choice
dark loam soil, family orchard. $7000
easv terms. .
Nice modern 6 room bungalow, pav
ed street, nice location, near carline.
. Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com. club bldg. n
5 acres, good 6 room house,, one
acre bearing prunes, some fruit; cow
bam; chlc-keit yard, balance cultivat
ed. 4 blocks from Commercial street
car. $3150. -.
6 room bungalow, 17th St., electric
lights, bath, lot 00x1.17. Price $1800,
terms. ' -. ' . .
8 room hnus". modern except base
ment, garage. Winter street, close in.
corner. Price $4200.
W. E. Compton.
469 State St. Phone $30 or 34F1J
40 acre, choice Howell Prairie farm
Brr. crowing grain, 8 acres tim-
Ucr. All best of Wack loam soil; near-
lr nfw 10 room house, good Ifflrn and
other Runnings, vn ru. .....
$18 0oo. Will .consider good residence
.in traue.
i Beren about $ In nmnes and p-
. " .. ... ".-...I .CI
t.:Ble; all oe 01 " " 5
Choice loganberry land 18, 15. 2
acre Iract, well located andpriced
Oregon Land Co,
442 State street
fiLAL t:TATt..
iF your ptujwity i? worth tte ..w
we list a, we overuse n
Magee. Satem, 43s Ore6oi. u.Us
Poruand, iBi CK miber ot v,um. .,
4 room house, ceiled; electric lights
city water, fruit, barn, chicken house
east. U200.
1 2, room house and S room house
plastered. S fine lots, plenty of fruit,
south. J1500.
6 -room house, old. hot and cold wa
ter, hath, toilet, lot (SOxlSS, close in.
10 fine lots, 8 room plastered house
froit trees, windmill, outbuildings.
Several very fine prune farms from
5 to 40 acres. Money makers.
135 acres, 105 acres in cultivation.
18 acres In wheat, 30 acres inelover.
25 acres In oats and hay, 25 acres
more ready to seed, good house and
outbuildings, $ miles S W. 1G0 per
Walter McLaren, '
Room 21, 180 N. Com. St. n
Real Investments.
SSb acres, 100 acres In cultivation,
right at the door of over S000 acres
of out range opened by a special act
of the legislature. Plenty of running
water, 8 hours drive of Salem on
main road. Fair house, two barns,
spring Water. Some stock and equip
ment go with the place at $13,000.
Good terms. . .
6 room plastered house, modern,
full basement, lavatory, one of the
best built houses in Salem. Real buy
at $3150.
Office closed most of the time this
week except between 7 and 8 p. m.,
or by appointment.
Estes & Magee.
438 Oregon bldg. Salem
Portland office. Chamber of Com
24 acres, all new land and Is fine
dark loam soil. Fino new house, barn
garage and big chicken house. Young
family orchard and berries. About 15
acres In cultivation and In crop.
Would be excellent berry land. This
little farm is 100 yards from station
and about H mile to school. Lo
on good graveled road only & miles
from state house. Just a 15 minute
(drive to Salem. With the place goes
the entire ta'op,, gas engine, 175 fine
chickens, light team, harness, wagon,
plow, harrow, cream-separator.'stump
puller, feed, and grain In barn. Ev
erything goes for $8000. Water piped
Into house, barn, chicken house, and
pasture, from large red wood tank.
This is an ideal country home.
Neat 7 room plastered home with
modern conveniences except base
ment and furnace. In excellent con
dition. East front; pavement toback
of lot. Room on lot for another bun
galow. Several good bearing fruit
trees. Not far out. This fa a good buy
at $3200, $500 will handle.
Fine modern 6 room home with
full bnsement, furnace, etc. Located
on paved street in fine residence sec
tion, close in. A. dandy place at $4,
300. Wo want more listings of city prop
erty well located. Also small farms
and larger ones. Give us a chance to
sell your property, we want to be of
servico to j'ou and our community,
We sold a $14,000 farm to a Sa
lem man Wednesday through our lo
cal advertising and we have more
farms to offer. List where you, get
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg.
5 acres all In cultivation, good val
ley soil, close to town on paved road.
16 acres on Garden. ronrd close in,
best of soil, 1 Vi acres family orch
ard; 8 room house, hot and cold wa
ter, bath; good barn and other build
ings; $12,000, easy terms.
614 acres on Pacific highway, fam
ily orchard, 2 acres logans; 6 room
modern bungalow, 4 blocks from
street car. $8500.
