AT. MARCH 23, lm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE FIVE t CX RREVT EVKST9 j. Marion County bureau dance, ar- Hotel Marten, noon. meeting tfar. Children s "wis. Slm Rtnr club .r :4. Special guauiess Mens leafrus, Com ,,rclal club. 8 p. m. Mw! ;4. Lecture by Dr. J. a Gilbert, "Immigration and future American stock," Msr 25 -Mass meeting dog owner Commercial club. 8 p. "uar ! Mass meeting Commercial club to promote rir beautiful plans, 8 p. tn. Mar. 36 Floral society neeting Commercial club 8 Sarch 26 Women' republi can club meeting, armory. April 4.Easter Sunday. April 6. American jion ter's home in Salem a few days before! hi death ana died at the Deae iress ' hospital. March li, 1920. He leaves to mourn his loss four children, Mrs. Lucy Orey of Independence-, Mrs. Lena Tavlor nf sin., u. er. in the Moore building, according ' b?rt A- Slra and Arden W. Straw of . a reuon niaae to police Monday '-ertuo; also two brothers, Santorn night, and was being investigated to- im straw of Wisconsin and Atbcr -craw of Salem. One daughter Mrs t; oldie Thompson passed away one year ago. Funeral services were held at Webb & CIoukIi parlors at 2 o'clock. M irch 23. cutmucc 10 me on c ... ,. , have been gained by prying the lock open with a pocket k'nife. No clues .were left by the thieves. l Georga Zook, who is serving a -JO aay sentence In the city jill for boot nieetins. icggmg. today denied alleir:ii.m made by officers that h left his mother and sister destitute in t shack near Halls Ferry. Statements to this effect were published and Zook made a request mis morning they be corrected, claiming that his motner and 311; ucrv aoie t) set money In town it they waited it; and that he wished it understood that hp is able o care for them. On complaint of Gerald Yolk, councilman, that he cut a corner at the intersection of Capitol and Mar ket streets, V. P. Emery of Macleay was arrested Monday. He is to appear Detore Police Judge Race next Mon day at 10 o'clock for hearing. Two Month's Jail Sentence Given ' Carrier Of Gun land is capitalised at $iO.e. Alex ander Fiedman, Joseph Lewis and William Lewis are the Incorporators The Arcady Press and Mail Adver-' tising Service, Portland, filed a certifi-! cate showing an increase in capital-1 izatoin from J1U.000 to $Ji,i)0. j Resolutions of. dissolution were filed' by the W. U Miller Mill and Lumber Company of Cottage Grove. Science Church Case Is Heard by Gourt Today (served the right to define their isition if necessary. po- cers of the International Brotherhwd of Electrical Worker. j Ray Clark was sentenced Tuesday by JudKe Ulenn l'nruh to serve 60 days in the county jail on a "concealed weapon" charge. With an effective looking 'six-gun' strapped to his leg, Chirk, 3$. Was ar rested Monday and was later arraigned before Judge L'nruh. Advices received by Sheriff Needham's office indicated that Clark was wanted at Kreewatir. Agreement Upon Transfer Of Dead Veterans Reached vVashington, Mar. 23.- An agree ment under which American dead In France whether within or beniud the battle lone may be removed to the lulled States as noon as arrangement have been completed has been reached at a conference between renrewnts. church and the trustee, or the Chris-; tlvea of ,ne pnch and American gov- Fresno. Cal.. Mar. 23. M. E. Pitt.;uau Bcrem; 1 uousu.ns cov.e., re, ernnwnts. The agreements awaits the man surrendered himself at the tht, pi","" , '"t .... (approval uf the French government. .,,u,v iaii ...w, .w.v w., Mrs. Hulen brought the petition aas, today, telling the sheriff he was want ed for the murder of A. Nicholson, a Boston, Mass Mar. 23. The su preme ourt today heard arguments on the request of Mrs. Kmilie U. Huten of New York, for the right to intervene in the litigation to which Man Surrenders After Killing Visitor TO HOmC l directors of the Christian Science Voters of Rainier have decided to istue bonds to amount of ili.fe.ia to build a second story on lit new city hall to be dedicated to the Amr Legion. The influenia is bginntng to d- cre.ise at Sheridan. The number of cases is less and few or tnem are