Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 23, 1920, Image 1

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Tonight and Wednesday
nnrthnvKt winds.
Local: Ni rainfall; river, 4.4
Government Coal Price Control i
Spartacans Control Entire
Industrial Section of West
Copenhagen, Mar. 23. The whole western industrial district
if Germany is held solidly by radicals and disaster is inevitable if
,1.. irnvernment troops try to interfere there. nrmrHino- .
Uiv B . - -
nalion receueu uum rerun mis morning oy . telephone by the
forlinzske lidende... lne social
hj workers government is on point of formation, without co-oper-
ation With the bourgeois parties.
Berne, Mar. 22. More than
J00 persons have been .killed in
the fighting at Elberf eld, in the
Ruhr region near the occupied
lone and in the neighborhood
of that city, 'according ito to
day's advices from western Ger
many... The communitsts took
about 500 of the reichstagl
prisoner at Elberf eld and 200!
additional at another point. .
p ; ; j , j
raiiniic m uetuueu to De
threatening Bochum, Dortmund.
Dusseldorf and Elberfeld, be-1
cause the peaasants are refus-!
mg to deliver food to the com
munists. The hospitals at Elberfeld
are fulj of wounded soldiers and
civilians as the result r.f
" " LUC
DusseMorf, March 23. Small
Hinds of independent socialists
wearing red brassards and having
amy rifles slung over their soldiers
m arriving here to strengthen the
'ore, numbering several thousand
, miiun Hre molding this
-i"ie awaiting a threatened
"im government" trot
srmv l rr.uti. .
The red
m. 0 ,,' " nHW "MHlnar near
Z t :ie"'JiSt t0rCPS are Patrolling
! feet"' b" are "ot molesting the
iiu uisortiers
were reported
The people
of DtmspMnrf ... .
to retire to Wml. !H n,n .
'here ,o be reinforce,! sufficiently
" rera,,tme city within a week
Another Bnltl On
Kurt m Rhenish Prula,
March M -Another battle is reported
be going on between Spartacans
of Zn Thl tW, m"eS "0rthwest
Tn'. . ulnrs, the report
Ruhr ine .sltuai
ii c "iuuiion in
German ' . 6 Btron8holl of the
h and " m,' 18 expected n diplomat-
and military circles here to re-
SalW such f by Czech-Slovakia
to today. ' PUt the O"'0"
This is th
ne on'y instance where th
"'"me niay
a hand in the
nan rticA-,1 . .
t Mtiae n-, - u lnen only he-
f ' t". tr a vnV"der the Provl8io"8
I crol ,ha y "fflVersallw does not
I Thl. tl0n ot the country.
I ! "Is mnrnw- '
f "ate that thl j oincial messages
! feV Po8aB. T m ,he R"hr
tir val-
.iu eiient va Qiii.
UUt are
Plentifully supplied
-w us uuri y
",ln nfles,
Livnia, til :. . "-Esthonia anof
"Mc proving rormer, Russian
an no '"dependent na-
dis"'ch tP hPaH"s for war, says ,
"Kovno. Bern8ka Tidende
&ny?Z '" large
IJrpat Britain h Iront'er is reported
mediate th. 7,7 a unsuccessfully
-- " "inpuie over bminiln
I Last Witness Heard
. h Probers in Hoff Case
Haw'"1 the aPPearance before the
ClT ounty Kran(1 to thls morn
City h Thoma9 A- Rran of Oregon
T0I ' p p"ty Btte treasurer under
tna.. y and candidate for state
aurer against O. P. Hoff, the list
' neaseg so far summoned to afi
tre " the Investigation of the state
.Ju department has now been
Qutoi , . U 18 "Pected that the in-
few dy WU1 devote ,he ne5rt
teiiJ:ay" to "ummlng up of the
- prvaemeu wu.1- o
10 in
early filing of a report
Spring Fashion Number.