24 acres, 20 In orchard 0 years old,
loganberry fillers in part; 8 room
house, hot. and cold water, bath; good
barn nnd other buildings; 5 miles
out. $9600.
80 acres, 50 cleared, 22 acres beav
er dam; family orchard, large barn
and silo, small house; Joins city lim
its of good town, 15 blocks to school;
would make, an excellent dairy farm.
With equipment $10,800.
100 acres on good rqad 3Vj miles
from town; fair house, good barn ar
ranged for 20 to 30 cows, 2 silos;
with several thousand dollars worth
of stock and equipment. $20,000,
95 acres, nil cultivated, 40 acres 7
year old Italian prunes, 25 acres in
crop, fair improvements, on road to
be paved this year, all good soil. $12
500, $6500 cash, balance at 6 percent.
This place Is 214 miles from Mon
mouth, Or , and represents one of the
best values In the real estate market
today. Are you going to get this one?
not If you are a slow mover.
30 acres all cultivated, fenced, barn
close in. $3500, terms if desired. This
is mostly" good berryland.
1 1 acres, lotrans, bearing English
walnuts, family orchard, good Im
provements, stock and equipment
goes, just out side Salem limits, on
paved road, best location; a snap.
$11. 000, easy terms.
If you are Interested in any of thee
above Items and mean business, 1
would be pleased to have you cull on
J41 ( H
Good, Buys.
20 ncrcs of Kdod prune, loganberry
and strawberry soil, all cultivated.
Price $3000. "":
10 acre tract, 5 acres cultivated and
In strawberries, balance in timber and
stump pasture, house and barn; R
miles from Salem. Price $3200, $1650
down, balance 1 percent interest.
Well improved 5 acre tract located
close to carline, bearing fruit, good
bungalow, electric lights. Price $6000.
20 acre tract all cultivated, 4 acres
logons, S acres cherries, some apples,
5 room plastered cottagn, barn, well,
on rock road close to Pacific high
way. Price $9000. '
60 acres of good fir timber located
northeast of Salem. Price $100 per
160 acre farm located on North
Howell prairie, 120 acres cultivated
and in crop, house and barn, best of
soil. Price $175 per acre.
10 acres bearing Italian prunes,
seven and years old, located 4ft
miles south of Salem. Price JC000.
5 acres locatedon main Pacific
highway, 1 acres in prunes; located
1 3-4 miles from carline. Price $2,
500, $1500 down, balance t percent
20 acre tract, S acres full bearing
logans, 1 sere set out last year; i
acres Kalian prunes, small house,
some fine timber, two spring. Price
t mom modern bungalow, fireplace
corner lot, east front. 1515 South
Commercial street. Price $6000.
5 room bungalow, bath, toilet, elec
tric lights. Price $1400.
H room house located at 1595 oN'ith
5th street Price $4200.
W. IL Grabenhorst k Co.
$75 State street B
iiAS the $ lost its value? NoTVry?
tiecause $200, J.uo down and $25
per uiumh will buy a 6 room mod
em bungalow basement, fireplace,
Dutch kitchen, on paved street, in
good location.
A. L. iSeamster Realty Co.
t'hwue 4-44, tit Masonic Temple.
!9 acre prune ranch to be on paw
ed road. A good variety ef other fruit
some log.uis on place.
This is a bargain for an investor
or a home buver. $2009 down. lo
i per year. You can't wait iong or the
eariy oira win feat you to it.
A. L. Seamsier Keaity Co.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 353. n
Highly improved 169 acres, 130. set
to red clover and fall wheat, balance
pasture with enough timber for fam
ily use. New 8 room house, full ce
ment basement, bath and toilet, 2
fine barns with water in each, two
hog houses, 760 gallon steel air pres
sure tank; fenced and cross fenced
with wire. This farm Is the very best
ot soil and in good community. Price
with crop $95 per acre. cash, bal
ance $ years t per cent.
E. E. Hart
208 Oregon bldg. . n
7 room strictly modern bungalow
near state house.
7 room bungalow, modern except
heat, now ready for occupancy.
i six room bungalows with furnace,
possession at once.
1 t room bungalow with fireplace
and large lot.
1 5 room bungalow with two lots.
1 S room cottage with furnace and
1 4 room cottage with fireplace.
1 brick block on Commercial St.
1 30 room rooming house.
We write fire insurance in compan
ies that pay their losses.
W. A. Liston
484 Court St. n
Safety Raaor Blades.
