Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 23, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    AY,MAKCH23, 1920.
Bi Marshall Jf. Dana
(The Oregon Journal.)
state capitals have the sleeping
ss. They are blighted, fattened,
b. ,h sure business from tax
uiasUtttUoiis. A new senator ceases
k. i novelty and a legislative scan
" t,ita as merely the inevitable.
JU. Oregon's own capital, Is get
10 be a pronounced exception. Sa
opl wouldn-t kick very uiuc-
buildings and the institutions
h all their reformed, deformed and
rformed personnel, were lifted bod
l onto the magic carpet and swished
Lto Pendleton or Bend.
ior 6ale,n has discovered that the
realth which invigorates without
fLjlng selfishness or sloth, which
Z, a goal of 100,000 population
lonable by securing corresponding
Lelopment of the surrounding coin.,
wand which builds industry based on
e transformation of raw products
produced locally, is the wealth that
tomea from the soil.
The wealthy soil around Salem is the
tiling that is making Oregon's capitaY
l real city despite the state capitalis
tic handicap.
Big Fruit Output.
But not the soil alone. Add the vi
sion, the coura-re and the enterprise
that Salem'9 citizens are putting into
their Industries, the improvement or
their town, their commercial club and
their Rotary club.
Salem is not only the state capital.
It ii the seat of Marion county. It ex
tends trade control over into a part 01
Polk county. Marion county claims to
produce more fruit, twice as much
fruit as Hood River and Jackson coun
ties together. It's a big claim at that.
It claims to grow more corn than any
other Oregon county. The Marionites
ought to know whereof they speak, for
every year the typical products and
all the statistics are carted numerous
ly by their proud producers down to
the state fair, which also is held at Sa
lem. " '
The Kings Products company at Sa
lem has made u national advertising
appropriation of $200,000, and one lit
tle wonders at the size of the sum
vhen used in juxtaposition with the
fact that this concern is seriously said
to be processing annually nearly- 5,000,
WO poundB of Oregon's fruits and veg
etables for the palates of the nation at
Its Salem plant, and as much more at
Its plant in The Dalles. . . .
The Phez company is spending a
persistent $125,000 n year to make
America thirsty for a whole nation's
supply of the healthful Juices pressed
out of luscious loganberries. - x
Bank. Deposits Jump.
The Kf.y woolen mills have caused
the shearing of the flocks on a thou
sand hills, for last year their product
was valued at $604,000 and the year
Wore at $900,000.
Back in 1910, a boastful pamphlet
claimed for Salem's three banks ag
gregate deposits of $3,960,572. Today
four banks have combined resources
of $10,074,071, and the banking turn
over aggregates $1,000,000 a day. One
of the Salem banks financed the prune
crop of the vicinity -to the extent of
$1,500,000 without the slightest evi
dence of strain; this speaks well not
only for the bank but for the size of
the prune crop. , The same pamphlet
credited Marion county In 1910 with with the exception of the stretch be
? assessed valuation of $36,000,444. tween Cnnhv and Aurora ' has been
The figure now is $42,282,193. Salem's navprt. The naved road was dotted
assessed value was then $10,500,000 with trucks, sign of a new transporta
and is now $11,784,225. . Mhio- nnf vPn the rail
The Associated Industries directory! nnAa v,r,D na an miioh in shorten the
credits Salem with 26 manufactories!, ! connection between Portland and Sa
Salein has heard the alarm clock of
Anti-Suffragist Herter Selected
Claims A 11 Wrong Hoover's Secretary
Hughes' Opinion'.,
- t 1 lift II V
,, , - A j 1
J i!
,... -L izzt i i 1 'J - i-MJ
jbU jit r-j1 f" ' N.
, , r-'V4 . J
"(Courtesy Portland Journal) j I , I - ' "'J
, It i, N t V f
e;..v. .v;.
mmmtmmtimm tririm ! 1
hlch run the gamut of butter mak
ins, bread making, flour milling, cider
making, cheese, gloves, cigars, fruit
packing, Wool weaving, .fruit Juice,
'ruit and vegetable processing, ' drag
saws and gasoline engines, sewer pipe,
"le and brick, lumber milling, bever
a?e bottling sauer kraut making and
ree pruning. The Spaulding Lumber
company will dispose of 40.000.000
feet this
year, and is consuming 40,000
f , . """"""
p jumoer daily in box manufae
' : Thore is even a paper mill that
"wduces a fiber so shiny and clear
hey can H glassne and,
Indies In it. ' ' '
r'ull of Plans,
salem s Commercial club is so full of
ZZmi enerey that 11 heIP accouni
r the rejuvenation of 8alem. Robert
t- Paulua la i .j..
tr. i msranni, ana i. a.
MfCroskey ttg manager. Instead of;
urogress say, It s time, to rfer up nnu
at it." Oi-econ's capital city is, wide
awake and on the job. .
