Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 23, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE F0TI2
Published every evening except
Sunday by The Capital Journal Print
ing Co.. 13 South Commercial street.
Telephones Circulation and Busi
ness Office. SI: Editorial roams, St.
G. PUTNAM. Editor and Publisher.
Entered as second claw mail mat
ter at Salem. Oregon.
By carrier 60 cents a month. By
mail 0c a month, IM for three
months, 12.25 for six months, )4 per
year in Marion and Polk counties.
Elsewhere $3 a year.
vv order of I. S. government, all
rhau subscriptions are payable In advance.
Advertising representatives W. D.
Ward, Tribune Bid.. New York; W.
H. Stockwell, Peoples Gas bldg.,
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for publication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
r.ot otherwise credited In this paper
and also local news published herein.
bservations AV. A. flill.Uly, ex-sher-Iff
of Beaton county, appeared before
the court here Monday Slid pleaded
guilty to n charge of defalcation of
public funds, lie was immediately
sentenced, by Judge Skipworth to
nerve a five year term in the peniten
tiary, after which he was paroled to
his brother, Hubert Gellatly.'h Falls Sain of the hold
ings in Klamath find Jackson coun
ties i.f (he Long Bell Lumber com
pany of Si. Louis, Mo., has beon con
summated according to announcement
here utid' r an option" Riven Inst fall.
The tract contains 40,000 acres of
land with an estimated stand of tslx
hundred million feet of timber.
Portland The Willamette river
Monday claimed lis first canoe victim
for this spring Tllchurd Bowles, IS,
. prudent ot James John high school.
Portland Sugar prices hertu will
be held .it the basis of its per hun
dred pounds wholesale and IT cents
a pound retail until stocks Issued
from the refineries on the old basis
flnive been exhausted,. Will II, Daly.
United States fair price commission
er, announced Monday,
' The Dulles Representative Nicho
las J. Sinnott of the second Oregon
congressional district, arrived here
Monday from Washington, IK C., and
attended the funeral of his brother.
Roper Sinnott, who died In Portland
last week. Representative fiinnof?
Bald he would return to ills duties at
Washington almost Immediately.
Portland- Hci-bct. Yost, it. tu re
ported to the city health bureau to
he suffering from (deeping sickness.
His is the 14 ill case of the malady
reported here since 11 made Its np
pen ranee last full.
Albany W. It. Scott, msnagnr of
Ihe Albany cannery, reports that a
bis supply of modern machinery and
new equipment hns been added to the
plant In anticipation: of the opening
of the season. A continuous cooker
Of the latest type has been instilled
nmong the recent additions to the
concern, Auto travel over the Sls
triyou Is now possible and a few' cars
aic coming every day. Drivers say,
however, that the last storm has made
the road very rough. A brisk Wind for
the past few days is drying UP the
Albany Construction of a sl'lnglc
(rtiUl at Brownsville on the site of the
out woolen mill has begun following
the purchase of the properly last
week by n number of business men
of tllie city. Loeh Bros. hav bean
given a lease on the property with an
option to buy any time within ft year
titter the mill has comiiHincod operation.
I.a C'.r nide The Wallowa Lumber
company has recently purchased Urge
traits i t' limber on Blur creek from
1. p.. ana Clilos Phiss. The company
has also acquired possession of the
McCully tract, the timber holdings
Of Dr. Whiting and extensive tracts
formerly owned by the Wallow Val
ley Timber company.
Albany Prospects for a new hotel
n, sanitarium and a Bash and door fac
tory are in View nt Cascadia, accord
ing to George W. Golsondorffer, own
er of the mineral springs at that place
Ashland Ashland police attempt
ed Inst week to enforce traffic ordi
nances passed a year ago. Among the
first arrested were Mayor C. B. Lam
Hn; the superintendent of southern
Oregon experiment station. V. C. Rel; the editor of Dally Tidings. Bert
U. Oreor, and a score or more promi
nent citizens.
In a recent statement, Cato Sells, United States commissioner,
of Indian af fairs, calls attention to the increase in population and
wealth of American Indians and general improvement in their af-;
fairs. Thousands have slipped a way from the reservation and
are living among whites and making their way in the world just
as wll as other people.
Some of the Indian tribes are rolling in wealth, noticeably
those upon whose lands oil ha3 been struck. Others, which seem
ed doomed to extinction a few years ago, have "come back" and
are profitably engaged in industry. On the whole, Indians are
fully as well off as the whites and the per capita of wealth more
than the average of the whites. j
The war proved the Indian a patriot. The red-men invested
explained "I mean that neither Tom-
j my Fox nor Peter Mink can fool me.