serious. Vf. P, K.I more, who has represent ed Linn county in the legislature for Vhe past three sessions, will not 10 a cndidale for re-election. The supreme court has issued an ordtr wherel y all stenographers :re to he at work at 8 a. m. and rot vave their desks until after S in- one 01 tne iirsi nienioers 01 uu j-,. J J J church. These first members were &-rlVe CaZTZutufltCS Court House News 2 Circuit Court ivil S. Mclntyre, a naisv M. Mclntyre. minor, his guardian litem, vs liable C. Mclntyre. .rm ti complaint, in the matter of the petition his account in the bank at that ci;v Clark was also wanted here for ul- . I leged circulation cf worthless paper. Plans for entertainment of the He was apprehended in this city by many Shriners who will visit here this! Deputy Sheriff West of Freewater miner will be shaped at a meeting , When arrested. Clark was living at a the Commercial club at eight , local hotel with an Indian woman. o'clock this evening of the Shrine) whose name Is given ao Mary Fleshir. ,ciuo nere. All members are urged to; Charges against Clark, because of by be present and to assist in the ar-1 his financial transactions have not ad rangements. : been pressed, due to the fact that he . . . . . . . . . . iiau , T-f l .1 1 II KUtllUUl., CI 11 V, lUlltllUUB IT" " v-.u. w transferred to the di- " Adams, 03 Alder street, P,t., m ,v, , k 'rectors. It was his contention that the: Portland. Tuesday filed as n candidate K .x- t - trustees had! delegate to the national convention f!n Z. .htl ?J .1 shown that the directors had no standi from the third congressional district. also said she believed her husbaand ing an1 ,her4"fT i! I" T" "'H' was in hiding yesterday in the attic , , 7 ,7 7 T7 V ', u, . . . . in to m-oteot the Hunts of the church. Otto A . Heider. Sheridan, renulill Ongon, on a charge of overdrawing I " . . 1 .lcnolson call- memhor. aoueared in on- can. candidate for n.,miimii.,n ,11.. i , ,. ..... ica on a Business visit, rnis morning,' : : : " . ... I .1 . . . . she said. Nicholson called, again and v" on ' ! L' V , iv hi i ,1 T," T5,' her husband dronned frnn, . hi. i Edw.n A. Krauthoff of Washing-, R. K. Itradbury. Klamath Falls. tho nttie hnt vih.,in Ml'- Krauthoff argued that the I J mocrat, candidate for nomination times in the head. File Applications nominating petitions Mrs. Pittntan said Nicholson an old friend of the family. tid- of Fines of $5 each were assessed by- Police Judge Race thlsmorning from Russell Byerly and Raymond Sycrley T. E. Aslop and P. E. Neul, who were far 1 writ of habeas cormis. Petition, arrested Monday evening by Traffic Annie Busby vs Delbert A Busby Officer Verden Moffltt for speeding, and Veda K- Busby. Order overruling , Aslop, according to Moffitt's report, motion of S. T. Richardson. jwus going 38 miles an hour on South In the matter of the petition of High edreet, between Lincoln and ru.n Kverlv and Raymond Eyerly Mission; and Neul was going 32 miles reported to have arranged some settlement. for a writ of habeas corpus, umer gnuitins writ. W. Wiscner vs R. J. Hendr .cks ot al Motion far dismissal. Peter Cox vs John Ws'cii et til. Proof of mailing copies of compi-tints and summons. W. Wiscner vs R J. Hendricks et l. Order for dismissal. Probnle Court John Koenke, estate. Petition for probate of will. John Koenke, estate. ' Order admit ting will to probate. John Koenke. estate. Oath of Mary T. Koenke. , Marriage Mooimm Lloyd ,ioe Wright, 21, of Pendle ton, a nechsinic, and Blanche Isham, M. ef Salem; R. L. McDowell, 2J, of ljth and Lee streets, Salem, a butch er, and Velma Mitchell, 25 of Salem. an hour on Howard and High street, Myrs. between Man Whofiheated ' Federal Rail Men Young Wife Held With Husband For Kidnapping Man A small truck owned by A. B. Star buck of Dallas, was badly damaged and Its driver, Kenneth Edgar, was severely shaken up late Monday night when he drove into a house that was being moved across the street at the comer of Commercial and Union streets. Report of the accident was made at police headquarters. Medford, Or., Mar. 23. Another sensational twist to the Lark Evans