SAFETY raor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Reoair Shop. S47 Court St
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sixes 28 to 68
Inches high. Faints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem B'ence and Stove
Works. 250 Court street. Phone 121
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for youi
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem. Ore.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
1 and ( percent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonlo Temple, Salem, Oregon
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about oui
20-year loans at 8 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg
Salem, Or. .
MARION-POLK National Farm Loar
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 percent. 803 Salem Bank ot
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Nr- -
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972.
WANTED Beoond hand furniture
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
tools. We pay the highest price
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co., 285 N
Com'l St. Phone 947.
long distance hauling. Office 446
Court St. Phone us 5, nigut pnont
679J. 71
trlst-opticlan, eyes thoroughly ex
amtned, glasses made and fitted
510-12 V. H. bank. Phone 841. '
DRS. WHITE and Murahall, osteo
pathic phvslclans and surgeons
508 U. S bunk bldg. Phone 8b. Di
White, res. phone 469; Dr. Marshal
reir phono 834 '
DR. j6hN L7 LYNCH, osteopath!,
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ors
gon bldg, Res. phone 58F5; offlc.
Pn0JJi? I
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and lacking lOo bundle, Cap
Ital Journal office.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 67.
Lodge Directory.
CHEiJEKETA 1 dge No, 1
niRMiH Mverv Wednesday
evening at 7:80 at I. O. OJf. hall.
KNlUHTlfor pmiTASBieTat tie
Cornack hall on every Tuesday a
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunts
K. K. B.
Oregon Orage camp No. 1360 meett
every Thursday evening In MoCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. CaTrle E. Bunn, 848 Union 8t
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 Nortk
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday a
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Oueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or.
W, O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meett
every Friday night at 8 o'clock 1p
McCornack hall, cor. Court and till
ertv St. Visiting Woodmen welcome
tL1- R". O- k- H, Ueer, ciers
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. U
W. meets every Monday evening
at $ p. m. In HcCornack hall, cor
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson;. M. W; AL. Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624
meet every Thursday evening at '
o'clock in McCornack bulldln
Court and Liberty street H. G
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner
faf)trt, fag. &
Itjl Grv4i. y4(lYur,-on lw!
Legal Notices.
Notice is hereby given that I have!
impounded the following described;
dogs in compliance with ordinance!
No. 1104, towit: One white female
shepherd dog with black earsi, weight
25 pounds; one little yellow bob tall
dog, mongrel male; one black shep-j
herd male, weight 3 a pounds; 011!
black female shepherd, 20 pounds.!
The above described dugs will be kill-'
ed if not redeemed by owners, on or!
before March 27, 1920. as provided!
in said ordinance.
W. S. LOW,
Street Commissioner,
March 21, 1920. 76
No. 2067
of the State- of Oregon for Marion
A County
In the matter of the estate of Au
gustln Kufner, deceased. Notice of
hearing on final account.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the estate of
Augustin Kufner, deceased, has fil
ed his final account and report in
the county court of tjie state of Ore-
enn for Murlnn Mtiintv Antl that
Mondav the 2hih duv nf Ai.vil 1?n
at ttiv uuur ui i u vioun n. ni. ui ;
said day at. the county court room for j
said county and state, has been ap-
pointed as the time and place fori
hearing ary objections to said final!
account and report and the final set-
tlement of said estate. The date of!
the first publication of this notice is!
March 23, 1920, and the Inst April
20, 1920.
Executor of the estate of Augustin
Kufner, deceased.
Page & 'Page, Salem. Oregon,
Attorneys for the estate.
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.00; feed
oats 8085c; milling oats 8085o;
cheat hay $18 $19; oat hay $21022;
clover nay $23; mill run $47.
Butterfat: Butterfat 70c; creamery
butter 6970c.
Pork, teat and mnttca: Pork oa fo
15V4c; veal fancy 23c; steers 11c;
lambs 13Hc; cow 7 9c; ewes (0
sheep, yearlings lifto.
Dressed pork 21o.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 0o;
light hens, 3032c; heavy hens 28c;
old roosters 16 16c; springs 24o,
Vegetables: Onions per pound 6c;
celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Yaklmt
6c. Oregon SH4Hc; sweet potatoes 9c
beets per sack $3; turnips pr sack
$3.76; carrots per sack $1.25; pamnlpt
per sack $3 60; spinach lOo lb.; rad
lehes 40o dot.
"nit: Oranges $6.0097.00; lemoni
$5.60 6J bananas 11c; honey extract
li uv i 46c; cabbage 60;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 doz.;
upei 25a lb; rhubarb lltto
peas 15c lb.