Thty can't make me believe that
of the sky, when a head showed it- ment the
self from behind a limb-and a queer.
wrinkled face peered at him.
Mr. Crow did not recognize the face.
It was an odd one. In fact, ha thought
he had never seen an odder. But if
he thought the face a queer one, it
was not half as peculiar as the stran
ger's actions.
For, as Mr. Crow watched him. the
stranger slipped into full view, hang
ing by his tail and one hand from a
limb, while with the other hand he
waved a red cap.
Old Mr. Crow's mouth fell open,
For a time he said never word."
And for him, that was quite out of
the ordtnary.
The wild folk In Pleasant Valley
L : . . thai'W otAn anvKnrlf 1. n i rd V... V t..
ocnnrtftrtA jj. i.i l..l., 4.u ,;ll,v., ; wf """"'S strange stones to " ........b
io,wu,uuu m uraij wiius, uuici uiimmij in nam oiamya ouu : another. If the stories w r tr..e. te-top." . - .
sent 10,000 warriors to fight in France and 2,000 sailors for thejthey were most amaxing. And if they "Wn" "0,T" askd Mr- Crow's cousin fhlfu rCLTlV To
navy. Indians were among the best soldiers and many were cited' were.yeiy made up to cause tik. JafP" Ja-V- I 0 . J ,
- . , t j.ciiumij Hit-) BUCCeiHieU. v. vv .. o nuu ,ui. ivn. nun
IOr neroism ana Oraverj'. Perhaps if somebodv less trickv the" he corrected himself once more.
Increase in Indian population in the past 30 years is from; than Peter Mink and -Tommy Fox had 'Because.'he replied, "no 'possum ever
230,000 to 307,000. They have in their reservations 60,000,000
acres of land, valued at $363,000,000, which with timber, mineral
and oil holdings, bring their total property to a $700,000,000 val
uation, from which they enjoy an annual income of $54,000,000
as compared with $3,000,000 in 1890.
Indians raised last year crops worth $11,000,000 and sold
$4,000,000 worth of livestock without depleting their herds., They
secured $5,000,000 from rentals to white men.
Over 56,000 Indians are self-supporting and only 5000 able
bodied adults receive rations. They cultivate 700,000 acres of
land and 176,000 have individual land holdings. Over 61,000 out
of 84,000 eligible school children are in school, 43,000 out of 54,000
families live in houses, 113,000 are church going, 120,000 speak
English, 191,000 wear citizen s clothing, 79,000 are citizens and
26,000 voters.
In brief, the Indian is making good in every way, emerging
from savagry to civilization, proving his right to citizenship and
participation in the affairs of his country.
Submit Trio Of
Bills To Electors
came so far North as this. I've spent5
a good many winters in the South, Portland, Or., Mar. 23. Initia:i
snd I ought to know. And besides,", pettiions for placing three proposed
he added, "although a 'possum can i measures of the United Land and La
hang by his tail, there never was one bor league of Oregon on the ballot will
that cou'd throw a stick or stone, be circulated in aoout two wees ae
And I ought to know, for I've spent cordingto F. E. Coulter, father of the
a good many winters in the South, league and a member of the executive
where the possums live." ! committee. The measures, if placed on
Everybody had to admit that old the bllIlot and passe(1
Mr Crow must know what he was for voting by mn maW JhJ
alking about. And people began tol ennntiativand eredum law nppH.
feel rather foohsh w hen they rea hzed; cable to pHmttrjeSi an f
how n?ar they had been to letting! , ,.,, , ' "fenwig
those two rascals-Peter Mink and ! ' I"taf,he" T, ."."J
Tommy Fox-deceive them. ) and other Industrial Institutions.
As for old Sir. Crov?, having per- j t rt f
suaded his neighbors to his way of KjOUTt RClUSCS TO '
thinking, he began to be more pleas-j
ed with himself than ever. And he' Firanlr 1 n inn ' 'nrt
spent a good deal of time sitting in a! iitMHll,
tall tree near the cornfield, with his' Washington, Mar. '23. Justice
head on one side, hoping that his Bailey of the District of Columbia su
Old Mr. Crow's liinuth fell (ineii For '"ends would notice how wise he j preme court Monday declined to dis-
notion of
dipping boau l0 ui f
Dismissa! of the case'T 'h
the ground that the
"gainst the Cni.M s.T4"18 C
Mr- Hearst had'no
the matter as woula ,'?illtatf
maintain the action. ' S
Aches, pains, nervousness
cull, ia wfcatin-ISy;;
enous disordsrs. The J?
standard remedy for kidr"
blaJder and uric acidfroli
v ai jit
brinr miirt j
'T of Holland fo,
U for Ito ,m c.U Ml.
a time he said never a word.