case was given today by the arrest of' the pretty young wife of Evn by Sheriff Terrell ,tn u u-nprimi luua.l 1... : Sent To Prison the i,istiu't. Attorney c. Robert, I cuuigiiig nr wun ueing tne acconu plice of her husband in the kidnaping' and robbery case last September of W. U. White of Grants Pass. She w is ar raigned this oon ln Judge Taylor's court and her preliminary hearing was set for Wednesday. The defendant was' hel din $2000 bail which early this aft ernoon she had been unable to furnish. first members were abolished by a for state representative from twenty by-law in l01 which was apaproved first representative district, by Mrs. Kddy and that the .attempt p.enj. c. Sheldon, Medford. if pub to intervene was an attack on the by-' Un, candidate for state repreaeina laws of the church, the first he knew tive from the eighth legislative dis of 1 nthe church's history. The motion trlct. to intervene, he said, was in fact an attempt to have the case tried again. Mrs. Krauthoff said the master's re port had not ruled that the directors had no authority. Former Governor John L. Bates, counsel for the direct ors, announced that they took a neu tral altitude on the petition but re- YERIBEST TRANSFER Uaggase end Moving. Hauling a where and everywhere VERIBEST TRANSFER Phone 1344 129 S. Com'l Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 23. Theo dore W. Powell, who pleaded guilty yesterday to a charge of conspiring to defraud the United States Railroad administration by forging passes, was sentenced today to sreve twenty-one months in hto federal penitentiary at McNeils Island, Washington. Powell told the authorities, accord ing to their statement ln court today, that another person was the prime Evans was convicted by a juiv in 3. H. nlumni banquet tickets sold itHauser Bros.. Wed. the last day. 71 Rexall One Cent Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 25, 26, . Ask ft r a circular. Perry's Drug Hor.. 71 8. H. alumni banquet tickets sold ttHauser Bros.. Wed. the last day. 71 -Jitney-' dance aTmory, Tuesday Mar. 23. benefit child's bureau Ma rios county. 71 ' 8omething new, Auto-Vao Ice cream freezers; no cranking, no trouble. Try Me. C. S. Hamilton, 341 Court St. 72 Circulars of the ale no wready. Rexall One Cent 71 Auto-Vac Ice cream freezers for Tour home or auto trips. Put in the h and cream and in a little, space f tinie the ice is ready to eat. (ijiar MUed. C. S. Hamilton. 72' The funeral for little Billie Talm adge, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dav id H. Talmadge, who died at the fam ily residence late Sunday night, was held at the home, 12th and Oak streets, at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Burial followed in City View ceme tery. Friends of Miss Mary Wait will be pleased to know that she is convalesc-!PrSi automobile man, exalted ruler of ing at her home on North jutn stieei thc Seattle Elks' lodge, died today after undergoing a serious operation at the Deaconess hospital. mover of the conspiracy, and that he ruia ami win ue sen was active in selling the passes. Het,'"c,'a tomorrow. was arrested m Portland. Ore., re- u RIVf;K Tihrteen other persons are under In- VOTK OX SALARY RAISE .iintmeni unri ro evnerted tn nie.irt "hrre is no valid reason why the within the next two weeks. people of Hood River county should not express tneir sentiments relative to an increase in the salary of the county superintendent of public In struction a tthe special election May 21, providing this question is Includ A Homey General Brown in an opin ed ln the election call, according to Ion prepared Tuesday for J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of instruction. Prominent Seattle Elk Passes Away Seatle, Wash., Mar. 23. Homer My Incorporations. BERTH KVTF.S R ISKD Washington, Mar. 23. Permission has been granted the Pullma.n com- nnnv hv the tnteratntn mmmniv, nnm- be required to Payjwith headquarters in Portland, filed' mission to file special lurlffs increas- suppori mm articles of incorporation with the. ing berth rates approximately 20 per cent. The company Is seeking an In