. Torriorrow, Wednesday, March 24, the Capital Journal
iH issue its Annual -Spring Fashion Number, containing
"e latest designs of fashionable apparel and seasonable
merchandise for the Easter period. , .
.In it the leading merchants of Salem display their
.Prng offerings and the showing is one that a city many
llIes the size of Salem could be proud of. ...
. You can get anything you want in Salem and by pat
ronizing Salem institutions and keeping the money at
rr.e you build up the community and increase its prosperity.
Capital MitfJoiirnaf
- ; w llllUl -
Demokraten learns that num.
Wilson Did All
Possible to Aid
China Says Envoy
Shanghai, Feb. 17. Dr. C. T. Wane
who was one of the prominent mem
bers Of Phlnfl'a rlolatvuiinn . V,.
. w pea
conierence at Far s. hnn returned fm
France and announced he plans to sub
nilt a report to the Peking government
some time in March. Upon his arrival
in China after a stay of a few days at
the southern capital of Canton, he
came to Shanghai, intending later to
go on to Peklag.
While in Shanghai Dr. Wang re
marked that President Wilson has,
done "everything in his power at Paris
to support China's contention in the
Shantung controversy."
. "China's only hope for a Just settle
ment of the Shantung question," he
said, "now lies with the league of na
tions, not in direct negotiations be
tween Japan and China, which Tokio
is seeking to open."
He added, however, that the league
still is only a hope to be realized.
"It is only a beginning," he said
"like a scaffolding arouna which a
great superstructure in time may be
built and it cannot be a success with
out America."
When he was asked what would be
the outcome of the present internal
strife in China, Dr. Wang shook his
"God knows," was his laconic an
Sugar Advances
One Cent Again
In South Today
Snn Frnncisco. Mar. 23. Cane sur
supplled to Pacific coast points by the
Western Sugar Refining company ad
vanced from $15 to $16 a hundred
wholesale today, according to an an
nouncement ty the refinery here. The
California Hawaiian Sugar Refining
company, the other company supplyi
ing sugar to coast points, had not ad
vanced its prices, it was announced.
"The New York market quotations"
was given as the reason for the raise.
As a result oftoday's advance sugar
wl" reta" at 18 cents 8 pou
and t the same price plus the freight
rata from the San Francisco seaboard
at other coast and Interior points that
are supplied from here.
Executives of the; California- Retail
Grocers association said that the raise
brought sugar upto its highest price
since the Civil war.
It was the second raise In four days,
the wholesale price having ben raised
from 14 to 15 cents last Saturday.
Washington, Mar. 23 Balnbrldge
Colby was sworn in today as secretary
ot- state, succeeding Robert Lansing,
who resigned six weeks ago.
Warsaw, aiar. o. " i
lion rubles In gold is the sum needed i
by Rusisa to restore herself, according
to the Polish government official tele
.graph news agency which quotes so
viet newspaper to mat eneci.
Ampng those who appeared before
the grand Jury Monday were Ralph
H Schneelock. Edward Geary, Henry
Teal. B. B. Dunbar and T. B. Fentonj
all prominent in Portland bond buy
ing circles. Schneelock and Geary are
said to be connected with the Lum
bermen's Trust company of Portland,
which it is understood, Is a rival of
Morris Bros.. Portland bond buyers,
to whom State Treasurer Hoff is
alleged to have shown undue parti
ality in the purchase of bonds.
Fight C
4ki M" .-. t ' VA-- , - "Lg-.c;- 'aw- "s" imru sua. A otm,
Detectives Sought
By Armed Miners
For Starting Fight
aiiamesboro. Ky.. Mar. 23. Harl.
county. Kentucky, on the Kentucky.
West Virginia border. th.
oi mucn excitement. Several
miners armed with pistols
r nf'eS "ere the county
for operatives of a detective, agency.