For months past there has been a well financed Campaign in j stilrt0(' these old tales, the rest of
nearly all states in behalf of the candidacies of General Leonard ' lPretovibaPllfPvek -b ui
Wood and Governor Lowden for the republican nomination. Paid! Anyhow, the news offered the b
managers and organizers, with abundant funds, have been biisviof ,'!tcus for gossip. And many of
forming clubs and creating a public sentiment to support the can
didates. Lowden is the multi-millionaire head of the Pullman Car
Company, son-in-law of the late George M. Pullman, so that there
is no mystery as to where his campaign fund came from. General
looked. j solve the temporary Injunction grant
He was engaged in that agreeable ed William Randolph Hearst to pre-!
pastime one afternoon when thump vent the shipping board from selling'
lomething struck the limb on the twenty nine former German paa-
which he was perched.
fi frmtr frgva a annanrl fim a
best , . , .. , .
juiui. iiii iiiuii lie giaiiceu 41111:111
. i i
v. fun i , . j, ifttam tile- kiouiiu. I
the field and forest people repeated ,. . ,
it so often that they almost began to JL 'T T a,nywhere
believe it themselves. 8 f '' 'So Mr Cow looked omewhat,
aii h i nr o i j si"'- For a moment he hnd thouit.
Ail nut old Mr. Crow. He declared .i. . T i. i v. i .i.
.. ., that Johnnie Green had thrown!
Biuuiiy mat me wno e .tning was ... . . . i
nothing but a hoax.
"You can't follow me,
senger sh'os hn' took under- ndvsa-
By Using
I International eitermlrntoflta Rati Wts.
I fikch!t and vtrt. htreu.;
I nivt in ,l.u.. .uu.. - , : :
ng for water and fresh air, dyinj outt
In s lew momenta. Tun ,l ..j n .
i MaDt run USE ORDER FICI Kiln
he told peo- i
something at him. Hut he saw at once'
that he was mistaken. Of course it:
U'a hn.a,mn ...:eZ : v - ! nle. Rnt. wh ,i,i 'a 'couiu nave Deen nothing more tnan
, a ..ui witc, is hoi weaiiny enougn to ;::-." ',"""' r T", ."i a dpid .branch failing.
nuance a nation-wiae ettort, and much speculation has arisen! change T ins statement. i
over me souree oi me expenaitures m his behalf,
he hud to
mean" he
He settled himself again, trying to
n,.nAnM no I' !. I...J.', V
j njU'irai n .1. ttv imuii i uccji ouii Lieu,
sometning gave mm
Tho VJnrA l,v. !c rl--,..,.:4. l... i ... . """" cmiRrin mat passes x--. .
.... u,,clnwLi..u uy a tiumuer oi millionaire over a man s face when he finds ont!a sla,'t bIow on his ba
republicans, according to the New York World, which states that Lnt 2ZL TlTllJ!?l T oia Mr. crow flopped
Dan K. Haniia. 8011 of the fammia M.v. TTnnno tno V,- ,;-) . 6 a neighboring tree. And
- - ., ---- n t uo liic iiu Liai i mm nil rnorina ur tn man .
promoter and undertook to raise a fund of a million dollars.
John T. King, of New York, is 'stated to have raised and dis
bursed $101,000. The fund was to have been Sl.000.000 mme un
of contributions of 10 men of $100,000 each, including the fol-
tuvMiiK miiuonuires: .awaru Li. uoneny, Mexican oil owner; Am
brose Morel, officer of nickel, uhosnhate and ripp! nnrnnmrinna-
Henry F. Sincjair, oil king; H. M. Byllesby, transportation and
povver mugiiaie; vv. i!. Tiiompson, copper miner; E. E. Smathers,
capitalist, and A. A. Sprague, wholesale merchant of Chicago.