Retail prices: Eggs dosen 860;
creamery butter 73 75c; country but
ter 880; flour, hard wheat $3.26 03.40
oft wheat 12 90
Portland, Mar. 23. Cattle steady;
.receipts 68; grain and pulp fed
Bteers $11.25 11.50; choice $10.75
11.26; good to choice $9.7S10.75i
medium to good $8.759.75; fair to
medium $7.25 f 8.25 ; common to fair
$6.26 7.26; choice cows and heifer
19.00010.00; good to choice $8.00
9.00; medium to good $6.50 7.60;
fair to medium $5.60 6.60; cannert
1 onifji5.r,o, bulls $5.0007.50; prim,
light oalves $15,50(8117.00; medlun
light $10.0015.60; heavy $7wv$
mi.iio tockers and feeder $7.5 ji
Hogs steady; reoolpts 30; prime
n- tl , l6.2n: msdlum $16.60
16.00; rough heavy $U.0015.S6;
po- I2-.
Sheep steady; receipts none;eustern
lambs $18 6017.50; light valley
$16.2510.50; heavy $14.25 15.25;
lings $14,50 15.00; wethers $14.00
14.50; ewes $10 13.
Portland, Or,, Mar. 23. -Cubes ex
:ra Nc; parchment wrupped box lot
17c; cartons 680; hulf aoxes t more
less than boxes lc more; butterfs
i(f)7o f.o.b. station; 70c Portland,
"..iiiiri iid Regs.
Portland, Or., Mar. 23, Eggs sell-r-
us. w'unt 34. 16c; buylnf
price casn count 34c; selling price
., ndied ,18c; selected Candled In oar
tons 40c.
Poultry: Hens 31ff'36c; broilers 4(
$ 45; roos crs 20c; turkeys dressed
4900c; goese 222Bo; ducks 4046
WlM-ni and Mill Kturrs.
2! barley, $72; oat
$59.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $63.60
Hnving prtce. valley tlmotf,
$26.00; alfalfa $20,00; grain $26
cheat $22; clover 126: oats and vtc
Vflilstiiffs- Price f.o.b. mill, alt
trtnr 13 extra MID run, car lot 0
mixed Cars $44 ton; roiled barley $7
rolled oats 166 60: ground barley $'
scratch feed $80
Corn whole $" eratked $68.
A I.EM SCAXnGKiI Garbage and
rofow of aH kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonablt
rales. Cess pools cleaned. Dead anl
mala. removed. Office phone Mai'
Majority Report of
Strike Settlement
(Continued from page one)
coal. I am sure the public fullyappre--late
tho desirability where practica
ble, of leaving commerciad transac
tions untrammnled but at the name
time I tun satisfied the public will find
ways to protect Itself If such liberal
policy shall appear to result In un
reits-tanble high price."
SUM l'" AUtlre
Recommendation by Mie majority
lay stress upon the necemlty of buy
ing and storing coal for winter us
during the summer month. State
and federal Institution and depart
ment aro nrged to take this action
well as householders, puhlie utili
ty corporations and private concerns.
Railroads are asked to cooperate In
the work and the Interstate com
merce commission I urged to aid in
the solution of the transportation
The report urged the federal re
serve board to permit reserve banks
to fsvn- eligible for rediscount,
pan-- mm)-. """I in storage.
Control ef car distribution among
mines, to the end that na paracu:..r
mine or mines be given pref-renca i.
recommended, as well as abolishm, t-l
of the practice whereby purchasing
agents of carriers can ue companv
control over car suppiy to force down
Price of railway fuel. The interstate
commerce commission wouid have
jurisdiction over these details.
Better Housing Urged
In connection with mine labor the
report says camp and housing condi
tions for miners should be improved
and approval of the introduction of
labor saving machinery is expressed.
Advance of miners pay is discouraged
but if made, advances should be with
out discount, directly or indirectly.
The following statement is includ
ed in the report:
"In submitting this report partic
ular attention is called to the fact
that herein every effort hasbeen made
for the protection of the public, out
only for the period under which this
protection can be guaranteed by the
executive under the powers granted
him by the Lever act, but it has oeen
our effort to go Into the underlying
cause for high costs and to offer
kwii remedy therefor this, in or
der that in the future, when the gov
ernment relaxes Its control over pric
es, there may be a continuing force
at work in the public Interest.