1 who are alleged tn hv. .. .
at Wa"ins Creek Sunday night with
! iners-whlch "-sui-ed 'he killing of
i ee erso"s wounding 0f several
The clash w ,h t
feeling because of
importation last
T'ek ot a Kroup of private detectives
i b?' the Kentucky Steam Coal company,
where a strike is on.
Morgenthau Named
To Post In Mexico
Washington, Mar. 23. Henry Mor
genthau of New York, former ambas
sador to Turkey, was nominated today
by President Wilson to be ambassador
to Mexico. He will succeed Henry P.
Fletcher, who resigned recently be
cause he did not agree with the ad
ministration's Mexican policy.
Campaign Being
Pushed Slowly .
Toward Set Goal
Like the legions of mercy and hu
manity that forged ahead, foot by foot,
across the uneven fields of Flanders
and France, flgUJIng for a cause the
deemed greater han any other, the
commutes working to complete the
lem General Hospital fund nioved
slowly toward the goal today. With
Wednesday night set as the time for
the official ending of the campaign
and with $25,000 yet to raise to com
plete the $100,000 sought for the con
struction of the hospital, volunteer so
licitors composiug the "flying squad
ron," traced by reports received at the
campaign headquarters, were gaining
little by little.
No further reports than that made
Monday night that $25,000 was ye
neded could be made today, it was
stated at headquarters for the canir
' A lump donation for $1000 was as
credited to the Masons herer, on record
at headquarters today. This Is one of
the largest subscriptions made during
the past week.
Only one thing will put the cam-
palgn "over the top" by the time set
to end It, and that is the exhibition of
Interest by the people of Salem by do-
nations suincienc to complete tne
Quota, it was said at headquarters,
Campaign Manager William McGIl-
""' il,u "'"y nopea me ,
arive wouia lie ended for all time
Wednesday night," but declared that
the citizens must aid. He sai he could
not say whether the complete $1U0(
000 would be taken by that time or
not. -
South Dakotans
Name Candidate
At Polls Today
Sioux Falls, S. D Mar. 23. In
dorsement of a candidate for the re
publican presidential nomination is
the overshadowing Issue at the South
Dakota primary election today,
' Nomination of party candidates
for United States senator, congress
men from the three districts and state
officials from governor down, was
made a struggle of secondary inter
est by the spectacular campaigns con
ducted throughout the state by four
candidates for the ten delegates to
bll-jthe national convention at Chicago.
Under the Richards primary law
the candidate receiving the
party vote for presidential Indorse
ment shall be supported by the en
tire party delegation to the national
Failure of President Wilson to qual
Ify as candidate for democratic in
dorsement eliminated interest . from
the democratic side of the primary so
far as the presidential vote is con
cerned. President Wilson was indors
ed for a third term by the state pro
posal convention at Pierre December
2 but he did not file his formal ac
ceptance of indorsement and his name
was not printed on the otnciai Dai
lot The democratic candidates are
Tames W. Gerard of New' York and t
io. n Mnnm of Mavwood. 111.-
The four republican candidates who taken place in the east between of
oualified for the primary-Leonard flclals of the Bethlehem Steel and
Wood who received the convention j Shipbuilding corporation and Inter
Indorsement; Hiram Johnson. Frank ; national leaders of metal trade, la
O Lowden and Miles Poindexter :bor unions. O'Connell said
have all toured the state. "We are here to pieet wish the lo-
nave ail tourer peose first of all., saia
, rr i iO'Connefl. "and to go Into tlJe" sltu-
Sntl HranClSCO tO
Hniffi llrilff I AlnlC
- - - o
Ban Francisco. Mar.
23. Estab-
Ilshment of a clinic at whlca drug
addicts may purchase their drug sup-
niiua sn dwnere an lyues ui "-" mav be treated, Is to be con
sidered at a meeting here tonight of
..j i .ta nt ritv health officials
VUOiai, D " " '
rinni en to wipe out
of the drug traffickers,
illar movements are under way in
. i arrA fi.prani.ntll
medical authorities here announced.;
. - 1l..lnn In :
-he foothills wert'of Junction, has been '
,h W riira! officials a a
1ICHU - -
charge of operating stilt
C A T r-ir t.tij-.t ...t-,.-,. ...... ..
viifUUiN, 1UWUA1. SIAK H Vi lnin nmm mnn
Portland Car
At Old Mark
wj . mr. ,i .