As most of these millionaires are heavily interested in Mex
ico, it would be interesting to know the real reason for their ef
fort to buy the presidency for a favorite, and what his Mexican
policy would be. ,
After a month's delay in which Lodare's foreicm relnri
mittee was busy snooping into the record of Bainbridge Colby, in
an effort to find something reprehensible, the United States sen
ate nas unaiiy contirmed his appointment as secretary of state
Meanwhile the United States had no head to its department of
state and all foreign business was held up but the incident is
typical oi senate actions.
The population of Mount Angel Is
f.37. Tiu is a gain of 2 iti the ist
1( yenr? or over 60 per cent.
i .
:K' mm
- M
Esthonia and Livonia, having secured independence, are pre
paring for war against each other over boundary lines. Freedom
in uiu luissta means ireeuom to light.
. .......v.0 niuuiiij ucucie mat, sianciing timber m
lu.-e.wii.y toresis is a oetter investment than the manufactured
product in new houses in Salem.
If the new hospital was only a distant and perhaps mythical
ui lucr oe.t, now easy it would be to raise the monev for it. in
rpt. T..l..j.- ...... ...
x, ..-tthota primary win indicate which is strongest at the
I'VMio, uic muiiu.v uug or me winu-oag
Admiral Sims
iral Sims is fighting the American navy with the weapon
fought the Philistines.
Life is getting to be just one drive after another.
Rippling Rhymes
.mii ;;rtps us a11 deploring, lamenting, and the like; for prices
still are soaring each day they take a hike; I view the situation
that now disturbs the nation, and in my .agitation I breath the
name of Mike. A suit of wool, not sliody, of hanSe colo5
tones once clothed my shapely body, and cost me thirty bones-
the leather the village saddler owns. But now a suit of shoddy
my t.meworn system feels; and it is punk and gaudv. and costs
me eighty wheels; it shrinks when rain is reigning, it splits when
Jniu StM'T' a"d 80 I,am, wwnptainin, and wising taied
spiels My shoes are made of paper, bedizened bright and smart
and when I waltz or caper the blamed things come apart ; to Tear
them is exhausting, and oh, the price they're costing would Kut
a layer of frosting upon the warmest heart. If things were worth
the money, the prices we mie-ht otpo -irV. LY.L leIl. .rt
sunny, and not with tan feet; but gaods" made by pikers
iSSotvJS. ' and so 1 join the strikers and
hastily Into
this time he
ng looked up instead of down.
our heauty secrets from them, thnt1 At first he coud see nothimr unus-
they employ with us. un1, And ne ha1 almost made up hisj
"Vou don't bnnw wh,,h i.i """" l'u"- "umeimiis naa lunen out
Iiobby. "how much I scolded Helen
for leaving you down here alone. In
fact, It is I who brought her back and S
I shall, hthlst upon her staying with !
,vu, if ou want her, after I go home" 1
On, you needn't worry about me
. uuuv,,, ,.,B .
I answered, "my mother is here and
my cousin. ".Tunt thun nvM.ioo
ed and turning to Helen o,i i-!
I Raid:
"This Is my cousin Charles."
Here is a home made syrup which
millions of people have-found to be
Tills home made remedy is a
wondor for 'quick results.
Easily and cheaply iniulc
whom you heard me sneak o me most means of break-
f dear friend. Helen, hi. ins. u stubborn coughs. It Is cheap
this is Mr. Gaylord,
leard me sneak so ni
and mv ilnm tianA uA.M v.,..
c,, wile. .ii u, . . , ...
tniii8 a New Llicht 1 i i"ii'i m
I womler if my n-tultion 'was cor-10"' Under its healing, soothing in
retl. It seemed ' to me that Charles nuence' cnest ness goes, phlegm
accepted Helen with much more gra- ?,T8 ,bra.tninB becomes easier,
clousness than he would have done tlcklln8 in throat st0P8 an " Set
before I married. It had Come home a, Kd night'1' restful 8,eep' Thd usu"
to him lately that there might be a 1 and chest colds ar6 C0nfiuer-
possiblllty of a great love that would ! K 24h0l"-s or les8' Nothing
swamp everything else, even in the better f0r broncnltls- hoarseness,
most conventional life. I have known croup' throat tlckle' brnc"'al asthma
since my talk with Charles that I ormwinter couha
must not see him too often because make this s"len,lii syrup
Ills pity for my uphapplness has ml- PU 2H ounces ot Ttlw lnto a Pnt
tnen.ed his Interest and affection fo bttle and f,U the hottIe wIth plain
such a point that he cannot help f,ranu,at1e,l B"Bar B5ru" an' ake
iclliiig me of it. .'"''.thoroughly. If you prefer, use clarl-
"And so vour mother l tn ..lrttJ-Ba molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
Helen. "Oh. I um m anrrv
"She never has been well," I an
swered, "since my father died. You
know, my dear, she is one of the
women held over from thnt era of
which Byron talked about when he
uuiifu ;
it in th'
itk't far :n
By the Noted Author
instead or sugar syrup. Either way,
you get a full pint a family supply
of much better cough syrup than
you could buy tvady made for three
times the money. Keeps perfectly and
children love its pleasant taste.