Four Justices To
Seek Re-Election
To Supreme Court
Chief Justice Thomas A. Mcurwe
and Associate Justices Lawrence T.
Harris, Henry L. Benson and Henry
J. Bean made their formal entry into
the race for re-election to the Ore
gon supreme bench Monday when all
four filed their nominating petitions
for places on the republican primary
ballot wtih the secretary of state's ot-
"King a proud and dis,ant aUltude tQ , i
countv , T',er communities of the . chief justice McBride In his slogan
"em nd i?JH T hM tl6d ,n Wlth ' refers t0 his 27 years 3udiclal 8en"ce
the Wart ?ftner they ha organized jU8tce Harris promises to "continue
Mlon wl hni Unty Commercill teder-. impartially .o uphold the law and jus-
M each p ir8an on" affniatln tlce without fear or favor." Justice
....: " '"snway entrance or rjenson. declares for "loyalty to me
law justice to litigants." , Justice
Bean's slogan declares for "equal Jus
tice to all."
George Neuner of Roseburg. repub
lican, filed Monday as a candidate for
re-election as district attorney for
Douglas county. ' ,
th . 7 "isiimay entrance or
inl!!Unty may be ft"4 Hena that
mA vhe men teU Jusf how to
ttiZHf. a doien 'avored places, but
JeaV - V Vn ln Marlon onty- This
stand,;;, "u"auoa setting 4 out to
in V2 VarieUM of epu,,8 are
rtoul county' when two kinds
""WW in all concur,,., ..j v.
Pfofi". for Production and for
hl,em Comm':ial club father
Wfeh f. tU8trW welfarB commission,
"indUrtriaT6 !he capItal
of??' ""tes. One of the e-
that "v oomrhission-s success Is
b. qursuon of difference eall
W n:r.r !nvetigated except it
Won iZ u "UDnued to this com
vr 1, y Doth Parties to the contro
rtl request from -both of said
- . wnung, and with the
Nered ,, " that the decision
ntendf b" accPted . by both
nonr RS0 the dub went out
""oush m mDers fr a fund big
tiaaai y 10 ma'ntaln tonven
and fAuti j
" er. . "" out to carry
och kir?8'Vf Iy constructive work of
wonM V ?y man nameo JfcCros
thaa tl,J hPPlest in doing. More
1nrely ,hamount required came ln,
A 4, IUfh " telePhone canvas,
d Rotaf ag0 a e"up of Port
to sli an c?nucted an" expedi
ters or ,h C'WPany with district
H to th o . or?aniition and hand
Th m Rotai' dub Its char
ember. of. Rotary Is to select as
'fPresentlitive of each pro
1m clMht"68' and industry. The,
Mv had'd bJ' John Todd, has
h ' r antial-memberHhin and
VVashington, Mar. 23. Christian A.
IITaB.. , X- T.. ... . . . .
- . , r.iuicrvr.iin j orK, a special attache
-ew lork, iiar. 23. Claims nf -t. ; ta th state ,lBs,-rmB,,t ! .
suffragUts that the Anthony amend- :
ment to the constitution, if ratiftva !
.. uirtiwuve m sttae where
sttae constitutions restrict uffraSe. ,u
male citins until such cnstitu-
-... .,u mn amended, are erron
eous according to an opinion obtained
from Charles E. Hughes, former jus
tice of the Vnited States supreme court
by the National -American Woman
turn-age as5lC!ation.
Judge Hughes also advised the as
sociation that in his opinion claim,
that the amendment in an,-
confer only the riant t. vn i.
l.,a"irep",s'',;taUvs was dually it
matters pertainlnr to the leiieue has resigned to b,i-..,!ie :
rctaryt o ilerben Hoover.
frigid apple stocks at Hiw.l
win not oXivevi tS carloads. Tile-
ail Ntsvtowi s.
1. M)plnj dn.
Outfitters to Women, Misses and .
Quality Popular
Merchandise Prices
.V. k
l ' ' 1 i
'it's a hard life''
'roun comedy";
2:157-9 P. M.
b,UI TWE noon is natural pukvoiwunV ')
riffle -attC-JKB.,!. ii m-Jmrnn mtmmi JHTim
t4 . .C- '.fXv
t Home Furnisher
340 Court Street
Ahoe Delegates lo coniention of Marion -County Commerrial Federation
and some or tue secretaries of Oregon's (omineirlul clubs. Set-oud row
Kxlerior lien of Plir loganberry plant. Third row, left to right
II. :. Pauliisi, president of Sulciu Comuierclsl elub; Interior view of King
Product plant, fthoning prormdn( of fruit and vegetables. Below,
left to right John Todd, president Salem BoUry elub. T. . McCros
key, secretary Salem Commercial tlut. f
Dreadndughts To
Visit 'Frisco To
V Aid Celebration
; San JFrancIsco. Mar. 23. The euper
dVeadnauBhts'MisIfislppI, New Mexi
co and Texas are expected to arrive
in the harbor Tuesday preliminary to
the pageant to be staged Saturday In
observance of naval reserve day.' A
convoy of six destroyers will accom
pany the battleshipa.