I-aironSOI IBB roriiana Street
i aim a; sysiein wiu continue, lor
the time being at least, to ride
for S1I cents.
Holding that the solution of
the street railway problem in ,
Portland does not lie in increased
fares but rather in an assump-j ,ne p,an emo
tion hv thft pitv sa o nrhnla nf I
slma ftf thfl tnKIi Kni.JAnn '
...v. vi mi, uiuiv uuiucua huw
borne by the car riders the Ore-
gon public service commission,'
in an oraer issued tnis morning " ..
holds final action on the .wfe.
cation of the Portland Railway,
Light and Power Company for
increased fares, in abeyance un-
tu atter the people of Portland I
can have an opportunity of ex
pressing their sentiments to
ward an assumption by the city
oi tnese Duraens. holding out
a prospect of a fare even lower
than the six cent fare now in
eftect if such action is taken
Included in the recommendations
of the. commission is that of city
ownership and maintenance' of the
rails of the street railway system as
a part, of the city's system of Improv
ed highways. The absorption by the
city of publio burdens aggregating
approximately $200,400 annually is al
so suggested in the order which sug
gests that these questions be put up
to a vote of the people at the special
election May 21. Included In these
public burdens are the maintenance
of pavlnj, bridge rentals, franchise
taxes, car licenses and free transpor
tation of city employes.
Public Ownership t'rged
"We are not prepossessed with mu
nicipal ownership and operation of
the street car system as a whole," the
order reads, "but we do believe thut
8he street car tracks are part of the
streets of Portland and as such these
streets should be owned from curb to
curb and maintained as any other
streets. In the purchase of the tracks
and the relief ot tW Public burdens
lies the prospect of -a reduced fare
and the tax : payers opportunity to
asnuman equitable proportion of the
expense of the transit system."
Commissioner H. H. Corey dissents
from the majority opinion which is
hv Cnmrnlsslonem
-Fred G.
Buchtel and Fred A. Williams.
Deonle of Portland have already
dared themselves as onDosed to aa-
gUming any of the "publio burdens"
referred to In the order according to
Corey who declares for a fare ot at
least seven cents with one cent addi
tional for transfers.
Cresonys Room
Mate Gone; 'Also
His Valuables
"Know ye thy neighbor!"
Cecil Creson, 1370 Norway street and
student at the Oregon Agricultural
r: : :: z"z: '.zimw to advance
HUH Illumines lie viiuiibu lu puuo 1110
loss of $2 In coins and a valuable go?
watch, taken some time Monday night
from his room in the Rex hotel.
Creson told police that he, met a man
who gave his name as C. H. Gill, and
who claimed he was from Liberty, on
the train comingto this city. They both
went to the same room in the hotel, In
tending to rise early this morning to
take a train for the country to work.
When Creson arose Gill wai gone, and
so was the coin and watch. Today po
lice were searching for Gill, who is de
scribed as being about 24 years oiu,
6 feet inches tall, and weighing X5S
End Of Shipyard
Strike May Result
From Conference
San Francisco, Mar. 23. Confer
ences undoubtedly wul be held here
between rt preventatives of the irtilp
yards of the San Francisco bay d:s
trlct and the unions which have been
on strike since last October witn a
view toward adjusting their differ
ences, according to James O'Connell.
neaa or tne meiai iraaea council ui
the American Federation of
here today. Conferences already had
ation thoroughly. Later on we
meet with the other side.
panied here
O'Connell was accom
from thm Mat hv Joseoh Valentine. '
WUam Johnston and James Wilson, j
nead) of the international molders,
mBt.hlm,tii and pattern makers un-
, vi. . . tU I rr -n-.