Pinex is a special and hlghly'oon-
"Love Is of man's life a thing apart-' ce,ltrat,ed impound of genuine Nor
'Tis woman's whole existence." T?y pin'! e,aract' known the world
i think, my mother, Helen bejran .. '. u""n nea"nB eIIect P"
to lose her hold on life the night mvlV " mmbranes'
f-ither .lied. g;le told me that she' , To avoid 'aPPolnment ask your
stood by his bedside and she had a dl'US8riSt for "2W ounccs of Finex"
distant feeling as she saw him n lW th fuU dllectln. a"cl don't accept
l"g that her life, too, was begim,lmranythlnff e,Se' unranteed to give ab
to ebb." oeginning solutJ gat!stactl(m or mon,,t.
"That Is very true." sulfl rh,.iM I Lv refunded. The Plnex Co., Ft. Wayne
' Vou know Katherine's mother has ' (Adv)
toon n nintiitr to me all mv lif.. u, l " '
lately it has been possible for me to!
he with her must.of-tlw tiiua. Every!
day she grows frailer every day .it
seems to me her thoughts-leap over'
to thnt other land which is beyond I
uur Ken, nut which seems nerfeetlv
visible to her."
So Glud Slie'a Come.
"Oh, I am so glad shs has come to
see you," Helen said to me. "Ri,hi,b
ami I will not take you from her a 11 is really a pitiful sight to see
moment. Doesn't she want you now?"i manj" thousands of people worrying
"No, Charles, and I have just given about 'hat they can eat and what
her her sleeping draughts to quiet they cail,t eit
her after an exceedingly painful heart dyspeptics, they call themselves,
seizure, and I am sure she is sleeping but the" stretch the Imagination when
comfortably." , they do It. .
Helen said nothing more, but In a! AH these people need to make them
few minutes she came back, while healthy, cheerful and of sound appe
tho two men wera talking, and stood tite is a box of Jli-O-N'a Tablets,
bohiiid my chair and whlspered.j The stomach of a dyspeptic is over
'Katherlne, you don't know how I worked and run down. If neenB nolo
want my mother. How I em v voulto digest the food, but m thn tw
it needs a prescription that
After Whooping
Cough -What?
ThU is No. 4 of a aeries of advertisements, prepared by a com
petent physician, explaining how certain diseases which attack
the air passages fuch at Pneumonia, Influenza, Whoopinj
Cough, Measlea or even a loaf continued Cold often lem
these organs in an inflamed r congested state, thus affording a
favora'ule foothold for invading gnrmi. And how Vick'l Yp
Rub may be of value in thU oondition.
Whooping cough ia the "mean
- est" disease that childhood is
heir to. While rarely fatal in
itself, except to children under
two years of age, still it hangs on
so long the coughing paroxysms
are so violent, preventing proper
sleep and digestion that when
the disease does disappear it
leaves the child weakened and
run down. In addition ' the
violent coughing racks and strains
the air passages and after re
covery this irritation frequently
During this period of conval
escence the child should be most
carefully watched until full
strength 'Is restored and the air
passages regain their normal tone.
A prominent authority even goes
so far as to say "There is more
criminal neglect in connection
with whooping' cough than with
any other disease."
1 While the disease is active,
Vick's VapoRub usually helps to
lessen the violence of the cough-
ing, but it is during conval
escence that Vicks is most valuable.
I Because Vicks acts locally by
stimulation thru the skin to
draw out the inflammation, it
tract the blood away from the
congested spots and relieve the
cough. In addition the medicinal
ingredients of Vicks are vapor
ized by the body heat. These
vapors are breathed in all night
long, thus bringing the medication
to bear directly upon the inflamed
areas. f
Vicks should be rubbed in
over the throat and chest until
the skin is red then spread on
thickly and covered with hot
flannel cloths. Leave the cloth
ing loose around the neck and
the bed clothes arranged in the
form of a funnel so the vapors
arising may be freely inhaled.