Naval reservists are to take, part in
the pageant. ' Thousands , of sailors,
marines and ex-service men will be I;
line. . ...
A race between three hydro-aeroplanes
ot the "K-5-L" type from Sun
Oiego to San Francisco Thursday has
been arranged for as a feature of the
celebration. Lieutenants snenoan j.
Frv and : J. H. Parent and fcnsign
ftteinrod A. Schur, all stationed at San
Oiepo. are to be the pilots.
While here the battleships will be
thrown open to visitors, it was an
nounced. -
r murnii
" -fr h
S I rose In leisure
! at half 9
Air wd n Hi!- n 1.- aiitc
East Seventy-second Street Water
company, Portland, t'eier tiriz,
D. Stelnfeld and J. W. Trouton.
Pence Motor company, Baker, $15,-
000: David Pence, raw vwiuace,
Joseph H. Albert and John Harbison.
Oretron Mastic Flosr company, fori-
land, 1500! T. J. Norton, E. M. Large
and C. W. Mmlser..
It looks as if taffeta as first choice
for the summer was a foregone con-Clusioa
: Thomas M. Dili of Enterprise has
filed with the secretary of state his
declaration of candidacy for. tht re
publican nomination for district attor
ney of Wallowa countj
From Piles
Sun si ftrluse tke Fsatvaa
- ttrtmt Vmtmni Svw
OMtr4 ee frarr Ukil
! WiU ! fr In.
Pyramid Pile Treatment plves
ealck relief from itchlrur, bleedins
r protruding piles, benwrrbolus and
Doctor Praises
Eczema nemedy
Ttm tm ft (kls glmw (rnt)ant 41
w tttTi on rtmrfr Utt U tirHr d
fmatessi hi Dili dtitriMlut tail tranktmaa
Ul tUt H D. D. II. prarntws,
a U AiBlH.rM. M n.
. Ortnant, Ta.
CMMtaa4 wawniUHrmMfUjip.akmt
ttkt . 0. S. fmcriiika accwalnkadl
" SKirbberbcMd. Yomt mn,p w
sunp m UitUa i,'ki fa sk, x
2 Ieon ftr Shin Disease
. C. Perry, druggist.
V.- r , ,
Also Junk of All Kinds
Best Prices Guaranteed
CALL ass
Capital Jank Co.
The Square Deb! House
171 Cheisekete St Phone ttl
Ten Pathe
You Should Have in Your Home
Paper Company
Increases btock
The capital stock of the Oregon Pulp!
Pnoer company witn ncaoiiuariern.
in Salem has bepn increased from S9,-
809 to U.2O.M0 according to a cer
tififcatc filed with the corporation de
partment Monday.
Ai-ti f !Rconritnm w-re iH-a
Monday as follows:
PrraaJ4 1 CtrtaJsiy Ptae W arks
rak Mesders (talckly.
uch rectal troubi, In the privac
of our horn. o-xttn a box a an
diuKKlnls. Take io utit!ite. A
sine It- bo oftn relieves. Free sam
ple ror Trial mattt4 in ptatn wrap
per, if you send coupon btlow.
Kf-nf A tr " t T' turnip ft
tynaut tiU Trtatahst, la piaia n", tr.
Care of
YickSo Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.
(las medicine which will cure
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
until S p. m.
ICS South High Street ,
"Aloma" ...Fox Trot
"Peter Gink" One Step 122065 83c
"Behind Your Silken Veil" Xylophone Orchetra I
'"He's Had No Loving for a Long, Long Time" Xylophone Orchestra 22120 S5c
"By The Babbling Brook" Henry Burr I
"The Little Whistler" Sybil Fngan 221318rc
"0 Sole Mio" Rotondo . '
"Maria Mari" ..Rotondo 122132 ?5c
"My Dreamy Little Lotus Flower" Fox Trot
"Down By The Meadow Brook" (Waltz) (22139 83c
"Thank You" (One Step) Violin-Piano j
"The Music of the Wedding Chimes" : Violin-Piano J22140 85c
"Swing Low Sweet Chariot"....- Four Harmony JCings I
"One More Ribber to Cross" Four Harmony Kings 22187-r-85c
"Where Is My Boy Tonight".... Peerless Quartet I
"The Home Cher There" ,.... Mendelssohn Quartet 122228 85c
"Queen of Diamond" ...... Banjo Solo I
"The Fuslliera" Banjo Solo 22233-85c
"Slow and Easy"........... Baritone Solo
"You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet" Baritone Solo 22237 8.5c
Check ( X ) the ones you would like and Bend this da with your remittance
Your Name ; Your Address
Sales Representatives Sherman and Cav Pianos
f 4 iii i.
li-. '-i I' - v "