new ior. ii.
ed men of the L'nlted States navy now
sraiionea si me n-" ''
utiitinn. Will leaVS Within
a few days
for London o study at an English air-,
igible school, preparatory to attempt-
inv m tran-Ar!tntif fllKht With '.he
R - 38. sister ship of ths R-34, it was
announced at naval recruiting bead-
Democrats Grill
Sims On Witness '
Stand In Senate
Washington, Mar. 23. Cross-examination
of Rear Admiral Sims was con
tinuedtoday before the senate commit
tee investigating the navy's conduct of
the war with Senators Pittman of Ne
vada and Trammell of Florida, demo-
'tti varvtuiT w snow mat Ih
United States was not wholly respon.
tor submarine losses during the
,wo months immediately following the
'"r n cnitM States Into the war.
Arimlivl CI... .- j j . i
COnvoV system msib.j ka . i
Plnt ' the war and that the ain
nad t0 watt for American co-operation
i ... . .... s.i.'o
ouia nave sailed the night we de
clarei wr and there was no good
80n. why they "nuii not have don
have had an irmv nf 1 aaa Ann
France y My. ii. Tiie fact
men in
i Of u-o a
'.hat after we declared war many
dock and ZZJrT ary:
dock and repaired before they could
rni 10 war lone.
Borah Accuses
Wood Supporters
Of Corrupt Act
'acuuigiuu, mar. u. Acting on
published reports that large sums had
oeen contributed to Major General
Leonard Wood's campaign fund, Sen
ator Borah, republican, Idufto, called
on the goneral and his campaign man
agers Monday for the names of sub
scribers, amounts and "the manner
in whioh it la being used."
General Wood's managers not only
owe It to their candidate but "still
more to the party and the country to
clear these charges in an unmistak
able way,"' Senator Borah declared in
a statement.
"The use of money in elections hus
reached a point where the people will
have tot ake hold of it." he said. "It
is nothing less than a national peril
that two months before the conven
tion the use of money In the- attempt
to control the convention has vouch
ed the point ot a scandal.
' People Want to Know
"That a vast sum of money Is" be
ing spent, is perfectly apparent. I
have seen letters from South Dakota,
Virginia and Illinois showing thM the
people generally are becoming very
restless in the face of the apparent
use of money for corrupt purposes.
"From what I have known of Gen
eral Wood t would not suspect him
for a moment of doing the things
himself being charged against him.
But it is not sufficient that he doa
not himself actually participate. He
ca not be the recipient ot favors of
such a campaign without himself be
ing responsible.
"I hope General Wood or his man
agers, will not permit this matter to
go until It will become a subject
which others will have to tuke hold
of." . .
Corruption Denied
Chicago, Mar. 23. That no money
b"n "Pended except within the
the candidacy ot
Major General Leonard Wood for
president, was the statement made
last night by William C. Proctor,
chairman of the Wood national com
mittee, in regard to Senator Borah's
query In a statement asking about
campaign funds. .
Berlin Drifting
Back to Normal
Conditon Again
Berlin, Mar. 22. The city now Is
becoming normal. The postal serv
ices are working, stores are open and
electricity la available to enable small
factories to operate. The city and cir
cle railroads have resumed operation
but the elevated has not resumed.
The following provincial reports
were received today:
Quedlinburg, Saxony: There has
been violent fighting between troops led here today and was cordially wel
and Spartacans, Both sides suffered 'corned by sporting enthusiasts and
severe losses. , delegations from the French colony.
Halle-On-Raale: The town Is held
by government troops after Jin artll-
Laborilery battle lasting for several days.
Madgeburg, Saxony: Work has been
resumed. The street cars and rail
roads are running regularly.