crease on Standard lower berths to a minimum of $2 and on scats to a mini mum of 50 cents. In the divorce action oi j. r. -'-y Organized to promote the devel- against Lenora Day, Mrs. uay unw , operatlve g0,vlce Bureau of Oregon filed a motion asking that her divorce, opment of Oregon. industries the Co- seeking iiusDana 1S0 teninor.vry money. She. also asks that the su t, corponUlon department here Tues be dismissed and asks that 'the ult day. Membeiship in the organization pay her sufficient suit money. In her 'Jg Hxe(1 ftt $60 prp y(,ar The ncor. answer to Day's charges that she had : l)or,uol.g a,.e B j, st CIari j. j. Hat inade life burdensome to him, Mi'-tton an(J j, K, willoughby. Day denies all charges of cruel treat-1 i rrleuman Market, Inc., also filed ment of her husband. She admits, , ni.tlcIeg nf incorporation Tuesday .The however, that she am accuse u "uo, col.(,ratlon, which is located in Port band of "running arouna who other woman, whom she says, Day had named as Juanlta L. Mapes. JOUItNAL WANT ADS PAT Jitney dance Har. 23, benefit rion county. armory, Tuesday child's bureau Ma-71 C B. Shaw, of the Central cigar lore, was a business visitor in Port land Monday. Jitney dance armory, Tuesday Mar. 23, benefit child's bureau Ma rion county. 71 Pearl p. Hassler, of the Turner Tribune, was irt Salom Monday In the interests or the taxpayers league, of hich he is a member.. For the benefit or tne .uenoi... church at Pratum, Prof. P. Waldo Davis, of hllomath College will give a concert, Monday evening, March 28.. The concert will take place at .the t i llnnnn A ChUlCn DU11UIIIB i-jrtlijiii . , a n'elnck. Il-of. Davis unsu ui.i..t is tne Golden Chimes Hnd a program of good. music is assured. . Wednesday afternoon at the Kiin-j ball School of Theology chapel ser-( ... ,th d-iv h i crad- vice, Kev. w. na.. . uating thesis, the subject oi w -"The Devotioal Life of the Student, Its Need and Its Peril." In the . . ......i.ioriiiff testimony Aliei Cnlwell. agamni - C. bir.gnam rase of Meda i-nia-ell Judge George continued the case Tuesday morning. Petitions for help, filed with Recorder Race, is charge of the muni eipal employment bureau, show that 'Here is a dire want of men to work n farms in the surrounding country. Monday there were places open for lournier, in hop yards, on farm and to out loganberry plants. There were Iso two requests for a man and wo mn to manage a farm. -. After an absence of six months, dur ing which time they visited in Kansas, " and Pennsylvania, their 'ormer home, Mr. and Mrs.,J. A. Pat terson returned to Palem Sunday. The trip was taken primarily for Mrs. Pat- ""n s health. The travelers say that "o Place suits them n well ns Oregon " they will take up their permanent 'uence in Salem. t a meeting of the committees In to Elk club rooms Monday night re- Ports were handed in and additional kns made for the entertainment of tne state convention of the Elks dur " Be comlna- summer The snorts niittee announced some of uheir among which will bo taxing "bibitions under h nnai. of the mniiasion, and a golf contest for J" Elks and their ladies. The local Se is very enthusiastic about the "nventlon. One unique feature of the "T Will h lh ...ll!,n,nn fnr F B Fenton. Jr., of Portland was a visitor on Salem, Monday. Visiting old friends, Judge Thomas F Ryan, of Gladstone, spc.t hours in Salem, Tuesday. Mary T. Koencke has been appoint ed executrix ot tne -z: o,,.0rtv situated at Mill KOenene. i.-.le i l,A,iAntlie(l lO v. ' - uiv, .rp. ad- y the terms oi a win " ".irl Ned Pch- lor, Albeit seiizwific. ards are named as appraisers of the estate. SIX ROOM BUNGALOW For Sale By owner. Located at 876 North 14th street, large lot, plas tered, dutch kitchen, panelled dining room, buffet built in, book cases built in, fire place, large mirrors in bedrooms, furnace, cement basement, large room in basement, plaster ed, also fruit room, massive cobble-stone fillers in front, garage with cement drive. If you are looking for a home this will please you. $5000. See owner at Bake-Rite Bakery, 457 State Street, It's quite true that you'll be satisfied