"We believe It is obvious that un
less some changes can be made to
ward the end of reducing costs tu
coal production and distribution, no
act of congress, no order of the ex- -cutive
nor any other regulation by
constituted authority can in the end
provide against the continuing high
"It is for this reason that we be
lieve that this industry should h
placed upon the proper basis for
more continuous and thus more eco
nomical production and distribution
with the result that the cost of coal
to the people will be reduced."
Armed Forces
Keeping Order
In Hun Capital
Peilln, Mar. 21. (By the Associate
ed Press) An automobile trip made
by the correspondent of the Associat
ed press this ittturnoon through the
Industrial district In the eastern out
skirts of Berlin, which during Sat
urday night was the scene of several
Clashes between troops and Sparta
cans, brought-to light the extensive
military preparations that hat been
made to cop with the activitie of
the reds there.
Tho suburb of Kopenick, just east
ward tf Johannlsthal, and Aldershof,
had become a big military enmp. The
correspondent saw at least a dofen
camouflaged field pieces and num
erous machine guns and supplies of
ammunition and stores of all kinds.
The principal fighting yesterday
evening was precipitated by an at
tempt of the soldiers to seize a ben
Unc plant neur Aldershof. Ths dis
trict was quiet today but furlli.-r
tiouble was expected.
The automobile passed a lonjt Firing
of armored cars mounting muchlna
guns ond truck louds of soldiers, go
ing to reinforce the encamped tioopj.
Only in the outlaying districts wa
the military conspicuous.
One of the principal criticisms dl
reeled against the government Is th
continued suppression of newspapeif
which prevents Information regard
ing development of tha sltimUiii
rs.itm rg the people.
Second Lot Of
European Goods
Reaches Portland
Portland, Or., Mac 23. The steam'
er Cansiimset of the European-Paelflo -line,
bringing the second lot of Im
port to be received here directly from
Europe since the war stinted, docn..l
lat lust night at the municipal ter
minal N'n. 1. The Imports currlod to
Portland by this ship niiifilst of lino
leum, Fuller's earth and hotfsehold
goods, all from the United Kingdom.
The first direct Import from Eu
rope In more than four year wero dls
murKnd here last month by the steam
-r VVeHt Ciiyute of the same service.
After discharging her Inward cargo
Caiisumset will load lumber for
Havana and general cargo for Havre
and Liverpool,
Frank N and Ida R Jenkins to
the trustees of the Church of
Christ, It 1 bl 67 N Salem
Edwin A nnd America Thomp
son to Joseph and Eva E
Mombort, prt of sec 29 and
30 BSj HE ..
Hoiuch N and Nellie Stcelti to
Olaf Oleson and Marlon E
Oleson, W It 76 Smith's F
K No. 2
O L and Tlllie Fisher to Thomas
Burrows, prt bl 40 Salum $3170
Josephine Eluln to Perry and
ftlattKie At Taylor it 6 bl
KtV add ; ,.; H60
Henry L Barici-iift nnd Mary V "
Bancroft to II W Reints 11
15 bl 2 parriah's add A
Thomas and Ida l Burrow to
O L and Tllll M Fisher prt
bl 40 Kaieni , ,
Ollle and X T Tlncard to W C
Taw Its 10-15-16 Kennedy
Acres , , ,
Irwin W McAdams and Eliza
beth L McAdams to 1C T and
Retti linrnard It 9 bl 21 High
land add .,..
James G and Edna Long to E
R and La Myra Hates prt It
6 hi 39 University mid ,....
Mrs J N Holt to V V, Holt Its
7-8 bl 6 Pleasant Horn add
Joseph Buunigartner and Ida
S itaumgartner to (Vila Sil
verman E H H 1 bl 13 North.
Salem 1000
Ol A and Rnynlla Lite to Oscar
Henry Loe. 101,10 A In 78 IE
G A and Martha Slither to Er
nest ami Grace Palmer, 37.40
A soe 22 in 68 1W .,
C M Crittenden, E and Mary
Courand to Olaf and Eric
Johnson, 66.13 A sec 16 in
' 4R IW - 6000
O V and Flora L Hartley to W
, A Roberts It bl Chippelle
add Woodhurn ....,
V A-jand StorJa VVVtldle to Kob
ei Krlms. prt Thomas Holt
add In lug) W - -
Guv C Weaver to Robert Mor
ris Iract 7 Ooudy Garden. 1500
Political Pot
"argil, N. t. Mur. 23. Wim.m
Lunger, attorney general of North Da
kota today annuueed he Is a candidate
for the republican gubernatorial nom
ination in the state primary to be held
June $0. . .- -: - '