Berlin, Mar. 23. Spartaclst procla
mations appeared on the streets to
day. One poster bore Che headline:
"The red flag" and was signed "the
communist party." It declared the
people were u i i;i i ini j i-u witn iiiu
turn of the Ebert government and
people were dissatisfied with the re-
nrntoatod asalnst military control of
the city. The principal burden of the
text was "either disarm the troops or
give us weapons."
Another proclamation as sddressed
to the Berlin proletariat and exhort
ed workers to continue the strike.
Los Angeles, Cal., Mar, 23.r-Theo-
dore W. Powell, formerly a railroad
brakeman. pleaded guilty In the Unit
ed States district court Monday to t
charge of having conspired to defraud
the government by selling forged rall-
passes. lie will
, b sentenced today.
Majority Report of Strike
Settlement Commission to
BeBasisfor Wage Advance
Washington, Mar. 23. President Wilson today withdrew
government control of the price of bituminous coal so that the
27 per cent wage advance for miners recommended by the major
ity of the coal strike settlement commission may be absorbed in
the price the consumer will pay after April 1... The commission
estimated this wage advance at $200,000,000 a year.
Brothers Start .
Fight Against
Their Removal
Extradition to Kern county, Califor
nia, where they are wanted to answet
to a charge of burglary and grand lar
ceny, alleged to have been committed
when they stole an auto In Bakesfield
two years ago, Is being fought by Rus
sell and Raymond Eyerly, brothers an
rested here last Friday for Bakersfield
authorities. An order, complying with
a petition of the two brothers for a
writ of habeas corpus to be acted up
on April 1, was signed by Circuit Judge
George Bingham here this morning.
Deputies Yancey and Cochran, from
the sheriff's office at Bakersfield.
sought action upon their extradition;
papers with Governor Olcott yester
day. The petition for the writ of ha
beas corpus was filed In circuit court
Just a short time before, blocking u
action by the governor.
In the petition the brothers are.
that they gave to Mrs. Brown from
whom the car was stolen, a note for
$600 and a mortgage, and the petition
reads that the regarded this m a com
plete settlement, Their fight against
extradition will be based on this fact,
they said this morning.
The officers from Bakersfield told
police here that the Eyerly brothers,
with a man named Clark who Is now
serving a term in San Quentln prison
of from one to 14 years for his part ll
the affair, stole the machine and drove
It to Montana. There they sold It to a
banker for $1,500.' This money was
divided equally among (he trio. Mrs.
Brown has deposited $1,000 In a Bak
ersfield bank ' for the prosecution ot
the Eyerly brothers, the officers said.
A copy of the' petition was served on
Chief of Police Jack Welsh Monday
evening. This requires his detension
of the pair In the city Jail until 2 p. m,
April 1 when the arguments on the pe
tlon for a writ of habeas corpus will
be heard before Judge Bingham,
Two Killed in
Dublin Fighting
Monday Evening
Dublin, Mar. 23. One of the two
persons killed in last night's riot here
was a woman, Margaret Dowllng, a
domestic servant. The other was an
unidentified young man. Several per
sona were wounded Including one of
the soldiers, who was shot through the
The conflict, according to one cor-
.. u. i
. 7nF.,i.,.i;i,i, i .mi i. uiiRiii in uvioirruua
conduct of the party of soldiers who
had beer, attending a performance In
the Theater Royal. On leaving the
theater they attracted the attention o.
civlllns by their conduct and a steadily
growing crowd followed them toward
their barracks, When they approach
ed the vicinity of Bouth Richmond
street the firing began.- After a few
shoti had been fired the soldiers enter
ed their barracks but soon reappeared,
It la declared, firing seevral volleys, j
the result of which the fatalities oc
Carpentier Arrives
In New York Today
New York, Mar. 23. Georges Car
pentier, heavyweight boxing cham
pion of Europe, Who served France
In the world war as un aviator, arrlv-
llo was accompanied by his 17 year
old brfrte and his manager, Francois
Carpentier will be entertained here
for several days and then will make
a trip to the Pacific coast.