with our bread. Other folks in this com munity who have a dis criminating taste and an exact sense of values eat it and praise it so we are sure that you will like it. We know you will. Electrical Men .Threaten Strike San Fanclsco, Mar. 23. Electrical workers employed by power compan ies in central California are prepar ing to strike March 31, In support of the telephone electrical workers on the coast, who declared a strike sev eral weeks ngo. according to an an nouncement by the worker. local or ganisations here today. It was an nounced a resolution was pasod which called for 38 a day as one of the strike demands of flie power companies' workers. The strike movement was said to be opposed by the International offl- Service. Our earn est endeavor to Rive satisfaction, and su perior service, Is evidenced, by the courtesy of our stuff the efficiency of our management. The satisfaction of oui' clients and the qunl Ity of service ren dered, quality. Cour tesy. Efficiency. PHIlIP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. Com'l. St. Phone J4T T MV'titi f vrrs Ft ti in if it i ft trti tit rtninw tw j j,!4J ul CC r- Dr.C.B. O'Neill 0PT0I1ETR1ST-0PT1CIAN ladcUDush Bank Building STATE SSffiEtT fB , i mSTtto 6 late apf i fhmmfiraeys. ?.. ?rvr" XCUSE Iff DUST BAKE-RITE BREAp Doughnuts, Kolls, Cookies, Pie.t and Cakes Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery 457 State Street. Meet Me at Meyers The Hospital must he built'. Have you done your bit? f not -Why Not? omorrow s Bio Sci2 Missionary- Methodist 'unds to be W'H be made, the entire affair financed by the lodge. 'J'enty five dollars worth of scrap 'd was stolen some time Sunday 'he office of Dr. L. R. Spring- t i n i i Il STIV FARXrM lf ' -AsrwsnGnr... LAST TIMKS TONIGHT! The Woman's Foreign t ha .Tnson Lee K E Brackney, of Portland, was a business visitor in Salem Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Rowland of the Kowland Printing Company, were i In Portland Monday, where the.r son. Reed Rowland, underwent a serious operation at one of the hospitals in that city. A 1. Spiers, a second hand dealer of this city, is spending the week In Dallas. OHITIARY Will R.. son of Rufus and q. uas born at Concord, February 28, 1S.". Removed to W.s consin with his parents when he was about 10 vears old Wss married n 'eaHv manhood. Victoria Wo, To them were omn . The Sat--,,. H. H., , dving at its binn, w.e . Crash Toweling n. ihar time. ,..nk full rare of thfi five motherless children as well as prcvid Z for their r.eed. He brought h.s ! family to Oregon In 1503 "h time he has made ms m"- ' "' " ex-entfor the last five years he In ,4 at li-averton. He suffered a stroke 0f paralysis about two years ag... I cond one about seven weeks a(,o, plnre which time he rapidly lam-j , 18 inches wide Best Quality Sale Opens 8:30 a. m. 29c .ILas&tS Bargain Do you reallfe the money tht It being mud out of city Ital tttaltt And the itaion Is to simple that child can undertUnd it. The iterit i thtt the mount of land it limited while popu lation goes on increasing forever. The Went Ad eectlon of thii paper offere real estate opportunities regularly. If you want to buy light read our Real Estate Want Ads. And If you have real estate to tell remember that an army of pvrthat ri will eee your ad in the Want Ad lection of thie paper every day. Littlt Want Ada like these tell Real Estate 5VVTID- llii M la s U.S B., tot frwiui M iow'.m m.imuu m a its utd v.Xft HMOr.ftti w.kU. f let, f" AI'PKS: fete M u4. HukIM Attnu. la at4n tt MaU aouat aUM atm man mt4 aui ifciff tmu Uua aur ofh. la ib. rftv with a r. iim a infi;a, fist;es Many a threwd fcun'neie man and woman in this city hat found our Want Adt the shortest line between buyer and seller. g Read and Use the Want Adt in Show Windows Easter Apparel CLOSED Open Wednesday Evening You Can Always Do Better At OOPULOOODS Who Always Does Better By You roi'nii' t. TODAY TOMORROW Big Mitchell Lewis i In a Powerful and Mighly Drama af TE NORTH WOODS "Children of Banishment NONE SKID LOVE COMEDY THURSDAY- "The Girl From Outside'' f KlICHtll U1VIS CH11.1.V,. L I B ERTY