If the cough is annoying swallow
a small bit the size of a pea.
Children's digestions are deli
cate easily disturbed by too
much "dosing." Vicks, there
fore, is particularly recomrneiidcd,
since it is externally applied and
so can be used often and freely
without the slightest harmful
. Samples to new users
will be
sent free on request
Chemical Company, 234 Bro-U
Street, Greensboro, N.C
Don't Spoil a Good
Meal With a Bad
nnvlnpr your mother with von '
(Tomorrow Pntcinnl Lov.
ever could care for a woman who
Hobble's fe wa limorutable as he! Pa",,cJ lw faCe' Nothl" dUgush.
and. Helen walked into mv rooni . inese misguided fe
males who take out a vanity case In
a public place and proceed to repair
their druir siore benutv.
1im Not Acrcc With II I m
a ATTreeri n-llf, l,l, nl,A... i.t
...i i'.hi oi n woman toilet in pub
British Deplore
Defeat Of Treaty
By U.S. Senators
London, Mar. 23. Profound reicret
is expressed by the IJverpool Post
that the Versailles treaty was rejeet-
u in tne i tuted States senate,
cleanse, renovate; Ktrenirthen nnrt put
elasticity Into the stomach walls.
Mi-O-N'a is the prescription that
will do this and do it so promptly
that you'll wonder why you didn't try
it before. . "
It stops belching of gag and dis
tress after eatlnir In five minutes. It
is undoubtedly the greatest stomach
tonic ever given-to the public by a
specialist In stomach diseases.
Leading druggists everywhere and
More Than 17 Million Jars Used Yearly
60e Vkff
Your -Bodyguard
Against Colds
This Pretty Girl Defies Age
By Using Ordinary Buttermilk
To Beautify Her Complexion
Tells Druggists Not To Take Anyone's
Money Unless This Delightful
New Vanishing Cream Quickly
Shows a Decided Improve- '
ment. Try It Today At Our
Expanse. ' ; .
Buttermilk Cream creates beauty
almost like magic. The most wonder
ful thing about it Is the fact that
whilst it turns the dullest, most life
less complexion to radiant beauty and
makes red or rou;h hands or arms
snowy white, yet there is not the
slightest sign of its use after applica
tion. It actually vanishes from sight
and the most heated atmosphere will
not produce the least shlniness or
greaBiness of the skin.
No matter whether you are traub
led with a poor complexion, wrinkHa,
puffiness around the eyes, freckle.
.! taA&l
taf action, get a small Q'7 "
with the understanding that tM P
chase money will be cheer""
funded to any dissatisfied
Many thinks contributed to this;0""'1 J' Fr' se" Mi-O-Na for 60 ; crows feet or lines around the mouth
while every bit of Joy seemed bloated
out of Helen's eyes. Her lovely mouth
of which the greatest beauty was its
tuined-up coiners, was drooping and
I remember thinking to myself that 1 1 l11 I certainly did not agree with
must tell Helen to use rouirc, She;n"ii about using rouge or powder,
shouldn't look so wan and "washed Powder, either pink or white, for the
out." And then I smiled a I remem-j complexion has, of course, been orer
bered what mv cousin Charlie had done by ignorant young girls, but it
said tn me in the afternoon. rather amuses me to know that many
" Katherlne," he remarked tnno- a man Inveighs against the pracltco
rentlv, "you can not be very ill or to a woman who has spent the best
unhappy, for your color is beautiful l'-ii't of the hour before he saw her!
iiml vou haven't lost n bit of it." ! artistically making up. -
I didn't tell him immediately that. I have often heard John say: "What'
It was a judicious and artistic use cf ft woman does not know does not
i he'd a rfiuntr-'.y; rouse that be was flattering, but I hurt her." Wo women have realized
vvi.zij' married ' ix k'vns jot on the pmt of doing y tht fact. In wjaril to men, since wo!
t. ! I i f; ', v in n SV a iwi: "I can't umlerst m-i: wore !. to 'recognize any kind of a '
trti,tft.(, 1.1 . .... i. , . . . . . .
uimiiot oi ine presiaents
diplomacy," it says.
The Post thinks America may hare
a chance of putting the league of na
tions to an immediate test regarding
herself, as sho Is technically e.t war
with Germany, and asks:
'May not the leagu be instructed
to smooth "out thnt difficulty?"
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