Essen, Germany, Mar. 23. (Via Copenhagen, Mar. 23).'nie
Wai ovar-iitivn rnimcii trulnv nnnniinred that the entire industrial
ic-nwui jv-- j - .
! repion hereabouts is in the hands of the revolutionary worKmen
and that a red army oi tu,uuu men is vicionouaiy Buy"""
Wesel where "the last remnants of the regular troops are con
centrated. St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 23. Thomas' T. Brewster, chairman of
the coal operators scale committee, in the central competitive field
today refused to discuss the coal commission's report other than
to say it woul dincrease the cost of production forty cents a ton ii
Madrid, Mar. 23. A strike on all railway lines in Spain wiU
take effect at noon today. This deci sion was reached unanimously
by representatives of the railway employes at midnight foiiowinff
the failure of the managers of the railway companies to accede
j to the demands of the men.
Average for Quarter Ending
December II. Hit
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation
Associated Press Full Leased Wlrs
At the same time the pres-
ident made public the majority
and. minority reports of the
commisssion and wrote the oper
ators and miners asking that
they reach an agreement on the
basis of the majority report
alone as speedily as possible so
that the uncertainty regarding
the fuel situation might be re
moved. v
The president write the oper
ators and miners that it waa
"essential to the public welfare
that the governments be con
cluded at the earliest date prac
ticable so that the uncertainty
as. to the fuel supply may be
ended and that the consumers
may be able to make contracts
for their coal supply."
The president said he assumed that
neither party would rulse any ques
tion and that he was sure that no
question could properly be raised as
to the binding character of the award
by the majority ot tho commission
notwithstanding the fact that It was.
not unanimous.
jThe president said there was ns
provision ot law for fixing new eoal
prices for peace timo purposes and
New York, Mar. 23. The
general, scale committee rep
resenting the anthracite coal
miners by a virtually unani
mous vote decided today to
remain at work after April
first pending negotiation of a
new wage agreement "pru
vldlng the mine owners agree
to make any wage award re
troactive, tu-that date." -.;
that "unless and until some gravs
emergency purposes of the Lever act.
I would not feel Justified In flxlnsr
coal prices in reference , to ' futurs
conditions ef production."
Flint IUiIno Absorbed
The majority report of . the com
mission said the 27 pet cent increass
absorbed 14 percent increase allowed
when the miners returned to work
and that In dollars It would apprsxt
mate $200,000,000 a year.
The executive order withdrawing
government control of prices removes
virtually all government control oc
coul, placing the fuel administration
i in the status that It was before its
authority was restored when the min
ers struck lust November 1.
In refusing the demand of the min
ers lor a thirty hour week, the ma
jority of the commission said thut If
the work day were shortened by one
hour It would be equivalent to an ad
ditional cost of more lhart $100,090,
000. Minority Wake Illtthrr
The minority report of John P.
the miners representative
- ... . It
nrlu uul "" "
day labor and montniy men. .nan
were granieo uy w? m.ij. -
he concurred In the recommendation
for a $4 peroent ton Increass for pick
and machine mining. Ills report was
transmitud to the operators and
miners by the president for their
Information. '
The general terms of the two re
ports previously hud been published.
Operators Warned
The operators were warned by Pres
ident Wilson against violuting laws
ailiilnt combinations In restraint of
trade and profiteering and also noMsj
exact "unreasonable prices for coal."
"I am aware," said the president,
"that at present, as a result of ths
shortage crented by the coal strike and
of the consequent Interference wRh
transportation and as a renult also of
tho exceptionally unfavorable winter,
the demand for coal continues active.
1 deHlre to impress upon the coal op
erators the extreme Important liol
only of their complying to the fullest
extent with the laws against combina
tion In restraint of trtde and against
profiteering but also of Un-tr exxertlnB
themselves affirmatively to prevent
exacting of unreasnnable prices foj
(Continued on Page Seven.)